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A point on the ears to reduce appetite. Acupuncture points for weight loss. Massage of biologically active points

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Fitness trainer Igor Obukhovsky is very famous in Ukraine thanks to his participation in the television reality show "Weighed and Happy". In addition to Igor, his colleague, fitness trainer Anita Lutsenko, took part in this project. Both young, energetic, highly professional and incredibly charming, the guys were recruiting peculiar sports teams (Anita - red, Igor - green). These teams were not composed of athletes, but quite the opposite - obese people. The essence of the competition between the teams was to get ahead of the rivals in the speed of parting with extra pounds. The exciting action attracted the attention of viewers and found a lot of responses in the hearts, because in this TV project the most ordinary people fought not with each other, but with themselves for harmony, beauty and health.

The professionalism of Igor Obukhovsky is beyond doubt: he is a specialist with ten years of experience, a champion of Ukraine in funk aerobics, a leading trainer of the Sofiysky fitness center. But his openness, friendliness and a sincere desire to help people lose weight are even more admired.

The next step in this endeavor was "Weight Loss Diaries" with Obukhovsky- a daily fifteen-minute program in which the trainer performs specially designed weight loss exercises together with his team members, and viewers can turn on their TVs for a whole month and train with the heroes of the project.

In addition to demonstrating exercises, "Weight Loss Diaries" with Obukhovsky included recommendations on proper nutrition and the choice of additional sports loads. Following Igor's advice, millions of TV viewers could lose weight in real time and compare their achievements with the success of the telethon participants. How this happened, read on.

Exercises from the "Weight Loss Diary" with Igor Obukhovsky

Regularly watching “Weight Loss Diaries” with Obukhovsky on TV, viewers were able to master the most effective exercises for weight loss and fight against body imperfections. In addition, the coach recommended that his wards arrange a comprehensive warm-up at least twice a day and devote an hour and a half to aerobic exercise: brisk walking, dancing, cycling or roller skating. Only such a busy training schedule will allow you to radically improve your appearance and well-being in just one month.

The viewers of the "Weight Loss Diary" with Igor Obukhovsky were most admired by his non-standard approach to training, in particular, to the choice of exercise equipment. It is boring to work out with dumbbells, and not everyone can afford to go to the gym, where there is a wide variety of sports equipment. How to be? The answer is simple: you can use any handy items available in your home. Fans of "Weight Loss Diaries" with Obukhovsky never ceased to be amazed at the coach's fantasy: he would bring a mop to class, then a backpack with a load. All these original findings turned training into a fun creative event. That is why “Diaries of Weight Loss” with Obukhovsky has so many fans.

Live communication with project participants and guests in the studio became a source of valuable advice, because the trainer willingly answered any questions regarding weight loss and a healthy lifestyle. Here are some simple recommendations from Igor Obukhovsky:

  • Don't starve as it will do a lot more harm than good;
  • Do not take the elevator home, even if you live high;
  • Include in your diet as many “negative” calorie foods as possible (cucumbers, asparagus, cabbage, spinach, radishes, lettuce, wild berries);
  • Fight bad mood and depression with sports, not sweets;
  • For women: train the muscles of the hips and legs first of all, for men: do push-ups and lift the barbell;
  • Keep a food diary and write down everything you eat during the day.

As you can see, the tips are very simple and at the same time effective, especially when it comes to keeping a food diary for weight loss. With it, you will be able to control your diet, and also draw conclusions about which foods help you lose weight better and which ones are worse. Each person is individual, and with the help of a food diary, you can learn a lot about yourself and draw the necessary conclusions from this.

Food diary for weight loss according to Igor Obukhovsky

Svetlana Fus, a qualified nutritionist and an experienced specialist in healthy eating, also worked with Obukhovsky on the "Weight Loss Diary" project. Igor willingly listened to her recommendations and helped his wards to properly organize the keeping of a food diary. For this purpose, you can use a regular diary or a special computer program, the database of which already contains information about the calorie content of foods. The electronic diet diary is very convenient, and everyone can learn how to use it.

According to nutritionist Svetlana Fus, it is important to record in the food diary not only all the solid food you eat during the day, but also the drinks you drink, which also have energy value, and sometimes considerable. Food should be as varied as possible. Reading the diet diary, you will immediately notice that some dish appears on your menu too often, and some product is obviously missing. Buy as many different vegetables, fruits and berries as possible. Do not eat the same porridge all the time, experiment with side dishes. Try to get protein not only from chicken fillet, as much as you love it. Add lean fish, cottage cheese, and seafood to your diet diary.

  • Replace in your mind the concept of "diet" with the concept of "healthy eating". You can't keep a diary of a diet all your life, because any of them, even the most balanced one, is one-sided. To have a healthy weight, you need to eat right throughout your life.
  • Be prepared for regular physical activity, as without it, you will not be able to lose weight to normal weight anyway, while maintaining attractive body proportions. Only sports can save you from sagging skin and sagging abdomen, and in the case of very large and rapid weight loss - only a plastic surgeon.
  • Avoid sugar and refined white flour baked goods forever.
  • Stop frying food in oil. Give preference to an oven and a double boiler.
  • Do not gorge on before bed, divide your daily diet into 5-6 meals.
  • Avoid convenience foods and ready-to-eat meals that only need to be reheated. They are made up of food waste disguised as decent food with dyes, flavors and preservatives.
  • Do not combine starchy foods with meat foods. The best side dish for chicken or fish is vegetable salad, not potatoes.
  • Drink at least one and a half liters of clean drinking water every day.
  • Do not eat before and after exercise. Let the body draw energy from stored fat.

Saturday, December 07, 2013 16:20 + to the quote pad

Weight loss diaries with Igor Obukhovsky Everything will be good - Issue 68 - 10/25/2012

Are you going to lose weight again? Do you set a goal of 10 kilograms? Can't get out of bed for your morning run the next day? The problem is motivation! You need to motivate yourself to achieve the desired goal! And here personal trainer Igor Obukhovsky can help you!

A series of messages "":
Expert of the “Health and Sport” rubric. Coaching experience for 10 years. Graduated from the National Kiev University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine, Faculty of Olympic and Professional Sports. Lecturer (presenter) of the International fitness conferences "NIKE". Winner of the competition of fitness instructors of Ukraine in 2008, prize-winner of the Crimean championships in karate, winner of the Cup of Ukraine in funky aerobics in 2003, teacher of international fitness conferences.
Part 1 -
Part 2 -
Part 12 -
Part 13 -
Part 14 - Weight loss diaries with Igor Obukhovsky. How to achieve your goal and lose weight once and for all
Part 15 -
Part 16 -
Part 30 -
Part 31 -
Part 32 -
An entertaining family show of useful tips "All will be good" is an easy, informal educational format. In the project, you will hear tips on how to change your life for the better. The show brings together the interests of women and men in housekeeping, raising children, organizing a family budget, personal care, culinary skills, etc. The program's experts provide practical advice that can be applied in everyday life and in everyday life. The solution to domestic and family problems is clearly demonstrated. Spectators from the audience are also attracted during the program. The program conducts experiments: transforming women right in the studio, removing stains, making lampshades, doing physical exercises, cooking dinner, etc. The main task of the show is to help housewives change their lives for the better: both in relationships and in home improvement, both in raising children and in their own style of clothing.

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