Home Grape What is the repulsive force help. Repulsive force. Repulsive forces acting between atoms and molecules at small distances

What is the repulsive force help. Repulsive force. Repulsive forces acting between atoms and molecules at small distances

Attraction and repulsion- Depending on the group of phenomena, for the understanding and systematization of which the existence of attractive and repulsive forces is assumed, these latter acquire a different name, such as: the forces of attraction and repulsion of gravity, electric, magnetic and molecular, and repulsive forces, electric, magnetic and molecular. Apparently, all these forces act exclusively according to the following laws common to all of them: 1) the forces acting between two interacting parts of matter are proportional (at a constant distance between these parts) to the product of the "masses" combined with these parts, which are caused by the interaction. These masses can be, depending on the group of phenomena and forces under consideration, either the actual masses of the substance (gravitation, probably, and molecular forces), or electric charges or magnetic "masses" (see 3m). 2) The forces acting between two interacting parts of matter are directed along the line of the shortest distance between the considered parts of matter. If the given parts of matter are not points, but some volumes, then it is always possible to find such points inside these volumes that the forces will act in a straight line connecting these points, if in the latter we assume that the interacting masses are grouped. 3) The forces of interaction with equal acting masses depend on the distance between the masses or, more precisely, between the above points in them, in which, by assumption, these masses are grouped, that is, mathematically speaking, these forces represent functions of distance. This dependence is such that the forces decrease according to a certain law as the distance between the masses increases. The forces acting according to these laws are called central ; it has been suggested that all forces of nature are central. The question of the mechanism of action of these forces, which is of great importance for the correct formulation of our entire world outlook, is up to the present time and, probably, will continue to be an insoluble problem. Proceeding from, perhaps, an arbitrary interpretation of Newton's teachings concerning the question of universal gravitation, scientists until the middle of this century believed that the interaction between masses occurs "at a distance", that is, without any participation of the medium intermediate between these bodies, and that it is the action appears simultaneously and instantly with the emergence of an acting mass in the entire infinite space surrounding the latter. This doctrine of direct action at a distance (actio in distans), with all its tempting simplicity, still had tremendous advantages: it made it possible to clothe the laws of action of the forces of attraction and repulsion and repulsion in a simple mathematical form, common to all cases of action of central forces. The greatest scientists of the end of the last and the beginning of this century (Laplace, Green, Gauss, etc.) put their efforts on the study of these forces, invented special mathematical methods (see) for examining their action and created a harmonious and majestic doctrine, beautiful in its generality, equally applicable to all natural phenomena, the explanation of which included the hypothesis of the existence of central forces, starting from the phenomena of the movement of luminaries and ending with the movement of molecules. Complete confirmation of the conclusions from this doctrine by experiments and observations gave it even greater generality and strength; so, the foundations of all celestial mechanics, the doctrine of the interaction of electrified and magnetized bodies and the doctrine of capillarity (hairiness; see) were created. Meanwhile, at the end of the last century, facts were learned (in the theory of electricity) that clearly indicated the influence of the environment on the interaction of bodies and that the above three laws must be supplemented with a fourth: the forces of interaction of two parts of matter, other things being equal, depend on the nature of the intermediate environment between them. Despite the immediate explanations given by this fact from the point of view of the doctrine of action at a distance, they nevertheless were already a clear indication of the inadequacy of this doctrine. (see) the first decided to openly declare that the doctrine of direct action at a distance should not satisfy us, and in the particular case of the action of magnetic and electric masses he pointed out the possibility of another view - the transfer of the action of interaction forces through the medium from part to part with a finite speed , and on the possibility of explaining the appearance of these forces by the "tensions" of the intermediate medium (see. , Hertz experiments,). Despite the still dominant great fascination with the hypothesis of action at a distance, this new doctrine, obviously more in line with the emerging materialistic natural-philosophical views, found many followers and developers (Maxwell), also found confirmation in many remarkable discoveries of recent times and over the last two or three decades quite rooted in the doctrine of nature. In the mathematical study of a phenomenon, we still and still use the methods created by the study of these phenomena from the point of view of action at a distance, since we often do not know other methods; but at the same time we clearly remember that such a consideration is only a simple and convenient form of describing phenomena, without representing the true inner essence of the matter. We are forced into present time to recognize "actio in distans" as an impossible hypothesis, but, assessing its historical significance, we must not forget the rich fruits that it has brought and which in due time, perhaps, it alone could have brought.

One of the most important groups of phenomena explained by the action of the forces of attraction and repulsion is a group of: 1) phenomena gravitation. Since the time of Newton, it has been known that two bodies gravitating towards each other are attracted by a force proportional to the product of their masses M and M " and inversely proportional squared distance R between them, i.e. the force F acting between them is expressed:

F = C(M · M ")/R 2

2) Molecular forces, or adhesion forces. According to the atomistic hypothesis, matter consists of separate, indivisible atoms that do not touch each other, the totality of which is restrained by the forces acting between individual atoms and groups of atoms - molecules - (see Substance). Laplace was the first to more accurately formulate the supposed law of interaction of these atoms, giving it the form F = C · M · M "f(R), where F- the force acting between the atoms of mass M and M ", C is the coefficient depending on the units in which we measure the quantities included in the formula, f(R) is some function of the distance between atoms R. Laplace did not make any restrictions on the form of this function (dependence), except that this function must be such that its value decreases very rapidly with increasing R... If we make the simplest assumption about the form of this function, namely, we put f(R) = 1/R n, then it follows, if necessary, to satisfy the above condition, assume that the number n quite large, undoubtedly more than 2; various scholars, on the basis of rather arbitrary considerations, attributed n the value is 3, 5, 7 and others. The distance at which these forces decrease so much that they become invisible, that is, their influence cannot be more observable in experience, is called the radius spheres of action of molecular forces. According to the conclusions of Plato, Quincke, Rücker, Drude, and others, it follows from experiments on hairiness that the radius of the sphere of action of liquids is less than one hundred thousandth of a millimeter. From the assumption of the existence of molecular forces, attraction and repulsion, Laplace developed an elegant theory of capillary phenomena, quite satisfactorily confirmed by experiments; one of the remarkable consequences of this theory is that due to the forces of cohesion, each fluid is under some pressure, directed normal to the free surface of the fluid. The magnitude of this normal pressure cannot be determined directly from experience; indirect methods of determining it gave (van der Waals, Stefan) huge values: for example, for a flat surface of water it is more than 10,000 atmospheres, for the same surface of sulfur ether, about 1300 atmospheres. It must be admitted that this and other analogous theories of cohesion forces contain in their foundations much that is arbitrary and unclear; this should not, however, completely undermine confidence in their results, since purely mechanical considerations, without making any assumptions about the nature of the cohesion forces, can (as Gauss first showed) come to many of the same results. Thus, Laplace's hypothesis at the present time should be to us only a picture of the phenomenon, useful, perhaps even necessary, in view of the imperfection of the human mind; justifying the conclusions from it once again only proves, more and more often in science, the confirmed independence of the results from assumptions about the internal character and mechanism of forces acting in nature.

