Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill Age censor. What is the age limit (where and when it is applied). Electoral qualifications - what is it? Concept and types

Age censor. What is the age limit (where and when it is applied). Electoral qualifications - what is it? Concept and types

Age qualification

Age qualification is a requirement of the electoral law, according to which the right to participate in elections, reform or hold a certain position is granted only upon reaching a certain age.
In most countries of the world, the age limit for exercising active suffrage is 18 years.
The age limit for the exercise of passive suffrage can be set by lower and upper limits.

See also: Electoral qualifications

  • - the requirement of the electoral law, according to which the right to participate in elections, reform or hold a certain position is granted only upon reaching a certain age ...

    Financial vocabulary

  • - the age established in the legislation, in the presence of which the right to elect and be elected is granted ...

    Encyclopedia of the Lawyer

  • - Establishing the age at which a citizen is given the right to elect and be elected ...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Constitutional Law

  • - in constitutional law, the age at which you can participate in elections, referendums or hold a certain position ...

    Glossary of legal terms

  • - age limit for a particular type of human activity or his ...

    Big Dictionary of Economics

  • - ...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Economics and Law

  • - in electoral law, see Electoral census ...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - B / pr; 109 claim see _ Appendix II I fell ill with an age-related disease. I don't know how this happened, but everything that happens to me, it seems to me, has already happened a long time ago ...

    Dictionary of Russian stresses

  • - ...

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  • - AGE, -a, ...

    Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

  • Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - AGE, age, age, and AGE, age, age. adj. to age; age-specific, age-specific. Age groups of the population. Age limit for school enrollment ...

    Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - age adj. 1.rel. with noun age associated with him 2. Inherent to any age, characteristic of him. 3. Defined by age. 4. Due to age ...

    Efremova's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - age "...

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  • - ...

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  • - adj., number of synonyms: 1 middle-aged ...

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"Age qualification" in books

Age qualification

the author author unknown

The age limit is the age established in the legislation, in the presence of which the right to vote (active suffrage) and to be elected (passive suffrage) is granted.

Citizenship qualification

From the book Encyclopedia of the Lawyer the author author unknown

Citizenship CITIZENSHIP CITIZENSHIP is a requirement established by the constitution or electoral law, according to which a voter or candidate for an elective public office must have the citizenship of the given state. - one of the most

Literacy qualification

From the book Encyclopedia of the Lawyer the author author unknown

Literacy qualification CENS LITERACY is one of the types of educational qualification, the requirement of the electoral law, according to which a voter or a candidate for an elective public office must be able to read and write in the official language (or one of the

Electoral qualification

From the book Encyclopedia of the Lawyer the author author unknown

Electoral qualification ELECTION CENSES (qualifications) - conditions established by the constitution or electoral law for obtaining or exercising active and passive suffrage. In the history of electoral law, a wide variety of qualifications have been used

Property qualification

From the book Encyclopedia of the Lawyer the author author unknown

Property qualification PROPERTY PRICE is a requirement of the electoral law, according to which the right to vote (active or passive) is granted only to citizens who have property of a certain value or who pay taxes at least a certain amount. V

Nationality qualifications

From the book Encyclopedia of the Lawyer the author author unknown

Nationality census NATIONALITY CENS - a requirement of the constitution or electoral law, according to which, in order to have an active or passive suffrage, it is necessary to belong to a certain nationality. N.ts. currently only found

Educational qualification

From the book Encyclopedia of the Lawyer the author author unknown

Educational qualification EDUCATIONAL CENSUS is a requirement of the electoral law, according to which the electoral right (active or passive) is granted only to those citizens who have a certain level, fixed by the corresponding document.

Settlement qualification

From the book Encyclopedia of the Lawyer the author author unknown

Settlement qualification of SETTLEMENT CENS - in constitutional law, a requirement established by law, according to which the acquisition of an active or passive electoral right by a citizen is due to a certain period of residence in a given locality or country at the time

Party qualification

From the book Encyclopedia of the Lawyer the author author unknown

Party qualification PARTY CENSUS is a requirement in a number of states with one-party regimes, according to which, in order to have a passive suffrage, it is necessary to belong to the ruling political party. A different kind of P.ts. currently exist in a number of countries with

Professional qualification

From the book Encyclopedia of the Lawyer the author author unknown

Professional qualification see Service qualification.

