Home Grape The war cries of the dwarfs. Arkady steppe path of the hopeless

The war cries of the dwarfs. Arkady steppe path of the hopeless

Note: * denotes reconstructed words.

Internal history

From the second chapter of The Silmarillion, we learn that, as soon as Aule created the Seven Fathers of the Dwarfs, he "began to teach them the language that he invented for them"... The Dwarves called their language Khuzdul, which obviously means simply "Dwarf". The Dwarfs called themselves Khazâd (the singular may look like * Khuzd). We read that, "according to their legends, their creator, Vala Aule, created a language for them and taught it to the Seven Fathers before they fell asleep again, in order to wait until the time came for their Awakening"... After their Awakening, this language (like all languages ​​and everything else in Arda) changed over time, differing in palaces distant from each other. But the changes were so slow, and the differences were so small, that even in the Third Age, all Dwarves could easily communicate in their own language. As they said, the changes in Khuzdul, in comparison with the changes in the languages ​​of the Elves and especially the Humans, were "like the weathering of solid rock versus melting snow"(PM: 323). Pengolod also comments "the tradition they had ... that Aule invented a language for them at the very beginning, and since then it has changed little"(WJ: 402). In contrast, the sign language invented by the Dwarves, the so-called iglishmêk, was more fluid.

Khuzdul has rarely been studied by members of other races. Later legends say that in Valinor Aul introduced Feanaro to the language he created for the Dwarves, but Tolkien notes that this is not entirely reliable. Perhaps this is just a story for the glory of Feanaro (VT39: 10). In Middle-earth, the Elves were not particularly interested in Khuzdul and did not have a high opinion of him: "They could not understand a word of the language of the Dwarves, which was difficult and unpleasant to their ears; and few of the Eldar have mastered it."(Silm10). Even Tolkien himself states the fact that "The language of the Dwarves was complex and discordant. Even the early elven philologists avoided it."(Letters: 31).

But even when one really wanted to study Khuzdul, the Dwarves were rather reluctant to teach him. Their language was "a secret that they did not voluntarily reveal even to their friends"(LotR, appendix F). One of the theories explains this by the fact that the Dwarfs considered Khuzdul to belong exclusively to their race, and no stranger had the right to understand it. When they wanted to communicate with members of other races, usually for the purpose of trade, they learned the foreign language, even if the other side wanted to learn Khuzdul.

Only two or three times in all the long ages of Middle-earth did the Dwarves voluntarily open their language to representatives of alien races. In the First Age, when the Men of House Hador came to Beleriand and met the Longbeards, a special friendship arose between the two peoples, since the Humans, being skilled riders, could offer the Dwarves protection from the Orcs. Gnomes really "they did not want to hide their language from the People with whom they had a special friendship, but People found Khuzdul difficult and slowly learned something more than individual words, many of which, having changed, entered their own language"(PM: 303). It seems that Khuzdul even influenced the basic structure of Adunaik, a language derived from the speech of the early Edain.

Elven interest in Khuzdul during the First Age was low, with one exception: "Curufin was very interested in the language of the Dwarves, being the only one of the Noldor to achieve their friendship."(PM: 358). At least one word passed from Khuzdul to Sindarin: kheled (glass, mirror) appeared in the Twilight elf language as heledh (see Silm, adj., Article khelek-). The Khuzdul word Khazâd (Dwarves) changed to Quenya in Casar (Dwarf) and in Sindarin to Hadhod (the race of Dwarves was called Hadhodrim, WJ: 388). Conversely, the Dwarves seem to have borrowed at least one word from Sindarin: kibil (silver) must be related to celeb from the Twilight elf language.

Much later, in the Second Age, the Dwarves reluctantly allowed a few Elves to get to know Khuzdul a little, only in the interests of science: "They understood and respected the unselfish desire for knowledge, and some of the later sages of the Noldor were allowed to learn both the speech of the Dwarves and their sign language."(WJ: 395). These later sages apparently had a much less arrogant attitude towards Khuzdul than their counterparts in the previous era, who, with the exception of Curufin, avoided the language of the Dwarves.

In one, however, the Dwarfs have always been "are adamantly secretive ... For reasons that neither Elves nor Humans fully understood, they never revealed any personal names to members of other races, even when they mastered the art of writing and could write names or carve them in stone. names by which strangers might know them "(PM: 304). Appendix F to The Lord of the Rings confirms this: "The Gnomes never revealed their own secret," internal "names, true names to any of the alien races. Even on their graves, they did not write them."... Consequently, the names Balin and Fundin, which are known from the Khuzdul inscription on the grave of Balin, are not Khuzdul. These are human names, simply replacing the names of Balin and his father Fundin, and used in the presence of non-Dwarves.

In the twentieth chapter of The Silmarillion we meet one gnomish name - Azaghâl - the name of the ruler of Belegost. Perhaps this is his title or nickname, and not the true "internal name". It is supposed to mean "warrior" and is related to the Numenorean word azgarâ - to wage war (SD: 439). There is also the name Gamil Zirak - the name of the blacksmith from Nogrod (UT: 76). Perhaps this is also a nickname, or his name may have been given to non-Dwarves by accident, much to his great and constant regret.

On the other hand, the Dwarfs certainly did not try to hide their Khuzdul names. In the twenty-first chapter of The Silmarillion, the Dwarf Mim willingly gives Turin not only his name, but also the names of his sons Khim and Ibun. Perhaps this shocking indiscretion was one of the reasons ordinary Dwarves hated Dwarfs.

However, the Dwarfs did not consider it necessary to hide the names of the places. Gimli, on his own initiative, tells the Brotherhood how the Dwarves call the mountains above Moria and Moria herself: "I know them and their names, beneath them lies Khazad-dûm, the Palaces of the Dwarves ... Over there stands Barazinbar, the Red Horn ... and behind him is the Silver Peak and the Cloudy Peak ... we call them Zirakzigil and Bundushathûr "(LotR1 / II-5).

The gnomes were not always offended if strangers recognized the Khuzdul names of places. When Gimli hit Lorien, still angry at being blindfolded by the Elves, Galadriel told him: "The waters of Kheled-zâram are dark, and the sources of Kibil-nâla are cold, and the columned halls of Khazad-dûm (Khazad-dûm) were beautiful in the earliest days before the fall of the mighty underground kings ... Dwarf, Hearing the names pronounced in his ancient language, he raised his head and met her gaze; and it seemed to him that he suddenly looked into the heart of the enemy and saw love and understanding there. Astonishment was reflected on his face, and he smiled back. "(LotR1 / II-7). Gimli took Galadriel's use of the ancient Khuzdul names as a friendly gesture.

External history

Tolkien wrote that Khuzdul "was created in outline, with some structural details and a very small vocabulary."(PM: 300). This undoubtedly happened in the thirties. The Khuzdul words Khazaddûm and Gabilgathol appear in early versions of The Silmarillion (see LR: 274). It also contains the word Khuzûd as the self-name of the Dwarves, later changed to Khazâd. The name Khazaddûm was originally given by Tolkien to Nogrod and not Moria. Christopher Tolkien comments on this: "Khazaddûm is the first appearance of the famous name. It is interesting to see that it existed - but as the Gnomish name of Nogrod - already at this time. Later, the Gnomish name of Nogrod became the word Tumunzahar ...(LR: 278).

Khuzdul structure

We know about Khuzdul that "structurally and grammatically it is very different from all other Western languages ​​of that time"(PM: 316-317). Dwarven speech has always been considered "difficult language." Many Europeans nowadays think this way of Chinese.

The phonology of Khuzdul was in some respects unusual compared to other languages ​​of the time. It contained at least two explosive aspirates - kh and th, that is, aspirated "k" and "t" (not to be confused with German ch and English th). Khuzdul also has unaspirated consonants, similar to the Russian "k" and "t", but, unlike both Russian and English, k and t are independent phonemes that must be distinguished from kh and th. Since we know very few Khuzdul words, it is not at all surprising that we do not have minimal pairs, but k - kh and t - th seem to be opposed initially. Also in Khuzdul there are voiced plosive b, voiceless spirants f and s, voiced spirants z and gh, lateral l, vibrant r (some gnomes used reed r, others - vibrating r), nasal n and m and one semi-vowel y.

While some consonants were somewhat unusual, the vowel system was fairly ordinary. Short vowels form the classic system of five sounds: a, i, e, o, u. The existence of four long vowels is certain: â, ê, î, û. The absence of ô may be due to the fact that we know few Khuzdul words. Long vowels could be contracted in an unstressed position (?), Compare Khazâd and Khazad-dûm. (Actually, we don't know anything about stress in Khuzdul.)

The basic structure of Khuzdul is similar to that of the Semitic languages. The stems from which words are formed are not themselves spoken words, but consist only of consonants. Nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc. are formed not only with the help of prefixes and suffixes (if such methods were used at all), but also by inserting certain vowels between the consonants of the stem, and sometimes by doubling one of the consonants. Often words are changed in grammatical forms by changing the inner vowel instead of adding suffixes: singular. Rukhs - Orc, pl. Rakhâs - Orcs. Root consonants, also called radicals, do not change like * R-Kh-S in this case. In Khuzdul, as in the Semitic languages, the root usually consists of three consonants. Several such roots are mentioned in TI: 174 and RS: 466: B-R-Z for red, B-N-D for apex, K-B-L for silver, N-R-G for black. An example of a root with two consonants is Z-N - "dark, hazy, hazy" (RS: 466). Naturally, when these roots act as real words, vowels are added to them: baraz - red or bund - "head, head, top" from B-R-Z, B-N-D. The Kh-Z-D radicals contain a general idea and can be seen in words such as Khazad - Dwarfs and Khuzdul - Gnomish (orcish would presumably be * Rukhsul). The same radicals Kh-Z-D are apparently found in the ancient Khuzdul name of Nargothrond, Nulukkhizdîn, but the exact meaning of this word is unknown (note that in the twenty-first chapter of The Silmarillion there was a spelling error - Nulukkizdîn: see WJ: 180). The most basic meaning of Kh-Z-D can be associated with the number "seven": compare with the Númenorean hazid. Gnomes descended from the Seven Fathers and divided into Seven Clans - and, as we know, even in very late and very childish human mythology, gnomes are still associated with this number.

Source analysis

As already mentioned, there are very few Khuzdul sources. We know several names, the inscription on Balin's grave and the battle cry "Baruk Khazâd! Khazâd ai-mênu!" - "Axes of the Dwarfs! The Dwarfs are upon you!"

"Baruk Khazâd!", As already said, means "Axes of the Dwarfs!" Baruk is generally considered to be an example of a "compound form" similar to that found in Hebrew - the form in which a word is used before another noun in the genitive case that is the defining object. Of course, we cannot be sure whether baruk is a simple plural or a special compound form. It may be significant that the other reliable words contain a long vowel in the plural form: Khazâd - Dwarfs, Rakhâs - Orcs, tarâg - beards, shathûr - clouds, ûl - "streams, streams", dûm - "caves, halls, palaces ". Perhaps in the simple plural, axes are barûk? The word shathûr (clouds) can represent the plural pattern -a-û-. In Hebrew, the vowels in compound words are often shortened. Or, since u is undoubtedly the Khuzdul element, meaning the genitive relation (analogous to the English of), can it be included in the baruk between the second and third radicals? Words with three simple radicals (1-2-3) seem to have singular forms 1u23 (BND - bund - vertex, R-Kh-S - Rukhs - Orc) and plural forms 1a2â3 (Rakhâs - Orcs, cf. Khazâd - Dwarves and tarâg - beards from Kh-ZD and TRG). Since baruk appears to have a similar three-consonant radical structure (* B-R-K), we can add the compound plural form 1a2u3 to the paradigm and inflect B-R-K as follows: singular. burk - ax, simple plural barâk - axes, plural compound form baruk - axes of [whom?] (English axes of) (analogous to tarug Khazâd - beards of the Dwarves from the authentic form of tarâg - beard). Composite form singular may look like 1u23u (* burku Khazâd - ax of the Dwarves) if Bundushathûr is simply * Bundu Shathûr - Top of the Clouds, and spelled together when used as a mountain name (B-N-D - top).

