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What does desu mean. "Kawai desu" - what does this term mean. The meaning of the word "desu"

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Water is a source of energy and strength. How much water should you drink per day for weight loss? How does water benefit the body? And what should you pay special attention to when using it. Read all of this below.

The benefits of water can hardly be overestimated. On average, each person should consume 1.5-2 liters daily. To accurately calculate how much water you need to drink per day, use the following formula:

  • For men: 35 x body weight
  • For women: 31 x body weight

For example, if you are a girl and your weight is 60 kg, then your daily water consumption rate is (60 x 31) = 1860 ml. On the day of training, the figure should be increased by at least 500 ml. The benefits of water during sports are obvious: it helps to restore the body after physical exertion, and also promotes the flow of amino acids into muscle cells and the absorption of proteins.

How much water should you drink per day?

Probably everyone has heard about the huge benefits of water consumption. Let's take a closer look at the beneficial properties of water and its effect on the body.

10 facts about the benefits of water

  1. Water is a nutrient medium for cells, with its help all chemical processes in our body take place. Blood contains 90% water, brain 85%, muscles 75%, bones 28%.
  2. Water plays a vital role in the weight loss process. If there is not enough of it in the body, then the kidneys cannot function normally. And then the liver comes to their aid, which means its ability to participate in the metabolism of fats is sharply reduced.
  3. With insufficient water intake, the skin, intestines and joints suffer. It is from them that our body takes fluid for the normal functioning of such important organs as the liver, brain, heart and lungs.
  4. Sometimes we mistake the brain's signal of dehydration for feeling hungry. If you feel like grabbing a bite to eat, drink a glass of water - you are almost guaranteed to satisfy your hunger.
  5. Another benefit of water: it is rich in mineral salts. Its composition will differ depending on the region and the rocks through which it passes. In some it is more, in others - sodium and.
  6. Due to insufficient water intake, many diseases develop, because the body cannot resist dehydration on its own. He will begin to take water from the cellular and extracellular fluids, and then from the bloodstream.
  7. The water contains 0 calories, so you can drink it without worrying about your figure.
  8. A dehydrated body cannot timely cleanse the organs of harmful substances, and they enter the bloodstream. This instantly affects the condition of the skin, which becomes dry and flabby, begins to peel off, and acne appears on it. By the way, if you care about your health and beauty, then do not forget to monitor your oral hygiene. Quality services for the prevention and treatment of dental diseases are offered here: http://stomatologis.ru/
  9. Water is a kind of vehicle for the delivery of vitamins and enzymes to all cells of the human body.
  10. It also contributes to the normal functioning of the intestines. Regular lack of fluid can provoke constipation and digestive problems.

How to force yourself to drink water?

When a person feels thirsty, then this is already a serious call from the body, signaling his dehydration. You shouldn't bring it to such a state. But how do you force yourself to drink water during the day? We recommend that you follow some simple tips:

  1. Start your day with one glass of water. If you like to lie in bed in the morning, put a bottle of water next to your nightstand and drink it right after waking up.
  2. Always bring a 1.5L bottle of water to work or school. Keep it with you at all times, and you will not notice how you empty the container sip after sip.
  3. If you forget about regular fluid intake, download a mobile application to your phone, which will promptly remind you how much water you need to drink per day. For example, Water Balance or Water Your Body.
  4. In the evening, a glass of water saves you from extra portions for dinner. If you want to save yourself from eating at night, quench your thirst in a timely manner. But it is not recommended to drink water right before bedtime: it can overload the kidneys and cause swelling.
  5. Add a few drops of lemon juice to the water to enhance the taste.

Within a week you will not force yourself to drink water - your body will get used to it and will itself remind you of its need.

However, everything must be done wisely. Do not exceed the prescribed rate of water, because its excessive use can also be harmful, namely, put stress on the kidneys and heart.

Rules for drinking water:

  • Do not drink water with meals: it makes it difficult to digest food. Also, you should not drink it less than 20 minutes before meals and within 45 minutes after.
  • On the day of training, increase the water intake by 0.5-1 liters and do not forget to drink it before, during and after classes.
  • Consume pure water. Tea, coffee, lemonade, juice do not count!
  • Coffee picks up moisture from the body. For 1 glass of coffee, there should be 2 glasses of water to restore water balance.
  • The ideal drinking water temperature is 20 ° C. This will help increase the calorie expenditure, which is spent on warming the body. However, do not overdo it, too cold water can provoke sore throat.
  • It is undesirable to use tap water: it contains bleach and other harmful impurities.

