Home Grape What will happen at the oge in a year. GIA exam results

What will happen at the oge in a year. GIA exam results

26. 01. 2016 4 326

At the city parent meeting in Ivanteevka near Moscow, experts spoke about the norms for conducting the state final certification of the State Examination and the State Examination of the Unified State Examination in 2016 and gave advice to parents of graduates of grades 9 and 11.

General procedure for the USE 2016

An application for participation in the Unified State Examination is submitted before February 1 (for the GIA - until March 1). It is impossible to change the list of subjects to be handed over to the exam after February 1.

If you are considering options for admission to several institutions at once, then it is better to declare more exams. If any of the exams turned out to be unnecessary by the time the exam was passed, on the day of the exam for this exam, you need to notify the head teacher of the refusal in writing from a particular exam.

If you are sick on the day of the exam, contact the head teacher of the school to transfer to a reserve day.

A health worker is present at each exam in case of a sudden deterioration in well-being.

In each room, 2 cameras are installed to monitor the progress of the exam. Video from cameras is watched by public observers in Moscow.

Media representatives may be present in the premises where the exam is being taken until the registration data is filled in. No more than one public observer per audience.

Exam materials are opened at 8 am.

The examiner leaves all things up to the frame.

For exam participants with disabilities and those who studied at home, a separate room is provided with an extension of the exam for an hour and a half. This separate room also has a video camera recording the exam process, but the video is not broadcast anywhere. If a child with a disability requires special equipment to take an exam, this must be notified in advance.

For an exam lasting more than 4 hours, a catering facility is provided.

Changes in the Unified State Examination and State Examination of 2016

Rejection of the part, A with a choice of answers in history, social studies, geography and computer science.

All changes that occur in the examination materials themselves, including last year's assignments, are posted on the fipi.ru website.

Since 2015, mathematics has been divided into 2 levels: basic and profile.

Passing the Russian language and a basic level in mathematics is mandatory for obtaining a certificate.

For admission to universities of a mathematical or economic profile, it is obligatory to pass the profile part of the exam in mathematics.

To obtain the maximum number of points in a foreign language, the oral (maximum 20 points) and written (maximum 80 points) parts are required. Both parts of the foreign language are taken on different days.

Passing the GIA in 2016

Passing the exam takes place for a student in a school that is alien to him, that is, not in the one where he studied. The exam starts at 10 am. The main organizational difference from the Unified State Examination is that there are no video cameras installed, or they are in a non-working mode.

Number of exams to take

Compulsory subjects for passing the GIA: Russian language and mathematics. Two exams to choose from: literature, chemistry, physics, computer science, geography, social studies, history, foreign language. In total, 9th grade students take 4 subjects.

Exam duration

Each exam lasts no more than 4 hours. There is no lunch break. In Russian language, mathematics and literature, the duration is 3 hours 55 minutes, history, social science, physics and biology - 3 hours, computer science and ICT - 2 hours 30 minutes, foreign language - 2 hours 10 minutes and geography - 2 hours.

Auxiliary and necessary things for the exam

For a number of exams, the use of additional items is allowed: rulers, spelling dictionaries and a calculator, but the school is responsible for their availability.

Being late and not showing up for exams

If the child is late for the exam, he is allowed to take it, but the time itself for the entire exam is not extended. If the child did not come to the exam for a good reason, it is necessary on the same day, before the end of the exam, to provide the school with a certificate confirming the good reason.

Violation of the order of the exam

During the exam, the student is prohibited from making any requests to other exam takers, including asking for a draft or a ruler. Can be removed. If the child needs any help, he can contact one of the organizers in the audience.

Worksheets marked by a student with special signs outside the margins do not pass the test. Such works are regarded as identification of their work for other persons.

In the worksheets (clean sheets), you cannot write first with a pencil, and then correct with a pen. There are drafts for this - all corrections and calculations are made only on drafts.

If the student made a mistake when transferring the answer from the draft to the assignment form, you can use the reserve fields for the answer. Details about filling in the fields are told to students in the classroom at school.

