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Tarot of black cats 8 wands. "Tarot of Black Cats": meaning and features. Who is the card data suitable for?

What is haze?

Morok - distortion of perception; in contrast to the mirage in esotericism, the darkness can be "directed".

In Slavic mythology, Morok is a gloomy or drowsy spirit (analogous to the Greek Morpheus), overshadowing, Mara's nightmare, the spirit of charm, illusion, entanglement, bewitchment, divination, hypnosis, the patron saint of deception, associated with the goddess Mara. The name of Moran (Morena) is really related to such words as "pestilence", "darkness", "darkness", "haze", "fool", "death".

The son of Mary, and to some extent, Her male Face is Morok (or - Mor) - patronizing diseases and, especially the other, deception. In Buddhist yogic practice, there are four main types of mar: mara skandhas, mara klesh, mara death, and mara the Son of the celestial. The first three maras are called internal maras, the last mara is external (the devil), but sometimes it enters consciousness and, relying on avidya, dictates its will to a person.

An interesting word - wraith. Because, on the one hand, it is confusing and confusing in the meanings of "darkness, dusk ...", as well as "fainting, seizure, darkening of mind" ceased to objectively and consciously perceive reality, it was as if in an obsession, in a state of intoxicated consciousness by forces from outside (the word "guide") ... The goals can be different ...
On the other hand, in Dahl's dictionary you can find one more meaning, which, as it seems to me, makes you look at the phrase "to create a hassle" from a different angle. “To cheat (from the hassle and mud, in the meaning of the witch doctor), to understand, to know, to be able to do a little, to disassemble, to tinker little by little; to comprehend, to dare. Morokovanie, action. by verb. Morokun, morokunya, morokusha vol. guesser, witch doctor, sorcerer, witch "(Dal)
So, perhaps from the very beginning - to create a haze - is a spellcasting by a knowledgeable person in order to heal or, conversely, harm ...

Morok is the same as Maya. Maya (Skt.) And Morok are about the same concepts. But, in Sanskrit this concept (Maya) is feminine, and there is a corresponding explanation. The manifested world arose after Brahman "enveloped" himself with Maya ...

This is what the Russian folk tradition says about the haze.

Collection of fairy tales by A.N. Afanasyev. The tale is called "Moroka".

“Once upon a time there was an old man and an old woman. A barge haule came and asked to spend the night. The old man let in: "Perhaps spend the night, only with such an agreement that he would tell fairy tales all night." - "If you please, I will tell you." Well, that's good; The old man with the barge haulers climbed on the bed, and the old woman sits on the stove spinning flax. Burlak thinks to himself: "Let me, really play a trick on him!" - and turned himself into a wolf, and the old man into a bear. “Let's run,” he says, “from here,” and ran into an open field. The wolf saw the old man's mare and said: "Let's eat the mare!" - "No, it's my mare!" - "Well, but hunger is not my aunt!" They ate the mare and ran again; they saw the old woman, the old man's wife, - the wolf again and says: "Let's eat the old woman!" - “Oh, but this is my old woman,” the bear replies. "What's your!" They ate the old woman too. So a bear and a wolf ran the whole summer; winter is coming. “Come on,” says the wolf, “let's sit in a den; you climb further, and I'll sit in front of you. If the hunters find us, they will shoot me first; and you watch how they kill me, they begin to rip off my skin, - you run out, but cross over your skin, and you will turn into a man again ”. Here they lie in a den; the hunters came across them, now they shot the wolf and began to skin it. At the same time, the bear would jump out, and somersault over the wolf's skin - and the old man flew with the boulders upside down. "Oh oh! he roared. - I beat off my whole back! " The old woman shouts: “What are you, black sickness! Why fell? Seem drunk was not. " - “Yes, that's pretty much, - and began to tell: - You do not know anything, but we were a beast with a barge haule: he was a wolf, I was a bear; they ran through the whole summer and winter, and they ate our mare, and they ate you, the old one! " The old woman began to laugh, I just couldn’t hold back: “Oh, yes, haulers! Nice joke! "

There are quite a few tales of hassle, this is just one of them. It quite clearly shows how strong the effect of the hassle on a person is. Imagine, the barge haule was creating his haze, just nothing in time. And it seemed to the old man that they had been animals for half a year, and even at the same time they ate their mare and the old woman. This is such a strong effect on a person a well-created haze.

