Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill Scholarships for Russian students abroad. How to get a grant to study abroad? How to interview for a grant for education abroad

Scholarships for Russian students abroad. How to get a grant to study abroad? How to interview for a grant for education abroad

"Allows students from different countries to get education in the best European universities. The peculiarity lies in the fact that students who entered the magistracy study for one year at one university in Europe, and the second at another. Sometimes the program is split between three or even four partner universities, so you need to be prepared to pack your bags every semester.


Quite a bit of scholarships and grants provided by the Spanish government. Most financial opportunities are provided for postgraduate programs. As a rule, you need to know Spanish, even if the curriculum itself is in English.

The deadline is towards the end of summer - beginning of autumn.


German Academic Exchange Service unites more than two hundred higher educational institutions and more than a hundred student organizations. DAAD has representative offices in many countries of the world, including Russia. This fund annually allocates about six thousand scholarships and grants. The most famous scholarships are for master's degree programs in Germany. In addition to the master's scholarships, funding is allocated for study trips to Germany, teaching Russian as a foreign language, learning German, research programs, postgraduate studies, and much more.


Chevening Scholarship from the British government provides the opportunity to study for a master's degree in one of the leading universities in the UK. To participate in the program, you must have at least one year of work experience. In addition, a prerequisite is the return of the scholarship holder to his homeland after graduation.

The amount of funding is 12,000 pounds for tuition and 12,000 pounds for living. Deadline - November 15.


Within the framework of Fulbright program The US government provides Russians with great scholarship opportunities: different levels of education, academic internships for teachers and administrators of universities, teaching Russian in the United States, and conducting short-term research. The most popular program is the full scholarship to study at US universities for master's programs. Fulbright will also cover the cost of taking admission tests such as TOEFL and GRE.


Grants for graduate students allocates the Finnish state fund. The scholarship provides an opportunity to carry out research activities in one of the research institutes in Finland from three to 12 months.

The scholarship is 1,500 euros. Applications can be submitted all year round, but no later than five months before the expected start date of work.


Undergraduate students can continue study in Israel... Scholarships are possible in two directions: summer courses and an academic year in your specialty.

The age limit is up to 35 years.


Swedish universities have programs for all levels of study(bachelor's, master's, postgraduate and doctoral studies). The scholarship covers tuition and living expenses. When submitting an application, use courier services, since they are received and processed by a single center in a small Swedish town, and then the documents that have passed the initial selection are sent to universities. Acceptance of documents begins in December.


Seven scholarships in various fields offered by the Chinese government to foreign applicants. 279 Chinese universities are participating in the government program.

The deadline varies from institution to institution, but usually falls in the spring.


$ 50,000 per year scholarships provided to graduate students in Canada. The grant provides an opportunity to do research for three years. The government fund provides 167 scholarships per year.


Italian government proposes funding for international students... Study programs must be related to the culture and history of the country, and the main condition for participation is knowledge of the Italian language. Scholarships are awarded for all levels of study.


Government of Malaysia allocates full scholarships for international students to study for master's and graduate programs. You can apply for one of three scholarship programs.


Program "Global Education" from the government of the Russian Federation. The grant allocated for the program allows you to study at one of the 288 best universities in the world in one of 32 specialties. The maximum grant amount is 13,800,000 rubles. An important condition is the obligatory return of the scholarship holder to the Russian Federation, as well as work for three years in one of the partner companies of the program.


Swiss Government Scholarships stand out differently for citizens of different countries. Russian students have traditionally been able to enroll in a master's program only in fine arts, as well as in all postgraduate, postdoctoral and short-term studies programs in the country. The scholarships cover the full tuition fees, room and board expenses. Deadline - October 30.

Studying abroad ... It would seem like just a dream. However, today it is quite possible to make this dream a reality. One of the options is to receive a grant.

Young people of today are often interested in the question: how to get a grant to study abroad? And this is no coincidence. Studying abroad has tremendous benefits. Which ones? Let's talk about them first.

How to get a grant to study abroad? Benefits of Studying Abroad

Firstly, studying abroad has a high level of education. This is primarily determined by high innovations, the level of knowledge and characteristics of student and teaching activities in foreign countries. Perhaps this is what attracts today's youth most of all.

