Home Garden on the windowsill Nouns are plural only. Nouns that have only the singular form. What should you know about them? Nouns always used in the singular

Nouns are plural only. Nouns that have only the singular form. What should you know about them? Nouns always used in the singular

Methodological development of the Russian language lesson in grade 5

teachers of Russian language and literature

MBOU Novonazimovskaya secondary school №4

Rimashevskaya Svetlana Fedorovna.

UMK M.T.Baranov, T.A.Ladyzhenskaya, N.M.Shansky.

The presentation of the new material of the lesson is based on an activity approach - the intrigue of the lesson is created, drawing attention to the topic is caused by using the "magic box" and the objects in it. In the process of solving a problem situation, students themselves formulate the topic of the lesson and its goals.

Assimilation of new material in the lesson is carried out by performing training exercises in pairs and groups, which allows you to include "weak" students in the work.

Topic: Nouns that have only the plural form.


Educational : to give an idea about nouns that have only the plural form and their distinguishing features from nouns that have two forms of number; introduce the main groups of these nouns by meaning; learn to find them among other nouns; use them in speech, observing orthoepic norms.

Educational : to form the ability to set goals, independently analyze information, the ability to work in pairs and groups, expand students' vocabulary by using only plural nouns in speech, develop monologue speech.

Educational: develop interest in the subject.

Lesson type : combined.

Teaching methods : reproductive, partially exploratory. verbal (conversation, explanation), practical (independent work, exercises), visual (show), analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, heuristic,

Forms of organization of educational activities : frontal, individual, steam room, group.

Equipment : textbook T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, presentation for the lesson in the PowerPoint program, didactic material (cards - tasks, table), pictures for physical minutes, “magic box” , items for the box (scissors, glasses, watches, tongs).

During the classes.

    Organizational moment.

Psychological attitude to work. Greetings. (Attachment 1)

Good afternoon, dear guys! Smile at each other and look at me, give your smiles to the guests.

Open your notebooks, write down the number, "class work."

II. Knowledge update

Our lesson today will be held under the motto: "Student - luck, teacher - joy!".(The motto is written on the board).

How did you get this motto?

Guys, clap your hands if you know what part of speech the first word in this phrase is. Stomp if you know the part of speech of the second word. Raise your right hand, those who have learned the part of speech of the third word. Raise your left hand, those who know what part of speech the last word in a sentence is. Well done! Write the part of speech above the words.

That's right guys! For several days in the classroom we have been talking about the part of speech, the magic of which lies in the fact that it names the essence of everything that surrounds us in the world. What can you say about the noun?

III. Goal setting and motivation. ( Creating motivation for learning. Get students interested in a new topic.

Our lesson today is not simple, but unusual. I brought a magic box. It contains the following items: glasses, watches, scissors, tongs.

- What do you think these things are? What unites them? Having a hard time? Then look at1 slide presentations.

It contains plural nouns. You must form the singular form from them.

Singers - (singer) Crowns - (crown) Thorns -

Deer - (deer) horses - pony horse -

successes - (success) nuts - nuts Armor -

What happened to you? For which nouns did you fail to form the singular form? What are these nouns?

- So, what are we going to talk about today at the lesson? What islesson topic? (noun-e, having the form only plural.) Slide2 .

- What goals will we set for ourselves?State the purpose of the lesson based on his theme. Use the reference phrases written on the board for this.



(The purpose of the lesson: to get acquainted with nouns that have only the plural form; learn to find them among other nouns and use them correctly in speech.)Slide 3.

IV. Explanation of new material.

    Acquaintance with the material of the textbook - p.204.

    Work in pairs.Distributive dictation.

Read the words. What unites them? What thematic groups would you divide these words into? Find word pairs by meaning. Fill the table . slide 6 , application2 . What would you name each group of words?

Items for movement; sports equipment


Natural phenomena

Time periods

Products, substances

Geogr. named.

Events, holidays.





3 . Conversation.

- Guys, what can nouns that have the form of only plural numbers stand for?

- What do you think, what grammatical features do such nouns have?

(Case. Their gender and declension cannot be determined.)

- And what morpheme will tell us that this noun is only a plural. numbers?

(Most nouns have the ending–S (-AND)(this is typicallit. language). Some nouns havepercussionthe ending-AND I)(this is typicalcolloquialspeech).

- Guys, now let's go back to our casket. What kind of items are in it?(noun only plural)

- Let's try to define only plural nouns.

V. Primary assimilation, awareness and comprehension of new material.

Ex. 509, p.205

VI. Fizkultminutka.

Now let's relax and play. I will show you pictures with drawn objects. If the picture shows an existent only plural. numbers, you get up if the unit. or have a form and singular and plural. h - sit.

Watches, boots, scissors, stockings, milk, money, boots, rakes, yeast, hammers.

