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American Colleges of Acting. "Merciless Spectacle": how is admission to theatrical universities. Case of life

Showing entries 1-13 from 13

Vaganova Academy of Russian Ballet
ARB them. A. Ya. Vaganova

All-Russian State University of Cinematography named after S. A. Gerasimov

VTU them. M.S. Shchepkina


Institute of Contemporary Art


Russian State Specialized Academy of Arts
Russian University of Theater Arts - GITIS
Sergiev Posad branch of the All-Russian State University of Cinematography named after S. A. Gerasimov
Sergiev Posad branch of VGIK

TI them. B. Shchukina

Moscow Art Theater School

Theater universities: institutes and universities

The theater is not a reflecting mirror, but a magnifying glass.

Mayakovsky V.

Great and magical theatrical art elevates the life of the human spirit on and off the stage. As Romain Rolland said: “The theater should enlighten the mind. It should fill our brain with light ... ”This definition is fully consistent with the Russian theater, which is famous all over the world not only for its performances, but also for its famous school of teaching acting. Many theater schools and institutes exist under well-known theaters.

The theater has a great future, like everything that had a great past.

Karel Chapek

Theatrical universities sacredly honor the traditions of the acting school of the 19th century and continue their education at the same high level. University lecturers, who took place in the theater as actors and directors, selflessly pass on their experience to students.

Theater universities train not only actors. There are other areas of training, besides acting:

  • directing;
  • dramaturgy;
  • scenography;
  • musical and theatrical art.

In addition to special education, theatrical universities provide a thorough knowledge of literature, world art, history of theater - Russian and world. After graduation, graduates can take place in any creative work: in theater, cinema, as teachers of theater studios.

If that state of mind of the artist, which is called inspiration, would continue without interruption, it would be impossible to live even one day.

Tchaikovsky P.I.

TOP-5 of the most eminent theatrical universities in Russia is as follows:

  • Higher theater school named after M.S. Shchepkin at the Maly Theater of Russia;

Traditionally, the best theater universities are located in Moscow and St. Petersburg. But in other cities of Russia theater institutes are famous for their educational school - Kazan, Ufa, Yekaterinburg, Smolensk, Khabarovsk, Yaroslavl and other cities of Russia.

The theater lives not with the glitter of lights, the luxury of scenery and costumes, spectacular mise-en-scenes, but with the ideas of the playwright. The flaw in the idea of ​​the play cannot be closed with anything. No theatrical tinsel will help.

Stanislavsky K.S.

Admission to a theater institute differs from admission to other universities in that, in addition to the USE results, it is necessary to withstand a creative competition - audition in 3-4 rounds, write an essay. At the listening stages, it is required to recite poetry, fables, prose by heart, to show dancing, musical, improvisational abilities. To interest the commission and successfully pass the audition is the main test for admission. Everything else is secondary. Studying at any Russian theater university provides a high-quality theatrical and humanitarian education.

An actor or theater director is not only a profession, but also a vocation, dedication, inspiration. In addition to talent and hard work, real courage is required to keep the attention and interest of the audience for a long time.

GSA has prepared an overview of the 5 best acting schools in the world. Find out where Robin Williams and Meryl Streep studied!

1. The Juilliard School, New York City

The Juilliard School will not make you a sissy, but it can make you famous. Kevin Spacey, a 1981 graduate, told students that at one time he suffered from the fact that one of the professors compared his voice to the creak of a frayed rope. To his remarks, the professor replied: "You are an idiot. Don't you understand that I am so demanding of you, because I think that you are the most talented, but also the laziest?"

And she was right. “Graduates receive excellent language and speech skills, they are able to work with scripts, they are smart and have thick skin. The Juilliard School also received $ 10 million in funding, which it will spend on scholarships and grants for its top students.

Notable alumni: Jessica Chastain, Laura Linney, Viola Davis, Patti Lupone, Kelsey Grammer, Robin Williams

2. Yale School of Drama, New Haven, Conn

At Yale University, students do not study in an ivory tower, but are in the spotlight of the national theater world, making their film and television debuts. In 2002, the school was headed by Dean James Bundy. Since then, Yale School of Drama has produced over 20 works based on original drama, two of which have won Pulitzer Prizes. “They feel like they are part of an elite corps of engineers: precise, well-read and eerily calm,” says one of the university's selection committee members. "You will see, for example, that the 13 Tony Award nominees in 2013 are school alumni and / or faculty members."

Notable alumni: Meryl Streep, Paul Newman, Sigourney Weaver, Angela Bassett, Patricia Clarkson, Frances McDormand, Paul Giamatti

3. Tisch School of the Arts, New York City

The Tisch School of Arts program is one of the strongest in the country. The school is located in New York, it has the opportunity to use a huge number of venues in the city, to attract talented directors, directors, screenwriters to work at the school and help students. Thus, students receive a comprehensive education, form an understanding of the profession and the upcoming difficulties in the acting field. Felicity Huffman said that if New York University hadn't been in her life, she might not have built such a dizzying career.