Secondly, the importance of the diploma plays an important role. Compared to Russian education, a foreign education diploma is valued higher both in Russia and in other countries. Thirdly, studying abroad will help you to perfectly master a foreign language. No wonder they say that in order to learn a foreign language well, you need to constantly communicate with foreigners. Fourthly, people from various countries study in large foreign universities. Thus, one can gain invaluable experience and gain international contacts. In addition, it is also an opportunity to find new friends, which is important. Fifth, studying abroad is a surefire way to get a good job. In foreign universities, as a rule, there are special centers that help students with work, and an internship will help them to establish themselves in a particular profession in advance. By the way, the indicator of employment abroad among students is almost one hundred percent. If you love to travel, then studying abroad will not scare you with the difficulties ahead. So, let's move on to the question: how to win a grant to study abroad?

Admission to a foreign university. The first steps

The first thing to decide on is, in fact, a specific country, a specific university and the program of a given educational institution. Here you should think about your own interests and the future future. What are you most interested in? What do you want to study? The program includes a number of studied disciplines, so as not to miscalculate with your expectations.

However, it is not enough to choose a specific university and program. If you've already done this, then it's time to get down to the hardest part. Not all students can receive a grant to study abroad. If the motivation is really strong, then everything will definitely work out.

Several ways to improve your chances

Students who have excellent academic performance, are fluent in a foreign language, and better not just one, and are engaged in scientific activities that have the prospect of being implemented abroad, have much higher chances. If a student fits into this category and has a desire to study, then it's time to think about tuition grants, scholarships and competitions.

As a rule, foreign universities provide financial support to foreigners. This information can most often be found on the university website or on government websites. So how do you get a study abroad grant?

Admission to a foreign university. What documents do you need?

In addition to the grants provided on the site, you can find information on admission to this university, as well as various forms that must be filled in upon admission. So, what papers do you need to get a grant to study in Europe? It will take a lot of time and effort to enter a foreign university. First, you will need a photocopy of your higher education diploma or a document from an educational institution. Absolutely all documents must be certified in advance and translated into other languages. Do not neglect this, otherwise problems may arise later.

Drawing up a resume. What to write about?

Secondly, you need to write your resume correctly. Not at all what is filled in when applying for a job. To receive a grant, you must write an academic resume. It should be worked on very well. The resume indicates work, internships, achievements, your work in science, receiving scholarships, working on projects, participating in volunteering: in general, everything that will present your candidacy at the highest level. Correctly executed documents are the main key to success, which is why it is still necessary to double-check it several times. This is about the admission itself. In order to receive a grant to study abroad, you must indicate the full name based on the sample of a foreign passport, phone number, citizenship and e-mail. Don't include too much information on your resume. Some may be superfluous. In the resume, it is important to provide only that information that will give a fairly complete picture of you and tell you about your merits. After completing your resume, the next step is to write your essay.

The essay is a small letter. A special commission is assigned to study its content. The first part is the introduction: addressing the commission and presenting your own candidacy. From the main part, the members of the commission should learn about why you have a desire to study at this particular university, what you would like to study, how you will pay off the receipt of a grant, and how you use the knowledge gained in the future. The most important thing is not to retell the resume. The ability to reason and explain correctly is especially appreciated here. You should not rewrite ready-made letters from, say, the Internet. Professionals will immediately recognize the lie, and the chances of getting a study abroad grant will plummet to zero. For admission to a foreign university, it is not enough to submit documents.

Passing an international exam

To do this, you must pass an international exam. Plus the time it takes to check before you know your result. In addition, it will take time to send the results. Recommendations of teachers will not be superfluous. We can say that they are simply necessary. These papers must be signed by the teacher indicating his academic degrees, as well as the coordinates by which he can be contacted. In addition, you must provide confirmation of all your victories in various Olympiads and a photocopy of your passport. In general, this is where the first stage of admission to a university in another country ends.

