Home Grape Andrey Chikatilo: “I pray to God that there are no more people like me on earth! Biography Who is the maniac Chikatilo

Andrey Chikatilo: “I pray to God that there are no more people like me on earth! Biography Who is the maniac Chikatilo

While the investigation of the "killer of the century" Andrei Chikatilo was underway, the detainee was kept in solitary confinement in the KGB detention center. Why? Firstly, the investigators explained, there is also an employee of the bodies of correctional labor institutions among the victims, and in this case it would be difficult to guarantee that the prisoner would not be reached in the police isolation wards. Secondly, they feared that inmates might strangle this.
The name of Andrei Chikatilo over the past decade has become a household name: a maniac, a sadist, a cruel killer, a pervert. Scientists from a number of countries dreamed of studying this phenomenon, offering huge amounts of currency for the brain of a record-breaking maniac.
What was the path of a strong, conscientious village boy, whom his peers called "Andrei-Sila", to that monster that was brought to trial? Did he want to end his life behind bars, like a beast on display in a zoo? Of course no. Andrei Chikatilo was the son of a "traitor, traitor and coward", as his father was taken prisoner at the front. The family lived very poorly. But Chikatilo later said that it was precisely this poverty and indelible shame that gave rise to a stubborn dream of a high political career in him: "I firmly believed: I would not be the last person. My place is in the Kremlin ..."
He talked about his childhood: “... In September 1944 I went to school. I was too shy, timid, shy, was the object of ridicule and could not defend myself. I sat and cried. Because of congenital myopia, I could hardly see what was written on the blackboard and was afraid to ask. There were no glasses at all then, besides, I was afraid of the nickname "Ochkarik", I began to wear them only at the age of 30, when I got married ... Tears of resentment choked me all life.
In the spring of 1954, when I was already in the tenth grade, I once broke down. A thirteen-year-old girl came into our yard, her blue trousers peeped out from under her dress ... I said that my sister was not at home, she did not leave. Then I pushed her, knocked her down and lay down on her. I did not undress her and did not undress myself. But I immediately had an ejaculation. I was very worried about this weakness, although no one saw it. After this misfortune of mine, I decided to tame my flesh, my base motives and vowed not to touch anyone except my future wife. "
According to psychiatrists, the maniac has some kind of exciting image and, perhaps, it was there, in the courtyard of an old house in the village of Yablochnoye, where Andryusha Chikatilo threw a little girl to the ground, who brought him momentary relief, that the origins of the transformation of a timid young man into a rapist who chose as an object lie. violence to a defenseless victim. Drawn by this exciting way, he, having a technical specialty, having already established himself in it, suddenly, for no reason at all, went to study in absentia at the Rostov State University at the philological faculty. And in the future, Andrei Chikatilo, a student of the philological faculty, decided to become a teacher only because the incident in the village of Yablochnoye was deposited in the subconscious and gave rise to a painful idea that even dictated his choice of profession.
"Andrei-sila" did not choose this path himself - a maniac, rapist and murderer, it was that girl that cut into his memory as a living picture, and nature itself, which then received relaxation, led him. Even as a mature man, husband and father, he himself, perhaps unconsciously, sought to study people like her, to penetrate their psychology, to learn how to freely manage them. To do this, he got a job as chairman of the regional committee of physical culture and sports, where, he knew for sure, he would need to communicate with teenagers in different situations, go with them on business trips to competitions, sports competitions ... Then - a teacher of Russian language and literature, an educator in boarding school №32, later - in the city vocational school №39 in the city of Novoshakhtinsk, in the same school in the city of Shakhty.
Former students of the boarding school where Andrei Romanovich worked, already adults, recalled at the trial how the teacher, under the guise of assisting in the performance of written work, sat down with them and "touched various parts of the body" ... Suddenly he entered the girls' rooms in that the moment they undressed to go to bed. When he was alone among the girls, he became crazy ... Chikatilo constantly masturbated through his trouser pockets, for which his students frankly teased ...
While already behind bars, Chikatilo recalled the events of his life, which later brought him closer to murder. For example, as he once took the children to the pond: to relax, swim, sunbathe. One of the girls, with a rather well-formed, feminine body, swam away from everyone and there, in the distance, splashed, luxuriated. He swam towards her, portraying an angry educator, called upon to keep order and, pretending to drive her to the shore, began roughly feeling her all over. She screamed.
“I felt,” he said at the trial, “that she screamed louder, and this ... pleasure would begin ... I began to pinch her painfully ... She, struggling to escape, screamed furiously ... And at once I had everything started".
Soon, due to the scandal in the boarding school associated with the rough harassment of Chikatilo to the student, he had to change his place of work. In the new place, the boys became the objects of his close attention. One of them, as he later testified, woke up one night to find that Andrei Romanovich was bending over him and was touching his penis. This was repeated both with him and with other boys, the students stopped respecting him and even noticing him, there was no discipline, there were steady conversations among the children: Andrey Romanovich was a "fagot", "anxious" and engaged in masturbation ... It was hard not to notice, like a teacher through his pocket constantly fiddling with his penis in his hand.
Despite all his deviations, which he could not help noticing in himself, Chikatilo still continued to believe in his high destiny and in "this" his life he tried to grow to the height intended for him. He beat four faculties of the University of Marxism-Leninism. I gave lectures. Collaborated with local newspapers: wrote on moral issues. However, it was already impossible to stop the transformation of a person into a monster without the intervention of a specialist psychiatrist. And it was a shame to ask for help - that would mean admitting my failure as a man.
The terrible statistics of crimes began in 1982, when the dead were found in the Rostov region every now and then. But these were not just murders, they were the consequences of fanaticism. Even seasoned police officers shuddered when they got to the scene of the crime. There they found the corpses of people over whom someone cruelly mocked: beaten, cut. Almost all murders, without exception, were distinguished by just such a "handwriting" - sadism, special cruelty.
The killer was presented as a monster, but he turned out to be a very peculiar person: he valued his family, was attached to his wife and children, modest and even shy, timid. It was downright hard to believe that this meek creature was capable of gouging out the eyes of its victims. But this, as it turned out, is quite understandable: a maniac cannot withstand someone else's gaze.
The city was filled with fear. Uncertainty intensified the nightmare. Mothers accompanied the children to school and met them from school. However, more and more reports of the disappearance of children appeared in the newspapers and people found more and more corpses with the same sadistic "handwriting". The more time passed, the more victims appeared on the killer's account, the more clearly a certain "route" emerged: the bodies were found in forest belts, not far from the route of the Rostov-Zverevo electric trains. This gave the operation to search for the criminal who terrified the population of the region, the name "Forest belt". It was one of the longest, most difficult, but at the same time the most famous operations, during which a huge number of other crimes were revealed along the way.
Naturally, the brigade investigating the case included the most experienced detectives. Almost fifty. Ten years of searches ... In recent years, they have been carried out especially intensively. Every man with a teenager - a girl or a boy - wherever they saw it, was recorded with a hidden photo or video camera, then it was established: who is who? And in the future, in suspicious cases, they tracked this material: will it be caught again, with another child?
Many methods have been used to find the killer maniac. Hundreds of police officers, appropriately disguised, pretended to be working on the railway, fishing, picking mushrooms, looking after grapes, working in private plots or just waiting for the next train, in general, a huge number of options were being worked out. Not without the participation of female police officers. They, disguised as homeless people, to whom the criminal had a special craving as the most accessible and least wanted category of people, also traveled in electric trains under the protection of their disguised colleagues in the hope that the maniac would not ignore them and “bite” them.
The development of the investigation was complicated by the fact that the police did not have any witness statements. And yet there was one clue - on the body of a 9-year-old boy who died in the summer of 1982, sperm of the fourth group was found. And this, according to all the classical laws of forensic science, meant that the blood of a criminal was also of the fourth group.
But as it turned out, these unshakable "classical laws of criminalistics" played a cruel joke with the investigation. Even at the beginning of operations, in 1984, one of the task forces detained Chikatilo at the station, drawing attention to his suspicious behavior and a hard-to-hide interest in teenagers. Then they took a blood sample from him, but since the group turned out to be the second, the criminal was calmly released. Subsequently, it turned out that the physiology of Chikatilo was abnormal - he had different sperm group and blood group. The holy faith of those who conducted the investigation in forensic dogmas gave the sadist the opportunity to rape and kill people for another six years. Having reached a dead end, the members of the task force went to consult the same maniac-murderer Anatoly Slivko, who at that time was awaiting the death penalty in the Stavropol prison.
The bomber turned out to be talkative. “First,” he urged, “here you need to look for not one, but several killers: one is not capable of this. Second, look for someone who has some kind of exciting image.” But the maniac's advice did not help the investigation either. And the accident helped. Although, perhaps, those who argue that there are no accidents are also right. Most likely this is a pattern - no matter how much rope twists ...
The bloody drama ended in 1990. This year was especially "fruitful" for Chikatilo - six murders. He committed the last crime on October 6 near the Leskhoz station. On October 13, the corpse of a murdered woman was found with signs of the same characteristic "handwriting" of the criminal. When questioning possible witnesses, it turned out that the police sergeant Igor Rybakov on October 7 drew attention to a man with a briefcase, who was walking to the station, and checked his documents. The documents were in order, but, fortunately, the sergeant remembered that the detainee's surname began with the letter Ch.
It was not difficult to find Chikatilo, but there was no point in taking him right away - what if a mistake? They began to follow him. Only after looking at his behavior and making sure that this elderly man was actively interested in boys, he was arrested.
"On the territory of the Rostov region in 1982-1990, more than 30 murders of children and women with particular cruelty for sexual reasons were committed. On November 20, 1990, in the process of carrying out operational search activities, citizen Chikatilo Andrei Romanovich, born in 1936, a native of Sumy oblast of the Ukrainian SSR, Ukrainian, higher education, graduated from the philological faculty of Rostov State University in 1970, member of the CPSU since 1960, expelled from the CPSU in 1984 due to criminal prosecution for embezzlement, married, has 2 adult children , lived with his family in the town of Shakhty, Novoshakhtinsk, and at the time of his arrest - in the town of Novocherkassk, street Gvardeyskaya ...
Chikatilo was arrested. He was charged with committing murders, including those outside the region. The investigation into the case is ongoing.
At first, the arrested person denied his involvement in the crimes that were imputed to him, and only on the tenth day after his arrest, Andrei Chikatilo began to testify. He argued that his crimes were the result of mental disorders caused by sexual impotence. He persuaded the investigator: he didn’t look for victims, didn’t choose, didn’t organize anything in advance.