3) Forces Attraction and repulsion and repulsion between electrified opposite and of the same name and magnetized opposite and of the same name bodies are expressed, as shown by Coulomb (1784), as follows:

F = C[(M· M ")/R 2] · (1 / K)

where F- active force, M and M "- electric or magnetic masses combined with bodies, R- the distance between the latter, C is a coefficient, the value of which depends on the units in which we express the quantities included in the formula, and K- a value characterizing an intermediate medium between bodies acting on each other. In the case of interaction of electric masses, the quantity K gets the name dielectric constant, in the case of interaction between magnetic masses - the name magnetic permeability Wednesday; dielectric constant and magnetic voids are taken equal to unity. To clarify the magnitude of Attraction and Repulsion, let us give an example: two parallel metal plates, each 1 sq. decimeter, located at a distance of 1 stm from each other and the electrical potential difference of which is 1000 volts, are attracted in a void with a force of 44 dyne (approximately a weight force of 0.04 grams), in turpentine (dielectric constant is 2.5) with a force 110 dyne (about 0.1 gram) [When studying the phenomena of interaction between oppositely electrified and magnetized bodies, it was sometimes observed, depending on the intermediate medium, an apparent repulsion instead of the expected attraction. This phenomenon, as it turned out, is observed and should always be observed when the quantity K(dielectric constant, magnetic permeability) of the medium is greater than the same value for the attracted body. Details cm. . The apparent repulsion of bodies by the Earth (a piece of wood, lowered to the bottom of a reservoir with water, balloons), when the specific gravity of the body is less than the specific gravity of the medium in which the body is immersed, can serve as some analogy for these phenomena.]. To more complex phenomena caused by electric and magnetic forces Attraction and repulsion and repulsion, belong electrodynamic actions between currents and magnets and currents and currents (for all this see dynamics). the propagation of actions in a medium caused by electric forces was directly determined for the case of regularly repeated changes in the electrical state of the medium (disturbances) at certain intervals and was found in a void equal to the speed of light 300,000 km per second, in a medium with a dielectric constant K this speed is equal to 300,000 km divided by TO(see Dielectrics, Electricity).

In addition to the indicated cases of the phenomena Attraction and repulsion and repulsion, for the explanation of which the existence of special forces was assumed, other phenomena are observed in nature.Attraction and repulsion and repulsion, which, however, are more or less easily explained by the hydrostatic and hydrodynamic (see) effects of the material environment (liquid or gas), in which attracted or repulsive bodies are immersed. Of these secondary phenomena, Attraction and repulsion and repulsion, let us indicate: 1) Attraction and repulsion and repulsion. Two bodies part immersed in the same liquid, they are repelled if both of them are wetted by the given liquid or both are not wetted, and attracted if one of them is wetted by the given liquid, and the other is not. This phenomenon is explained by the difference in the hydrostatic pressures of the liquid from the inner and outer sides of the submerged bodies, caused by the fact that the liquid rises above its level at the wetted surface, and descends at the non-wetted one (see, Wetting). This phenomenon explains the accumulation of identical bodies floating on the surface of a liquid, for example, the accumulation of leaves in a heap on a pond. 2) e Attraction and repulsion and repulsion, see acc. article. 3) Noticed by Bjerknes (1882) Attraction and repulsion and repulsion of bodies rapidly oscillating in a liquid. 4) The phenomenon of movement of the radiometer (see) under the influence of light, now explained by the movement of gas particles remaining in the envelope of the radiometer.

Voronov V. Gravitational "repulsion" // Kvant. - 2009.- No. 3. - P. 37-40

By special agreement with the editorial board and editors of the Kvant magazine

The law of universal gravitation is one of the fundamental physical laws. It would seem that there is no reason to doubt the validity of his main thesis about the mutual attraction of bodies in nature. However, there are situations in which universal gravity leads to completely unexpected effects. It is these unusual cases that I would like to talk about.

Imagine an endless universe filled with water. How will different bodies in this universe interact with each other? It seems that the answer is obvious: they will be attracted, obeying the law of universal gravitation. But ... don't jump to conclusions. Let's look at a few special cases.

To begin with, let's investigate the interaction of two lead pellets. It should be noted right away that the term "interaction" is not very suitable here, since not only the forces of mutual gravitational attraction act on the pellets, but also the gravity of the universe and the elastic forces of the water environment. First of all, we will try to take into account all the forces that have a gravitational nature.

Taking into account the gravitational interaction. Consider the forces acting on pellet 1 (Fig. 1). Let us draw a plane through its center perpendicular to the line connecting both pellets. She will split the universe into two semi-universes. For convenience, let's call them left and right. These two semi-universes are symmetric with respect to the plane separating them, but in the right one there is an additional pellet 2. The symmetrical parts of the semi-universes act on pellet 1 with completely equal gravitational forces. The resulting force is the result of the action of two distinct spherical elements. On the right side it is a pellet, and on the left - water in the volume of the pellet. Since the mass of the pellet is greater than the mass of the corresponding element of water, the total force \ (\ vec F_1, \) acting on the pellet 1 will be directed to the right, but it will be less than the force of gravitational attraction to the pellet 2. Let's calculate this force:

\ (~ F_1 = F_ (dr) -F_ (vodi) = G \ frac (m_ (dr) m_ (dr)) (r ^ 2) - G \ frac (m_ (dr) m_ (vodi)) (r ^ 2) = G \ frac (m_ (dr)) (r ^ 2) (m_ (dr) m_ (vodi)) = G \ frac (m_ (dr) ^ 2) (r ^ 2) \ left (1 - \ frac (\ rho_ (vodi)) (\ rho_ (dr)) \ right), \)

where r is the distance between pellets.

It is easy to show that this formula in the case of pellets of different masses is transformed to the form

\ (~ F_1 = G \ frac (m_1m_2) (r ^ 2) \ left (1 - \ frac (\ rho_ (vodi)) (\ rho_ (dr)) \ right), \)

and in the case of interaction of particles of any substance in any infinite medium takes the form

\ (~ F_1 = G \ frac (m_1m_2) (r ^ 2) \ left (1 - \ frac (\ rho_ (sredy)) (\ rho_ (veschestva)) \ right), \)

The expression before the brackets completely coincides with the law of universal gravitation, and if the density of the medium is set equal to zero, then we get the standard formulation of the law. (Which should happen, since in this case the formula describes the gravitational interaction of bodies in a vacuum.)

If the density of the medium is gradually increased, then the force of mutual attraction will decrease until it turns to zero when the densities of the medium and matter are equal. If the density of the medium is greater than the density of the substance elements placed in it, then the force will become negative, which corresponds to the repulsion of these elements. So, two wooden balls in the aquatic universe will be repelled with force

\ (~ F_1 = G \ frac (m_1m_2) (r ^ 2) \ left | 1 - \ frac (\ rho_ (vodi)) (\ rho_ (dereva)) \ right |, \)

Thus, gravity is capable of generating repulsion!

