Home Grape Facts about Hitler and Stalin. Shocking facts about Hitler, told about by his personal photographer. fun facts about Hitler

Facts about Hitler and Stalin. Shocking facts about Hitler, told about by his personal photographer. fun facts about Hitler

Adolf Hitler was one of the central figures of fascism and the dictator of Germany from 1933 to 1945. Tragic events such as World War II and the Holocaust are associated with his personality. German leader, politician, founder of National Socialism and the totalitarian dictatorship of the Third Reich - Hitler - is considered one of the main criminals against humanity in the twentieth century. Hitler Never Visited Concentration Camps Hitler's first love was a Jewish girl. However, he never found the courage to speak to her.
Adolf Hitler's last name could have been Schicklgruber. His father replaced her with Hitler in 1877
Hitler was a vegetarian and made laws against cruelty to animals
Hitler launches the first anti-smoking campaign in modern history
While Hitler was serving his sentence in Landsberg Prison (1924), he sent a request to the Mercedes dealership for a car loan
Hitler had a portrait of Henry Ford in his office that inspired him Hitler considered himself very attractive to women, so he remained a bachelor for political purposes. The German people did not know about Eva Braun until the end of the war
The American Secret Service tried to inject female hormones (estrogen) into Hitler's food in order to make him more feminine.
Alexander the Great, Napoleon, Mussolini and Hitler all suffered from ailurophobia (fear of cats)
Hitler was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1939.
Hitler planned to collect thousands of Jewish artifacts for the display of the Museum of the Lost Race, which he was going to open after the war.
When Hitler was four years old, he was saved by a priest from drowning
Hitler never learned to drive. However, he led the development of Volkswagen.
During Hitler's reign, his book "My Struggle" was given out to all newlyweds free of charge.
Hitler suffered from chronic flatulence; to combat the disease, he used 28 drugs
Hitler was named "man of the year" by TIME magazine in 1938
In 1913, Hitler, Stalin, Trotsky and Tito lived close to each other in Vienna. Some of them were regulars at the same coffee shop.
Hitler only had one testicle
The deaths of Adolf Hitler and Osama bin Laden were announced on the same day of the year - May 1

There are positions that, thanks to their prominent representatives, have gained notoriety. For example the German Fuhrer. Perhaps few people would have known about Germany if not for Hitler. However, if you do not think about all those atrocities, then you can tell a lot about Hitler that is interesting and even worthy of respect. But today I want to highlight the little-known and mystical facts about Hitler.

1. Hitler was inspired by cheerleading.

A couple of pom-pom moves can drive any man crazy, even Hitler. But the idea of ​​the most important fascist goes beyond the ordinary. The infamous fascist greetings with loud exclamations "Sieg Heil" or "Heil Hitler" were borrowed from the cheerleading group. This gesture dates back to the times of the Roman Empire, and the phrase means "victory greeting".

This became known thanks to the work of the CIA, who somehow learned about his love for American football, the fans who moved in sync and shouted chants, and the orchestras creating excitement. This was also confirmed at one time by a close friend of Hitler, Ernst Hanfstaengl.

2. Hitler had a female handwriting.

The controversy surrounding the fact that the Fuhrer was a homosexual still exists. There is some evidence of his involvement in homosexual parties, but at first the Gestapo destroyed all traces. Whether Hitler was a fagot or not, we will never know. But the psychologist Carl Jung, having analyzed his handwriting, said that Hitler would have been more comfortable on stiletto heels than in boots. And the military journalist William Shearer immediately noticed his female gait with small steps.

Although we all know the tough Nazi policy towards homosexuality.

3. Hitler loved sweets.

Few people knew about this. Hitler followed a vegetarian diet and tried not to drink alcohol, but when it came to chocolate, he simply could not control himself.

Between 1909 and 1913, he was a beggar and did not disdain such work as a loader or a laborer. During this time, he ate only bread, milk and butter, and spent the rest of the money on sweets and sweets.

And this love remained with him over time. One day at a socialite dinner, his aforementioned friend and one of his pianists noticed a glass of expensive red wine, half filled with sugar.

