Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill The topic of self-education is oral folk art. Self-education plan “Oral folk art in the upbringing of preschool children. Self Study Plan

The topic of self-education is oral folk art. Self-education plan “Oral folk art in the upbringing of preschool children. Self Study Plan

In the 2013-2014 academic year, I studied the topic "The influence of oral folk art on the development of the speech of children 3-4 years old."

The age from 3 to 4 years is of particular importance for the speech development of the child. The main task of the teacher in the field of speech development in children of primary preschool age is to help them in the development of colloquial speech, their native language.

The most important source for the development of the expressiveness of children's speech are works of oral folk art, including small folklore forms (riddles, chants, nursery rhymes, jokes, songs, tongue twisters, proverbs, sayings, rhymes, lullabies).

The educational, cognitive and aesthetic value of folklore is enormous, as it expands the child's knowledge of the surrounding reality, develops the ability to feel the artistic form, melody and rhythm of the native language.

The possibility of using oral folk art in a preschool institution for the development of speech in preschool children is due to the specifics of the content and forms of works of verbal creativity of the Russian people, the nature of acquaintance with them and the speech development of preschoolers.

Children perceive folklore works well thanks to their soft humor, unobtrusive didactism and familiar life situations.

Oral folk art is an invaluable wealth of every nation, a view of life, society, nature, developed over the centuries, an indicator of its abilities and talent. Through oral folk art, the child not only masters his native language, but also, mastering its beauty, laconicism, joins the culture of his people, gets first impressions of it.

During the year, I paid great attention to introducing children to riddles, lullabies, counting rhymes and nursery rhymes. The material was selected in accordance with the age capabilities of the children. The activities of the children were organized taking into account the integration of educational areas.

In the course of work on the topic of self-education, I have collected a card index of riddles. It is known that riddles enrich children's vocabulary, develop imagination and auditory perception. The riddle is one of the small forms of oral folk art, in which the most vivid, characteristic signs of objects or phenomena are given in an extremely concise, figurative form.

Acquaintance with nursery rhymes began with looking at pictures, illustrations, toys. In the preliminary conversation, the meanings of the words that the children would hear in the nursery rhyme were explained.

Before going to bed, the children of my group listened to lullabies both in my performance and in the recording. Lullabies, in the opinion of the people, are a companion of childhood. They, along with other genres, contain a powerful force that allows them to develop the speech of preschool children. Lullabies enrich children's vocabulary due to the fact that they contain a wide range of information about the world around them, primarily about those objects that are close to the experience of people and attract with their appearance.

for the 2013-2014 academic year

Stages of work on


1. Formation of the need for self-education, self-assessment of preparedness, awareness of the need for knowledge, setting goals and objectives.

The purpose of the work on self-education: to unite the efforts of teachers and parents in raising children with the help of works of Russian folklore, to develop the creative, cognitive, communicative abilities of children on the basis of oral folk art.

2. Planning for self-education work.

Planning work in the following sections:

Study of methodological literature;

Work with children;

Family work;


3. Theoretical study of the problem.

Study of literature on the topic:

1. Baburina G.I., Kuzina T.F. Folk pedagogy in the upbringing of a preschooler. M., 1995.

2. Knyazeva O. L., Makhaneva M. D. Inviting children to the origins of Russian culture: Textbook - method. manual 2nd ed., rev. and add. SPb ,. 2008.

3. Kozyreva L.M. I speak beautifully and correctly. The development of speech in children from birth to 5 years. M., 2005.

4. Practical activity

Leisure "An Evening of Riddles".

Staging of the Russian folk tale "Teremok".

Entertainment "Wide Maslenitsa"

MDOU "Kindergarten No. 11" Romashka "of the city of Alushta

Educator second junior group No. 2

Full name Korokhova Lyudmila Vladimirovna

Experience 10 years

Topic: "The influence of oral folk art on the development of the speech of children 2 - 3 years old"

2016/2017 account year


Purpose of work:

improving their professional skills and competence;

to promote the speech development of children of the third year of life by means of oral folklore.


to introduce children to oral folk art, to develop their speech;

evoke an emotionally positive attitude towards nursery rhymes, fairy tales, riddles, little dogs, folk songs and games;
- contribute to the preservation of a joyful mood during your stay at the MDOU

cultivate humane relationships.

The intended result is:

children will have an increased interest in oral folk art - nursery rhymes, lullabies, rhymes, little dogs, speech folk games;

the level of speech development of young children will increase;

the interest of parents in the use of small forms of folklore in the speech development of children at home will increase.