In this article, you will learn:

  • When to drink water
  • What kind of water should you drink
  • What are the facts about the benefits of water
  • How much water do you need to drink in order to lose weight
  • What are the answers to the most common questions about water consumption

The normal functioning of the human body is possible only if several important conditions are met. At the same time, the correct drinking regime and balanced nutrition are in the first place. It is very important to understand exactly how to maintain your body in optimal condition, what and how much you need to eat and drink for this. We suggest talking about how much water you need to drink per day in order to provide the body with the necessary amount of fluid.

Why you need to drink water every day

It is no secret that a person needs to drink a sufficient amount of fluids every day to maintain life. The explanation is simple: the cells that make up all our organs contain water. Lack of moisture can provoke serious health problems.

At the same time, many are mistaken, believing that all liquids that a person uses are capable of performing the function of saturating cells with moisture. It must be understood that soup, tea, coffee, carbonated drinks cannot serve as an equivalent substitute for ordinary water. Its daily volume depends on many factors, including body weight, exercise level and ambient temperature.

So how much water should you drink per day per 1 kg of weight? The average is 30-40 ml, but everyone knows that thirst increases during sports activities or in the heat, when the body loses more moisture in the form of sweat.

If you drink less than the physiological norm every day, the body seeks internal reserves and "extracts" moisture from its tissues and organs. This is fraught with the appearance of problems with their functioning and the subsequent occurrence of serious diseases, including diabetes mellitus and oncology.

It is also easy to determine the lack of water by external signs: a person who drinks little has dry skin with early wrinkles, brittle nails, and falling hair. From the point of view of well-being, the lack of moisture is manifested by chronic fatigue, irritability, and bad mood. Of course, other factors can cause such symptoms, but a constant lack of fluid is the most common cause that causes them.

The intake of water every day in sufficient quantities has a beneficial effect on the activity of the digestive tract, regulates metabolism and helps to lose weight.

In general, the positive consequences of consuming a physiologically grounded rate of water per day are as follows:

  • active elimination of toxins;
  • improving skin condition;
  • reducing excessive food cravings;
  • normalization of digestion;
  • increased metabolism;
  • elimination of headaches;
  • reducing the likelihood of seizures;
  • improving the state of the immune system.

How much water should you drink per day

The recommendations of the Ministry of Health on this issue are unambiguous: in order to feel good, a person should drink at least two liters of water a day. This rate inevitably rises when the activity is associated with increased physical activity - work or sports.

How much water should you drink per day depending on weight

An amount of 2 liters is considered the average norm, which should be adhered to. However, the needs of each person are individual, because they directly depend on weight and lifestyle. How to calculate how much water to drink per day? For this, the following formulas are derived:

  • 35 ml x body weight (for men);
  • 31 ml x body weight (for women).

So, to calculate the rate of water consumption for a girl weighing 62 kg, you need to multiply 62 by 31. We get 1922 ml. On the day when physical activity is increased, another 500 ml should be added to this volume. The desire to drink shows that the body persistently requires more water, which it needs to restore fluid lost in sweat, as well as for the supply of amino acids to muscle cells.

When to drink water

It is necessary to drink immediately, as soon as the feeling of thirst appears. It is also helpful to develop healthy habits and know exactly how to properly drink water throughout the day:

Another nuance that is often overlooked is the need to drink water between meals, and not with meals. The secreted saliva is enough for digestion, water will only interfere with the natural process of digestion. If you follow the recommendations of gastroenterologists and drink half an hour before sitting down at the table, the salivary glands will produce fluid in the required volume and the desire to drink each piece will simply not arise.

Other features of combining liquid with food:

  • It is extremely harmful to drink cold water while eating.
  • The habit of drinking immediately after eating leads to stretching of the walls of the stomach, and the person ceases to be satisfied with the usual portion of the dish, increases the volume of food and gains excess weight.

What kind of water should you drink

We have already figured out how important it is for the body to drink enough fluids and how much clean water you need to drink per day. However, it is not only the quantity that is important, but also the quality. Many of us do not think about what kind of water you can drink and which one should be discarded.

For an optimal state of the body, it is important that it meets two conditions - physical usefulness and health benefits. This means that when choosing water for everyday use, you should focus on the following points:

  • natural origin from an underground source (well, well, spring);
  • complete absence of artificial additives;
  • lack of deep cleaning by osmosis;
  • weak mineralization (0.5-0.75 g / l).

Natural origin guarantees the presence in the water of all the elements and minerals necessary for a person, thereby making it the most useful drink for our body.