And, of course, he didn’t take away his victims. Usually it all started on a voluntary basis, on consent. But when, due to his physiological potential, he turned out to be untenable, when he was insulted, he found some kind of rage, and he, not realizing his actions, began to cut. Everything worked out by itself, spontaneously. How can a person be blamed for this?
"At that time, I was simply irresistibly attracted to children. There was a desire to see their naked bodies ... I wanted to have sexual intercourse ..." - he said to the investigator.
In order for the children to somehow make contact with him, they had to come up with various baits. Often he bought them "chewing gum", treated them. It was on this basis that acquaintances with children arose. So there was an acquaintance with the very first victim of the maniac - Lena Z-howl. In the case of the murder of this girl, Alexander Kravchenko was convicted and shot, and the real killer got off with a call to the investigator.
Chikatilo himself says: "... The murder of this girl was my first crime, and I myself, without anyone's reminder, sincerely told about the circumstances of her murder. At the time of my arrest in this case, the investigating authorities could not know that it the murder was committed by me. It was after this crime that I began to kill my other victims ... "
She was killed on December 22, 1978. After that, Lena's girlfriends told the operational workers: “Lena on the way home had to go to her grandfather for“ chewing gum ”, - said one. she will go to him and that he lives along the way; she needs to "get off the tram one stop early."
“... We went into my hut,” he said. “I turned on the light and as soon as I closed the door, I immediately fell on it, crushing it under me, knocking it down on the floor, and began to tear off my clothes. her mouth with my hands ... Her scream aroused me even more ... I wanted to tear and touch everything. She wheezed, I choked her, and it brought me some relief. When I realized that I had killed the girl, I got up, got dressed and decided get rid of the corpse ... "
Talking about his first murder, Chikatilo himself notes the main thing: the girl's scream excited. And the sight of blood led to indescribable excitement. He experienced a pronounced orgasm, which he did not know before ...
Family members, relatives and employees of Chikatilo noticed changes in it during the period that coincided with this murder. He suddenly caught himself, was in a hurry, in a hurry. Then he came back, looked around as if he had forgotten something, ran again and came back again, as if he was not himself. Now we can assume that, most likely, in this way he fought with the one who called him, Chikatilo, who wanted a repetition of what was so unexpectedly delivered to him by the torment and blood of a small, weak victim.
The experienced impressions and sensations did not give rest, the whole being demanded repetition; the first crime of this kind deeply shook, sunk into the soul, and, as Chikatilo himself notes, it called him somewhere.
On August 14, 1990, Chikatilo killed 11-year-old Ivan F-na. "... Vanya was lying naked. They bent over him, who was closer, examined.
- What's wrong with his skin? Really riddled with a shotgun, - moaned one of the officers.
- No, - concluded another, examining the boy, - Knife. All this with a knife ... "
... Oleg F-n, Vanya's father, captain of the internal service, spoke in the courtroom on May 19, 1992. He could not speak: it was as if something was choking him. Then he pulled himself together, evenly, clearly said:
- Tomorrow Vanya would have turned thirteen years old, he has a birthday ... My wife and I have a girl. She is fourteen years old. The second boy is eight. The third child was born when Vanya was gone. We wanted to call him Ivan. But the old people said it was impossible. Probably so, we named him Victor ... Yes, I have a request to the court. No need to sentence him to death. Do not. Let it be 15 years old. Let it be less. But then from the KGB casemates, where they hide him for so long, he will get to us. Listen, Chikatilo, what are we going to do with you. We will repeat everything that you did with our children. Chikatilo, we will repeat everything. And you will all, drop by drop, feel ... How painful it is. "
... According to the conclusion of the forensic medical examination, Ivan F.'s death occurred as a result of 42 stab wounds to the chest, abdomen, and left shoulder, which led to profuse blood loss. The boy was alive when the maniac cut off his testicles ... Chikatilo explains: he cut the genitals, taking out the evil for his impotence. Received not only sexual satisfaction, but also relieved stress, temporarily got rid of the feeling of heaviness and inferiority.
Usually Chikatilo used the tried and tested method: so that the victim did not notice anything, did not feel, walked in front. Then he suddenly pounced, struck, immobilized. Having dumped with a blow, he began to act with a knife. He delivered blows carefully so as not to kill immediately. After all, it was a pleasure to feel the resistance of the victim. At such moments, the knife played the role of a kind of penis: usually in the upper body, experts found wounds in which the blade, without leaving the surface, performed up to twenty reciprocating movements. Thus, a kind of imitation of sexual intercourse took place. And when it was all over, Chikatilo collected the clothes of the murdered or the murdered, tore, cut them into pieces, walked around and scattered them. Having finished, he took up the shoes, with which he did the same. An eerie ritual of death ...
A huge number of victims on the conscience of this maniac, but did he have any problems with their choice? He himself talks about this:
"... I often had to visit railway stations, on trains, electric trains and buses ... There are many all kinds of vagabonds, young and old. They ask, and demand, and take away. In the morning they get drunk somewhere ... These vagabonds also draw in minors. From the train stations they crawl along the trains in different directions. I have to see scenes of the sex life of these vagrants at the train stations and in the trains. And I recalled my humiliation that I could never prove myself as a full-fledged man. The question arose: do they have the right to existence of these declassed elements? .. Getting to know them is not difficult, they themselves are not ashamed, they crawl into the soul, ask for money, food, vodka and offer themselves for a sexual life. .. "
A professional teacher and psychologist, he found approaches to those who were then absorbed by the "forest belt". So, seeing the hungry, Chikatilo offered to feed. He promised the sufferer a drink. An impatient woman has a bed. A chess lover is the secret of victory. To radio telemaster - complained about a blown fuse. To those who are fond of vidics - sex or horror - he offered both. Tired - rest. Lost on the way - a short way. He promised everyone what was most needed at that moment. Selflessly. And next to you, just go through that forest belt and immediately ... But on this forest belt everyone, without exception, was waiting for death - cruel, painful, terrifying.
Who was this man, if even now, after his execution, one shudders at the thought of what he has done? The devil? A seer? Probably neither one nor the other. The reason for his criminal longevity and a huge number of those who succumbed to his tricks and persuasions lies in the fact that, unlike many, he knew how to see individual people flickering in a common anthill, was able to examine everyone, penetrate, decipher, identify all his strengths and weaknesses sides: to assess whether the victim is suitable for "feeding" his passion.
The search for Chikatilo was carried out for almost a decade. How many victims does he have? The indictment said about 53, and he himself believed that there were over seventy of them.
Those close to Chikatilo (his wife and two adult children) were shocked when they learned about his arrest. Everyone was shocked and could not believe that their stooped, nondescript head of the family was a cruel killer. "After all, he was so soft, kind and sympathetic!"
“Yes, I won’t believe you for anything,” said Chikatilo’s wife, bony, some kind of elongated woman, very similar to her husband. - He won't offend a fly, but here he is to kill people ...
Already in the pre-trial detention center, Chikatilo wrote to his wife: "The brightest thing in my life is my pure, beloved holy wife. Why did I disobey you, dear, when you said - work near the house, don't go anywhere on business trips. Why didn't you shut me down? under house arrest - after all, I have always obeyed you. Now I would sit at home and on my knees would pray for you, my sun.
How could I sink to atrocity, to a primitive state, when everything around is so pure and sublime. I already cried all the tears at night. And why did God send me to this earth - so affectionate, gentle, caring, but completely defenseless with his weaknesses ... "
Andrey Romanovich Chikatilo was sentenced to death under the criminal codes of three republics - Ukraine, Russia and Uzbekistan. The verdict was carried out.
The "Chikatilo case" does not end there. The continuation followed already in 1996, after the execution of Andrei Romanovich. We have already mentioned that some scientists (for example, the geneticist V. Kolpakov) believe that there are no non-inherited traits, and the "criminality trait" is transmitted by one gene.
Perhaps it was this gene with the "sign of Criminality" that played its role in the fate of the son of the "killer of the century" Andrei Chikatilo - Yuri Andreevich. After his arrest, he was charged with Articles 117, 108 and 126, that is, illegal imprisonment of a person whom he tortured, forgery of documents, rape ...
As for rape, several are suspected: one of his friends, for example, in case of refusal, he promised to cut off her friend's ears. But the statement lies alone. From the twenty-year-old girlfriend of the owner of the apartment at Rostselmash, because of which Yura was severely beaten, and even the BMW was taken away on which he arrived in the city. otherwise he threatened to cut out the family and scatter the pieces around the city.
In these threats one can feel the "handwriting" of his eerily famous father. Yuri Andreevich worked part-time in Rostov, choosing a very original method: he walked around the booths, allegedly on behalf of their owner, and allegedly took money as a cashier. From time to time Yura worked as a "shuttle", carrying leather and other consumer goods from Turkey. Once transporting such a product for him, the driver of the heavy-duty truck Lesha almost lost his life. He loaded a car in Kursk and took the cargo along the highway to its destination, in Rostov-on-Don. Then he did not imagine that this trip would turn into a nightmare, which neither he nor any of his colleagues could have imagined. The loaded car suddenly died out near Kamensk, Lesha could not fix the engine, he had to ask for help. Well, it happens to the most experienced of drivers as well. The owners, however, perceived the incident differently: he threw it! Where is the product?..
Soon Aleksey was already in the hands of his "customer". When they beat him, I thought the worst had come. But the worst was yet to come. He came to himself in pain, bound. And he felt that a knife was slowly and tastefully introduced into his body.
Yuri Andreevich cut with it skillfully, for a long time and with pleasure. He also beat day after day - cruelly and endlessly, hitting when Lesha's broken ribs were already making holes in his lungs and blood, bubbling, burst out of them with air. "Check, all the goods are in place, I didn't take anything," Lesha wheezed while he could speak. "Yes? Then write a receipt," Yuri dictated. "To His Majesty Yuri Andreevich. I undertake to give the money in dollars in total ... Did you write it? Correct. Now let's work on." But when it would seem that it could not be worse, Alexey experienced a new shock. The owner who had beaten him stuck his birth certificate under his nose. In the column "parents" Lesha read with horror: "Mother - Chikatilo Evdokia Semyonovna, Russian. Father - Andrey Romanovich Chikatilo, Ukrainian."
The new surname of his son, Yuri Andreevich, born in 1969, was also listed in the certificate shown by Lesha - it was changed on January 11, 1991 in the registry office of the Novocherkassk city executive committee of the Rostov region, entry No. 3. There were not many entries in that book for that period: it is not fashionable to rename now, and everyone concerned the same surname - Chikatilo.
It was the police who then insisted on this measure in order to protect the family: there were too many people who wanted to take revenge, if not Andrei Romanovich himself, then at least those close to him. Everything was done so that Yura did not carry, like a terrible cross, the name of his father and his deeds.
Yuri, just like his father once, requires a psychiatric examination. And he does it in the same pre-trial detention center where his father stayed before. Accident? Or a pattern?