They are removed from the exam with an unsatisfactory mark in the following cases:

use of means of any communication, storage and transmission of information (mobile phone, camera, etc.)

conversations during the exam, any movement without permission, the exchange of any items

use of reference materials other than those permitted

use of correction fluids or a pencil in a clean copy

violation of safety rules when performing the practical part of the subject being handed over

official websites: ege.edu.ru and gia.edu.ru

Bad feeling

If a child feels unwell during the exam, he turns to the organizers for the help of a medical worker. If it is impossible to continue the exam for health reasons, the health worker draws up an appropriate document and the child is assigned a reserve day to pass the exam.

Orientation in time

The clock in the auditorium helps to keep track of time. Half an hour and 5 minutes before the end of the exam, the organizers warn the examiners about the end of the allotted time for the exam. The start and end times of the exam are written on the board.

Features of passing individual exams

Passing the state exam in the Russian language

When writing a presentation in Russian, the text for presentation in the audience is not read by those present, but is reproduced from the disk and sounds in the intonation in which it was recorded. After the first playback of the audio recording, a pause of 4 minutes is given to comprehend what was heard, and the recording is played again.

Passing the state exam in computer science

The computer science exam consists of two parts. The second part of the student passes only after completing the first. The time for each part is determined by the student himself. A student can spend all the time on the first part and not even start the second, but then he loses points for the second part. The second part is done on the computer. If a computer failure occurs, the organizers will fix the failure as soon as possible or provide another computer. The child himself should not deal with troubleshooting the computer, the problem of proper operation is the task of the organizers.

Passing the state exam in chemistry

Before passing the exam in chemistry, the parent gives a receipt that his child has no medical contraindications for working with chemicals.

The chemistry exam consists of theory and practice. The time for each part is set by the child himself. The choice of equipment for the practical part of the child chooses himself. The experimental (practical) part takes place at the workplace in the presence of two experts who put down points on the spot for work according to a number of criteria.

Passing the state exam in physics

The physics exam is similar to the chemistry exam, but the results of the practical part are not evaluated on the spot.

Checking Exam Answer Sheets

All works are scanned and stored anonymously. Each task is checked by two experts. If the opinions of the experts differ by more than 1 point, a third expert is invited. The opinion of the third expert is decisive. After checking all the buildings, the results are recorded in the protocol of the SEC. After reviewing the results, the exam participant can file an appeal.

GIA exam results

If a child receives an unsatisfactory mark in one of the required exams, he is assigned a reserve day for retaking (approximately 2 weeks after passing the exam for the first time). If both exams are passed with an unsatisfactory mark, there is an opportunity to retake both exams in August.

The results of elective exams do not affect the receipt of a certificate.

When preparing for exams, you should first of all pay attention to the Rosobrnadzor website (www.obrnadzor.gov.ru) and the official information portal of the unified state exam (www.ege.edu.ru) - there, first of all, information about the OGE is published, which either otherwise it may concern the interests of future participants.

On these resources, you can get acquainted with the procedure for conducting exams, the schedule, the features of the OGE in various subjects; find answers to frequently asked questions.

Official sites of the OGE 2020 - Grade 9

To understand how to do the examination work, you should first of all familiarize yourself with the demo versions of the control measuring materials (KIM) of the OGE in the subjects of this year. Demonstration options will help to get an idea of ​​the structure of future KIM, the number of tasks, their form and level of complexity. In addition, in the demo version, the criteria for evaluating the performance of tasks with a detailed answer are given, which give an idea of ​​the requirements for the completeness and correctness of the answer recording. This information is useful to develop a strategy for preparing for the OGE.

When familiarizing yourself with the demo versions of the KIM OGE 2020, it should be borne in mind that the tasks included in them do not reflect all the content issues that will be checked at the OGE.

Every year, FIPI prepares a certificate of changes in KIM for each academic subject, it is also posted along with demo versions. A subject teacher, even if he is not one of the organizing teachers at the OGE or a member of the experts of the subject commission, should familiarize himself with the methodological recommendations prepared on the basis of an analysis of the results of last year's OGE, and recommendations for subject commissions on checking assignments with a detailed answer, to know the process from the inside and be able to explain to your students all the features of the upcoming exams.

Also on the FIPI website there is an invaluable thing - an open bank of OGE tasks. The bank contains a large number of tasks used in the preparation of variants of the KIM OGE in all academic subjects. It can be used for self-preparation for the OGE. This will greatly help students to navigate the exam material, practice in performing standard tasks. The teacher also needs from time to time to use the materials of the open bank of tasks of the OGE and include them as an element of the lesson when repeating the material.