Interview - second stage

Next comes the interview. And if you were invited there, then the first stage has been successfully completed. What to do next and how to behave during the interview? What should be told and what should not be said? Let's talk about this next. There is no exact pattern of behavior that will guarantee the successful receipt of a training grant, there are only a few recommendations. Here is some of them.

How to successfully pass an interview

First, you should take good care of your appearance. Here, as nowhere else, the following proverb is better suited: "They meet by their clothes, they see them off according to their minds." You should be as polite and friendly as possible. But the main thing is not to overdo it and remain yourself. You need to be confident, and this is perhaps the basis for success.

Secondly, copies of documents should always be with you. The interview is to prove your candidacy. Therefore, it is very important to be ready to answer any question. Whether it's a question about studies or future plans. Third, you must imagine how your life will change after receiving the grant. Your advantages and benefits - no one knows about them as much as you do. And of course, it goes without saying that you have no shortcomings. After all, no one is perfect. The main thing here is not to forget about the borders. What you say can not only help you get through the interview successfully, but also turn against you.

And the most important thing is your goal. Why are you doing all this, why do you want to study at a certain university? Why do you need a grant and how will it help you and your professional field? Most importantly, you must convince the commission of the seriousness of your candidacy. Why should you win a study abroad grant? The answer should be as simple and clear as possible. That is, in general, the whole answer to the question of how students can get a grant to study abroad. However, grants vary. Many students are drawn far from European countries. One of the most civilized countries in the world is the United States.

There are several types of grants to study in the United States. Let's talk about the most popular ones. If you are interested in studying abroad, a list of grants to study in the United States is presented below.

1. Fellowships

This grant is a kind of research scholarship for the university. It provides not only free tuition, but also food and lodging.

2. Scholarships

A grant, which you can receive, both for free and for studying at a foreign university, and for 5% of the total cost. It depends on the program that the student chooses.

3. Fulbright

This grant is a government scholarship. The program has great advantages. As for education and accommodation, it is absolutely free. However, there are also disadvantages, such as the fact that it is impossible to work in the United States after training in this program for three years.

4. Loans

This grant does not provide completely free tuition and accommodation. More precisely, it provides only during the training itself. In other words, the university provides a loan that must be repaid within 10 years after graduation. Some educational institutions do this only with a surety. Difficulties also arise in the fact that this person must be a resident of the United States for at least 2 years.

5. Assistantship

This program allows you to study and live in the United States through work. The work can be administrative or teaching. The volume is small, up to 20 hours a week. This often covers the entire cost, but not always. This is not the entire list of grants in the United States, but only the most basic ones. Studying them, many people often ask themselves the question: in fact, why do foreign universities provide such a number of grants to foreign students and is there any catch here? In fact, there is nothing unusual here. Many foreign universities provide grants in order to raise their own ranking. In the United States, as in other countries, the following requirements are imposed on foreign students: high academic performance, successful passing of the exam, achievements in various fields, the ability to interest the commission.

How to get a grant for education abroad? Should I try?

Thus, the answer to the question of how to get a grant to study abroad is not that difficult compared to the activity itself.

Many really talented students are hesitant to apply for a grant. According to the experience of Russian students who have already traveled this path, studying abroad is quite real. You don't need to be a child prodigy to become a student abroad.

The main rule: the earlier you start collecting information about scholarships and grants for study abroad, the higher your chances of success. Therefore, do not postpone everything until later, try to start your search as early as possible.

So, let's start answering the question, how to get a grant or a scholarship to study abroad? First, decide on the academic program (s) and institution (s) and read the detailed description of each selected program. Particular attention should be paid to the content of the program (the range of disciplines studied should be consistent with your scientific interests and expectations) and the requirements for applicants. As a rule, your chances of receiving a scholarship or grant for study abroad increase if:

  • you do not radically change your specialization and apply for a program that is relevant to your previous education and experience;
  • you have excellent academic performance at school / university;
  • you know foreign languages ​​well;
  • you are writing a thesis or conducting scientific research on current scientific topics;
  • you can justify and imagine how knowledge acquired abroad will contribute to the development of cultural, economic or political relations between this country and Russia;
  • you are confident in your success.