Among the numerous crimes that the criminal chronicle is so rich in, there are those that freeze blood.

Performed with special cruelty, they do not fit into the framework of further criminal morality, they make outcasts not only the ordinary, but also the criminal environment of those who have crossed the line.

While the investigation of the "killer of the century" Andrei Chikatilo was underway, the detainee was kept in solitary confinement in the KGB detention center. Why? Firstly, the investigators explained, there is also an employee of the bodies of correctional labor institutions among the victims, and in this case it would be difficult to guarantee that the prisoner would not be reached in the police isolation wards. Secondly, they feared that inmates might strangle this.

The name of Andrei Chikatilo over the past decade has become a household name: a maniac, a sadist, a cruel killer, a pervert. Scientists from a number of countries dreamed of studying this phenomenon, offering huge amounts of currency for the brain of a record-breaking maniac.

What was the path of a strong, conscientious village boy, whom his peers called "Andrei-Sila", to that monster that was brought to trial? Did he want to end his life behind bars, like a beast on display in a zoo? Of course no.

Andrei Chikatilo was the son of a "traitor, traitor and coward", as his father was taken prisoner at the front. The family lived very poorly. But Chikatilo later said that it was precisely this poverty and indelible shame that gave rise to a stubborn dream of a high political career in him: "I firmly believed: I would not be the last person. My place is in the Kremlin ..."

He talked about his childhood: “... In September 1944 I went to school. I was too shy, timid, shy, was the object of ridicule and could not defend myself. I sat and cried. Because of congenital myopia, I could hardly see what was written on the blackboard and was afraid to ask. There were no glasses at all then, besides, I was afraid of the nickname "Ochkarik", I began to wear them only at the age of 30, when I got married ... Tears of resentment choked me all life.

In the spring of 1954, when I was already in the tenth grade, I once broke down. A thirteen-year-old girl came into our yard, her blue trousers peeped out from under her dress ... I said that my sister was not at home, she did not leave. Then I pushed her, knocked her down and lay down on her. I did not undress her and did not undress myself. But I immediately had an ejaculation. I was very worried about this weakness, although no one saw it. After this misfortune of mine, I decided to tame my flesh, my base motives and vowed not to touch anyone except my future wife. "

According to psychiatrists, the maniac has some kind of exciting image and, perhaps, it was there, in the courtyard of an old house in the village of Yablochnoye, where Andryusha Chikatilo threw a little girl to the ground, who brought him momentary relief, that the origins of the transformation of a timid young man into a rapist who chose as an object lie. violence to a defenseless victim. Drawn by this exciting way, he, having a technical specialty, having already established himself in it, suddenly, for no reason at all, went to study in absentia at the Rostov State University at the philological faculty. And in the future, Andrei Chikatilo, a student of the philological faculty, decided to become a teacher only because the incident in the village of Yablochnoye was deposited in the subconscious and gave rise to a painful idea that even dictated his choice of profession.

"Andrei-sila" did not choose this path himself - a maniac, rapist and murderer, it was that girl that cut into his memory as a living picture, and nature itself, which then received relaxation, led him. Even as a mature man, husband and father, he himself, perhaps unconsciously, sought to study people like her, to penetrate their psychology, to learn how to freely manage them. To do this, he got a job as chairman of the regional committee of physical culture and sports, where, he knew for sure, he would need to communicate with teenagers in different situations, go with them on business trips to competitions, sports competitions ... Then - a teacher of Russian language and literature, an educator in boarding school # 32, later - at the city vocational school # 39 in the city of Novoshakhtinsk, in the same school in the city of Shakhty.

Former students of the boarding school where Andrei Romanovich worked, already adults, recalled at the trial how the teacher, under the guise of assisting in the performance of written work, sat down with them and "touched various parts of the body" ... Suddenly he entered the girls' rooms in that the moment they undressed to go to bed. When he was alone among the girls, he became crazy ... Chikatilo constantly masturbated through his trouser pockets, for which his students frankly teased ...

While already behind bars, Chikatilo recalled the events of his life, which later brought him closer to murder. For example, as he once took the children to the pond: to relax, swim, sunbathe. One of the girls, with a rather well-formed, feminine body, swam away from everyone and there, in the distance, splashed, luxuriated. He swam towards her, portraying an angry educator, called upon to keep order and, pretending to drive her to the shore, began roughly feeling her all over. She screamed.

“I felt,” he said at the trial, “that she screamed louder, and this ... pleasure would begin ... I began to pinch her painfully ... She, struggling to escape, screamed furiously ... And at once I had everything started".

Soon, due to the scandal in the boarding school associated with the rough harassment of Chikatilo to the student, he had to change his place of work. In the new place, the boys became the objects of his close attention. One of them, as he later testified, woke up one night to find that Andrei Romanovich was bending over him and was touching his penis. This was repeated both with him and with other boys, the students stopped respecting him and even noticing him, there was no discipline, there were steady conversations among the children: Andrey Romanovich was a "fagot", "anxious" and engaged in masturbation ... It was hard not to notice, like a teacher through his pocket constantly fiddling with his penis in his hand.

Despite all his deviations, which he could not help noticing in himself, Chikatilo still continued to believe in his high destiny and in "this" his life he tried to grow to the height intended for him. He beat four faculties of the University of Marxism-Leninism. I gave lectures. Collaborated with local newspapers: wrote on moral issues.

However, it was already impossible to stop the transformation of a person into a monster without the intervention of a specialist psychiatrist. And it was a shame to ask for help - that would mean admitting my failure as a man.

The terrible statistics of crimes began in 1982, when the dead were found in the Rostov region every now and then. But these were not just murders, they were the consequences of fanaticism. Even seasoned police officers shuddered when they got to the scene of the crime. There they found the corpses of people over whom someone cruelly mocked: beaten, cut.

Almost all murders, without exception, were distinguished by precisely this "handwriting" - sadism, special cruelty.

The killer was presented as a monster, but he turned out to be a very peculiar person: he valued his family, was attached to his wife and children, modest and even shy, timid. It was downright hard to believe that this meek creature was capable of gouging out the eyes of its victims. But this, as it turned out, is quite understandable: a maniac cannot withstand someone else's gaze.

The city was filled with fear. Uncertainty intensified the nightmare. Mothers accompanied the children to school and met them from school. However, more and more reports of the disappearance of children appeared in the newspapers and people found more and more corpses with the same sadistic "handwriting".

The more time passed, the more victims appeared on the killer's account, the more clearly a certain "route" emerged: the bodies were found in forest belts, not far from the route of the Rostov-Zverevo electric trains. This gave the operation to search for the criminal who terrified the population of the region, the name "Forest belt". It was one of the longest, most difficult, but at the same time the most famous operations, during which a huge number of other crimes were revealed along the way.

Naturally, the brigade investigating the case included the most experienced detectives. Almost fifty. Ten years of searches ... In recent years, they have been carried out especially intensively. Every man with a teenager - a girl or a boy - wherever they saw it, was recorded with a hidden photo or video camera, then it was established: who is who? And in the future, in suspicious cases, they tracked this material: will it be caught again, with another child?

Many methods have been used to find the killer maniac. Hundreds of police officers, appropriately disguised, pretended to be working on the railway, fishing, picking mushrooms, looking after grapes, working in private plots or just waiting for the next train, in general, a huge number of options were being worked out.

