Home Grape Federal Ministry of Education and Women's Affairs. Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia). Description of the award badge

Federal Ministry of Education and Women's Affairs. Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia). Description of the award badge

On May 18, 2018, a new composition of the Government began its work in Russia. Most of the ministers continued their activities in the posts that they held in the previous government, however, there are certain changes in the composition of the Cabinet of Ministers.

For example, the former Ministry of Education and Science was reformatted, as a result of which two departments were formed at once - the Ministry of Education, which was headed by the former Minister of Education Olga Vasilyeva, as well as the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, to which a new person who had not previously worked in the government came. ... The new Minister of Education of Russia in 2018, who is this person, why exactly he headed the newly formed ministry.

With the start of the new government, it became clear that there would no longer be a single Ministry of Education. Instead, two new structures have been established - the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. This division was approved by President Vladimir Putin at the suggestion of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, thus dividing the responsibilities of the departments. The first will be responsible for schools and secondary education, the second - for the science of innovation and the activities of higher education institutions.

According to Medvedev, the reorganization will make it possible to better concentrate the state's capabilities for the development of both education systems.

According to experts, the idea of ​​uniting all levels of the educational system under the wing of one department of management turned out to be erroneous. The result of these actions was a serious decline in the level of educational attainment in colleges and the general orientation of all students to receive an exclusively higher education. Thus, changes in the management of the education system are long overdue.

At first glance, the separation of a single department responsible for education looks like a return to the experience of the Soviet Union, when there were also several educational departments. However, in reality, the reorganization could be required not at all because of the need to save Russian education and science, but banally in order to equally divide power among all lobbyists.

Practice clearly demonstrates that in Russia all sorts of changes in the Government do not have a fundamental impact on the policy pursued by the state. According to the historian Yevgeny Spitsyn, in the case of the division of the Ministry of Education, there is a struggle between various groups of influence wishing to gain control over certain areas of public administration and cash flows. A serious apparatus struggle is under way, which involves a large number of interests and purely political motives.

Thus, in order to respect the interests of all groups of influence, it was decided that Olga Vasilyeva, against whom a serious campaign had been waged recently, would become the head of the new Ministry of Education, since she was really better at working with the “school” block of secondary education. but the representatives of the liberal bloc of influence were at the mercy of higher education and science. The head of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education was Mikhail Kotyukov, who previously worked as the head of the Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations.

Mikhail Kotyukov, who headed the newly formed Ministry of Science and Higher Education, was born in 1976 in Krasnoyarsk. He received his primary and secondary education in an ordinary general education school # 68. Then he entered the Krasnoyarsk State University, from which he graduated with a degree in Finance and Credit.

It is believed that Valery Zubov, the former dean of the Krasnoyarsk State University, who became the governor of the Krasnoyarsk Region and invited Mikhail to work in the regional administration before graduating from the university, wrote Kotyukov's ticket to bureaucratic life. After graduating from higher education, Mikhail Kotyukov received a promotion, becoming the head of the control and auditing department of the Main Financial Directorate of the Territory Administration.

In 2001, Mikhail Kotyukov changed his civil service to a private business, becoming the head of the financial department at OJSC Krasnoyarskagropromdorstroy. However, a year later he returned to the regional administration under the leadership of the new governor of the region, Alexander Khloponin. Kotyukov was received by the chief specialist of the resource analysis and budgetary policy department of the Main Directorate of Economics and Planning. After another 2 years, Mikhail Mikhailovich sat down in the chair of the Deputy Head of the Main Financial Directorate.

In 2007, after the scandalous poisoning of students at a ball for honors, Kotyukov was included in the list of officials who had left their posts. This version was discussed by the Krasnoyarsk media, however, there was no evidence to confirm the connection between the events. Another event that could be the reason for Kotyukov's departure is the audit of the financial activities of the Krasnoyarsk Territory by the Accounts Chamber. As a result of the investigation, unjustified expenses and debts to employees were found.