So, what, the haze is a thing that really exists. And the fact that this tale is described is not at all stupidity and not a fiction. Such things actually existed and still exist. And to this day there are masters to create such a haze.

Recently, I very often began to meet in the Magical literature, especially on the Web, with terms of this kind like "gingerbread", "gimmick for love", etc. Many Mages manipulate the unknown concept and try to "implement" this novelty into their services as something special and very effective. In this article I would like to explain in essence what a gimmick is, how it works, and also to give some of the workers I have personally tested options for gimmicks.

Dear friends! Many have asked me. what is "gingerbread", and it's time to shed some light on this issue, at least a little.

So what is "gingerbread"?

Wrath- distortion of perception; unlike a mirage in Magic, the darkness can be "directed". It is believed that haze, haze is a temporary distortion of reality, that is, in any case, such work will be short-lived.

In Slavic mythology Morok- "... a gloomy or drowsy spirit (analogue of the Greek Morpheus), overwhelming, Mara's nightmare, the spirit of charm, illusion, entanglement, bewitchment, divination, hypnosis, the patron saint of deception, is associated with the goddess Mara (!) ..."

Some argue that Morok is a servant of Chernobog, but this is not so. If we talk about Moroka as a Spirit, then this is an independent Spirit, which has the ability to "fog" and fool, to mislead the right thoughts, to lead astray. Morok also masterfully masters the technique of illusion, in fact, "darkness" is one of the names of "hypnosis" among the ancient Slavs. It was believed that "to enter into a darkness" is to stupefy, confuse or confuse a person's thoughts.

From the word "haze" comes the participle "confused", religion defines it as "subordinate to the forces of evil, to some extent zombified", but this is nonsense, since "confused" is just a person bewildered, whose thoughts are confused are spoiled.

Of course, religion attributes Moroka to the Christian fallen angel - Satanoil (Lucifer), but in fact this is a delusion, since these Spirits have completely different abilities and scales.

In Slavic Magic, there are certain types of rituals, which are based on special plots-gimmicks (they are also sometimes called "mansurs", but this is not entirely true !!!), they are often aimed at making a person contrary to his will to do something, or not to do something. But the very essence of the rite is not in memorized texts, but in the technique of making the omorochka, of course, there were many secrets that our Slavs ancestors passed on from generation to generation, therefore you should not think that everything is so simple: I read the text of the omorochka and that's it, in the bag.

The ancient techniques of omorchek are known to me directly from my Knowledgeable ancestors, but I also contributed to these ceremonies a share of my own experience and creativity, since any ceremony must come "from the heart."

There is also gingerbreads, aimed at confusing the thoughts of a person who may be dangerous to you, that is, the little things are aimed at making the person do exactly what you need, and he himself will think that it is at his Will. There are also such gingerbread that will simply make the person DO NOT DO anything and, in general, stop thinking about you.

Gimmicks change the thoughts and intentions of a person, this is the most difficult work on the astral level, roughly speaking, this is nothing more than an act of Higher Magic, if it is more convenient for you - let it be Higher (Black) Magic, but I do not divide Magic into "white" and "black" is wrong.

Some Mages believe that there are also love gummies, but I do not support this opinion, since a gimmick can only make a person do what you need, but she is not able to evoke feelings, such as a love spell or attachment. Do not confuse love mongrels with gummies on charm, since the latter have a place to be - such gimmicks will simply help you please your surroundings and attract more attention to yourself.

Some "simpletons" very often mistake the texts of simple love conspiracies for the texts of gimmicks, but this is actually not the case!
In pure form love gadgets does not exist, so do not confuse these concepts. In general, one should not forget that a gimmick is a short-lived thing, like an illusion, therefore there cannot be "gimmicks for love", this contradicts the very nature of this technique.

The main the advantage of gummies is that they are very simple to perform, as a rule, the rollback (negative consequences) is small, because they can be performed by people who are not Magicians as such.

Gloves-short-termphenomenon, therefore, they are aimed, as a rule, at achieving a goal that is needed very urgently, or if it is necessary to urgently stop the active actions of the enemy (foe), especially without causing him harm.