Under the state final certification (GIA-9) is understood the holding of mandatory final exams in the 9th grade of secondary schools. GIA in the experimental mode has been carried out in a number of regions of the Russian Federation since 2002. The peculiarity of this form of certification is using standardized tests to determine the level of preparedness of students.

According to the creators of the GIA, this form of assessing the success of training is more objective, thanks to:

  • wider gradation of assessments;
  • exclusion of the human factor;
  • the absence of bias and other subjective factors.

Final certification is considered a key issue in the school system. The adequacy and objectivity of the certification determines a lot:

  • the possibility of continuing education at the senior level of secondary education;
  • the level of competence of teachers;
  • the quality of educational services.
The rules for passing the GIA undergo some changes almost every year. So, until 2014, students had to take 4 exams. In particular, exams in the Russian language and mathematics are mandatory for everyone and are taken in the form of a GIA. The other two subjects are chosen by the students themselves. At the same time, it is allowed to take exams on them both on regular tickets and in the form of a GIA. Regional education departments were given the right to introduce one additional test.

Starting from 2014, in order to receive a certificate, ninth-graders only need to pass exams in two compulsory subjects. In addition, the organization and conduct of the GIA is allowed in two versions: the main state exam (OGE) and the state final exam (GVE).

The GIA in the form of the OGE is carried out using control measuring materials (CMM). GVE is conducted in the form of a written or oral examination. At the same time, texts, topics, tasks and tickets will be used as a means of monitoring learning outcomes.

Persons with health limitations, as well as graduates of special institutions of a closed type, will undergo a final certification in the form of the GVE. All other categories of students, including those who mastered the programs of the main school through self-education or family education, must take the GIA in the form of the OGE.

As for the GIA 2016, big changes are expected here. The number of compulsory exams will increase to 4 (Russian, mathematics and two subjects of students' choice). In 2016, they will not yet affect the final grades of the certificate for the 9th grade. But from 2017, grades for the same four mandatory exams will go into the certificate. In 2018, one more mandatory elective exam will be added to them, and in 2019 - a fourth, bringing the total number of mandatory GIAs to six.

In addition, graduates will be given the opportunity to repeatedly pass the GIA. According to informed sources, students will have the right to retake the state exam three times. According to the leaders of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, this change should ensure an increase in the objectivity of the assessment and the effectiveness of certification. Leaving the strict framework, according to officials, will reduce the burden on both students and inspectors. The corresponding order may be signed in the near future. The introduction of this rule is planned from this year.

The schedule for the state final certification in 2016 was approved (the deadlines for passing the USE and GIA 2016 for 11th graders and ninth graders). Signed the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of January 26, 2016 N 34

Rosobrnadzor published approved schedule conducting a unified state exam (USE), the main state exam (OGE) and the state final exam (GVE) in 2016. The document was published on the official website of the department. In which terms will take USE and OGE (GIA) in 2016 graduates and ninth-graders of a secondary educational school? Complete timetable(calendar) for the unified state exam has already been submitted.

1. USE for 11th grade

Examinations are planned to be held in two stages: early and main. In addition, this academic year provides for the retake of state exams, it will be held in the fall. As in previous years, there are reserve days for passing state exams, both for graduates of the 11th grade and for the ninth graders.

On reserve days, participants take the Unified State Examination or the OGE in the event of:

  • Coincidence of exams in different academic subjects on the same day (for example, a graduate chose exams in physics and a foreign language that are scheduled for the same day for passing the Unified State Examination);
  • Failure to complete one of the exams for a good reason;
  • Absence from one of the exams for a good reason;
  • The presence of an unsatisfactory result in the subject of the exam (one at a time);
  • Removal of a graduate from the exam, if, at the same time, the state examination commission has decided to admit the graduate to retake the exam on a reserve day.

One of the valid reasons for non-attendance at the unified state exam is a pass due to illness. A graduate who missed the exam due to illness must provide a medical certificate to the school where he registered for the exam. After that, the school will transfer the information to the state examination commission, which will assign the graduate a reserve day for passing the exam, provided for by the unified schedule.

On reserve days, the unified state exam is passed in the same way as in the main period.