In March of the same year, Mikhail Kotyukov briefly worked at the Siberian Federal University, in order to soon return to civil service in the regional administration.

In 2010, Kotyukov, a loyal member of Alexander Khloponin's team, moved with his boss to the capital, becoming the head of the department of budgetary policy in the social sphere and science of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

In 2012, Kotyukov became Deputy Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation, overseeing the financing of the social sector, including science, according to the Ros-Register portal. since 2013, Mikhail Kotyukov has become the head of the newly formed Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations (FANO).

In this position, Kotyukov was engaged in the development of principles for assessing the effectiveness of scientific institutions in Russia, as well as inventory of property, the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Such interference in the affairs of the academy provoked a huge stream of negative criticism against Kotyukov. He was accused by the academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences of excessive bureaucracy and interference in scientific affairs.

In addition to his activities as head of the FANO, Kotyukov was also involved in reforming the pension system and the work of the Olympstroy corporation, which was building facilities for the Sochi Olympics.

Thus, by the age of 41, Mikhail Kotyukov has a very extensive work list, which is replete with departures and returns of the new Minister of Education of Russia in 2018 to public service. Good or bad, only time will tell. As the experience of the previous government shows, Kotyukov has every chance of staying in the civil service for another 6 years.

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The Ministry of Education and Science of Russia is now divided into two departments - the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. The profiok.com portal talks about why this was done and what tasks the new departments face.

Historical continuity In 1802, Emperor Alexander I issued a manifesto on the creation in Russia of the Ministry of Education in order to "educate young people and disseminate the sciences." In other words, this phrase was first heard in our country more than two hundred years ago. During this period, of course, reforms were carried out: education was then combined with culture or science, then again they separated these spheres.

After the collapse of the USSR, education was again united with the scientific sphere. The Ministry of Education and Science dealt with both kindergartens and universities, and the regulation of scientific activities. No matter how you build a management policy, it is difficult to form a single strategy that simultaneously leads to two different goals. And the goals are really different: for example, higher education and science are hunting for talent, and schools and kindergartens should strive to give equal opportunities to everyone.

A striking example is the attack on the Unified State Exam, undertaken by representatives of the Russian Academy of Sciences at the end of April. From the point of view of officials, the Unified State Exam is a social lift, an opportunity for a person from the hinterland to get to a capital university. Academics, on the contrary, believe that the Unified State Exam kills creativity: it is no coincidence, they say, that the winners of the Olympiads do not always pass a single exam well. Olga Vasilyeva also noticed the fact that Olympiad geniuses are not doing well with the exam. True, she drew a different conclusion: apparently, there is something unclean with these Olympiads, since their winners are not able to answer elementary questions on specialized subjects.

And so in everything. According to Olga Vasilyeva, the task of the school is to educate a person and provide him with high-quality basic knowledge, regardless of which school he is studying at. Everything else - extended textbooks, additional classes, circles and sections - perhaps, but not instead of, but a plus to the basic program. I mastered the main thing - expand your knowledge.

In a word, a separate department has now been created for each of the global tasks. "This will allow us to better concentrate our opportunities for the development of one education system and another education system," Dmitry Medvedev explained to the President the meaning of the reform in a peculiar but intelligible way. The Ministry of Education will deal with general and secondary vocational education, additional education and vocational training for workers of all ages. The Ministry of Science and Higher Education went to universities, science cities, research centers, innovations and so on.

Rosmolodezh and Rosobrnadzor are now directly subordinate to the government. Recall that the supervising deputy prime minister in this area is Tatyana Golikova, who previously headed the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation.

Universities and Science The endless history of the reform of the Russian Academy of Sciences has shown that the system of science management in our country is still tight. Taking into account the tasks set by the president, that is, the need for a technological and scientific breakthrough, this could no longer continue. A separate department was to appear in the country, which would coordinate the development of university and academic science.

