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Figure skating set. Figure Skating School “Academy of Sports. Figure skating school "New League"

If 5-10 years ago a good scenario with games and contests was enough to organize a good children's party, then modern 10-year-olds cannot be surprised even with a thematic birthday or a professional entertainment program with animators invited to the holiday. The entertainment industry is developing at a cosmic speed.

In addition, children by the age of 10 have time to visit many friends' birthdays - 26 will not delight boys and girls. So you have to try to surprise the children's company, find an original idea. Therefore, we will look for interesting options where to celebrate the birthday of a child of 10 years.

Some mothers are firmly convinced that it is difficult to find a better animator and organizer than themselves. Well, there is some truth in this position. Who, like a mother, knows better the inclinations and hobbies, tastes and character of the child. But the biggest problem with home birthdays is the overwhelming themes and scripts. Children on such holidays are simply bored.

Families who cannot afford to pay for expensive entertainment, the services of animators, and visits to interesting places also choose the option of a home anniversary. Do not lose weight that the entertainment industry has simply not yet reached small towns and villages, remote areas. This does not mean that children at the age of 10 will be left here without an interesting birthday. We will show you how to make your home holiday interesting and unforgettable.

Thematic birthday for a child for 10 years

If you nevertheless decide where to celebrate your 10th birthday, be creative in choosing a topic. Immediately discard the standard scenarios, last year's programs and the same type of contests. At this age, the interests of children are much broader - they are fond of science fiction, trying to find themselves in the world around them, to reveal the secrets of nature. It is on these features of age that it is worth building a thematic program. We offer several topics suitable for this age.

The idea is good for a birthday party, where children gather with a big age difference - up to 10 years. Lots of balls, fun, ridiculous funny costumes.

We also select circus contests for such a program: walking on a tightrope, juggling, tricks, execution of commands by "trained animals".

There will be no problems with outfits - caps and noses, funny ears and cool glasses, masks, pipes, wigs, face painting - everything will come in handy.

Pirate or sea party

One of the favorite children's topics. Who among the boys did not dream of finding a mysterious treasure. Stock up on vests, skull bandanas, toy knives and pistols.

And, of course, you can't do without a treasure chest. We will distribute black marks, sink ships, arrange naval battles, fish and collect treasures.

Favorite fairy tales, cartoons

You can arrange a fabulous mix or a holiday dedicated to a certain fairy tale, your favorite cartoon. There are many options, starting with Pinocchio and the Snow Queen, ending with Shrek, Fixies and Masha and the Bear.

Transform guests into cowboys or Indians, Romans or Egyptians, primitive people or associates of Robin Hood, Papuans or Vikings. We select the appropriate props.

A fabulous birthday of a girl of 10 years old, where little beauties gather to celebrate the holiday, can be arranged in the beautiful style of princesses.

Girls will learn ballroom dancing, good manners, sleep on a pea, try on a crystal shoe.

Space and aliens

Space robots, humanoids, flying saucers, space food, stars and flying ships - and many more attributes associated with aliens.

You can dedicate your birthday to a certain or several professions.

Firefighters or doctors, vendors or cooks, policemen or astronauts will compete in the contests.

Not a bad idea for a birthday party, where few children gather - up to 5-6 people, and there is no place for outdoor games.

You can independently arrange a master class on a culinary theme, collecting bouquets of their candies, painting stones, modeling from polymer clay.

A mysterious castle, an island, a forest, etc., a night in a museum - these are insanely interesting ideas for a children's party. Where to spend such a birthday for a child of 10 years old? At home, outdoors, in the courtyard of a private or country house, in a nearby park.

Necessarily need a general plot around which a detective, fantastic or historical story will unfold.

Children have their own roles and tasks. In the course of the game, they not only solve complex puzzles, but also find new evidence, "artifacts".

It is better to involve professionals in organizing the quest, but if you wish and have a creative approach, you can arrange such a holiday on your own.

Ready-made sets for the holidays

If the place where to spend a 10-year-old child's birthday is limited or there is no time for preparation, you can buy a ready-made set for organizing the holiday.

It usually includes detailed instructions for the host organizer, tasks and contests for children, and props.

All that remains is to print the box and follow the instructions clearly.

For the birthday of 10 years, boxes on the theme "Rally of Spies", "Pirate Quest", "Journey to the Enchanted Forest" are suitable.

Hiking in nature is a real adventure. Therefore, this option will always be a win-win.

Not only are there endless opportunities for organizing outdoor games, quests, competitions, quizzes, but also the problem of how to feed the children is being solved.

Outdoors, they go with a bang, and vegetables baked on a fire. And if you organize the preparation of kulesh or pilaf, fish soup in a cauldron, there will be no limit to the delight of children.

The main difficulty in organizing a children's birthday party in nature, especially in the forest, is ensuring safety.

One adult should not take responsibility for 15–20 children at once. Be sure to invite several invited parents to the holiday or resort to the help of relatives.