State exams for 11th graders in 2016

On the first Wednesday of December December 2, 2015, as in previous years, there will be an exam for graduates - write final essay(exposition). It will only be possible to transfer February 3rd and May 4, 2016. To successfully pass the exam, a graduate must write an essay of at least 350 words, using references and examples from literary works to support his arguments, follow the logic of presentation and avoid grammatical errors. Students were given 3 hours and 55 minutes to prepare the text.

USE Calendar 2016

This year, students of the eleventh grade and all those who wish to pass the unified state exam will begin on March 21. This will be the start of the early period.

Early delivery period

For persons entitled to an early examination, incl. graduates of previous years who expressed a desire to take exams ahead of schedule:

March 21 (Monday) - ;
March 23 (Wednesday)
March 25 (Friday)- Russian language;
March 28 (Friday)
- mathematics (profile);
March 30 (Wednesday)- social science;
April 1 (Friday)- geography, literature;
April 2 (Saturday)- chemistry, physics;
April 8 (Friday)
April 9 (Saturday)- foreign languages ​​(English, French, German, Spanish), biology.
15 and 16 April- reserve days for the Russian language and mathematics, respectively.

The following persons have the right to pass the exam ahead of schedule:

  • graduates of evening (shift) schools called up for military service;
  • traveling to Russian or international sports competitions, competitions, reviews, olympiads and training camps;
  • traveling abroad for permanent residence or to continue their studies;
  • sent for medical reasons to medical and preventive and other institutions for medical and recreational and rehabilitation activities during the state (final) certification;
  • graduates of educational institutions of the Russian Federation located outside the Russian Federation, in countries with difficult climatic conditions.

The main period for passing the exam 2016

According to the approved schedule for the main delivery period USE 2016 will start with subjects such as Geography and Literature on May 27th.

G State Graduation Examinations (GVE) handed over by students of special educational institutions of a closed type, MLS, institutions of the secondary vocational education system, persons with disabilities, as well as students Crimean educational institutions.

The following days of the main period of the exam in 2016 were approved:

May 27 (Friday)- geography, literature;
May 30 (Monday)- Russian language;
June 2 (Thursday)- (mandatory subject);
June 6 (Monday)- mathematics profile
June 8 (Wednesday)- social science;
June 10 and June 11 (Friday and Saturday)- foreign languages ​​(oral part)
June 14 (Tuesday)- foreign languages ​​(English, French, German, Spanish), biology;
June 16 (Thursday)- computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT), history;
June 20 (Monday)- chemistry, physics.

In the main stage, six days are additionally reserved for passing exams in certain subjects. It is emphasized that it is not planned to hold the "July wave" and the autumn retake of the Unified State Exam for graduates of the 11th grade is not provided. In the fall, only ninth graders will be able to retake their exams.

At the same time, for the first time for Unified State Examination in Social Studies in 2016 has a separate day- It's June 8th. It is expected that this will allow a significant number of students to complete the examination period on time.

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Extra days

Extra days (for persons re-admitted to the exams, and graduates of previous years):

April 15 (Friday)- Russian language;
April 16 (Saturday)- maths;
April 21 (Thursday)- literature, chemistry, computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT), physics, biology;
April 22 (Friday)- foreign languages ​​(English, French, German, Spanish), history, social studies, geography;
April 23 (Saturday) - foreign languages ​​(oral), geography, physics, biology
June 22 (Wednesday)- foreign languages ​​(English, French, German, Spanish), chemistry, social studies, geography, computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT);
June 24 (Friday)- literature, physics, history, biology;
June 27 (Monday)- Russian language;
June 28 (Tuesday)- maths;
June 30 (Thursday)- in all subjects.

Minimum scores in Russian language and mathematics at the Unified State Examination in 2016

In order to receive a school certificate, a graduate must pass two mandatory exams in the form of the Unified State Examination - Russian language and mathematics.

The results of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language are required for admission to universities for each area of ​​training (specialty).

The minimum number of points in the Russian language:

  • to obtain a certificate - 24 points;
  • for admission to a university - 36 points.

Minimum points in mathematics:

The results of the USE in mathematics at the profile level allow you to enter universities that have the subject "Mathematics" in the list of entrance tests for admission to higher education programs - undergraduate and specialist programs.

  • profile level mathematics - 27 points;
  • basic level mathematics - 3 points.