Not without the participation of female police officers. They, disguised as homeless people, to whom the criminal had a special craving as the most accessible and least wanted category of people, also traveled in electric trains under the protection of their disguised colleagues in the hope that the maniac would not ignore them and “bite” them.

The development of the investigation was complicated by the fact that the police did not have any witness statements. And yet there was one clue - on the body of a 9-year-old boy who died in the summer of 1982, sperm of the fourth group was found. And this, according to all the classical laws of forensic science, meant that the blood of a criminal was also of the fourth group.

But as it turned out, these unshakable "classical laws of criminalistics" played a cruel joke with the investigation. Even at the beginning of operations, in 1984, one of the task forces detained Chikatilo at the station, drawing attention to his suspicious behavior and a hard-to-hide interest in teenagers. Then they took a blood sample from him, but since the group turned out to be the second, the criminal was calmly released. Subsequently, it turned out that the physiology of Chikatilo was abnormal - he had different sperm group and blood group. The holy faith of those who conducted the investigation in forensic dogmas gave the sadist the opportunity to rape and kill people for another six years.

Having reached a dead end, the members of the task force went to consult the same maniac-murderer Anatoly Slivko, who at that time was awaiting the death penalty in the Stavropol prison.

The bomber turned out to be talkative. “First,” he urged, “here you need to look for not one, but several killers: one is not capable of this. Second, look for someone who has some kind of exciting image.” But the maniac's advice did not help the investigation either.

And the accident helped. Although, perhaps, those who argue that there are no accidents are also right. Most likely this is a pattern - no matter how much rope twists ...

The bloody drama ended in 1990. This year was especially "fruitful" for Chikatilo - six murders. He committed the last crime on October 6 near the Leskhoz station. On October 13, the corpse of a murdered woman was found with signs of the same characteristic "handwriting" of the criminal. When questioning possible witnesses, it turned out that the police sergeant Igor Rybakov on October 7 drew attention to a man with a briefcase, who was walking to the station, and checked his documents. The documents were in order, but, fortunately, the sergeant remembered that the detainee's surname began with the letter Ch.

It was not difficult to find Chikatilo, but there was no point in taking him right away - what if a mistake? They began to follow him. Only after looking at his behavior and making sure that this elderly man was actively interested in boys, he was arrested.

"On the territory of the Rostov region in 1982-1990, more than 30 murders of children and women with particular cruelty for sexual reasons were committed. On November 20, 1990, in the process of carrying out operational search activities, citizen Chikatilo Andrei Romanovich, born in 1936, a native of Sumy oblast of the Ukrainian SSR, Ukrainian, higher education, graduated from the philological faculty of Rostov State University in 1970, member of the CPSU since 1960, expelled from the CPSU in 1984 due to criminal prosecution for embezzlement, married, has 2 adult children , lived with his family in the town of Shakhty, Novoshakhtinsk, and at the time of his arrest - in the town of Novocherkassk, street Gvardeyskaya ...

Chikatilo was arrested. He was charged with committing murders, including those outside the region.

The investigation into the case is ongoing.

Head of the Department of Internal Affairs, Militia Colonel M. G. Fetisov ".

At first, the arrested person denied his involvement in the crimes that were imputed to him, and only on the tenth day after his arrest, Andrei Chikatilo began to testify. He argued that his crimes were the result of mental disorders caused by sexual impotence. He persuaded the investigator: he didn’t look for victims, didn’t choose, didn’t organize anything in advance.

And, of course, he didn’t take away his victims. Usually it all started on a voluntary basis, on consent. But when, due to his physiological potential, he turned out to be untenable, when he was insulted, he found some kind of rage, and he, not realizing his actions, began to cut. Everything worked out by itself, spontaneously. How can a person be blamed for this?

"At that time, I was simply irresistibly attracted to children. There was a desire to see their naked bodies ... I wanted to have sexual intercourse ..." - he said to the investigator.

In order for the children to somehow make contact with him, they had to come up with various baits. Often he bought them "chewing gum", treated them. It was on this basis that acquaintances with children arose. So there was an acquaintance with the very first victim of the maniac - Lena Z-howl. In the case of the murder of this girl, Alexander Kravchenko was convicted and shot, and the real killer got off with a call to the investigator.

Chikatilo himself says: "... The murder of this girl was my first crime, and I myself, without anyone's reminder, sincerely told about the circumstances of her murder. At the time of my arrest in this case, the investigating authorities could not know that it the murder was committed by me. It was after this crime that I began to kill my other victims ... "

She was killed on December 22, 1978. After that, Lena's girlfriends told the operational workers: “Lena on the way home had to go to her grandfather for“ chewing gum ”, - said one. she will go to him and that he lives along the way; she needs to "get off the tram one stop early."

"... We went into my hut," he said. "I turned on the light and as soon as I closed the door, I immediately fell on it, crushing it under me, knocking it down on the floor, and began to tear off my clothes. The girl got scared, screamed, and I began to clamp his hands over her mouth ... Her scream aroused me even more ... I wanted to tear and touch everything. She wheezed, I choked her, and it brought me some relief. When I realized that I had killed the girl, I got up and dressed and decided to get rid of the corpse ... "

Talking about his first murder, Chikatilo himself notes the main thing: the girl's scream excited. And the sight of blood led to indescribable excitement. He experienced a pronounced orgasm, which he did not know before ...

Family members, relatives and employees of Chikatilo noticed changes in it during the period that coincided with this murder. He suddenly caught himself, was in a hurry, in a hurry. Then he came back, looked around as if he had forgotten something, ran again and came back again, as if he was not himself. Now we can assume that, most likely, in this way he fought with the one who called him, Chikatilo, who wanted a repetition of what was so unexpectedly delivered to him by the torment and blood of a small, weak victim.

The experienced impressions and sensations did not give rest, the whole being demanded repetition; the first crime of this kind deeply shook, sunk into the soul, and, as Chikatilo himself notes, it called him somewhere.

On August 14, 1990, Chikatilo killed 11-year-old Ivan F-na. "... Vanya was lying naked. They bent over him, who was closer, examined.

What's with his skin? Really riddled with a shotgun, - moaned one of the officers.

No, - concluded another, examining the boy, - Knife. All this with a knife ... "

Oleg F-n, Vanya's father, captain of the internal service, spoke in the courtroom on May 19, 1992. He could not speak: it was as if something was choking him. Then he pulled himself together, evenly, clearly said:

Tomorrow Vanya would have turned thirteen years old, it is his birthday ... My wife and I have a girl. She is fourteen years old. The second boy is eight. The third child was born when Vanya was gone. We wanted to call him Ivan. But the old people said it was impossible. Probably so, we named him Victor ... Yes, I have a request to the court. No need to sentence him to death. Do not. Let it be 15 years old. Let it be less. But then from the KGB casemates, where they hide him for so long, he will get to us. Listen, Chikatilo, what are we going to do with you. We will repeat everything that you did with our children. Chikatilo, we will repeat everything. And you will all, drop by drop, feel ... How painful it is. "

According to the conclusion of the forensic medical examination, Ivan F.'s death occurred as a result of 42 stab wounds to the chest, abdomen, and left shoulder, which led to profuse blood loss.

The boy was alive when the maniac cut off his testicles ... Chikatilo explains: he cut the genitals, taking out the evil for his impotence. Received not only sexual satisfaction, but also relieved stress, temporarily got rid of the feeling of heaviness and inferiority.

Usually Chikatilo used the tried and tested method: so that the victim did not notice anything, did not feel, walked in front. Then he suddenly pounced, struck, immobilized. Having dumped with a blow, he began to act with a knife. He delivered blows carefully so as not to kill immediately. After all, it was a pleasure to feel the resistance of the victim. At such moments, the knife played the role of a kind of penis: usually in the upper body, experts found wounds in which the blade, without leaving the surface, performed up to twenty reciprocating movements. Thus, a kind of imitation of sexual intercourse took place. And when it was all over, Chikatilo collected the clothes of the murdered or the murdered, tore, cut them into pieces, walked around and scattered them. Having finished, he took up the shoes, with which he did the same.

An eerie ritual of death ...

A huge number of victims on the conscience of this maniac, but did he have any problems with their choice? He himself talks about this:

"... I often had to visit railway stations, on trains, electric trains and buses ... There are many all kinds of vagabonds, young and old. They ask, and demand, and take away. In the morning they get drunk somewhere ... These vagabonds also draw in minors. From the train stations they crawl along the trains in different directions. I have to see scenes of the sex life of these vagrants at the train stations and in the trains. And I recalled my humiliation that I could never prove myself as a full-fledged man. The question arose: do they have the right to existence of these declassed elements? .. Getting to know them is not difficult, they themselves are not ashamed, they crawl into the soul, ask for money, food, vodka and offer themselves for a sexual life. .. "

A professional teacher and psychologist, he found approaches to those who were then absorbed by the "forest belt". So, seeing the hungry, Chikatilo offered to feed. He promised the sufferer a drink. An impatient woman has a bed. A chess lover is the secret of victory. To radio telemaster - complained about a blown fuse. To those who are fond of vidics - sex or horror - he offered both. Tired - rest. Lost on the way - a short way. He promised everyone what was most needed at that moment. Selflessly. And next to you, just go through that forest belt and immediately ... But on this forest belt everyone, without exception, was waiting for death - cruel, painful, terrifying.

Who was this man, if even now, after his execution, one shudders at the thought of what he has done? The devil? A seer? Probably neither one nor the other. The reason for his criminal longevity and a huge number of those who succumbed to his tricks and persuasions lies in the fact that, unlike many, he knew how to see individual people flickering in a common anthill, was able to examine everyone, penetrate, decipher, identify all his strengths and weaknesses sides: to assess whether the victim is suitable for "feeding" his passion.