VII. Consolidation.

Work in pairs. Exercise. Slide 8. Application3 . Write down the nouns in the following order:

Territory, sleigh, grove, holidays, chess, tongs, dusk, name, teacher, cream, gate, ink.

Only plural

singular and plural



VIII. Creative work in groups.Application4.

(For the weak - a card).

And now, guys, listen, please, to the riddle. Guess what the subject is? This noun is only plural. numbers. slide 10.

This fabric was made in the 16th century in the city of Genoa, which the Italians called Genova. Trousers for sailors were sewn from this durable fabric. Then they began to be exported to California for shepherds and gold diggers. Now they are worn by people of all ages. It… (jeans).

Who and when invented them is unknown. In ancient Greece, polished rock crystals were used for them. Their homeland is still considered Venice - the queen of mirrors and glassware. In Russia, they began to be worn from the 15th century. It... (glasses)

In the night sky in the constellation Canis Major there is a star that can only be seen in summer. At this time, it was hard to work because of the heat and people had a rest. This summer period was named after this star. Later, schoolchildren began to call this word both autumn rest, and winter, and spring. It … (holiday).

Exercise. And now you try in groups to make a similar riddle for each other about the subject indicated in the card.

(words are drawn by the representatives of the groups by drawing lots). Hide and seek, scissors, sliders, scales, cleaners, perfumes, pitchforks, swings, stretchers.

Card for "weak" students.


Let's summarize our joint work and arrange it in the form of a scheme - a web. Let's start with the words "Today we ...". Consult and write down on the sheets what we did today .... The following words will help you draw a conclusion about your activities. Application5.

learned… (There is a group of words - nouns, which has only the plural form)

completed tasks ... (for finding nouns only plural)

understood…. (how to distinguish a noun-e t.pl from other nouns)

learned... (find noun t.pl.)

Guys, you have an envelope on your tables. In it you will find 3 pictures. Choose the picture that suits your mood and stick it on the board. Application No. 1.


Find in orff. dictionary and write out 10 words-nouns that have the form only plural.

XI. Evaluation.

- Everyone worked well. /I announce the assessment, I give a comment /. You gave me warmth and joy. Our lesson is over. Thanks to all! Goodbye!

Attachment 1.

Annex 2


Scissors, tongs, the Alps, name days, holidays, cream, Sochi, skiing, chess, pasta, frost, shorts, twilight, hide and seek, jeans, day, skates, christening.

Exercise . Read the words. What unites them? What thematic groups would you divide these words into? Find word pairs by meaning. Fill the table. What would you name each group of words?

Scissors, tongs, the Alps, name days, holidays, cream, Sochi, skiing, chess, pasta, frost, shorts, twilight, hide and seek, jeans, day, skates, christening.

Annex 3


used only in the plural;

used in singular and plural.


Only plural

singular and plural

EXERCISE..Write out the nouns in the following sequence:

used only in the plural;

used in singular and plural.

Territory, sleigh, grove, holidays, chess, pincers, dusk, name, teacher, cream, gates, ink.

Only plural

singular and plural

Appendix 4

Card #1

Exercise :

Card #2

Exercise : make a riddle for each other about the subject indicated in the card.


Card #3

Exercise : make a riddle for each other about the subject indicated in the card.

Card number 4

Exercise : make a riddle for each other about the subject indicated in the card.

Card number 5

Exercise : make a riddle for each other about the subject indicated in the card.

Card #6

Exercise : make a riddle for each other about the subject indicated in the card.

Card number 7

Exercise : make a riddle for each other about the subject indicated in the card.

Card number 8

Exercise : make a riddle for each other about the subject indicated in the card.

The result of the creative work of the 1st group.

They are always sharp

And they are needed for work.

Always stand in the garden. (Rake)

The result of the creative work of the 2nd group.

They hide, they play

Then they count to five.

Name the game, dear children!

Well, of course it is… (hide and seek)

The result of the creative work of the 3rd group.

People measure weight on them, but they can also weigh products. This is a common noun, inanimate, only plural. (Scales)

Appendix 5

Conclusion about your activities.

"Today we…"

completed tasks



Conclusion about your activities.

"Today we…"

completed tasks



Conclusion about your activities.

"Today we…"

completed tasks



Conclusion about your activities.

"Today we…"

completed tasks



Card for weak students.

Write off and underline nouns that have only the plural form.

A new store has opened on Sadovaya Street. It has three departments. In the first - a large selection of dairy products: kefir, sour cream, yogurt, cream, yogurt. In the second section you can buy pasta, flour, cereals. In the third, you will be kindly offered various confectionery products: sweets, marshmallows, marmalade, gingerbread.

Write off and underline nouns that have only the plural form.

