Home Grape Chichen Itza. Chichen Itza is an ancient Mayan city in Mexico, where the famous Mayan pyramids and temples are located. Death well or sacred cenote

Chichen Itza. Chichen Itza is an ancient Mayan city in Mexico, where the famous Mayan pyramids and temples are located. Death well or sacred cenote

Chichen Itza is an ancient Mayan city located in the northern part of Yucatan, 120 km east of Merida and 185 km west of Cancun. The city was founded, it is believed, in the 5th-6th centuries and was one of the largest Mayan cities. The city flourished in the 8th-9th centuries.

The name of the city is translated from the Mayan language as “The mouth of the well of the Itza tribe” (“chi” in the Mayan language means the mouth, “chen” is the well, “itza” is the name of the Mayan tribe or group, which, according to legend, was the first to appear on this land) ... This is due to the fact that there are two large sources of clean water on the territory of the city - natural karst wells that do not dry out throughout the year, which is very important for the inhabitants of the arid Yucatan.

Chichen Itza became the capital and the most significant political and ceremonial center of the Maya on the Yucatan Peninsula in the eighth century. In the 10th century, the Toltec army captured this city-state and formed its capital here. In 1178, the city was seized by neighboring city-states, and since 1194 it falls into complete desolation. Now no one can say what caused the residents to leave. The Spaniards who came here in the 16th century came across only the ruins of Chichen Itza.

Nowadays there are many structures on the territory of the city, in particular, the famous pyramids of Chichen Itza. The most prominent among them is the pyramid of Kukulkan (El Castillo). Kukulkan is one of the supreme deities in Mayan mythology. He was considered the god of wind and water, fire and air, the founder of royal dynasties and large cities. The Maya believed that Kukulkan taught them fishing, invented writing and calendar for them, and invented ceremonies. In the end, the cult of Kukulkan became a kind of cult of the nobility, only noble youths were sacrificed to Kukulkan, and in an extremely solemn atmosphere.

The main incarnation of Kukulkan was a feathered serpent, he was also depicted as an eagle, a jaguar, in the form of blood, like a snail's shell, and finally as a flute made of bones. The pyramid of Kukulkan is located in the center of a terrace with an area of ​​about 18 hectares and is surrounded by a wide stone parapet. Its height is 24 meters and 6 meters - the height of the temple at the top, where sacrifices were made to Kukulkan. The length of each of its sides is 55 meters, each side of the temple has 9 steps. There are four steep stairs leading from all four sides from the base to the top of the pyramid, oriented to the cardinal points. The stairs are flanked by a stone balustrade that starts at the bottom of the serpent's head and continues in the form of a curving serpentine body to the top of the pyramid.

Each of the four stairs of the temple has 91 steps, and their total number is 364. Together with the platform at the top of the pyramid, which unites all four stairs, the number 365 is obtained - the number of days in a leap year. The number of sections on each side of the temple is also symbolic (9 steps of the pyramid are cut in two by a staircase) - 18, which corresponds to the number of months in the Mayan calendar year. The nine ledges of the temple correspond to the nine levels of the afterlife.

The Mayan calendar consisted of two parallel cycles: the 260-day Tzolkiin (Tzolkiyin) ritual period and the 365-day Haab civilian period, which was the basis of the agricultural work and daily life of the Indians. The Maya combined the two calendars into the so-called "calendar circle". Thus, any date was composed of elements of both calendars. The dates in the "calendar circle" were repeated only 52 years later. 52 stone reliefs, located on each wall of the sanctuary, symbolize one calendar circle.

Every year, on the days of the autumn and spring equinox, you can watch the unique spectacle of the "Feathered Serpent". During sunset, the shadow from the corner of the stepped terraces of the pyramid falls on the stones of the balustrade. At the same time, it seems that the Feathered Serpent comes to life and crawls, in March - up, and in September - down.

The acoustics of the temple are so perfect that from its top you can speak in a calm voice that will be heard throughout the area. The sound of steps on the outer stairs of the pyramid is transformed inside it into the sound of falling raindrops. If you clap your hands at a certain distance from the pyramid, the echo responds with the voice of the quetzal bird, sacred to the Maya. The sacred bird quetzal represented the spirit of the Maya, and the echo is the voice of the spirits. It is believed that this is why the echo of the spirit of the Kukulkan temple speaks in the voice of quetsal.

To the right of the Kakulcan pyramid is the Temple of the Warriors, located on a five-step pyramid with a height of 11.5 m with one staircase. The staircase is framed by balustrades, at the top of which, on the upper platform of the pyramid, male figures carved from stone stand and sit. In ancient times, during festivals and solemn ceremonies, banners were inserted into their hands.