This effect of mutual repulsion can be explained by introducing into consideration the "fields" generated by the introduction of elements of matter with a different density into an infinite homogeneous medium. The appearance of a denser substance leads to the creation of a "field" of gravitation. Moreover, gravity is created only due to the "excess" density in the bulk of the substance. If the density of the substance is less than the density of the medium, then a "field" of repulsion arises. The peculiarity of these "fields" is that they manifest their properties regardless of what substance (with a density of greater or lesser density of the medium) they act on. The intensity of such a "field" can be calculated by the formula (we are talking about the central field)

\ (~ E = G \ frac (m_ (veschestva)) (r ^ 2) \ left | 1 - \ frac (\ rho_ (sredy)) (\ rho_ (veschestva)) \ right |. \)

Now let's try to investigate a more complex case. So far, we have considered elements of matter that have the same density. How will bodies with different densities interact? For definiteness, let us choose a wooden ball and a lead pellet and use the concepts of "fields" of repulsion and gravity. A slice, having excess density, creates a "field" of gravitation and therefore will attract a wooden ball (Fig. 2). And this ball, having insufficient density, creates a "field" of repulsion and therefore will repel the lead pellet. Thus, the forces acting on the pellet and the ball will be directed in the same direction. It can be shown that in this case the modulus of each force, with the appropriate replacement of indices 1 (for a pellet) and 2 (for a ball), is calculated by the formula

\ (~ F_ (12) = G \ frac (m_1m_2) (r ^ 2) \ left | 1 - \ frac (\ rho_ (sredy)) (\ rho_ (veschestva)) \ right |. \)

But the violation of Newton's third law (the forces are not only not directed towards each other, but, in the general case, and are not equal in magnitude), as well as the law of universal gravitation, only apparent. The fact is that the forces described by the last formula are not forces interactions. Along with the gravitational interaction of bodies, this formula takes into account the gravitational influence of the universe, generated by its asymmetry in relation to each of the bodies. And the difference in the forces of "interaction" is generated precisely by the different influence of the universe on the elements located in it.

Summing up an intermediate result, it can be noted that taking into account all forces of a gravitational nature shows that the law of universal gravitation causes not only the attraction of bodies. But it must be remembered that we have not yet taken into account the presence of elastic forces in the aquatic environment. This is what we will do.

Accounting for Archimedean force. It seems quite obvious that in a homogeneous watery universe, the pressure is the same at all points. Archimedean force arises only when an inhomogeneous inclusion appears. Let us calculate this force for the case when it is caused by the appearance of a lead pellet.

Consider an arbitrarily chosen element of water (Fig. 3). It is at rest, which means that the force acting from the side of the gravitational field of the pellet is completely compensated by the Archimedean force. Let's find this power:

\ (~ F_A = F_ (pr) = m_ (el-ta "vodi) E_ (polya) = \ rho_ (vodi) V_ (el-ta" vodi) E_ (polya). \)

Obviously, this formula, so reminiscent of the classic school version \ (~ F_A = \ rho V g, \), can be used for the "field" of repulsion (in this case, it will also be directed against the "field").

And now you can try to take into account all the forces. Let's go back to the case of two lead pellets. The total force \ (\ vec F_1, \) acting on the first pellet is equal to the vector sum of the force caused by the "field" of the second pellet and the Archimedean force (Fig. 4):

\ (~ F_1 = F_ (polya2) - F_A = m_1 E_ (polya2) - \ rho_ (vody) V_1 E_ (polya2) = \ left (1 - \ frac (\ rho_ (vody)) (\ rho_ (dr)) \ right) m_1 E_ (polya2) = \ left (1 - \ frac (\ rho_ (vody)) (\ rho_ (dr)) \ right) m_1 G \ frac (m_2) (r ^ 2) \ left (1 - \ frac (\ rho_ (vody)) (\ rho_ (dr)) \ right) = G \ frac (m_1m_2) (r ^ 2) \ left (1 - \ frac (\ rho_ (vody)) (\ rho_ (dr )) \ right) ^ 2. \)

The complete symmetry of this formula with respect to the indices shows that the total force acting on the second pellet will be the same in magnitude \ [~ F_2 = F_1. \] The presence of the square of the expression in parentheses in this formula is also not accidental. If the density of the medium turns out to be greater than the density of the substance, then the sign of the force does not change. This means that two wooden balls in the aquatic universe will also attract. And then the last formula can be rewritten in a more general form:

\ (~~ F = G \ frac (m_1m_2) (r ^ 2) \ left (1 - \ frac (\ rho_ (sredy)) (\ rho_ (veschestva)) \ right) ^ 2. \)

However, this formula cannot be used to calculate the forces acting on bodies with different densities. Let's go back to the situation with a wooden ball and a lead pellet. Let's find the force acting on the lead pellet. The wooden ball creates a repulsive force, but the Archimedean force acts in the opposite direction (Fig. 5). We find the total force \ (\ vec F_ (dr) \) as the vector sum of the corresponding forces:

\ (~ F_ (dr) = F_A - F_ (ottalk) = \ rho_ (vodi) V_ (dr) E_ (ottalk) - m_ (dr) E_ (ottalk) = \ left (\ frac (\ rho_ (vodi)) (\ rho_ (dr)) -1 \ right) m_ (dr) E_ (ottalk) = \ left (\ frac (\ rho_ (vodi)) (\ rho_ (dr)) -1 \ right) m_ (dr) G \ frac (m_ (dereva)) (r ^ 2) \ left (1 - \ frac (\ rho_ (vodi)) (\ rho_ (dereva)) \ right) = G \ frac (m_ (dereva) m_ (dr) ) (r ^ 2) \ left (\ frac (\ rho_ (vodi)) (\ rho_ (dr)) -1 \ right) \ left (1 - \ frac (\ rho_ (vodi)) (\ rho_ (dereva) ) \ right). \)

We see that \ (~ F_ (dr)< 0\) , а значит, сила отталкивания больше архимедовой силы. Таким образом, деревянный шарик и свинцовая дробинка будут отталкиваться друг от друга. Можно показать, что такая же по модулю, но противоположно направленная сила будет действовать и на деревянный шарик.

So, the general formula describing the "interaction" of two bodies in an infinite liquid medium is as follows:

\ (~ F = G \ frac (m_1m_2) (r ^ 2) \ left (\ frac (\ rho_ (vesch1) - \ rho_ (sredy)) (\ rho_ (vesch1)) \ right) \ left (\ frac ( \ rho_ (vesch2) - \ rho_ (sredy)) (\ rho_ (vesch2)) \ right). \)

Obviously, in the special case when the densities of the bodies are the same, regardless of their relationship with the density of the medium, these bodies will attract each other \ (~ (F> 0). \) Attraction will be observed also in the case when the densities are not equal , but both are either more or less than the density of the medium. Then the expressions in brackets in the last formula will be of the same sign, and the force will be positive. The repulsion of bodies is possible only when the density of one body is greater than the density of the medium, and the density of the other is less. In this case, the force changes its sign to negative, which indicates the repulsion of the bodies. If the density of one of the bodies coincides with the density of the medium, then the force becomes zero.

If both particles have Repulsive Fields and their value is the same, then both of them will be repulsive and repulsive at the same time. And both will move away from each other at the same speed.


A particle with a Field of Attraction is the cause of the appearance of the Force of Attraction in the surrounding particles. But what about the particles that form the Repulsion Fields in the etheric field? They do not cause the Force of Gravity. No, any particle with a Repulsion Field is the cause of the Repulsion Force in the surrounding particles.

Repulsive force that arises in any particle is an etheric stream that makes the Ether of the particle move away from the excess of Ether that appears in the etheric field. An excess of Ether is always formed by a particle with a Repulsion Field.

In the physics section devoted to electromagnetism, the Forces of Repulsion exist on a par with the Forces of Attraction. However, in electromagnetism, it is not bodies that are repelled and attracted, but charged particles, i.e. there is no connection with gravity. But if antigravity (repulsion) were recognized by scientists, and not just recognized, but as the antipode of gravity, everything would fall into place. Electromagnetism would appear in the minds of scientists as nothing more than a gravitational-antigravitational interaction. And the positive and negative charges would turn into mass and anti-mass. And that's all. This would be the first step towards "Great Unification" of four interactions.

In real conditions, the source of the Repulsive Field (particle, chemical element or accumulation of chemical elements) can be obscured by free particles or chemical elements (bodies, media). Fields of Attraction and Repulsion Fields of shielding objects change the value of the Repulsive Force in the investigated object.

