Home Grape Antithesis is a lexical or syntactic means. Syntactic tools. Syntactic means of artistic representation

Antithesis is a lexical or syntactic means. Syntactic tools. Syntactic means of artistic representation

The word intonation from Latin is translated as "to pronounce loudly". It plays an important role in speech, helps to change the meaning of the sentence, depending on the selected timbre of the voice. The intonation of speech is the rhythmic-melodic part of the sentence, which performs syntactic and emotional functions during pronunciation.

Intonation is a prerequisite for oral speech; punctuation conveys it in writing. In linguistics, intonation is used to mean changing the tone of a voice in a syllable, word, and sentence. The intonation components are an integral part of human speech.

The intonation components are divided into:

  • Timbre of speech. The timbre of speech helps to express the emotions and feelings of a person. The spoken speech in an emotional outburst changes depending on the experienced emotions or experiences.
  • Intensity. The intensity of speech is articulatory and depends on the degree of effort during pronunciation. The intensity of speech depends on the work and direction of the muscles.
  • Pause. Pause helps highlight phrases and syntagmas in speech. This is a stop in sound.
  • Melody. This is the movement of the main tone, its increase or decrease.

The main elements of intonation are used in a combined form and are considered separately for study purposes only. The expressiveness and variety of speech is manifested through skillful verbal expression, its ability to change depending on intonation. Intonation plays an important role in language structuring. There are the following intonation functions:

  • Division of speech into intonation and semantic parts of syntagmas.
  • Creation of a syntactic structure in a sentence, intonation constructions are involved in the design of sentence types.
  • Intonation helps a person express emotions, feelings, experiences.
  • The sense-distinguishing function serves to distinguish lexical elements between sentences.
  • Distinguish between the functions of intonation of a phrase - this is the modality of the phrase, its narrative, exclamatory and interrogative differences.

Intonation is the main component not only in Russian, but also in any oral speech. In writing, intonation is emphasized by punctuation: ellipsis, comma, question mark and exclamation mark. How the Russian speech sounded many centuries ago is no longer known for certain. The types of intonation in the Russian language are very diverse. There are 16 of them. But there are intonations that are used in the same way in all countries of the world.

What are the suggestions for the purpose of the statement:

  • Narrative.

The last syllable of the utterance is pronounced in a raised tone. Narrative utterances contain an intonation peak and an intonation decrease. An intonation peak is a high tone, and an intonation drop is a low one. If a word or phrase is combined in a narrative form, then part of the phrase is pronounced in increased or decreased intonation. Most often, demotion is used during enumeration.

  • Interrogative.

Interrogative types of intonations are used in two cases:

  1. When the question touched the whole statement. In this case, raising the voice to the extreme syllable of the interrogative statement is applied.
  2. When voice raising is applied only to the words to which the question is addressed. Its intonation picture depends on the location of the word in the sentence.
  • Exclamation point.

This type of human speech is divided into the exclamation form itself, where the intonation is higher in tone than in the narration, but lower than in the question. As well as motivating intonation, in which there is a request or order.

All types of intonation are combined in one concept - logical intonation. It is intonation that defines the characteristics of the expression, while remaining the opposite of emotional pronunciation.

Depending on life situations, people talk to each other in different ways, from tongue twisters and poems to a business speech. Intonation has an individual character, it is impossible to find the same timbre of voice and manner of pronunciation of a word.

There are also unfinished sentences for intonation:

  • Contrasts. The opposition is found in complex sentences. The letter is highlighted by punctuation or dashes.
  • A warning. The warning intonation breaks the sentence into two parts with a long pause. The divided part of the sentence is pronounced in a raised tone.
  • Water content. There are no pauses between words, stress in the introductory intonation. She has a fast pace of speech.
  • Enumerations. The enumeration is characterized by a pause between homogeneous members of the sentence. During the listing of words in a sentence, a logical stress is placed. If there is a generalizing word before the enumeration, then it is highlighted during pronunciation.
  • Segregations. Separation is separated in a sentence by a pause and emphasized. The first pause is long, the second is shorter.

Musical intonation

Musical intonation has theoretical and aesthetic meanings that are closely interrelated. It represents the organization of sound in music, their sequential arrangement. Musical and speech intonations are not interrelated and differ in pitch and location in the sound system. Intonation in music is also called the music of words. But the difference from the word it lies in the fact that the musical intonation or singing does not conceal any meaning.

The expression of intonation in music derives from speech intonation. Listening to a conversation in a foreign language, one can understand not only the gender and age of the speaker, but also their attitude towards each other, the nature of the conversation between them, the emotional state - joy, hatred, sympathy.

It is this connection with speech that musicians use consciously and sometimes unconsciously. The intonation of human speech transfers character, feelings, psychological subtleties of communication, which are then expressed in a piece of music.

Music with the help of intonation is able to convey and reproduce:

  • gestures;
  • body movement;
  • harmony of speech;
  • emotional condition;
  • person's character.

Intonational musical expressions have a rich, centuries-old history. Simple intonation has evolved over time into numerous musical genres and styles. An example, arias of mourning, lamentation, written in the Baroque era. Tense or disturbing ballads, lyric pieces, and a solemn hymn are easily identified. Each composer has a unique musical and intonational handwriting and style.