The new Ministry of Science and Higher Education was created on the basis of the liquidated Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations (FANO). The post of minister was given to the head of FANO, Mikhail Kotyukov. When FANO was created, the idea was to separate property management and scientific work itself. During the reform of the Russian Academy of Sciences, these areas diverged so far that the development of science stalled. Now, as we can see, a new attempt is being made to build a system for managing science. It is noteworthy that within the framework of one department there was a bunch of science and higher education. This means that the state is placing a serious stake on the development of university and youth science - for example, postgraduate studies.

The May decree states that by 2024 our country should become one of the five leading countries in the world carrying out scientific research in areas determined by the priorities of scientific and technological development. In addition, it is necessary to increase funding for science "from all sources" (that is, not only from the budget), as well as make work in Russia attractive for domestic and foreign researchers and scientists. For this, mega-science projects will be developed, scientific and educational centers will be created, the material and technical base of scientific organizations will be updated. Finally, an integral system of training and professional growth of scientific personnel should be formed.

The head of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Alexander Sergeev, expressed satisfaction with the fact that the May decree included many ideas of the academy representatives. After the adoption of amendments to the law on the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Academy of Sciences received the authority to coordinate all fundamental science in the country, regardless of where the research is being conducted. I would like to believe that the reform of the science management system will significantly increase the efficiency of scientific research, and this efficiency will be measured in more tangible indicators than citation indices in scientific journals, which everyone has long learned to wind up.


I must say, judging by Olga Vasilyeva's public speeches, the topic of managing scientific development has always been somewhat further from her than teaching and upbringing of schoolchildren. When the minister switches in conversation from mega-science projects to teaching music, playing chess, or simply saying the word "kids", her timbre changes noticeably. It is probably correct that a person working as a minister will henceforth be completely immersed in tasks, the range of which is determined not only by official duty, but also by emotional attachment.

According to the May decree of 05/07/2018, in six years Russia should become one of the ten leading countries in the world in terms of the quality of general education. It is assumed that for this, new technologies and teaching methods will be introduced at all levels, and the quality and accessibility of education will be ensured.

At the same time, attention will be paid to both kindergarten students and working citizens who want to update their professional skills and competencies, including, for example, "digital" knowledge and skills.

The ministry will create conditions for the early development of children up to three years of age, identify and develop the abilities of children and youth (all, not just gifted children in elite schools - approx. Profiok.com), will be engaged in career guidance, volunteering and mentoring. A separate task is to ensure the professional development of teaching staff: by 2024, at least every second teacher should be involved in the professional growth system. The department is also faced with the task of modernizing the sphere of vocational education and deploying a system of professional skills competitions, which will open up opportunities for career growth for citizens. In addition, the tasks in the field of education include "the upbringing of a harmoniously developed and socially responsible person on the basis of the spiritual and moral values ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation, historical and national-cultural traditions."

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev instructed all departments by June 29, 2018 to develop the dynamics of target indicators in the areas related to them, touched upon in the May decree, to clarify the lists of tasks, to define "milestones" (checkpoints) and those responsible. Drafts of national programs will appear later - in mid-August, action plans for their implementation - by the end of September.

Therefore, of course, there is no specifics yet. But it seems that the 5-100 project, about the effectiveness of which the opinions of Olga Vasilyeva and Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets were so radically different, clearly does not appear anywhere. Most likely, this is for the best: we do not need positions in the ratings, but a decent level of education throughout the country. On May 24, Olga Vasilyeva came to her home school for the Last Call. "Our main goal is education in Russia, which will affect different levels of education, including adult education," she formulated in a conversation with teachers the main tasks of the Ministry of Education, adding that in the strategic tasks set by the President, much attention is paid to education ...

So, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education will train personnel for a technological breakthrough, and will also create conditions for this very breakthrough, increasing the efficiency of scientific research. The main task of the Ministry of Education is to shape the nation, creating equal conditions for all, living out the "values" of the 1990s, teaching children to work, respect each other, love their country and their culture. These are fundamentally different goals, and hardly anyone will undertake to determine which of them is more important.