Hiding particles with Repulsive Fields are themselves the causes of Repulsive Forces. And these Forces of Repulsion should be summed up with the Force of Repulsion of the object, the influence of which we are investigating.

Shielding particles with Fields of Attraction are the causes of the Forces of Attraction. And these Forces of Attraction should be subtracted from the Forces of Repulsion, which we are examining.

Now a few words about the features of the repulsion of particles with different values ​​of the Repulsion Fields.

If both interacting particles have Repulsive Fields of different magnitudes, then a particle with a large Field will be repulsive, and a particle with a smaller Field will be repulsive. Those. a particle with a smaller Repulsive Field will move away from a particle with a larger Field, and not vice versa. Let this be called the Rule of Submission to the Dominant Repulsion Force.

In the event that only one of the particles has a Repulsion Field, and the second is characterized by an Attraction Field, then only the Yang particle will be repulsive. Yin will always only be repulsed.

As you can see, everything is by analogy with the Force of Attraction, just the opposite.

The mechanism of antigravity (repulsion) is completely opposite to the mechanism of gravity (attraction).

One of the two particles participating in the antigravitational interaction must necessarily have a Repulsion Field. Otherwise, it is no longer possible to talk about anti-gravitational interaction.

We compared the process of attraction with unwinding a "ball". If we draw an analogy with the mechanism of gravity, then the repulsion process is the unwinding of the "ball". A particle with a Repulsion Field is a "ball". Emitting Ether by it is the unwinding of the "thread" (Ether). A particle with a Repulsion Field, unwinding the "thread" (emitting Ether), increases the distance between itself and the surrounding particles, i.e. pushes them away, removes them from themselves. At the same time, the Ether in particles with Repulsion Fields does not dry out. The particles do not stop emitting it.

Of the two particles participating in the antigravity process, the one with the Repulsion Field will be repulsive. And the second particle, accordingly, will be repulsive. A particle of any quality can be repulsed - both with the Field of Repulsion and with the Field of Attraction. In the event that both particles have Repulsive Fields, each of them will simultaneously play the role of both repulsive and repulsive.

The repulsion mechanism is based on the second principle of the Law of the Action of Forces - “ Nature abhors excess". The Ether that fills the force center of the particle, and with it the force center of the particle itself, move away from the excess of Ether that appears in the place of the etheric field where the object with the Repulsion Field is located, i.e. one in which the amount of created Ether prevails over the amount of the disappearing one.

Etheric flow, forcing the Ether of the repulsed particle to move away from the excess of Ether, i.e. from an object with a Repulsion Field is called " Repulsion Force».

Naturally, unlike the attraction process, no connection is formed between the repulsive particles. On the contrary, there can be no question of any connection between particles. Let's say two particles were gravitationally bound. But as a result of the transformation, one of them or both at once changed the Field of Attraction to the Field of Repulsion. The anti-gravity mechanism immediately comes into play, and the particles are repelled from each other, i.e. the connection is broken.

The magnitude of the Repulsive Force depends on the same three factors as the magnitude of the Gravity Force:

1) from the value of the Repulsion Field of the particle (chemical element or body), which is the cause of the Repulsion Force;

2) from the distance between the source of the Repulsion Field and the investigated particle;

3) on the quality of the repulsed particle.

Let's look at the impact of all of these factors.

1) The value of the Repulsion Field of the object - the causes of the Repulsion Force.

The value of the Repulsion Field of a particle is the rate of absorption of Ether by its surface. Accordingly, the faster the Ether particle absorbs, the greater the value of the Repulsion Force caused by this particle in the investigated particle will be.

2) Distance between the source of the Repulsive Field and the investigated particle.

The explanation of the dependence of the magnitude of the Repulsive Force on the distance is similar to the description of the reason why the Force of Attraction depends on the distance.

An elementary particle is a sphere, and if you move away from it, then the volume of space surrounding the particle will increase concentrically. Accordingly, the farther from the particle, the larger the volume of Ether, surrounding the particle, becomes. Each particle with a Repulsion Field emits Ether into the surrounding etheric field at a certain speed. The rate of emission of Ether by a particle is the value of the Repulsion Field inherent in this particle. However, the farther from the particle, the greater the volume of Ether will surround it. Respectively, the farther from the particle, the less will be the speed with which the Ether will move away from the given particle(i.e., the lower the speed of the ether stream) - i.e. the less will be the value of the Repulsion Field. Thus, we are talking, firstly, about the value of the Repulsion Field inherent in the particle, and secondly, about the value of the Repulsion Field at a certain distance from the particle.

  1. electromagnetic,
  2. gravitational,
  3. strong,
  4. weak.

Unfortunately, the theories describing these interactions contradict each other. These are: quantum physics, Einstein's theory, classical physics ... It is clear that science is wrong somewhere.

In this article, we will provide a much simpler and more effective model of fundamental interaction. And only one type... According to uniform laws and which are carried out all other types of physical interactions in the universe.

And we distinguish five main types of physical interaction:

  1. Nuclear interactions... This is the interaction between elementary particles of matter. Nuclear interactions lead to changes in the structure of atoms.
  2. Chemical interactions... These are interactions between atoms. Chemical interactions lead to changes in the structure of molecules. But they cannot change the structure of atoms. The simplest example: chemical reactions. Atoms interact in them, which are part of the molecules of the interacting substances. The molecules change, but the atoms themselves do not change.
  3. Electrical interactions... These are interactions between molecules inside physical bodies, liquids and gases. This also includes electric current, electric and electromagnetic fields. Electrical interactions do not lead to changes in the structure of molecules, and even more so - atoms. They can change the structure of physical bodies: turn them into liquids, gases, and vice versa.
  4. Gravitational interactions... This is the interaction between physical bodies by attraction. Gravitational interactions are capable of changing the distances between physical bodies, changing the structure of planetary and stellar systems, the structure of the galaxy. But they are not capable of changing the structure of physical bodies, molecules or atoms. Mechanical interactions that arise as a result of gravitational attraction are precisely the result (but not a component) of gravitational interaction. physical bodies - there is a modification of the gravitational interaction.
  5. Collapse. This is the process of merging all the matter and energy of the galaxy into a single superdense state - pro-matter - in the process of the formation of a "black hole". It could be attributed to nuclear interactions (the essence of the processes is the same here and there), but this phenomenon is too unique.

First of all, these interactions differ from each other in the structure of interaction:

  1. nuclear interactions are interactions between elementary particles;
  2. chemical - between atoms;
  3. electrical - interactions between molecules;
  4. gravitational - interactions between physical bodies;
  5. collapse is a unique interaction between elementary particles (the uniqueness of collapse is that repulsive forces do not take part in this type. In all other interactions, both gravitational and repulsive forces act.);

The second main difference between these types of interaction from each other: a sharp difference in the amount of energy used per unit of mass material particles and bodies. We see the largest amount of energy involved per unit of mass in collapse, then in nuclear, then in chemical, then in electrical interactions. The smallest thing is in gravitational interactions.

"Strong", "weak", "quantum" and other types of interactions can be safely attributed to one of the above types of interaction.

All physical interactions are extremely easy to classify and obey uniform laws and formulas, if you recognize:

The only type of fundamental interaction in the universe is the interaction between an elementary particle of matter and.

Here we proceed from the fact that there is another independent substance in nature - energy - which fills the entire space of the universe, which actively interacts with matter, and which provides all the above types of interactions.