Sex cens

From the book Encyclopedia of the Lawyer the author author unknown

Census of sex CENSES OF SEX - legislative restriction of suffrage (active or passive) on the basis of gender, namely, denial of suffrage to women. In the XIX and early XX centuries. existed everywhere. Abolished in New Zealand in 1893, in Finland in 1906, in

Language qualification

From the book Encyclopedia of the Lawyer the author author unknown

Language qualification LANGUAGE CENSUS is a requirement according to which, in order to have voting rights, it is necessary to know the official (state) language (either one of the official languages, or all official languages) of a given state. Distributed in

Age qualification

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (VO) of the author TSB


From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (CE) of the author TSB

Cens Cens (lat. Census, from censeo - making an inventory, census), 1) in Ancient Rome, a census of citizens with an indication of property to determine their socio-political, military and tax status. According to ancient tradition, the introduction of C. is attributed to Tsar Servius Tullius (6th century BC),

Age qualification

From the book of Dreams Come True. Learn the art of achieving whatever you want the author Kolesov Pavel

Age limit Some people seem to have a desire to change their lives. But they are stopped by a delusion about their age. They think that they are already, for example, "over forty" and it is too late to change their way of thinking. I have been conducting trainings for over 16 years. And during this time through

Certain positions and certain activities require an age limit. For their implementation in Russia, as in most other civilized countries, such a concept as the age qualification has been introduced. Spheres of restrictions and age limits are determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

RF government

The law on the age qualification states: every citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached the age of eighteen has the right to participate in the elections of the government of the country. Persons from 21 to 35 years old have the right to propose their candidacy, which depends on the proposed position. A citizen who has reached the age of thirty can become a member of the Federation Council. Deputies of the State Duma must not be less than twenty-one years old.

In the subjects of the Russian Federation:

  • legislative bodies of state power - from twenty one years;
  • local government bodies - from twenty one years;
  • the head of the executive branch - from thirty years old.

RF President

The procedure for electing the President of the Russian Federation provides for the fulfillment of mandatory conditions. First of all, the age limit is observed - adult citizens are allowed to participate in the elections. Persons held in places of deprivation of liberty and incompetent people cannot vote.

Any resident of the country who meets certain conditions can take the post of President of Russia.

  • Citizenship census. The candidate for the position must be a citizen of the Russian Federation. This does not take into account the method of obtaining it.
  • The Census of Settlement. A person who has lived in the country for less than ten years cannot become an applicant. This period should not be interrupted, with the exception of business trips, vacations and other similar trips abroad.
  • Age qualification of the President of the Russian Federation. A resident of the country who has reached the age of thirty-five can become the Supreme Commander-in-Chief. There are currently no upper age limits.


Article 119 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation regulates the requirements for representatives of the judiciary, including the mandatory age limit for a judge. It depends on the perceived responsibility and the complexity of the job.

  • 25 years - an arbitration court of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, regional, constitutional, military (garrison), world.
  • 30 years - regional, military (district), regional, arbitration, federal.
  • 35 years - the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Arbitration Loans of the Russian Federation.
  • 40 years - the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation.

The age limit for a judge is seventy years.

There are other requirements for this position. The more influential the representative of the judiciary, the more restrictions and prohibitions the post implies. For example, no judge should be seen in immoral acts and deeds that defame honor and good name. Participation in political life, joining parties and their material support, holding leading positions of any social movements (including those that are not related to politics) are not available. Of course, the judge is obliged to comply with the law, like all other citizens. But the observation of him is carried out even more attentively.


On January 1, 2015, the amendments to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation came into force. They determine the age limit for leaders of organizations engaged in scientific activities. Under the new law, the position of the head and his deputy can belong to citizens not older than sixty-five years. Upon reaching this age, the pensioner is subject to transfer to another position.

By the decision of the founder and the general meeting of the collective, a postponement of this restriction is possible for no more than five years. Cens affects employees of both state and municipal scientific organizations.

Such measures are aimed at “rejuvenating” the team and relieving managers from the responsible administrative burden. Thanks to this, it becomes possible to devote all the time to scientific activity.

Food restrictions

The Russian Federation has a law restricting the sale of alcohol and tobacco products to minors. Low alcohol and cigarettes can be sold to persons over the age of eighteen, and high alcohol drinks are available only to those who have crossed the threshold of twenty-one. The sale of prohibited products to young customers is punishable by fines, their amount can reach three hundred thousand rubles.

In European countries, a similar age limit is observed, but the age of persons who have access to bad habits is twenty-one years and older. In the Russian Federation, a similar amendment to the Constitution is planned, since the problem of teenage smoking and alcoholism is very urgent. According to the government, eighteen-year-olds cannot make an informed decision whether to drink alcohol or not, or not to smoke. Scientists argue that by the age of twenty-one, a person is able to make the right choice.