The level of speech development in young children will increase if:

preschool teachers are interested in the process of speech development;

organized special training in native speech using folklore in a variety of activities;

small forms of folklore are selected adequately to the age of children for learning and developing speech.

Term of work on the topic: September - May 2016-2017 academic year.


The age from 2 to 3 years is of particular importance for the speech development of the child.

The main task of the teacher in the field of speech development in young children is to help them master colloquial speech, to master their native language.

The most important source of the development of children's speech are works of oral folk art, including small folklore forms (nursery rhymes, jokes, songs, fairy tales, lullabies).

The educational, cognitive and aesthetic value of folklore is enormous, as it expands the child's knowledge of the surrounding reality, develops the ability to feel the artistic form, melody and rhythm of the native language.

Oral folk art is an invaluable wealth of every nation, a view of life, society, nature, developed over the centuries, an indicator of its abilities and talent. Through oral folk art, the child not only masters his native language, but also, mastering its beauty, laconicism, joins the culture of his people, gets first impressions of it.


Larks: Songs, sentences, nursery rhymes, jokes, rhymes / Comp. G. Naumenko. M., 1998.

Knyazeva O. L., Makhaneva M. D. Inviting children to the origins of Russian culture: Textbook. -method. manual 2nd ed., revised, and add. SPb, 2008.

Kozyreva L.M. I speak beautifully and correctly. The development of speech in children from birth to 5 years. M., 2005.

Veraksa N.E., Komarova T.S., Vasil'eva M.A. The main educational program of preschool education "From birth to school". - M .: Mosaica - Sintez, 2015 .-- 368 p.

Gubanova N.F. Development of play activities. First junior group. - M .: Mosaika - Sintez, 2016 .-- 160 p.

Speech development in kindergarten. First junior group. - M .: Mosaica - Sintez, 2016 .-- 80 p.

Veraksa N.E., Komarova T.S., Vasil'eva M.A. Comprehensive classes under the "From birth to school" program. The first junior group (from 2 to 3 years old) / ed. Compiled by N.V. Lobozin. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2016 .-- 303 p.

Internet resource: Influence of oral folk art on the development of children's speech

2-3 years old. .

Internet resource: Formation of active speech in young children 2-3 years old) through the use of small forms of oral folk art.http://diplomba.ru/work/101329.

A promising work plan for the teacher's self-education

with children, parents, educators

Study period



With kids

With parents

Report form



Selection of literature on the topic

Drawing up a long-term plan for self-education

Development of a questionnaire for parents

Adaptation period.

Learning the game "Ladushki"

Hearing the nursery rhyme "Who is crying?"

Meet the parents

Self-education plan

Parents questionnaire


"Domestic and Wild Animals"

Finding the right art material

Summing up the survey of parents

Learning the nursery rhyme "Our ducks in the morning"

The game "Little gray bunny sits"

Game "Mother hen and chicks"

Parents' survey "Oral folk art in the life of your child"

Show of the magnetic theater "Ryaba Hen"


"I am human"

"My house"

Selection of information in the parent's corner on this topic

Learning by heart a nursery rhyme, for further telling children

Learning the nursery rhyme "Our little Masha"

Fairy tale "Masha and the Bear"

Game situation "Putting the doll to sleep" (lullaby "Buy, buy, buy, buy ...")

Consultation "Folklore in speech development of a child" (part 1)

Puppet theater "Masha and the Bear"



"New Year's celebration"

Preparation of material with a list of works of art for young children

Nursery "Ladushki"

"Water, wash my face"

Children guessing riddles about wild animals

Consultation "Folklore in speech development of a child" (part 2)

Leisure "Guess the riddle"



Selection of illustrated material for nursery rhymes and fairy tales

Acquaintance with the nursery rhymes "The cat went to the torzhok",

"Oh you, zayushka shot"

Telling the tale "Turnip"

Place information in the parent's corner with a list of recommended art material for this age for studying at home

"Ghouls have arrived"
and musical games based on Russian folk nursery rhymes



Preparation of attributes for the theatrical game "Turnip"

Decoration of an exhibition of books for parents

Riddles about animals

Exhibition of children's books for parents on this topic

Theatrical game "Turnip"


"Mother's day"


Prepare a consultation for parents

Acquaintance with the fairy tale "Teremok"

Hearing the lullaby "Bayu-bye, byu-bye, you do not bark a dog."

