Home Garden on the windowsill Sounds for windows 7 with automatic installation. Windows sound scheme download torrent. How to Change the Windows Sound Scheme

Sounds for windows 7 with automatic installation. Windows sound scheme download torrent. How to Change the Windows Sound Scheme


In addition, various sounds accompany events such as the occurrence of an error, the appearance of a dialog box, the transition from directory to directory, and others.

All this sound determines the sound design of the Windows operating system and makes up its sound scheme.

Sound scheme for Windows 7

But situations may arise when, for some reason, the standard sound of events in Windows needs to be changed, some, for example, like their voice design.

Or it happens that as a result of experiments with themes, the sound scheme has gone astray, does not function properly, and the scheme needs to be restored.

For these reasons, it is possible to create your own sound scheme using the capabilities provided by the operating system.

To do this, you need to prepare a microphone and record some of your sounds and melodies. That is, change the standard sound design of the Windows OS to your own, of your own making.

The only thing to consider is that only the .wav extension is used as sound formats in Windows 7.

How to Change the Windows Sound Scheme

To change the sound scheme of Windows, select the section in the control panel Equipment and sound, then follow the link - .

A dialog box opens Sound, and in it go to the tab .

The top part of the window lists the sound schemes that exist in the system. From this list, you can choose any scheme that you like.

Below is the second list, these are program events to which certain sounds can be associated in Windows.

Moreover, some programs can add their own events to this list when they are installed.

Listed Program events You may notice that some events have an icon in the form of a speaker, while others do not.

This means that near the events where the speaker icon is located, there is an acoustic effect, and nothing is suitable for other events.

Before you start replacing sounds, you need to decide whether to change the sound scheme to a ready-made one, or create a new one.

It should be understood that the development of another sound scheme is possible on the basis of some already existing one.

Therefore, in the created scheme, it is possible to change only a certain number of sounds, while others will have to be left unchanged.

It is quite convenient to use not one sound scheme, but several, since it is possible, at the same time, to quickly change sounds at will, creating one or the other.

From the list Sound scheme you can choose one of the ready-made schemes.

To change some sound, select the necessary event with a mouse click, then click Review and select the desired sound file.

To listen to it, click on the button Verify. Then, after you have finished changing the sound scheme, you should save it.

It is possible to create several such sound schemes for Windows. To delete the created sound scheme, just select it in the list and click Delete.

There are also various services that offer to download a ready-made sound scheme for Windows 7 for free and fine-tune it according to your needs and preferences.

Hello dear readers. In order to make my Windows original and unique, I have already given you a bunch of tools and programs, if you forgot, let me remind you ...

Start button replacement and neon window lighting

Change the background of folders

Animation when opening folders

Virtual desktops

colored folders

Navigating in explorer with the mouse

Useful additional information on the site:

Cursor Sets

Convenient Nexus panel…

As you can see, you can transform your system in such a way that friends and acquaintances will run after you with pleas to discover the secret of how to do it all (to get behind - we give them a link to this article.).

So today I want to give you another tool to stand out from the crowd. it wav sounds. The fact is that it is this sound format that is used in the system and in many other programs. For example, in the same Nexus panel or the Punto Switcher program.

Finding wav sounds on the net is not difficult, of course, but you will have to weed out a lot of garbage like all sorts of burps and farts. So I picked up for you a whole package of normal, original sounds that I personally liked. Naturally, I will show and tell you how to apply them. I will also tell you about a light, free program with which you can make wav sounds from any mp3 file in a second.

Without unnecessary letters - here is my selection of original sounds ...

Download sounds wav: 17 Mb

There are several folders in the archive. You can listen to it in a player, for example Aimp3, but it will not be the same - they are short and you won’t even have time to hear some. We will listen to them immediately upon application.

More useful information on the website:

How to change system sounds

Very easy. We go to "Control Panel", there we find "Sound". In the window that opens, go to the "Sounds" tab and we are in place.

You can completely change the sound scheme by selecting from the drop-down list when you click on the "Default" button. These schemes on the Internet, too, the sea. But we are now considering the replacement of individual sounds. Therefore, select the sound that we want to replace and click "Browse". Specify the downloaded folder and select the sound by clicking "Listen". Have you chosen? Now "Apply" and "OK", that's it.

