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Ecology statements for children. Quotes. Quotes of famous people about ecology

We offer quotes about nature. They were collected in a card index of wise thoughts, which is kept by our library. These sayings and poems were selected from various magazines and newspapers, as well as from Internet resources. The citations are arranged in the alphabet of the authors.

Everything is good in nature, but water is the beauty of all nature. S.T. Aksakov

"You need sun, freedom and a small flower to live." H.K. A ndersen

A person is unhappy only because he does not know nature Holbach Paul Henri

"When visiting nature, do not do anything that you would consider indecent to do while visiting." Armand David Lvovich(Russian geographer).

Man, of course, is the master of nature, but not in the sense of its exploiter, but as one who understands it and bears the moral responsibility for the preservation and improvement in it (and, consequently, in itself) of all living and beautiful things. A.S. Arseniev

Education only develops the moral strength of a person, but does not give them: nature gives them to a person.V.G. Belinsky

The higher the poet's genius, the deeper and more extensively he understands nature and the more successfully he presents it to us in connection with life. Vissarion Belinsky

In every person, nature springs up either in cereals or weeds; let him water the first in time and destroy the second. Francis Bacon

The easiest way to subdue nature is to obey it. F. Bacon

Tree, grass, flower and bird

They do not always know how to defend themselves.

If they are destroyed,

We will be alone on the planet! V. Berestov

A person can develop only in contact with nature, and not in spite of it. V. Bianchi

The whole vast world around me, above me and below me is full of unknown secrets. I will open them all my life, because this is the most exciting activity in the world. V. Bianchi

In nature, a person must draw on the rules for his behavior if he wants to be completely happy. Bouast Pierre

Nature is not for all eyes
Raises its secret veil.
We read it anyway.
But who, reading, understands? D. Venevitinov

Humanity can no longer spontaneously build its history, but must harmonize it with the laws of the biosphere, from which man is inseparable. Humanity on Earth and the living and inanimate nature that surrounds it constitute something single, living according to the general laws of nature. IN AND. Vernadsky

Man made a huge mistake when he thought that he could separate himself from nature and disregard its laws. IN AND. Vernadsky

The welfare of people and peace on Earth, the safety of the planet and the triumph of the "kingdom of reason" - this is everyone's business. IN AND. Vernadsky

Nature is like a cloud: it is constantly changing, while remaining itself. - V.I. Vernadsky. IN AND. Vernadsky

The more we take from the world, the less we leave in it, and ultimately we will have to pay our debts at the very moment that may not be the right time to ensure the continuation of our lives. Wiener

Water has been given the magical power to become the juice of life on earth. Leonardo da Vinci

Nature has taken care of everything in such a way that everywhere you find something to learn. Leonardo da Vinci

In nature, everything is wisely thought out and arranged, everyone must do his own thing, and in this wisdom is the highest justice of life. Leonardo da Vinci

The book of nature is an inexhaustible source of knowledge for man. Voltaire

Motherhood cannot be taken from the Earth,

not take away, how not to draw out the sea. V. Vysotsky

When I contemplate the wonders of the sunset or the grace of the sea, my soul bows down in awe of the Creator. Mahatma Gandhi

Nature is the best book ever written in a particular language. This language must be learned. Garin N. (Garin-Mikhailovsky)

“I plucked a flower and it wilted.

I caught a moth -

And he died in the palm of my hand.

And then I realized

What to touch beauty

It is possible only with the heart " Hviezdoslav Pavol (1849-1921) - Slovak poet .

Traveling, observing nature, capturing its secrets and delighting in this happiness means living. F. Gebler

Man does not become master of nature until he becomes master of himself. Georg Hegel

As a great artist, nature is able to achieve great effects even with small means. G. Heine

Nature is never wrong; if she gives rise to a fool, then she wants it. Show Heine

A. I. Herzen

Nature cannot contradict a person if a person does not reiterate her laws ... A.I. Herzen

Great things are done with great means. Nature alone makes great gifts. A.I. Herzen

All aspirations and efforts of nature are completed by man; they strive for it, they fall into it like into the ocean. A.I. Herzen

In nature, nothing arises instantly and nothing comes into the world in a completely finished form. A.I. Herzen

We live in the midst of nature, we are her friends. She constantly talks to us, but does not reveal her secrets. I.V. Goethe.

People obey the laws of nature even when they act against them. I.V. Goethe

Nature is the only book, each page of which is full of deep content. I.V. Goethe

Nature is the creator of all creators. I.V. Goethe

Nature has no organs of speech, but creates languages ​​and hearts through which she speaks and feels. I.V. Goethe

Nature is always right; mistakes and delusions come from people. I.V. Goethe

Plays of nature are always new, because every time new spectators appear. I.V. Goethe

God forgives and people forgive. Nature never forgives. I.V. Goethe

Nature does not accept jokes; she is always truthful, always serious, always strict; she is always right; mistakes and delusions come from people. Goethe I.

Neither satiety, nor hunger, and nothing else is good if you overstep the measure of nature. Hippocrates

A doctor cures diseases, but nature cures. Hippocrates

Man is unhappy only because he does not know nature. Holbach Paul Henri

Primordial nature must be protected no less than we take care of Raphael's paintings, the Cologne Cathedral, Indian temples; they can be restored if desired. By destroying or endangering many species of animals on Earth, people thereby impoverish not only the Nature around us, but also themselves. B. Grzimek(German zoologist).