4. Hitler hated dentists.

Everyone has their own phobias, some have beetles, some have darkness, and Hitler has dentists. Once there was a case when Hitler did not dare to have a dental operation for 8 days.

In total, 10 fillings were placed on Hitler because of his phobia or because of his addiction to sweets. As a result, he had terrible breath and many different diseases of the oral cavity.

5. Hitler loved to sleep.

Many of his entourage note the fact that Hitler likes to sleep a little longer. The rare time he got up before 11 am. But few people knew that he fell asleep only at 4 in the morning. He had red eyes and early symptoms of Parkinson's disease.

6. Hitler's first love was a Jew.

Everyone went through love as a child. Even one of the worst people has gone through it. At the age of 16, Hitler fell in love with the Jewess Stephanie Isak.

Like many in his years, he never spoke to her about his feelings. He preferred pencil over the word. According to his close friend August Kubizek, he intended to kidnap Stephanie and kill himself and her by jumping into the river. In an interview, Isak said she had no idea about Hitler's feelings.

7. Hitler was a drug addict.

There is a stereotype that rock stars indulge in cocaine, but forget about them. Here is whose addiction deserves special attention. The dictator's doctor, Theodore Morel, prescribed an inhalation of cocaine and similar eye drops to his patient. This should have helped with sore throat and sinus pain. But there were side effects. Paranoia, fits of rage, bad decisions ...

8. Hitler suffered from flatulence.

Hitler trusted his doctor Morel very much. Although the latter earned a negative reputation due to its negligence and because of the revolutionary methods of treatment for its time.

Despite this, Hitler entrusted his digestive problems and the dock still managed to figure it out. He prescribed an amphetamine complex, lubricant gel, and chamomile enemas. But again the side effects: gas. Morel prescribed "anti-gas" pills consisting of belladonna and strychnine. But these toxic substances did little to help.

9. Hitler was injected with bovine testicular extracts.

It’s hard to believe when he had time to do things, if he was treated and slept all the time. And perhaps the most terrifying treatment the Fuehrer has been prescribed is bovine testicular injections. He had a girlfriend 23 years younger than him, and to satisfy her in bed, Morel prescribed this "medicine" to increase male libido.

10. Hitler loved Disney cartoons.

It's hard to imagine this formidable mustachioed man with a bowl of popcorn watching silly cartoons about a talking mouse. But one of his close friends confirmed this. He often whistled a melody from the cartoon "Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?" This cartoon and melody was of great importance to Adolf. Because his name from the old German Adawulf is translated as "noble wolf". During his rise to power, he was called a wolf. And later, the word wolf or part of his name often formed part of the name of an operation or headquarters.

In 2008, a museum in Norway exhibited Disney characters drawn by Hitler himself. They were two dwarfs from the fairy tale "Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs". Blashful and Doc. This cartoon became Hitler's favorite.

There is no character in world history whose activities in terms of the number of victims can be compared with the 12 years of the rule of Germany by Adolf Hitler (1889 - 1945). The creator of a misanthropic racial theory could go down in history as a marginalized politician who attracted some of the German voters with his ideas. But it was in the Germany of the 1930s - tormented by reparations, impoverished, and politically humiliated - that Hitler's ideas fell into fertile soil. With the support of transnational capital, Hitler, becoming Reich Chancellor, absolutized his power with the full support and adoration of the German people. And when Germany began to seize one European country after another with minimal efforts, it turned out that Hitler's views and policies were close to almost all of Europe. Only the peoples of the USSR were able to stop fascism, and even then at the cost of catastrophic sacrifices.

The most striking thing about Hitler is not the number of victims of his rule. It is surprising that this man was neither a maniac nor a sadist. The facts below show that the Fuhrer was, in general, an ordinary person. Not without oddities and weaknesses, of course, but he personally did not torture or kill anyone. He sacrificed millions of people to his plans to conquer world domination, and he did it on an everyday and routine basis, often just throwing verbal orders to the adjutants. And then he could call Speer and draw projects of huge beautiful palaces ...

1. In his youth, Hitler read a lot. Friends could not imagine him without books. They filled Hitler's room, he constantly carried several books with him. However, even then the friends of the future Fuhrer noted that he did not read to obtain new information or to get acquainted with new ideas. Hitler sought to find confirmation of his own thoughts in books.