A new store has opened on Sadovaya Street. It has three departments. In the first - a large selection of dairy products: kefir, sour cream, yogurt, cream, yogurt. In the second section you can buy pasta, flour, cereals. In the third, you will be kindly offered various confectionery products: sweets, marshmallows, marmalade, gingerbread.

Write off and underline nouns that have only the plural form.

A new store has opened on Sadovaya Street. It has three departments. In the first - a large selection of dairy products: kefir, sour cream, yogurt, cream, yogurt. In the second section you can buy pasta, flour, cereals. In the third, you will be kindly offered various confectionery products: sweets, marshmallows, marmalade, gingerbread.

Write off and underline nouns that have only the plural form.

A new store has opened on Sadovaya Street. It has three departments. In the first - a large selection of dairy products: kefir, sour cream, yogurt, cream, yogurt. In the second section you can buy pasta, flour, cereals. In the third, you will be kindly offered various confectionery products: sweets, marshmallows, marmalade, gingerbread.

Write off and underline nouns that have only the plural form.

A new store has opened on Sadovaya Street. It has three departments. In the first - a large selection of dairy products: kefir, sour cream, yogurt, cream, yogurt. In the second section you can buy pasta, flour, cereals. In the third, you will be kindly offered various confectionery products: sweets, marshmallows, marmalade, gingerbread.

Assessment sheet.

Definition of ch.r. in motto

Definition of noun like ch.r.

Checking the record of the table. "Groups of nouns t. pl."

Checking ex. 509

distribution dict.

Creative. Slave.



5th grade

Nouns that have
only plural form

Scenario of an open lesson

Lesson Objectives:

1) educational: to give the concept of nouns that have only a plural form, be able to use them in speech, practice spelling skills, expand vocabulary;

2) educational: to form the need to analyze one's own actions and the ability to ask for forgiveness and forgive; introduce the traditions associated with the beginning of March;

3) developing: to develop creative abilities and search skills.

Equipment: drawings for homework conversations, a blackboard, a projector, a CD program, twigs of pine, birch, willow, worksheets, cards with riddles, the Bible, explanatory dictionaries, B. Pasternak's poems.


1. Beginning of the lesson.

So l no gre e t to s units lots of sweat
And the bush e t, stupid, ovra G,
Like a dozen e th cattle tsy Work,
The case in e dreams boil in the hands.

Chahn e t dream G and bol e n anemia b eat
Vet about chkah be ss deep blue and l.
But smoke tsya and and know in chl e woo k oro in b eat,
and zd oro weave splendor at t tooth b I forked

So I came to the lesson today with a March pine branch. According to popular belief, a sprig of pine brought home in early March purifies the air that has stagnated over the winter, and makes our breathing easier. And this is a branch of birch. In the old days in Russia, the month of March was called birch, because from the action of the spring sun, the birch in March begins to fill with juice and buds.

2. Recording a sentence under dictation.

In the old days in Russia, the month of March was called "beresol".

Each group has a consultant. He writes and comments (according to the Lysenkova method “I lead myself”) for the rest of the group:

« AT - a suggestion, I write separately, antiquity- writing with a, because the test word is old, suffix -in- I'm writing from and, with one letter n, on the- a suggestion, I write separately, Russia- a proper noun, I write with a capital letter, month- writing yats, it is a dictionary word March- I write with a small letter, this is a common noun, called- write an addendum on the-, birch" I write in quotation marks, since this word is given in the nominative case.

Conversation with the class

- Pay attention to the words: March and birch- synonyms.

Are there any words in this sentence that do not have a plural form? (Rus, March, beresol.)

– Form the plural form of the word month. Write down five more words ending in c, in plural. (Moons, knitting needles, birds, tits, foxes, martens, pages, starlings, palaces, sorceresses, singers.)

- In a poem by B.L. Pasternak also has a word ending in -tsy. Will it suit us as an example? (No, because cowgirls- this is not plural. h., and r.p. units h. noun cowgirl).

- That's right, this is an example of a homonymous ending -s.

3. Home analysis (captions under the figures).

- Before we move on to a new topic, let's see how Petya's student did his homework. In the first picture you see a tree and a book.

Did Petya sign the drawings correctly? Leaves on the tree. Leaves in the book.

Write the sentences in correct form.

(There are leaves on the tree. There are sheets in the book.)

– Is the second drawing signed correctly? Stakes in the diary. Cola in the hedge. Write the sentences in correct form.

(In the cola diary. Stakes in the fence.)

– Is the third figure signed correctly? The wolf has teeth. The saw has teeth.

(No, you need to: The wolf has teeth. The saw has teeth.)

- Did the poet B. Pasternak correctly use the word teeth in your poem?

(Yes, because it fork teeth.)

– How can such errors in Petya's work be explained?

(Such errors appeared because the words leaf, tooth, stake- multivalued. Depending on the meaning of the word, different plural forms are formed. h.)