Finger game "White-sided magpie"

Consultation for parents "Using nursery rhymes in the development of speech in young children"

Theatricalization of the fairy tale "Teremok"



Preparing attributes for the outdoor game "Carousel"

Preparation of a report on the results of work on the topic

Learning the chants "Rain, rain, more fun"; "Bucket sun"

Folk game "Carousel"

Individual consultations with parents

Leisure "Dress up the sun, show yourself red"



"Summer is coming soon"

Listening to the nursery rhyme "Ant grass"

Solving riddles about pets

Summing up the work on the topic

Leisure activities "Like ours
gate ... "songs
nursery rhymes, round dance games

Ekaterina Pushkareva
A work plan for self-education on the topic "Influence of oral folk art on the development of speech in preschool children"

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution of Tyumen

municipal district Kaskarinsky kindergarten "The Golden Cockerel"

general developmental type with priority implementation of activities on

physical direction child development

Work plan for self-education on the topic: « Influence of oral folk art on the development of speech in preschool children»

Educator: Pushkareva Ekaterina Valerievna

Target: Develop oral speech in preschoolers, to form feelings of love for the artistic word.

Tasks: 1. Learn to perceive children various forms folklore: lullabies, nursery rhymes, riddles, proverbs, sayings, fairy tales.

2. Call from children emotional empathy, emotional response to the work oral folk art.

3. Develop memory in preschool children, attention, thinking through memorization of various forms of folklore.

4. Harmoniously develop natural abilities of minors preschoolers by means of theatrical activity.

date Working with children Working with parents

September Viewing albums with illustrations by oral folk art... Consultation for parents: “Using riddles as a means of forming expressiveness speeches».

Leisure "An evening of mysteries"... Application form « Folklore in your child's life "

Conversation "Who people amused(buffoons, parsley).

October Reading Russian folk tale"Zhikharka"

Game - exercise "Polite address to guests"

Staging with the help of theater on wooden sticks an excerpt from a fairy tale "Zhikharka" Replenish the theater corner in a group (cone theater, stick theater, finger theater, mask theater, flannel theater, shadow theater)

November Learning: proverbs, chants, little dogs about autumn.

Leisure "An evening of mysteries about autumn" Family exhibition of drawings "Guess the riddle - draw the answer"

Learning a round dance game "Garden - round dance", "Harvest"

December Conversation about Russian household items and their purposes

Reading Russian folk tale"Tiny - Khavroshechka"

Excursion to the mini-museum "Russian hut"

January The teacher's story about Christmas, caroling customs. Folder - slide "Winter Calendar (signs of winter)»

Learning riddles about winter, will accept, carols: "Kolyada, kolyada, went for firewood", “Kolyada, kolyada. I am alone at my father's ... "

Music game: "Winter round dance", "Two Frosts", "Snow carousel" "Freezing", "Caroling" Consultation "Small forms of folklore".

February Educator's story “What have you worn before? Old Russian clothes "

Examining illustrations (shirt, sundress, bast shoes, ribbon)

Making scarlet beads from salt dough

March Educator's story "Dear Maslenitsa - our annual guest".

Conversation "Winter scares spring, but it melts itself"... Folder - slide "Wide Shrovetide"

Browsing albums "Spring", "Russian holidays"... Folder-slide "Spring"

Learning chants, riddles about spring. Learning round dances "Dear friend",

"The sun is a bell", "Burn, burn, clear", "Golden Gate"... Consultation "Favorite children folk game»

April Acquaintance with chants, songs, proverbs about spring. Guessing riddles.

Learning and singing ditties. Consultation "Funny children's ditties"

May The teacher's story about the Russian folk toy - nesting dolls... Examination of toys and illustrations.

Reading poetry about Russian nesting dolls.

Painting "Decorate a sundress matryoshka"... Prepare coloring pages for matryoshka dolls.


1. Bochkareva, OI Fiction. Middle group. Development of classes... / Comp. O. I. Bochkareva. - Volgograd: ETC "Coryphaeus", 2008 .-- 96 p.

2. Bakhvalova N. I. Pedagogical search for new forms work on the development of speech through Russian folklore // Preschool pedagogy № 8(49) November / 2008., p. 20-23;

3. Gerbova V.V. The development of the speech of children in the younger age group(24 years)// Child in kindergarten. - 2001. - No. 1

4. Gurovich, LM The child and the book / LM Gurovich. - SPB .: 1999.

5. Gradusova, L. V. Introduction preschoolers with small forms folklore:

study guide / L. V. Gradusova. - Magnitogorsk: MAGU, 2008.