A good letterhead will reinforce in dealing with ignorance when drafting a document. This will help save money on hiring a specialist. The money saved is usually desirable. Before using the form, of course, we recommend that you carefully check the paragraphs of the articles of the regulations given in it. At the time of processing, they may lose their strength.

Age qualification - in accordance with modern legislation, the established age at the onset of which a person has the right to elect and be elected. In Russia, all citizens who have reached the age of majority, that is, 18 years old, have the right to vote, while Russian legislation does not allow other age restrictions for active suffrage. Age characteristics characterize the right of a citizen to be elected. So, according to Federal Law No. 124-FZ of September 19, 1997, a candidate for elections to the legislative bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local self-government, as well as to deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation must be at least 21 years old; for the head of the executive power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - the age limit is 30 years, for the President of the Russian Federation - 35 years.

In other dictionaries: 7 entries found

AGE CENSE setting the age at which a citizen is given the right to vote and be elected (see Active.

age limit in constitutional law is the age at which one can participate in elections, referendums, or hold a certain age.

AGE CENSES is the age established in the legislation, in the presence of which the right to elect (active suffrage) and to be is granted.

1) in a broad sense - the age limit for occupying a certain position, engaging in a certain type of activity;

AGE CENSE age limit for occupying a certain position, type of activity.

Age qualification Age qualification is a requirement of the electoral law, according to which the right to participate in elections, reform or to occupy a certain one.

History, grade 8

С Gentle Master (1929) 2 years ago

The Constitution is the main law of the state.

A normative legal act of the highest legal force of a state or a state-territorial community in interstate associations, securing the foundations of the political, economic and legal systems of a given state or community, the foundations of the legal status of the state and the individual, their rights and obligations.

Civil liberties are freedoms that are guaranteed, or should be guaranteed to a person to protect his inalienable rights from the unlawful interference of others, primarily representatives of the authorities and the judiciary.

Age qualification - the age established in the legislation, in the presence of which the right to elect and be elected is granted (passive suffrage.

The state charter of the Russian Empire is a draft constitution of the Russian Federation, developed in the second half of the reign of Alexander I by N.N. Novosiltsev, who previously participated in the development of the charter of the Kingdom of Poland.

Mysticism is a philosophical and theological teaching, as well as a special way of understanding and perceiving the world, based on emotions, intuition and irrationalism.

Remaining Answers


See also other dictionaries:

Age qualification is a requirement of the electoral law, according to which the right to participate in elections, reform or hold a certain position is granted only upon reaching a certain age. In most countries of the world the age limit for exercising ... ... Financial Vocabulary

Age Census - See Age Census Glossary of business terms. Academic.ru. 2001 ... Glossary of Business Terms

AGE CENSE - in constitutional law, the age at which one can participate in elections, referendums or hold a certain position. Currently V.ts. for the exercise of active suffrage in most countries of the world (including the Russian Federation) ... ... Legal Dictionary

AGE CENS - the age limit for occupying a certain position, type of activity. Raizberg B.A. Lozovsky L.Sh. E.B. Starodubtseva Modern economic dictionary. 2nd ed. rev. M. INFRA M. 479 p. 1999 ... Dictionary of Economics

Age qualification - Age restriction is the legislative policy of a number of modern states in relation to works of mass culture, mainly to films, TV shows and computer games, and a rating system directly related to it. ... ... Wikipedia

age qualification - in constitutional law, the age at which one can participate in elections, referendums or hold a certain position. Currently V.ts. for the exercise of active suffrage in most countries of the world (including in the Russian Federation) ... ... A large legal dictionary

Age qualification - in electoral law, see Electoral census ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

AGE CENSE - 1) in a broad sense, the age limit for occupying a certain position, engaging in a certain type of activity; 2) in constitutional law, the requirement of the law, according to which the emergence of certain rights (the right to participate in elections, ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Economics and Law

AGE CENSE - the age established in the legislation, in the presence of which the right to vote (active suffrage) and to be elected (passive suffrage) is granted. In the Russian Federation, the right to vote is granted in all types of elections from the age of 18. ... ... Encyclopedia of the Lawyer

Age limit, age limit is what

Age qualification (age limit) is a restriction associated with the age of a citizen, which consists in the prohibition to carry out any activity until a certain number of years is reached.