Interdepartmental interaction

Disconnecting the "Siamese twins" is a complex and responsible operation. The reorganization of the Ministry of Education and Science will last until the end of the financial year, and from January 2019, each of the new ministries will take on its own independent life. But dividing spheres of influence and responsibility is not easy. To which department, for example, will the pedagogical institutes belong? It would probably be logical to give them to the Ministry of Education, since it deals with teachers, but then they may eventually "drop out" from the Russian system of higher education.

There are also questions for the exam. Until now, through the efforts of the previous leaders of the Ministry of Education and Science, studies at school were perceived exclusively as preparation for entering a university. Now the situation is changing, and getting a working profession, like studying at a college or technical school instead of an institute, no longer looks like a career collapse at its very start. Maybe it's time to reconsider the approach to the exam and not force those who are not going to continue their studies at the university to take it?

On the other hand, career guidance now begins, as a rule, from school years, if not from kindergarten. Many schools have specialized classes, training in which guarantees admission to a specific university. In a word, the new departments have many points of contact, and the effectiveness of their work will depend, among other things, on how quickly they can achieve a common vision and understanding of each other's goals and objectives.

Introducing the new ministers Olga Vasilyeva and Mikhail Kotyukov to the teams of the Ministry of Education and Science and the Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations, Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova emphasized that it is important to work on strategic tasks harmoniously and jointly, and initiatives "in sensitive areas" should be discussed with the public and experts. In response, both ministers assured that they are committed to constructive cooperation.

“I believe that the formation of teams, a friendly environment in our socio-economic bloc is important, because if like-minded people work, everything works out,” Golikova concluded.

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  • Recall that the Ministry was established on May 15, 2018 in accordance with the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 682. Mikhail Mikhailovich Kotyukov was appointed Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.

    The authority of the department includes the functions of developing and implementing state policy and legal regulation in the areas of:

    • higher education and related additional professional education;
    • scientific, scientific, technical and innovation activities, nanotechnology; development of federal centers of science and high technologies, state scientific centers and science cities;
    • social support and social protection of students, youth policy, etc.
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  • With the collapse of the Soviet Union, in November 1991, the current Ministry of Education of the RSFSR was transformed. On its basis, by combining several more republican committees, the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR was created. And at the end of December, the name of the state changed. And the ministry was renamed the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

    All the names of the ministers of education of Russia

    The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation is a body of state power, the direction of which is the implementation of state policy on normative and legal regulation in the field of science, public education, youth policy, guardianship and guardianship, social protection and support for pupils of educational institutions.

    For twenty-six years of the existence of the new Russia, 8 people have held the post of the Minister of Education of Russia.

    Period of work in the position

    E. D. Dneprov

    From 07.1990 to 12.1992

    E. V. Tkachenko

    From 12.1992 to 08.1996

    V. G. Kinelev

    From 08.1996 to 02.1998

    A. N. Tikhonov

    From 02.1998 to 09.1998

    V. M. Filippov

    From 09.1998 to 03.2004

    A. A. Fursenko

    From 03.2004 to 05.2012

    D. V. Livanov

    From 05.2012 to 08.2016

    O. Yu. Vasilieva

    From August 2016 to the present.

    All the ministers of education of Russia, each in his own time, made a great contribution to the preservation and development of the education system of the country's population.

    First elected Minister of Education of the Russian Federation

    Eduard Dmitrievich Dneprov - academician, doctor ped. Sciences, Candidate of Historical Sciences. He is rightfully considered a reformer of Russian education during the formation of the newly formed state.

    The burden of reorganizing the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR into the Ministry of Education of Russia fell on his shoulders. Since December 1992 Yeltsin was B. N. Dneprov E. D. - the author of many works on the history of Russian pedagogy and school.

    Second Minister

    After Eduard Dneprov, the ministry was headed by E.V. Tkachenko, who had previously worked as the rector of the Sverdlovsk IIPI, professor, doctor of chemical sciences. After becoming a minister, he announced a moratorium on the privatization of all property in all structures of the ministry. He was a supporter of the humanization and democratization of education.