Information on scholarships and grants for study abroad can often be found on the website of the university you are going to enroll in. If this information is not available, but you can contact the Office of Financial Aid or the International Office (department for international student work) and ask what types of financial assistance you can apply for.

If you could not find information about grants, scholarships and other types of financial assistance on the university website, refer to the government websites of the country where you intend to apply. Often, governments or other government agencies have funds to attract foreign students to study in their country.

If you managed to find information about the offered scholarships or grants on the website of the faculty or university, carefully read the requirements for submitting documents and for the applicants themselves.

Find on the website of the selected program or organization that offers it, an application form (application form), a list of required documents and the deadline for submitting an application. Carefully fill out the application, try not to leave empty fields, in questions requiring a detailed answer (for example, describe your work experience or hobby), do not write see CV, etc.

Remember: correct documents are the key to your success.

Grants for study abroad - an approximate list of documents

In order to receive scholarships or study abroad grants necessary:

1. A copy of a higher education diploma with an insert or an academic transcript from the university with a list of courses and grades. These documents must be translated into a foreign language and certified. Some universities may require a notarized translation, others are universities, please read the requirements carefully. There is no need to apostille these documents (unless otherwise specified).

2. CV (resume): it should be just an academic resume, not a resume for work. You must describe your responsibilities at work, internships (it is better even if achievements are described), awards and prizes, scholarships received, indicate the experience of participating in volunteer projects, scientific publications, if you worked in a laboratory, then indicate what. Be sure to proofread your resume or give it to your friends or colleagues for review - there should be no mistakes!

Study Abroad Grants

It should be borne in mind that on study abroad grants required:

Your surname and first name in the foreign version of the resume must be indicated as they are written in your passport;

When writing a phone number, do not forget to indicate the country and city code, for example: + 7-812-xxx-xx-xx;

In the “Nationality” box, indicate your citizenship, not your nationality;

Please enter a valid email address.

Remember, answering the question where and how to get a grant for training abroad, you need the correctly specified information will allow the jury to easily contact you and clarify the questions of interest. Do not overload your resume with insignificant details: include the information that can present you on the best side and meets the requirements for candidates for the scholarship.

Essays on Study Abroad

3.Essays on Study Abroad(motivation letter). The selection committee attaches the greatest importance to this document when considering your application. The standard size of an essay is about 500 words.

As a rule, the letter of motivation consists of a short introduction ("Dear members of the Selection committee, I would like to present my candidacy for ..."), two main parts and a conclusion ("Thank you for considering my candidacy ...").

Why do you want to study in the selected country / university, at this faculty;

What exactly do you want to study and why;

Why you should be given a scholarship, how will you recoup your investment

How / where do you want to apply the acquired knowledge (professional project), etc.

The main thing is not to occupy yourself with retelling your resume, listing your achievements and experiences. A motivation letter should show your ability to explain, reason, persuade. It should show you as a person. If you are applying for a scholarship or study abroad grant, do not copy or use what you find on the Internet. Admissions officers who read 500 motivations a day will immediately identify such a letter and it will go to the trash. Take at least a month to write your motivation letter.

4. Results of international exams, for example, IELTS or TOEFL for English, TCF / DELF / DALF for French, etc. Remember that after you have passed the exam, it will take some time before you know its results (2-3 weeks). Also, take the time to send exam results from test centers to you and the university you are going to enroll in.

5. Recommendations from teachers or from work (usually two). Recommendations must be in a foreign language, signed by the teacher who gave them, indicating his academic degrees, contact phone number and e-mail address.

6. A copy of a valid passport.

7. Other important documents: confirmation of professional internships, participation and victory in scientific competitions, etc.

How to interview for a grant for education abroad?

Participation in the competition for some types of scholarships and grants for study abroad provides for interviews with the jury. It is usually believed that if you are invited for an interview, then you have passed the first stage of the competition. How to successfully pass an interview? Here are some guidelines:

  • Make sure you look correct, be friendly and polite - this is important for receiving a grant.
  • Take with you copies of all documents, the main of which are your resume and motivation letter.
  • Be ready to answer any question about your studies, work, research and future plans (professional project), which you wrote about in your resume and motivation letter.
  • about your strengths and your weaknesses.
  • about your plans for the future, after you receive a grant for education.
  • why you need this scholarship and how it will help you achieve your goal

If the outcome is positive, the selection committee will send you an e-mail and then by regular mail a confirmation that you have been selected for a scholarship or grant for studying abroad.