The second part of the battle cry is "Khazâd ai-mênu!" - "The gnomes are on you!" is the only proposal we know of for sure. Ai - short form from aya - "on", mênu - accusative singular. the words "you". This is undoubtedly a nominal sentence that does not contain the Khuzdul equivalent of be / is / are. Constructions of this kind are typical for Russian and many Semitic languages. This fact can be an argument in support of the theory of the existence in Khuzdul of a special compound form of nouns, which is needed to distinguish the expression "X Y" meaning "X of Y" from "X Y" meaning "X is Y". (Compare "War of Wrath" and "War is Wrath".)

We also know the inscription made on Balin's grave: "Balin Fundinul uzbad Khazaddûmu" - "Balin, son of Fundin, ruler of Moria". The names Balin and Fundin are human, so their etymologies are irrelevant. We are left with the ending -ul, used here to form a middle name, the word uzbad - "ruler, lord, lord" - and the well-known name Khazad-dûm - "Palaces of the Dwarves" (there is no hyphen in runic writing). The -u ending is obviously genitive. But why is this ending missing from Baruk Khazâd? (It doesn't matter if baruk is a simple form or a compound form that includes an analogue of the English of, because this change affects only the first word in the phrase, and not the second, as in uzbad Khazaddûmu). Obviously, here we are dealing with an indirect genitive case, indicating that the ruler ruled Moriah, and not just "owned" it (the form * uzbud Khazaddûm is possible by analogy with Baruk Khazâd). This theory finds strong support in Adunaic, the language of Numenor, which was derived from the language of the ancient People under the influence of Khuzdul (Sd: 414). This language has a so-called indirect form, including u, which is used in compound words, for example, gimlu-nitîr - lighting a star (gimlu - an indirect form from gimli - star, SD: 428 cf. 427). Although this indirect form is used in Adunaic only in compound words, its origin may be related to the Khuzdul indirect case.

We reliably know the forms of both the singular and the plural for only one word: singular. Rukhs - Orc, pl. Rakhâs - Orcs. As we suggested above, Khazâd - Gnomes and tarâg - beards can be formed according to the same pattern, therefore singular nouns. may look like * Khuzd - Gnome and * turg - beard. The word shathûr - clouds obviously has a different plural pattern and we cannot reconstruct the singular. Perhaps this form will have the same Sh-Th-R radicals, but different vowels. We also know plural nouns. ûl - "streams, streams" and dûm - "caves, halls, palaces" (the latter can also be collective). Is it significant that both of these words contain the same vowel û as shathûr.

Only three verbs are known reliably: gunud - "to dig, dig, tunnel", felek - "to cut rocks", and the related word felak - "to use a tool like a chisel with a wide blade". The word felak can also be used as a noun for such a tool. This example shows that Khuzdul verbs cannot be distinguished from other parts of speech only by their form.

We know several adjectives. This word Khuzdul itself, obviously, means "Gnomish", which is derived from * Khuzd - Dwarf - the addition of the ending -ul, which is also used to form patronymics: Fundinul - Fundin's son. We also have sigin - long in Sigin-tarâg - Longbeards. If adjectives in Khuzdul agree in number, sigin can be plural. (On the other hand, the basic form of an adjective can be used in compound words.) Zirak (plural * zirik) may be the adjective for "silver" according to TI: 174, but on the next page it is assumed to mean "peak". It is possible that adjectives followed the noun they were defining (but not in compound words).

In compound words, the order of the elements corresponds to English: Khazad-dûm - Dwarven Palaces, Kibil-nâla - Silver Vein, Kheled-zâram - Mirror Lake, Gabilgathol - Great Fortress, Sigin-tarâg - Longbeards. The name Zirak-zigil - Silver Peak follows this pattern (TI: 174), but later Tolkien seems to have decided that zirak means "peak" and zigil means "silver." In this case, this word can be a merger of a compound form, like baruk Khazâd: * Zirak zigil - "A peak of silver" (Frodo, naturally, not familiar with Khuzdul, could take this construction for a compound word and write Zirak-zigil). If zigil is the adjective "silver", this may support the suggestion that adjectives followed the nouns being defined in Khuzdul.

Of the pronouns, we only know one thing for certain: mênu, the accusative plural of "you" (WR: 20).

We know only two prepositions: aya - on (WR: 20, abbreviated form ai in ai-mênu - on you) and u - in, from (English in / of) (reliably only in the middle of the compound word Bundushathûr - "Top of the clouds / in the clouds ", the name of the mountain).

We can say very little about word formation. The known pattern is 1a23ûn. Its meaning is a person, thing or place characterized by the meaning of the root. Examples: Nargûn - "Mordor, Black Earth" from the radicals NRG - black, and Tharkûn - "The man with the staff", the gnomish name of Gandalf (radicals Th-RK - staff?) If the consonants Z-Gh-L are really radicals of the word "to fight ", and Azaghâl means" Warrior ", then we have the template a1a2â3. The word Khuzdul - Gnomish - may be an argument for the existence of the 1u23ul template for adjective formation. But, as mentioned above, -ul can just be an adjective ending added to a singular noun. (* Khuzd - Dwarf).

The adjectives baraz - red (B-R-Z) and sigin - long (* S-G-N) clearly represent patterns for the adjectives 1a2a3 and 1i2i3.

The word Mazarbul in the expression "Chamber of Mazarbul" (Chamber of Chronicles) seems to represent a more complex type of word formation. If -ul is just the end of an adjective (which could mean that the genitive case in translation is clearly superfluous), we have the word mazarb - chronicle (chronicle?). Could it be a form of the past participle, or an appropriate noun, or a verb for "chronicle" (possible radicals * Z-R-B)? If so, we have a template ma1a23.


The dictionary is based on the list of Khuzdul words compiled by Lisa Star, which was published in Tyalië Tyelelliéva, # 4, p. 22. The author has deleted the name Balin, which, although mentioned in the inscription on his grave, is human. On the other hand, the word Fundinul was included in the dictionary, although in it only the ending -ul is Khuzdul. The author also deleted the word Dushgoi - Minas Morgul, which clearly belongs to the Orcish language.

aglâb - language, speech (WJ: 395). Obviously contains G-L radicals, as in iglishmêk.

ai-mênu - "on you" (LotR2 / III-7, Appendix F), with ai, short for aya, and mênu.

Azaghâl is the name of the lord of the Dwarves, Belegost. [

Azanul is the form replaced by Tolkien with Azanulbizar (RS: 466).]

Azanulbizar - "Valley of Misty Streams" (LotR1 / II-4). See also RS: 466: Azanulbizar - "Valley of the Misty Streams" with elements of Z-N, ûl, Bizar.

aya - on (WR: 20). The abbreviated form is ai in ai-mênu - "on you".

baraz - red in Barazinbar, TI: 174. Baraz is an abbreviation for Barazinbar.

Barazinbar - "Red Horn", one of the mountains above Moria, on Sindarin - Karadras (LotR1 / II-3).

baruk - "axes of [whom?]" (WR: 20), Baruk Khazâd! - "Axes of the Dwarfs!" (Appendix F). Possibly the compound plural of * burk is an ax.

bizar - Valley (RS: 466) in Azanulbizar.

B-N-D - bundle radicals (TI: 174).

B-R-Z are baraz radicals (TI: 174).

bund - head, head, pinnacle (TI: 174) in Bundushathur.

Bundushathur - "Cloud Summit", one of the mountains above Moriah, on Sindarin - Fanuidol (LotR1 / II-3). Bund-u-shathur elements - "Top of the clouds / in the clouds" (TI: 174).

Buzundush - Mortond, Black Root (TI: 167).

dûm - caves, halls, palaces - either plural or collective form singular. (in Khazad-dûm).

felek - to trim rocks (radicals, obviously * F-L-K) (PM: 352).

felak - 1) n. a chisel-like tool with a wide blade; 2) ch. use this tool (PM: 352).

felakgundu, also assimilir. felaggundu - "Cave Mason" (the name given by the Dwarves to Finrod for his skill in stone work was changed in Sindarin to Felagund). (PM: 352)

Fundinul - "Fundin's son".

gabil - great in Gabilgathol.

Gabilân is the name of the Sirion River (WJ: 336). Obviously includes gabil - great, cf. Gabilgathol.

Gabilgathol - "Great Fortress", Sindarin Belegost (Silm10, LR: 274).

Gamil Zirak is the name of a blacksmith from Nogrod (UT: 76). A possible translation is "Old Silver" or "Old Peak", see zirak.

gathol is a fortress in Gabilgathol.

gundu - underground hall, cave (from gunud root) (PM: 352). Possibly contained in the name of the mountain Gundabad.

gunud - to dig, dig, make a tunnel (PM: 352, cf. 365).

Ibun is the name of one of Mim's sons (Silm21, UT: 102).

iglishmêk is the sign language used by the Dwarves (WJ: 395). Wed aglâb.

inbar is the horn in Barazinbar. Radicals M-B-R, note apparent dissimilation mb> nb (TI: 174).

K-B-L - kibil radicals (TI: 174).

Khazâd - Gnomes, self-name (adj. F). Units, possibly * Khuzd.

Khazad-dûm - "Dwarven Palaces", Moria (LotR1 / II-3).

Khazâd ai-mênu! - "Gnomes on you!", The battle cry of the Gnomes (adj. F).

kheled - glass, mirror in Kheled-zâram - Mirror Lake (Silm, adj., article by Khelek-).

Khîm is the name of one of the sons of Mim (Silm21).

* Kh-Z-D - radicals in words referring to gnomes: Khazâd - Gnomes (singular * Khuzd?), Khuzdul - Gnomish and, obviously, also in Nulukkhizdîn - Nargothrond (Silm21).

kibil - silver (TI: 174) Radicals K-B-L. TI: 174 suggests that the word may be related to the Quenyan telpы, but it is more likely a borrowing from the Sindarin celeb.

Kibil-nâla - Silver Vein (LotR1 / II-3), Celebrant River. The individual elements of kibil, nâla are discussed in TI: 174,175. It is curious that in PM: 279.286 another Khuzdul name of this river is given - Zigilnâd. PM: 275 reveals that Tolkien used the name Kibil-nâla for the Lake of Mirror in one of the drafts of the LotR appendix, but replaced it with Kheled-zâram in the final version. Christopher refers to this as a "minor bug" (PM: 286).

Mahal - Gnomish name for Aule (Silm2).

Mazarbul - annals (annals?) (LotR1 / II-5, Letters: 186). If -ul is an adjective ending, the genitive case will be redundant in translation.

M-B-R - radicals inbar - horn. (Note the obvious dissimilation mb> nb). (TI: 174).

mênu - you (vin plural from "you"). (WR: 20).

Mîm is the name of the Dwarf (Silm21).

Nâd is an element found in Zigilnâd, the second name for the Celebrant River (PM: 279.286). Elsewhere this river is called in Khuzdul Kibil-nâla, so nâd may have the same meaning as nâla.