What words do we call polysemantic? Give examples.

(We call polysemantic words that have two or more meanings. Most often, the first meaning is direct, and the second is figurative. For example, hand - grapes.)

Conclusion: the plural form often depends on the lexical meaning of the word.

4. Acquaintance with the topic of the lesson.

You will learn the topic of today's lesson if you complete the following task.

Exercise. Each group received an envelope containing the texts of the riddles in cut form. They need to be collected, written down in a notebook, guessed.

1st group:

Two ends, two rings, carnations in the middle. (Scissors.)

2nd group:

They walk all century, and not a beast, not a man. (Watch.)

3rd group:

What kind of water is only good for writing? (Ink.)

- Look at the clues. What do these words have in common?

(Scissors, ink, watch are nouns that only have a plural form.)

Let's write these words down. Yes, the topic of today's lesson is "Nouns that only have a plural form." We will try to collect as many of them as possible during the lesson.

In B. Pasternak's poem, such a word is also found. Has anyone seen him? This word - pitchfork. Let's write it down.

5. What nouns are used only in the plural?

Exercise. In the worksheet, read into which groups the nouns that are used only in the plural are divided, give 2-3 examples each. Cut out this certificate and paste it in your theory notebook.

(sleigh, shorts, swing);

Some real (cream, bran, yeast);

Some abstract (day, twilight, name day);

Own (Carpathians, Alps).

In the Old Russian language there were not two, but three numbers: singular, plural and dual. Then the dual number disappeared, and the words from this number moved into the category of those words that have only the plural form and which are indicated in your certificate in paragraph 1.

6. Lexical work.

- In the help you came across the word bran. What does it mean? Let's look in Dahl's dictionary. " Bran- the remainder of the sifted flour, a shirt of grain crushed under a millstone, sifting. We meet this word in the parable of the prodigal son. Maybe someone will remind us of her?

- A certain young man, having matured, decided that he could do without a family, and demanded his share of the inheritance from his father. And when he squandered it, he was forced to graze pigs and eat bran along with them. Tired of humiliation and hunger, the young man decided to return home, agreeing to the fate of even a slave. But his father forgave him and arranged a feast in his honor.

- We remembered this parable not by chance, right? You need to know how to ask for forgiveness and forgive.

7. Work in groups on cards with texts "From the world of simple things."

Exercise. Read the suggested text. Guess what the subject is. Invite other groups to name the word described in the text. Write the text, insert the missing letters and punctuation marks.(Counselors help those who have doubts in writing.)

Card 1

This fabric was made in the 16th century in the city of Genoa, which the Italians called Jenova. Trousers for m_ryakov were sewn from this durable fabric. Then they began to be exported to California for p_stukhs and gold seekers. Now they are worn by people of all ages. It… ___________ (jeans).

Card 2

Who and when invented them is unknown. In ancient Greece, polished rock crystals were used for them. Their homeland is still considered Venets_ya - the queen of mirrors and glassware. In Russia, they began to be n_sit from the 15th century. It... _______ (glasses).

Card 3

In the night sky in the constellation Canis Major there is a star that can only be seen in summer. At that time it was hard to work because of the heat and people breathed. This summer period was named after this star. Later, schoolchildren began to call this word both autumn_y rest, and winter, and spring_y. It _______ (holiday).

- Word glasses got its name from the old Russian word. What? (eyes, those. eyes, singular eye.)

Do you know what the word eyes is included in the popular names of some plants, and in these names the word eyes used only in the plural: for example, ox-eyes(blue chamomile), the eyes of the king(sundew), peacock eyes(acid grass).

8. Search work.

Last year, fifth-graders performed search work on the Dictionary of the Russian Language. From it they wrote out nouns that have only the plural form. You see a list of these words in the worksheet.

Exercise. Write down the words of one thematic group from the list. The 1st group will write down the words that we can find in the kitchen, the 2nd group - in the closet, the 3rd group - in the workshop. Mark with a question mark words whose meanings you do not understand.

Reference words


name day

hide and seek
swimming trunks
The funeral

canned food

Dried fruits


In the kitchen: splashes, tops, scales, pomace, yeast, capers, canned food, pasta, bran, leftovers, slop, dumplings, horns, sweets, dried fruits, cream, spaghetti, meatballs, pistachios, cereal.

In the closet: curlers, breeches, trousers, beads, jeans, perfumes, underpants, tights, leggings, scissors, glasses, knickers, sliders, swimming trunks, coat hangers, tanseries, pants, harem pants.

In a workshop: whitewash, gates, pitchforks, rakes, firewood, tongs, scissors, stretchers, sawdust, pliers, sleds, ink.