Nature is pleasant, attracts and inspires only because it is natural. Wilhelm Humboldt

Culture cannot grow without ecological culture, and ecological culture cannot at all take place in conditions of lack of culture. Danilov-Danilyan Victor Ivanovich

If we allow ourselves the will of imagination, it may suddenly turn out that animals - our brothers in pain, disease, death, suffering and disaster, our slaves in the most difficult work, companions in entertainment - share with us the descent from a common ancestor - and we are all molded from the same clay. Charles Darwin

The more we learn about the immutable laws of nature, the more incredible its miracles become for us. Charles Darwin

We inherited an unspeakably beautiful and varied garden, but the trouble is that we are useless gardeners. We haven't bothered to learn the simplest gardening rules. J. Darrell

The speed with which civilization develops, and, consequently, the speed with which people devastate our amazingly beautiful planet, is growing from month to month. It is everyone's duty to try to prevent the terrible desecration of our world, and everyone can make their own, albeit small, albeit modest contribution to this struggle. J.Darrell Gerald(English zoologist, animalist writer, conservationist and animal conservationist).

They are the most beautiful

What nature gives us on earth

That is her priceless gift,

For all arts a flower -

The sample is unchanged. Jacques Delisle

After all, if the breadth of the fields and the beauty of silence

We were not nice, pleasant and needed

Where would such a craving for them come from?

Everyone secretly values ​​them as a true blessing. Jacques Delisle

Since the man has acquired the skill to plow,

To decorate the house and yard, he felt the urge

And he began to plant around him for beauty

Trees and flowers to your liking.

After all, every garden is a landscape, and it is unique.

He is modest or rich - admire him equally.

Gardeners should be artists! Jacques Delisle ("Gardens, or the Art of Decorating Countryside Views")

Nature is like a woman who, showing from under her clothes one part of her body, then another, gives persistent admirers some hope to know her all someday. Diderot D.

What is Truth? Compliance of our judgments with the creatures of nature. Denis Diderot

How could nature be so bright and beautiful if the destiny of man was not the same? Denis Diderot

Surely tomorrow the seas will freeze

Will the birds be silent, the pines will freeze?

Dawn can no longer rise

And the sky will ask: "Is it really late ?!" N. Dobronravov

Only that is solid and stable, only that has a future, that is done in harmony with nature. V.V. Dokuchaev

Contact with nature is the last word in all progress, science, reason, common sense, taste and excellent manners. F.M. Dostoevsky

He who does not love nature does not love man, he is not a citizen. F.M. Dostoevsky

Take care of these lands, these waters,

Even a small blade of love,

Protect all animals inside nature,

Only kill the beasts within you. E.A. Evtushenko

It is no coincidence that dew breaks out in the morning

Fireflies on the palms of the foliage,

This is how nature looks at us, as if asking

Our help, protection and love. E. Evtushenko

People should not be allowed to direct to their own destruction those forces of nature that they were able to discover and conquer. F. Joliot-Curie

A person's attitude to the environment is already a person himself, his character, his philosophy, his soul, his relationship to other people. S.P. Zalygin

Human behavior in nature is also a mirror of his soul. K.L. Zelinsky

There are no retributions or punishments in nature - only consequences. Robert Ingersoll

A healthy person is the most precious product of nature. Carlyle Thomas(English writer)

Heraclitus argued that one cannot step into the same river twice. Modern ecologists argue that there are rivers that cannot be entered even once E.Kashcheev

The power that holds the cradle of every nation in its hands is the nature of its country. IN. Klyuchevsky (Russian historian)

Be sure to plant a tree, even if the world does end tomorrow. Koran.

Perhaps God created the desert so that man smiles at the trees. Paulo Coelho

Man does not create anything anew, which would not already be in nature in a latent or potential form. Paulo Coelho

Among the high aesthetic pleasures of man lies the enjoyment of nature. I.N. Kramskoy(Russian artist).

Before, nature threatened man, but now man is threatening nature. Cousteau Jacques Yves

Even in his most beautiful dreams, man cannot imagine anything more beautiful than nature. Alphonse de Lamartine

Your physics is worthless if it obscures everything else from you: the rustle of the forest, the colors of the sunset, the ringing of rhymes. This is some kind of truncated physics, if you want - emasculated. I, for example, do not believe in it ... Any isolation, first of all, testifies to limitedness. A physicist who does not perceive poetry or art is a bad physicist. L. D. Landau

Heaven and earth are durable. Heaven and earth are durable because they do not exist for themselves. This is why they can be durable. Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching

We follow the change of snowfalls, bad weather, frost and rain no less than the change of dynasties, parliaments, governments and leaders. Y. Levitansky

Moving away from the conditions of society and approaching nature, we involuntarily become children: everything acquired falls away from the soul, and it becomes again what it once was and, probably, will someday again. M.Yu. Lermontov

A true haven for relaxation, open to all people, is and will be nature. Lingner Max

Birds and animals, flowers and trees cry out to man: save, save where you stand, where you live - at a distance of sight and voice, at least at arm's length. D.S. Likhachev

Ecology should not be limited to the tasks of preserving the environment. A person lives not only in the natural environment, but also in the environment created by the culture of his ancestors, by himself. D.S. Likhachev

There are two sections in ecology: biological ecology and cultural or moral ecology. Failure to comply with the laws of biological ecology can kill a person biologically, and non-compliance with cultural ecology can kill a person morally. And there is no abyss between them, just as there is no clearly defined border between nature and culture. D.S. Likhachev

You can get to know the nature of your native land either with your own eyes or with the help of books. M.V. Lomonosov

Everything is improved by nature. Lucretius

… Let us, people, love the planet. There are no similar ones in the whole Universe. I. Mazin

Man lives by nature. Karl Marx

The road to civilization is paved with tin cans A. Moravia

“In your power, in your power,

So that everything does not split

Into meaningless parts. " Martynov L.N.

Man, even if he were three times a genius,

Remains a thinking plant.