A lot of controversy raises the question of whether it is necessary to boil water or it is better to drink it raw.

Of course, preference should be given to water that has not undergone any additional processing, including boiling. It contains many trace elements that are of particular value to the human body. But you can drink raw water with complete confidence in its purity, namely, in the absence of harmful bacteria and toxins.

If there is no such confidence, the water must be boiled. At the same time, it should be understood that there is no need to wait for the benefits for the body with the constant use of such a "dead" liquid. This is explained simply:

  • after boiling, the oxygen content in it is minimal;
  • salts, in which its value lies, form an insoluble precipitate as a result of boiling;
  • the water flowing from the faucet contains chlorine, which forms toxic compounds in the kettle that can stimulate the development of cancerous tumors;
  • boiling changes the molecular structure, which after a day leads to a rapid multiplication of bacteria.

Thus, when choosing between boiled and raw water, it is necessary to be guided by specific circumstances. If you are confident in the safety of a natural liquid, which has been confirmed by research results, it is undoubtedly healthier to drink it. Boiling is a protective measure against diseases caused by dangerous bacteria. In exceptional cases, it is necessary to carry out high-temperature processing to destroy them.

You can save useful minerals in the water if you do not let it boil for a long time, but turn off the kettle or remove it from the heat as soon as large bubbles appear on the surface. The bacteria won't have a chance to survive, but some of the salts will remain. Pre-settling for at least two hours in a dish in a large surface area, for example, in a wide saucepan, will help to rid tap water of chlorine. Chlorine will evaporate and will not harm the body.

Boiled water is not subject to long-term storage. As already mentioned, in a day, active reproduction of bacteria begins in it. And do not forget that most of the daily value should be natural water obtained from natural underground sources.

Which water is better to drink: cold or hot

Despite the love of most people for hot and cold drinks, when it comes to clean water, doctors unequivocally recommend drinking it warm, at room or human body temperature. Too hot liquid is dangerous because it can leave burns on the mucous membrane. Drinking ice water is also harmful, since it causes a spasm of small vessels.

Of course, on a hot day, you want the drink to be chilled as much as possible: it seems that warm does not quench your thirst at all. But this is only a subjective perception caused by psychological associations. Replenishment of fluid balance occurs at the cellular level, and temperature does not affect this process in any way. But harm to the teeth and esophagus, if you drink ice water, may well be done.

How then to explain that the Chinese - representatives of one of the most ancient civilizations - prefer boiling water?

It is very difficult to unequivocally answer this question, since several versions have been put forward to explain this phenomenon:

  • Traditional Chinese medicine is of the opinion that by drinking cold drinks, a person jeopardizes the flow of yin and yang energy in the body.
  • Hot water helps to better absorb food rich in fats as they dissolve at high temperatures.
  • The version of the need to disinfect water, eliminating harmful bacteria, speaks in favor of the Chinese.
  • The strength of ancient traditions, expressed in the use of boiling water every day, has become part of the mentality of the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire.

What happens if you drink too little water

  1. Weakness.

Insufficient fluid intake leads to imbalance: we lose moisture, but do not replenish it. As a result, the body turns on the mechanism of energy conservation, the person gets tired quickly, feels weak and overwhelmed.

  1. Premature aging.

  1. Excess weight and fullness.

Why do nutritionists unanimously advise you to reconsider your drinking habits for weight loss? Those who want to lose weight are often mistaken, limiting themselves in everything, including being afraid to drink an extra glass of water in a day, just to see negative dynamics on the scales. This approach is fundamentally wrong. Of course, water does not break down fat stores, but without it, rapid elimination of decay products from the body is impossible. In addition, a fluid-filled stomach signals satiety to the brain without feeling hungry.

  1. High and low blood pressure.

The balance of water in the body is very important for the regular cleansing of toxins from the blood. Blood circulation generally functions normally when a person drinks enough fluids per day, because it directly affects the total blood volume and the level of filling of veins, arteries and capillaries.

  1. Increased levels of "bad" cholesterol.

Feeling a deficiency of moisture from the outside, the body extracts it from the cells. This in turn triggers a defense mechanism in the form of increased cholesterol production.

  1. Constipation.

Without fluid, the formation of feces and their regular (once a day) excretion from the body is difficult. Moistened food is digested faster. With a chronic lack of fluid in the intestine, problems arise associated with the removal of its remnants - constipation. The dry consistency of the stool makes it difficult to exit and makes the process painful. There is one advice - drink the recommended amount of water every day.