In front of the entrance to the sanctuary, there is a sculpture of Chak-Mool, depicting a reclining man with his head held high, turned to the side and holding a dish on his stomach. Until the end, the purpose of Chak-Mool is not clear. It is assumed that this was a sacrificial altar for collecting offerings and offering gifts to the gods, perhaps even in the form of human hearts.

In front of the stairs leading to the top of the pyramid to the sanctuary, there are four rows of 60 carved columns, 2.6 meters high, carved with images of jubilant Toltec warriors, and none of the reliefs repeats the other. Initially, these columns supported a massive roof, nowadays not a trace remains of it. The name of the Temple of Warriors was given by numerous reliefs and paintings inside and outside the temple. This temple served as a site for traditional human sacrifices.

Another famous attraction of Chichen Itza is the El Caracol Observatory (Spanish El Caracol translates as "snail shell"), named so because of the internal spiral staircase leading to the upper dome. El Caracol was built before 904 AD, during the heyday of the Mayan civilization. Square windows in a cylindrical tower are directed to the points of sunrise and sunset on the days of the winter and summer solstices, the spring and autumn equinoxes.

Astronomers believe that the observatory at Chichen Itza was built to observe the activity of Venus, which was of particular importance to the Maya. They believed that Venus is the planet of war and the sister of the god of wisdom Kukulkan. Scientists have found marks in El-Karakol indicating that the Maya accurately calculated the Venus cycle, consisting of 584 days.

Osario translated from Spanish means "cemetery". Like El Castillo, it is a stepped pyramid with a temple on top, but only on a scaled down scale. Like its larger neighbor, it has four faces with stairs on each side. But unlike El Castillo, there is a pyramid hole in the center leading into a cave 12 meters deep below ground level. Herbert Thompson excavated this cave at the end of the 19th century, found several skeletons and artifacts, and called it the Tomb of the High Priest (Tumba del Gran Sacerdote). Archaeologists today believe that the structure was neither a tomb nor a burial place for priests. But scientists have not come to a final conclusion.

Chichen Itza has nine ball courts. The largest of them is located behind the pyramid of Kukulkan. It is 166 meters long and 68 meters wide. Spectator seats are located on elevated platforms. The ball game was called Pok-ta-pok and was an important cult ritual for ensuring fertility. Historians still argue about the origin of the game: some believe that the Maya invented it, others give primacy to the Toltecs or even the Olmecs.

The site is located on the south-north line, with a deviation to the east, as it was oriented towards the sacred well. It is framed by vertical walls 12 meters high with stone rings fixed to them at a height of about 8 meters, through which it was necessary to throw a rubber ball weighing from 2 to 4 kg.

The hole diameter of the ring was slightly larger than the size of the ball. The field was divided in half and the players of each team had to be in their own half of the field.

It was impossible to touch the ball with your hands or feet, only with your hips, buttocks, elbows, knees, passing from one edge to the other to score points and trying to get into one of the stone rings. For getting into the ring, victory was awarded immediately, since it was not only insanely difficult, but, most importantly, it was believed that in this way a connection was established with the deity in whose honor the game was held. And each hit on the ring itself was counted as a penalty point. Since it was extremely difficult to get into the ring, the game could last for hours, and sometimes the result was determined by the number of penalty points, since not one of the teams was able to score the ball into the ring. The players wore special protective equipment to soften the impact of the ball - a leather hip belt and knee pads. The ball in the game imitated the symbolic struggle of the "Day and Night" of the Lower World with the Gods of Heaven.

It is assumed that the game ended with a ritual sacrifice - the team captain was beheaded. Judging by the bas-reliefs, the captain of the winning team was sacrificed, whose heart was first pulled out, then his head was cut off. There is still controversy over who was sacrificed to the gods - the captain of the winning or losing team. Most believe that the captain of the winning team was sacrificed, since only the best are given to the gods, as was the case with the warriors.

The site has a unique acoustic effect - if you speak at one end of the site, you can hear everything at the other.

To the right of the ball court is the Temple of Skulls (Tzompantli), a T-shaped platform with walls covered in relief images of skulls.

The Tsompantli stone wall was the basis for wooden frames on which the skulls of slain enemies and those sacrificed were hung. The name of this complex is given in the Naual language - the language of the Indians of Central Mexico, where such structures were often found.