So, having dealt with the concept of "little girls", I would like to cite some working examples of gimmicks which I hope

useful to you!

I have studied this issue for a long time, and I want to say that the pagans had a large arsenal of interesting gimmicks, for example, such as: knot gum, fish gum, spider web gum, jelly gum, fog gum and many others.

All the texts of the gimmicks have been checked, but you should not assume that by memorizing them, you will become a Magician :)

1. Excellent confusion the right person:

Speak like this in a whisper, focusing your will on the subject of influence, imagining him in the web (or better - being near the web):

"Attack you with sleep and darkness,
not one by one, but all 40 !!!
I avert your eyes
I confuse your mind,
I wrap it in a black web !!!
Like flies and mosquitoes to cobwebs
stick tightly
so my words-deeds-views
they put your will to sleep !!!
Sleep your mind, sleep your mind.
How the earth absorbs water
so you do my will!
We got a hassle on you
from each side and from any side!
Lost, your clear mind, for one earthly hour!
I confuse, wrap, twist,
do as i want !!!
Blindness is in your eyes,
on your hands and feet - numbness,
to your will - my any command !!!
How am I blowing on your face,
so I will disenchant you at once!
Brothers-devils, put my fetters on (the name of the one you confuse), throw, throw,
Subordinate his (her) will to my will!

Your eyes are in a fog, and your mind-mind is in a dope !!!
Your eyes are in a fog, and your mind-mind is in a dope !!!
Goy. "

2.Smolochka for confusing thoughts, tracks, whatever.

To confuse thoughts, we take a blue thread (any material) and (preferably, but not necessary) the victim's hair. One or two hairs will be enough. They will need to be woven into knots, entangled. For tangling the road - well, for example, so that he gets lost somewhere and is late somewhere, does not come, etc. - it would be very nice to have a lace from his shoes, but if not, then a ribbon. Color - black or brown. Length - if for turning the head, then according to the approximate circumference of the head, if for the legs, then, of course, according to the size of the leg.

The first knot at the end of the lace-ribbon - the knots here are made as tangled as possible, but always strong. The second is at the other end. The third is in the middle. The fourth - between the first and the third in the middle, the fifth - between the second and third in the middle, the sixth - we tie the ends together, and the last - we tightly tie the entire structure in the middle with an ordinary (not confused) knot. The design is then stored until such time as you need to fool. No longer necessary - untie the knots in reverse order.
When tying, you can say any little thing (you can improvise), the main thing is to tie 7 knots! Always remember that any ceremony done "from the heart", with a share of your own creativity, is much stronger.

3. Omorochka on the enemy

To bring on the enemy, cook jelly from black berries. When the water boils, pour the starch into it, as usual, and say:

"I will remember your business with jelly,
Quickly, quickly and boldly.
How Ilya-Muromets fought, won,
So I will crush my enemy (his name),
I will destroy his business.
Kissel, jelly,
Cook all day.
Come up, boil
Fix my business firmly.
I am the first, the enemy is behind me.
My Creator is everywhere, everywhere with me.
Key, lock, tongue. May it be so!"

Kissel should be drunk in three doses. Once cooked, then at sunset and at 3am. Do this on the 9th day (counting from the day at 3 o'clock in the morning) and on the 40th day.

4. Swamp for a person to do the way you need:

Take a photo of the person, light a candle (red) and read:

"Find, a hassle, from any side, with windy and responsive, from sunrise and from the west. Freeze your head, avert your eyes thirty-three times. Moron leprosy, eat thoughts of purity, give a faint emptiness. As a baby sees and does not see, hears and does not hears, hears and does not understand, so that my enemy (name), sees and does not see, hears and does not hear, hears speeches and does not understand a damn thing (Information that needs to be put). "

After that:
"The bones of the skull will disperse, thoughts will spread with jelly (3 times).
This is my will! May it be so!"

The entire text of the gibberish is read 3 times.

5. To man changed his mind

In order for a person to change his mind and act in a way that suits you, hold his photographic card between your palms and walk with it in a circle with your back forward, repeating the following words:

"Back to front, everything is the other way around, you will walk, you will think, you will do everything in my favor, everything as I say." If you do not have a photograph of the person you need, use a piece of paper on which write his name, patronymic and surname, and carry out all the above actions with this sheet.