9. Creative task.

Present the words selected in the groups in the form of a dialogue “We are preparing a surprise for mom”, “We are going to a resort”, “We are building a birdhouse”. Play them.

10. Homework:

1. Using the Explanatory Dictionary, find out the meanings of the words that you marked with a question mark.

2. Group the words according to the types of orthograms in an excerpt from a poem by B.L. Pasternak's "March", which sounded at the beginning of the lesson and which is on your worksheet.

3. Find and write out from all the exercises of the paragraph nouns that can only be used in the plural.


loins, loins (old). Loin, hips. gird h. with a sword (also trans.: prepare for battle).

Beads,-current. Lace with beads or knots (in church use for counting bows during prayer and the prayers themselves read).

Ink,-ill. Coloring liquid for writing. Black hours Red hours | adj. inky, oh, oh. H. device. Ch. pencil(same as chemical pencil). ink nuts(growths on the leaves of oak and some other trees, rich in tannins; spec.). ink war(trans.: about printed controversy; obsolete. ironic). ink soul(trans.: about a clerical official; obsolete. disapproved).

Enchantment, enchantment

1. Magic, sorcery (obsolete). Witching hours.

2. transfer. Charm, captivating (book). Ch. love.

cymbals,-al. A musical instrument in the form of a box with strings that are struck with wooden mallets.

choirs,-ov. Open gallery, balcony at the top of the great hall [ initially. for the premises of the choir, orchestra]. On the choir.

Walkers,-ov. A small wall clock of a simplified device with weights.

fizhmy, fizhm. In the XVIII - early. XIX century: a frame in the form of a hoop, inserted under the skirt at the hips, as well as a skirt with such a frame.

bonds, uz.

1. Fetters, shackles (obsolete). W. slavery(trans.).

2. transfer. That which binds, connects (high). W. marriage. W. friendship, love. Fraternal u.

Tropics,-ov, pl. The area north and south of the equator, between these parallels, is the hottest belt on the globe. in the tropics.


1. Same as auction. International fur t. Sale at auction.

2. Delivery of the contract to the one who, competing with others, agrees to conditions that are more favorable for the customer (obsolete) Announce t. for the construction of a factory.

Te "fteli,-ey and (colloquial) tefte "whether,-her. Meal in the form of balls of minced meat or fish.

Twilight,- rivers, - rkam. Semi-darkness between sunset and nightfall, as well as (obsolete) morning pre-dawn half-darkness. Early s.

stanzas,-ov, unit stans, -a, m.

1. pl. A poem, each stanza of which represents a complete semantic and syntactic whole.


Topic:"Nouns that only have a plural form."

1. Excerpts from poems by B.L. Pasternak:

February. Get ink and cry!
Write about February sobbing,
While the rumbling slush
In the spring it burns black.

(February. Get ink and cry...)

The sun warms up to the seventh sweat,
And rages, stupefied, a ravine,
Like a hefty cowgirl has a job,
Spring is in full swing.

|| Snow is withering and sick with anemia
|| In the twigs of powerlessly blue veins.
|| But life smokes in a cowshed,
|| And the teeth of the pitchfork radiate with health.

(From the poems of Doctor Zhivago, "March")

2. Help in a notebook on theory.

The following groups of nouns are used in the plural form only:

denoting paired objects (sleigh, shorts, swing);

Denoting substances (cream, bran, yeast);

Denoting abstract concepts (day, twilight, name day);

denoting proper names (Carpathians, Alps).

Such nouns have no gender and declension type.

School № 1,
Pushkinsky district,
settlement Sofrino,
Moscow region

Sections: Russian language , Competition "Presentation for the lesson"

Class: 5

Presentation for the lesson

Back forward

Attention! The slide preview is for informational purposes only and may not represent the full extent of the presentation. If you are interested in this work, please download the full version.

(Slide 1)

Target: the formation of knowledge about nouns that have only the plural form. (Slide 2)


  • Learn to form difficult plural forms and use these nouns in speech;
  • To help expand the vocabulary of students;
  • To develop the speech of students;
  • To instill in students a sense of tolerance. (Slide 3)

Lesson provision: notebooks, pens, computer, multimedia projector, disks

Information and communication support of the lesson:

1. Video recording of the cartoon "Vacation in Prostokvashino" (fragment);
2. Audio recording of songs:
a) Oh, you canopy, my canopy” (excerpt);
b) "Song of Winnie the Pooh" (excerpt);
c) “What progress has come to” (excerpt);
d) "Rowan beads" (excerpt).
3. Media lesson "Introduction to the topic of the lesson" (sound presentation";
4. Author's electronic manual “Russian language. Grade 5";
5. Presentation for the lesson, made in the program "Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007"

Interdisciplinary connections: computer science, literature


1. Organizing moment

Psychological attitude to work.