Trees and grass are related to him,

Do not be ashamed of this relationship.

Given to you from your birth

Strength, resistance, vitality of the plant! S. Marshak

We cannot wait for favors from nature; to take them from her is our task. I.V. Michurin

The world is not our environment, but our only home in which we can only live! Humanity must learn to live in harmony with Nature, with its laws. People should perceive themselves not as masters, but as part of Nature. N.N. Moiseev

There is nothing useless in nature . Michelle Montaigne

When we play with a cat, the question is who is playing with whom - I am with her or she is with me. Michelle Montaigne

Nothing in nature is useless, not even uselessness itself ... Montaigne

Nature is a pleasant mentor, and not even so much pleasant as cautious and loyal - Michel Montaigne

Nature can do everything and creates everything. Michel de Montaigne

Only yours and my secret business,

So that the earth flies with humanity forever. Moritz J.

There is no need to clean air and water, it is much more important not to pollute them. A.N. Nesmeyanov

Understand the living language of nature, and you will say: the world is wonderful! I.S. Nikitin

We have changed our environment so radically that now, in order to exist in it, we must change ourselves. . W. Norbert(American mathematician, "father of cybernetics").

Not isolated white spots - a huge ocean of the unknown surrounds us. And the more we know, the more riddles nature gives us. V.A. Obruchev

Us at any time of the year

Wise nature teaches. V. Orlova

Man is the highest product of earthly nature. But in order to use the treasures of nature, in order to enjoy these treasures, a person must be healthy, strong and intelligent. I.P. Pavlov(Russian scientist-physiologist).

You can't write books and not know what herbs grow in local glades and swamps, how birch leaves differ from aspen leaves ..., do titmice fly away for the winter when rye blooms and what winds bring rains or drought, cloudiness or a clear sky ... K. Paustovsky

Nature will act on us with all its power only when we bring into the sensation of its humanity, when our state of mind, our love, our joy, or sorrow come in full accordance with nature and it will no longer be possible to separate the freshness of the morning from the light beloved eyes and the measured noise of the forest from reflections on the life lived. K. Paustovsky.

“Nature needs to be protected, as we protect humans. Descendants will never forgive us for the devastation of the earth, for desecration of what belongs not only to us, but also to them by right ”.K. Paustovsky

And if I sometimes want to live up to one hundred and twenty years, it is only because one life is not enough to experience to the end all the charm and all the healing power of our Russian nature. K. Paustovsky.

Love for your home country begins with love for nature. K. Paustovsky

Understanding nature, humane, respectful attitude to it - one of the elements of morality, a particle of the worldview. K. Paustovsky

Forests not only bring great benefits to man, but also decorate and heal the earth, support life itself on earth. K. Paustovsky

When a man has a dog, he becomes a man. Dogs leave marks on carpets, furniture and clean clothes. But the most noticeable ones are in our hearts. I. Petrakova

All the best in nature belongs to all together Petronius

In the study and conquest of nature, there is no place for personal arbitrariness; here it is impossible to invent, you just need to observe and understand, use the existing forces from the ages and unravel the existing connection of causes and effects from the ages. DI. Pisarev

The great book of nature is open to everyone, and in this great book so far ... only the first pages have been read. DI. Pisarev

Ignorance of nature is the greatest ingratitude. Pliny the Elder

There is no truth without love for nature,

There is no love for nature without a sense of beauty. NS. Polonsky

Since the laws of nature are immutable, they cannot be broken or created. K.R. Popper

The woman who gives birth is closest to nature: on one side she is even nature itself, and on the other - the man himself. Prishvin M. M.

For others, nature is firewood, coal, ore, or a summer cottage, or just a landscape. For me, nature is the environment from which, like flowers, all our human talents grew. M. Prishvin

Environmental protection is a multifaceted and complex process in which everyone takes part. M. Prishvin

Therefore, we rejoice, getting into nature, that here we come to our senses. Prishvin M.M.

Every person in the world has his own unique place and everyone in it needs to decide. If you find it and stand on it, then it will be good for yourself, and for people it will be as if for this you are standing in this place and only for them you are doing everything. M. Prishvin

After all, my friends, I write about nature, but I myself think only about people. We are the masters of nature, and for us she is the storehouse of the sun with the great treasures of life. Fish - water, bird - air, beast - forest, steppe, mountains. And man needs a Motherland, and to protect nature means to protect the Motherland. M. Prishvin

Human! Raise your gaze from earth to heaven - what a wonderful order there is! K. Prutkov

The wind is the breath of nature. K. Prutkov

Ecology has become the loudest word on earth, louder than war and elements. It characterizes the same concept of a universal misfortune that has never existed before humanity. V.G. Rasputin

Christ walked on water. If the pollution of the rivers continues, soon everyone will be able to walk on water.

For too long, mankind has behaved like an unreasonable master on the planet. Creating conveniences for a comfortable life, we have completely forgotten that the resources of nature, alas, are far from unlimited, that our children will have to live in cities where the air is dirty and poisoned. It's time to remember that nature does not forgive mistakes. Man must take care of nature, remember that he himself is a part of this nature. Is it wise to cut the branch you are sitting on? V. G. Rasputin

There is no greater crime than to rape, disfigure, pervert nature. Nature, the unique cradle of life in the Universe, is also a mother who gave birth, nurtured, raised us, and therefore you need to treat her like your mother - with the highest degree of moral love ” V.G. Rasputin

Nature does not need our protection, we need her protection: clean air to breathe, crystal water to drink, all nature to live. N.F. Reimers

"No material goods can replace a healthy living environment" N.F. Reimers

“What everyone can do - do no harm! Don't be indifferent! Do not destroy! He who planted a tree will not break it " N.F. Reimers

If we want to reach some kind of agreement with Nature, then in most cases we will have to accept its conditions. R. Ricklefs

... Forests without birds

and land without water.