I hope that these simple but effective gummies will come in handy someday.

Sincerely, Your Julianna Koldovko.

If you want to influence a person with the help of magical methods, a gimmick is used to instill the right thoughts in a specific person. With its help, the suppression of his own will occurs, instead of this, other intentions are imposed. Magical witchcraft can affect anyone, be it a spouse, foe, or boss.

If you want to influence a person with the help of magical methods, a gingerbread is used

With the help of certain magical influences on any person, you can instill the necessary thoughts in him by sending little girls. This is a kind of substitution of the victim's real idea or his own opinion for something related to the illusion.

The perception of the world at this moment is greatly distorted, a person makes decisions unusual for him. A strong foe is made for all occasions, with a specific purpose.

Thoughts are sent to the victim with a certain task. Spells can be performed using conspiracies, rituals or witchcraft. With the help of some rituals, you can first put a haze on a person, his will will weaken, and then you can have a conversation with him and force him to perform work or action unusual for him.

The magical effect is aimed at breaking the will of the chosen victim, changing his worldview

Such a magical effect is mainly aimed at breaking the will of the chosen victim, changing his worldview and intentions. It manifests itself almost immediately.

Why is it done and how does it work

In order to distort the reality and perception of the world for a particular object in the direction necessary for the customer, a devil is sent to the victim in order to inspire the necessary thoughts and actions. The magical effect of such a plan is the most versatile weapon and not too expensive. After it, side effects are extremely rare.

When you hover the little girl into the thin shell of a person, nothing is introduced, the darkness acts like hypnosis on his consciousness. It surrounds a person in the form of a cocoon, entangles his thoughts. He brightens up or embellishes individual details, juggles actual facts. A person, being under the influence, makes different decisions than before.

A strong enemy's gimmick acts for all occasions, usually for a couple of weeks. For this reason, the customer has little time left.


A strong enemy's gimmick acts for all occasions, usually for a couple of weeks

During this period, it is necessary to ensure that the object is inclined to the necessary decision or action. Sometimes a whole series of tricks is applied to influence in order to prolong the magical effect.

What are the signs

How can you find out by what symptoms that a person has been affected?

The surest sign is a sharp change in the victim's behavior, which is not characteristic of him by nature. Recently, a woman does not recognize her beloved man, he suddenly became cold, constantly rude, behaves in a strange way.

The surest sign is a sharp change in the victim's behavior, which is not characteristic of him by nature.

An exemplary family man began to behave cheekily on the street, to pester strangers. A man with his wife gives gifts to other women, flirts openly and looks after them. He now does not respect his own wife, behaves abusively, which had not been observed at all before.

This is a stereotypical behavior that says that a person lives under the influence of magical powers. If a gingerbread man was pointed at him, then in order to remove the conspiracy and instantly get rid of the magic that takes away the power from a person, you will have to turn to specialists in magical affairs.

How can you understand that a gingerbread has been sent:

  • Many of the victim's actions are inexplicable and unnatural.
  • Previously, the current worldview was not typical for him.
  • The character has changed dramatically and greatly.
  • The victim cannot clearly explain his behavior and thoughts.

From this it becomes clear that energy pressure is produced from the outside on a specific person. He does not understand what motivates him, who could instill the necessary thoughts in him, why he commits illogical acts. A person swears that he will not repeat what is happening, but after a while he does it again and again.

Where and how they are used

A strong gimmick is used in absolutely all areas of life: when solving love issues, financial problems, in business or in household chores. The safest way to use gummies is in the love sphere. This is not so traumatic on a person as after exposure to love spells.

Gloves in the love sphere are safer, not as traumatic as reflected after exposure to love spells

But if it is wrong to make a magical effect, then you will have to turn to magicians for help and remove the conspiracy and get rid of the magic instantly in order to help him. The type of such magic is easily canceled, in contrast to love spells. Yes, and there are practically no side effects after the guidance of trouble, they do not negatively affect beauty and vitality.