Accent in intonation

Stress in intonation plays an important role, since the whole meaning of the statement depends on its setting. Stress implies emphasizing a word using basic phonetic elements. Word stress is not the only kind in the Russian language. In addition to verbal stress, other types are distinguished:

  • Syntagmatic. Syntagmatic or tact stress marks out the main semantic words in the speech tact of the syntagma in a sentence. Syntagma separates from the entire speech stream a separate syllable, parts of text or words. Semantic groups with syntactic meaning are obtained.
  • Logical. Logical stress helps to highlight important words from the statement, in a specific situation using the main means of intonation. In logical stress, any words from a sentence are highlighted.

Example, “Who was here? - I was here "

It arises when using intonation, the main role is played by the melody along with the increase in verbal stress.

  • Emphatic. The phenomenon of emphatic stress was introduced and discovered by the Russian linguist L.V. Shcherba. It is used to express the emotional coloring of a word and expression, highlighting the state of the speaker during communication. Emphatic stress differs from logical stress by its emotional coloring of the word. In Russian, this stress lengthens the stressed vowel: wonderful person, wonderful day.

Working with intonation

A fast flow of speech, a monotonous text pronounced too loudly or quietly is uninteresting to listen to, it even repels strangers. Such a boring dialogue can only be observed between loved ones. In order for you to be heard and understood, it is not necessary to speak loudly, it is enough to learn to speak expressively, observing the rules of intonation.

People who work with a large number of listeners have to speak expressively, so the speech must be correct and interesting. Communication in everyday life between relatives or friends should be correctly constructed using appropriate intonation. The development of intonation is of great importance for human speech. Utterances that contain the wrong tone lead to conflict situations and disagreements.

Exercises and techniques for intonation staging have been developed:

  • Reading aloud.

Read the poem aloud, with expression, record your voice on a dictaphone and listen to what happened. It is very important to hear a voice from the side, so it is easier to find speech and intonation errors, as well as to find out what its melody is. Reading exercises are designed to develop the timbre of speech and melody, the poem is read loudly, the intonation and tempo of speech change. When reading a poem, pay attention to the main phrases and words that are used there. Highlight them from the text with the necessary intonation.

  • Relaxation exercises.

We read the text with a pen in our mouth, moving our jaws. We choose any text; it will also be remembered during the exercise. Gymnastics is aimed at developing speech pronunciation and diction.

  • When talking or reading a book, focus on positive, joyful intonations.

To use mostly joyful and positive expressions in speech, since they are more difficult than others. It is necessary to speak as simply as possible, as naturally as possible, enjoying the voice and intonation.

  • Use gestures when doing the exercises or talking to the other person.

They help to embellish speech, add emotional coloring. But gestures are used in moderation, knowing the meaning. Excessive gestures will make the intonation look uncertain or inappropriate.

Having worked out the rules in communication, it is worth practicing intonation exercises in life, not hesitating to show skill. The delivered speech with the correct intonation will interest the interlocutor, the main thing is to monitor the pronunciation when communicating with colleagues and relatives, improving speech every day.

Intonation- these are various ratios of quantitative changes in tone, timbre, intensity, duration of sound, serving to express the semantic and emotional differences of the statement (according to RG-80)

Thus, the constituent elements of intonation are:

Melody of speech,

The rhythm of speech,

Intensity of speech,

Timbre of speech,

Speech rate,

· Stress.

Melodic- this is the tonal contour of speech, i.e. modulation of the pitch of the main tone when pronouncing parts of a sentence, a whole sentence and over-phrasal unity. The tonal contour serves to express different semantic, syntactic and emotionally expressive meanings.

There are 4 contours of melody:

· descending melody(lowering the pitch)

· rising melody ( raising the pitch)

· ascending-descending(first increase, then decrease)

· sweet melody or monochromatic(maintaining the same pitch of the main tone for a certain period of speech)

Rhythm of speech- alternation of stressed and unstressed long and short syllables. For example, in poetic and prose texts, the rhythm is different.

Intensity of speech- i.e. strength or weakness of pronunciation associated with increased or decreased exhalation. (For example, speech in the room and outside). Quantitative changes in the intensity of different sounds, and primarily vowels, are a property of intonation and, in combination with the tone of sounds, affect their loudness upon perception. Increasing the intensity of sounds with the same pitch increases their volume. On the other hand, at equal intensity, sound with a higher pitch is perceived as louder.

Speech rate- the speed of speech, the relative acceleration or deceleration of its individual segments (sounds, syllables, words, sentences and more voluminous fragments). The pace depends on the style of pronunciation, the meaning of speech, the emotional content of the statement. Fast pace- emotional speech. Average pace–Situation of information communication (lecturer's speech, business communication). Slow pace- fractional syntagmatic division, the limit of which is the coincidence of the syntagma and the word. Accordingly, the number of syntagmatic stresses increases, and individual words acquire special semantic weight. At a slow pace, solemn and important messages are pronounced.

Timbre- in intonation, the timbre is an additional coloring of the sound that communicates various emotionally expressive shades to speech. The timbre of sounds can change depending on the emotional state of the speaker (with fear in the voice, with anger, etc.) Timbre intonation means are different qualities of the voice, determined mainly by the state of the vocal cords. Allocate:





Stress–For intonation (as a component of intonation) of speech, verbal stress (highlighting one of the syllables in a word in the process of pronunciation) and semantic stress (syntagmatic (beat), phrasal and logical) are fundamentally significant. Often, the action of stress is not only semantic, but also emotional. Along with the listed types, emphatic stress (Shcherba) is also intonationally significant.