Children's ditties, jokes, jokes / T. I. Bakhmetyeva, G. T. Sokolova. Yaroslavl: Academy development, 1997 .-- 224 p.

Diagnostics of the perception of fiction by children preschool age... Polyakova T.V. Folklore in development of children's speech // Educator of preschool educational institution. – 2010. – №1

8. Psychological and pedagogical support of social and personal preschool development: method. manual / I.S.Dementieva,

9. L. A. Kremplevekaya; under the editorship of T.M.BabunovoY, N.I. Levshina, Magnitogorsk: MAGU, 2008 .-- 161 p.

10. Fleerina, E.A. preschool practice / Reader on theory and methodology speech development in preschool children: textbook. manual for stud. higher. and Wednesday. ped. study. institutions // M.M. Alekseeva, V.I. Yashin. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 1999 .-- 189 p.

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Report on the work on the topic of self-education "the influence of folklore on the development of speech of preschoolers"

Report on the topic of self-education"Influence speech development of children 3-4 years old"

In the 2015-2016 academic year, I studied the topic “ Influence oral folklore at speech development of children 3-4 years old».

Target work: to unite the efforts of teachers and parents in raising children with the help of Russian works folklore, develop creative, cognitive, communication skills of children based on oral folk art.

The age of 3 to 4 years is of particular importance for speech child development... The main task of the teacher in the field speech development of children of primary preschool age - to help them master the conversational speeches, native language.

The most important source development expressiveness of children speeches are works of oral folk art, including small folklore forms(riddles, chants, nursery rhymes, jokes, songs, tongue twisters, proverbs, sayings, rhymes, lullabies).

Educational, cognitive and aesthetic value folklore is huge, as it expands the child's knowledge of the surrounding reality, develops the ability to feel the artistic form, melody and rhythm of the native language.

During the year, I paid great attention to introducing children to riddles, lullabies, counting rhymes and nursery rhymes. The material was selected in accordance with the age capabilities of the children. The activities of the children were organized taking into account the integration of educational areas.

During work on the topic of self-education I have collected a card index of nursery rhymes, lullabies, riddles.

Riddles are known to enrich children's vocabulary, develop imagination, auditory perception. The riddle is one of the small forms of oral folk art, in which the most vivid, characteristic signs of objects or phenomena are given in an extremely concise, figurative form.

Acquaintance with nursery rhymes began with looking at pictures, illustrations, toys. In the preliminary conversation, the meanings of the words that the children would hear in the nursery rhyme were explained.

A nursery rhyme is a small genre of oral folk art, a verdict song directly related to a gesture. This is an element of pedagogy that you need to start using in the earliest age.

In small preschool age(2-3 years, 1 ml. Gr) the nursery rhyme has a special role. The unique originality of the sound speech stream is especially valuable for the child. Simple rhyme, emotional coloring, repetitive sound combinations and their melodiousness create the effect of musicality. Thus, the nursery rhyme, first of all, serves as an assistant in the education of sound culture. speeches... Also in the child is developing speech hearing and pronunciation of sounds.

Secondly, the nursery rhyme contains many bright and colorful verbal pictures, which allows you to learn new forms of words denoting objects. Reading nursery rhymes occurs with many repetitions, which contributes to the memorization of words, and then their use. The content of many nursery rhymes is rich in verbs. And as a result, the child's vocabulary is naturally enriched. Along with this, the formation of the grammatical structure occurs. speeches, development monologue and dialogical speeches.

The most important role in the nursery rhyme is played by the rhythm, which is accompanied by the movement of the hands. It is a well-known fact of a direct connection between a child's speech and motor function.

Memorizing nursery rhymes with the participation of hands and fingers leads to better memorization of the text, development imagination and enhancing the mental activity of the baby. Along with this, a set of small motors of hands and organs speeches helps to relieve stress, teaches the observance of speech pauses, normalizes the pace and forms the correct pronunciation.

Also the child develop qualities such as friendliness, benevolence, empathy. The kid continues to learn to recognize joy, anxiety, regret, sadness, tenderness.

Summarizing the above during the early preschool nursery rhymes are the most accessible for a child to understand, interesting, musical and developmental tool that allow you to lay a solid foundation for the psychophysical child development in the preschool period of childhood.