Matter and energy interact at an elementary level. Only an elementary particle of matter directly interacts with energy. It is this interaction that leads to the formation of atoms, molecules, physical bodies ... the galaxy and the universe - in the end. All other material structures (and atoms, and molecules, and physical bodies) do not interact directly with energy. And they interact only indirectly, again: through the elementary particles of matter that are part of their composition.

It is the direct interaction between an elementary particle and energy that leads to the fact that only an elementary particle of matter has a fundamental quality of matter: and. The attraction and repulsion between atoms, molecules, physical bodies are secondary: they are based on the attraction and repulsion of the elementary particles of matter that are part of their composition.

Only the interaction of an elementary particle of matter with energy generates all types of attraction and repulsion:

  1. and nuclear,
  2. and molecular,
  3. and electric,
  4. and gravitational,
  5. and collapse.

About these interactions, and how all the forces of attraction and repulsion "grow" from them, etc., in detail, the reader can read in this article ...

Fundamental interactions.

The fundamental interaction of matter and energy is interaction at the elementary level. That is: each elementary particle of matter interacts with the “energy” substance. Interacts independently, independently of other elementary particles. Even if it is part of the physical body. Planets - for example.

How does this happen?

1. First: All elementary particles of matter are continuously moving in the space of the universe. Together with the planet and galaxy, which includes. This is an axiom and does not require proof.

2. Second: We must admit that the space of the universe is not just emptiness - as it is generally accepted to believe, but is filled with a certain substance (recall the "theory of ether" prevailing a hundred years ago). Only our substance, unlike ether, actively interacts with an elementary particle of matter. And, in all its parameters, it ideally fits what we call "energy". Let's call this substance, which fills the entire space of the universe, (more on this below). And, as the reader will see later, it is the presence of the substance "energy" in the space of the universe that allows the movement of an elementary particle of matter, and creates the forces of attraction and repulsion inherent in an elementary particle.

- Only the movement of an elementary particle of matter in the substance "energy" generates its forces of attraction and repulsion. - This is the required fundamental interaction.

3. Third: as a result of this interaction, an elementary particle acquires the qualities of a dipole: from the frontal side (in the direction of motion) it has an attractive force. With the back - the force of repulsion. It is the quality of the dipole of an elementary particle that gives rise to all other types of interaction in the physical universe.

A little about the substance "energy":

  • Energy is material: it must have mass and density. Just like matter.
  • But, unlike matter, energy does not have an elementary particle.
  • This allows the energy to spread out in space to an extremely small value of density, and evenly fill the entire space of the universe.
  • There must be some kind of limit to this spread, limiting this spread and preventing the energy from decreasing its density to zero.
  • It can be assumed that the space itself has a cellular structure. The "cells" of space, filling up with energy up to a certain density value, limit its spread. As a result, in the space of the universe there is a minimum value of the energy density, which we named in the space of the universe. The density of the “energy” substance in the space of the universe is so small that it is considered to be a vacuum.
  • The limiter of energy density - the cells of space - also limit the rate of spread of energy in space. Energy, striving to creep in space to the state of its minimum density, in turn fills the "cells" of space. This limits the rate at which the energy spreads. As a result, we have energy velocity constant... It is easy to guess that the value of this constant is equal to the speed of light - the highest speed of movement in the space of the universe.
  • In case of any violation of the density constant, all the surrounding energy comes into motion, trying to restore the density constant. This is manifested in the fact that a wave of energy disturbance arises in space. And it moves at the speed of light until all the energy in the space of the universe comes back to equilibrium. It is clear that the wave of energy disturbance, in this case, must reach the boundaries of the universe.
  • Energia comes in two forms:

- As free energy... This is all the energy that fills the space between elementary particles, atoms, molecules, physical bodies in the space of the universe.

- As bound energy... This is the energy bound by an elementary particle of matter (captured from the surrounding space) and incremented to it in the form of additional mass.

  • The human senses are not adapted to the direct perception of energy. We can neither see the energy, nor hear, nor touch, nor feel it in any other way. In any case, for all the time of its existence, a person has always received the impact of energy indirectly: through gases, liquids, physical bodies ... that is, through Matter. Therefore, the Human "does not notice" the energy. This lies at the heart of the fact that science "point-blank" does not see the substance "energy".

Fundamental interaction takes two forms:

1. An elementary particle of matter captures energy from the surrounding space, folds (absorbs) it and attaches to itself in the form of additional mass. Let's call this way of interaction annihilation ... Since a void is formed at the place of interaction, free energy from the surrounding space comes into motion, filling the resulting void and restoring its density. And the particle increases its mass (due to the bound energy) and receives a positive impulse of translational motion.

2. An elementary particle of matter releases bound (previously absorbed) energy into space. In this case, the mass of the particle decreases. Let's call this way of interaction degilation ... Since an excess of energy occurs in a given place in space, this excess is immediate. That is: it spreads out in space until all the energy in the space of the universe restores its constant density. The particle itself receives a negative impulse of translational motion.

Let's emphasize: these two forms of interaction of matter and energy determine absolutely all changes in the material universe.

An important point:

  • the processes of energy folding - annihilation - occur only if the energy density of the surrounding space exceeds the density of matter at the point of their interaction.
  • the processes of energy release - dehilation - occur only if the density of matter exceeds the density of energy of the surrounding space at the point of their interaction.

An elementary particle of matter should have the shape of an elongated thread and have a clear wind of movement in space. At the same time, an elementary particle of matter absorbs (releases) energy not with its entire surface, but only at one point, where the density of its matter is the lowest. This point is located at the tip of the motion vector, in the front, in the direction of motion, the extremity of an elementary particle. Let's call it:

  • degilation point- when it releases energy,
  • annihilation point- when she curls up energy.

In this diagram, we see the process of deceleration of an elementary particle of matter during the development cycle of the galaxy. The front end of an elementary particle (the end of the arrow) is a point of degilation and is an active point of energy release.

In the process of energy degilation, we observe the maximum density of the released energy in the area of ​​the degilation point. As you move away from the point of degilation, the density of free energy decreases rapidly: in proportion to 4π × R 2 - the surface area of ​​the ball.

A braking effect on an elementary particle of matter is exerted by flows of free energy in the place of their contact with the surface of an elementary particle. The general quality of matter and energy - mass - allows them to interact by cohesion.

CLUTCH of matter and energy is the property of moving energy, as a result of contact with an elementary particle of matter, to impart an impulse to the movement of the particle in the direction of its movement.

Thanks to the cohesion property, something like a reactive moment is obtained: the process of releasing energy into space slows down the translational motion of an elementary particle of matter. Cohesion, a very high energy density in the area of ​​the degilation point and a high speed of this energy flows (300,000 km / sec) provide an effective process of deceleration of an elementary particle of matter.

The energy absorption process looks exactly the opposite:

In this diagram, we see the process of movement of an elementary particle of matter on the cycle of development of the galaxy. The front end of an elementary particle (the end of the arrow) is the point of annihilation and is an active point of energy absorption.

Due to the property of cohesion, the process of absorbing energy continuously accelerates the translational motion of an elementary particle of matter.

  • Clutch,
  • very high energy density in the area of ​​the annihilation point,
  • high flow rate of this energy

provide an effective process of acceleration of an elementary particle of matter.

Elementary particle of matter. Quantum of matter

Just before the Big Bang, the galaxy is in a state prom matter- in a superdense, supercompressed state, when all the matter and energy of the galaxy merged into one. In the process, this monolith of pro-matter completely disintegrates into elementary particles of matter.