Love fooling influences

How to recognize in a timely manner that an undesirable magical influence was brought to a beloved man? A person under the influence of a hassle falls into deep thoughtfulness, his thoughts are confused, he cannot normally concentrate on solving certain issues, is overly absent-minded, often answers inappropriately.

Regardless of what character a person had before this period, when exposed to gilts, he becomes lethargic, constantly tired, nothing in life is cute for him, boredom is his second nature.

When a man is influenced by gimmicks, he becomes lethargic, constantly tired, nothing in life is cute for him, boredom is his second nature

This type of magic binds the victim, his personal qualities and character remain unchanged. But if you instill the necessary thoughts, then this gives a chance, even with wild passion, to consider in time the object's selfishness, tyranny towards others, intolerance or maniac addictions. In family life, no one needs it.

If a man is focused on love, you can read characteristic signs in his eyes.

  • A wandering look, empty, expressing nothing concretely.
  • A person shows apathy to literally everything around him.
  • The manifestation of conformism is observed.
  • The object has practically lost its own "I".
  • No attraction to public interest, no hobby.
  • When character changes, initiative is lost, the person will completely agree with the words and actions of the customer.
  • Shows complete passivity.

Before putting a hassle on a specific person, think about how you will communicate with such a "vegetable-like" man in the future. Will such a magical effect bring joy to both? It seems that - no.

If a person strenuously wants to build relationships with the help of magic, increase his attractiveness and find love, then it is wiser to use gummies. With their help, it becomes possible to get to know the desired object, its behavior with other people, what it is like in a relationship.

If a person strenuously wants to build relationships with the help of magic, increase his attractiveness and find love, then it is wiser to use gummies

After the love spell influence, there is no way to do this.

For the ceremony, you need to sit in front of a mirror at midnight and braid a braid, saying:

There is a little gingerbread that affects the beauty of a person, and another is capable of influencing the ill-wisher or the enemy in the right way. For this, simple rituals are used, during which magical influence is carried out on the mind of the enemy. This will completely disarm him.

A gimmick is difficult to send to the enemy; this requires the utmost care and serious preparation for magical actions. Before a difficult ceremony, you should endure at least a three-day fast and visit the church. A meditation carried out far from the metropolis will also be useful.

It is difficult to send a gimmick to the enemy, for this you should endure at least a three-day fast and visit the church

To carry out the ritual action, you will need to get any black berries. At lunchtime, rinse the berries and cook jelly with them. While it boils, the words of the spell are spoken over the pan:

When the jelly is cooked, cool 1/3 of the brew and drink. The same part is drunk when the sun goes down, the rest at midnight. From this minute, count exactly nine days, after which the ritual is repeated again. If necessary, the next time, you can put a haze after 40 days. You need to calculate the days from midnight when the last portion of the jelly was drunk.

To confuse enemy thoughts, a hassle is induced with the help of conspiratorial words. The actions in this rite are almost the same as in the previous version. True, additional paraphernalia is not required here, since the jelly is replaced with water consecrated in the church. Before the conspiracy, say: “Save and preserve: both the Father and the Son. Amen ", then the conspiracy itself is read:

To confuse enemy thoughts, a hassle is induced with the help of conspiracy words

Conspiracy water is drunk in the same way as described above.

Another way to go around your house three times by reading:

You need to pronounce the words three times, barely audibly moving your lips.

In the field of business and trade

Here, the gummies are used for selfish purposes. A person can bring a magical effect to anything or anyone. It affects the beauty of a person, a product, a customer, or a "decoy" - a certain object that acts on the principle of a magnet:

Gloves in business and trade are used for personal gain

"Back to front, everything is the other way around, you will walk, you will think, you will do everything in my favor, everything as I say."

In some cases, the victim makes a purchase and then cannot explain to himself the purpose of the purchase. At home, he clearly understands that a waste of money has been committed. This influence is often used by realtors, car dealers or other expensive goods. They all use magical services.

Gloves for all occasions are usually short-lived. For a long time, the rituals are often repeated.