For quite a long time there have been disputes regarding the term "age qualification" in the scientific community. This is due to the fact that, according to theorists, this limitation is contrary to the values ​​of a democratic society. For example, the opportunity to take the presidency appears only after a citizen reaches 35 years of age. In contrast to opponents, the legislator emphasizes that the age qualification applies to all citizens in a specific age category, that is, the principle of equality is not violated in any way. In addition, if, for example, you can vote from the age of 18, then this rule does not exclude the possibility of young people under 18 to participate in the political life of society in a different way.

If you follow the trend of Russian legislation, you can find out that the age qualification has its own specifics in various branches of law. For example, despite the fact that general legal capacity arises from the age of 18, citizens who received it, for example, at the age of 17 by virtue of engaging in entrepreneurial activity, will also have a full range of rights and obligations.

In addition, one can trace another trend of the legislator: the tendency to increase the age limit in some areas. This applies, in particular, to the issue of the sale of alcohol. Today, citizens who have reached the age of 18 have the right to buy alcohol. However, initiatives to raise this threshold to 21 years are constantly being submitted to the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

Another topical issue in the area of ​​age qualification is labor relations. Despite the fact that the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for a general age period for starting and ending labor activity (from 16 years to reaching retirement age), very often when applying for a certain position, the requirements for it indicate a restriction in the form of age: for example, men are not older than 40 years ... In fact, this is contrary to the current legislation. But not everyone is in a hurry to apply for the protection of their rights - more often they just leave to look for another job.

Don't know your rights?

Where does the age limit apply?

The scope of application of the age qualification is very diverse. We will dwell on some of them in more detail.

  1. Constitutional law. In this industry, the age limit is applicable in the following cases:
  • For the electorate in the electoral process. Citizens who have reached the age of 18 are allowed to vote in the presidential and other elections in the Russian Federation. The same condition applies to referendums.
  • When filling positions in the municipal / state civil service. For example, a citizen who has reached 35 years of age can become the President of the Russian Federation.
  • Family law. In this context, the age limit should be considered as reaching a certain age for:
    • marriage;
    • alimony payments (for example, able-bodied children who have reached the age of 18 are required to provide for disabled parents);
    • adoption of children;
    • establishment of guardianship and trusteeship, etc.
  • Civil law. Perhaps this is one of the most important industries for the age qualification. It is in the civil legislation that the moment is determined from which a person becomes capable, that is, receives a set of rights and bears responsibility for his obligations (for more details, see the article "From what age comes the age of majority in Russia").
  • Criminal and Administrative Law. In these industries, the qualification applies to the age of responsibility for committing administrative offenses and crimes (16 years). However, in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation there is a clause: for committing some crimes, one must be held accountable from the age of 14 (for details, see the article "At what age does criminal responsibility begin").
  • Thus, the notion of age qualification should be viewed in the context of the field to which it applies. In the Russian Federation, the legislator adheres to the rule that upon reaching the age of 18, a citizen receives a full range of rights and begins to bear responsibility for his actions. It should be borne in mind that there are exceptions to each rule.

    And by other church acts, the age qualification for those assigned to different degrees of the priesthood, for those appointed or elected to certain church positions, for those taking monastic tonsure, as well as for recipients at baptism and for those entering into marriage.

    Serving in different levels of the priesthood requires different minimum ages for those supplied. This is due to the fact that for hierarchical service, maturity of mind, firm convictions, life experience are required, which presuppose reaching a certain age. Right. The 14th Trulli Council establishes the minimum age of a protege for deacon - 25 years, and for presbyter - 30 years: “... so that before thirty years of age you will not be ordained as a presbyter, if only a person was very worthy, but postponed to a reduced age. For the Lord Jesus Christ was baptized in the thirtieth year and began to teach. Likewise, a deacon before twenty-five years ... but not supplied ”(cf .: Neokes. 11; Carp. 16 (22); IV Omn. 15). In the 15th right. The Trulli Council indicates the minimum age of a subdeacon - 20 years, and also establishes a prohibition for clergy who have not reached the Catholic Church: "If anyone, in any sacred degree, will be placed before certain years, let him be expelled."

    The canons are silent about the age of persons appointed to the bishopric. The "Apostolic ordinances" stipulate for a candidate for bishop 50 years of age (Const. Ap. II 1.1). In "Nomokanon XIV Titles" a provision from the 123rd novella of the imp. St. Justinian I. Τ. 1. Σ. 65-66).

    The canons also do not say anything about the age of the recited readers. 123rd short story imp. St. Justinian allows delivering to the reader not earlier than 18 years old (Novell. Just. 123.13).