(The lesson begins with a fragment of the cartoon "Vacation in Prostokvashino")

- Guys, tell me, what is the name of the cartoon that you just watched?
- That's right, "Vacations in Prostokvashino." Please name the common nouns in this title. ( Vacation)

(Slide 4)

What is the number of this noun? (in plural)
– Put this noun in the singular form (Students answer that it is impossible)
Yes, the noun "vacation" has only a plural form. Today in the lesson we will talk about nouns that have only the plural form.

2. Explanation of new material

Working with disk recording - media lesson. (To open the program, you must connect to the Internet) Students listen to the speaker and answer the questions posed)

- Guys, let's try with you to determine what nouns that have only the plural form mean. Pay attention to the screen. It has words on it. Try to group them.

(Students together with the teacher systematize words)

Boots, hide and seek, yeast, twilight, scissors, negotiations, ink, vacations, gates, elections, cleanups, weekdays. (Slide 5)

The result is the following table:

- Tell me, please, what morphological categories does a noun have? (Gender, number, case, declension)
- Determine the gender, declension and case of the nouns recorded in our table. (Students note that all nouns are in the Nominative case, and it is impossible to determine their gender and declension)
Let's conclude: For nouns that have only the plural form, gender and declension cannot be determined. (Slide 6)

3. Physical education

4. Consolidation of new material

1) Text is placed on the screen. Students write it off, insert missing letters and underline nouns that have only the plural form.

A new store has opened on Sadovaya Street. It has three departments. In the first - a large selection of dairy products: kefir, sm...tana, yogurt, cream, plain kvasha. In the second section you can buy m ... carons, flour, cereals. In the third, you will be kindly offered a variety of ... confectionery products: k ... nfety, s ... fir, marmalade, gingerbread. (Slide 7)

Pupils underlined the word "pasta, cream"

2) Listen to the excerpts from the songs and write down the nouns that have only the plural form. Students listen and write the nouns: canopy, sawdust, holidays, chores

3) Choose antonyms for nouns that are used only in the plural.

Holiday, meeting, dawn (weekdays, seeing off, twilight)(Slide 8)

A) Two ends, two rings, and carnations in the middle. (Scissors)(Slide 9)
B) Without legs, but walking, without arms, but pointing. (Watch)(Slide 10)
C) Always walk, but do not leave the place. (Watch)(Slide 10)
D) Round, white, cute all over the world. (Money)(Slide 11)
D) Toothy, not biting. (Rake)(Slide 12)

(After the students write down the answers, the corresponding pictures appear on the slides)

5) Work on computers with an electronic manual. Completing assignments on the topics “Nouns that have only the plural form” ( Attachment 1 ) Each of the students immediately sees the results of their work.

- Guys, tell me, what period of time during the school year do you like? (holiday)
Let's make a syncwine with the word "Vacation":

Merry Welcome
Come Cheer Help
The long-awaited holidays are coming soon

5. Summary of the lesson

Suggestions are written on the board. Students verbally correct the mistakes in them. (Slide 13)

This tape must be cut with large scissors. Ah, these youth! There were many cottons in the field. This boy is a total mess!

(This ribbon must be cut off with large scissors. Ah, those young people! There was a lot of cotton growing in the field. This boy is a whole lot of trouble!)(Slide 14)

6. Homework (Slides 15-16)

Exercise No. 515 according to the textbook by M.T. Baranova, T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, L.A. Trostentsova.


Nouns with the form

only singular and only plural

(Russian lesson in grade 5)

Lesson Objectives : form an idea about nouns that have only the singular form and the plural form only; to form the ability to find them and correlate them with a certain lexical group; to improve the speech of students by teaching them to use such nouns correctly in their speech.

Lesson objectives :

Educational (formation of cognitive UUD):

Continue acquaintance with the noun as an independent part of speech;

Be able to find only singular nouns;

Identify the features of the use of such nouns in one's own speech;

Educational (formation of regulatory UUD):

Plan your activities depending on specific conditions;

Develop logical thinking; formation of the ability to systematize the material in the form of a diagram (drawing), when the semantic units of the text are highlighted (mastering the graphic technique of presenting information);

Development of methods of mental activity, attention, memory, creative activity;

Monitor and evaluate the process and results of the action.

Educational (formation of communicative and personal UUD):

Be able to listen and engage in dialogue;

Participate in a group discussion of problems;

Develop the ability to work in a group;

To form the ability to check the results of activities;

Cultivate responsibility and accuracy;

Cultivate a positive attitude towards learning.

1.Motivation(self-determination) to learning activities.

Purpose: inclusion in educational activities at a personally significant level.

Hello class.

I check the readiness of students for the lesson.

Our bell rang just in time.

Are you ready to start the lesson?

Is everything in place? Everything is fine?

Textbook Bystrova with you and a notebook?

Everyone wants to answer and get grades?