Less and less

The surrounding nature.

More -

Environment. R. Rozhdestvensky

There is nothing more resourceful than nature.
The wisdom of nature is amazing, which, with such an endless variety, managed to equalize everyone! Erasmus of Rotterdam

Observe nature and follow the path she shows you. Rousseau Jean-Jacques

How sorry I am for people about whom

They say that their sullen eye

Sees only reservoirs in lakes

And in the forest there is a supply of wood. N.N. Rylenkov(Russian poet).

To protect the Earth, nature, you need to love it, in order to love it, you need to learn, having learned - it is impossible not to love . A.N.Sladkov

I live and breathe by nature,

Inspirational and just writing,

Dissolving the soul in simplicity,

I live on earth in beauty. I. Severyanin

Living happily and living according to nature are the same thing. L.A. Seneca (junior)

Nature searches us at the exit, as at the entrance. You can't take more than you brought. L.A. Seneca (senior)

We are all children of one ship named Earth, which means that there is simply nowhere to change from it ... There is a firm rule: get up in the morning, wash, put yourself in order - and immediately put your planet in order. A. de Saint-Exupery

Water! You have no color, no smell, no taste, you cannot be described ... You are not just necessary for life, you are life. A. de Saint-Exupery

We do not inherit the land from our ancestors, but we borrow it from our children. A. de Saint-Exuper

Hunted and pressed against the wall, the cat turns into a tiger. Miguel Cervantes

Nature is a friend of man. And you have to be friends with a friend.
People cannot live without clean air,
clean water, fresh greenery, sun rays,
even without communication with animals and birds.
These are our fellow countrymen, we live with them on Earth.
And every life requires attention and respect ... N. Sladkov

    ... We are all carried away into the distance on the same planet - we are the crew of the same ship. Antoine de Saint-Exupery

    Without the belief that nature is subject to laws, there can be no science. Norbert Wiener

    Good nature has taken care of everything in such a way that everywhere you find something to learn. Leonardo da Vinci

    The closest thing to the Divine in this world is nature. Astolphe de Custine

    The wind is the breath of nature. Kozma Prutkov

    In an immoral society, all inventions that increase man's power over nature are not only not good, but an undoubted and obvious evil. Lev Tolstoy

    In undeveloped countries it is deadly to drink water, in developed countries it is deadly to breathe air. Jonathan Reiban

    In nature, everything is connected with one another, and there is nothing accidental in it. And if a random phenomenon comes out, look for a human hand in it. Mikhail Prishvin

    There are both grains and dust in nature. William Shakespeare

    In nature, nothing is lost, except for nature itself. Andrey Kryzhanovsky

    Time destroys false opinions, and confirms the judgments of nature. Mark Cicero

    In its own hour, poetry is in nature. John Keats

    All the best in nature belongs to all together. Petronius

    All living things are afraid of torture, all living things are afraid of death; know yourself not only in man, but in every living being, do not kill and do not cause suffering and death. Buddhist wisdom

    In all areas of nature ... a certain pattern dominates, independent of the existence of thinking humanity. Max Planck

    In his tools, man has power over external nature, while for his purposes he is rather subordinate to it. Georg Hegel

    In the old days, the richest countries were those whose nature was the most abundant; the richest countries today are those in which man is most active. Henry Buckle

    Every thing in nature is either a cause directed at you, or a consequence that comes from us. Marsilio Ficino

    Until people listen to the common sense of nature, they will be forced to obey either dictators or the opinion of the people. Wilhelm Schwebel

    A fool is he who is not satisfied with what is happening according to the laws of nature. Epictetus

    They say that one swallow does not make spring; But really, because one swallow does not make spring, the swallow, which already feels spring, should not fly, but wait. So then every bud and grass must wait, and there will be no spring. Lev Tolstoy

    Great things are done with great means. Nature alone makes great gifts. Alexander Ivanovich Herzen

    Even in his most beautiful dreams, man cannot imagine anything more beautiful than nature. Alphonse de Lamartine

    Even the smallest pleasure given to us by nature is a mystery, incomprehensible to the mind. Luc de Vauvenargue

    The ideal of human nature lies in orthobiosis, i.e. in the development of a person in order to achieve a long, active and vigorous old age, leading in the final period to the development of a sense of satiety with life. Ilya Mechnikov

    The search for goals in nature has its source in ignorance. Benedict Spinoza

    He who does not love nature does not love man either - that is a bad citizen. Fedor Dostoevsky

    Whoever looks at nature superficially is easily lost in the boundless "Everything", but whoever listens more deeply to its miracles is constantly led to God, the Master of the world. Karl de Geer

    Our callousness, our selfishness prompts us to look at nature with envy, but she herself will envy us when we recover from ailments. Ralph Emerson

    There is nothing more resourceful than nature. Mark Cicero

    But why change the processes of nature? There may be a deeper philosophy, which we never dreamed of - a philosophy that reveals the secrets of nature, but does not change its course by penetrating into it. Edward Bulwer-Lytton

    One of the most difficult tasks of our time is the problem of slowing down the process of destruction of wildlife ... Archie Carr

    The main law of nature is the preservation of humanity. John Locke

    Let us thank the wise nature for making the necessary easy and the heavy unnecessary. Epicurus

    Until people know the laws of nature, they blindly obey them, and since they have learned them, then the forces of nature obey people. Georgy Plekhanov