The search for Chikatilo was carried out for almost a decade. How many victims does he have? The indictment said about 53, and he himself believed that there were over seventy of them.

Those close to Chikatilo (his wife and two adult children) were shocked when they learned about his arrest. Everyone was shocked and could not believe that their stooped, nondescript head of the family was a cruel killer. "After all, he was so soft, kind and sympathetic!"

Yes, I won't believe you for anything, - said Chikatilo's wife, bony, some kind of elongated woman, very similar to her husband. - He won't offend a fly, but here he is to kill people ...

Already in the pre-trial detention center, Chikatilo wrote to his wife: "The brightest thing in my life is my pure, beloved holy wife. Why did I disobey you, dear, when you said - work near the house, don't go anywhere on business trips. Why didn't you shut me down? under house arrest - after all, I have always obeyed you. Now I would sit at home and on my knees would pray for you, my sun.

How could I sink to atrocity, to a primitive state, when everything around is so pure and sublime. I already cried all the tears at night. And why did God send me to this earth - such an affectionate, gentle, caring, but completely defenseless with his weaknesses ... "

Now, when the question of abolishing the death penalty is being raised in society, it is necessary to think about it. Isn't it early? Maybe the monster should know that there will be no mercy?

Andrey Romanovich Chikatilo was sentenced to death under the criminal codes of three republics - Ukraine, Russia and Uzbekistan. The verdict was carried out.

The "Chikatilo case" does not end there. The continuation followed already in 1996, after the execution of Andrei Romanovich.

We have already mentioned that some scientists (for example, the geneticist V. Kolpakov) believe that there are no non-inherited traits, and the "criminality trait" is transmitted by one gene.

Perhaps it was this gene with the "sign of Criminality" that played its role in the fate of the son of the "killer of the century" Andrei Chikatilo - Yuri Andreevich.

After his arrest, he was charged with Articles 117, 108 and 126, that is, illegal imprisonment of a person whom he tortured, forgery of documents, rape ...

As for rape, several are suspected: one of his friends, for example, in case of refusal, he promised to cut off her friend's ears. But the statement lies alone. From the twenty-year-old girlfriend of the owner of the apartment at Rostselmash, because of which Yura was severely beaten, and even the BMW was taken away on which he arrived in the city. otherwise he threatened to cut out the family and scatter the pieces around the city.

In these threats one can feel the "handwriting" of his eerily famous father.

Yuri Andreevich worked part-time in Rostov, choosing a very original method: he walked around the booths, allegedly on behalf of their owner, and allegedly took money as a cashier.

From time to time Yura worked as a "shuttle", carrying leather and other consumer goods from Turkey. Once transporting such a product for him, the driver of the heavy-duty truck Lesha almost lost his life. He loaded a car in Kursk and took the cargo along the highway to its destination, in Rostov-on-Don. Then he did not imagine that this trip would turn into a nightmare, which neither he nor any of his colleagues could have imagined. The loaded car suddenly died out near Kamensk, Lesha could not fix the engine, he had to ask for help. Well, it happens to the most experienced of drivers as well. The owners, however, perceived the incident differently: he threw it! Where is the product?..

Soon Aleksey was already in the hands of his "customer". When they beat him, I thought the worst had come. But the worst was yet to come.

He came to himself in pain, bound. And he felt that a knife was slowly and tastefully introduced into his body.

Yuri Andreevich cut with it skillfully, for a long time and with pleasure. He also beat day after day - cruelly and endlessly, hitting when Lesha's broken ribs were already making holes in his lungs and blood, bubbling, burst out of them with air. "Check, all the goods are in place, I didn't take anything," Lesha wheezed while he could speak. "Yes? Then write a receipt," Yuri dictated. "To His Majesty Yuri Andreevich. I undertake to give the money in dollars in total ... Did you write it? Correct. Now let's work on."

But when it would seem that it could not be worse, Alexey experienced a new shock. The owner who had beaten him stuck his birth certificate under his nose. In the column "parents" Lesha read with horror: "Mother - Chikatilo Evdokia Semyonovna, Russian. Father - Andrey Romanovich Chikatilo, Ukrainian."

The new surname of his son, Yuri Andreevich, born in 1969, was also listed in the certificate shown by Lesha - it was changed on January 11, 1991 in the registry office of the Novocherkassk City Executive Committee of the Rostov Region, entry No. 3. There were few entries in that book for that period: it is not fashionable to rename now, and all concerned one surname - Chikatilo.

It was the police who then insisted on this measure in order to protect the family: there were too many people who wanted to take revenge, if not Andrei Romanovich himself, then at least those close to him. Everything was done so that Yura did not carry, like a terrible cross, the name of his father and his deeds.

Yuri, just like his father once, requires a psychiatric examination. And he does it in the same pre-trial detention center where his father stayed before.

Accident? Or a pattern?

The world-famous maniac Andrey Chikatilo Romanovich is recognized in the world. He was born in the village of Yablochnoye, in the Sumy region, in 1936. According to the operational services, over the 12 years of his activity he committed 65 murders, only 53 of them were proved. Among his victims were 35 children under the age of 18.


In 1954, the future maniac Chikatilo graduated from high school and entered the Akhtyrka communications school. After successful graduation, he continued his studies at the Moscow Electromechanical Institute. In 1957 he was drafted into the army in the troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. According to Chikatilo, there he was regularly subjected to humiliation and violence, including of a sexual nature. In 1964 he got married and entered the Faculty of Philology at the Rostov Institute. In 1970, Chikatilo graduated from the Pedagogical Institute in absentia and got a job as a teacher of the Russian language. In 1972, he was beaten by his own inmates for attempting to rape a sleeping student. In 1978 he moved to the city of Shakhty and began working at GPTU-33. In December of the same year, the maniac Chikatilo committed a murder for the first time.


The first victim was Elena Zakotnova, 9 years old. She was raped and brutally murdered. Chikatilo gave her a 3 and threw it near the bridge over the Grushovka River. The crime shook the entire city. All forces were thrown into the search for the killer. As a result, Andrey Kravchenko, previously convicted of rape, was detained. Under pressure, he confessed to the murder and was sentenced to 15 years. However, after numerous demands from the girl's relatives, the punishment was changed, and Kravchenko was sentenced to death.

Chikatilo is a maniac (the photo of the young man in no way betrayed terrible inclinations in him), who was very frightened by the noise that arose around his first victim. For the next three years, he did not kill. It resumed its activities in 1981. On September 3, he killed a 17-year-old girl. In 1982, he committed seven murders. All of his victims were children from 9 to 16 years old. Up to 60 stab wounds were found on the victims. The maniac cut off various parts of their body and gouged out their eyes.

Fatal mistake of law enforcement

In 1984, the maniac Chikatilo got a new job, where he got the opportunity to travel regularly on business trips. He has killed 15 people this year. In total, the number of his victims increased to 32. It is quite possible that this is where his criminal career would have ended, if not for an accident. On September 14 of that year, he was arrested for suspicious behavior. During a search, they found a rope, a knife and petroleum jelly on him. The blood taken for analysis did not match the one found on the victims. Subsequently, this was explained by the expert's negligence. Chikatilo was released. Fearing the consequences, he moved with his family to Novocherkassk. After that, he committed 21 more murders.

Maniac Chikatilo (photos of the victims of this person are grieving and horrified) committed his last murder in 1990, on November 6. After a long observation of him and comparing some of the facts, the police officers detained Chikatilo. Only after talking with a psychiatrist did he begin to testify. The court sentenced the maniac to death, which took place on February 14, 1994.

Almost every person, hearing the name "Chikatilo", immediately recalls the story of a terrible and ruthless maniac, whose deeds in the twentieth century shook the whole world.

While the investigation was underway, the arrested criminal was in solitary confinement. Most of the investigators were convinced that if Chikatilo waited for a decision in the same room with the thieves, he simply would not survive. The reason for this is the bloodthirstiness, groundlessness and immorality of the deed. Even the underworld does not accept sadists and severely punishes such perverse murders.

What exactly prompted a seemingly ordinary man to commit this kind of murder? Why has an ordinary boy from a village turned into the most terrible, merciless and frightening killer that the whole world is still talking about?

“Murderers are not born, but become” - everyone is familiar with this expression. Most often, aggression and all sorts of perversions are the result of children's grievances, problems and complexes. The biography of Andrei Chikatilo is another confirmation of the world-famous statement.

"Soviet Jack the Ripper" was born on October 16, 1936. The boy grew up and studied in his native village Yablochnoye, which currently belongs to the Sumy region. Many argue that Andrei had a congenital neurological disease - hydrocephalus. Problems were indicated by urinary incontinence even in relatively adulthood. Incontinence has become one of the main causes of maternal beatings.

The guy did not really remember his father, because after returning from captivity, the man was equated with a traitor and repressed. Chikatilo went to school in 1944. Suffering during the educational process intensified. The boy was the object of constant ridicule. Due to constant shyness, he could not study normally, he was afraid to ask questions to teachers and draw attention to himself.

The child's psyche continued to be destroyed by the mother's stories about the terrible famine, during which Andrei's older brother was eaten. Due to a terrible fear of being caught, the guy stopped going out in 1946, when famine came to the Soviet Union. Constant self-control and complexes always stifled his impulses and did not allow him to feel relief.