    Ministry of General and Vocational Education

    In August 1996, the State Committee for Higher Education of the Russian Federation was abolished. Its functions were transferred to the Ministry of Education, at the same time changing the name of the ministry. From 14 August it became the Ministry of General and Vocational Education. V.G. Kinelev was appointed minister.

    From February to the end of September 1998, the post of minister was held by the former First Deputy Minister of Education of Russia A. - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Academician. He is known for his work on materials science in the space and radiation fields. Since October 1998, he moved to work on methodological and scientific support for the informatization of schools and colleges in the country, methodology for the use of information technologies in the educational and scientific sphere.

    Filippov V.M.

    In September 1998, M. was appointed minister. Before that, he was the rector of the famous RUDN University. He joined the government together with E.M. Primakov.

    Together with Deputy Prime Minister Matvienko V.I., he began work to stabilize the situation in the field of education and upbringing, paying special attention to reducing the wage arrears of school teachers and kindergarten teachers.

    The Ministry of General and Vocational Education in May 1999 was renamed into the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. In the same year, the state program for the development and improvement of the system for the period up to 2004 was approved. On the initiative of Filippov, an active renewal of the system and principles of education has begun. At the beginning of 2000, Filippov held a Congress of Teachers and Educators of Russia in Moscow, which the previous ministers did not hold.

    Vladimir Mikhailovich carried out an almost complete modernization of the education system. Provided schools with buses, carried out informatization in educational institutions, developed and introduced new standards of general education. The gradual introduction of the Unified State Examination began. A system of recruiting students to universities in the country began to work on the basis of university, regional and all-Russian Olympiads. The rules for the targeted quotas for the direction of young people to study in certain higher educational institutions and much more have been approved.

    Ministry of Education and Science of Russia

    In 2004, Prime Minister M. Fradkov transferred A. Fursenko from the Ministry of Industry to the Ministry of Education and Science.

    The Minister of Education and Science of Russia (now the so-called Ministry) began his activities with the continuation of the reforms initiated by Filippov. Under him, the Unified State Examination was finally put into effect in all eleventh grades. Higher education has become two-tier: bachelor's and master's degrees. In 2012, when V. Putin again became President, Fursenko went to work in his apparatus.

    The rector of MISiS was appointed to the vacant position. He was a supporter of reducing the number of universities. He proposed to deprive all ineffective higher education institutions of budget financing licenses.

    Minister today

    Who is the Minister of Education of Russia now? Since August 2016, this position has been held by Olga Vasilyeva, Doctor of Historical Sciences. During the year of work in the entrusted position, she proved herself, like all previous ministers of education of Russia, an official who cares for the prosperity of national science and education.

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    September 20, 2019, Migration policy The government submitted to the State Duma bills on improving the procedure for conducting a comprehensive exam in the Russian language for foreign citizens Orders dated September 18, 2019 No. 2084-r, No. 2085-r. The adoption of bills will allow to ensure uniform approaches to the procedure for conducting a comprehensive exam on the territory of Russia and abroad, improve the quality of its conduct, more effectively monitor and supervise the activities of educational organizations during the exam, and eliminate the risks of possible falsification of certificates.

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    September 7, 2019 Awarded awards of the Government of Russia in the field of education for 2019 Order of August 31, 2019 No. 1944-r. 10 applicants became laureates of awards in 2019. The prizes were awarded for the development of a digital educational complex in theoretical and engineering mechanics, textbooks and scientific-practical manuals on geotechnics, as well as for educational and scientific publications in the field of modern information-measuring and control radio-electronic systems.

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    23 August 2019, State policy in the field of research and development Indicators of the implementation of the Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development have been established, the dynamics of which is subject to monitoring Order of August 15, 2019 No. 1824-r. 11 indicators have been identified that reflect the progress of the Strategy implementation in the following areas: the impact of science and technology on the socio-economic development of Russia, including due to the transition to a model of great challenges; the state and effectiveness of the field of science, technology and innovation; the quality of state regulation and service provision of scientific, scientific, technical and innovation activities.

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