  1. Diseases of the digestive system.

Insufficient water intake leads to a decreased secretion of gastric juice. This is fraught with disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract and the likelihood of diagnosing gastritis and stomach ulcers.

  1. Respiratory problems.

The role of water in providing immunity is very important. When the body does not experience a moisture deficit, the immune system performs its functions perfectly, preventing the development of diseases, the pathogens of which penetrate through the respiratory tract. The moist membranes of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system are a barrier that prevents harmful microorganisms from getting inside.

  1. Violation of pH balance.

A lack of fluid coming from outside can cause an imbalance in the pH balance of the blood. As a result of exposure to certain types of food and other factors against the background of water deficiency, acidification of the body occurs. The consequences of this condition are numerous and unfavorable to health.

  1. Eczema.

Daily loss of moisture with sweat is on average 500-700 ml. Correct water exchange contributes to the regular elimination of toxins. When fluid intake is reduced, they accumulate in the body, one of the symptoms of which is skin problems - redness and flaking.

  1. Urinary tract infections.

Normal kidney function is also largely determined by whether we drink enough fluids per day. The shortage leads to difficulties in the work of the urinary system and the creation of favorable conditions for the development of infections, in particular, the occurrence of cystitis.

The symptom of dehydration is dark yellow urine and a much pungent odor than usual.

  1. Rheumatism.

We have already talked about the close relationship between moisture deficiency and an increase in the amount of toxins that are not removed from the body in a timely manner. The consequences of such "poisoning" are varied, including it leads to rheumatism - inflammatory processes in the joints and muscles.

  1. Disorders of the cardiovascular system.

Finally, the chronic lack of water in the body explains the imbalance of electrolytes - potassium and sodium. The consequences of their deficiency can be very serious, since these substances are necessary for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system.

What happens if you drink too much water

Some nutritionists, both Russian and foreign, discussing the topic of how much water a person needs to drink per day, express the opinion that there is never a lot of liquid and the more a person drinks, the better. One cannot agree with this statement unconditionally, because an excess of water can be no less harmful than a lack.

Each of us had to experience an incessant feeling of thirst in the summer heat: you constantly drink and cannot get drunk. Excessive sweating means that the body is losing not only fluid, but also the mineral salts necessary for life. This primarily affects the condition of the skin, nails and hair.

But heat is a kind of emergency in which the body behaves accordingly: it tries to maintain its functioning with the least possible loss. But excessive consumption of water every day at normal ambient temperatures negatively affects the internal organs. In a person who has accustomed himself to drinking a lot, the concentration of gastric juice decreases, which becomes safe for harmful bacteria, which makes it possible for their reproduction and, as a result, the development of diseases. But, despite the huge amount of research devoted to this topic, scientists can not come to a common opinion on how many liters of water per day you need to drink in order to maintain the ideal water-salt balance in the body.

Some are inclined to think that a large amount of water used has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the kidneys. A study by Pierre Ronceau, a nephrologist from France, details the mechanism of the functioning of this organ. To maintain the desired fluid level, the kidneys take some of the already filtered water and reabsorb it, thereby ensuring a normal urine concentration. However, an increase in the amount of fluid coming from the outside leads to the fact that the kidneys do not see the need to create reserves, the work of special tubules is disrupted over time. In the event of an emergency, the kidneys have nowhere to take moisture to support the body, and he is threatened with rapid dehydration.

It is no less dangerous to drink too much water every day for all other internal organs. From excess moisture, they swell and cope worse with their functions. Failure of the excretory system provokes the appearance of edema, blood pressure rises, and headaches occur. Lymph nodes from excess fluid in them work poorly, which is fraught with a decrease in immunity and a high likelihood of developing gastrointestinal infections.

When do you need to increase the amount of water

Gradually, a person develops his own water consumption rate, which depends on many factors: age, weight, food habits (love for salty or sweet foods, addiction to coffee), and the drugs he takes. But when the usual conditions of existence change, he again has to look for an answer to the question of how much water he needs to drink per day, taking into account the new realities. We can talk about both moving to another climatic region, and diagnosing chronic diseases. Pregnancy and breastfeeding also make adjustments to the usual way of life. Let's dwell on some points in more detail:

5 facts about the benefits of water

  1. Drinking water prolongs youth.

Adequate water intake per day primarily ensures a healthy-looking skin. With a lack of moisture, it becomes dry, prematurely covered with wrinkles. Attempts to correct the situation with the help of cosmetics do not give the desired result. To look fresh and youthful, it is often enough to correct the water consumption regime.