An elementary particle of matter, at the stage of primordial chaos, sequentially, quantum by quantum, releases bound energy. At the same time, it continuously increases its length, each time decreasing the density of matter of the final quantum. Such stretching of an elementary particle of matter obeys the formula:

P = 1/2 (n -1)

where: Р is the density (or mass) of the quantum matter.

n is the ordinal number of the quantum (starting from the "back", in the direction of motion, quantum).


  • The mass of the quantum of matter No. 1 is equal to one, it has half of all matter of an elementary particle and its highest density.
  • The mass and density of matter of each subsequent quantum is halved in comparison with the previous quantum.
  • The quantum of matter of the last serial number has the minimum amount of matter of the minimum density.
  • The last quantum of an elementary particle of matter is at the tip of the motion vector.

During the development cycle of the galaxy, we observe the opposite process: the process of compression of an elementary particle. The process is exactly the opposite: an elementary particle, quantum by quantum, absorbs energy from the surrounding space, contracts and increases the speed of its forward motion. The growth of the mass of an elementary particle of matter is proportional to the speed of its translational motion and obeys the formula:

m v ~ m 0 + m 0 × v / c

m v - the mass of matter of an elementary particle at the speed "v" of its translational motion.

m 0 - the mass of matter of an elementary particle at the initial moment of the forward motion of the galaxy. When the particle has no energy yet. That is - her rest mass.

v is the speed of the particle's translational motion at any moment of time "t"

c - speed of light

  • At the speed of light, the total mass of an elementary particle is equal to m c = 2m 0 due to the bound energy.

The distribution of matter, both in an elementary particle of matter as a whole, and in quanta, does not occur in an abrupt manner - from quantum to quantum, but gradually. A regularity is observed here: the density of matter decreases uniformly and gradually, decreasing towards the front end of the particle.

The newly released energy, after the big bang, (“spreads out” in space) in all directions, where its density is less, tending to be evenly distributed in space. Immediately after, behind the elementary particle is the space of the universe, filled with free energy. Ahead of it is only empty space (the big bang occurs at the border of the universe), without the substance "energy". Therefore, the released energy diffuses, first of all, in those directions where there is no free energy. The general vector of free energy diffusion, thus, coincides with the vector of translational motion of the galaxy before the Big Bang.

Creation of a repulsive force by an elementary particle. Dipole

Now let's imagine the annihilation process.

Dipole. Diagram of energy flows in the process of movement of an elementary particle

An elementary particle of matter moves translationally in space. More precisely: in the free energy of space. Its speed is "V". In this case, the "counter flow" of free energy presses on the annihilation point (tip of the arrow), with a force proportional to the speed of the particle's translational motion - "V". (Just like the air presses on a moving car).

Another. The point of annihilation of an elementary particle has absorbed energy from the surrounding space. At a given point in space, a vacuum of energy is formed - its absence. Energy from the surrounding space immediately diffuses into this void. Due to the cohesion, these streams of energy "drag" an elementary particle behind them, giving it an impulse of translational motion. Considering that the speed of energy flows is equal to the speed of light, this impulse will be quite tangible.

Second: the speed of the free energy approaching the annihilation point from the front hemisphere of the particle motion will be equal to "C + V", and the speed of the free energy approaching (catching up) to the annihilation point from the rear hemisphere of the particle motion will be, respectively: "CV" relative to our elementary particles of matter.

Result: as the speed increases, the elementary particle folds (absorbs) more and more energy from the front hemisphere of its motion and less and less from the rear hemisphere. The amount of collapsed (absorbed) free energy from the rear hemisphere will be less than from the front hemisphere by an amount proportional to "V" - the speed of translational motion of a particle of matter. When the speed of an elementary particle reaches the speed of light, the energy approaching the point of annihilation from the opposite side of the vector of motion will stop curling altogether. She simply will not have time to catch up with the particle.

The higher the speed of translational motion of an elementary particle of matter, the more powerful the counter "flow" of free energy. The counter flow of free energy creates pressure on the annihilation point, with a value proportional to "V" - the speed of the particle. This counter pressure is equivalent, in its action, to the action of energy of increased density - as if free energy would suddenly increase its density. This effect is the effect of increasing the density of the free energy of space... And it allows the energy of a lower density to interact with the matter of a higher density by annihilation.

Another annihilation effect:

Due to the process (movement of energy in space), free energy flows are directed to the point of annihilation from all sides of space. But, free energy arriving at the point of annihilation from the rear hemisphere of motion will always be in the role of overtaking. Therefore, in the area of ​​the annihilation point of a moving elementary particle of matter, behind it (in the direction of motion), a constant concentration of free energy of increased density is formed (this effect can be freely proved by any specialist in aerodynamics). We will call this most important effect free energy thickening effect.

Moreover, the density of this condensation will be proportional to the speed of translational motion of an elementary particle of matter.

Let's imagine that the speed of the particle's translational motion is 99.999999 999% of the speed of light. This means that the flows of energy from the rear hemisphere of space will catch up with the particle at the speed of a pedestrian. While from the front hemisphere of motion, the energy will approach the annihilation point at almost double the speed of light. And our point of annihilation will roll 99, 999999 999% of the energy from the front hemisphere of motion. The energy coming from the rear hemisphere of the movement will almost not be annihilated: “whoever is late is late”.

But diffusion (movement of energy) continues: our point of annihilation will continue to create flows of free energy towards itself from all (!) Sides of space, including from the back hemisphere. So we get constant fluxes of free energy from the rear hemisphere - to the point of annihilation, which will not fold.

But where do they go?

- They remain there: in the area of ​​the annihilation point, behind it, forming free energy condensation.

Let us trace the sequence of the formation of such a thickening:

  1. The point of annihilation has curtailed (absorbed) free energy from the surrounding space. The speed of its forward movement is equal to "V". In its immediate environment, a "vacuum" of free energy has formed, where free energy rushes from a more distant environment.
  2. The energy coming from all sides filled this vacuum and again began to curl up at the point of annihilation. At the same time, the same amount of energy approaches the annihilation point both from the front hemisphere of motion and from the rear hemisphere: proportional to "C / 2". But due to the translational movement of the annihilation point, the amount of energy proportional to "(C + V) / 2" will be collapsed (absorbed) from the front hemisphere of motion, and from the rear hemisphere: "(C-V) / 2". The remainder of the energy from the rear hemisphere, which "did not have time" to be curled up by matter, seems to freeze, its movement stops.
  3. This frozen energy (from the rear hemisphere), suspended before annihilation, quantitatively proportional to "V", is the source from which the free energy condensation is formed.
  4. At the next moment, the point of annihilation again folds energy, increases the speed of its translational motion to the value "V + 1" and creates a new vacuum of free energy, and its new concentration. Moreover, the amount of energy in the new condensation will be proportional to "V + 1". The concentration of free energy proportional to "V" disappeared, but in its place came a condensation proportional to "V + 1".
  5. And, even if the amount "V" of the suspended energy has disappeared, but the amount of energy proportional to "1" will surely remain behind the point of annihilation. This energy will be the constant nucleus of free energy concentration behind the annihilation point. It must be said that, due to the continuous increase in the speed of the translational movement of the annihilation point, in the next annihilation cycle, "1" will turn into "2", then into "3", into "4", into "5", and so on, until an elementary particle matter will not reach the speed of light.