Emphatic stress emphasizes, enhances the emotional side of the word or expresses the emotional state of the speaker. The means of expressing emphase in Russian is mainly the lengthening of the stressed vowel when expressing positive emotions (delight, admiration). Negative emotions (anger, annoyance) can be expressed by lengthening the initial consonant, as well as by emphasizing the reduction of the stressed vowel.

The main phonetic means in intonation include cessation of phonation, i.e. lack of sound (pause). Pause- this is a kind, most often not a sound intonation means. Pauses delimit syntagmas (/) and phrases (//) from each other. Interphase pauses are longer.

To enhance the figurative-expressive function of speech, special syntactic constructions are used - the so-called stylistic (or rhetorical) figures.
Stylistic figure - a turn of speech, a syntactic structure used to enhance the expressiveness of an utterance (anaphora, antithesis, inversion, epiphora, ellipsis, rhetorical question, etc.).

4. Ellipsis - a stylistic figure consisting in the omission of any implied member of a sentence

We are villages - in ashes, hailstones - in dust, in swords - sickles and plows. (V. Zhukovsky)

5. Parceling - division of the proposal into separate segments (words)

And again Gulliver. Costs. Slouching. (P. Antokolsky)

6. Gradation - a stylistic figure consisting in such an arrangement of words in which each subsequent one contains an increasing (less often - decreasing) meaning

Arriving home, Laevsky and Alexandra Fedorovna entered their dark, stuffy, boring rooms. (A. Chekhov)
I won’t break, I won’t flinch, I won’t get tired, I won’t forgive the enemies a bit. (O. Bergholz)

7. Inversion - the arrangement of the members of the sentence in a special order (violating the so-called direct order) in order to enhance the expressiveness of speech

I wondered with horror what all this would lead to! And with despair she recognized his power over my soul. (A. Pushkin)

8. Silence - a turn of speech, consisting in the fact that the author deliberately does not fully express the thought, leaving the reader / listener to guess the unspoken

No, I wanted ... maybe you ... I thought it was time for the master to die. (A. Pushkin)

9. Rhetorical appeal - a stylistic figure, consisting in an emphasized appeal to someone or to something

Flowers, love, village, idleness, field! I am devoted to you in my soul. (A. Pushkin)

10. Rhetorical question -
stylistic figure, consisting in the fact that the question is posed not with the aim of getting an answer to it, but with the aim of attracting the attention of the reader / listener to a particular phenomenon

Do you know Ukrainian
night? (N. Gogol)
Or we argue with Europe
Or has the Russian lost the habit of victories? (A. Pushkin)

11. Multi-Union - the deliberate use of repetitive conjunctions in order to enhance the expressiveness of speech

A thin rain fell on the forests, and on the fields, and on the wide Dnieper. (N. Gogol)

12. Non-union - a stylistic figure, consisting in the deliberate omission of connecting unions in order to give dynamism, expressiveness to the described

Swede, Russian - stabs, chops, cuts, Drum beat, clicks, rattle,
The thunder of the cannons, the stomp, the neighing, the groan. (A. Pushkin)

№ 256*.
In these examples, define the syntactic means of expressing speech.
1) Do I wander along noisy streets, // Do I enter a crowded temple, // Do I sit between the mad young men, // I surrender to my dreams. (A. Pushkin) 2) Dear friend, and in this quiet house // Fever hits me. // I can't find a place for me in a quiet house // Near a peaceful fire! (A. Blok) 3) But you go through - and you don't look, you meet - and you don't recognize. (A. Blok) 4) You are in the cabins! You are in the storerooms! (V. Mayakovsky) 5) Flerov - he can do everything. And uncle Grisha Dunaev. And the doctor too. (M. Gorky) 6) I came, I saw, I won. (Julius Caesar) 7) A month came out in a dark night, lonely looking out of a black cloud at desert fields, at distant villages, at nearby villages. (B. Neverov) 8) But listen: if I owe you. I own a dagger, I was born near the Caucasus. (A. Pushkin) 9) Hush, orators! Your word, comrade Mauser! (V. Mayakovsky) 10) Who is not affected by novelty? (A. Chekhov) 11) The ocean walked before my eyes, and swayed, and
thundered, and sparkled, and faded, and shone, and went off somewhere into infinity. (V. Korolenko) 12) Booths, women, boys, shops, lanterns, palaces, gardens, monasteries flash past. (A. Pushkin)
Final work number 8
  1. 1. This offer is a period:
a) Then they went into the wilderness, where not a soul was found, where only the clicking of dragonflies rang in the thickets of mimosas and it seemed that unknown animals grinned between the wild rocks. (N. Gumilyov) b) If it is true that there are you, my God, my God, if the carpet of the stars is woven by you, if this pain, multiplied every day, you sent down, Lord, torture, put on the judge's chain, wait for my visit. (V. Mayakovsky) c) Piling up his creations like blocks of a giant's constructions, he brought in a nest, which is an eagle, and showed all the hiding places of the earth; a giant, whose spirit is a floating picture, you are ours through the fact that here we are all yours. (K. Balmont)
  1. Arrange punctuation marks in direct speech and determine which example each scheme corresponds to.
1) "P" - a, a: "P" - a. 2) A: "P"; a: "P!" 3) A: "P!" - a: "P!" a) The owner, raising a full glass, was important and motionless I drink to the land of my native meadows, in which we all lie, and my friend, looking into my face and remembering God knows what, exclaimed And I for her songs, in which we all live ! (A. Akhmatova) b) The Phantom of Happiness, I thought the White Bride, trembling and embarrassed, but she said Not from a place and looked quietly and in love. (N. Gumilyov) c) If the holy army cries out, Throw you Rus, live in paradise! I will say No need for paradise, give me my homeland! (S. Yesenin)
  1. Replace direct speech with indirect.
You said: “What poverty! If only the soul was strong, if only the will to live would be preserved by the thirst for happiness ”. (F. Sologub)
  1. Replace indirect speech with direct.
Once Jurat sent all the servants to notify all the famous goddesses that she was asking them to come to the feast and that she would advise them to do something about a significant matter - about a great lie alone. (K. Balmont)
  1. Correct the punctuation mistake made in the execution of direct speech.
“Sons, get up. Saddle the horses! " - knocks, shouts the old gray-haired man. - "Come on, but what, father, with you?" - “Son, senior, middle, help; youngest son, dear, help: the enemies have stolen the daughters. " - “Did the enemies kidnap the sisters? Hurry after them. Oh, shame! " - “Sons, let's fly! We will catch up with the enemies! Let us bury shame in the blood of our enemies! " (K. Balmont)
  1. Imagine the text in the form of a dialogue - you will get N. Gumilyov's poem "Sleep (morning chatter)" (quotes and dashes are not put on purpose):
Are you so beautiful today that you saw in a dream? Coast, willows in the moonlight. What else? One does not come to the night slope without loving. Desdemona and myself. You look so timidly: Who was there behind the bunch of willows? There was Othello, he is handsome. Was he worthy of you two? Was he like moonlight? Yes, he is a warrior and a poet. What was he singing about now undiscovered beauty? About desert and dream. And you listened in love, without melting tender sadness? Desdemona, but not me.
II. Work with text.
Write an essay based on the read text according to a given compositional scheme (problem, commentary, author's position, reasoned opinion regarding the urgency of the problem and agreement / disagreement with the author's position).
To this department. I climbed not three or four paved steps, but hundreds and even thousands of them - unapproachable, steep, frozen, out of darkness and cold, where I was destined to survive, and others - maybe with a great gift, stronger than me - died. Of these, I have met only a few myself on the Gulag Archipelago. Those who have sunk into that abyss already with a literary name are even known - but how many unrecognized, never publicly named! And almost, almost no one managed to return. A whole national literature remained there, buried not only without a coffin, but even without underwear, naked, with a tag on the toe.
And to me today, accompanied by the shadows of the fallen and with bowed head, letting myself forward to this place of others who were worthy before, to me today - how to guess and express what they wanted to say?