A road made of stones and going from the pyramid of Kakulcan to the north leads to the sacrificial sacred cenote. The cenote is 82 meters deep, 60 meters in diameter, and 20 meters from the edge of the cenote to the water.

This natural round well with karst walls and green water has served as a place of ritual worship of the rain god for over 1000 years. The color of the water is due to the specific local flora and mud deposits at the bottom. The Maya believed that the rain god lived in the depths of water, and during a drought they brought human sacrifices here. It was believed that the cenote is a kind of portal through which one can get to God.

After certain ceremonies, the priests sent the "chosen ones" to meet with God and for a long time watched the victim so that she was not on the surface of the water, helping her to go to God with the help of stones. Taking into account the fact that there was a rather large distance from the surface of the water to the bottom and the fact that the priests closely watched that the victim would get exactly to the god, it was almost impossible to get out of the cenote. The only known Indian who somehow got out of the Holy Cenote is Hunak Keel. Subsequently, under his leadership in 1178, Chichen Itza was captured.

Professor at Harvard University and American Consul in Merida, Herbert Thompson researched the Sacred Cenote from 1904 to 1910 and recovered from there many ancient artifacts from gold, jade, ceramics, rubber, obsidian, as well as human remains. Subsequently, most of the finds were found in the Peabody Museum of Archeology and Ethnology at Harvard University.

Mayan ball game (fragment of the evening show)

The ancient city of Chichen Itza is recognized by UNESCO as a World Cultural Heritage Site and is the second most popular archaeological site in Mexico (after Teotihuacan) among tourists.

Translated from the language of local tribes, this name means "Well of the Itza tribe." Archaeologists consider it one of the religious "places of power" associated with the Mayan culture.

For about a thousand years of history, various peoples have left their mark on the appearance of the city. The ideas of the Maya, Toltec and Itza peoples of the world and the universe were reflected in stone monuments and works of art.

The buildings in Chichen Itza are conventionally divided into two groups. The first includes buildings dating from the 6th-7th centuries. n. NS. and related to the Mayan period. The second group of buildings belongs to the Toltec period of the X-XI centuries. n. NS.


Chichen Itza was founded presumably in the 7th century AD. NS.

In the X century it was captured by the Toltecs.

In the middle of the 11th century, Chichen Itza became the capital of the Toltec state.

In 1178 he was defeated by the united army of three city-states - Mayapan, Uxmal and Itzmal, led by Hunak Keel. By the time of the Spanish conquests (mid-16th century), Chichen Itza was in ruins.

After 1194, the mysterious city was completely deserted. There is no exact data on what caused this. The policy of the Spanish conquerors who invaded Mexico included the burning of manuscripts and the assassination of Mayan clergy. Thus, much of its mysterious history has been lost.

Last changes: 07/27/2011

Attractions Chichen Itza

Kukulkan pyramid
or El Castillo- a temple structure that survived among the ruins of the ancient Mayan city of Chichen Itza.

Inside the pyramid, the entrance to which is on the north side, there is a temple directly with two rooms. It contains the sacrificial figure of Chuck-Mool and the jaguar throne. The height of the pyramid is 24 m, the base is 55x55 m, 365 steps lead upward, symbolizing the days of the year. In addition to the function of a temple, the pyramid probably served as a calendar.

Every year, on the days of the autumn and spring equinox (March 21 and September 23), you can watch the unique sight of the "feathered serpent". The shadow of the stepped edges of the pyramid falls on one of the stairs. At the same time, it seems that a snake is crawling along it, up in March, and down in September. The end of the staircase is crowned with a stone serpent's head in accordance with this effect.

- a natural well, located 300 meters north of the main buildings of the city, with which the sacred sakbe is connected.

It is a giant round funnel with a diameter of over 60 meters. Its sheer walls, built of layers of limestone, drop abruptly down to the dark green water. According to the Maya, the rain god Chak lived inside the well. The Maya brought him human sacrifices, throwing them to the bottom of the cenote.

In 1961 and 1967, the sacred cenote was explored by Mexican expeditions. They found two large wooden throne, about a hundred earthen jugs and bowls of various sizes, gold jewelry, jade, rock crystal, bone, mother of pearl, amber, copper and onyx, as well as bones of people and animals.

- a building located at the top of a stepped pyramid (40x40m), surrounded by a large number of carved columns (a group of thousands of columns). The height of the columns reaches 3 m. Most of these columns depict Toltec warriors, which is why the Temple of Warriors is called that way.