Chikatilo graduated from high school in 1954 and tried to enter the Lomonosov Moscow State University. The refusal was based on the fact that the graduate did not qualify for the competition. But Andrey did not believe what was said. The guy lived with the stigma of "the son of a traitor and a traitor," he was sure that the reason lies precisely in this. Despite the refusal, Chikatilo believed in his importance. As a result, he received a technical degree.

In the period from 1957 to 1960, the future serial killer had to go through a number of new problems. All this time Andrei served in the army. There, he again found himself the cause of ridicule, bullying and even sexual perversion from colleagues.

The inability to relieve stress, constant tension and injustice of the environment engendered hatred of the whole world in Chikatilo. He could not give back to his peers, but he was happy to suppress weaker people. This was evidenced by the situation that happened to him in the tenth grade.

Several months before the execution

On that day, the teenager experienced an orgasm for the first time. Ejaculation did not occur during intercourse, but precisely at the time of the use of force. The girl who visited Chikatilo's yard deliberately entered into a conflict with him, continuing to annoy the young man for some time. Unable to bear it, Andrei threw her to the ground. He did not have to do any manipulation or undress the 13-year-old guest. The usual indignant shouts gave an unexpected result.

Chikatilo was very upset by this situation. Despite the worries, psychologists never tire of insisting that this was the first time the “Rostov ripper” felt his power and strength over a weak girl.

Education and work

After the army, the educated Andrei moved to Rostov-on-Don, to the village of Rodionov-Nesvetayskaya. He combined his work as an engineer with a creative profession. In parallel, Chikatilo wrote articles for the regional newspaper Znamya. These activities did not bring pleasure and the desired satisfaction.

In search of himself, the man entered the correspondence department at Rostov University and graduated from it. Five years later he received another education. The University of Marxism-Leninism at the Pedagogical Institute allowed holding leadership positions in educational institutions and teaching. It was here that the path of Andrei Chikatilo began, followed by the trail of bloody traces of child victims.

The post of chairman of the regional committee of physical culture and sports (1965) was the first job from which the future killer enjoyed. Communicating with adolescents, observing them and studying child psychology - all this interested him. Interest in the younger generation gradually increased.

Already in 1979 he was able to join the team of boarding school №32. The teacher of the Russian language and literature, the head teacher and even the director - Chikatilo managed to attend all these positions. Despite such a rapid career growth, the man had to quit. The reason for this was the complaints of two female students about harassment on his part.

After leaving school "of his own free will," the man took up the position of a master of industrial training at Novoshakhtinsky GPTU-39. Here he stays for four years.

In 1978, the teacher and his family moved to the Rostov region - the city of Shakhty. Chikatilo Andrey Romanovich gets a job at GPTU-33 as an educator.

On trial

He cannot hide his inner impulses and interest in growing children. Now the teacher was interested not only in girls. Feeling the boys gave him pleasure and pleasure. Such hobbies and masturbation activities did not go unnoticed by the students. The children laughed and frankly mocked Chikatilo, beat him and called him “pedophile”, “gay”.

Personal life

Andrei Chikatilo was married and raised two children. Even after the first incident with a 13-year-old girl, he promised himself to make love only with his wife.

He suppressed sexual desires and lust until 1962. It was at this time that Andrei met his sister's friend Faina, who became his wife a year and a half later. The spouse is next to her man during all his career victories and falls.

The first son of Faina and Chikatilo dies immediately after giving birth. A year later, the woman gives her husband a daughter, Lyudmila, and in 1969 (four years later) a boy, Yuri, appears in their family.

In family life, Chikatilo was all smooth and calm. The wife, having learned about all his deeds, could not believe what she heard. Her quiet, flexible, hardworking and sympathetic husband, the father of two children, could not cruelly deal with children, and then return home and play with his own daughter and son.

A stooped, modest, well-read and soft-bodied man who, as loved ones thought, could not offend even a fly, brutally and mercilessly killed children for many years. Looking at the photo of Chikatilo, it is difficult to call him mentally unbalanced and frightening.

He instilled fear in the hearts of the parents of the entire USSR. For ten years, the operational services tried to figure out the maniac, mothers and fathers accompanied their children everywhere, moreover, the authorities managed to shoot the innocent Alexander Kravchenko in the death of the first victim of Chikatilo.

First kill

The first victim of Chikatilo was a nine-year-old girl Elena Zakotnova. This murder clearly showed the rapist what exactly makes him happy and satisfied. In the murder of Elena Zakotnova, a completely different person was accused and shot - Alexander Kravchenko.

First victim Elena Zakotnova and convicted Alexander Kravchenko

The fact that this girl was the first victim was told by Chikatilo himself during the investigation:

“After we entered the hut, I leaned on the girl. She screamed, and I clamped her mouth with my hands ... These screams brought my excitement to an extreme point. I wanted to constantly feel and tear everything. When I choked her, she wheezed. It was at this moment that I experienced the brightest orgasm in my life ”- in his interview, the serial killer was frank.

After the incident with the girl, Chikatilo held back for three years. The tension accumulated, and the desire to repeat those “vivid sensations” only intensified.

Murders and arrest

1982 was the beginning of a terrible nightmare and fatal for every inhabitant of the Soviet Union. Fear haunts parents and children. Police officers visit the forest belt every month (and sometimes several times) to identify new corpses.

The perpetrator brutally and perversely killed each of his victims: he cut off the testicles of the boys, he gnawed off the nipples of the female sex and cut out their genitals, the tongue, the clothes of the victims tore and scattered around the area, inflicted numerous knife wounds, gouged out their eyes and performed sexual acts in a perverse way ( using sticks and other improvised means).

The reason for such cruelty and hatred of the genitals was his lack of confidence in himself. Chikatilo felt like an incomplete impotent who could get pleasure from watching the torment of his victims.

For the first time, a criminal and a maniac was detained in 1984. The local inspector was alarmed by the behavior of the man. He was overly agitated, molesting teenagers. The contents of the suitcase (knife, rope, dirty towel, petroleum jelly) confirmed the concerns.

The main evidence that could confirm or deny the culprit's guilt were traces of semen. Unfortunately, then medicine was not so developed, because it was believed that the sperm group should coincide with the blood group. The peculiarity of Chikatilo (the discrepancy between these two analyzes) played in his favor. Soon, due to a lack of evidence, the man was found not guilty and released.

The killer was released and continued to commit his merciless atrocities for six years. When the crimes continued, the operatives set to work "Forest belt". For several years, law enforcement officers hunted for a thoughtful maniac. It was only in 1990 that Chikatilo was detained. After another murder, the maniac went to the train station, where he was detained by a police sergeant. The young man asked the man to show his documents. Not noticing anything suspicious, the policeman recorded the name "Chikatilo" and released him.

The finding of the corpse led to a review of all documents over the past week. Faced with the familiar name "Chikatilo," the operatives began planning an interception mission. The maniac was caught when he was returning home from the store. The man began to speak only on the tenth day after his arrest.

Court sentence

At the 1992 trial, the killer was accused of 56 murders; in several dozen other crimes, his guilt was not proven. Chikatilo was sentenced to death, which satisfied every person sitting in the hall. The enraged parents dreamed of committing lynching, and only a high iron cage saved the maniac from this. The criminal was sitting in the Novocherkassk prison.

He wrote a large number of letters to the president, asking for pardon and saving his life. All requests were denied. On February 14, 1994, the bloodthirsty sadist, the destroyer of children and women, Andrei Chikatilo, was executed by a shot in the back of the head.

At the present time, they have not stopped talking about this sadist and pervert. Films and numerous programs have been shot, telling about the story of a beaten child who turned into a real monster in childhood.

Handbook of Forensic Science

The story of the sexual maniac Andrei Chikatilo

While the investigation of the "killer of the century" Andrei Chikatilo was underway, the detainee was kept in solitary confinement in the KGB detention center. Why? Firstly, the investigators explained, there is also an employee of the bodies of correctional labor institutions among the victims, and in this case it would be difficult to guarantee that the prisoner would not be reached in the police isolation wards. Secondly, they feared that inmates might strangle this.

The name of Andrei Chikatilo over the past decade has become a household name: a maniac, a sadist, a cruel killer, a pervert. Scientists from a number of countries dreamed of studying this phenomenon, offering huge amounts of currency for the brain of a record-breaking maniac.

What was the path of a strong, conscientious village boy, whom his peers called "Andrei-Sila", to that monster that was brought to trial? Did he want to end his life behind bars, like a beast on display in a zoo? Of course no. Andrei Chikatilo was the son of a "traitor, traitor and coward", as his father was taken prisoner at the front. The family lived very poorly. But Chikatilo later said that it was precisely this poverty and indelible shame that gave rise to a stubborn dream of a high political career in him: "I firmly believed: I would not be the last person. My place is in the Kremlin ..."

He talked about his childhood: “... In September 1944 I went to school. I was too shy, timid, shy, was the object of ridicule and could not defend myself. I sat and cried. Because of congenital myopia, I could hardly see what was written on the blackboard and was afraid to ask. There were no glasses at all then, besides, I was afraid of the nickname "Ochkarik", I began to wear them only at the age of 30, when I got married ... Tears of resentment choked me all life.