In the agonizing camp crossings, in a column of prisoners, in the haze of evening frosts with shining chains of lanterns - more than once it came to our throat that we would like to shout out to the whole world, if the world could hear any of us. Then it seemed very clear: what our lucky messenger would say - and how the world would immediately respond.
And amazingly for us, “the whole world” turned out to be completely different from what we expected, as we hoped: “living in the wrong way”, going “in the wrong place”, exclaiming: “What a charming lawn!” - on concrete neck pads: "What a sophisticated necklace!" - and where some unhealthy tears roll, others dance to the careless musical.
How did this happen? Why did this abyss blunder? Were we insensitive? Is the world insensitive? Or is it from the difference in languages? Why are people not able to hear every speech from each other? Words echo out and flow away like water - tasteless, colorless, odorless. Without a trace.
As I understood this, the composition, meaning and tone of my possible speech changed and changed over the years. My speech tonight.
(From the Nobel Lecture of the Nobel Prize Laureate A. I. Solzhenitsyn)

Unified State Exam Russian language.

Express preparation.

Task number 26. Language means of expression.

Task number 26. .

So, you guys, our wonderful express train brought us to the last test stop.

Today we will recall the main artistic expressive means of the language. I will tell you how to complete assignment number 25. But the conversation is long ahead, there is a lot of material. If you're ready, let's get started.

I will explain step by step the procedure for completing task 25.

Step 1 .

Read the assignment carefully. Look, WHAT you need to find.

If you need to find TROPE in the named sentences, then remember what it is and what types of tops are.


Trails Are the words used figuratively, helping to vividly, figuratively, expressively convey thoughts and feelings, to recreate the necessary picture.

Remember the main thing: These are words in a figurative sense, that is, in life we ​​will not be able to “see” it, it seems to us that this is how it happens, this is our vision of the world.


An allegory, with the help of which the essence is conveyed, the signs of a specific image.


Themis (woman with scales) - justice.

All animals in fables, fairy tales are images of people with similar characters.


Exaggeration of something, properties, signs and other things.


At one hundred and forty suns, the sunset blazed. (V. Mayakovsky)


From the Greek "pretense". This is a trope in which the true meaning is hidden, it is a slight ridicule.


Where, clever, your head is wandering (an appeal to the Donkey in the fable of I. Krylov).


Understatement of something, as opposed to hyperbole.


Waist not thinner than a bottle neck (N.V. Gogol)


This is a transfer of the meaning of a word by its appearance. The metaphor is a hidden comparison. She has something , with what compare, but there is no subject of comparison.

The metaphor is expanded when a whole picture of the object or phenomenon being compared is created.


Noble city nezdo.


This is the transfer of the properties of objects according to their internal similarity (this is the difference from the metaphor, in which the similarity is external).

There are different cases of internal transfer, connections between objects:

1.between object and material

2.between the content and the containing.

3. between action and instrument of action.

5. Between the place and the people who are there.


1. Not that on silver - on gold I ate (A. Griboyedov).

2. Take a spoon. Have a cup.

3. His feather breathes vengeance.

4. I read Tolstoy, listen to Tchaikovsky.

5. The whole school went to the clean-up day.


The endowment of inanimate objects is endowed with the properties of the living - the ability to think, feel, experience.