Nâla - according to TI: 175, the meaning of this word is unknown, but if the Khuzdul name Kibil-nâla means the same as the Sindarin Celebrant (Silver Vein), then nâla can be translated as "vein, path, current, bottom" (TI: 174 ).

Narag-zarâm - "Black Lake"? Includes radicals N-R-G - black (RS: 466).

Nargûn - Mordor, includes radicals N-R-G - black (RS: 466).

N-R-G are radicals of the word "black". Found in Nargûn - Mordor, Black Land (RS: 466). The word "black" may look like * narag, cf. baraz from B-R-Z.

Nulukkhizdîn - Nargothrond (WJ: 180). Apparently includes the radicals * Kh-Z-D - Dwarf. Silm21 misspelled: Nulukkizdîn.

Rukhs - Orc, pl. Rakhâs (WJ: 391).

Sharbhund - Bald Hill? This is what the Dwarfs called Amon Rud (UT: 98). Bhund can be a variant of bund.

shathûr - cloud (clouds). Shathûr is the short name for Bundushathûr, one of the mountains above Moriah (LotR1 / II-3, TI: 174).

sigin - long in Sigin-tarâg (PM: 321). If Khuzdul adjectives agree in number, it can be a plural form. (or the basic form may be preferred in compound words).

Sigin-tarâg - Longbeards (PM: 321).

tarâg - beards in Sigin-tarâg (PM: 321). Unit, possibly * turg.

Tharkûn is Gandalf's Gnomish name meaning "Man with a Staff" (LotR2 / IV-5, UT: 353).

Tumunzahar - "Steep Depression", the Gnomish name for Nogrod (Silm10).

U - to / from (eng. In / of) in Bundushathur, Bund-u-shathur - "Top of the clouds / in the clouds" (TI: 174), uzbad Khazad-dûmu - Lord of Moria (LotR1 / II-4).

ûl - streams, streams in Azanulbizar (RS: 466).

Ul is possibly an adjective suffix (Khuzdul - Gnomish, Fundinul - [son of] Fundin).

uzbad - lord, lord, ruler (LotR1 / II-4).

zâram - lake (in Narag-zarâm and Kheled-zâram, RS: 466).

Z-G-L - zigil radicals (TI: 174).

zigil - either peak (TI: 174) or silver (TI: 175). The compound word Zirak-zigil means "Silver Peak", but it is not entirely clear which element translates as "silver" and which as "peak". According to Tolkien's most recent explanation, zigil is silver, which is consistent with one of the Celebrant names, Zigilnâd (PM: 279,286).

zirak is either a peak (TI: 174) or silver (meaning color, not metal) (TI: 175).

Zirak-zigil - "Silver Peak", one of the mountains above Moria, Sindarin Celebdil.

Z-N - radicals of words dark, vague, hazy (RS: 466). In Azanulbizar.

Briefly about the article: Traditionally, most fantasy authors, sending an army of warlike bearded men into battle, use the tactics of the hird. But is it so justified, in which case the gnomes will be able to gain a significant advantage on the battlefield and what is the best way to arm short but strong warriors - you will learn all this from the material of our permanent author Igor Krai.

Baruk Khazad!

Dwarf tactics

Huh! Huh!

Keep building! Print step!

We'll cover your mess!

We don't get warm on the stove!

To battle! Forward, bearded men!

Huh! Huh!

Mahakamskaya battle song, Andrzej Sapkowski, "Lady of the Lake"

Broad-shouldered squat bearded men with beer mugs in calloused hands- dwarves, gnomes or dwarves, one of the most common and recognizable races in fantasy. Despite their relatively small stature, these stubborn dwarfs have earned a reputation as one of the most formidable warriors of Middle-earth. And it is not surprising, if we take into account that of all the fairy-tale peoples, only they know how to keep pace.

In narrow underground corridors, where there is no room for maneuver and the battle inevitably takes on the character of a frontal collision, short-legged, but strong and well-armored gnomes are undoubtedly ideal fighters. And this means that they will most likely have to fight on the surface - unless the enemy will be so stupid that he himself wants to be in a losing position in advance.

Heavy infantry is a powerful branch of the military. It is not easy to find analogies in history for a military consisting of only heavy infantry, but lightly armed dwarves do not exist. The gnome, of course, is not obliged to put on armor, but what is the point of sacrificing protection? All the same, he cannot compete with the enemy in mobility.

Dwarf. Sometimes gnomes and dwarves are classified as different races.

The idea, in principle, seems logical. Since there is no one to cover the flanks, it makes sense to make the formation closed. The remaining free space in the center will be occupied by crossbowmen, who will be able to shoot when the shield bearers of any of the fasov go down on one knee. We add musicians, a stretcher with a high chair for the commander - and into battle.

The trouble is that the analogy is not entirely valid here. Frankish " pork head"Like the Swiss battle, intended to counter cavalry. In the worlds of fantasy, combat-ready heavy cavalry is a rarity, but there is a lot of infantry.

You can fight either by stepping on the enemy (the preferred option), or by standing still. Even Chinese acrobats will not be able to deliver and repulse blows, retreating backwards or moving sideways, and even to keep the formation.

For this reason, the detachment that could not withstand the onslaught of the enemy was quickly destroyed, and a wedge-shaped formation was used to break through the enemy's battle formation. A rectangular column can "get stuck" in enemy ranks, since its extreme ranks, being sideways to the enemy, will stop. When advancing with a wedge, each warrior sees the enemy ahead of him.

Cavalry from the rear is far from the worst option. Hird will, of course, stand up as the back rows deploy to repel the attack. But the cavalry, hitting, will immediately roll back, and the fighters will again be able to throw their shields behind their backs and continue moving.

It is more dangerous if the infantry sits down behind. "Hanging on your shoulders", even a relatively small enemy will be able to shackle the hird for a very long time. In order to quickly defeat the enemy, you need to attack him. And how to attack if you need to move in a completely different direction? Or, worse, if they attack from both sides at the same time?

When attacking with "bare" flanks, the time factor is decisive. The slightest delay will inevitably lead to the fact that the attacking squad, instead of cutting through the enemy's ranks, will itself be surrounded.

Where agility is required, dwarves can hardly count on success. Their die-hard (lack of waist) warriors can clearly resist breakthroughs with more success than outreach. This means that the formation should be minimum in depth and maximum in length. The best solution, therefore, would be the good old phalanx, the stretched flanks of which the enemy cannot get around so soon.

Many considerations speak in favor of the phalanx. For example, the fact that in narrow mountain valleys, where, most likely, hostilities will unfold, with shields it is not so difficult to block the entire passable terrain. Even if only one flank is covered by a natural barrier, that's not bad. The phalanx is a long and flexible formation. Defeat on one of the flanks usually does not prevent a successful attack on the other.

Moria's Dungeons

Mining ore, dwarves, of course, have to spend a lot of time underground. But permanent residence in the piedmont palaces is a pleasure, as they say, for an amateur. And it is absolutely certain that the melting furnace in the cave would create ventilation problems for its owners that were absolutely insoluble in the framework of medieval technology.

Historically, artificial and natural cavities rarely served as dwellings, in wartime they were much more often used as shelters. The obvious advantage of underground citadels was that there was no need for the garrison to defend the walls. Some of the ancient "labyrinths" housed tens of thousands of people.

Another question is that, having discovered the exits, the enemy was able to lock the garrison underground. In this case, the approaches to the gates of the historical analogues of Moria were covered with towers and galleries for shooters equipped on the slopes of the mountains.


A humanoid is a humanoid, and a gnome's protective equipment will hardly differ significantly from that of a human. However, the features of the addition will require some adjustments. For example, a rectangular or oval hoplite shield will come out, respectively, square or round. The shell will have to be modified, taking into account the fact that the dwarf will be beaten mainly from above. Maximum reliability is required from the helmet, shoulder pads and chest plate. To protect the lower part of the body, long chain mail - up to the knees - is enough.

Late medieval armor of a foot warrior.

Undoubtedly, the legendary achievements of submontane metallurgy will positively affect the quality of dwarven armor. Indeed, if not to the dwarves, whose skill is glorified by the legends of the ancient Germans, then who else can own the secrets of the production of elastic steel, rare in the Middle Ages - damask and damascus?

It is more difficult with offensive weapons. Despite the fact that a dwarf is physically at least equal to a human, his stride and lunge are significantly shorter. In short, there will be a sword that the gnome can pull out in the ranks, without catching or injuring anyone. In a decisive attack, when the length of the weapon is more of a hindrance, daggers - especially of the eastern type, with a wide curved blade, well suited for thrusting and cutting attacks from below - will be a formidable weapon in the hands of the dwarves. But as soon as the phalanx stops, the gnome will simply stop bothering the enemy.

The reckless courage and ferocity of the piedmont dwarfs have a perfectly rational basis. The side with less long-range weapons all the time is forced to approach, to advance. But it is impossible to attack forever, someday you will have to defend yourself. This means that, in addition to daggers, you will also need polearms: spears.

To compensate for short arms, dwarves need spears even longer than their opponents. The extra 30 centimeters of the shaft is not a problem, but you should not get carried away either. Peaks 5 meters long, with which the authors sometimes arm the hird, can serve exclusively for protection from cavalry. They are not suitable for repelling infantry attacks.

With a huge spear, the end of which has to be clamped under the arm, it is impossible to deliver a sharp and accurate blow. In addition, apart from a couple of front rows, the rest of the peaks will be "blind": their owners have too poor a view. As a result, it is not at all difficult for the enemy, pushing the arrowheads to the side, squeeze between the shafts, and, having seized several peaks in an armful, take them aside. Or, throwing your pike over the enemy, squeeze them with your weight to the ground.

Nevertheless, the Macedonian phalanx, armed with long pikes - sarissa - was considered practically invulnerable to the infantry precisely in a defensive battle. Too many arrowheads rested against the attackers' shields at once.

But in the offensive, problems began. Components of the Macedonian phalanx tagma(units of 256 fighters) had an unchanged structure and a constant shape (16 rows by 16 ranks), moved slowly and could only aim the sarissa in one direction. In the attack, some of the tagmas, encountering obstacles, inevitably lagged behind or crumbled. In the days of Philip and Alexander, the stability of the phalanx was ensured by the interaction of the infantry with the brilliant Macedonian cavalry, but the dwarves, devoid of cavalry, can hardly count on the success of such a tactic.

The bulky shield and short sword are not very suitable for individual combat in open space. Here you will need a weapon that, on the one hand, compensates for the lack of growth with its length, and on the other hand, that allows you to realize the advantages inherent in dwarves in strength and stability. As such, glaives, reeds, vuzhi (double-edged axes on a shaft), "Lucerne hammers" and other representatives of the halberd family can act. Which, incidentally, will reconcile the tradition of dwarves to arm themselves with axes, with considerations of military expediency.

There is also room for imagination. The variety of halberds is huge, in addition, the dwarves are able to forge weightless blades from Damascus, but nothing prevents them from using the deliberately heavy axes made by welding. Not so sharp, but guaranteed to plunge the enemy to the ground.

The peculiarities of combat in dungeons, where the firing range will only in the rarest cases exceed 25 meters, will inevitably leave an imprint on the choice of small arms. A sling and a longbow are unacceptable in such conditions, since the archer will need to completely get out of cover and pull the bowstring before firing. During this time, the enemy will have time to shoot first, or will hide. Darts, as well as all kinds of "throwing iron", are good only for 10-15 meters. When throwing to the maximum distance along the hinged trajectory, the projectiles will touch the low vaults of the cave.