Good luck now you know how to get a grant for education abroad!

Look At Me explains what you need to do to study abroad for free.

Education abroad is becoming more and more popular every year. First, Europe is only a couple of summer hours away from home, and graduates of Western universities have much broader prospects than graduates of Russian universities, especially in the field of architecture, design, and art. Many, however, still believe that Western education is only available with wealthy parents or special genius. This is not entirely true. If you have a diploma from a Russian university in your hands or you are completing your studies in the last courses, you have every chance of getting a grant to study abroad. This requires only a desire to learn, talent and self-confidence.

What is a grant

In essence, a grant is a personal fundraising for your education, art project or research activity.

The grant can fully cover the costs of training (including flight, accommodation, visa, etc.) - this is rare, but it happens, or only pay for training. In this case, you will need to pay all other costs yourself.

Where to begin

To begin with, you should gather as much information as possible about the course you want to take and the institution that offers such a course.

It is better to find several options that meet your requirements, this will increase the chance of getting a grant. In the case of Great Britain, there is an important nuance: you cannot simultaneously submit applications to Oxford and Cambridge. However, no one forbids submitting an application, say, to Oxford and five or six other universities.

Next, you should decide in which country you want to study, and here the main factor may be knowledge of a foreign language or the desire to learn the language of the country to which you are going to go. Of course, it will be a big plus if you at least speak the language of the country in which you plan to continue your studies, but if you do not speak it at all, do not despair - today almost all educational institutions offer programs in English, such as Germany and some other Western European countries. You may not speak German at all, but study it already on the spot during the learning process. But English must be up to par! Not less than IELTS or TOEFL (when applying for a grant, you will be required to have an appropriate certificate). It should be borne in mind that for people of art, the requirements for language are significantly lower than, for example, for the humanities.

What and where to learn

There are a huge number of educational institutions in the world offering educational programs in the field of art, architecture, design, and each country is traditionally strong in some disciplines.

The list below is not final and it is not a ranking of educational institutions. It is rather a recommendation of the best educational institutions in their field, offering guaranteed quality education; insider information on current schools and colleges. You can search for educational institutions, for example, on the website of the Delegation of the European Union, Study in Europe or Study London.

United Kingdomarchitecture, urbanism, design, art, fashion

Bartlett school of Architecture
University of the Arts / chelsea university of the arts
Central Saint Martins College of Art & Design
London Met, London Metropolitan University

USAarchitecture, urbanism, design, art, cinema
Columbia University / New York
Harvard University / Cambridge
New York Film Academy / New York

On the websites of self-respecting schools and universities, as a rule, there is an Alumni section, where you can chat with graduates of the educational institution, read reports.
Be careful with the choice of school, do not rush to big names and names and do not be lazy to correspond with those who have studied there recently, this will allow you to collect more complete and up-to-date information about the course and the educational institution.

Grant options

1. Government

You need to contact the representative office of the country in which you want to continue your studies. Generally, scholarships and grants are the responsibility of the culture / education department, which can provide you with all the information you need.

You can also contact representatives of specialized agencies, such as the British Council (British Council). These are organizations representing the interests of various foundations. All the necessary information about scholarships and grants can be found on their websites and there you can apply online or ask questions about the timing, programs, education system, etc.

2. Self-reliant

Another way to get a grant to study abroad is to send information about yourself to the universities or colleges that interest you: they may be able to offer something worthwhile, if, of course, you can cope with the competition and convince that the study grant is needed for you. In this case, the grant is the most difficult, but real.

It is also useful to find out if the Russian university where you study / studied has established a partnership with the higher education institution of interest abroad, or is planning to establish such a relationship.