It's raining.

Spring came.

Nature rejoices.


This is a transfer of meaning according to a quantitative criterion: when the plural is used instead of the singular, and vice versa, a part instead of a whole.

When a person as a whole is spoken of through his detail (clothes, appearance, character traits).


Most of all, take care of a penny

(N.V. Gogol).

And you blue uniforms. (M.Yu. Lermontov on the gendarmes).


Don't confuse comparison with metaphor. There is also something in comparison what do they compare, and then what is being compared with... Unions are often used: like, like, like.


Speaks the word - the nightingale sings.


Figurative definition. In other words, it is a definition that denotes a quality of an object that cannot be seen in life.

Remember! Epithets are not always adjectives; there may be other parts of speech.


Dissuaded the grove gold birch, cheerful language (S. Yesenin) ..

All around the grass so funny bloomed.

... when the first spring thunder, as it were frolicking and playing thunders in the blue sky


Step 2.

If you need to find lexical means , then among the words of the proposed list, you need to look for the following terms.

Types of words by meaning

Synonyms - these are words of one part of speech, which differ in shades of meaning and stylistic use in speech (gorgeous, excellent, amazing, luxurious, great, wonderful, cool, super).

Contextual synonyms - these are words that are only synonymous in this context.

For example: by nature it was kind, soft female.

Synonyms for these words outside the text:

Kind - warm-hearted, sincere, compassionate, humane, etc.

Soft - plump, pliable, elastic, fluffy.

Antonyms - these are opposite words in meaning (reject - approve, original - fake, callous - responsive).

Contextual antonyms - these are words that are antonyms only in this context. The opposition of such words is a purely individual author's decision.

For example: one day is all life, wolves are sheep, a poet is a poet.

Homonyms - these are words that are spelled the same, but have completely different meanings (maiden braid and scythe as an agricultural tool).

Paronyms are words that are similar in spelling and sound, but have different meanings (great - majestic, spectacular - effective).

Types of words by area of ​​use

Common words - these are words, the meaning of which is known to all the people, to all speakers of a given language (sky, school, blue, walk, beautiful, etc.)

Dialectisms - these words are used by residents of a certain area ("sadnova" - that is, constantly, used in the outback of the Volga region).

Professionalism (or special vocabulary) - these words are used by people of a certain profession (syringe, scalpel - by doctors; root, morphology, syntax - by teachers of the Russian language).

Terms names of certain concepts that are used in a particular field of knowledge (for example: function, democracy)

Slang - these are words and expressions that are used in social groups in informal communication (for example: glitch, hack - computer jargon, that is, slang; ksiva, malyava-thief jargon; teacher, three-man, home-school;

Types of words by origin

Outdated vocabulary (archaisms ) - these are outdated words that came out of constant speech, since over time they were replaced with other words (eyes, cheeks).

Histories - these are outdated words that have gone out of use due to the disappearance of the phenomena that they denoted. These words can be used to describe a historical era (chain mail, jackboots).

Neologisms - new words that have recently appeared in the language and have not lost their novelty. Over time, these words become common. So, quite recently, neologisms were the words: computer, tablet, mobile phone, smartphone, but today they are already becoming common.

Primordially Russian words - words that arose in antiquity among the Eastern Slavs, Old Slavicisms (sweet, enemy, know)

Borrowed words (foreign language) - by origin, these words are borrowed from other languages. This often happens during the period of economic, cultural communication, interconnections between countries and peoples. (For example, hyperbole is a word of Greek origin, modernization is French).

Barbarisms- these are foreign language words that have entered Russian speech, but are always perceived as alien. They are often used to describe foreign life, etiquette, etc. (For example: monsieur, boyfriend, businesswoman).

Types of words by area of ​​use

Stylistically neutral vocabulary - these are words that are not attached to a specific style of speech (compare: fragrant - fragrant, evidence - arguments)

Book vocabulary - used in book styles: scientific literature, official business, journalistic style (for example: declarative, calculate, conjuncture)

Colloquial vocabulary - words used in oral speech, often in everyday communication

(braggart, reader, bully.)

Common words- these are words of colloquial vocabulary, but with their own characteristics:

Violating language norms (traNs instead of trams, kvartal instead of quarters)

Moral violations, harsh words (chump, drag)

Vulgar, abusive language that offends a person.

Emotionally colored words (expressive vocabulary, evaluative vocabulary) - these are words with the help of which the attitude towards others, phenomena, actions, positive and negative (for example: friend, strength, gate, guardian) is expressed.

Phraseologisms - stable phrases that are equal in meaning to one word.

From the point of view of stylistic coloring, phraseological units are:

Conversational: running at breakneck speed - fast, working carelessly - being lazy

Book: apple of discord, finest hour

Vernacular: twist brains, foolish head.

Step 3.

If you need to determine which reception (figure of speech) is used by the author, then look for the following techniques.

A figure is a part of a sentence that plays a certain function in it (here the syntax takes on its rights). A figure is an expressive syntactic construct that conveys the expression of a text.

Note: some figures of speech can be at the same time syntactic means (rhetorical question, rhetorical exclamation, etc.).

Figures of speech





Repetition of words or combinations of words at the beginning of sentences or lines of poetry.


The winds were not blowing in vain

The thunderstorm was not in vain.


The opposite of anaphora: the repetition of words or phrases at the end of lines or sentences.