ENERGY DENSE EFFECT - the effect of formation, behind the moving point of annihilation, a constant area of ​​increased density free energy concentration. This effect is formed due to the difference in velocities between the oncoming and overtaking flux of free space energy. The magnitude of this condensation is directly proportional to the speed of the translational motion of an elementary particle of matter. Thickening exists as long as it exists acceleration translational motion of the annihilation point. It is the continuous acceleration of the annihilation point that creates an ever-increasing concentration of free energy behind it..

Due to the effect of condensation of free energy, the entire galaxy is a moving, in the space of the universe, an area of ​​condensation of free energy of increased density, concentrated around its matter. That is, outside the galaxy - in the space of the universe - the density of free energy is lower than within its limits.

Any material body in the universe is a concentration of matter of very high density. Take our Earth, for example. The concentration of matter inside it is an extremely high value compared to its concentration in the space of the universe. This highest density of matter forms a proportionally high density of free energy between the particles of matter. As a result, an equally high concentration of free energy is formed inside material bodies.

force of gravity

For further reasoning, it is necessary to introduce the concept of an active quantum. ACTIVE QUANTUM of matter - a quantum located at the tip of the vector of motion of an elementary particle of matter, and having a point of annihilation.

In the process of increasing the speed, there is a gradual compression of the elementary particle. Its anterior extremity is continuously compacted. The process is completely opposite to the process of stretching an elementary particle at the stage of primordial chaos. As a result, quanta of matter of the previous serial numbers become active in turn. There is an important principle of annihilation: in the process of movement, at the same time, the active quantum of matter folds the amount of energy proportional to its mass... We get: becoming active, each subsequent quantum of matter rolls up more energy at once than its previous counterpart, which provides a continuously growing speed of translational motion of an elementary particle of matter.

Imagine: two elementary particles of matter have approached so much that the wave of energy disturbance generated by each of them began to exert a noticeable effect on its neighbor. Each point of annihilation is a center where free energy flows from the surrounding space are directed. But if two points of annihilation are located next to each other, then free energy will disappear most quickly from the region of space located between these two points of annihilation.

We find that a region of increased rarefaction of free energy appears between two adjacent annihilation points. Naturally, the trajectory of movement of each of these particles of matter changes its direction in the direction of this rarefaction. The bulk of the free energy flows of the surrounding space will be directed to the rarefaction area, which will drag these elementary particles along with them. This effect is force of gravity arising between the particles of matter.

The attraction is created by streams of free energy directed towards the point of annihilation. Any particle of matter, any material body will be attracted to the point of annihilation. Combining into atoms, molecules, physical bodies, elementary particles of matter continue to absorb energy from the surrounding space. While creating, at the same time, the force of attraction of these atoms, molecules, physical bodies ...

This attraction of physical bodies in nuk is called the gravitational field of this body. What in science is called the gravitational of a material object, in fact, represents the flows of free space energy directed towards this material object. Exactly so: by generating waves of rarefaction of free energy, creating flows of free energy directed to the point of annihilation, one material body attracts another with these flows of free energy.

Thus, the gravitational field - as a special form of matter - does not exist.

ATTRACTION - the property of a point of annihilation (material object) to cause movement in its direction of other particles of matter (material bodies), caught in the streams of energy generated by this point of annihilation (body). Thus, the forces of gravitational attraction are waves of free energy discharge in space, diverging from the point of annihilation (material body).

Strictly speaking, since any wave of rarefaction of energy, due to diffusion, spreads throughout the entire universe, this means that any point of annihilation acts by attraction on all material objects in the universe.

So, the point of annihilation, generating a wave of rarefaction of energy, generates an attractive force. It is clear that, since the wave of energy perturbation created by the annihilation point is the surface of a sphere (with a jump in density on its surface), the force of attraction of this annihilation point decreases in proportion to the square of the distance 1 / (4π × r 2) from the annihilation point.

The amount of energy absorbed at one time also depends on the mass of the active quantum of matter (the quantum located at the tip of the vector of motion of an elementary particle). The greater the mass of the matter of a quantum, the more, at the same time, it is able to collapse (absorb) energies. We get: a more massive active quantum also creates a more powerful wave of rarefaction of energy in space. And a more powerful wave of attraction.

The force of attraction generated by an active quantum of matter, at any point in space at a distance r from this quantum, is directly proportional to the mass of its matter and inversely proportional to the square of the distance r.

f ~ m / (4π × r 2)

where "f" is the force of attraction of the annihilation point.

"M" is the mass of matter of an active quantum that has this annihilation point.

"R" is the distance from the annihilation point.

"4π × r 2" - the surface area of ​​the ball at a distance "r" from the annihilation point

Let's imagine two elementary particles of matter moving in space parallel to each other at a small distance from each other. Both of them will be under the influence of each other's energy perturbation waves, and, naturally, will approach each other. Let us take a frame of reference in which one of the two particles of matter is motionless relative to the second particle. This first, "stationary" particle creates in front of the second a region of reduced free energy density. The force of attraction of the first particle of matter, acting on the second particle located at a distance "r" from it, will be equal to:

f 1 ~ m 1 / 4π × r 2.

The second particle of matter also creates an attractive force, which will be proportional to the mass of its active quantum and inversely proportional to the square of the distance from it:

f 2 ~ m 2 / 4π × r 2

where "m 2" is the mass of matter of its active quantum.

We get:

The force of attraction of the annihilation point "A", which has a mass "m 1", at the point "B" at a distance "r", will be equal to:

f 1 ~ m 1 / 4π × r 2

In the same way, the annihilation point "B", which has a mass "m 2", will act on the point "A", at a distance "r", with the force:

f 2 ~ m 2 / 4π × r 2

The interaction of these two forces leads us to the fact that the force of attraction of both annihilation points will be proportional to the product of the matter masses of their active quanta and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

F ~ f 1 ´f 2 ~ m 1 ´m 2 / 4π × r 2

The force of attraction of a material body will depend on the number of elementary particles in it. More precisely: on the number of annihilation points. The more points of annihilation in the composition of a material body, the greater the force of its attraction. Since all elementary particles of matter have one annihilation point, we get: the force of attraction of a material body is directly proportional to the mass of its matter. Therefore, all our reasoning about the attraction by an elementary particle applies to all material bodies.

THE POWER OF ATTRACTION between two elementary particles of matter (material bodies) is proportional to the product of the matter masses of their active quanta (material bodies) and is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between these particles (bodies).

F ~ m 1 × m 2 / (4π × r 2)

This law of attraction between any material particles and bodies in the universe fully corresponds to the law of gravity, discovered by Newton: the force of attraction between material bodies is proportional to the product of the masses of these bodies and is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

Let's remember. The processes of attraction described by us between two elementary particles of matter can be described as attraction between two point charges. Where, instead of the mass of particles, the value of the charges of these particles is taken: "q 1" and "q 2". It turns out that all our reasoning is also true in relation to electric charges. A direct confirmation of this is the formula of Coulomb attraction: F = k × q 1 × q 2 / r 2. It is almost the same as our formula. We will look at this in the chapter on electricity in the book.

Output: gravitational and electrical interactions, defined by modern science as completely different phenomena, in fact represent the same process of attraction (or repulsion) between particles and bodies, resulting from the movement of matter in the space of the universe.

deuterium atom formation

So, in the process of evolution of the galaxy, sooner or later, elementary particles of matter approach each other: direct interaction begins. The second phase of the Galactic Dynamics phase begins - the phase of the gas nebula. The main process taking place in the gas nebula phase is the unification of elementary particles of matter into binary structures. Elementary particles of matter are united by annihilation points. As a result, we get a double structure of two elementary particles, the first full-fledged atom is a deuterium atom.