3. Foundations

The most time consuming option. If for some reason you do not have the opportunity (for example, your age does not allow or you study narrowly specific disciplines) to receive a government grant, you can try your luck and collect the required amount bit by bit from private funds, of which there are an incredible number around the world. To do this, you should directly contact a foundation interested in the development of your field of research, for example, the Ford Foundation (in Russia it is represented by the Institute of International Education), which allows you to receive a grant for training in the field of art in any country in the world.

Natalia Remizova

Received a Chevening grant through the UK Government / 2010-2011 study period.

“Initially, it was necessary to write a motivation letter with clearly formulated plans for the future and explanations why I need this grant. I thought about and rules the letter for about a month, analyzing my past work experience and making plans for the future. The most important thing for me in receiving a grant was what I formulated for myself, what I have already achieved and what I really want to achieve.
The main advice is to believe in yourself! More practical advice is to keep in touch with the British Council, which helped me a lot. "

The timing

Each country has its own education system, conditions and deadlines for submitting documents for grants and scholarships. As a rule, the acceptance of applications begins in the second half of summer and lasts until mid-autumn.

After you have made the final choice of the course, you will need time to collect the necessary documents, pass an interview, resolve housing issues, obtain a visa, etc., so it is recommended that you start the application process at least one year before the expected start of your studies. The sooner you start gathering information about the scholarship programs you are interested in, the better your chances of success. Therefore, do not wait until the last day, but try to start the procedure as early as possible.

The most important thing in the process of obtaining a grant

The most important thing in the process of obtaining a grant, oddly enough, is the correct documents. This is the key to your success.

You will be asked for a copy of your higher education diploma; CV (resume), where you will need to indicate your contacts, education, achievements, work experience (if any), knowledge of foreign languages ​​and other documents. A complete list of documents can be found on the website of the selected program or organization that offers it.

The most important of the documents is the essay or the so-called motivation letter. It is worth paying special attention to the writing of this letter. If a resume is a short description of your education, career and knowledge of foreign languages, then a motivation letter is intended to show your ability to explain, reason, persuade and give arguments. The essay should clearly answer the questions of why you need this grant and how you will help Russia in concrete after graduation.

Participation in the competition for some types of scholarships requires an interview with a jury. It is usually believed that if you are invited for an interview, then you have passed the first stage of the competition. If the selection committee, after considering your candidacy, decides that you are worthy of a scholarship, you will be sent an official notification to the address you indicated on your resume. Having received it, you must contact the consulate or visa center of the country of study and apply for a visa.

Ekaterina Batanova

Received a grant under the Urban Development Planning program at UCL / Great Britain / study period 2006-2007.

“If in the list of required documents you see that something does not fit, do not give up and do not apply for a scholarship! All formalities need to be able to customize. It is more important what you are, and not a triple in the diploma of a Moscow university (do not forget about photoshop). As a rule, a notarized translation of the diploma is required.

In writing an essay, it is important to show yourself as a strong, purposeful person, as a person who is well versed in his discipline. To give a clear answer to the question: why should you give money for training? Why exactly do you know how, having received the education you need (here you need to justify the choice of a university), apply this knowledge to improve things in Russia? Do not forget, grants are given by the governments of advanced economies under the official auspices of saving the developing world, so your intentions should be on paper and in interviews exclusively in this direction.

The other side of the issue is that as long as the government can afford (for example, the British have already cut their budget for scholarships for the third world under the Chevening program, and it may be completely closed from next year), it will be engaged in the supply of high-quality brain resources to their country. Fresh, strong brains ensure the growth and development of the economy. That is why all programs are aimed at selecting the best, respectively, when officially communicating with the guarantor in the language "I want to help Russia", you must present yourself as a strong candidate they are looking for. "

Many of us have thought about getting an education abroad, but the cost of studying and living abroad often makes it impossible to realize these plans. However, numerous scholarships and grants often eliminate tuition costs entirely, or at least significantly reduce them. Alexander Zhuravlev and a smart search engine for educational programs have prepared for you a selection of scholarships and grants suitable for IT specialists: we will talk about both master's and PhD programs, as well as positions intended for those who have already completed their postgraduate studies in Russia (postdoctoral studies ). Some of the scholarships are for students of all specialties, but some of the offers are suitable only for IT professionals.