Opposite the main door of the Temple of the Warriors is the Chac Mool statue, depicting a human figure in a recumbent position, with the head facing one side and holding a bowl intended for gifts to the gods.

- is located on the southern side of the Temple of the Warriors and is formed by three colonnades that surround a fairly large area on three sides.

It is believed that the columns once supported the roof. But from the roof over the sanctuary, which is located on the upper platform of the Temple of Warriors, where two staircases lead, nothing remained. Only two stylized serpents remained, made in the form of columns and symbolizing Kukulkan.

- a round structure on a large platform. According to researchers, there was an astronomical observatory for observing the planets, especially Venus.

- the largest playground ever created by the Maya. The length of the playing field reaches 150 m. On the sides of the playing field there are vertical walls 8.5 m high. In the center of each wall there are heavy stone rings with serpentine ornaments - 7.25 m above the ground.

The goal of the game is to hit the stone rings with a heavy (up to 2 kg) rubber ball, the size of a human head. The ball was taken on a "yoke" or hit with a bat, using only elbows, knees or hips. The ball representing the sun was probably not allowed to touch the ground, otherwise its symbolic "path" would be interrupted.

The team that missed the ball was considered the loser. The losers are believed to have been ritual sacrifices (reliefs on panels decorating the base of the walls show decapitated players).

There are several other similar structures in Chichen Itza, but the Big Field is much larger than them.
Last changes: 10.04.2015

Last changes: 10.04.2015

The city of Chichen Itza in Latin America is located on the Yucatan Peninsula. This is the real center of the Mayan civilization. It is located 120 km from Merida and has many architectural monuments. The UNESCO organization recognized Chichen Itza as a world cultural heritage site, now this city is extremely popular among tourists.


The history of Chichen Itza dates back to the 5-6 centuries. This city immediately becomes the center of Yucatan in terms of culture, politics and religion. The number of inhabitants here reached 30 thousand, the city became a center of pilgrimage, merchants and wanderers came here. At first, the Mayan tribes lived here, then Chichen Itza was captured by the Toltecs.

The Mayan rulers have always increased their power and influence, so the fact of the crushing of the empire seems strange. The inhabitants simply left the city. There was drought, crop problems, famine. But even this does not explain the collapse of civilization. In the chronicles of the Spaniards, the Mayans appear as a tribe with primitive foundations, so the conquerors very quickly managed to take the position into their own hands.

In the 15th century, cattle were grazed here, although the territory was previously populous and rich. In the middle of the 19th century, people began to show interest in the Mayan culture. Historians and cultural figures are very interested in the place. Excavations began here, and in the 20th century it was decided to restore the original appearance of this place.


We present to your attention a description of the main attractions of the Mexican city. You can also appreciate the city of Chichen Itza in the photo.

The sights of Chichen Itza are not limited to this list. There are wonderful platforms, columns, places with amazing views. The ruins of 4 colonnades form a huge rectangle called the "Group of a Thousand Columns". There are well-preserved statues representing various deities. For those interested in history, the city becomes a real boon.

How to get there?

We sorted out where Chichen Itza is, now it remains to understand how to get there. You can go to these places as part of a tour group on an excursion. It can be ordered at any hotel. It will cost less than getting there on your own, there will be an opportunity to visit several places at once, see the sights. But in this case, you will be moving with a large group of tourists, the time will be limited. You may not have time to pay due attention to details that are interesting to you. And you are unlikely to see a night light show with soundtrack. There is an option to hire a personal guide, the excursion can be individual.

Another option is to take the ADO bus to Chichen Itza. It can be done:

1) bus Cancun - Chichen Itza: ~ 3 hours on the way;

2) from Playa del Carmen the road will take 4 hours;

3) from Merida can be reached in 1.5 hours.

Depending on the place of departure, tickets can cost 140-320 pesos, prices change regularly, so it is advisable to familiarize yourself with them in advance.

The third way to come to Chichen Itza is by renting a car. There are many sights to see along the way. If you go from Cancun, there will be 2 roads, paid and free.

You need to come to Chichen Itza as early as possible. The complex opens at 8 am and is only open until 5 pm. In the evening, there is a light show that starts at 7 (winter) or 8 (summer) in the evening. Tickets are not cheap, but there really is a lot to see.

The ancient city of Chichen Itza, Mexico (Yucatan Peninsula) is a storehouse of information about the life of ancient tribes, their culture, traditions and customs. It is not for nothing that the pyramid has become a wonder of the world in the new list, adopted in 2007. This is a place worth visiting for everyone, especially if you are interested in history. And also - it's beautiful and very atmospheric!