    Nature will always take its toll. William Shakespeare

    Nature is a house in which a person lives. Dmitry Likhachev

    Nature is dispassionate towards man; she is not an enemy and not a friend to him; it is now a convenient, now an uncomfortable field for his activities. Nikolay Chernyshevsky

    Nature is an eternal example of art; and the greatest and noblest thing in nature is man. Vissarion Belinsky

    Nature has invested in every kind heart a noble feeling, by virtue of which it itself cannot be happy, but must seek its happiness in others. Johann Goethe

    Nature has put in a person some innate instincts, such as: hunger, sexual feelings, etc., and one of the strongest feelings of this order is the sense of ownership. Pyotr Stolypin

    Nature is always stronger than principles. David Hume

    Nature is one, and there is nothing equal to it: the mother and daughter of herself, she is the Deity of the gods. Consider only her, Nature, and leave the rest to the commoners. Pythagoras

    Nature is, in a sense, the Gospel, proclaiming loudly the creative power, wisdom and all the greatness of God. And not only heaven, but also the bowels of the earth preach the glory of God. Mikhail Lomonosov

    Nature is the cause of everything, it exists due to itself; it will exist and act forever ... Paul Holbach

    Nature, which endowed every animal with the means of subsistence, gave astronomy as an assistant and ally astrology. Johannes Kepler

    Nature scoffs at the decisions and commands of princes, emperors and monarchs, and at their request, she would not change one iota of her laws. Galileo Galilei

    Nature does not make people, people make themselves. Merab Mamardashvili

    Nature knows no stoppage in her movement and puts an end to all inactivity. Johann Goethe

    Nature does not presuppose any goals for itself ... All ultimate causes are only human inventions. Benedict Spinoza

    Nature does not accept jokes, she is always truthful, always serious, always strict; she is always right; mistakes and delusions come from people. Johann Goethe

    Patience is most reminiscent of the way nature creates its creations. Honore de Balzac

    That which is contrary to nature never leads to good. Friedrich Schiller

    A person has quite enough objective reasons to strive to preserve wildlife. But, ultimately, only his love can save nature. Jean Dorst

    Good taste prompted a good society that getting in touch with nature is the very last word of science, reason, and common sense. Fedor Dostoevsky

    Man does not become master of nature until he becomes master of himself. Georg Hegel

    Humanity - without ennobling it with animals and plants - will perish, become impoverished, fall into the anger of despair, like a lonely one in solitude. Andrey Platonov

    The more they delve into the deeds of nature, the more visible becomes the simplicity of the laws that it follows in its deeds. Alexander Radishchev

Ecological puzzle Answer: "Ecology has become the loudest word on earth, louder than war and the elements." (V. Rasputin) Puzzle "Find the beginning" Answer: "The first duty of the one who wants to become healthy is to clear the air around him." (R. Roland.) Puzzle “Agility of the eyes and. ... ... "Answer:" Our future is in the ocean. A person must learn to take care of water pools, take care of them and their inhabitants. »Animals: giraffe, dog, porcupine, horse, wild boar, goat, rhino. Tree puzzle Answer: It is not surprising to cut down a tree - it is difficult to grow it. (Read clockwise, "jumping" over the syllables.) Easter Island Answer: 2 -5 -1 -8 -9 -3 -6 -7 -4

The chroniclers have preserved and brought to us a description of the ecological catastrophe that occurred on Easter Island and has social roots. The record is encrypted and accessible only to wise descendants who will be able to reconstruct the sequence of events and draw a conclusion. 1. Gods love huge stone statues by the ocean. 2. On Easter Island there were many forests, animals, birds, the ocean was rich in fish. 3. To cut down statues in the rock, it is necessary to cut down forests and make ropes from palm fiber to install the statues. 4. On Easter Island, only rough grass grows, there is no forest, birds, animals. People are starving, living in dugouts, boats are made of twigs and clay, fish are caught only near the shore. 5. People lived well, loved their gods and priests. 6. Forests disappeared - animals and birds were gone, there was no material for the construction of huts and boats, there was nothing to fish with. 7. A terrible famine led to cannibalism, both priests and servants perished - the population decreased several times. 8. Priests love power, and a lot of statues means a lot of power. 9. The people must carve statues in the rocks and set them up on the shore - this pleases the gods, and the priests of their tribe will become more powerful than the priests of neighboring tribes. 10. Make a conclusion yourself.

Students are divided into groups: Water experts Climate experts Forest experts Constructors

Task I group Do we really consume so much water that there is a danger of its depletion? Ø What are the reasons for the possible lack of water in some areas of the world? Ø Where and how is the water used? Ø What does the pollution of the World Ocean waters lead to? Ø What needs to be done to conserve water resources.

Task II group Does the climate on Earth depend on the state of the atmosphere? Ø What is the cause of air pollution? Ø What are the consequences of air pollution? Ø What is the "greenhouse effect"? Pros and cons of the "greenhouse effect"

Task III group The famous geographer and traveler A. Humboldt argued that "man is preceded by forests, and accompanied by deserts." Why does the scientist think so? Ø What are the consequences of deforestation? Ø What are the direct and indirect human influence on flora and fauna?

In the figure, the proverb about a careful attitude to the world around is encrypted. Decipher it. How do you understand this proverb?

Answer. It is not surprising to cut down a tree - it is difficult to grow it. (It should be read clockwise, "jumping" over the syllables.)

Figure Puzzle

The words "guide", "doctor", "nose", "you", "silk", "chill" will help you to solve this puzzle. Number the letters in these words and replace numbers with them.
If you do this correctly, you will be able to read Epicharma's statement about the highest good for man.
Do you agree with these words? Maybe there is something more valuable?

Answer."For a person, health is the greatest blessing."