Magicians, possessing knowledge inaccessible to ordinary people, strive to use it to the maximum, improving their lives. And the gingerbread is extremely useful - this is a special type of witchcraft influence, in which a darkness is induced on the object and a person begins to observe reality in a distorted form. The enchantment forces the victim to:

  • ignore the obvious and not notice openly lying objects (a thief's gimmick will prevent the robber from stealing valuables - he will just walk past them);
  • choose an imposed version of the development of events (by a sudden inspiration to quit a good job, part with a loving partner, move to another city);
  • forget about basic safety rules (go directly under the cars, do not turn off electrical appliances, leave the apartment door open);
  • to experience obsessive thoughts or feelings (for example, a gingerbread man for love will force the object to constantly remember the caster and miss him);
  • agree with a previously unacceptable point of view (during business negotiations, family conflict, friendly gatherings).

The purpose of the little girl is to confuse consciousness, forcing a person to perceive a pattern of reality that is different from the true one. Similar influences are used in many areas, but they are mainly used to:

  • achieve reciprocity in love;
  • remind yourself;
  • protect property;
  • gain superiority in business;
  • take revenge or harm the enemy;
  • sell anything.

Omorochka imposes the will of the magician on the victim. The object of influence is lost and ceases to understand his own desires: he sees and feels only what the spellcaster made him experience. How the gingerbread works Each object or person has a specific set of characteristics. The task of the little boy is to change these parameters in the perception of the victim. For example, a fairly "worn out" car with scratches and dents is being sold. The seller, realizing all the shortcomings of the goods, can use the shimmer. As a result, the buyer will see the car new and "full of energy", and will not even pay attention to obvious defects. The deal will take place - and only after a while the deceived person will understand that his acquisition is not at all as ideal as it seemed at first: as if a veil had been "falling from his eyes."

Other examples of gingerbread:

  1. The ugly girl seems attractive to everyone around him (a little beauty).
  2. The boss does not see any frank mistakes in the documents and signs them (a gimmick to blur the look).
  3. The cashier constantly makes mistakes with change and gives too much of it, and even an honest buyer does not notice this and takes an extra amount (a gimmick on the enemy, affecting not only the victim, but also the people around him).
  4. A person gives the last money, remaining penniless (gimmick for generosity).
  5. The eternal borrower suddenly gives the entire amount in full (a gimmick for debt repayment).

There are a lot of similar examples. Sometimes even high self-esteem creates an effect similar to witchcraft influence. If a person is confident in himself, then those around him automatically reckon with his opinion, find him attractive and trustworthy. And vice versa. People who feel worse than others constantly receive kicks from the universe in the form of rudeness, deception, and ignorance. Such a negative gimmick for his own person.

How long does the gingerbread work

Any magical influence sooner or later stops working. In the case of gingerbread, this period is really short - a few days, less often - a month, and extremely rarely - up to one to three years. The latter option practically does not occur, it is possible only when using the strongest rituals that are passed on in ancient witchcraft families from generation to generation and do not go beyond the line of succession.

A person who has become a victim of a gingerbread man feels unreasonable confusion of thoughts. Some have compared it to the effects of alcohol intoxication. The object stops thinking logically without even realizing it. He simply "forgets" that:

  • loves his wife and does not want to go to another;
  • must carefully count the money;
  • does not want to sign a contract, etc.

The short period during which the gingerbread maintains its influence passes as if in a fog. Gradually, the victim's consciousness becomes clearer, and thoughts, emotions and feelings return to normal. Cleaning is usually not required. This is a slight impact that disappears on its own.

Omorochki: ransom - is it necessary or not?

In the wizarding world, it is customary to pay for help. Payoff is that form of calculation that allows you to close debts to forces. The mistake many newbies make is trying to pay everyone. Of course, the entities will accept offerings, but because of this, the next time they may demand even more from the mage. Traditionally, the shimmer is induced by the personal power of the operator. The more powerful the caster, the more effective the influence will be. No third-party energies are involved, therefore no ransom is needed.

But there is an exception. Sometimes a gingerbread is sent using summoned essences. In this case, demons, devils, spirits and the like will be mentioned in the conspiracy. If the witchcraft is carried out with the participation of "third parties", then they should be thanked. Most often, thirteen coins are used as a buyback, but other options are also possible.

It is with the gummies that many practices begin. The relatively harmless impact is easy to execute, does not involve serious kickbacks, and can bring a lot of benefits. To master this area of ​​magical knowledge is worth everyone who decided to devote his life to witchcraft.

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