(you can find out the full description of the program and the cost by using the contacts at the bottom of the article)

One of the most popular and super-visited historical sites in Mexico - Chichen Itza, located in relative proximity (200 km) from the equally popular beach resort of Cancun. Mayan ancient city Chichen Itza has long been recognized by UNESCO as a world cultural heritage site. Chichen Itza is the second most popular place among tourists from all over the world, where archaeological sites are available for visiting. Chichen Itza is one of the recognized new seven wonders of the world!

Chichen Itza - the rebuilt Mayan city

Chichen Itza Is an ancient Mayan settlement located in the state of Yucatan, 120 kilometers from Merida (the state capital) and almost 200 kilometers from Cancun (Quintana Roo state). From the Mayan language, Chichen Itza literally translates as the well of the Mayan people (more precisely, one of the many Mayan tribes). Indeed, at the end of the 19th century, the very ritual cenote was discovered on the territory of the Chichen Itza archaeological park, which gave the world a lot of artifacts and interesting things of the Indians who inhabited these places in the past. Unfortunately, many of these cultural units have remained forever lost to the copyright holder of the heritage - Mexico. The Chichen Itza Archaeological Park is located on 6 square kilometers and is protected and studied UNESCO object. On the territory of this park, there is a whole ensemble of former architecture:

1. Pyramid of Kukulkan (El Castillo)2. Sacred Cenote3. Temple of the Jaguar (Temple de Jaguaras)4. Platform of the Jaguaras and Eagles5. Platform of Venus6. Great Ball Court7. Temple of the Warriors8. Group of the One Thousand9. Karakol Observatory

Pyramid of Kukulkan

Pyramid of Kukulkan Is the most popular construction in the Chichen Itza archaeological park. Many thousands of photographs of tourists were taken against the background of this nine-tiered pyramid with four wide staircases on 4 cardinal points, a priest's platform at the top and a bas-relief ensemble at the foot. Four staircases lead to the temple on the priest's platform, and the entrance is decorated with the mask of the rain god Chaak. In the traditions executed during the construction of the Kukulkan pyramid, the ancients' adherence to numerology can be traced. So, the total number of steps on each of the pyramid ladders add up to 364, and another, 365th step, is at the top - it is common to all sides. The 9 tiers consist of 52 panels on each side. 52 is the number of years in one cycle of the Mayan calendar. ()

Pyramid at Chichen Itza. Until 2006, the pyramid was accessible for climbing.

Descending Serpent Kukulkan

A notable feature of this temple building is its precise geographical position in relation to the cardinal points and strict geometric shapes. So, twice a year March 20 and September 21 on the days of the autumn and spring equinox occurs "Descent of the feathered serpent"- the visual appearance of the jagged body of the mystical deity in the form of a shadow cast by the geometric bends of the pyramid forms. A chain of seven isosceles triangles and a stone head at the foot of Kukulkan cause indescribable delight among tourists arriving in the ancient city of Chichen Itza from all over the world!

The descent of the serpent's shadow at Chichen Itza is visible only on the days of the equinox

Temple of a Thousand Pillars

To the east of the pyramid of Kukulkan is the temple colonnade (Group of a thousand columns) - part of a large archaeological complex, which included "Temple of Warriors", the ancient market and the Temazcal ritual bath.

Colonnade at Chichen Itza

Indian Football Pok Ta Pok

On the opposite side there is a ball stadium - the Indian analogue of football - "Pok-ta-Pok"... It is the largest ball game stadium in the Yucatan. It is 166 meters long and 68 meters wide. The height of the walls on which the spectators were located on both sides was 12 meters, and at a height of 8 meters there were rings into which it was necessary to score a ball. Judging by the ensemble of bas-reliefs on the walls of this "football" field, the game was rather fierce. Not only did the rubber ball itself weigh at least 4 kg and it was allowed to beat it with the shoulders, elbows and hips, so the victory and death for it was a matter of honor for the ancient Maya. These same bas-reliefs tell of the honor of dying from a blade in the heart of the winning team's captain. The game was quite popular both among the nobility and among the common population.

Jaguar temple

The ruins of the Jaguar Temple are located to the side of the playing field. Here is a bas-relief image of a pair of intertwined snakes, jaguars that run in different directions and three symbols of war and resistance - shields! ()

Temple of the Warriors of Chichen Itza

The temple of warriors located near the jaguar temple attracts tourists with a figurine of a deity, familiar from advertising brochures Chuck Mole... He was traditionally depicted in a reclining position with a ritual tray or thicket on his stomach. The temple is not accessible for entry, but because of the fence, one can easily see the facades of two buildings with a bas-relief depicting sacred jaguars, the feathered serpent Kukulkan and the deity Chaak with a long nose twisted to the bottom.