Your truth is our truth, Motherland!

Your glory is our glory. Homeland!


Contrasting phenomena and concepts. Often based on the use of antonyms.

The living and the dead.

Who was nobody will become everything.


This is a technique that allows you to betray events, feelings, actions in the process of their development - in increasing or decreasing importance.


I came, I saw, I won!

I do not regret, do not call, do not cry.


Reverse word order. In Russian, direct order: definition, subject, predicate, addition. The circumstance has a different position in the sentence.


Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman.

I came to school one day.

The doorman is past him with an arrow

Soared up the marble steps.


A combination of incompatible words.


Dead Souls.

Bitter joy. Ringing silence.

Syntactic concurrency

A similar structure of sentences in syntactic terms.


We have a road for young people everywhere,

The old man is honored everywhere.


From the Greek description. This is the use of a description of an object, phenomenon, person, instead of its name.



Writing these lines (me).

Foggy Albion (England.)

The king of beasts (lion).



I'm not one of those myself

Who is under the spell of strangers.

I myself ... But, however, for nothing

I don’t betray my secrets.


A technique in which the proposal is divided into several. First there is a sentence with the main meaning, followed by incomplete sentences that complement it. This technique is used to enhance the expressiveness and significance of words.


He saw me and froze. I was surprised. He fell silent.

Non-union or asyndeton

A technique in which unions are omitted. This gives dynamics to speech, helps to recreate a quick change in the actions of heroes and pictures.


Swede, Russian, pricks, chops, cuts.

Multi-Union or Polysyndeon

Deliberately increasing the number of unions in the proposal. This allows you to slow down speech to highlight some words, to enhance the expressiveness of the created image.


The ocean walked before my eyes, and swayed, and thundered, and sparkled, and faded away.

Rhetorical exclamations.

Using exclamation sentences to not only express your feelings, but also deliver them to readers, evoke the same in response.


What a summer, what a summer! It's just witchcraft!

Rhetorical questions.

These are questions that do not require an answer. The author either answers them himself, or wants the readers to think about the question. They create the illusion of conversation. Such questions are addressed to all people. Often used in fiction or non-fiction literature.


Who did not curse the station keepers, who did not curse them?

Step 4.

Finally, if you need to find syntactic means, then remember, they are associated with punctuation marks, they are separated by commas, dashes, a question mark or exclamation mark, etc.



Examples of

Homogeneous members are able to vividly recreate the picture of events, and the external and internal properties of the subject of description, and the entire gamut of feelings.


Nature helps to fight loneliness, overcome despair, powerlessness, forget enmity, envy, deceit of friends.

Rows of homogeneous members

Introductory words.

Introductory words are diverse in meaning. Skillful use of these meanings will help and express shades of feelings, and systematize thoughts, and highlight the main, important


Probably, there, in his native places, as in childhood, it smells amazingly of flowers, the largest daisies from which you can weave wonderful bouquets.

Question-answer form of presentation.

This is a technique in which the author's thoughts are presented in the form of questions and answers.


Why do you need to teach children from childhood to read the right books, you ask? And I will answer: to become a real person, worthy of the right to be called that.

Rhetorical appeals

Rhetorical appeals are often used in publicistic speech to draw attention to a problem, to call for action.


Citizens, let's make our city green and cozy!

Detached members.

Separated members allow you to more vividly, concretely, in detail, emotionally describe something, tell about something. They help to clarify, strengthen the overall impression of the content of the text.


In my native places, the reeds still rustle, making me their rustle, their prophetic whispers, the poet I have become.

Exclamation sentences.


Mercy is an amazing property of the human soul!

We must cultivate mercy in childhood!


Using a quote from a work or a statement of a famous person to confirm your thoughts.


Gorky wrote: "Man - it sounds proudly!"

Use hints.

Quests often contain hidden clues.

  • The clue is already that you are asked to find trope, lexical or syntactic means.
  • Often examples are given in brackets (for example, epithets), you need to remember the name of such a tool.
  • Can help and word forms for example, "used" is a feminine word, so it is clear that masculine and neuter terms will not work here.

Let's look at an example.

Read the excerpt from the review. It examines the linguistic features of the text. Some of the terms used in the review are missing. Insert the numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list in the spaces of the blanks.

“When discussing the topic of creativity and“ finding oneself, ”the author uses a technique such as (A) _____ (sentences 8-9; 17-18). What can get in the way of a creative person? Used in the 13th sentence (B) _____ give, in the author's opinion, the answer to this question. Speaking about what professions can be considered creative and what not, V. Belov in the 20th sentence uses (B) _____. This provides an opportunity to prepare the reader to understand the next, 21st sentence. In addition, the text widely uses (D) _____, for example, "need", "personality", "orientation", "principles", etc. "

List of terms:

1) comparative turnover

2) litota

3) antonyms

4) irony

5) colloquial vocabulary

6) rows of homogeneous members

7) question-answer form of presentation

8) socio-political vocabulary

9) rhetorical question

10) exclamation points


A) Reception-7 (question-answer).

(8) Why, over the years, creativity gradually disappears from our life, why the creative principle is preserved and develops not in each of us ? (9) Roughly speaking, because we either went about our business (did not find ourselves, our face, our talent), or did not learn to live and work (did not develop talent).

B) Answer-6, the ranks of homogeneous members.

(17) Why, in fact, only life is considered creative and rtist or artist? (18) After all artist and painter you can be in any business.