In the Nexus panel, for example, sound replacement can be done here ...

MP3 to WAV

Of course, it's all good that someone did it for us and picked up wav sounds, but he has his own taste, and as you know, the taste and color - everyone's felt-tip pens are different.

And if you already have sounds cut with mp3DirectCut, but they are in mp3, what should you do? To solve this issue, there is an easy and free program. Free WAV MP3 Converter. Let's download it now and see in pictures how to use it ...

Download Free WAV MP3 Converter

File size 2.4 Mb. Viruses are absent. The converter works in all versions of Windows.

Install Free WAV MP3 Converter

There is no Russian, but it is not needed - everything is done with two buttons ...

Oh pa, our "favorite" Yandex bar. How without it? The bastard disguised himself in English, he thought at least he would crawl through to our computer, yeah - now. We remove the jackdaws - we move on ...

Start button menu - you can call it your own ...

Checkbox to make a shortcut to the desktop ...

Some kind of license - we agree ...

Tortured - the last trouble. Some kind of questionnaire of program producers - for some reason they want to know how many computers, children, boots size, etc. we have. . You can, as in the screenshot, indicate, it does not matter.


We immediately go to the settings and assign a folder for the converted sounds, so as not to look for them all over the computer and not clog the system.

Probably, it will not be an exaggeration that every user of a personal computer sooner or later begins to design the installed operating system for himself. I don't like the standard loading window, or the color scheme. Sometimes you want to change the look of folders. Yes, little.

Windows sounds are annoying too. If various system events are played, as a rule, without causing irritation, then the sounds of greeting and shutdown leave much to be desired. If you decide to change something in your operating system, then perhaps the most interesting thing will be to change the standard Windows welcome and shutdown to a pleasant female voice: "Hi" that you will hear when you turn on the computer and "Bye" during it. shutdown.

Replacing system sounds in Windows XP is not difficult. It is enough to place them in the “Windows> Media” folder. Then through the "Control Panel> Sounds and Audio Devices> Sounds" change to your own sounds, which should be in WAV format (Windows PCM). Download free sounds "Hello", "Bye, bye ..." forWindows XP can .

Windows startup and shutdown ringtones

Windows 7 is a little different. Not all system sounds are in the Windows > Media folder. This Windows 7 upgrade requires two files. One of them is called "imageres.dll", which contains a greeting, and an audio file in WAV format (Windows PCM), whose name can be anything.

To get started, download "imageres.dll" with "Hi" greeting sound for free, a WAV file with "Bye, bye..." sound.

However, the imageres.dll library is protected by Windows 7 and the operating system tools cannot replace the file using standard delete, copy, etc. operations. To replace the "imageres.dll" library, you first need to take ownership of this file, then change the permission settings for system folders in relation to the "imageres.dll" file.

Stage number 1. Take ownership of the "imageres.dll" file.

To take ownership of the "imageres.dll" file, go to C:\Windows\System32.

Select the file "imageres.dll" with the right mouse button and select "Properties".

The Imageres.dll Properties tab opens

Select "Security" from the properties menu.

In the new window, click "Advanced".

In the "Advanced security settings for imageres.dll" tab, click "Owner".

Click Edit.

Highlight "Administrators (X\Administrators)" with the left mouse button and click "Apply". You will see that you have just become the owner of this object. And to change the permissions, you need to close and reopen the properties window of this object, that is, the imageres.dll file.

Click OK.

Stage number 2. Change permissions.

To change the permissions for the "imageres.dll" file, go to C:\Windows\System32 again. Select file "imageres.dll" right click and select "Properties". In the "imageres.dll" properties, click "Security".

Highlight with the left mouse button « Administrators (X\Administrators) » and click "Advanced".

Highlight "Permission... Administrators (X\Administrator...)" and click "Change Permissions".

Highlight "Allow... Administrators (X\Administrator...)" again and click "Edit".

In the "Permission element for "imageres.dll" tab, check the boxes next to all permissions and click "OK".

In response to the Windows security warning that you are about to change the permission settings for system folders, which may lead to unexpected problems and compromise security, click "YES".