2. Adolf Hitler never bore the name Schicklgruber. Until 1876, this was the name of his father, which he later changed to Hitler.

3. Contrary to popular belief, Hitler's artwork was by no means a mediocre daub. Of course, he did not shine with outstanding talent, but in 1909 - 1910 in Vienna, his paintings allowed him not to starve. Well, for the supporters of the version about the mediocrity of the future Fuhrer, it should be mentioned that a significant number of his canvases were purchased by frame dealers - an empty frame in a showcase looks worse than if some kind of drawing is inserted into it. A few years ago, accidentally found paintings signed by Hitler sold well at the Jefferys auction. The most expensive was sold for 176 thousand pounds. But this, of course, does not say anything about the talent of the author - the signature is much more important in this case.

One of the paintings by Hitler

4. During a visit to Italy in 1938, the head of the protocol service advised Hitler to wear civilian clothes in the theater instead of a uniform. At the exit from the theater, Mussolini and Hitler were awaited by a guard of honor. Passing the formation, Hitler looked very pale next to the large Mussolini, dressed in a uniform with all the regalia and awards. The next day, Hitler had a new chief of protocol.

Hitler and Mussolini

5. The great Fuhrer of the German nation from a young age did not drink anything stronger than beer. Having received a certificate of completion of the next class of a real school (for us the name "report card" is more familiar to us), Adolf noted this success so well that he used the certificate as toilet paper with a fair amount of drunkenness. The Germans, accustomed to order, delivered the unsightly scraps of the document to the school, and Hitler was given a duplicate. The impression of scandal and shame was so strong that for the rest of his life strong alcohol was excluded from his diet. At the same time, he did not at all try to somehow influence others, and a wide range of alcohol was always served at his table for guests.

6. Hitler's attitude towards lovers of crayfish was different. He also did not eat crayfish himself (Hitler was generally a vegetarian), but allowed them to be served at the table. At the same time, he liked to tell old village legends about how, in order to catch crayfish, the corpses of dead old people were lowered into the river for a couple of days, because crayfish are very good at catching carrion.

7. Hitler was very addicted to drugs. This dependence cannot be called a drug addiction, however, during the Second World War, he took up to 30 different types of drugs. Considering that his health left much to be desired since the First World War, and the course of affairs in the Third Reich after 1942 would have knocked him off his feet and healthy, it is clear that without external recharge the body of the Fuhrer could no longer work. And he was only a little over 50.

8. According to the testimony of Hitler's translator, the Fuhrer did not like very much when representatives of foreign powers put before him many questions that concretize his lengthy general political passages. In 1936, after a series of such questions, he broke off negotiations with the British Minister A. Eden, and three years later did not speak with the Spanish dictator Franco. From the Soviet representative VM Molotov, Hitler not only listened to all the questions. The Fuhrer immediately tried to answer those of them for which he was ready.

Hitler and Molotov

9. Hitler almost never wrote himself or dictated orders and orders. He orally, in a general form, communicated his decisions to the adjutants, and already they had to give them a proper written form. Incorrect interpretations of the orders by the adjutants could have serious consequences.

10. Rehearsing each speech in front of the mirror, practicing gestures, unwillingness to wear glasses in front of the public (special typewriters with only large letters were assembled for Hitler) - the Fuhrer knew a lot about political technologies - a leader cannot be weak in anything. Hence the stories about dozens of glasses allegedly broken in a rage - Hitler mechanically took them out, but realizing that there were too many people around, he hid them behind his back. There glasses and broke at the moment of psychological stress.

11. Nevertheless, a certain psychiatric pathology was present in Hitler's behavior. Over time, he stopped tolerating any criticism. Moreover, he perceived any critical statement about himself as an attempt on his health or life. Foam at the mouth, attempts to chew on carpets and broken dishes in the Reich Chancellery were the result of this intolerance.

12. Hitler's attitude towards Jews is also typical of a psychopath. Starting with the desire to build dozens of gallows for Jews at Marienplatz, he unfortunately ended up with millions of victims in concentration camps.