(13) Slim ascent, creative emancipation personality can be hindered by any spiritual, family, social or global discord, any nonsense, which, by the way, are different.

C) Antonyms-3.

(20) The halo of the exclusivity of a particular profession, division of labor according to principles such as "Honorary-non-honorable", "Interesting-not interesting", it just encourages the idea of ​​the inaccessibility of creativity for everyone and for everyone. (21) But this quite suits the supporters of the leveling of the personality, who single out the faceless crowd of mediocre people and oppose talented people to it.

G)Social and political vocabulary - 8 (need, "personality", "orientation", "principles").

Answer: 7638.

Algorithm for the task number 26.

Language means of expressiveness .

  • Learn the meaning of the terms practice in finding them in the test. This is the first condition for doing a good job.
  • Imagine clearly term groups: paths, lexical, syntactic means, techniques (figures).
  • Read the assignment carefully... It often already happens prompt.
  • If you need to find TRAILS, select them for yourself from the list. Remember these are words figuratively.
  • Try to find the one that is in the given sentences.
  • The range of terms from the list has been reduced. We are looking for the next means of expression, for example, syntactic... From the list we find something that is somehow connected with punctuation marks.
  • Further, the range of terms became even narrower. We are looking for, for example, lexical means(these are synonyms, antonyms of phraseological units, various vocabulary).
  • But it also happens that it is not indicated which ones withmeans you need to search (lexical, syntactic). Then look to the hint in parentheses.

In the example above, we read: “in the text there is a wide used a (D) _____, for example, "need", "personality", "orientation", "principles", etc. ".

As you can see, there is no clear indication of what to look for, but words are given in brackets, in addition, the word "used" is in g. kind. Therefore, "political vocabulary" is appropriate here.< Назад

  • Forward>
  • The culture of the orator's oral speech is not only the correctness of speech in terms of compliance with phonetic, lexical, grammatical norms, but also expressiveness, emotionality, relevance (situational expediency). Special artistic techniques, visual and expressive means of language: paths, figures, phraseological units, aphorisms help to make speech figurative, emotional to the speaker. Proverbs and sayings.

    Trope(tropos- turn, turn of speech) - the concept of poetics and stylistics, denoting such turns that are based on the use of a word (or a combination of words) in a figurative meaning and are used to enhance the figurativeness and expressiveness of speech. The most commonly used trails are traditionally metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche, epithet, comparison, irony, personification, hyperbole and lithote, periphrase :

    - metaphor - transfer of a feature from one subject to another based on hidden comparison (similarity): nerves of steel, field of activity, warm relations, golden hands;

    - metonymy - a kind of metaphor, transfer of the name by contiguity: three plates ate, pierced iron, read Virgil;

    - synecdoche - transfer of the name from general to particular or from particular to general: We all look at Napoleons. Most of all, take care of a penny;

    - epithet - figurative definition of an object or action: tireless thirst for knowledge, great interest in science, phenomenal memory;

    - comparison - the path, consisting in the selection of the subject of comparison, which allows you to give a more striking characteristic: Birches stand like big candles. A clear sky, like clear water, attracts;

    - irony - the use of a word or expression in the opposite sense of the literal one for the purpose of ridicule: Cleavage, clever, are you delirious, head? (call to donkey);

    - impersonation - the transfer of human properties to inanimate objects and abstract concepts: The golden grove spoke. Pensive forests. A star with a star speaks;

    - hyperbole - excessive exaggeration of the properties, dimensions, strength, significance of any phenomenon: In a hundred thousand suns, the sunset blazed. I told you a thousand times;

    - litota - excessive underestimation of the properties, dimensions, strength, significance of any phenomenon: Tom Thumb;

    - paraphrase - an expression, a descriptive, common transmission of an expression or word: king of beasts (lion), the sun of Russian poetry (A.S. Pushkin);

    Figure of speech(lat. figura- outlines, appearance, image) - linguistic means specially organized to give speech imagery and expressiveness.

    Anaphora - a figure of speech, I'll finish h It is based on the repetition of the same elements at the beginning of each parallel row (verse, stanza, prose).

    Bridges demolished by a thunderstorm, / Coffins from a washed-out cemetery. (A.S. Pushkin).

    Black-eyed maiden, / Black-maned horse! (M.Yu. Lermontov).

    It was not in vain that the winds blew / It was not in vain that there was a thunderstorm. (S. Yesenin).

    Do I wander along noisy streets, / Enter a crowded temple, / Sit between mad young men, I surrender to my dreams.

    A.S. Pushkin

    Anadiplosis - a figure of speech, constructed in such a way that a word or a group of words enclosing a segment of text (sentence, line of poetry) is repeated at the beginning of the next segment:

    It will come as big as a sip, / A sip of water during the heat of summer ... R. Rozhdestvensky

    You will go through the meadow, like a garden, / A garden - into a wild bloom, / You cannot keep your gaze, So as not to fall to the carnations.

    S. Yesenin

    Antistrophe (simple chiasm) - a figure of speech formed by "crossing", changing the positions of repeating components of two adjacent text segments: the mouse is afraid of the bear - the bear is afraid of the mouse.

    Antimetabol - the figure of speech, based on the opposition of words, conveying the serious content of speech: well-fed is not a friend to the hungry(proverb); where power is right, right is powerless(proverb).

    Antithesis - a figure of speech, which serves to enhance the expressiveness of speech by sharply opposing concepts, thoughts, images:

    Where the table was of food, there is a coffin (Derzhavin).

    The rich feast on weekdays, and the poor grieve even on holiday(proverb).