Firefight in the corridors requires good flatness from the weapon, and in this regard, the crossbow will give the best results. Moreover, it can be loaded in cover, and then, leaning out, instantly release the bolt.

In skirmishes on the surface, the shooters' mission will be the most crucial. The fact is that the crossbowman is able to make up for the lack of "physical" maneuverability by "maneuvering with fire." If an obstacle is encountered on the path of the phalanx, some of its units will be forced to rebuild along a narrower front or go around. There will be a gap in the formation, and before the ranks have time to close, the enemy can wedge in there. Covering such "windows" (as well as penetrating them) has traditionally been assigned to swift-footed light infantry, while the dwarves do not.

But crossbowmen advancing in the second line at some distance from the infantry do not even need to run to the place of the breakthrough. The range of the weapon will allow all shooters located 150 meters on either side to take the "window" under the crossfire. If, in addition to iron, there is also lead in the dwarven mines, then there is a reason to "surprise" the enemy by covering him with a hail of sling cores from a distance beyond the standards of the Middle Ages.

Small arms will be even more important for the dwarves in the fight against the enemy, obviously superior to him physically. In close combat with a troll, ogre, or other powerful monster, it is not strength that is important, but dodge, and therefore the dwarf should avoid such a fight. Fighters of the foothill tribe are wiser to rely on powerful throwing weapons, which are very expensive and too heavy for other races. These can be crossbows with a steel arc and a collar, weights untwisted on chains, as well as harpoons weighing several kilograms.

Gun? Why not?

The pursuit

What should the heavy infantry do if the enemy does not accept the battle and, retreating, snaps at arrows from a distance? At first glance, the pursuit of the lightly armed seems to be a matter not only hopeless, but also risky.

In fact, if you act with caution, without rushing and without sharing forces, not everything is so hopeless. Dwarves, of course, are not well suited for individual short-distance races. But group races are held according to completely different rules. The success of a long pursuit is not determined by speed, but by the knowledge of the terrain and the endurance of the warriors. Especially in the mountains, where the retreating army now and then will form "traffic jams" on bridges and in gorges.

Beard problem

One of the undoubted finds by Nick Perumov was the deaf helmets of the Meliin dwarves mentioned in the novel "Diamond Sword, Wooden Sword". At one time the Spartan hoplites, the only ones among the Greeks, wore deaf - "Doric" - helmets.

Pressing the enemy with a shield, the phalangist came into such close contact with him that he could easily be grabbed by the beard. Only the Spartans, adhered to the customs of the Dorian barbarians, risked preserving facial hair. But in battle, this man's adornment was neatly removed under the helmet.

More "dwarven", however, seems to be the method of the ancient Germans. If you braid your beard in two braids and then tie them in a knot at the back of your head, it will not only not lead the enemy into temptation, but will also help protect your head and neck.

* * *

Surviving in war-torn fantasy worlds is difficult. But the dwarves have a trump card in the struggle for existence - they have the logic of the historical process on their side. Intuitively, it is only a matter of time before the transformation of an elven forest into firewood for a dwarven stove.

Dwarven civilization is strong already in that it cannot remain static, since it is based on non-renewable natural resources. This means the constant need to master new technologies and territories. Consequently, conflicts are inevitable, which can be resolved, of course, by bribery or intrigue, but the warlike dwarves will not stop at a forceful decision. Fortunately, only they can produce the best armor and weapons of the fantasy world on an industrial scale.

Looked at the final part of "The Hobbit". I liked the movie. Very sensibly filmed. There is a difference in storyline compared to Tolkien's original. At first glance, these discrepancies are not big, but some of them are fundamental. The director, for example, woven into the film an episode that is not in Tolkien's book. This is the love of the dwarf Keely and the elf Tauriel. Moreover, it is clear that these feelings are unnatural and therefore the dwarf had to be killed in the film. All their love looked terrible. Well, imagine a hairy thoroughbred Georgian or a khach with a Russian girl of the northern type. Disgusting? Of course! A small, picnic gnome with a nose all over his face and a beautiful white goddess of tall stature with regular features and a sophisticated figure. But it is presented to us as true love. I repeat that Tolkien would never have thought of that. He has races, and they differ from each other and there can be no mixing. Gnomes for him are creatures with their pluses and minuses, which do not like strangers. They are very reluctant to teach strangers their language - Khuzdul. Rightly considering their language to be the property of the whole people.

In my opinion, another disadvantage of the film is the heap of computer effects. Still, none, but you need to follow the laws of physics. And when Legolas gallops over falling stones, or when goats with gnomes on board rush, almost on a vertical slope faster than a cheetah, it smears the impression of the film and hurts the eyes.

I was pleased with the development of the black dialect of the orcs. She was already pleasing in previous films, but in the final part, against the background of the epic development of the plot, it looked great. Let me remind you that Elvish languages ​​(Quenya, Sindarin, etc.) have been developed most in Tolkien's world. Developed from humans is Adunaic, the native language of Numenor. All other human languages ​​are developed in fragments. We also know little about Khuzdul and the black dialect. But the filmmakers also worked with Khuzdul. For example, I did not quite understand the war cry of the dwarfs: "khazad dure-dur". Khazad is the self-name of the gnomes, and fool-fool for me remains a mystery. I only know by analogy with Barad-dur in the language of the Sindarin it means a dark fortress. The same fortress in the language of the Orcs is called Lugburz. Perhaps this cry means "dwarfs, forward to the enemies." And what is most surprising, Tolkien connected in his world the Central Asian features of the gnomes with the language, the basic structure of which is similar to the structure of the Semitic languages. What a coincidence! And the language of the black dialect reminds me very much in sound of the Hungarian language, that is, the language of the Huns. Very interesting too.

Another racological aspect of the film. This is the image of the assistant burgomaster Alfrida. This is a cowardly and disgusting person in every way. In addition, he has a fat lower lip, fused eyebrows and an excellent knowledge of human psychology. This saves him from death. In the end, he runs away in the form of a woman with gold.

Despite all the disadvantages of this film, I will watch it over and over again. The battles are well written. People are shown as the last monkeys who are not a pity to crush the armies of Azog and Bolg with forged fascist bast shoes. Gnomes are also those ferrets that I do not feel sorry for. Of these stools, only three will eventually die. This is not good. I liked the elves and their king the most. The smaller the creature, the more it stinks. On the example of the speech of the dwarf Dain, king of the Iron Hills, this is shown correctly. Elvish becoming and nobility is the real highlight of this film for me.

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Combat tactics in hird and loose formation

Recorded by the dwarf Legos son of Fundin,

2nd Seneschal of Erebor and Marshal of the Lesser Hird, in the year of the 3rd of the Fourth Age

1. About Hird

2. The origin of the hird

3. Hird composition and structure

4. Movement and maneuvers

5. Iron fist tactics

6. Stone wall tactics

7. Hirdman fighting techniques

8. Tricks and tricks

9. Loose Combat Tactics

10. Mixed tactics. Small hird. Rebuilding

11. Conclusion

About Hird

V at the moment there is a debate about whether the hird is a primordially dwarven battle formation, or whether it was borrowed by them from people. It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally. It is only clear that the dwarf hird today is a huge force, while people have almost lost the art of fighting in this formation.

In my article, I'm going to describe the advantages and disadvantages of the hird, its combat characteristics, and also illustrate the above with specific historical examples.

In addition to the art of fighting in the hird, I also consider the tactics of combat in loose formation, including the so-called "tunnel method", which is undoubtedly older than the hird.

The origin of the hird

NS We find the first mention of the hird in the ballad "The Battle of Barazinbar", dating from about 500 in the Second Epoch. However, it should not be assumed that the birth of the Hird took place only then. There is no doubt that it happened long before that, perhaps hundreds of years, but not earlier than the period when this structure was widely used by the northern clans of barbarians - people. It is possible that the gnomes took over this manner of fighting from them. However, it could appear and develop in parallel with both those and others.

An analysis of the sources shows that the dwarves from Mount Dolmed did not use the hird, as well as the tribe of Durin, most often mentioned in the annals. On the other hand, the knee of Torbur and the knee of Bii have frescoes dating from the first two centuries of the Second Age, indisputably evidence of the existence of a similarity in antiquity.

The dwarves were forced to use hird, as it was necessary in order to successfully counter the enemy on the surface, which was caused by the growing nature of trade relations between dwarves, elves and humans. There were frequent cases when people and elves built their cities and settlements in the canopy of the mountains, under which the Khazad people settled. For example, this is the human city Dol ( Dale ) at the foot of the Lonely Mountain or the Noldor city of Ost-in-Edhil west of Hazad Dum.

The composition and structure of the hird.

NS ird is recruited from mature, 60-year-old gnomes according to the property qualification. At the head of the hird, as a rule, is the most noble and wealthy dwarf or his eldest son.

Hird is subject to conditional division into one central and two lateral parts, which are commanded by the marshals. Hird forms a regular square with the same number of columns and ranks. The number of such a formation is different for different tribes and even clans, but on average it fluctuates around 3500-4500 fighters.

All sides of the hird are equivalent and can interchange each other (the left flank becomes the front when the command “left”). However, as a rule, this technique is not used.

The following hird lines are distinguished:

1st line - gnomes with large battle shields and axes behind their backs, performing, first of all, the functions of shield-bearers. The gnomes of the front carry a shield in front of them, while the soldiers of the right and left flanks carry it, respectively, on their right or left hand, and the soldiers of the rear cover throw the shield behind their backs. In the case of a hird getting stuck in the enemy's formation and tying it up from the side of the last hand-to-hand fight, the dwarfs of the first line use axes, throwing their shields behind their backs, or exchange with the axes of the hird. * approx 1

2nd line - gnomes armed with spears of medium size (1.5 m). At the command "the first ring", they thrust their spears into the cracks between the shields of the 1st line warriors at the waist level. Thus, the hird is covered by the so-called. the first ring of copies. Some of the gnomes in this line carry axes and can exchange with 1st line gnomes as axemen.

3rd line - warriors armed with long spears (2.5 m.). They hold them at shoulder level and also insert them into the cracks between the shields of the 1st line, covering the hird with the second ring. This action is carried out by the command "second ring". As a result of this coverage, the hird is surrounded by two rings of spear pommel, which definitely represent formidable power.

4th line - gnomes armed with crossbows. As a rule, they hit from under the cover of the first 3 lines of hird over the heads of their comrades. The tallest gnomes become crossbowmen. Many crossbowmen are quite good ax fighters and change the first two lanes in case of a breakthrough. This line is especially effective against enemy cavalry.

The 4th line of hird is followed by the lines of the so-called. operational reserve, which are gnomes armed with typical weapons, which during the battle replace tired, wounded or killed fighters of the first 3 lines. Despite the fact that the gnomes of the 1st line do not change, in case of death or injury, they are dragged into the depths of the hird, and their place is taken by the soldiers of the 2nd line, instead of which, in turn, the soldiers of the 3rd line stand. This is done in order to prevent the enemy from using time until a dwarf from the 5th or 6th line arrives in time to replace the shield-bearer. At the same time, the spearmen of the 2nd and 3rd lines are already changing with the soldiers of the operational reserve, at least, for example, the 2nd soldier could be replaced by the 3rd.

The changed warrior retreats deep into the hird, to the very last line of the operational reserve and waits for his turn. Crossbowmen usually do not change, since this type of troops is not yet widespread among dwarfs and there are still few good shooters.