13. Hitler did not feel such pathological hatred for the Slavs as he did for the Jews. For him, they were only subhumans, who, through a misunderstanding, populated fertile lands rich in minerals. The number of Slavs had to be gradually reduced to a minimum, using civilized means such as mass sterilization or lack of medical care.

14. Traveling by car, Hitler did not like to be overtaken. When he became Reich Chancellor, drivers who allowed themselves to overtake were punished. In 1937, even the Reichsleiter Hans Frank, who was Hitler's lawyer in dozens of trials, did not escape punishment. Frank in Munich quite briskly cut the car with Hitler, and had a serious conversation with Martin Bormann, who formally headed the NSDAP.

15. "A man in years with a stupid mustache" - that was Eva Braun's first impression of Hitler. This is how the novel began, which ended only with the death of the main characters. Hitler was neither a pervert, nor homosexual, nor impotent. It's just that politics and government took too much of his life.

16. The German attack on France was postponed more than 30 times. Some of the factors that influenced the date of the attack were objective, but mostly the reluctance of the German generals to fight was dominant. Hitler had to literally break their resistance and force them to lead the troops into the attack. After the war, the generals attributed the victories to themselves, and blamed the defeats on Hitler. Although all the successes of the German troops before the attack on the Soviet Union, from the entry of troops into the Rhineland and ending with Poland, were the fruit of the Fuhrer's stubbornness and perseverance.

17. The only truly "fatal decision" of Hitler was the Barbarossa Plan - an attack on the Soviet Union. The generals, behind whom lay the conquered Europe, no longer resisted, and Hitler himself believed in the weakness of the USSR, even with incomplete but significant data on Soviet military power.

18. Figuratively speaking, the poison that Hitler allegedly drank on May 30, 1945 (or, if you prefer, the bullet he shot into his temple), was made at the final stage of the Battle of Stalingrad by the 2nd Guards Army of General Rodion Malinovsky. It was this army that buried the hopes of the Hoth group, which was breaking through the outer perimeter of the Stalingrad cauldron, to reduce the distance separating it from Paulus's troops to 30 kilometers. The entire Great Patriotic War after Stalingrad was Hitler's agony.

19. During the Second World War, with the sanction of Pope Pius "how many divisions does the Vatican have" XII over Hitler, a remote exorcism was performed. It is not hard to guess that the ceremony, not supported by tank attacks, turned out to be useless.

20. Information about Hitler's death is rather contradictory. He either shot himself, or drank poison. Expertise in the whirlwind of the events of May 1945 was not carried out, except that they compared the dental cards of Hitler and Eva Braun with their teeth - everything coincided. For some reason, the bodies were dug up several times and buried in different places. All this gave rise to numerous rumors, versions and assumptions. According to some of them, Hitler survived and went to South America. There is one serious logical objection to such versions: Hitler really considered himself the messiah, the messenger of the gods, called upon to save Germany. When, at the end of April 1945, he ordered the subway flooded with thousands of peaceful Berliners and wounded soldiers, he justified this by the fact that after the defeat and his death, there would be no sense at all in the existence of all these people and Germany. So with great probability it can be argued that the earthly path of the messenger of the gods really ended in a shell funnel, from which the feet of Hitler and Eva Braun protruded.

On April 20, 1889, Adolf Hitler was born into a Catholic family in a small town in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. His father was a customs officer. As a widower, he married a cousin, making their marriage an incestuous union. However, the interesting facts about Hitler do not end there.


During Hitler's early childhood, his family often moved due to the fact that his father was transferred from place to place. At the age of 8, he became a minister in a monastery, sings in a church choir. He admires the self-sacrifice of priests and is inspired by a sense of calling.

He notices an unusual cross on the front of the building. Modified, this cross will turn into a swastika - the emblem of the Nazi party. Hitler will always remember this cross at the monastery as a fateful omen.

Interesting facts about Hitler before he came to power

At the age of 19, after the death of his mother, the closest person, he leaves for Vienna. He still does not think about a career as a politician and so far only dreams of entering an art academy. However, despite all the ambitions, he is not accepted into the academy. Mobilization. Hitler is 25 years old. And this day, August 25, 1914, will radically change the life of an unlucky artist. Earlier, to avoid military service, he left Austria. Now he is in Germany, in Munich, where he was caught up in a seething maelstrom of nationalist sentiments.