In the spring of 1954, when I was already in the tenth grade, I once broke down. A thirteen-year-old girl came into our yard, her blue trousers peeped out from under her dress ... I said that my sister was not at home, she did not leave. Then I pushed her, knocked her down and lay down on her. I did not undress her and did not undress myself. But I immediately had an ejaculation. I was very worried about this weakness, although no one saw it. After this misfortune of mine, I decided to tame my flesh, my base motives and vowed not to touch anyone except my future wife. "

According to psychiatrists, the maniac has some kind of exciting image and, perhaps, it was there, in the courtyard of an old house in the village of Yablochnoye, where Andryusha Chikatilo threw a little girl to the ground, who brought him momentary relief, that the origins of the transformation of a timid young man into a rapist who chose as an object lie. violence to a defenseless victim. Drawn by this exciting way, he, having a technical specialty, having already established himself in it, suddenly, for no reason at all, went to study in absentia at the Rostov State University at the philological faculty. And in the future, Andrei Chikatilo, a student of the philological faculty, decided to become a teacher only because the incident in the village of Yablochnoye was deposited in the subconscious and gave rise to a painful idea that even dictated his choice of profession.

"Andrei-sila" did not choose this path himself - a maniac, rapist and murderer, it was that girl that cut into his memory as a living picture, and nature itself, which then received relaxation, led him. Even as a mature man, husband and father, he himself, perhaps unconsciously, sought to study people like her, to penetrate their psychology, to learn how to freely manage them. To do this, he got a job as chairman of the regional committee of physical culture and sports, where, he knew for sure, he would need to communicate with teenagers in different situations, go with them on business trips to competitions, sports competitions ... Then - a teacher of Russian language and literature, an educator in boarding school №32, later - in the city vocational school №39 in the city of Novoshakhtinsk, in the same school in the city of Shakhty.

Former students of the boarding school where Andrei Romanovich worked, already adults, recalled at the trial how the teacher, under the guise of assisting in the performance of written work, sat down with them and "touched various parts of the body" ... Suddenly he entered the girls' rooms in that the moment they undressed to go to bed. When he was alone among the girls, he became crazy ... Chikatilo constantly masturbated through his trouser pockets, for which his students frankly teased ...

While already behind bars, Chikatilo recalled the events of his life, which later brought him closer to murder. For example, as he once took the children to the pond: to relax, swim, sunbathe. One of the girls, with a rather well-formed, feminine body, swam away from everyone and there, in the distance, splashed, luxuriated. He swam towards her, portraying an angry educator, called upon to keep order and, pretending to drive her to the shore, began roughly feeling her all over. She screamed.

“I felt,” he said at the trial, “that she screamed louder, and this ... pleasure would begin ... I began to pinch her painfully ... She, struggling to escape, screamed furiously ... And at once I had everything started".

Soon, due to the scandal in the boarding school associated with the rough harassment of Chikatilo to the student, he had to change his place of work. In the new place, the boys became the objects of his close attention. One of them, as he later testified, woke up one night to find that Andrei Romanovich was bending over him and was touching his penis. This was repeated both with him and with other boys, the students stopped respecting him and even noticing him, there was no discipline, there were steady conversations among the children: Andrey Romanovich was a "fagot", "anxious" and engaged in masturbation ... It was hard not to notice, like a teacher through his pocket constantly fiddling with his penis in his hand.

Despite all his deviations, which he could not help noticing in himself, Chikatilo still continued to believe in his high destiny and in "this" his life he tried to grow to the height intended for him. He beat four faculties of the University of Marxism-Leninism. I gave lectures. Collaborated with local newspapers: wrote on moral issues. However, it was already impossible to stop the transformation of a person into a monster without the intervention of a specialist psychiatrist. And it was a shame to ask for help - that would mean admitting my failure as a man.

The terrible statistics of crimes began in 1982, when the dead were found in the Rostov region every now and then. But these were not just murders, they were the consequences of fanaticism. Even seasoned police officers shuddered when they got to the scene of the crime. There they found the corpses of people over whom someone cruelly mocked: beaten, cut. Almost all murders, without exception, were distinguished by just such a "handwriting" - sadism, special cruelty.

The killer was presented as a monster, but he turned out to be a very peculiar person: he valued his family, was attached to his wife and children, modest and even shy, timid. It was downright hard to believe that this meek creature was capable of gouging out the eyes of its victims. But this, as it turned out, is quite understandable: a maniac cannot withstand someone else's gaze.

The city was filled with fear. Uncertainty intensified the nightmare. Mothers accompanied the children to school and met them from school. However, more and more reports of the disappearance of children appeared in the newspapers and people found more and more corpses with the same sadistic "handwriting". The more time passed, the more victims appeared on the killer's account, the more clearly a certain "route" emerged: the bodies were found in forest belts, not far from the route of the Rostov-Zverevo electric trains. This gave the operation to search for the criminal who terrified the population of the region, the name "Forest belt". It was one of the longest, most difficult, but at the same time the most famous operations, during which a huge number of other crimes were revealed along the way.

Naturally, the brigade investigating the case included the most experienced detectives. Almost fifty. Ten years of searches ... In recent years, they have been carried out especially intensively. Every man with a teenager - a girl or a boy - wherever they saw it, was recorded with a hidden photo or video camera, then it was established: who is who? And in the future, in suspicious cases, they tracked this material: will it be caught again, with another child?

Many methods have been used to find the killer maniac. Hundreds of police officers, appropriately disguised, pretended to be working on the railway, fishing, picking mushrooms, looking after grapes, working in private plots or just waiting for the next train, in general, a huge number of options were being worked out. Not without the participation of female police officers. They, disguised as homeless people, to whom the criminal had a special craving as the most accessible and least wanted category of people, also traveled in electric trains under the protection of their disguised colleagues in the hope that the maniac would not ignore them and “bite” them.

The development of the investigation was complicated by the fact that the police did not have any witness statements. And yet there was one clue - on the body of a 9-year-old boy who died in the summer of 1982, sperm of the fourth group was found. And this, according to all the classical laws of forensic science, meant that the blood of a criminal was also of the fourth group.

But as it turned out, these unshakable "classical laws of criminalistics" played a cruel joke with the investigation. Even at the beginning of operations, in 1984, one of the task forces detained Chikatilo at the station, drawing attention to his suspicious behavior and a hard-to-hide interest in teenagers. Then they took a blood sample from him, but since the group turned out to be the second, the criminal was calmly released. Subsequently, it turned out that the physiology of Chikatilo was abnormal - he had different sperm group and blood group. The holy faith of those who conducted the investigation in forensic dogmas gave the sadist the opportunity to rape and kill people for another six years. Having reached a dead end, the members of the task force went to consult the same maniac-murderer Anatoly Slivko, who at that time was awaiting the death penalty in the Stavropol prison.

The bomber turned out to be talkative. “First,” he urged, “here you need to look for not one, but several killers: one is not capable of this. Second, look for someone who has some kind of exciting image.” But the maniac's advice did not help the investigation either. And the accident helped. Although, perhaps, those who argue that there are no accidents are also right. Most likely this is a pattern - no matter how much rope twists ...

The bloody drama ended in 1990. This year was especially "fruitful" for Chikatilo - six murders. He committed the last crime on October 6 near the Leskhoz station. On October 13, the corpse of a murdered woman was found with signs of the same characteristic "handwriting" of the criminal. When questioning possible witnesses, it turned out that the police sergeant Igor Rybakov on October 7 drew attention to a man with a briefcase, who was walking to the station, and checked his documents. The documents were in order, but, fortunately, the sergeant remembered that the detainee's surname began with the letter Ch.

It was not difficult to find Chikatilo, but there was no point in taking him right away - what if a mistake? They began to follow him. Only after looking at his behavior and making sure that this elderly man was actively interested in boys, he was arrested.

"On the territory of the Rostov region in 1982-1990, more than 30 murders of children and women with particular cruelty for sexual reasons were committed. On November 20, 1990, in the process of carrying out operational search activities, citizen Chikatilo Andrei Romanovich, born in 1936, a native of Sumy oblast of the Ukrainian SSR, Ukrainian, higher education, graduated from the philological faculty of Rostov State University in 1970, member of the CPSU since 1960, expelled from the CPSU in 1984 due to criminal prosecution for embezzlement, married, has 2 adult children , lived with his family in the town of Shakhty, Novoshakhtinsk, and at the time of his arrest - in the town of Novocherkassk, street Gvardeyskaya ...

Chikatilo was arrested. He was charged with committing murders, including those outside the region. The investigation into the case is ongoing.

At first, the arrested person denied his involvement in the crimes that were imputed to him, and only on the tenth day after his arrest, Andrei Chikatilo began to testify. He argued that his crimes were the result of mental disorders caused by sexual impotence. He persuaded the investigator: he didn’t look for victims, didn’t choose, didn’t organize anything in advance.

And, of course, he didn’t take away his victims. Usually it all started on a voluntary basis, on consent. But when, due to his physiological potential, he turned out to be untenable, when he was insulted, he found some kind of rage, and he, not realizing his actions, began to cut. Everything worked out by itself, spontaneously. How can a person be blamed for this?

"At that time, I was simply irresistibly attracted to children. There was a desire to see their naked bodies ... I wanted to have sexual intercourse ..." - he said to the investigator.

In order for the children to somehow make contact with him, they had to come up with various baits. Often he bought them "chewing gum", treated them. It was on this basis that acquaintances with children arose. So there was an acquaintance with the very first victim of the maniac - Lena Z-howl. In the case of the murder of this girl, Alexander Kravchenko was convicted and shot, and the real killer got off with a call to the investigator.

Chikatilo himself says: "... The murder of this girl was my first crime, and I myself, without anyone's reminder, sincerely told about the circumstances of her murder. At the time of my arrest in this case, the investigating authorities could not know that it the murder was committed by me. It was after this crime that I began to kill my other victims ... "

She was killed on December 22, 1978. After that, Lena's girlfriends told the operational workers: “Lena on the way home had to go to her grandfather for“ chewing gum ”, - said one. she will go to him and that he lives along the way; she needs to "get off the tram one stop early."