Market in Chichen Itza

The market square, which is a row of columns, a temazcal Indian bath with a preserved anteroom with columns and a steam room, is another part of the architectural park worth visiting.

Observatory in Chichen Itza

The southern part of Chichen-Itza is interesting for its unique object - the observatory "Shell" or "Karakol"... It is surprising that special holes were made in the dome of the observatory through which one can observe the trajectory of the celestial bodies and objects.

Souvenirs in Chichen Itza

A must-see in the ancient Mayan city of Chichen Itza is a small alley lined with souvenir merchants. At the end of this alley there is a sacred sacrificial cenote 250 meters deep and up to 65 meters in diameter. The cenote became the final resting place for many thousands of sacrifices made to the rain god. Along with the remains of the victims at the beginning of the 20th century, gold and emeralds of no value to the ancient Maya were raised from the bottom.

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In which country is Chichen Itza located? Of course, in Mexico! Chichen Itza- one of the main ones. The ancient Mayan city, located on the Yucatan Peninsula, is known to everyone who comes to this magical land. The pyramids of the ancient Maya and Toltecs, numerous architectural monuments and proximity to - all this annually attracts millions of tourists from all over the world and makes Chichen Itza a real tourist capital of Mexico.

The pyramids and the ancient city of Chichen Itza in Mexico

Chichen Itza is an ancient city in northern Mexico, located on the Yucatan Peninsula. These places were inhabited by the ancient inhabitants of the Maya and Toltecs. At the very dawn, the population of the ancient city of Chichen Itza was 10 thousand, although some scientists believe that this number should be 2, or even 3 times more. It is now included in the UNESCO legacy. Ancient sites are carefully guarded.

The architecture of the city dates back to the period from the 6th to the 13th century. The Spaniards dismantled most of the ancient cities for building materials, but they did not touch Chechen Itza. You can admire the view at any time of the year. Unofficially, Chechen Itza is called the eighth wonder of the world. Working hours from 8.00 to 18.00. Entry costs 220 Mexican pesos, and guide services 750 pesos. Children under 12 do not need a ticket.

Chichen Itza is located in North America, Mexico. On the map you need to find the Yucatan Peninsula, where the city is located. Neighbors of Chechen Itza are cities, Cancun and these are also popular tourist places. To get to these places by plane, you need to fly to the nearest airport of international importance. Flights are made both from Europe and directly from the capital of the Russian Federation, Moscow.

The map also allows you to notice the main goal of many tourists - the pyramid of Kukulkan. On the left side of it, 100 meters away, there is the entrance to the city of Chechen Itza itself. There is also a parking lot nearby.

How to get from Cancun

To get to the city from Cancun, tourists and guests of the peninsula can use several available methods. For example:

  1. The bus is the most practical means of transport. The journey will take a little more than 3 hours. Served by the carrier ADO. The ticket price is from 10 € to 16 €.
  2. From 30 € to 40 € a transfer order will cost. The car can pick up immediately from the airport, or from another place of stay, for example from a hotel.
  3. By renting a car, you can get there more comfortably and faster. The journey will take only 2 hours. To Chichen Itza you need to drive 200 km, which will take 16 liters of fuel. Gasoline will cost about 20 €.

How to get from other regions

There is the same bus from Merida as from Cancun, it costs 6 €. From Valladolid, you can easily get there by shuttle bus.

History of the city of Chichen Itza

The name has been widely used since the reign of the Mayan tribes. Translated from local languages, Chichen Itza can be translated as "At the mouth of the well of Itza", or "The mouth of the well of the sorcerers of water." A piece of Chi indicates a mouth or edge, chen means a source or well. Itza is an ancient people who ruled the entire region near the city. The word Itza itself is often translated as "sorcerer". If we split it into two parts, then Itz is a sorcerer, and ha is water.

The ancient documents available to us show that there are other variants of the name of the city. For example, this is evidenced by the data of the Chilam-Bilam code. At the same time, it is not the complete discovery of the ancient dialect that hinders the precise establishment of the name of the city before the arrival of Itza. Today, several long-standing names are known: Yuuk Yabnal, (Seven Great Houses), Yuuk Hab Nal (Seven Bushes), Yuukuabnal (Seven Great Rulers) and Uk Abnal (Seven Paths of Abnal).