Military service

Speaking about this famous person, one cannot fail to mention interesting facts about Hitler in those years when he was just starting his military career. The young man went to fight, and the war changed him. For 4 years corporal Hitler served as a courier. On the night of December 30, 1918, during a gas attack, he suffers from temporary blindness. He is evacuated to and then to Germany.

At this time, an event happens in Hitler's life, which a little later he will call a turning point in his fate. He is in the hospital, and his vision is gradually beginning to return. Hitler goes to the front again and serves in the army with great zeal. He becomes an informant, denouncing his comrades, whom he suspects of having connections with the Reds. Higher-ranking officers draw attention to his anti-revolutionary fervor. They instruct Hitler to organize the political education of the German soldiers returning from captivity.

The path to the heights of power

The German army is reduced to 100 thousand people. Hitler was demobilized against his will. He ends up in Bavaria, where extremist movements flourish, and becomes the main political agitator of the German workers' party. In August 1920, Hitler made his political debut with a lecture entitled "Why We Are Anti-Semites." July 1921 - Hitler activates the radicals of his small far-right extremist group. They proclaim him a leader and buy him a car as an attribute of high position.

Hitler changes the name of the party, combining the words nationalism and socialism. Its goal is to attract as many supporters as possible and show its anti-capitalist attitude. Party members began to be called Nazis. In his small headquarters, Hitler paints the emblem of the party - a red flag as an indicator of the socialist orientation of the movement, a white circle - a symbol of nationalism and a swastika - a symbol of eternal anti-Semitism. From this moment on, the long path of the conqueror begins, and interesting facts about Hitler are revealed.

Hitler and Napoleon

Modern researchers have discovered very interesting facts about Hitler and Napoleon. These two can be considered exemplary dictators and tyrants. Both were not noble and rich from birth, but both achieved absolute power and worship and created powerful states. Both plunged the world into bloody wars, and their personal lives and careers ended in complete collapse.

There is a difference of exactly 129 years between many significant dates in the life of Hitler and Napoleon. In addition, according to most historians, both committed suicide. It turns out that both Napoleon and Hitler are one and the same cosmic being, only it comes constantly in different guises. If this is true, then it is easy to calculate when a new tyrant will be born. According to numerology, 2018 is the year of birth of the next political dictator.

Hitler and Stalin

The 20th century did not know such a funeral yet. Embraced by the torment of the revolution, hunger, Russia came to say goodbye to Lenin. The people were waiting for their new ruler. Joseph Stalin was in the post of general secretary. And it was under his leadership that the country entered the last century. It was based on the monstrous myth of the superiority of one race over all others. This is a war led by two undisputed leaders - Hitler and Stalin. But what made them so? What shaped their personalities, and were they similar to each other? We will consider only the most interesting facts about Hitler and Stalin.

In childhood and adolescence, none of them was a leader and did not stand out among their peers. Both Hitler and Stalin loved their mothers very much. The Fuhrer kept a photograph of his deceased mother with him all his life, and Stalin constantly received parcels from her with Georgian dishes. Both Stalin and Hitler at the age of 20 completely revised their views on life and devoted themselves to politics. Both managed to become the undisputed leaders for their followers and subjugate entire empires. Stalin and Hitler never met, although each of them longed for this meeting.

Hitler and Eva Braun

Eva Braun is the only woman whom Adolf Hitler wished to marry. She loved to act, longed for worship and delight. The lens replaced her with the crowds that should have greeted her enthusiastically. For 14 years she was the mistress of Adolf Hitler, but the Fuehrer so successfully hid her from prying eyes that even in the inner circle, few people understood her true role.

For the whole country, her existence was a secret, and foreign intelligence services considered her to be just one of Hitler's secretaries. And only now, after decades, we learn interesting facts about Hitler and Eva Braun. For 15 years she dreamed of becoming a married lady, Frau Hitler. Her sword will come true. She will become 36 hours before death. These interesting facts about Hitler became known to the whole world thanks to the research of scientists. However, this is just a small part of what history hides from us.