Behind the lines of the operational reserve there are several lines of the reserve, in which there are young, least proven gnomes, as well as the most experienced veterans, who, in case of emergency, can, after passing through the formation of the operational reserve lines, attack the enemy, both as spearmen and axemen.

In the very center of the hird there is an empty square space where the banners of the tribe and clan are located, and where the wounded are brought. Here is also the Chief Strategist and, sometimes, the First Marshall of the Hird. Inside the hird, there is no division into small groups, but during the Horn maneuver, the right and left flanks of the formation move forward and sideways, surrounding the enemy, while the center inflicts a crushing blow.

Movement and maneuvers

NS The movement of the hird and his maneuvers are one of the most important aspects in training, since the effect achieved in battle with proper control of the hird directly depends on this.

When moving, an area of ​​approximately 0.7 m 2 is allocated for each warrior, so it becomes possible to move at different speeds without disturbing the formation. Before a direct collision with the enemy, the hird is "compressed" and the intervals between the warriors are reduced to a minimum. Depending on the tactics used, the intervals between the ranks range from 10 cm to 0.5 m. The latter is necessary when gnomes use the 1st line of axes. This, in turn, is due to the peculiarities of hand-to-hand combat in the hird, which will be discussed later.

Movement can be carried out, as mentioned above, at different speeds. The following travel options are distinguished:

1) Step - the most common and versatile way. He, in addition, is designed to intimidate the enemy with the sight of a slowly approaching wall of shields.

2) March (brisk step) - used when it is necessary to disorient the enemy relative to the speed of movement. As a rule, alternates with stride and half-run.

3) Half-run - used for a swift attack, when the fate of the battle can be decided with one lightning strike. It is also used to wedge into enemy lines at high speed and break through as deep as possible due to momentum.

4) There is also the "Running" method. This method, as follows from the chronicles, was never used in battle, but, nevertheless, the gnomes work it out in exercises and are theoretically able to run in a hird without breaking the formation and in a combat situation.

Command of the hird is exercised jointly by the Chief Strategist and the First Marshall. Variants are possible when only the Chief Strategist commands the hird, if the Chief Strategist is killed in battle, a new Chief Strategist takes his place, and so on. The order is transmitted in a chain, each dwarf, having heard the order, repeats it aloud. Errors in the transmission of orders are excluded, since each order or command is an abrupt phrase or phrase, phonetically very different from each other. So, for example, the command "Shaft of shields", indicating the prerequisite for the soldiers of the first three lines to raise their shields to repel a distant attack of archers, whose arrows are already at their end, from the command "Stone Turtle", when all the warriors are already raising their shields, thus hiding behind from any mounted and frontal attack, although the actions themselves are largely similar. The Chief Strategist usually takes the initiative for the order, and the First Marshall approves or rejects it. The First Marshall gives the order to attack and pursue, also in consultation with the Chief Strategist. Since the dwarf martial art is largely precedent, disputes between them are extremely rare and history is silent about them.

There are the following hird maneuvers:

1) Turning is the simplest hird maneuver. With its help, the hird goes around natural and artificial obstacles, turns around, changes the direction of the attack, avoids a head-on collision, goes towards it, and also pursues the enemy in an organized manner. It corresponds to the order "turn, heading for ...". The indication of the course can be carried out both in indicating the terrain (course for the near forest) and enemy military formations (course for the left flank of the Dunlendings phalanx), as well as abstract orientation to the Star of Durin, the location of which is known to each dwarf for certain at different time intervals. Dwarves also intuitively calculate the angle between the target and Durin's Star and use this when maneuvering (Course 15 ° to the left of Durin's Star). Thanks to this, it is not difficult for the gnomes to turn around in the marching order. There are also simpler commands corresponding to human "left", "right" and "circle", as well as the orientation of the formation to the cardinal points: "Ostri" (East), Westri (West), Nordri (North), Sudri (South). These latter also contain a magical meaning, since are an appeal to the gnomes, whom Mahal has set to hold the corresponding corners of the sky. They are performed not on the move, but while standing still. Each fighter simply turns in the required direction; spears, shields, axes and banners are pressed tightly to the body so as not to hurt a neighbor.

2) First (second ring) - at this command, the gnomes of the 2nd (3rd) line put spears around the perimeter of the hird.

3) Shaft of shields - the gnomes of the first three lines create a kind of shaft from their shields that covers those behind. The shield shaft is usually applied with only one edge, but exceptions are possible. Gnomes of the 1st line slightly tilt the upper edges of their shields; gnomes of the 2nd line put their shields on top, so that their lower edge coincides with the upper edge of the previous ones; gnomes of the 3rd line do the same. It should be noted that the shields of the 2nd and 3rd lines lie at a rather acute angle with respect to the ground, these angles are 45 ° and 15 °, respectively. The shield shaft is used when repelling a distant attack.

4) Stone Turtle - All Hirdman, except for the fighters of the extreme lines, raise their shields over their heads. Thus, they are covered from all sides both from a distant and from a direct attack. The disadvantage of the "Stone Turtle" is poor visibility and inability to use crossbows. Its most rational use can be considered the approach under fire to the enemy formation at a minimum distance, rapid rebuilding and attack.

5) Horns - the essence of this technique lies in the fact that the center of the hird binds the enemy in battle, while the flanks cover them, thus, the enemy is caught in the "horns". Given the swiftness of what is happening, such a technique allows you to effectively break up smaller or equal Hirdos in terms of the size of the formation. Naturally, the flanks do not have the opportunity to attack the enemy at the same time along their entire length - therefore, they are recommended to use axes and spears alternately.

6) Wedge - used against superior and highly superior enemy forces. This is the most difficult lane change of all hird maneuvers. It consists in the fact that part of the gnomes from the flanks of the first lines go into the back lines and stand on their flanks. Thus, the hird takes the form of a trapezoid, in which one base is much smaller than the other (the smaller base ranges from 1/3 of the large base to 2 fighters). When attacking an enemy formation, the hirdmans of the 1st line standing in the center (usually several fighters responsible for the breakthrough are assigned) from the entire turn swoop down on the enemy, hiding behind large shields and, acting again with shields, make a rift in his ranks. Those behind are actively helping them with spears. Due to the fact that inertia is necessary to penetrate the enemy's ranks, the wedge always moves half-run.

Iron Fist Tactics

WITH There are two main tactics of fighting in the hird: the so-called "Iron (Steel) fist" and "Stone wall". As the name suggests, Iron Fist is an offensive tactic, while Stone Wall is a defensive tactic.

For the "Iron Fist" such maneuvers as "wedge", "horns" are characteristic, turns are also very often used. This type of tactics is most often found in chronicles and other literature, as it produces a truly stunning effect, both on the accomplice and on the outside observer.

Actingthus, the hird is capable of splitting into pieces separate large formations of the enemy and breaking them one by one, as well as pursuing a fleeing enemy. The actions of such a hird against enemy light infantry and horse archers should be considered ineffective, but this is a separate story, tk. as a rule, the hird rarely adheres to strictly elaborated tactics, changing them repeatedly during the course of the battle.

The purpose of a hirda using Iron Fist is to crush an opponent in a surprise attack. Surprise is achieved by various well-known methods, some of which are listed in the "Tricks" section.

The Hird will not necessarily wedge into the enemy's ranks - he is not afraid of the environment and is able to fight in all directions at the same time, so there are often cases when the Hird deliberately goes into a head-on collision with a superior enemy detachment, knowingly counting on his surroundings.

Immediately before the clash, the gnomes give out a battle cry - in four cases out of five this is the famous "Hazad ai Menu" (Gnomes [go] to you- khuzd.), universal for all kinds of gnomes. Less often they shout out the name of the leader or forefather of the clan. More information about the shouts can be found in the "Tricks" section.

Another feature of the Iron Fist is its frequent melee throws, repeated at irregular intervals. They occur when the enemy begins to adjust to the way the dwarves use their spears and rebuild to better reflect the Hird's blows. An attack with axes occurs when there is any confusion in the ranks of the enemy, there have been cases when enemies fled from just one such attack. It is recommended to use the "Iron Fist" if the enemy does not have archers, slingers and bidals. It is ideal against large and sedentary joints.

Stone Wall Tactics

" TO Amennaya wall "is a defensive tactic, it is characterized by such maneuvers as" shaft of shields "and" stone turtle ". By acting in this way, the hird is designed to stop the enemy's distant or direct attack, as well as their combination. "Stone Wall" is devoid of such drawbacks as the difficulty of confronting cavalry, horse and foot shooters. The aim of the hird, using the "Stone Wall" tactics, is to repel a massive distant attack by both foot and horse riflemen, to repel the attack of significantly superior enemy forces, and to alternate and combine them. As a rule, at the first stage of the battle, if the enemies "frantically rushed to the formation in a great number", the dwarves took cover behind the shields, putting out their spears and firing into the cracks between the shields from crossbows. A hird built into the "Stone Wall" should inspire the enemy with fear of the invincible formation, which "... like a stone stronghold stands in the way of the forces of darkness ...".

The "stone wall" is not only capable of defending itself in all directions, it was created specifically for this. The corners of the hird are not its weak point, but are a kind of "stiffening ribs", i.e. represent the most protected areas, from which the rows of spear pommels surrounding the hird diverge in all directions, in contrast, for example, from the phalanx, where the corners are the weakest areas (see Fig. 1).

The calls in the "Stone Wall" are not used, but sometimes the commanders shout before the clash "Keep build!" or "All as one!" This is done in order to give the soldiers additional self-confidence, and not because the commander doubts his soldiers.

Considering that with the help of the "Stone Wall" it is impossible to break the enemy (with an unsuccessful attack, he will naturally simply retreat), it is necessary to make a competent transition from defense to attack. Dwarfs do it not smoothly, in accordance with human logic, but on the contrary - abruptly and unexpectedly, with lightning speed. Gnomes of all lines, except for the extreme fighters, and at the first line, all warriors in full force throw shields behind their backs (gnomes, except for the fighters of the last rank, who carry large shields behind their backs, can have medium or small shields worn on the arm) and throw themselves at attack - if the enemy has already begun to retreat - to a spear, and if he just flinched, but did not have time to retreat, then in axes. In some cases, the gnomes even crumbled, thus passing from the hird to the loose formation, but this will be discussed separately.

Hirdman fighting techniques

B oops in hird is fought by three main types of weapons:

1) Spear (sometimes halberd)

2) Ax (poleaxe, hammer, minting)

3) Crossbow (very rarely - bow)

You can also highlight:

4) Shield

5) Helmet

They are not actually weapons, but can be effectively used as such. According to this classification, each of these types of weapons is distinguished, respectively, by combat techniques.

Spear fighting techniques.

Warriors of 2-3 lines are armed with a spear. Warriors of the 2nd line hold spears at waist level, and warriors of the 3rd line - at shoulder level. Warriors of the 4th line can help those ahead to keep their spears, the length of which is ≈ 3 m.

Dwarves of the 2nd line perform a glancing blow to the groin, abdomen, or chest, while the dwarves of the 3rd line perform a glancing blow to the chest or head, or a slashing blow to the head. The type of blow depends on the grip with which the fighter is holding his spear. In addition, sometimes the spearmen act simply as a "prop" to hold the spears in the proper position during or against a frontal attack.

Ax fight techniques.

All Hird gnomes, without exception, are armed with a battle ax (an ax or a labris, a war hammer, a chase are an option). The gnomes master the techniques of combat fencing with axes first-class, but the use of these techniques in their original form when building a hird is impossible due to the peculiarities of its structure. Therefore, a different combat system was developed, specially designed for this formation.