Notable alumni: Alec Baldwin, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Michael C. Hall, Jeremy Piven

4. Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh

Founded in 1914 - 10 years before Yale's drama school, Carnegie Mellon University produced six Oscar winners, 24 Tony and 95 Emmy awards, including two awards to Ted Danson, who said: “I really owe everything to Carnegie Mellon. It set the tone for a lifetime. I love the process and I've learned to love the process of making a movie here. "

Notable alumni: Rob Marshall, Stephen Bochko, Holly Hunter, Zachary Quinto.

5. London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts, London

Opened in 1861, the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts sends many alumni abroad - like Sherlock Holmes and Star Trek, Benedict Cumberbatch, who won the Olivier, the Evening Standard and the 2011 Circle Awards for his role as Frankenstein Danny Boyle.

Notable alumni: Chris O "Dowd, John Lithgow, Jim Broadbent, Donald Sutherland, Elizabeth Lecompte, Min Cho Lee and Cone Forum founder Gordon Davidson.

The teaching staff of the Ostankino Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting includes highly qualified specialists, including professors, associate professors, literary and art workers, who have received state awards for their professional work on television, who have academic degrees and honorary titles.
Most of them are well known in the country for their work on radio and television.

The Russian Academy of Theater Arts - GITIS (RATI-GITIS) is the largest theater university in Europe and one of the largest in the world. Students of almost all specialties related to the performing arts study at GITIS: directors of drama, musical theater, stage, circus, actors of the same directions, theater experts and choreographers, set designers and producers.

The studio school at the Moscow Art Theater is a state educational institution. Full name - “School-studio (university) named after Vl. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko at the Moscow Art Theater. A. P. Chekhov ". It has existed since 1943. Three faculties were opened: acting (training - 4 years), staging (training - 5 years) and production (training - 5 years). The form of study is daytime.

Higher theater school (institute) named after M.S. Shchepkin at the State Academic Maly Theater - the oldest higher theatrical educational institution in Russia.

Higher Theater School named after B.V.Shchukin, since 2002. - Theater Institute named after Boris Shchukin at the State Academic Theater named after Yevgeny Vakhtangov - the highest theatrical educational institution of the Russian Federation. The Institute trains specialists in the following areas: "Actor of Drama Theater and Cinema" and "Theater Director".

Yekaterinburg State Theater Institute (ESTI) is one of the leading theater universities in Russia along with universities in Moscow and St. Petersburg. It is the only higher theater educational institution in the Ural region.

The Russian Theater Institute is a non-governmental educational institution established with the support of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. The task of the institute is to preserve and develop the traditions of the Russian theater school, laid down by K. Stanislavsky, V. Nemirovich-Danchenko, E. Vakhtangov, A. Tairov, V. Meyerhold. The Institute has its own educational theater, ballet classes, modern auditoriums equipped with all the necessary audio, video and multimedia technology and equipment.

State educational institution of the city of Moscow "Education Center" MONOTON "" (GOU CO "MONOTON") is an atypical educational institution for children, adolescents and young people who have shown outstanding abilities in the field of theatrical and performing arts.

The United States Acting Institutes are well known outside of the United States. In the ranking of universities specializing in teaching the performing arts from the QS World University Rankings 2016, the first place is occupied by the American educational institution - The Juilliard School. And graduates of theatrical universities in the United States shine on the best stage in the world and conquer the carpets of international film festivals, glorifying the names of their alma maters.

Acting education programs in the USA

Students who have chosen theater as the main direction of their studies study a variety of aspects of dramatic art - from costume design to current trends in modern theater. Other media also do not stand aside: students can purposefully prepare for an acting or directing career in film and television.

The degree that future actors, directors and screenwriters receive upon completion of their university studies is called Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA). Some universities also offer master's programs - Master of Fine Arts.

It must be said that studying acting or the history of theater is possible not only in the institutes of acting. Many liberal arts colleges offer similar programs. However, in the labor market in all countries of the world, it is the diplomas of specialized schools that are most valued.

Best Universities of Acting in the USA

The Juilliard School, New York

The Juilliard School has been holding the title of the best educational institution in the world for many years, teaching future actors, musicians, dancers. In 2016, the school once again topped the global ranking of universities specializing in teaching the performing arts from the QS World University Rankings.

Yale School of Drama, New Haven

Yale School of Drama is in the 25th position in the above ranking. The school has programs in all theater specialties: Acting, Costume Design, Lighting Design, Sound Design, Directing, Drama and Drama Criticism, Theater Management, and more. The institution has more Broadway productions and Tony Award nominations than any other. drama school of America.

Tisch School of the Arts, New York

Tisch School of the Arts trains not only theater actors. The school's list of programs also includes courses such as acting in films and on television. Among the people associated with Tisch are many famous film and theater actors, directors, playwrights and producers: Anne Hatway, Woody Allen, Martin Scorsese, Oliver Stone, Debra Messing and others.

UCLA, Los Angeles

Unlike many other institutions in the rankings, UCLA is not a theater institution. However, university programs for training actors, dancers, directors confidently compete with similar courses in specialized universities. Many UCLA alumni work today on Broadway and Hollywood.