Before going to bed, the children of my group listened to lullabies both in my performance and in the recording. Lullabies, in the opinion of the people, are a companion of childhood. They, along with other genres, contain a powerful force that allows develop the speech of preschool children... Lullabies enrich children's vocabulary due to the fact that they contain a wide range of information about the world around them, primarily about those objects that are close to the experience of people and attract with their appearance.

Russian folk tales were present in the life of our group every day. We not only read, but also staged, played around, analyzed the characters' characters, looked at the pictures.

Informational information was prepared for parents. corners: "How to memorize a poem", "Why do we read to children", "Fairytale therapy"

As a result works on the topic of self-education

Most of the children have an increased interest in oral folk art;

Oral speech has been enriched;

-developed fantasy and imagination;

Parents have formed ideas about creating a favorable emotional and socio-psychological climate for a full child development;

The understanding of influence oral folklore at child's speech development

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Speech is a historically developed form of communication between people through language. The child learns the language through communication with adults and learns.

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In the 2013-2014 academic year, I studied the topic "The influence of oral folk art on the development of the speech of children 3-4 years old."

The age from 3 to 4 years is of particular importance for the speech development of the child. The main task of the teacher in the field of speech development in children of primary preschool age is to help them in the development of colloquial speech, their native language.

The most important source for the development of the expressiveness of children's speech are works of oral folk art, including small folklore forms (riddles, chants, nursery rhymes, jokes, songs, tongue twisters, proverbs, sayings, rhymes, lullabies).

The educational, cognitive and aesthetic value of folklore is enormous, as it expands the child's knowledge of the surrounding reality, develops the ability to feel the artistic form, melody and rhythm of the native language.

The possibility of using oral folk art in a preschool institution for the development of speech in preschool children is due to the specifics of the content and forms of works of verbal creativity of the Russian people, the nature of acquaintance with them and the speech development of preschoolers.

Children perceive folklore works well thanks to their soft humor, unobtrusive didactism and familiar life situations.

Oral folk art is an invaluable wealth of every nation, a view of life, society, nature, developed over the centuries, an indicator of its abilities and talent. Through oral folk art, the child not only masters his native language, but also, mastering its beauty, laconicism, joins the culture of his people, gets first impressions of it.

During the year, I paid great attention to introducing children to riddles, lullabies, counting rhymes and nursery rhymes. The material was selected in accordance with the age capabilities of the children. The activities of the children were organized taking into account the integration of educational areas.

In the course of work on the topic of self-education, I have collected a card index of riddles. It is known that riddles enrich children's vocabulary, develop imagination and auditory perception. The riddle is one of the small forms of oral folk art, in which the most vivid, characteristic signs of objects or phenomena are given in an extremely concise, figurative form.

Acquaintance with nursery rhymes began with looking at pictures, illustrations, toys. In the preliminary conversation, the meanings of the words that the children would hear in the nursery rhyme were explained.

Before going to bed, the children of my group listened to lullabies both in my performance and in the recording. Lullabies, in the opinion of the people, are a companion of childhood. They, along with other genres, contain a powerful force that allows them to develop the speech of preschool children. Lullabies enrich children's vocabulary due to the fact that they contain a wide range of information about the world around them, primarily about those objects that are close to the experience of people and attract with their appearance.

for the 2013-2014 academic year

Stages of work on


1. Formation of the need for self-education, self-assessment of preparedness, awareness of the need for knowledge, setting goals and objectives.

The purpose of the work on self-education: to unite the efforts of teachers and parents in raising children with the help of works of Russian folklore, to develop the creative, cognitive, communicative abilities of children on the basis of oral folk art.

2. Planning for self-education work.

Planning work in the following sections:

Study of methodological literature;

Work with children;

Family work;


3. Theoretical study of the problem.

Study of literature on the topic:

1. Baburina G.I., Kuzina T.F. Folk pedagogy in the upbringing of a preschooler. M., 1995.

2. Knyazeva O. L., Makhaneva M. D. Inviting children to the origins of Russian culture: Textbook - method. manual 2nd ed., rev. and add. SPb ,. 2008.

3. Kozyreva L.M. I speak beautifully and correctly. The development of speech in children from birth to 5 years. M., 2005.

4. Practical activity

Leisure "An Evening of Riddles".

Staging of the Russian folk tale "Teremok".

Entertainment "Wide Maslenitsa"

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