Find the key puzzle

Starting from the upper left cell, moving horizontally (left or right) or vertically (up or down), go through all the cells in such a way that the letters in order form V. Goethe's statement about nature conservation.

Answer."Nature is the only book whose content is equally significant on all pages."

Cryptogram "About property"

Decipher the statement of Plutarch. How do you understand it?

Answer."The two main assets of human nature are intelligence and reasoning."

Cryptogram "Encryption"

Using the key, you can read the proverb about health.


Answer."Smoking is harmful to health."

Ecological rebus

Answer."Ecology has become the loudest word on earth, louder than war and the elements." (V.Rasputin)

Crossword "Scientists and poets about ecology and life"


1. The ancient problem of the relationship between man and nature in our time has acquired a new, sometimes loud sound. About this the lines of the poet:

“People have become strong as gods,
And the fate of the Earth is in their hands.
But the terrible burns darken
On the sides of the globe. "

5. The poet who wrote about the transformation of nature by man:

“Where boats swayed yesterday -
The winches are working.
Where the river reeds rustled -
The steam engine drives around.
Where fish splashed yesterday -
Dynamite explodes boulders. "

6. German naturalist who coined the term "ecology".

7. Famous American ecologist, author of a textbook on ecology:

“When the science of home (ecology) and the science of housekeeping (economics) merge, and when the subject of ethics expands to include, along with human-produced values, those created by the environment, then we can actually become optimists. , concerning the future of mankind ".

12. Famous Russian scientist, mathematician, who paid great attention to ecology:

"The world in which a person lives is just a complex of limited resources, which from intensive consumption either deplete, or - like air and water - become worthless."

14. Russian poet, diplomat who defined the natural environment:

“... Not what you think, nature:
Not a cast, not a soulless face -
She has a soul
there is freedom in it.
There is love in her
it has a language ... "

15. The great Russian poet, who expressed a very relevant idea for today:

"The fate of your coming days,
My son, from now on it is in your will. "

16. He wrote about the need to preserve water, air, earth

“Nature has three treasures:
Water, earth and air -
its three foundations.
Whatever trouble struck:
They are whole -
everything will be reborn again ... "

“Do not destroy the last swamp,
Have mercy on the hunted wolf.
To keep something on the ground
What aches in my chest. "

“You can't take a step in nature,
So that immediately so and so
She can't be paid with anything
For this very step. "

3. The poet who wrote about the Vavrarian attitude of man to nature:

"We fire into anything -
greedy eyes!
And we chop, and explode, and korezhim.
Mother Nature
waiting for mercy from us,
And she will take it from us,
alas, it cannot! "

4. The famous Russian writer, poet, who wrote about the unity of man and nature:

You, the sea of ​​the noisy abyss;
You, the vastness of the eternal sky,
And you, shining a brilliant choir,
And you are the native land of the peaks,
Fields and variegated flowers
And streaming waters from the mountains -
Separate features
An all-breathing nature:
What thread tied you
Is one brighter and more beautiful than the other?
How is the law to explain
Our mysterious kinship?

8. A German poet wrote about the cycle of substances:

"In everything, trying to eavesdrop on life,
They are in a hurry to deafen the phenomenon,
Forgetting that if you break them
Inspirational connection
There is nothing more to listen to. "

9. The great playwright and poet, in the 16th century. which determined one of the main tasks of ecology:

“The time of miracles has passed, and we
You have to look for reasons
Everything that happens in the world. "

10. The poet who warned about the consequences of human ecological illiteracy:

"Is the birch a cripple,
Leaning towards the last river
The last man
Will he see her boiling water? "

11. The poet who wrote the appeal of nature to man with an appeal to think about his power:

“I hear the voice of Nature,
Breaking through to shout,
To arise out of chaos,
Maybe not in the name
Necessarily us with you,
But so that we become alive
Thinking creatures
And nature's voice repeats:
“In your power,
in your power,
So that everything does not split
Into countless pieces! "

13. An Italian naturalist (XVII century), who studied the issues of the origin of organisms and gave a short formula "All living things come from living things", which was called the principle of the name of this scientist.



1. Plotnikov. 5. Marshak. 6. Haeckel. 7. Odum. 12. Moiseev. 14. Tyutchev. 15. Pushkin. 16. Prishvin. 17. Kunyaeva.


2. Tvardovsky. 3. Vikulov. 4. Tolstoy. 8. Goethe. 9. Shakespeare. 10. Evtushenko. 11. Martynov. 13. Redi.

Quotes about nature

Hello everyone!

Dear friends, I bring to your attention a selection of quotes about nature (in pictures and text)... Hope you find them useful in work in the design of exhibitions, stands etc.

Everything is good in nature, but water is the beauty of all nature.

S.T. Aksakov

A person is unhappy only because he does not know nature

Holbach Paul Henri

Man, of course, is the master of nature, but not in the sense of its exploiter, but as one who understands it and bears the moral responsibility for the preservation and improvement in it (and, consequently, in itself) of all living and beautiful things.

A.S. Arseniev

Education only develops the moral strength of a person, but does not give them: nature gives them to a person.

V.G. Belinsky

The easiest way to subdue nature is to obey it. F. Bacon

A person can develop only in contact with nature, and not in spite of it. V. Bianchi

The whole vast world around me, above me and below me is full of unknown secrets. I will open them all my life, because this is the most exciting activity in the world. V. Bianchi

In nature, a person must draw on the rules for his behavior if he wants to be completely happy. Bouast Pierre

Nature is not for all eyes

Raises its secret veil.

We read it anyway.

But who, reading, understands?

D. Venevitinov

Humanity can no longer spontaneously build its history, but must harmonize it with the laws of the biosphere, from which man is inseparable. Humanity on Earth and the living and inanimate nature that surrounds it constitute something single, living according to the general laws of nature.