If our body receives something in less volume than it should, it tries to store it in reserve and reduce consumption. If the intake is insufficient, the liquid is poorly excreted, accumulates. As a result, the skin swells, which is not the best way to affect the appearance.

  1. Drinking water will help you lose weight.

Drinking more during the day is the first requirement put forward by the authors of fitness programs and diets. You can't argue with that, it is almost impossible to lose weight without water.

  1. Drinking water helps build muscle.

Few people dream of being just thin, everyone wants to have relief muscles, and this is difficult if the body does not receive enough water per day. It delivers oxygen to all cells, including muscle cells. This gives them the strength to repetitively and postpones the onset of fatigue.

Find out how much water you can and should drink per day to avoid dehydration and harm yourself, and what is the optimal drinking regimen during exercise.

Everyone knows that water is good for your health. Moreover, we are usually convinced that we do not drink enough. But is it? Recent studies have shown that many of our ideas about how much water can and should be drunk per day may well turn out to be a myth.

They say that you need to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. And it's very important to drink water before and during your workout. That coffee and tea do not count as caffeine dehydrates the body. And that we shouldn't rely on thirst for this, because thirst means that the body is already dehydrated. It might be worth discussing this again. Let's see what modern science has to say about these seemingly immutable truths.

Scientists honestly looked for evidence that it is necessary to drink 8 glasses of water a day, but ... not in the end and could not substantiate this statement. The big words about the benefits of drinking so much water every day for weight loss, intestinal health, fatigue, arthritis prevention, increased mental alertness and headaches have not been confirmed.

Debunking water myths

  • Myth No. 1. By the time a person begins to feel thirsty, his body is already dehydrated. It is not true. Thirst is the best indicator of how much water we should drink.
  • Myth # 2. Dark urine means you are dehydrated. This statement is also not entirely true, as there are many other factors that affect the color of urine.
  • Myth # 3. Drinks containing caffeine dehydrate the body. Again, not entirely true. Contrary to popular belief, studies have shown that coffee, tea, and sodas do not dehydrate someone who is addicted to caffeine. Therefore, they also need to be included in the total amount of fluid per day.

No one disputes the fact that drinking enough water is vital. However, the fear of dehydration and the constant talk about not drinking enough water has led to the misconception that the safest solution is to drink as often and as much as possible. But drinking too much water can also be hazardous to your health.

Too much water

During exercise, our body stores a significant amount of water. The volume of plasma (liquid part of blood) increases, but the concentration of sodium ions in body fluids, on the contrary, decreases - both as a result of dilution with water and in the process of perspiration.

Hyponatremia, or low blood sodium levels, often results from drinking too much plain water. This can disrupt the functioning of cells in the brain, heart and muscles, as well as lead to unpleasant consequences in the form of damage to body tissues.

To lose weight, lose weight and at the same time remain beautiful and fresh, have good and elastic skin, beautiful thick hair and strong nails, you must remember about water. In the process of losing weight, it is the hair, skin and nails that are very often affected.

How does water help us when we are trying to lose weight?

  • regulates our body temperature;
  • removes decay products from the body, flushes it from the inside;
  • delivers nutrients, oxygen and glucose to cells;
  • gives natural hydration to the skin and other tissues;
  • makes joints more flexible and helps to strengthen muscles;
  • regulates digestion.

How much water to drink to lose weight?

On average, 30 ml per 1 kg of body weight. If you weigh 70 kg, your water intake is 2,100 ml per day. If your weight is 100 kg, then the norm of water for you is 3 liters per day. You should not drink more than your norm, this is also not right and sometimes dangerous.

When to drink water?

It is best to drink water 20-30 minutes before meals. And 1-1.5 hours after eating. Drinking water with meals and immediately after meals is not recommended as it impairs digestion. However, if you really want to, drink.

How to drink water to lose weight?

Water must be drunk evenly, in small portions throughout the day, every day and throughout life. Until then, start with 1 glass of water in the morning on an empty stomach. Divide the remaining water by the number of meal breaks.

What kind of water to drink to lose weight?

Water is considered only clean drinking water without gas. Tea, coffee, juices, sweet soda are not considered water. How to start drinking water, if you practically did not drink it before? We start with 1 glass in the morning on an empty stomach, and 1 glass between meals. Don't try to drink your RDA right away. Then, gradually increase the portions to the desired amount.

What temperature should the water be?

Water should be drunk at room temperature. Cold water reduces immunity, causes drowsiness, weakness. Cold water lingers in the stomach until it warms up to body temperature. Thus, water does not fulfill its main function of cleansing and moisturizing the body, but, on the contrary, causes edema.

How to remember to drink water?

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