    In Russia, during the synodal period, the age qualification was determined only in relation to henchmen who did not have a school spiritual education, while graduates of theological schools were supplied before the attainment of the K. century. in the absence of other canonical obstacles. According to the current Statute of the Russian Orthodox Church, deacons and presbyters can be ordained persons who have attained civilian age (Statute of the Russian Orthodox Church, 2000. XI 24); candidates for the bishopric must be at least 30 years old (Ibid. X 10). The charter also determined the age limit for a candidate for patriarch - 40 years (Ibid. IV 17).

    K. in. for those taking monastic tonsure - 17 years (VI Vse. 40; cf .: Vas. Vel. 18). At the same time, it is allowed to take 10-year-old adolescents to prepare for the tonsure (VI Vsel. 40). In Russia, in the synodal era, tonsure was allowed for men no earlier than 30 years old, and women - 40 years old. Departures were permitted with the permission of the Holy Synod. This age limit did not apply to students of theological seminaries and academies, who could receive tonsure at the age of 25, as well as to widowed priests. Local Council of the Orthodox Russian Church 1917-1918 in the definition of 13 Sept. 1918 "On Monasteries and Monastics" lowered the age limit for tonsured people to 25 years. To tonsure a novice at an earlier age, according to the definition of the Council, the blessing of the diocesan bishop was required. The Council of Bishops in 2000 adopted a definition: "In order to improve the spiritual preparation for tonsure and increase the responsibility of those who accept it, it was deemed necessary to switch to the practice of tonsure into the mantle only upon reaching the age of 30, with the exception of students of theological schools and widowed clergy" (Definition of the Jubilee Bishop Council on questions of internal life and external activities of the Russian Orthodox Church // ZhMP. 2000. № 10. P. 14). In essence, this is a return to the practice of the synodal era, with the exception that the same K. century is established. for the monastic tonsure of men and women.

    K. in. set for baptismal recipients. According to the decree of the Holy Synod of May 23, 1836, persons who are at least 17 years old can be the recipients (2 PSZ. Vol. 11. Part 1. No. 9209). This rule remains valid in the present. time.

    There are also certain age limits for marriage, and in contrast to ordination, tonsure and acceptance, not only lower, but also upper. In the "Eclogue" of the emperors Leo III the Isaurian and Constantine V Copronymus, the age is determined for those entering into marriage: 15 years for men and 13 years for women (Eclog. 2. 1), and in the "Prochiron" imp. Basil I the Macedonian this age limit was lowered by a year - 14 and 12 years, respectively (Proch. IV 3, 5). Both of these sources entered glory. I feed the book. The Stoglav Council of 1551 established the norm: the marriageable age for men is 15 years and for women - 12 years (Stoglav. 18 // Russian legislation X-XX centuries. M., 1985. T. 2. S. 287). In practice, for Russia with its sowing. a climate that retards the physical maturation of adolescents, this age was insufficient. In the XVIII century. minimum K. in. for brides was increased to 13 years. By a decree of the Holy Synod of July 19, 1830, it was forbidden to marry if the groom is not 18 years old, and the bride is 16 years old (2 PSZ. Vol. 5. Part 1. No. 3807). This decree did not cancel the previous marriage K. century; then. established 2 age limits for marriage. In practice, the rule was established, according to which a marriage entered into before a man and a woman reached 15 and 13 years, respectively, was considered invalid and was subject to dissolution. Failure by the spouses to reach the age of 18 and 16 was considered an obstacle only prohibitive, and not terminating. Such spouses were separated before reaching K. century, if the consequence of their marriage was not pregnancy or the birth of a child. In modern In the practice of the ROC, the sacrament of the wedding is performed over the spouses who have reached civil majority.

    The church law of marriage also establishes a maximum limit for marriage. St. Basil the Great indicates such a limit for widows - 60 years, for men - 70 years (Vas. Vel. 24, 88). In 1744, the Holy Synod forbade persons over 80 years of age to marry (PSZ. T. 12. No. 9087). Individuals between the ages of 60 and 80 must seek permission from the bishop to marry (see more details in the article Marriage). The upper age limit also applies to those entering into the 3rd marriage. Such a marriage is allowed only as an indulgence and subjects those who entered into it canonical bans (You. Vel. 50). More stringent requirements are imposed on spouses. To enter into a third marriage, 2 conditions are required - age up to 40 years and the absence of children.

    Prot. Vladislav Tsypin

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