    Aposiopesis - the figure of speech, based on the stop of speech, designed to depict a sudden influx of feelings: Then I began to flip through the book condescendingly, absentmindedly casting a bored look at it, like a fishing rod in the river. And so it froze, my friends ... My friends, what a catch! .. I pulled such carps! Unknown fish, gold, silver, rainbow ... and they lived, danced ... And I thought they were dead! (R. Roland).

    Asyndeton - the same as non-union: The power of the conspiracy word is limitless: it can control the elements, cause thunder, storm, rains, hail and delay them, create crops and sterility, multiply wealth, reproduce flocks and exterminate them with a plague infection, give a person happiness, health, success in trades and expose him disasters, drive away illnesses from a sick person and send them to a healthy person, kindle love in the heart of a girl and a young man, or cool the ardor of mutual passion, (...), in short: this word can work miracles, subordinating to the will of the spellcaster the beneficial and harmful influences of the entire deified nature ... A.N. Afanasyev. From the book "The Tree of Life" .

    Gemination - the figure of the addition, depicting the plurality, variety of objects and phenomena, duration, etc. by repetition: I ran, ran, ran along the forest ... I got tired and fell.

    Gradation - a stylistic figure, consisting in such an arrangement of parts of an utterance (words, segments of a sentence), in which each subsequent one contains an increasing (less often decreasing) semantic or emotionally expressive meaning, due to which an increase (less often weakening) of the impression they make is created: I came, I saw, I conquered(Caesar). The rivers, lakes, seas, oceans of tears! (Ven.)

    Zeugma - a figure of speech that conveys the concentration of thought on key points or a unidirectional concentration of efforts: you - me, I - you.

    Inversion (reverse word order) - a change in the usual arrangement of words in a sentence, as a result of which the rearranged element stands out both in semantic and stylistic terms: He's a smart man. She will come in the evening.

    Pun - a figure of speech, consisting in the humorous use of polysemy or sound similarity of various words: It was raining and two students. The defender of liberty and rights in this case is not at all right(A.S. Pushkin).

    Correction - a stylistic figure based on a sharp opposition of concepts, thoughts, images (stronger than an antithesis): Everyone condemned him! People, god! And he walks among us! Hello!

    Oxymoron - a figure of speech based on the connection in one phrase or in the immediate vicinity of logically incompatible, contradictory concepts: living corpse, favorite enemy.

    Parallelism - a rhetorical figure, which is an arrangement of elements of speech that are identical or similar in grammatical and semantic structure in adjacent parts of the text ( Your mind is as deep as the sea, your spirit is as high as the mountains. Will I see your bright gaze? Will I hear a gentle conversation?).

    Parenteza - a rhetorical figure conveying a sharp change in the emotional mood, marked by an intercalary construction: For self-financing, as we warned a hundred times, but who is listening to us (there is no publicity, but with audibility until the seams),self-financing is unthinkable to conduct in isolation, outside the full package of economic reforms(from the railway station Novy Mir).

    Parcelling - such a division of the sentence, in which the content of the utterance is realized not in one, but in two or more intonational-semantic speech units, following one after the other: Elena is in trouble here. Big(Panferov).

    Period - an expanded syntactic whole, in which the constituent elements are in harmonious correspondence with each other (depicting the confident emotional mood of the convincing person, uniform, growing in his conviction, but in it the connection between the argument and the communicative attitude is conveyed brighter than in the anaphora): Having achieved the goal, having arisen from the insignificance of the slave to the height of the autocrat, by tireless efforts, vigilant cunning, cunning, intrigues, villainy, did Godunov fully enjoy his greatness, which his soul craved,greatness bought at such a high price? (Karamzin).

    Polysindeon - the same as multi-union, multi-sentence: A conspiracy word can both cause thunder, and delay them, and create crops and barrenness, and multiply wealth, and produce flocks and destroy them

    A rhetorical question - trope based on the contrast between interrogative and affirmative modality, on the one hand, and negative, on the other: Is it because we should love good because we are praised or rewarded for it?

    Rhetorical exclamation - a trope based on the predominance of emotional over informational content: What an amazing mixture of different feelings!

    Ellipsis - a figure of speech, consisting in the deliberate omission of an element of the utterance, which gives the latter dynamism, tension, increased energy. Ellipsis is widely used in fiction and poetry, in journalism, in stage and oratory. The most common ellipsis of syntactic constructions, most often the verb predicate is omitted: The hares decided to bake the rabbit, and the rabbit from the oven jumped onto the oven. Then to the bench and through the window from the bench(Kozlovsky).

    Epanode - a figure based on repetition, numbering, separately or together: Three, seven, ace did not leave his (Herman's) head and moved on his lips ... Three, seven, ace pursued him in his sleep, assuming all kinds of forms: the three bloomed in front of him in the form of a magnificent grandifler, the seven seemed like Gothic questions, the ace - huge spider.

    Epiphora - consists of repetition of the final parts of two or more relatively independent segments of speech: We will not be! And the world at least that. The trace will disappear! And the world at least what(Khayyam).

    Expressive means of speech are also phraseological units, aphorisms, winged words, proverbs, sayings: Achilles' heel, grandmother said in two, a white crow, take it out into the clear water, keep your nose in the wind, the cute ones scold - they just amuse themselves.

    Questions for control

      What means of speech expression contribute to the success of communication?

      What means of speech expression do you know?

      Name the types of trails known to you. Give examples.

      What are the types of speech figures you know? Give examples.

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