Without a doubt, Adolf Hitler was one of the most controversial figures in history. His views on the future of his country and ideals led humanity to war, which caused a huge number of death and destruction. He is undoubtedly the standard of universal evil. Consider the most interesting facts about Hitler in the Second World War.

Modern historians and researchers of the Third Reich, relying on declassified archives, argue that Adolf Hitler was preparing a way of retreat long before the collapse of fascism. British journalist Gerard Williams has been working on this topic for several years. His book "The Gray Wolf. The Flight of Adolf Hitler" became a sensation. The Fuhrer and his inner circle developed several escape plans, and one of them worked.

Adolf Hitler left the encircled Berlin with the help of his personal aviation - this is the version of modern researchers. But this was not the only escape plan. In May 1945, almost the entire personal submarine fleet of the Fuhrer disappeared from the radar. Up to this point, the submarines were actively cruising between Antarctica and South America. The secret Nazi base in Antarctica was codenamed B-211. Its construction began in 1939. By the end of World War II, there was already a developed infrastructure. Hitler chose two points where he could hide from both the communists and the forces of the allies - Antarctica and South America. The choice of Argentina was not accidental: the Nazis believed that the natives of South America preserved the purity of their race and were friendly to the Aryans.

The mystery of Hitler's disappearance has not yet been revealed. Even the most advanced historians have no clear answer. These undoubtedly interesting facts about Hitler slightly opened the veil of mystery that hides the life of this significant person in history.

Death of a tyrant

How did Hitler die and did he die at all? The answer to this question has not yet been found. The version of suicide did not receive publicity and approval everywhere. So how did Adolf Hitler die? There are many different versions on this score. We will focus on two of the most common. According to one version, he took control of the first floor of the Reichstag and shot himself. Eva Braun took a pill On the same day, their bodies were taken out of the bunker and burned.

According to the second version, on April 30 at 5:30 pm Hitler was seen next to his private plane. He could hide in South America and live there to old age.

Adolf Hitler is considered the most evil, cunning and ruthless person who has ever lived on our land. Everyone knows about the racist ideology and the millions of people killed on his orders. He was often compared to the devil, but still he was an ordinary person and we, in turn, want to show some facts of this controversial figure.

– 1 –

He was in love with a Jewish girl

It sounds crazy, but he fell in love with a Jewish girl at school. Her name was Stephanie Isak, and of course she was unaware of his feelings. At the time, he was very shy and never told her about his love. However, if we assume, he naturally thought about her, fantasized, which could later initiate hatred for the entire Jewish nation.

– 2 –

He had digestive problems

Hitler had serious gastrointestinal problems throughout his life. He often had stomach pains, gas, chronic diarrhea, and discomfort after eating. He was so afraid that someone would find out about this that he tried 29 types of different drugs that did not help him.

– 3 –

He only had one testicle

Many believe that this defect caused him an inferiority complex. Fighting for the German Empire during World War I, he was injured and doctors had to remove one of his testicles to save his life. This happened during the Battle of the Somme in 1916.

– 4 –

He wanted to become a priest

When Hitler was 4 years old, he almost drowned in the lake, falling through the ice. A passing priest saved his life. This incident influenced his mind so much that he decided that he would become a priest. However, instead of serving God, he decided that he wanted to be God himself.

– 5 –

He behaved very freely with women.

Hitler had no problems with women, he owned them regardless of whether they wanted it or not, because no one and nothing could stop him. He also had a relationship with his niece, Geli Raubal. Many people assumed that there was more than a friendly affection between them. At the age of 23, she committed suicide, and this may have been due to his sexual activities that she had to experience.

– 6 –

He didn't know how to drive a car

Oddly enough, he never tried to learn to drive a car. Some people believe it was because he was afraid of embarrassing himself in front of other people.

– 7 –

Hitler was a vegetarian

The great dictator was very fond of animals and was against killing them. He mentioned that he was a vegetarian in his personal diary, and even thought to introduce vegetarianism as an official ideology after the war.

– 8 –

He was against smoking

In his youth, Hitler smoked a lot, and he began to fight smoking when he seized power. He considered cigarettes a waste of money and even launched an anti-smoking campaign by banning smoking on public transport.

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