The minimum number of points in a foreign language:

The graduate himself decides whether to take the oral part, but this choice affects the maximum mark for the exam.

100 points can be obtained if the graduate passes both the written and oral parts.

  • The maximum score for the written part is 80, the oral part is 20.
  • The minimum number of points is 22.

Exams in 2016 for ninth graders

The main state exam (OGE) is taken by students of the 9th grade.

What is OGE and GVE?

For ninth graders, exams are provided in the form of the OGE ().

Recall that GIA- State final certification, the main type of exam for graduates of the 9th grade in a secondary school in Russia. Passing the GIA is necessary to move to grade 10 or enter institutions of secondary vocational education (colleges and technical schools).

Graduates of 9 classes of educational institutions take at least 4 final exams:

  • 2 compulsory (Russian and mathematics);
  • 2 optional (from the list of items).

OGE or the main state exam, which most ninth graders will take, is a kind of USE using. Since 2014 ninth graders take exams only in the form of the OGE. In 2016 OGE 9th grade students will also take the form of passing tests (KIMs). The only exception is GVE.

Who takes exams in the form of GVE

Final certification in the form GVE or the state final exam in the 9th and 11th grades is provided for certain categories of students:

    children with disabilities and children with disabilities,

    pupils of special educational institutions of a closed type,

    as well as for those who receive education in places of deprivation of liberty.

Children who have mastered the full school course as part of their secondary vocational education are also taking the GVE instead of a single exam.

Calendar for the delivery of the OGE 2016 (formerly GIA)

The ninth-graders also have a difficult time to pass the final exams. They are also divided into early and main periods. In addition, there is an additional period in August and September.

early period

April 20 (Wed)- Russian language
April 22 (Fri)- physics
April 25 (Mon)- maths
April 27 (Wed)- foreign languages
April 28 (Thu) -

Reserve days for passing state exams are provided on the following days:

May 4 (Wed)- geography, history, biology, literature, physics, social science, chemistry, informatics and ICT, foreign languages
May 5 (Thu)- Russian language and mathematics
May 6 (Fri)- reserve: in all subjects

The main stage of the OGE in 2016

May 26 (Thu)
May 28 (Sat)- foreign languages
May 31 (Tue)- maths
June 3 (Fri)- Russian language
June 7 (Tue)- foreign languages
June 9 (Thu)

June 15 (Wed)- reserve days:, foreign languages
June 17 (Fri) - reserve: Russian language, mathematics
June 21 (Tue) - reserve: in all subjects

Additional period for GIA-9 (July dates)

July 1 (Fri)- maths
July 2 (Sat)- foreign languages
July 4 (Mon)- geography, history, biology, physics
July 6 (Wed)- Russian language
July 8 (Fri)- social science, chemistry, informatics and ICT, literature,

July 13 (Wed) - reserve:

Additional period for GIA -9 classes (September dates)

September 5 (Mon)- maths
September 7 (Wed)- geography, history, biology, physics
September 9 (Fri)- foreign languages
September 12 (Mon) - Russian language
September 14 (Wed) - social science, chemistry, informatics and ICT, literature,

September 16 (Fri) - reserve: geography, history, biology, literature, physics, social science, chemistry, foreign languages, informatics and ICT,

Table of the full schedule of the unified state exam (USE 2016), the main state exam and the state final exam in 2016

The schedule of the Unified State Examination and the OGE in 2016 was approved.

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of January 26, 2016 N 34 "On approval of a unified schedule and duration of the state final exam in educational programs of basic general and secondary general education for each academic subject, a list of teaching and upbringing tools used in its conduct in 2016".
Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on February 17, 2016 Registration N 41113

the date

early period

math B


informatics and ICT, history

informatics and ICT, history

Russian language

Russian language

mathematics P

social science

social science

geography, literature

geography, literature

physics chemistry

physics chemistry

foreign languages ​​(oral)

foreign languages, biology

foreign languages, biology

reserve: Russian

reserve: Russian

reserve: mathematics B, P

reserve: mathematics

Russian language

Russian language

reserve: literature, chemistry, informatics and ICT

reserve: literature, chemistry, informatics and ICT, physics, biology

reserve: foreign languages, history, social studies

reserve: foreign languages, history, social studies, geography

geography, history, biology,

geography, history, biology,

reserve: foreign languages ​​(oral), geography, physics, biology



foreign languages

foreign languages

social science, chemistry, informatics and ICT, literature

social science, chemistry, informatics and ICT, literature

reserve: geography, history, biology, literature, physics, social science, chemistry, informatics and ICT, foreign languages