Select the file "imageres.dll" with the right mouse button and select "Rename". As an example, you can change the file extension to, for example, "imageres.dll". And click OK. Copy the new "imageres.dll" file to the C:\Windows\System32 folder.

Restart your computer. As the computer boots up, you will hear a "Hi" greeting. After the reboot, the renamed imageres.dlll file can be deleted from the System32 folder.

As for the Windows shutdown sound, go to C:\Windows\Media, create in the folder « Media » folder with any name and place audio file with "bye bye" sound to the created folder.

Then follow the path "Control Panel > Hardware and Sound > Change System Sounds". From the list of events, select "Windows shutdown". Through the "Browse" button, specify the path to the file. Click Check. If you hear "Bye Bye" sounds, click Apply and OK.

To play a welcome melody when Windows boots, in the system sound settings opposite "Play startup melody Windows" should be checked.
When you change the sound scheme or theme, the welcome sound remains the same. But the sound of shutting down Windows will have to be turned on again.

Sound greeting "Hello" for Windows 10 can be downloaded for free. In the archive instruction in video format. As for the sound accompaniment of Windows shutdown, such a system event in the new operating system Windows 10 not provided.

Keep in mind that working with system files is always risky. If you are using hard drive data backup programs, create a backup copy of your operating system and bootable media with a standalone version of the program! If you are using Acronis products, first make the change by enabling the Try&Decide mode (trial mode), which allows you to create a virtual disk with your operating system. Using this temporary virtual disk, completely isolated from the installed system, you can make any changes to the system without worrying that they may damage the system installed on your computer! Or, use the built-in Windows Backup and Restore component to create a system backup (system image). Create a system repair disc to help you fix a problem with your computer if it won't start. To gain access to component "Backup and Restore" right-click the Start button and select "Control Panel" > "Backup and Restore (Windows 7)".

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Software description: To everyone who, like me, is annoyed by the standard sounds of Windows, I offer a selection of cool sounds from movies and cartoons, as well as musical excerpts for starting and shutting down the computer in addition to changing the Windows sound scheme!

To introduce a small but effective variety into the sound design of your operating system, I offer the sounds made by me personally in the wav format understandable by Windows itself. If you like this solution of the issue, you will always be able to further change the sound scheme, giving it further originality and individuality!

For serious working computers, it is possible in case of "emergency" - in the form of an unexpected visit from the boss, a quick return to the standard scheme in just a few seconds!

Year: 2009
OS: Microsoft® Windows® 2000, XP, Vista, Seven
Quantity: 50 sounds
Size: 67.4 Mb

Adding files and changing the sound scheme on Windows XP:
1. Open the Windows folder, find the Media folder there and stupidly copy all the contents of the Zwuki folder into it.
3. Go to Sounds and audio devices and there in the opened Properties click on the Register Sounds at the top.
what sound is currently set.
5. Replacing the standard sound with another is done by pressing the Browse button and selecting a sound, which can also be first listened to through the button with a triangle, press OK, make sure that a new name appears below, press the Apply button!
7. This scheme has been changed, you can create several different schemes and download them as you get bored or "emergency"!

Adding files and changing the sound scheme on Windows Vista:
1. Open the Windows folder, find the Media folder there and stupidly copy all the contents of the Zwuki folder into it, it's better to do this on behalf of the Administrator.
2. Go through the Start button to the Control Panel, if there are few icons on a blue background, then for simplicity, switch to the Classic view.
3. Go to Sounds and audio devices and there, in the opened Properties, click on the top in the 3rd Register of Sounds.
4. There, moving the slider down and up to the right, see what sounds are offered as standard by the system itself, the name will be displayed below and next to the button with the Play triangle - you can listen,
what sound is currently set. You can also uncheck the box next to Play Windows startup melody.
5. Replacing the standard sound with another is done by pressing the Browse button and selecting a sound, which can also be first listened to through the button with a triangle where Check, click OK, make sure that a new name appears below, click the Apply button!
6. This sound scheme can be saved by giving it a name by pressing the Save as... button and then OK!
7. This scheme has been changed, you can create several different schemes and upload
them as they get bored or "emergency"!

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