Strikes are allowed only in 2 planes - strictly from top to bottom (bottom to top), or strictly back and forth (forward and back).

Axes and battle axes naturally quite noticeably differ in their fighting qualities, but the principles of combat are approximately the same:

1) The classic hird strike - from top to bottom, usually accompanied by the cry "Baruk Hazad!" - on the head or shoulders of the opponent. A blow from above - downward is applied from the shoulder (right / left) or from the head (carried directly over the head). Due to the need for scope, the distance between the soldiers of the line should be in no way less than 0.5 m.

2) Reverse blow - from the bottom up - with the butt of an ax (poleaxe), the 2nd blade of the Labris, with a thorn in the place of the butt - in the belly or groin of the enemy.

3) Direct blow - with the pommel of an ax (poleaxe) or with a horn (thorn) in its place - in the chest, stomach or head of the enemy.

4) A blow with an ax, located parallel to the ground, to the neck or face of the opponent, a blow to the chest is also possible, with the aim of losing the opponent's balance.

5) A blow with the base of the handle of an ax (poleaxe) or with a thorn located in this place on the foot of the enemy.

Crossbow fighting techniques.

In a hird, the use of a crossbow has some peculiarities, namely, a special capture of the sight, the calculation of the lead, as well as the characteristic accuracy of fire. The crossbowmen are not tasked with hitting the enemy to death - it is enough to simply injure him, wound him, and the axemen and spearmen of the hird take the rest into their own hands.

Under the crossbow bolts, the enemy's formation should be disrupted and confused. From all of the above, the rule follows: the hird should carry out distant attacks on a flat, massively and from a minimum distance, i.e. before an immediate collision.

Shield fighting techniques.

In some cases, the Hirdman use shields as a weapon of attack. In hird, there are 3 types of shield blows:

1) Top - down. The direction of the blow falls on the opponent's legs, feet, shins. For these purposes, the lower edge of the shield is sometimes bound with iron. Distinguish a special form of shields adapted for such attacks (see Fig. 1).

Fig 1. Shield shapes

2) Bottom-up. The direction of the blow to the opponent's neck, his throat, lower jaw. Such a blow can kill an inexperienced opponent. Since some helmets have a chain mail mesh attached to the bottom of the helmet and thus covering the throat, the shields can also be tied around the upper edge, increasing penetration.

3) From myself. It is applied to the chest. Shields can have a spike, usually located in their center. However, this blow with a shield is dangerous for a fighter, since when using it, the unprotected body of the warrior is exposed and, as a result, it becomes possible to inflict injury or damage from the enemy.

Helmet fighting techniques.

The helmet is used as a weapon only in the most extreme cases. It is recommended to use it in this capacity only when breaking through the lines of the hird, when the tightness does not allow the use of axes and spears, or they are not available. This technique can also be attributed to the tactics of loose formation and military tricks. There are two ways to hit with a helmet:

1) The throw is usually at the opponent's shooter.

2) Impact - both by the top of the helmet and by the pointed edges of its various planes. In some cases, a fatal result is possible.

Military tricks and tricks when building a hird

V in view of the fact that in the history of the hird as a combat formation, a very large number of different tricks and tricks were used, it is customary to classify them on various grounds. There are the following types of tricks:

1) Moral impact

2) Combat tricks

3) Other.

Morale-based gimmicks include battle cries, active maneuvering, and stone wall tactics. This list is incomplete and may be supplemented. Much has been written about the "stone wall" tactic in the corresponding chapter, so we will not dwell on it in detail, noting only its fundamental features. The main thing in this tactic is to instill in the enemy a sense of invincibility, inviolability of the gnome's hird, coupled with a sense of their own helplessness.

Battle cries.

The following war cries of the Dwarfs are known:

1) Khazad ) ay menu "-" The dwarfs [are coming] at you ";

2) "Baruk Hazad" - "Axes of the Dwarfs";

3) "Targ Dyurinul" - "Beard Dyurin"

In addition, the following are used as a cry:

4) Name M ahala - the Creator;

5) The names of the cities and their derivatives - "Moria", "Erebor", "Baruk Erebor";

6) The names of the leaders are “Dain! Dain! "

7) Names of the Clans and derivatives from them - "Zigin Tareg ai menu!"

The cry has two goals:

§ Raise morale among the troops;

§ Demoralize the enemy.

An example of the use of one such call is described in the "Battle for the Vale":

“Savages from the reserve of Sauron's army saw in front of them a rapidly approaching steel wall bristling with hundreds of spears, but they were not afraid and rushed at the dwarfs, indistinctly shouting. The dwarfs gave their battle cry. Here is how the chronicler describes it: “And the steel wall went against the savages, and it was not a formation of soldiers, but a single being, an ancient demon awakened from sleep. The savages screamed and charged, the Khazads walked in silence and only approached the distance of the throw of the heavy spear, they shouted in the distance. And he was like thunder, for such a cry had never sounded P od Horus and, probably, nowhere in Middle-earth after the Great Battle of the ancient era. HAZAD HAY MENU !!! - rumbled over the field and many savages fell on their faces and ears with hands, for it was impossible to resist him. "

Another use of the battle cry is described in the "Battle of Barazinbar" in verse form:

“... But the gnomes that were in the valley

(For this, glory to them until now)

Led by Nordr and Skild,

Instantly formed into hird.

And a multi-voiced slender chorus

Shook the foot of the Misty Mountains:

“Baruk Hazad !!! He waved for us !!!

Slash enemies! Our hour has come !!! "

And the gnomes are like an avalanche

They went to the front of the enemy beautifully ... "

Usually, gnomes make a cry, approaching the enemy at a minimum distance, as a rule, when switching to a counterattack, in order to stun, shock the enemy before a collision. Often, at the same time, Hird's crossbowmen fire a volley. The sight of dead comrades from the front rows, coupled with a deafening cry, make an extremely demoralizing impression on the enemy. The cry is issued by all the hird dwarfs at the same time. A few seconds before the collision, Marshal Hird or another gnome appointed by him, shouts out a cry, which is immediately supported by all other warriors.

Active maneuvering.

Quite a lot has been said about the elements of active maneuvering in the chapter “Movement and maneuvers”. It should be noted that all the maneuvers listed there are usually used not one by one, but continuously and sequentially.


"Building" - "step forward" - "stone turtle" - "turn" -

H. is built for battle



step forward

stone turtle


march forward


shield shaft

Reason q-i

Hird is built for battle

Heading for the enemy's army

Ahead appeared. archers and cavalry

To the left flank of the archers (the cavalry leaves)

By course

Archers attack

Arrows fall on the hird

False retreat (teeth)

The front fighters begin to retreat deep into the hird, imitating retreat and pulling the enemy fighters behind them. The rear fighters (the same veterans mentioned earlier) - pass through the formation in the opposite direction and, with their axes, attack the enemy warriors who are not ready for such a turn of events. Thus, the latter are squeezed into the so-called "teeth", by analogy with the teeth of mechanisms. After a false retreat, the hird usually goes into a counterattack.

Extermination of the enemy piece by piece

With the help of maneuvers, the hird can destroy individual groups of the enemy, cut off from the main forces. In this case, it is most effective to use not one, but three hird, which will be described in more detail in the tenth section of this article.


In order to prevent a breakthrough of the first line of the hird, the fighters of this line can be tied together with ropes, or chained. Moreover, it is worth noting that if people used both of these methods equally, then the gnomes use only the second method. The advantage of the chain over the rope is that it is almost impossible to cut or break in combat conditions, which means that the formation has a better chance of not being destroyed. The disadvantage of the chain is that in the event of the death of a large number of soldiers of this line, the remaining cannot continue the battle normally, which threatens to violate all lines of the hird and threaten to destroy it. The use of this method should be treated with the utmost care and caution.

In addition, there are techniques and tricks that are used in loose formation. Using them with a hird is too difficult and does not justify itself. The following techniques are presented in the form of military-historical sketches from the most significant battles of Dwarven history.

In the Battle of Gladden Fields, the dwarves (against Easterlings [vastaks]) used the following technique: when the vastaks settled down on the hill hird dwarfs headed towards them, overwhelming their archers with well-aimed crossbow shooting. When he came close to the hill, the Wastaks began to roll down the slope of large steel-bound carts, on the sides of which were sharpened blades.

"... Then the commander of the hird ordered the soldiers to open the formation and where the carts ran, the gnomes fell to the ground, covering themselves with shields from above, so that the carts passed through them, causing harm to the gnomes, while others simply scattered, letting them pass ..."

The same technique was used in the Battle of the Vale, when the Hird dwarfs parted, letting the Mumaks go deep into the formation, and then, surrounding them from all sides, killed them.

“Meanwhile, Big Hird has already entered the battle with three mumaks. The dwarves raised their spears and used crossbows, aiming at the mumak's eyes. One beast was killed instantly, but the other two rushed forward, crushing many of the dwarfs. But then Brand's bodyguards arrived and shot them. Mumaks who passed by the Big Hird fell into a trap and died, although one of them managed to hit the flank of the left small Hird. "

In the Battle of Iris Basin, the following combat technique was used: the gnomes were mounted on horses, behind the Ristanian riders. Thus, the gnomes quickly moved to the point of the battle where they were most needed.

Dwarfs often used the tactics of "wolf pits", digging and various types of engineering structures. In the Battle of the Dol, a number of fortifications were erected, as well as traps, including oversized wolf pits. Several enemy mumaks hit them. The fortification line also played a role, holding back the enemy offensive for a while.

“The dwarfs have erected numerous fortifications. The valley was surrounded by a notch, militiamen with bows were hiding in the forests and ravines. A garrison of a thousand archers remained in the city. A defensive rampart was erected at the approaches to the Gate of Erebor, also fortified with a notch. "

In the Battle on the Irisnaya Lowland and during the Assault on Gundabad, the tactics of undermining were used, and if in the first case, the undermining was carried out at the headquarters of the Vastaks command, then in the second case, engineering work was carried out in an incomparably greater volume and in several directions at once (under the gates, armories, in the area drain, etc.). Under Gundabad was carried out in addition to of the above a landing of dwarfs who penetrated the upper tiers along the mountainside.

Before secretly attacking the enemy, the gnomes first remove the sentries (Assault on Gundabad). For these purposes, they are used as distant, incl. throwing weapons, as well as non-distant ones, intended only for hand-to-hand combat.

Bypassing enemy forces through difficult terrain was also used by the dwarfs at one time. In this concept, first of all, they mean their forcing of numerous underground abysses and gorges. From ground operations of such a plan, the Battle of Barazinbar can be cited as an example.

“... But Nordri knew about this evil:
He was familiar for a long time
With terrible elven art.
Heather grows thickly in the swamp,
The rotten swamp frightens the eye.
And so, through this wilderness, the watch
The brave Marshal Thor sent,
He himself walked with the detachment ...
The solid ground is close,
She beckons with hope.
The swamp has killed many
But the main force has broken through ... "

Loose Combat Tactics

Have Reading the fact that the hird as a combat formation is used, on a historical scale, relatively recently, the art of fighting in loose formation throughout the history of the Piedmont tribe has undoubtedly achieved great results. The first battles with the participation of the dwarves, recorded in the chronicles of the elf people, were the Battle of Sudden Flame and the Battle of Nauglamir (Assault and capture of Menegroth, Sark-Atrad massacre), in which the dwarves fought in a scattering formation. They fought in loose formation both at Gundabad and at Azanulbizar, in the Battle of the Five Armies, partly in the Battle of the Gladden Valley, as well as in hundreds of countless skirmishes with the orcs. Here it is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of "ground" and "underground" battle. Almost all battles with orcs belonging to the Third Age, with the exception of Azanulbizar, the Battle of the Five Armies, and perhaps five or six other clashes of lesser importance, were underground battles.