reserve: Russian language, mathematics

reserve: in all subjects

reserve: in all subjects

main stage

social science, chemistry, informatics and ICT, literature

social science, chemistry, informatics and ICT, literature

Geography, literature

Geography, literature

foreign languages

foreign languages

Russian language

Russian language



Math B


Russian language

Russian language

Math P

foreign languages

foreign languages

Social science

Social science

geography, history, biology,

geography, history, biology,

Foreign languages ​​(oral)

Foreign languages ​​(oral)

Foreign languages, biology

Foreign languages, biology

reserve: social science, chemistry, informatics and ICT, literature, geography, history, biology, physics, foreign languages

Informatics and ICT, history

Informatics and ICT, history

reserve: Russian language, mathematics

reserve: Russian language, mathematics

Chemistry, physics

Chemistry, physics

reserve: in all subjects

reserve: in all subjects

reserve: geography, foreign languages, chemistry, social studies, informatics and ICT

reserve: foreign languages ​​(oral)

reserve: literature, physics, history, biology

reserve: Russian

reserve: Russian

reserve: mathematics B, P

reserve: mathematics

reserve: in all subjects

reserve: in all subjects



foreign languages

foreign languages

geography, history, biology, physics

geography, history, biology, physics

Russian language

Russian language

social science, chemistry, informatics and ICT, literature,

social science, chemistry, informatics and ICT, literature,

reserve: Russian language, mathematics

reserve: Russian language, mathematics

reserve: geography, history, biology, literature, physics, social science, chemistry, foreign languages, informatics and ICT,

Additional period (September terms)



geography, history, biology, physics

geography, history, biology, physics

foreign languages

foreign languages

Russian language

Russian language

social science, chemistry, informatics and ICT, literature,

social science, chemistry, informatics and ICT, literature,

reserve: Russian language, mathematics

reserve: Russian language, mathematics

reserve: geography, history, biology, literature, physics, social science, chemistry, foreign languages, informatics and ICT,

reserve: geography, history, biology, literature, physics, social science, chemistry, foreign languages, informatics and ICT,

This survey was conducted by the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science in order to assess the quality of the organization, preparation and conduct of GIA-9 procedures in 2016 and identify possible ways to improve and optimize this procedure in the future.

Totally participated in the survey 72 portal user, of which 63,9 % girls and 36.1% boys.
Survey participants are graduates of the following types of educational institutions:

How do you assess the quality of the organization of the preparation and conduct of GIA-9 in the country, based on your own participation experience? »

Distribution of answers to the question “How do you assess the quality of informing the participants of the GIA-9 on all issues related to the preparation and conduct of the GIA-9 (in general, through the educational organization where you studied, through specialized resources on the Internet)? »

Distribution of answers to the question “How do you assess the quality of the organization of informing GIA-9 participants about the results obtained in the exams? »

Distribution of received answers to the question “ In your opinion, what factors positively influenced the quality of preparation for exams?

Distribution of received answers to the question “ What factors do you think made it difficult for you to prepare for the exams?". For each answer option, the proportion of survey participants (in percent) who chose / indicated this answer option, out of the total number of participants, is indicated.

Distribution of answers to the question “What, in your opinion, factors during the GIA-9 test negatively affected your result in the exams? ". For each answer option, the proportion of survey participants (in percent) who chose / indicated this answer option, out of the total number of participants, is indicated.

Distribution of received answers to the question “ Based on your personal experience of participating in GIA-9, what measures can you suggest to improve the procedure?". For each answer option, the proportion of survey participants (in percent) who chose / indicated this answer option, out of the total number of participants, is indicated.

Distribution of responses to the question “Have you ever contacted the support service of the official GIA-9 information portal for advice? If so, how would you rate the quality of the advice provided to you? ".

Distribution of received answers to the question “ What thematic resources on the Internet did you use to obtain information about GIA-9?". For each answer option, the proportion of survey participants (in percent) who chose / indicated this answer option, out of the total number of participants, is indicated.

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