IN AND. Vernadsky

Man made a huge mistake when he thought that he could separate himself from nature and disregard its laws.

IN AND. Vernadsky

The more we take from the world, the less we leave in it, and ultimately we will have to pay our debts at the very moment that may not be the right time to ensure the continuation of our lives. Wiener

Water has been given the magical power to become the juice of life on earth.Leonardo da Vinci

Nature has taken care of everything in such a way that everywhere you find something to learn. Leonardo da Vinci

In nature, everything is wisely thought out and arranged, everyone must do his own thing, and in this wisdom is the highest justice of life. Leonardo da Vinci

The book of nature is an inexhaustible source of knowledge for man. Voltaire

Motherhood can not be taken from the Earth, not taken away, how not to bail out the seas.V. Vysotsky

Nature is the best book ever written in a particular language. This language must be learned. Garin N. (Garin-Mikhailovsky)

Traveling, observing nature, capturing its secrets and delighting in this happiness means living. F. Gebler

As a great artist, nature is able to achieve great effects even with small means. G. Heine

Nature cannot contradict a person if a person does not reiterate her laws ... A.I. Herzen

Great things are done with great means. Nature alone makes great gifts. A.I. Herzen

All aspirations and efforts of nature are completed by man; they strive for it, they fall into it like into the ocean. A.I. Herzen

In nature, nothing arises instantly and nothing comes into the world in a completely finished form. A.I. Herzen

We live in the midst of nature, we are her friends. She constantly talks to us, but does not reveal her secrets. I.V. Goethe.

People obey the laws of nature even when they act against them. I.V. Goethe

Nature is the only book, each page of which is full of deep content. I.V. Goethe

Nature is the creator of all creators. I.V. Goethe

Nature has no organs of speech, but creates languages ​​and hearts through which she speaks and feels. I.V. Goethe

Nature is always right; mistakes and delusions come from people. I.V. Goethe

Plays of nature are always new, because every time new spectators appear. I.V. Goethe

God forgives and people forgive. Nature never forgives. I.V. Goethe

Neither satiety, nor hunger, and nothing else is good if you overstep the measure of nature. Hippocrates

A doctor cures diseases, but nature cures. Hippocrates

Man is unhappy only because he does not know nature.

Holbach Paul Henri

Culture cannot grow without ecological culture, and ecological culture cannot at all take place in conditions of lack of culture. Danilov-Danilyan Victor Ivanovich

The more we learn about the immutable laws of nature, the more incredible its miracles become for us. Charles Darwin

We inherited an unspeakably beautiful and varied garden, but the trouble is that we are useless gardeners. We haven't bothered to learn the simplest gardening rules. J. Darrell

They are the most beautiful

What nature gives us on earth

That is her priceless gift,

For all arts a flower -

The sample is unchanged.

Jacques Delisle

After all, if the breadth of the fields and the beauty of silence

We were not nice, pleasant and needed

Where would such a craving for them come from?

Everyone secretly values ​​them as a true blessing.

Jacques Delisle

Since the man has acquired the skill to plow,

To decorate the house and yard, he felt the urge

And he began to plant around him for beauty

Trees and flowers to your liking.

After all, every garden is a landscape, and it is unique.

He is modest or rich - admire him equally.

Gardeners should be artists!

Jacques Delisle("Gardens, or the Art of Decorating Countryside Views")

Only that is solid and stable, only that has a future, that is done in harmony with nature. V.V. Dokuchaev

Contact with nature is the last word in all progress, science, reason, common sense, taste and excellent manners. F.M. Dostoevsky

Take care of these lands, these waters,

Even a small blade of love,

Protect all animals inside nature,

Only kill the beasts within you.

E.A. Evtushenko

It is no coincidence that dew breaks out in the morning

Fireflies on the palms of the foliage,

This is how nature looks at us, as if asking

Our help, protection and love.

E. Evtushenko

People should not be allowed to direct to their own destruction those forces of nature that they were able to discover and conquer. F. Joliot-Curie

A person's attitude to the environment is already a person himself, his character, his philosophy, his soul, his relationship to other people. S.P. Zalygin

Human behavior in nature is also a mirror of his soul. K.L. Zelinsky

There are no retributions or punishments in nature - only consequences. Robert Ingersoll

Heraclitus argued that one cannot step into the same river twice. Modern ecologists argue that there are rivers that cannot be entered even once E. Kascheev

Be sure to plant a tree, even if the world does end tomorrow. Koran.

Perhaps God created the desert so that man smiles at the trees. Paulo Coelho

Before, nature threatened man, but now man is threatening nature. Cousteau Jacques Yves

Your physics is worthless if it obscures everything else from you: the rustle of the forest, the colors of the sunset, the ringing of rhymes. This is some kind of truncated physics, if you want - emasculated. I, for example, do not believe in it ... Any isolation, first of all, testifies to limitedness. A physicist who does not perceive poetry or art is a bad physicist. L. D. Landau

Moving away from the conditions of society and approaching nature, we involuntarily become children: everything acquired falls away from the soul, and it becomes again what it once was and, probably, will someday again. M.Yu. Lermontov

A true haven for relaxation, open to all people, is and will be nature. Lingner Max

Birds and animals, flowers and trees cry out to man: save, save where you stand, where you live - at a distance of sight and voice, at least at arm's length. D.S. Likhachev

Ecology should not be limited to the tasks of preserving the environment. A person lives not only in the natural environment, but also in the environment created by the culture of his ancestors, by himself. D.S. Likhachev

There are two sections in ecology: biological ecology and cultural or moral ecology. Failure to comply with the laws of biological ecology can kill a person biologically, and non-compliance with cultural ecology can kill a person morally. And there is no abyss between them, just as there is no clearly defined border between nature and culture. D.S. Likhachev

You can get to know the nature of your native land either with your own eyes or with the help of books. M.V. Lomonosov

… Let us, people, love the planet. There are no similar ones in the whole Universe.