In my work, I am not going to give a detailed description of this type of warfare, limiting myself to general definitions. In connection with the need to conduct hostilities in long and narrow tunnels and adits, even in ancient times a special method was created that allows with the least losses to most effectively destroy large enemy formations - the so-called. "Tunnel" method or "Fight by the Ledge".

The gnomes are built in groups, in a checkerboard pattern, along the walls of the tunnel. The front width of such a group is determined by the formula:

L - Front width

S - Tunnel width

The depth of the construction of the group is equal to its width, that is, the group is a regular quadrangle, otherwise it is a square.

The movement of the unit is reflected in the diagram (see above). The front square of the soldiers (1) makes a maneuver, moving forward - to the left, while making a combat collision with the enemy's forces, after which there is a shift again, but to the left - backward, and the detachment following it (2) repeats the maneuver. As you can see from the diagram, this method of movement is quite difficult and achievable perfection in it is possible only after years and years of training. In view of this, a slightly different tactic was usually used. Both tactics are based on the need to avoid the mass death of the gnomes from the front ranks. To this end, the gnomes, gathered in squads, exchange places with each other in such a way that each squad will take part in the battle equally with the others. The second tunnel tactic is a modernized version of the first. The gnomes line up in open rows (the distance between the fighters can reach 1 m) in a checkerboard pattern. The ranks are constantly maneuvering - the front ones retreat into free space behind their backs, the rear ones advance in the opposite direction.

We must not forget that tunnel battles are sometimes beneficial for gnomes - one gnome can sequentially chop over ten orcs. For example, in the famous battle of Hornburg (Helm's Gorge), the dwarf Gimli, the son of Gloin, destroyed more than forty orcs, and the dwarf Grabur ( Grabbour ) in the Battle of the Dol, he destroyed at least sixty Haradrim, who, as you know, were not inferior in strength to the orcs. Nevertheless, gnomes should prefer a cave to a tunnel in cases where the size and relief of it, as well as the training of the warriors, allow building a hird.

Paradoxically, hird, in a certain sense, can also be used in a tunnel. Its tunnel modification is called "Fire Worm". A column of dwarfs, covered with shields and putting out their spears, rushes through the tunnel, crushing all its defenders in its path. In long and too narrow tunnels, this can turn into spears, wolf pits and various traps. In addition, if the enemy starts a battle, the first ranks of the gnomes will be doomed to death, tk. they will not be able (because of the tightness) to exchange with the presenters.

Ground battles, as a rule, took place much less often than underground ones, but their significance and scale were usually much greater. The loose system used in those was widespread among the Durin clan and some other genera and represented a typical "group felling", i.e. it means that with external chaos, the gnomes advanced and retreated in an orderly, harmonious manner and in conjunction with the allied forces.

Below I give a small analysis of several (but far from all) significant battles in our history, starting from Sark-Atrad and ending with the Battle of the Five Armies.

The capture of Menegroth and the Sark-Atrad massacre.

“And the army of the Naugrim penetrated into the forests of Doriath, and no one could resist them, because they were numerous and fierce. They broke into Menegroth, and there they were slayers of many elves and dwarves, and the halls of Thingol were destroyed and plundered. So Mablung fell, and the Silmaril was captured.

And it so happened that when the greatly reduced army of the dwarves of Nogrod, returning from Menegroth, again came to Sark-Atrada, it was attacked by enemies. And all the forests were filled with the sound of horns, and arrows fell on the dwarfs. Many were killed, some escaped the ambush and fled east towards the mountains. But as they climbed the slopes, the shepherds of the trees drove the dwarfs into the shady forests, and not one of them made it home. "

Tactically, the capture of Menegroth, fortified (by the hands of the same gnomes!), Was a classic assault "on the move" of an enemy castle, so there is no point in telling about it. The massacre in Sark-Atrad, in turn, was a typical ambush, which had a really significant scale. According to the above one of elven versions recorded in the Quenta Silmarillion, it turns out that the light infantry destroyed the probably superior forces of the heavily armed dwarfs, which is essentially impossible. Obviously, the gnomes made a breakthrough - not being able to break through with one large detachment (since they were walking in a marching column), the fighters knocked down in small groups (5-20 gnomes) and made their way at random, possibly in one direction, increasing the gap in enemy cordon. The information that the Ents (Shepherds of the trees) destroyed all those who fled, I think it is implausible, pro-elven. Most likely, the Ents were able to catch and destroy only a few separate units.

Battle of Azanulbizar (2799 T.A.)

“Between the spurs of the mountains, near Lake Heled-zaram, there was a huge valley that had long been a part of the Khazad-Dum kingdom. When the Dwarves saw the gates of their ancient dominions on the mountainside, their victory cry rolled like thunder across the valley. But on the slopes towering above him, a huge army of enemies lined up, and detachments of Orcs flowed out of the gates, left by Azog in an emergency.

At first, happiness turned away from the Dwarfs: it was a dark, sunless winter day, the Orcs did not flinch, they outnumbered the enemy and were located above him. The first attack of the vanguard, led by Trine, was repulsed; The dwarves suffered casualties, and Thrain was thrown into the forest, which still grows near Heledzarham. There fell Frerin, his son, Fundin, his kinsman, and many others; Thrain and Thorin were injured. The battle continued with varying degrees of success, until, finally, its course was not broken by the troops from the Ore Highlands. The fresh forces of the heavily armed warriors of Nine, son of Gror, made their way to the very entrance of Moria, shouting "Azog! Azog!" smashed with pickaxes everyone on the way. "

The army of the dwarfs marched in several columns, apparently in two, and the second of them - the warriors of the Iron Highlands, led by Nain, was late for the beginning of the battle.The dwarves found themselves in the Azanulbizar valley on the outskirts of Khazad Dum, which the orcs did not take advantage of - attacking from an advantageous position and suppressing them with a majority. The advance detachment under the command of Train was badly battered and was forced to retreat, after which he left the battle for a while and did not play a special role for the time being, since at that time the main forces of the dwarves clashed, pressed by the orcs with the main forces of the latter. The appearance on the battlefield of the forced reserve in the person of Nain's warriors, the outcome of the battle was decided - the orcs were crushed, most of them died, but many fled to the south. The persecution was not organized.

Battle Five Hosts

“The takuelves rushed first. As the enemy troops crowded in the valley, the elves fired a shower of arrows at them. Thousands of spears flew in the wake of the arrows. As the goblins had recovered from the burden of the Elves, a roaring roar rolled through the valley. Shouts of "Moria!" And "Dain!" The Dwarves of the IronHills leapt out to the other side, shaking their war hoes, and behind them ran the warriors of the Lake City with long swords. Panic gripped the goblins. They turned to meet the new enemy, and then the elves again threw the attack in tenfold numbers. Many goblins have already fled along the river to avoid the trap, the vargi have already begun to rush at their fellows, tearing apart the corpses of the wounded. [in the meantime, others] The goblins climbed up the Mountain from the other side and were now streaming down the slopes in a frenzied stream. The goblins wanted to attack the spurs from above, from the gate. There were paths leading to each spur from the main Mountain; people, elves Ignomes of Dane were not enough, they could not cut each path. Byrd defended the eastern slope with all his might, but gradually the ion began to retreat. And the elves were quickly driven to the most outpost on Raven Heights. Suddenly there was a loud cry, the sound of a trumpet, And the King Under the Mountain and his companions jumped out of the gap. "Comne! To me, elves and people! To me, my relatives!" Called Thorin, his voice humming in the depths like a horn. Dane's dwarves rushed to his aid. Many people fled down there, and Byrd could not hold them back. On the other side appeared the spear-bearers of the elves. The goblins were again defeated, and the olina was covered with black heaps of disgusting corpses. The Bargs were driven away, Thorin forced the Bolga guard with his sword, but he could not pierce all the ranks at once. Much people were killed, and gnomes, and beautiful elves who could live and live in their forests. " From the tactics of this battle, it is worth noting the combined blow of the dwarves and elves at the beginning of the battle, when they inflicted a series of blows on the orc army, forcing the latter to retreat. The large number of orcs allowed them to make a flanking maneuver, which put the Allied army on the brink of destruction, however, a timely breakthrough, organized by King Under the Mountain Thorin Trainul, changed the course of the battle, directing it, it seemed, in a favorable direction. Thorin's detachment, consisting of gnomes, people and elves, turned out to be too small to break through the ranks of the orcs and put them to flight, Thorin himself, as well as two of his nephews - Fili and Keely perished, and with them a large number of warriors of all races. Only the appearance of the Eagles and Beorn made it possible to defeat the vastly outnumbered horde of orcs. As for the battle itself, the gnomes use axes, axes (i.e., their traditional weapons), war hammers, chasers, klevtsy (weapons similar to the principle of battle), swords, daggers in loose formation. Shields of various shapes, open and closed helmets, chain mail, plate armor, leggings, plate or chain mail gloves, and more can be noted as protective weapons. The assortment of protective weapons is distinguished by a great variety, art of manufacture, strength and durability. The gnome is taught to fight with an ax from childhood, and in separate settlements, regardless of the gender of the child. In the future, the young gnome practices the power of blow in the process of work - whether it be blacksmithing or coal business, iron mining or construction work. Only a select few are taught specially fighting techniques, who then lead the squads, becoming Captains, centurions and foremen (The names of the centurion and the foreman are conditional, since the dwarfs do not use familiar people decimal construction). In addition to hand-to-hand combat techniques, they are taught archery or crossbow shooting, tactics, strategy, the rules of siege and deployment, and the theory of martial art. In addition to the training described above, during the period of preparation for hostilities, as well as in peacetime in order to obtain combat skills, special classes are held, during which the dwarfs are trained in formation, possession of a crossbow, fortification and military engineering, and the basics of tactics.