Does everyone want to study here?

So everyone can sit down.

-How did you feel about coming to class today? Raise emoticons.

Let's play the game "Third extra"

1) Horses, horses, ponies

2) Songs, scissors, storms

3) Twilight, darkness, evening

4) Crackers, loaves, milk

5) Waffles, sweets, sugar.

I ask a question:

What can we discover?

Please open your notebooks, write down the date, the topic of the lesson.

Let's formulate the goals of today's lesson.

*Don't forget to rate yourself

They get up, calm down and sit down at their tables.

They play the game "Third extra", check

2) scissors

3) twilight

Answer the question:

There are nouns that have the form only singular and only plural. numbers.

Not all exist. can have two numbers (singular and plural)

Children write in notebooks the number, the topic of the lesson.

Children formulate the objectives of the lesson:

D. learn to find an entity that is used in the form of only one number;

Include new material in the knowledge system and repeat what has been covered;

Develop spelling. vigilance.

Personal UUD are formed.

Self-determination (L)

Meaning formation (L)

Submission under the concept (P)

2. Actualization of knowledge(warm-up)

Purpose: repetition of the material studied, necessary for the "discovery of new knowledge", and the identification of difficulties in the individual activity of each student; pronouncing the purpose of the lesson in the form of a question to be answered.

We continue our journey through the country of Morphology.

What does morphology study?

On k-ie 2 gr cases all ch.r.?

What part of speech are we working on lately?

What is an existent name?

K-th permanent morph. do entities have signs?

I give the task: from these words write out nouns that have only the plural form.

Alphabet, willow, gate, glasses, weather, blizzard, vise, blizzard, ink, sawdust, milk, scales, briefcase, chores, pasta, wood, burners, tools, sofa, rake.

Let's check what words you wrote out.

*Don't forget to rate yourself

Existing name- self. part of speech that denotes an object and answers the questions Who? What?

Fast. morph. signs: soul-e - inanimate, own. - narit, clan, skl.

Write out nouns that have only the plural form.

Take turns calling the words.

They check.

Gates, glasses, vise, ink, sawdust, scales, chores, pasta, burners, rakes.

Selective work (P)

Boolean actions (P)

Self-determination (L)

Conscious and arbitrary construction of a speech statement (P)

3. Explanation of new material.

Purpose: acquaintance of students with entities, cat-e im-t form only singular and only plural.

Most of the names of entities-x denote objects that can be counted. Such noun-e im-t singular form (to designate 1 item) and plural form (to designate several items)

How to distinguish entities that have both numbers from those

k-e im-t form of only one number?

Izm-e by numbers - non-post. morph. sign of the existent.

Let's do it exercise 191.

Is it possible to form a plural form. from given entities?

Is what they call countable?

Complete the lexical groups with entities from 1 part.

With 1 word of each group, make a pr-i.

What number of nouns are used?

*Don't forget to rate yourself

Students are introduced to examples and non-post. morph. a sign of the name of a being.

We must try to form 2 forms of numbers from the entities. If the singular form is not formed, then this noun is used only in the plural form.

Students conclude that the plural form. cannot be formed.

Let's check.

Students work in notebooks.

1. The house ran out of flour.

2. They bought me new shoes.

3. Walking is very good for health.

4. In the summer we will go to rest in the Crimea.

Cognitive, regulatory UUD are formed.

Communication and interaction with a partner (K)

Self-determination (L)

4. Independent. work with self-test according to the standard

Target: applying a new way of doing things; goal achievement reflection

a) I suggest that you do the task yourself.

IN 1. Choose antonyms for nouns that are used only in the singular.

What are antonyms?

Truth, poverty, grief, old age, whiteness,

light, kindness, childhood

*Don't forget to rate yourself

The students complete the task on their own.

Antonyms - words of the same part of speech with opposite lexical meaning(white - black, running - walking).

1. Truth is a lie, poverty is wealth, grief is joy,

old age - youth, whiteness - blackness,


kindness - anger

childhood - adulthood

Then check, make a conclusion

Self-determination (L)

Performing actions according to the algorithm (P)

Correction (P

5. Inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition

Purpose: inclusion of new knowledge in the knowledge system, repetition and consolidation of previously studied

Task 1. (text construction)

Task: make sentences on the topic “How we prepare for the holiday”, including the necessary nouns in them. (The words are on the teacher's table, they must be selected from the general composition. The text is individual for each.)

1 person: Before, holiday, dad, do, in, apartment, small, _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

I, he, help. We, replace, in, kitchen, on, floor, _ _ _ _ _ _ , a, in, bathroom, stick, new, _ _ _ _ _ . Whitewash, _ _ _ _ _ _, the ceiling.

2 people: Soon, 8, March. We, with, sister, will bake a cake. For, he will need products ________, __________, ___________, _________, _________, __________ and ________________.

