Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill People's Power Competition. Competition of publications on the problems of local self-government "People's Power". Vyacheslav Gerasimchuk, Head of the Department for Development of Territories of the Tambov Region: "For the government to be more effective, it must be more open."

People's Power Competition. Competition of publications on the problems of local self-government "People's Power". Vyacheslav Gerasimchuk, Head of the Department for Development of Territories of the Tambov Region: "For the government to be more effective, it must be more open."

All-Russian competition of publications on the problems of local self-government "People's Power"

What works are accepted for the competition?

- Any relevant to the topic: printed materials, photo reports, Internet publications, audio and video programs, multimedia materials. The first condition is that they must be published in a newspaper, magazine, on TV, radio or on the Internet. no earlier than 1st June 2016... The second condition is that the publication must be in Russian, or in one of the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation (with a translation attached). Publications in foreign Russian-language media are also accepted if they correspond to the topic.

Applicants can be both professional journalists and freelance writers.

Media editorial offices submit to the competition materials published as part of editorial projects or information campaigns on the topic of the competition.

The list of nominations (detailed topics of the competition) is given on the competition website http://vlast-narodnaya.rf.

Why take part in the competition?

- Agree that good material should live longer than a newspaper or TV story does. It's a shame when you spend a lot of time looking for information and generalizing it, and every other day you create a work forgotten under the barrage of news and current problems. A good material should be seen by many people.

The competition site has a good ranking on internet search engines and is popular with local journalists looking for approaches to new topics and fresh techniques.

Often serious experts in the field of local self-government visit the site, because where else can one find information in such a concentrated form on local self-government from all over Russia?

By the way, we would like to inform you that the competition is supported by the State Duma Committee on Federal Structure and Local Self-Government Issues. Another partner of the competition is the Administration of the Vyshnevolotsk district of the Tver region, famous for its picturesque places throughout Russia. The laureates of the competition will be able to see this personally, since the final of the competition is planned to be held in Vyshny Volochyok. And this is another reason take part in a competition... And of course, the winners will receive prizes.

How do I apply?

- You need to go to the website of the competition http: //vlast-narodnaya.rf, carefully read the regulations on the competition, and fill out the application form.

Dear Colleagues! It is important for us to know if you received this letter. Please send us a response to confirm (it can be empty), or go to our website using one of the links in this letter.

I wish you success!

Respectfully yours, THE ORGANIZING COMMITTEE of the competition for publications on the problems of local self-government "PEOPLE'S POWER"

The International Association for Assistance to the Development of the Abaza-Abkhaz Ethnos "Alashara" announces an international competition for the best information materials about the life of the Abaza people.

The competition is aimed at motivating journalists and bloggers to cover significant events in the life of the Abaza people.

The competition is held in four directions: the best article, the best photo, the best video, the best Internet resource.

The competition is held in the nominations - Photo, Video, Website / Blog and Text material.

The winners of the nominations will receive cash prizes.

Also the winners of the nominations " The best material in the Abaza language», « The most creative material"And" The youngest participant "will be awarded with special prizes.

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The XI All-Russian competition of publications on the problems of local self-government "People's Power" starts. Deadline for the competition: May 31, 2017.

Organizers of the competition: State Duma Committee on Federal Structure and Local Self-Government Issues.


  • author (group of authors) of the material,
  • media editorial office.

The purpose of the competition is to identify and disseminate advanced journalistic experience in involving citizens in the management of local community affairs.

Directions of the competition:

Our official Vkontakte group: https://vk.com/vsekonkursyru, our telegrams, classmates,
  • The budget of the municipality, including the popularization of information about the budget, the procedure for discussing the budget, the formulation and discussion of proposals to the budget.
  • Strategic planning and development of target programs, including discussion of territorial development plans, demographic forecasts, prospects for socio-economic development, public discussion of target and departmental programs. Consolidation of municipalities, consolidation (liquidation) of urban and rural settlements: “for” and “against”.
  • Procedures for ensuring transparency of LSG and combating corruption, including aspects of interaction of public organizations and citizens with law enforcement agencies, creating an environment of rejection of corruption in the local community.
  • Involvement of citizens in LSG affairs, including public control, rule-making initiatives of citizens and public organizations, the work of representatives of the public in local collegial and advisory bodies.
  • Implementation of the state demographic and family policy at the local level.
  • Development and implementation of local social programs, interaction with socially oriented non-profit organizations.
  • Programs for the development of the local economy, employment, issues of implementation of the Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2012.
  • Cultural development issues. Identification and preservation of cultural objects of local importance. Relationship between culture indicators and the level of economic development.
  • The tourism potential of the municipality, including the analysis of the possibilities of the tourism infrastructure, the assessment of the attractiveness of local attractions, the use of historical facts and biographies of famous people to popularize the area, support for local history.