Mixed tactics. Rebuilding. Small Hird

NS On the course of the battle, the commander has a need to act in formation at some stage of the battle, and in separate formations at some other stage (with a small number to build up, the need to protect an extended object, etc.). A static, immovable structure cannot perform such heterogeneous functions, therefore, in practice, the processes indicated in the title of this chapter are often carried out. First, the mixed tactics issues mentioned earlier will be discussed. Separately, I consider the concept of the process of rebuilding the hird into a loose system and vice versa. Finally, at the end of the chapter, I will describe the arrangement of the Little Hird, which is by far the most important auxiliary factor in any battle involving the Hird. Mixed tactics - as the name suggests, is mixture"Iron Fist" and "Stone Wall", or to be more precise, their successful combination. A little has already been said about mixed tactics in the section "Military tricks", subsection "Active maneuvering". Without repeating what has already been said, I can add that the main principle of "mixed tactics" is surprise and swiftness. The crux of the matter is that in the formation of gnomes there is no smooth transition from defense to attack - they defend themselves by attacking, and attack without forgetting about defense. Having built up the "Shaft of Shields" in order to prevent a massive distant attack, the formation of dwarfs must, at the very next moment, turn into the "Horns" or "Wedge", reflecting the onslaught of the arriving infantry. And vice versa, constantly pressing on the ranks of the enemy, the gnomes can, stumbling upon powerful opposition, say, spearmen, "sit on their spears", that is, stopping to bristle in all directions with spear pommels, leaving the enemy to break through the deadly forest, and after he finally stops (or paving the field with corpses on a level with the gnome's forehead!), suddenly attack him with axes, which, incidentally, can be attributed to the next paragraph of this chapter ... Rebuilding- implies a transition from loose formation tactics to hird tactics and vice versa, carried out directly in battle conditions. Pros and cons of Rebuilding are obvious: + 1. Surprise - the enemy does not have time to adapt to the tactics of formation. 2. Efficiency - such a move can bear significant fruit, albeit in the aspect of the loss of gape enemies. 3. Relevance - allows the squad to adapt to the current situation on the field. 4. Achieving the maximum goals - a small detachment can scatter its way through the enemy's orders to eliminate its command staff, after which, forming in a square or in any other small formation in the image and likeness of a hird, make its way to its own without loss or with small losses (see Battle on the Irisnaya Lowland )1. Difficulty - requires long and persistent training, as well as considerable warrior experience. 2. Danger - in the event of a massive transition to the tactics of a loose formation, there is a danger that it will no longer be possible to return to the formation of the hird. From the foregoing it follows that the use of rebuilding should be conditioned by a number of specific tactical circumstances, and the degree of preparation of soldiers for such an operation and the possible consequences of a massive transition to a loose formation in a one-sided regime (from a loose formation to a hird will not be possible) must be taken into account. In general, rebuilding is an effective phenomenon on the battlefield, which can greatly facilitate the implementation of both specific assigned tasks and the entire disposition as a whole. Small Hird- in some cases, a military commander may need to use a diversionary maneuver, create a threat to the enemy's flank or rear, attack the flank or rear, and clamp an equal or smaller detachment "in a vice". Instead of using scattered detachments or bands of loose infantry for this purpose, gnomes often prefer to use the so-called "Small Hird", which differs from the Big Hird (hereinafter Hird) only in the number of its fighters (usually ½ Hird). In most cases, not one, but two Minor Heards are used, so a typical disposition before a fight is a Hird in the center and two Minor Heards on either side of it. Hirdas act independently, but in close relationship with each other. Command within each hird is carried out by the Marshal and the Chief Strategist, the joint leadership of all hird is in accordance with the previously agreed disposition, although in some cases signaling by means of flags is possible. The Big Hird is conventionally considered "the main one", so the rest of the Hird should strive to synchronize their actions with him. A good example of such interaction is described in "Battle of the Vale" - where, through successful interaction, three hird (Large and two Minor) inflicted a devastating defeat on significantly superior enemy forces. Summarizing this chapter, I want to draw the reader's attention to the fact that the use of the techniques described in it is not mandatory, but in some cases, ignoring them can lead to extremely unfavorable consequences, since these techniques make it possible to withstand the enemy more effectively in specific given situations.
Conclusion In conclusion and I would like to say a few words about why this article was needed all the same, and even in such merciless dimensions for the reader. Those few who mastered it to the end would have to understand that it was written not at all in order to amuse the author's vanity and not to be published on some popular website or other distributor. This article, in my opinion, should become the basis for the notorious "Young Officer's Course", which received a significant detachment of dwarfs under the command. I hope that the competent construction of the defense described here will help save a single life, and other tactics will entail the inevitable defeat of a stronger or at least the same enemy. In addition to the above, this article is a response to proponentsprincipled (!!!) rejection of the idea of ​​the hird of the gnomes, putting forward against such arguments as its uselessness in the conditions of cave and tunnel fighting and the absence of professional warriors among the gnomes. I do not know anything about attempts to substantiate the theory of the gnome hird, so I consider my work as the basis of the common cause of all familiar and unfamiliar gnomes to defend our right to call a hirdgnomish construction. This version of the text is not final and is subject to republishing in a revised version, taking into account the newly received information that is being received now. Thank you for taking the time to read this article. Best regards, Legos Fundinul legosfundinul(legosfuDinul )
Links to other works indicated in the text: 1. "The capture of Menegroth and the Sark-Atrad massacre" -preparing for release 2. "Battle of Barazinbar" - !!! 3. Battle of the Gladden Basin -preparing for release 4. "Battle on Mount Montregion" - !!! 5. "Assault and capture of Gundabad" -preparing for release 6. "Battle of Azanulbizar" - !!! 7. "Battle of the Five Armies" - !!! 8. "Battle for the Dol" - !!!

He jumped off the cart and stood in line with everyone else. Friends became next to him - Garth and Dailin. And new friends, although no, are not friends - comrades-in-arms. How many times before had he said this word without understanding its meaning, and he only understood it now, when death had already looked into his eyes. Companions are those who are near, who went through hell with him and did not flinch. Among them the Orc Sard; goblin Ginaro; young Gaster, clutching the banner with his good hand; fisherman Jeannot, who lost his entire family; the peasant Brishnobi, who happened to be here so that his brothers and sisters had milk; and many others, whose names he does not even know. Most of them are already dead and clung to the damp earth in a last embrace. Someone is still alive and is now standing next to him, with the same calmness in his eyes and an intoxicating sense of accomplished man's duty. Companions.

Rustam does not look at the approaching dwarfs - there is no need. He exchanges glances with Garth, slaps Dailin on the shoulder, loudly encourages the others, in their eyes he is not just a sergeant, he is a commander, tested by hell. Their last commander. They, too, are preparing for death, and his words are pleasing to them. Rustam regrets that he cannot shake hands with old man Jeannot: he is in command of the formation on the other side of the carriage, where the elves who have perked up are preparing for the last attack. Out of the corner of his eye, before that, Rustam saw how a stubborn old man cut fresh notches on his forearm. I wonder if he brought his score to eighteen? But in any case, one can only rejoice for him, he will be reunited with his family.

The dwarfs approach, chanting their cry:

- Torbin! Torbin!

On the other hand, elven archers, while awaiting an attack from their allies, cheer themselves up with a cry:

- Ark! Ark!

People stop talking, corporals have no need to shout, shields close on their own, and strong legs rest on the ground. But the corporals still command, if only because they know that the soldiers will be pleased to hear their voices and know that everything is in order, the formation is standing and ready for battle.

The gnome lava reaches the first wagons, and the cry is replaced by a cry of rage: everywhere the gnomes stumble upon the dead bodies of their comrades. But this cry of dwarf rage does not frighten people, it only adds to their confidence. They have worked gloriously today and, the Almighty will grant, before death they will worthily make the last contribution as payment of their soldier's duty.

The retreating crossbowmen run up to the well-coordinated ranks, and Rustam gives the command to skip. The ranks of the spearmen are happily parting, in front of them are cowards not engulfed in panic, in front of them are those who fought to the last. And he did not run, but retreated. There are not many crossbowmen - a dozen and a half, but all with weapons. Two even kept their crossbows.

And the gnomes are getting closer. Forty steps, thirty, twenty, ten ... And a crushing blow with a running start. Dwarf Hird, one of the most effective infantry formations. The heavily armed gnomes are the elite of the infantry, as they have proven more than once, including on Malwa. The blow of the dwarf hird is often not undertaken to restrain even the guards units.

And here is not the guard. Yes, not a guard, but veterans. All as one who lived up to this moment can safely consider themselves a veteran. And the exhausted spearmen held back the formation, arranging a bloody meat grinder for the gnomes instead of an easy walk.

Yes, there were more gnomes, yes, they pressed and invariably pushed people closer and closer to the cart. But people did not give them a go, responding to each blow with two, continuing to fight with mortal wounds on the body. And the dwarf cry of "Torbin" was often overshadowed by the growl of "Glinglock".

On the other hand, the weakest soldiers, the first rank, fought to death with the elves. The elves managed to break the frayed formation, but, oddly enough, it did not bring the advantage that they expected. People fought with spears, knives, swords taken from the elves, bare hands and even teeth, but did not let the elves pass, remembering that their comrades stood behind them and believed that they would survive.

The gnomes pressed, the ranks of people were melting before our eyes, but the gnome hird was losing its links one after another. Rustam fought like a madman, at that hour he finally understood what Garth was talking about when he urged them to feel the structure with their souls. He felt not a lonely man, but a link in a strong chain. And he is not alone. This feeling, as if it was not even a second, but a third breath, gave them strength and kept the formation in incredible conditions.

Rustam's shield, cut in two, fell apart, and he took hold of the spear with both hands, the dwarf ax slashed him on the right hand, and he fought with his left. Another ax slammed him in the side, cutting through the leather armor. Hot blood flowed through his body, and he fell on his back, but even there he continued to beat with a spear with his left hand and still felt that he was in the ranks. The black-bearded dwarf with his face contorted with rage knocked the spear out of his hands and, standing directly above him, swung for the last blow. And even then Rustam still felt like a part of the formation and, being left without weapons, unable to beat him anymore, tried to at least spit at his enemy, but there was nothing. The heavy ax rushed into its deadly flight, and Rustam smiled towards her.

A heavy crossbow bolt struck the blackbeard dwarf in the chest, piercing his armor and sinking deep into his body. The dwarf staggered back, turned pale, but still found the strength to step forward and swing for another blow to end the defenseless human sergeant, but the moment was already lost. A familiar huge fist knocked the ax out of his hands and with the next blow turned his face into a bloody mask, sending him to the most severe knockout. Rustam tried to follow the flight of the black-bearded gnome with his eyes, but Garth had already pulled him out of the battle and dragged him under the wagon, from which the crossbowmen, who had released their entire supply of bolts, jumped off. Taking up their axes, they rushed hand-to-hand. Rustam pushed Garth away and stubbornly got to his feet. He was shaking, blood flowing from a wounded arm and a punctured side, but he demandedly stretched out his left hand, and the haggard Garth silently put his spear into it.

- Glinglock! - Rustam growled hoarsely.

- Glinglock !!! - the thinning male voices picked up after him.

And the battle finally turned into a dump.

The dwarves and elves might already be celebrating victory when the clear sound of a battle bugle echoed over the forest. And in the back of the gnomes, the mounted knights struck out of nowhere. The gnomes broke down at once, the stubborn spearmen pulled all their strength out of them, forcing them to give their best to the end, and they could no longer hold back an unexpected attack from the rear and ran, throwing their weapons.

Rustam had almost lost consciousness when this happened, the spear was broken, and he threw it away, pulling out a knife. He did not see the riders, but he saw a gnome who was running straight at him and for some reason without a weapon. Rustam stabbed him, but his weak hand could not pierce the armor, and the dwarf knocked him down, without even making an attempt to finish off, but immediately ran on. Rustam tried to jump to his feet, but suddenly he saw a horse hoof right in front of him.

"Where does the hoof come from?" - he managed to think before falling into oblivion.

Lingen Forest - this place will forever remain in history as the site of the first battle of King George the First. The army of Baron Glynbor was too long staggered around the area and did not know the latest news. King Charles the Fourth died, and the new king, George the First, took the throne that belonged to him by right of blood. The new king wasted no time and, accompanied by hundreds of knights and his new marshal, Cedric Trevor, Baron Godfrey, went north to clarify the situation.

The knights accompanying the king have taken over the elven patrol. After a short and brutal interrogation, the elves spoke of the ambush in the forest. George the First did not waste a moment and was in time at the last minute. The knights of Baron Godfrey took down the dwarves, and after them the elves, and scattered their remains through the forest.

By that time, only twenty-two soldiers remained of the army of Baron Glynbor. All were severely wounded and bleeding. Fortunately for them, there were eight strong healers in the king's retinue according to the ancient rule.

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