Discovery history

The history can be divided into two periods. The first lasted from the 7th to the 10th century, when the city belonged to the Mayan tribe. The second began with the conquest of the area by the Toltecs in the 10th century. The 11th century was marked by the granting of the status of the capital of the Toltec lands. But the city on the throne did not last long. The Mayans decided to retake the city. Hunak Keel gathered a skillful army from the cities of Mayapan, Uxmal and Itzmal. He led a campaign against Chichen Itza, which led to success in 1178.

Later, due to unknown reasons, the city was completely destroyed and was in desolation. This happened in 1194. Although the Spaniards destroyed all the documents of the ancient tribes, historians have established that the frequent attacks on the city weakened the people. The upper strata of society dispersed to other places. From Spanish records it was established that the Indians went on a pilgrimage to the ruins of the ancient city. Since the 15th century, the territory has been used for pastures for livestock. It is unknown why the city was deserted. Some researchers talk about a terrible famine, others about a bloody war.

There is also an opinion that a terrible epidemic has hit the residents and that the virus is still under the ruins of the city.

Be that as it may, everything changed with the arrival of the Spaniards. The 18th century was marked by various research and archaeological excavations. Even then, many artists and photographers came to capture the unique wealth of the Maya. And since the middle of the last century, the government of Mexico issued a decree to globally restore the city of Chechen Itza to its original appearance. All possible work was carried out and now it is an extremely popular place.

Attractions Chichen Itza

The city of Chichen Itza has a huge number of places of interest for tourists. If you come here as part of an excursion program, an experienced guide will tell you in detail about each attraction. In this article, we will provide a quick overview of the main landmarks that you simply cannot miss.

There are many interesting things in the city, but the pyramid of Kukulkan stands out among all the famous places. The pyramid is one of the surviving ancient architectural structures of the ancient tribes. In Spanish there are such names: Pirámide de Kukulkán, Templo de Kukulkán, "El Castillo". This is the name of the ancient pyramid of the feathered serpent. Kukulcan is a god similar to Quetzaglioatl. The object immerses in the time of the Mayan tribe. You can learn many exciting stories and retellings of how the worship of wondrous deities was carried out here. In their religions, blood was shed and brutal rites were performed to appease the objects of worship. In fact, the pyramid is a sacred temple.

The pyramid is located in the center of a large area of ​​18 hectares. The temple is surrounded by a wide parapet made of stones. The size of the building itself is also impressive. The height is 24 meters, and if we take the summit, then all 30. The length of each side is 55 meters. All faces of the pyramid have 9 steps. Steep stairs are installed on each of the four sides, walking along which you can get to the top. The stairs are also oriented to the cardinal points. Each of them has 91 degrees, the total number of steps is 364. And if you add to this number the platform at the top, which unites 4 stairs, you get 365 - which means the number of days of the solar year.

The edges of the stairs are a stone fence in the form of a serpent, whose head is at the bottom and the body goes to the top. The size of the snake is 37 meters. An amazing show takes place here several days a year. When the autumn and spring equinox comes, the shadow of the steps falls on the stones of the balustrade. At the same time, it seems that the Feathered Serpent is not just a sculpture, but a real reptile moving along a course. In the spring in March the serpent seems to be moving upward, and in the fall in September it is downward. This action lasts 3 hours and 22 minutes.

It is noteworthy that the stairs are cut in two, that is, the number of sections on each side of the pyramid is 18. This number is symbolic and indicates the same number of months in the calendar year of the Mayan tribes.

The temple has 9 ledges and this is no coincidence. The Toltecs had their own beliefs about the "nine heavens". Each wall of the temple has 52 stone reliefs, which means 52 years - the Toltec calendar cycle.

Ruins of Chac-Mul to the north (Chacmools)

Ruins of Chuck-Mul

This landmark in Chichen Itza includes sculptures that will impress you. Altars, Atlantean statues and stone paintings can be seen. The architecture amazes the eye of the visitor.

Temple of the Warriors

Temple of Warriors

This is also a unique building. It has been remarkably preserved. The visit encourages you to admire the ancient people, their approach to business. The atmosphere allows you to feel yourself in the distant past. This is never forgotten.

The Hall of the Thousand Columns

In ancient times, this alley was a trade street. In the market, the clever tribes even built a roof so that the weather would not interfere with trade. Previously, the building had a large hall. There were rows of iron and ceramics articles. You could also buy simple household items. He was near a large market.