Requirements for Competition Entries:

  • Works published in local publications of any form of ownership and frequency, or presented in local electronic media, blogs and Internet sites dedicated to local government issues, as well as editorial projects of print and electronic media.
  • Works published within the period from June 1, 2016 to May 31, 2017 are accepted.
  • Valuable prizes (office equipment, tours)

, Instagram, Tvitter (open group "Duels of the Choirs").
Therefore, only a few words about the presentation itself and the project.
"Outpost" is implementing the project in partnership with the "Union of Pensioners of Russia" in Moscow. The essence of the project is to conduct qualifying rounds of the competition for the choirs of pensioners and veterans throughout Moscow. At the end - a Gala - a concert at which the winners and the Consolidated Choir of pensioners and veterans of Moscow will perform, accompanied by the First Symphony Orchestra.
For Moscow, this project will be especially noticeable, because the participants will perform at various city holidays and celebrations. In addition, master classes, open rehearsals, and creative seminars will be held for choir leaders.
But what should be especially noted and what the social networks said little about is the high professional level of the organizers of the project, the jury, and volunteers.
For example, the name of Vladimir Nikolaevich Minin, a project expert and chairman of the jury of choir competitions, means a lot in Moscow's cultural life.
One list of awards and titles of Vladimir Minin takes half a page. Among them is the People's Artist of the RSFSR and the USSR, laureate of the State Prize of the USSR, Knight of the Orders "For Merit to the Fatherland", the Order of Honor, the Order of Friendship - for his great contribution to the development and preservation of the best traditions of Russian national choral art, long-term creative activity. Vladimir Minin was also awarded with many glorious orders of the Russian Orthodox Church: the Order of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir, the Order of the Holy Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow, the Order of Glory and Honor, the Order of Andrew the First-Called.
At the presentation of the project, Vladimir Nikolaevich stressed that it is necessary to revive the traditions of Russian choral singing. And despite being extremely busy and of venerable age, Vladimir Minin is ready to support the project.
Other experts and members of the project jury are no less interesting and highly appreciated in the musical world of Moscow. Among them is Sergey Zheludkov, founder and director of the First Symphony Orchestra. The orchestra supports young and promising composers, performs works by 20th century composers and music by contemporary authors. A unique team - participant and laureate of many Russian and international competitions. And so the leader of this collective took upon himself the mission - to conduct master classes for the leaders of the choir collectives of pensioners and veterans, to organize the rehearsal process of the Consolidated Choir. This will raise the level of performance, bring the teams to a new stage of development.
Among the jury members Baklanova Elena Glebovna - Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, Honored Worker of Culture, Honored Worker and member of the Presidium of the Moscow Musical Society and the All-Russian Choral Society, professor, Anatoly Lvovich Kislyakov - artistic director and chief conductor of the V.S.Popov Big Children's Choir - Honored Artist of Russia.
Already this inflorescence of names gives confidence that the project will become an event in the cultural life of Moscow and will spiritually enrich the older generation of Muscovites.
It should be especially noted that "Duels of Choirs" is held by the "Union for the Support of Youth Initiatives" Forpost ". It has many successful projects. For example," The Patriarch Festival "Chants of the Christian World." the organization has formed a close-knit and very professional team of volunteers who can handle the most difficult projects.
At the presentation, many of the Forpost volunteer squad got acquainted with the new project and expressed a desire to participate in it. It is very symbolic that the presentation took place in the very center of Moscow, in the building of the Center for Continuing Education for Adults opposite the Kremlin. This gave a special meaning and solemnity to each word uttered at the presentation.

Tatiana Kalinina, editor-in-chief of the Russian Municipal Practice magazine.

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