Complete - because atoms of all chemical elements in the galaxy are composed of double structures of elementary particles of matter - deuterium atoms... A double structure of elementary particles of matter - an atom of deuterium - is that "brick" of the universe, of which all material bodies in the universe are composed. It is from double structures, and not from protons plus neutrons and electrons, that all the atoms of all chemical elements in the universe are built.

Proceeding from the fact that the elementary particles of matter before their interaction were oriented in space approximately parallel, we get such a spatial form of the deuterium atom.

The deuterium atom is not a monolithic structure. It was formed under the action of the forces of attraction of elementary particles and exists only because their points of annihilation operate. It is the annihilation points that connect two elementary particles into a pair structure of the deuterium atom. If, suddenly, the annihilation processes stop, nothing will hold the double structure of elementary particles, and it will disintegrate into single particles.

In this form, this double formation continues its journey in the vastness of the universe. This type of unification of elementary particles is an atomic (nuclear) interaction.

Atomic (nuclear) interaction is:

  1. The combination of two elementary particles of matter by their points of annihilation - into a common point of annihilation of the deuterium atom.
  2. The connection of deuterium atoms by their common annihilation points - into a larger common annihilation point, as a result of which atoms of chemical elements are formed.
  3. Decay of a common point of annihilation of an atom of a chemical element into smaller general points of annihilation, or individual elementary particles of matter.

Atomic interaction occurs, for example, in the process of radioactive decay, when the common point of annihilation of an atom begins to release energy. The liberated energy breaks the common point of annihilation of the atom, converting the atoms of one chemical element into the atoms of another chemical element.

Now let's take a closer look at what happens in the area of ​​the annihilation point.

repulsive force

What is attraction, we discussed above. The force of attraction is created by directed flows of free energy to the point of annihilation. But how does the repulsive force arise?

The repulsive force is created by the concentration of free energy behind the point of annihilation. Any moving particle of matter, on the trajectory of which there will be an area of ​​such a concentration of energy, will always change the direction of its movement in the direction of deviation from the concentration of energy. This happens for a simple reason:

  • The direction of motion of a particle of matter is always determined by the direction of the flows of free energy. Diffusing energy always drags particles of matter that have fallen into its streams. And these flows always move from areas of space with a higher density of free energy - in areas of space with a lower density of free energy.
  • The streams of energy, "bumping" into the area of ​​thickening of free energy of increased density, will always bend around it, dragging along with them a particle or a clot of matter that moves in these streams.

This ability to deflect the flows of free energy away from the concentration of free energy is the repulsion force of the annihilation point.

FORCE REPLACEMENT - the force formed by the presence of a condensation of free energy behind the point of annihilation, causing a deviation from this condensation of the trajectory of the flows of free energy.

The repulsive force of the annihilation point is proportional to the speed of its translational motion and its mass of matter.

The forces of attraction act in the front, and the forces of repulsion - in the rear hemispheres of the moving annihilation point.

In this figure, we can see a clear boundary between the forces of attraction and repulsion. This boundary is a plane passing through the annihilation point, perpendicular to the vector of translational motion of an elementary particle of matter.

In this figure, we can consider how the ratio of the forces of attraction and repulsion affects two neighboring particles. Only the annihilation points of these particles will appear under the action of the forces of attraction of each other, while the entire mass of each of the particles will be under the action of the repulsive forces of the neighboring particle. We get that matter particles are attracted to each other by their annihilation points. Simultaneously, the concentration of free energy behind the point of annihilation of each of them repels another particle.

This struggle of two opposite forces a leads to a natural result: at some distance from the annihilation point, in a plane perpendicular to the particle's motion vector, there must be a point "X" - the point of balance of the forces of attraction and repulsion of an elementary particle. This point "X" does not allow other particles of matter closer to itself, but does not let go further! And our particles of matter can neither come to each other closer to this point "X", nor move further. This point "X" from now on and forever, by a magical power, binds two particles together.

The point "X" of the annihilation point in reality is a line of a circle in a plane perpendicular to the vector of translational motion of an elementary particle of matter. The center of the circle is the annihilation point. It is clear that this line will be located at a specific distance "r" from the annihilation point. It is clear that the distance "r" is determined by the mass of the matter of the active quantum and the speed of the translational motion of the particle of matter.

On this line, there is a balance of forces of attraction and repulsion of the annihilation point. All elementary particles of matter in the atoms of chemical elements are in contact with each other by these very points "X", not getting closer and not moving further than this point.

All of the above applies to the atoms of chemical elements. Each atom has its own point "X" - a circle line, where there is a balance of forces of attraction and repulsion of the atom, closer to which neither a single elementary particle nor another atom can come.

In the figure, we can see a new feature of the delimitation of the forces of attraction and repulsion, which has arisen as a result of the combination of single elementary particles into a pair structure. Here the boundary is not a strict plane perpendicular to the vector of motion of the paired structure. A is the shape of a concave "bowl". The "bottom" of which is the plane connecting the two annihilation points. We get: a part of the area of ​​concentration of free energy behind the point of annihilation of a particle falls into the zone of action of the forces of attraction of another particle. Which "eats" this part. Result: a decrease in the amount of energy of thickening behind the common point of annihilation. Accordingly - and the drop in repulsive forces. Thus, the repulsive force of a paired structure of elementary particles - a deuterium atom - is less than the sum of the repulsive forces of two elementary particles.

Such regularities in the ratio of the forces of attraction and repulsion of the annihilation point play a major role in the construction of atoms of chemical elements.


If the annihilation point collapses "n" amounts of energy, then from the surrounding space an amount of energy equal to this value "n" will approach it. This follows from the laws of annihilation. Further: since more energy will always be folded from the front hemisphere of motion than from the rear hemisphere of motion, then the amount of energy remains in the condensation, proportional to the speed "V" of the translational motion of the annihilation point. Moreover, the higher the speed of translational motion of the annihilation point, the more free energy is concentrated behind it.

But when the speed of the translational motion of the annihilation point equals the speed of light, there will be collapse:

when the annihilation point reaches the speed of light, the increase in the speed of translational motion stops. The concentration of free energy, finally, "catches up" its point of annihilation and ceases to exist. Concentration of free energy behind the point of annihilation exists precisely due to the continuous increase in the speed of translational motion . We get that the force that creates a condensation of free energy behind the point of annihilation ceases to act. And all the energy of this condensation instantly annihilates - ceases to exist

The phenomenon of instant collapsing of free energy of condensation behind the point of annihilation, at the moment this point of annihilation reaches the speed of light, is the moment of COLLAPSE.

When a physical body reaches the speed of light, the area of ​​free energy behind all the annihilation points inside it disappears. The repulsive forces that separate all elementary particles of matter in this body also disappear. All elementary particles of matter of this physical body merge into a single conglomerate of matter and energy - prom matter... This is exactly what happens to a galaxy when it reaches the speed of light.

In this form - in the form of a single monolith of pro-matter, the galaxy continues its journey through the space of the universe at the highest speed of forward motion in the universe - the speed of light.

The nature of the forces of attraction and repulsion considered in this article explains not only gravity, but also weak interactions, and nuclear interactions, and chemical interactions, and electricity, and magnetism, and the principles of building atoms, molecules, physical bodies, and the galaxy itself. That completely rejects the presence of "physical fields of interaction", on the existence of which the dominant concept of the universe is built. We will look at this in the following articles.

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