PhD Fellowship for International Students

Those who have completed a Russian bachelor's or master's degree can apply for a grant to study for a PhD program in. The main selection criterion is academic performance, as well as a research project that applicants must submit to the commission. Potential students must provide a certificate of proficiency in English, as well as GRE results (this requirement is optional, but the admissions office recommends taking the test to increase their chances).

Global Education Program

In addition to grants and scholarships offered by foreign universities, there is an opportunity to receive funding from the Russian side: the Global Education program pays for tuition and accommodation in the amount of up to 2.76 million rubles. in year. To receive funding, you must receive an invitation from a foreign university included in one of the world rankings, as well as pass a competitive selection. Today, however, the competition is not so great, and the chances of obtaining funding are very significant.

Master Scholarship Program, ETH Zurich

One of the leading universities in Europe, the Swiss Higher Technical School of Zurich, provides scholarships for graduate students admitted to the university. Applicants usually rank in the top 10% of their course (bachelor's degree). The program is largely aimed at future researchers: all applicants, regardless of specialty, must submit a research proposal to the admissions committee - a plan for a future master's research work.

Fullbright scholarship

One of the most prestigious scholarship programs in the world enables graduates of Russian universities to study at one of the US universities. The program involves training for 1 or 2 years with a master's degree. After graduation, participants must return to Russia. The selection for the program is very serious, but if successful, the winners receive not only full payment for tuition, accommodation, study materials, etc., but also access to the Fulbright alumni community, which includes many famous scientists, politicians and businessmen from all over the world. It is important that when submitting documents for the program you do not have to enter the university yourself - if you successfully pass all the stages of selection, your documents will be sent to universities by the scholarship commission, and the distribution by universities will also be made by the program itself (taking into account the opinion of the scholarship holder).

Chevening scholarship

Created by the British government, the Chevening program provides the opportunity to receive a free master's education at a university in the UK. Applicants must not only have a brilliant degree in a Russian university and demonstrate high academic ability, but also have work experience (at least two years) and leadership skills. In most cases, the finalists of the program already have an invitation to enter the university before applying for a scholarship.

Harvard University, School of Engineering and Applied Science

Leading American universities often provide full funding to all students who enroll in research programs. For example, the School of Engineering and Applied Science at Harvard University, where you can get a PhD in computer science, pays full tuition fees and provides a monthly stipend (about $ 3,000) to all applicants.

MSc and PhD in Computer Science, University of Toronto

If applying to Harvard University seems like a daunting task, you may want to consider other institutions offering full funding to their students. For example, the University of Toronto pays full tuition fees and provides a small monthly stipend (in the form of Research assistant salary) to all students in research programs: this list includes not only graduate studies, but also master's degrees in computer science.

EMEA Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship

This time, the scholarship offered does not cover university tuition costs, but is awarded directly to the winners. Only women studying at a European, African or Middle Eastern university who plan to continue their studies in the next academic year are eligible to receive the Google Anita Borg Scholarship. Selection criteria: academic performance (transcript of grades from the university is required), as well as leadership skills.

Scholarships of the French Embassy in Russia

Since in most cases French education is free, including for Russian students, the only problem for those who enter may be the cost of living in the country. The French Embassy Scholarship in Russia provides a monthly stipend of € 767 covering the cost of living in any city in France. In order to qualify for a scholarship, you must be enrolled in one of the French universities. When distributing grants, preference is given to engineering and scientific and technical specialties.

International Postgraduate Research Scholarships, Australia

The Australian government annually provides over 300 scholarships to students planning to pursue PhD programs at Australian universities. The amount of the grant depends on the scientific productivity of the student. Applications for scholarships are made directly through Australian universities (upon admission to PhD programs). The scholarship covers the tuition fees as well as medical insurance for the student.

It is easy to see that the number of different scholarships and grants offering tuition fees abroad is impressive, especially when it comes to research programs. Despite the fact that the selection of fellows can be very serious, the likelihood of receiving funding for at least one of the programs is quite significant.

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