“... We went into my hut,” he said. “I turned on the light and as soon as I closed the door, I immediately fell on it, crushing it under me, knocking it down on the floor, and began to tear off my clothes. her mouth with my hands ... Her scream aroused me even more ... I wanted to tear and touch everything. She wheezed, I choked her, and it brought me some relief. When I realized that I had killed the girl, I got up, got dressed and decided get rid of the corpse ... "

Talking about his first murder, Chikatilo himself notes the main thing: the girl's scream excited. And the sight of blood led to indescribable excitement. He experienced a pronounced orgasm, which he did not know before ...

Family members, relatives and employees of Chikatilo noticed changes in it during the period that coincided with this murder. He suddenly caught himself, was in a hurry, in a hurry. Then he came back, looked around as if he had forgotten something, ran again and came back again, as if he was not himself. Now we can assume that, most likely, in this way he fought with the one who called him, Chikatilo, who wanted a repetition of what was so unexpectedly delivered to him by the torment and blood of a small, weak victim.

The experienced impressions and sensations did not give rest, the whole being demanded repetition; the first crime of this kind deeply shook, sunk into the soul, and, as Chikatilo himself notes, it called him somewhere.

On August 14, 1990, Chikatilo killed 11-year-old Ivan F-na. "... Vanya was lying naked. They bent over him, who was closer, examined.

What's with his skin? Really riddled with a shotgun, - moaned one of the officers.

No, - concluded another, examining the boy, - Knife. All this with a knife ... "

Oleg F-n, Vanya's father, captain of the internal service, spoke in the courtroom on May 19, 1992. He could not speak: it was as if something was choking him. Then he pulled himself together, evenly, clearly said:

Tomorrow Vanya would have turned thirteen years old, it is his birthday ... My wife and I have a girl. She is fourteen years old. The second boy is eight. The third child was born when Vanya was gone. We wanted to call him Ivan. But the old people said it was impossible. Probably so, we named him Victor ... Yes, I have a request to the court. No need to sentence him to death. Do not. Let it be 15 years old. Let it be less. But then from the KGB casemates, where they hide him for so long, he will get to us. Listen, Chikatilo, what are we going to do with you. We will repeat everything that you did with our children. Chikatilo, we will repeat everything. And you will all, drop by drop, feel ... How painful it is. "

According to the conclusion of the forensic medical examination, Ivan F.'s death occurred as a result of 42 stab wounds to the chest, abdomen, and left shoulder, which led to profuse blood loss. The boy was alive when the maniac cut off his testicles ... Chikatilo explains: he cut the genitals, taking out the evil for his impotence. Received not only sexual satisfaction, but also relieved stress, temporarily got rid of the feeling of heaviness and inferiority.

Usually Chikatilo used the tried and tested method: so that the victim did not notice anything, did not feel, walked in front. Then he suddenly pounced, struck, immobilized. Having dumped with a blow, he began to act with a knife. He delivered blows carefully so as not to kill immediately. After all, it was a pleasure to feel the resistance of the victim. At such moments, the knife played the role of a kind of penis: usually in the upper body, experts found wounds in which the blade, without leaving the surface, performed up to twenty reciprocating movements. Thus, a kind of imitation of sexual intercourse took place. And when it was all over, Chikatilo collected the clothes of the murdered or the murdered, tore, cut them into pieces, walked around and scattered them. Having finished, he took up the shoes, with which he did the same. An eerie ritual of death ...

A huge number of victims on the conscience of this maniac, but did he have any problems with their choice? He himself talks about this:

"... I often had to visit railway stations, on trains, electric trains and buses ... There are many all kinds of vagabonds, young and old. They ask, and demand, and take away. In the morning they get drunk somewhere ... These vagabonds also draw in minors. From the train stations they crawl along the trains in different directions. I have to see scenes of the sex life of these vagrants at the train stations and in the trains. And I recalled my humiliation that I could never prove myself as a full-fledged man. The question arose: do they have the right to existence of these declassed elements? .. Getting to know them is not difficult, they themselves are not ashamed, they crawl into the soul, ask for money, food, vodka and offer themselves for a sexual life. .. "

A professional teacher and psychologist, he found approaches to those who were then absorbed by the "forest belt". So, seeing the hungry, Chikatilo offered to feed. He promised the sufferer a drink. An impatient woman has a bed. A chess lover is the secret of victory. To radio telemaster - complained about a blown fuse. To those who are fond of vidics - sex or horror - he offered both. Tired - rest. Lost on the way - a short way. He promised everyone what was most needed at that moment. Selflessly. And next to you, just go through that forest belt and immediately ... But on this forest belt everyone, without exception, was waiting for death - cruel, painful, terrifying.

Who was this man, if even now, after his execution, one shudders at the thought of what he has done? The devil? A seer? Probably neither one nor the other. The reason for his criminal longevity and a huge number of those who succumbed to his tricks and persuasions lies in the fact that, unlike many, he knew how to see individual people flickering in a common anthill, was able to examine everyone, penetrate, decipher, identify all his strengths and weaknesses sides: to assess whether the victim is suitable for "feeding" his passion.

The search for Chikatilo was carried out for almost a decade. How many victims does he have? The indictment said about 53, and he himself believed that there were over seventy of them.

Those close to Chikatilo (his wife and two adult children) were shocked when they learned about his arrest. Everyone was shocked and could not believe that their stooped, nondescript head of the family was a cruel killer. "After all, he was so soft, kind and sympathetic!"

Yes, I won't believe you for anything, - said Chikatilo's wife, bony, some kind of elongated woman, very similar to her husband. - He won't offend a fly, but here he is to kill people ...

Already in the pre-trial detention center, Chikatilo wrote to his wife: "The brightest thing in my life is my pure, beloved holy wife. Why did I disobey you, dear, when you said - work near the house, don't go anywhere on business trips. Why didn't you shut me down? under house arrest - after all, I have always obeyed you. Now I would sit at home and on my knees would pray for you, my sun.

How could I sink to atrocity, to a primitive state, when everything around is so pure and sublime. I already cried all the tears at night. And why did God send me to this earth - so affectionate, gentle, caring, but completely defenseless with his weaknesses ... "

Andrey Romanovich Chikatilo was sentenced to death under the criminal codes of three republics - Ukraine, Russia and Uzbekistan. The verdict was carried out.

The "Chikatilo case" does not end there. The continuation followed already in 1996, after the execution of Andrei Romanovich. We have already mentioned that some scientists (for example, the geneticist V. Kolpakov) believe that there are no non-inherited traits, and the "criminality trait" is transmitted by one gene.

Perhaps it was this gene with the "sign of Criminality" that played its role in the fate of the son of the "killer of the century" Andrei Chikatilo - Yuri Andreevich. After his arrest, he was charged with Articles 117, 108 and 126, that is, illegal imprisonment of a person whom he tortured, forgery of documents, rape ...

As for rape, several are suspected: one of his friends, for example, in case of refusal, he promised to cut off her friend's ears. But the statement lies alone. From the twenty-year-old girlfriend of the owner of the apartment at Rostselmash, because of which Yura was severely beaten, and even the BMW was taken away on which he arrived in the city. otherwise he threatened to cut out the family and scatter the pieces around the city.

In these threats one can feel the "handwriting" of his eerily famous father. Yuri Andreevich worked part-time in Rostov, choosing a very original method: he walked around the booths, allegedly on behalf of their owner, and allegedly took money as a cashier. From time to time Yura worked as a "shuttle", carrying leather and other consumer goods from Turkey. Once transporting such a product for him, the driver of the heavy-duty truck Lesha almost lost his life. He loaded a car in Kursk and took the cargo along the highway to its destination, in Rostov-on-Don. Then he did not imagine that this trip would turn into a nightmare, which neither he nor any of his colleagues could have imagined. The loaded car suddenly died out near Kamensk, Lesha could not fix the engine, he had to ask for help. Well, it happens to the most experienced of drivers as well. The owners, however, perceived the incident differently: he threw it! Where is the product?..

Soon Aleksey was already in the hands of his "customer". When they beat him, I thought the worst had come. But the worst was yet to come. He came to himself in pain, bound. And he felt that a knife was slowly and tastefully introduced into his body.

Yuri Andreevich cut with it skillfully, for a long time and with pleasure. He also beat day after day - cruelly and endlessly, hitting when Lesha's broken ribs were already making holes in his lungs and blood, bubbling, burst out of them with air. "Check, all the goods are in place, I didn't take anything," Lesha wheezed while he could speak. "Yes? Then write a receipt," Yuri dictated. "To His Majesty Yuri Andreevich. I undertake to give the money in dollars in total ... Did you write it? Correct. Now let's work on." But when it would seem that it could not be worse, Alexey experienced a new shock. The owner who had beaten him stuck his birth certificate under his nose. In the column "parents" Lesha read with horror: "Mother - Chikatilo Evdokia Semyonovna, Russian. Father - Andrey Romanovich Chikatilo, Ukrainian."

The new surname of his son, Yuri Andreevich, born in 1969, was also listed in the certificate shown by Lesha - it was changed on January 11, 1991 in the registry office of the Novocherkassk city executive committee of the Rostov region, entry No. 3. There were not many entries in that book for that period: it is not fashionable to rename now, and everyone concerned the same surname - Chikatilo.

It was the police who then insisted on this measure in order to protect the family: there were too many people who wanted to take revenge, if not Andrei Romanovich himself, then at least those close to him. Everything was done so that Yura did not carry, like a terrible cross, the name of his father and his deeds.

Yuri, just like his father once, requires a psychiatric examination. And he does it in the same pre-trial detention center where his father stayed before. Accident? Or a pattern?

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