Also in the Top 25 were such American educational institutions as 25 UC San Diego, The Old Globe & University of San Diego Shiley Graduate Theater Program, Columbia, A.R.T. at Harvard, CalArts, Rutgers, Carnegie Mellon, American Conservatory Theater, DePaul, University of Washington, UC Irvine, USC School of Dramatic Arts, Brown, Boston University, University of North Carolina, University of Wisconsin, Actors Studio Drama School at Pace University ...

Tuition Fees at Acting Universities in the USA

Studying at a prestigious theater university in America costs a lot of money. For example, a year of study at the Yale School of Drama will cost about $ 30,000. Education materials, room and board will have to spend an additional $ 20,000 per year.

At the same time, many American universities are not averse to paying (in whole or in part) for their studies for talented students. In the same Yale School of Drama, the maximum scholarship amount reaches $ 35,500.

Typically, scholarships are awarded based on the student's academic performance, portfolio of work, including photo, video and other format materials and / or auditions.

Ranked 25 by The Hollywood Reporter, Pace University works closely with the Kevin Spacey Foundation, which provides scholarships for theater students.

The financial aid is $ 10,000 per year - a quarter of the total tuition fees at Actors Studio Drama School. The scholarship is awarded annually to 7 outstanding students who have chosen to specialize in the following fields: acting, theater, musical theater, directing, theater / film production.

© V. Bogdanov / RIA Novosti

Those wishing to study as an actor often try to all theatrical universities - the Shchepkinsky School, the Shchukinsky School, the Moscow Art Theater School and RATI / GITIS (and even one non-theatrical VGIK). Most do not care where - if only they took it. The average student has no idea where he is going and how one school differs from another. Therefore, already standing under the cherished door, they share rumors, more or less fantastic. Most of all myths are about which university they look at. The price includes any details: "it all depends on the type"; "VGIK can take even 25-year-olds, and theatrical universities take young ones"; "Boys are needed in the Moscow Art Theater"; "GITIS and Pike - more playful schools"; "The pike is like a circus: here you need to throw out some number"; "And GITIS is like a big mental hospital"; "Ryzhakov is recruiting at the Moscow Art Theater this year: there are rumors that boys are being asked to rap at the audition."

In Shchepka, they say, a certain type is welcomed: stately Russian guys of a heroic physique and well-mannered girls with a scythe and a high voice. A student of the acting and directing course of GITIS says that during her studies in Shchepka she played only grandmothers from the Urals, because the Shchepkin school is focused on roles and appearance decides everything. Students of the Moscow Art Theater School believe that in GITIS it is easier to get a discount on the invoice: “In the Moscow Art Theater I was never, never asked to show specificity, but in GITIS I was immediately told:“ Read like a drunk ”." And the Gitis members themselves say the opposite: “Our teachers do not adjust you to a ready-made scheme, but try to discern your individuality and go from it. In GITIS they look at your inner world, and in Pike they look at your outer world. " About what kind of appearance is appreciated in Pike, the readings differ exactly the opposite. Who says that they take here beauties of the same type, from year to year the same: tall, dark-haired and "heroic". And who - that in Pike they like funny, wonderful, kind of fools, and the younger the better. The rector of the Shchukin school, Yevgeny Knyazev, assures: “It happens that those who do not go anywhere come to us: they are small and their voice is not so - but we find some kind of individuality in them.”

The Moscow Art Theater School is the university most open to new trends. Students here feel in good standing, speak confidently about their prospects and easily compare with other theater schools: “In Pike, more attention is paid to movement, but students there have too much free time: actors study an hour and a half a day - this is the third -that course! And we have no free minute. Mastery classes are held twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, sometimes you have to prepare two sketches at once. And in GITIS, mastery classes three times a week - how can that be? "

© Sergey Pyatakov / RIA Novosti

The Shchepkinskoye school is the leader, first of all, in providing security. On the watch at GITIS, I dialed the number of the dean's office of the acting department, introduced myself, and they immediately let me through. In Pike, the guard himself volunteered to catch the actors for me in the crowd of applicants. And the security of the Moscow Art Theater School, I completely passed unnoticed. The Shchepkinskoye School was the first (and, I must admit, the only) school in which they demanded an official letter addressed to the rector and an official pass certifying the right to ask questions to students and applicants of the V.I. M.S. Shchepkin at the State Academic Maly Theater of Russia. This was the first tradition that I encountered, barely crossing the threshold of the oldest theater school.

Students here are guarded about the same zealously from new trends. They bring up in the spirit of patriotism. In conversation with me, the Shchepkinsky were not shy about pathos and lofty words: A sliver preserves classical traditions, and traditions are good; the classics are harder to grasp than the modern; theater has always been a reflection of social life; the plays must be staged as written; the theater must weed out vulgarity; any action must be psychologically justified; everything should be as real as in life. I ask: “Which of the last performances did you like and remember? Which theater? " - “In Small. The last stunning performance was “The Queen of Spades” ... I don’t remember whose production ”.

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