Wall of Skulls (Tzompantli)

Although the name emanates from some kind of mysticism and horror, the picture of this object shows the opposite. The rock art that is here is unique. Picturesque patterns and beautiful composition are of great interest. At the same time, it is not fully known how the ancient people used the Wall of Skulls.

Stadium (The Ball Courts)

Many people do not know that even before the invention of football by the British, the ancient Mayans used a similar ball game with might and main. The stadium was built over 3000 years ago. Of course, the purpose is very different from modern sports facilities. Then at the stadium, people performed religious rituals. And the losing football team immediately lost its life. They were executed and sacrificed to deities. A terrible picture is that the height of the walls did not allow the players to escape from the sad fate. And the leaders watched this picture from above. It is also creepy that a skull was used instead of a ball.

Chichen Itza has 7 sports facilities. The largest stadium is called "Huego de Pelota" (translated as "Large field for the ball game"). The length of this field is 135 meters.

After visiting amazing sites of ancient culture, stadiums seem like a rather boring place.

Temple of the Jaguars

This is not to say that this temple is something really unusual. The building is rather small. Most worth seeing is the jaguar sculpture that stands in front of the temple. This is the most significant attraction of the temple, except for it in the Jaguar Temple there are no other features.

Pyramid Old Chichén

The name Old Chichen was not given in vain - this building is one of the oldest in the city. The appearance of the pyramid is also amazing. She is decapitated. Nature has contributed to this. In the course of the ancient hurricane, the top was destroyed. The restored steps are striking in their beauty. Tourists would even like to climb a small pyramid, but this is not provided.

Observatory (Caracol)

Awesome building. I would like to consider it in detail from different angles. There is a tower near the observatory, which is certainly an interesting object. You won't be able to walk up the steps here either.

Church (Nunnery)

This is an amazing building. At least according to the Mayan Chenes style. And this is the most picturesque style of the ancient Maya tribes. Ornaments are striking in their sophistication. For a tourist, this place should be a must-see place.

Sacred Cenote

The sacred cenote is located right within the old city of Chechen Itza. You need to work hard to find the much desired object .. First you need to find the Chichen Itza park. Next, you need to leave behind the pyramid of Kukulkan and to the left of the Platforma de Venus ruins there will be a sign to the cenote. It is important to look carefully at the signs indicating the way. The cenote is a natural well. The depth is approximately 50 m. It was used for sacrifice purposes. Girls and children were thrown there, as well as various cult objects, asking the gods for rain.

Cenote Ik-Kil

Cenote Ik Kiel

The cenote is located just 5 kilometers from the city. You can get there along Highway 180. This is a very beautiful place, worth taking a separate ride. Mexico can be proud of such facilities.

Shops and shopping near Chichen Itza

The nearest shops to Chichen Itza are in Piste. Here you can find several grocery stores, butchers, restaurants and savings banks. Stores and addresses of their location on Dsitas-Piste street:

  • Bootix de los mayas - handicraft supplies;
  • Taller la escondida - at the intersection with 5th street;
  • Las sobrinas de la tia - a restaurant at the intersection with street 5-A;
  • Pollaria Suemi - grocery store closer to the 7th street junction;
  • Banco Azteca - between 7th and 9th streets;
  • El Panal - at the intersection with 11th Street;
  • Novedades Y Regalos El Arca is a gift shop at 12th Street and 180th Highway.

There are 4 Mexican restaurants along Costera del Golfo highway 180, Marthas pizzeria at 22nd Street and Tecate Six beer shop closer to 18th Street.

The following shops and establishments are located along the 180th highway:

  • Maxicarne - meat products, at 15-A street;
  • Neveria Basulto - at the intersection with 8th Street;
  • Balam House - pizzeria at the intersection with street 6;
  • Fruiteria Dorcy - food market, between 4th and 6th streets;
  • Taller Mecanico “El Chino” - grocery store. Azteca - between 7th and 9th streets.

There are also museums, hotels and small hotels in Piste. Here you can buy everything you need at more affordable prices than in smaller resort towns. It is more profitable to buy souvenirs and food products in larger cities. From Chichen Itza to Piste, the distance is about two kilometers, so shopping is not a drudgery and does not take much time, even if you take a walk along the Merida-Valladorit highway. At a distance of 4 km on the opposite side of Piste, there is the town of X-Kalakoop. There are several grocery stores, a bar, a restaurant and a home furnishings store.

Also, on the way, you can call in Libre Union, Citas, Tuncas, or in the larger city of Valladolite, where a choice of food, shops and other goods will help you make more varied and profitable purchases.

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