I. Mazin

The road to civilization is paved with tin cans A. Moravia

“In your power, in your power,

So that everything does not split

Into meaningless parts. "

Martynov L.N.

Man, even if he were three times a genius,

Remains a thinking plant.

Trees and grass are related to him,

Do not be ashamed of this relationship.

Given to you from your birth

Strength, resistance, vitality of the plant!

S. Marshak

We cannot wait for favors from nature; to take them from her is our task. I.V. Michurin

The world is not our environment, but our only home in which we can only live! Humanity must learn to live in harmony with Nature, with its laws. People should perceive themselves not as masters, but as part of Nature. N.N. Moiseev

Only yours and my secret business,

So that the earth flies with humanity forever.

Moritz J.

Nature is a book that must be read and understood correctly. Misunderstanding is very harmful. M. L. Nalbandyan

There is no need to clean air and water, it is much more important not to pollute them. A.N. Nesmeyanov

Understand the living language of nature, and you will say: the world is wonderful! I.S. Nikitin

Not isolated white spots - a huge ocean of the unknown surrounds us. And the more we know, the more riddles nature gives us. V.A. Obruchev

Us at any time of the year

Wise nature teaches.

V. Orlova

“I plucked a flower and it wilted.

I caught a moth -

And he died in the palm of my hand.

And then I realized

What to touch beauty

It is possible only with the heart "

Gvezdoslav Pavol(1849-1921) - Slovak poet.

You can't write books and not know what herbs grow in local glades and swamps, how birch leaves differ from aspen leaves ..., do titmice fly away for the winter when rye blooms and what winds bring rains or drought, cloudiness or a clear sky ...K. Paustovsky

Nature will act on us with all its power only when we bring into the sensation of its humanity, when our state of mind, our love, our joy or sorrow come in full accordance with nature and it will no longer be possible to separate the freshness of the morning from the light of our loved ones the eye and the measured noise of the forest from reflections on the life lived.

K. Paustovsky.

“Nature needs to be protected, as we protect humans. Descendants will never forgive us for the devastation of the earth, for desecration of what belongs not only to us, but also to them by right ”.

K. Paustovsky

And if I sometimes want to live up to one hundred and twenty years, it is only because one life is not enough to experience to the end all the charm and all the healing power of our Russian nature.

K. Paustovsky.

Love for your home country begins with love for nature. K. Paustovsky

Understanding nature, humane, respectful attitude to it - one of the elements of morality, a particle of the worldview. K. Paustovsky

When a man has a dog, he becomes a man. Dogs leave marks on carpets, furniture and clean clothes. But the most noticeable ones are in our hearts. I. Petrakova

In the study and conquest of nature, there is no place for personal arbitrariness; here it is impossible to invent, you just need to observe and understand, use the existing forces from the ages and unravel the existing connection of causes and effects from the ages. DI. Pisarev

The great book of nature is open to everyone, and in this great book so far ... only the first pages have been read. DI. Pisarev

Ignorance of nature is the greatest ingratitude. Pliny the Elder

There is no truth without love for nature,

There is no love for nature without a sense of beauty.

NS. Polonsky

Since the laws of nature are immutable, they cannot be broken or created. K.R. Popper

For others, nature is firewood, coal, ore, or a summer cottage, or just a landscape. For me, nature is the environment from which, like flowers, all our human talents grew. M. Prishvin

Environmental protection is a multifaceted and complex process in which everyone takes part. M. Prishvin

Every person in the world has his own unique place and everyone in it needs to decide. If you find it and stand on it, then it will be good for yourself, and for people it will be as if for this you are standing in this place and only for them you are doing everything.

M. Prishvin

After all, my friends, I write about nature, but I myself think only about people. We are the masters of nature, and for us she is the storehouse of the sun with the great treasures of life. Fish - water, bird - air, beast - forest, steppe, mountains. And man needs a Motherland, and to protect nature means to protect the Motherland. M. Prishvin

Human! Raise your gaze from earth to heaven - what a wonderful order there is! K. Prutkov

The wind is the breath of nature. K. Prutkov

Ecology has become the loudest word on earth, louder than war and elements. It characterizes the same concept of a universal misfortune that has never existed before humanity.

V.G. Rasputin

For too long, mankind has behaved like an unreasonable master on the planet. Creating conveniences for a comfortable life, we have completely forgotten that the resources of nature, alas, are far from unlimited, that our children will have to live in cities where the air is dirty and poisoned. It's time to remember that nature does not forgive mistakes. Man must take care of nature, remember that he himself is a part of this nature. Is it wise to cut the branch you are sitting on?

V. G. Rasputin

There is no greater crime than to rape, disfigure, pervert nature. Nature, the unique cradle of life in the Universe, is also a mother who gave birth, nurtured, raised us, and therefore you need to treat her like your mother - with the highest degree of moral love ” V.G. Rasputin

Nature does not need our protection, we need her protection: clean air to breathe, crystal water to drink, all nature to live. N.F. Reimers

"No material goods can replace a healthy living environment" N.F. Reimers

“What everyone can do - do no harm! Don't be indifferent! Do not destroy! He who planted a tree will not break it " N.F. Reimers

If we want to reach some kind of agreement with Nature, then in most cases we will have to accept its conditions. R. Ricklefs

... Forests without birds

and land without water.

Less and less

The surrounding nature.

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R. Rozhdestvensky

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