Everything, this, we, already, buy.

3 people: We, want, congratulate, dad, February 23, and, bake, he, ______. For, this, take, 2, glass_____, pour, half a glass_____, break, into, dough, 3, _____, add, for sweetness ___

and a little ______. Dad loved our surprise!

Words for reference: eggs, repair, chalk, sugar, butter, linoleum, tiles, sour cream, cocoa, baking soda, flour, surprise, milk, pie, fruit.

2) Let's execute exercise 193.

Guess the words by their lexical meaning.

Do these words have a gender?

3) Now there are different tasks for boys and girls.

Task for the boys: remember the name of 3-4 instruments that have only plural forms. h. and make a proposal according to the scheme O, O, O and O are working tools.

Task for girls: recall "delicious" nouns and "serve" them for breakfast, moreover, noun. must have only singular forms. Make a proposal according to the scheme Oh, Oh, Oh and Oh - this is our favorite breakfast.

4) Let's execute ex. 194. Consideration. pic-k and find objects-existing in the form of only plural and make up with them the phrase “adj. + noun.

Which group will write more words.

5) Group work:

There are 2 riddles in front of you in an envelope, they are cut into separate words, they need to be collected.

*Don't forget to rate yourself

Before the holiday, dad made a small repair in the apartment. I helped him. We replaced the linoleum floor in the kitchen and new tiles in the bathroom. They whitewashed the ceiling.

March 8 is coming soon. My sister and I will bake a cake. For it, you will need products: flour, milk, eggs, butter, sugar and what.

We have already bought all this.

We wanted to congratulate dad on February 23 and bake him a pie. To do this, they took 2 cups of flour, poured half a cup of milk, broke 3 eggs into the dough, added sugar and a little soda for sweetness.

Dad loved our surprise!

Day, sleigh, manger, scales, wallpaper, sawdust.

Vices, wire cutters, pliers and tongs - ...

Milk, cottage cheese, sour cream and radish - ...

Black chess, dry firewood, red shorts, curly hair, thick mustaches, blue jeans, sharp pitchforks, short rakes, new watches, unreliable swings, dark beads, long trousers.

1. Two rings, two ends, carnations in the middle. (scissors)

2. They walk all the time, not a beast, not a person. (clock)

Extracting the necessary information

Work in pairs (K)

Learning collaboration with teacher and peers

Statement and formulation of the problem P)

Group work (K)

Drawing up proposals according to the scheme (P)

Creative task (L)

The ability to act with regard to the positions of others (K)

6. Reflection

Purpose: correlation of the purpose of the lesson and its results, self-assessment of the work in the lesson.

Guys, remember what we did at the lesson today?

What goals did we set for ourselves at the beginning of the lesson?

Makes inner speech.

Cliche in reflection:

What can I do?

What can't I do?

What do you advise me?

Speak aloud at the request or at the request of the teacher

Reflection of methods and conditions of actions (P)

Performance monitoring and evaluation (P)

Self-esteem (L)

Adequate understanding of the reasons for success (failure) (L)

7. D.Z.

P. 25, exercise 195 or solve a crossword puzzle.

Each child wrote down d / z in a diary.

Differentiated task (L)

Purpose: 1. To know the categories of nouns that have only the plural or only the singular. 2. Be able to distinguish nouns that have one numerical form from other nouns. 3. Be able to select antonyms for nouns.

Discharges of nouns that have only the plural form 1. Names of paired objects: sleigh, droshki, scissors, pincers, gates, glasses, trousers, etc. 2. Names of games: burners, hide and seek, blind man's bluff, chess, checkers, etc. 3. Designations of individual time intervals: day, weekdays, twilight, holidays, etc. 4. Material-collective nouns: pasta, cream, yeast, ink, perfume, etc. 5. Proper names: Alps, Carpathians, Kholmogory, Gorki.

Discharges of nouns that have the form of only the singular 1. Real nouns: butter, milk, sugar, water, oil, steel, copper, etc. 2. Collective nouns: spruce forest, youth, students, etc. 3. Abstract (abstract): whiteness, cleanliness, laziness, kindness, thinness, enthusiasm, running around, mowing, walking, warmth, dampness, thaw, etc. 5. Proper names (full name): Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy

A plural form of some of these nouns is possible, but only to refer to certain grades, grades Stainless steel (singular) - alloy steels (pl.); olive oil (sing.) - technical oils (pl.); impenetrable mud (sing.) - therapeutic mud (pl.); spinal cord (sing.) – prepare brains (pl.)

Choose antonyms for nouns that are used only in the singular. (10 b.) Strength - weakness; true False; wealth - poverty; tears - laughter; fun - sadness; old age - youth; anger is kindness; white - black; running around - walking; light is darkness.

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