Birthday with animators

To invite an animator to a child's birthday is not to shift the organization of the holiday onto the shoulders of professionals, but the opportunity to arrange a real theatrical show.

Moreover, there are several places where to celebrate the birthday of a child of 10 years with an animator.

Home holiday

You can choose not just the presenters, but also the birthday theme. Moreover, the choice of themes is usually much wider than traditional princesses and pirates.

The same applies to the actors - you can invite one presenter or a group of animators. Definitely, the holiday is much more fun if the apartment or house has enough space for competitions.

But there are show options for small rooms, where, in addition to a comic program, children will be offered board games, creative master classes.

An interesting option for a holiday with animators is an exit quest.

On such a birthday, events unfold around a festive feast.

Animators simply entertain children by inviting them to participate in games, dances, competitions. The holiday is interesting if the cafe has a games room.

But a significant disadvantage of such a birthday is the presence of strangers in the cafe. Often, other people's children join the company of guests of the birthday person, who also count on prizes.

By the way, you can organize a culinary master class right in the cafe at the birthday party.

There are many advantages of organizing a birthday in the kids club, starting with a large room and festive decoration, the presence of sound and light equipment, play areas, ending with the presence of spectators and cleaning after the holiday.

These clubs have full-time animators. So you have to choose not an animator, but the club itself, where the girl is 10 years old to celebrate her birthday.

A significant disadvantage of most of these establishments is the lack of their own cafe. So you can only treat the children with sandwiches, sweets and drinks brought from home.

For sports

If you are going to arrange a 10-year-old birthday for an active boy, where to celebrate the holiday, there should be no problems, especially in a large city or metropolis.

There are many places for outdoor activities and sporting events. Although it cannot be said unequivocally that these are boyish options. 10-year-old girls also take part in sports games with pleasure.

Keep in mind that children are not allowed into special clubs without adults. There must be accompanying persons.

A team game on the ice where children launch rock targets trying to take advantageous positions and push the enemy targets out. The game has interesting but simple rules. To participate, you need 2 teams, each of 4 people.

If you are going to a company of different ages, bowling is an excellent option for entertainment. Moreover, this can be children of different ages, and mixed groups of children and adults.

It's so interesting and scary. After all, there is a real shelling, however, with paint, and not with real bullets. For the children's war in the clubs they offer separate programs.

Both the birthday person and the guests will have a lot of impressions from such a birthday. Girls also enjoy playing paintball with their peers.

Another version of the game of war. Only in this case, the shooting is carried out with a laser.

Opponents are protected by special vests, and the number of hits is recorded by a special program.

At the end of the game, the winner is determined. Some clubs offer substantial discounts for group play.

Almost in all sports clubs there is an opportunity to arrange a small festive table after the entertainment in order to “celebrate” the name day.

An active holiday is a dream for parents. Children are so addicted to the proposed games that they simply do not have the strength to indulge in pampering.

Moreover, in many such places, animators or organizers are engaged in children.

This is a version of a real sports event. The wellness program is usually conducted by an animator in a tracksuit; children are invited to participate in various sports quizzes or "Olympic" competitions.

Some establishments offer to spend part of the party in the children's pool.

Important! Fitness clubs offer the behavior of children's sports events only on condition that one of the parents is a regular visitor or has a long membership.

A birthday at the water park is incredibly interesting. After all, children are madly in love with water attractions.

Please note that the animation program is paid separately and usually does not last longer than half an hour. Therefore, you will have to deal with the children yourself.

And after the birthday, everyone will need to dry their hair, control the process of changing clothes.

So either initially invite 4–5 people to a birthday party at the water park, or warn that girlfriends come to the holiday with their mothers.

There are obstacle courses in large parks. It's easy to host a birthday competition here. The party on the rope ladders is fun and reckless.

Some parks have their own rope programs with animators in themed costumes.

The idea is good for a family birthday. If mom, dad and 2 children decide to spend the holiday, there is no better option.

But if a big company is going to, in the entertainment center, the children simply scatter each one of the attractions or games they are interested in.

As a result, the birthday person is left without attention. The same applies to the amusement park. The idea is interesting, but not for a lot of children.

The interests of children 10 years old are not only related to games, entertainment and runners. They are happy to learn something new, absorb information.

Therefore, various creative and scientific shows, master classes are an excellent option where you can spend your 10th birthday.

An interactive show with scientific experiments is a colorful and exciting sight. And both children and adults like it.

Here you can find out the unexpected properties of various substances and objects, get acquainted with the essence of physical and chemical reactions.

Such interesting interactive adventures are organized not only by various museums, but also by art galleries, aquariums, theaters, manor-museums, planetariums.

Here children can literally "touch" science with their own hands. Boring excursions are the last century.

Now children are offered new formats with the participation of guests and actors. Here they can make experiments, search for exhibits, make discoveries, solve mysterious riddles.

A new format for celebrating a birthday, which already has rave reviews from parents. Moreover, you can organize a master class for children at home, in a cafe or in a specially equipped room, depending on the type of lesson.

Children here can learn how to make chocolates, bake gingerbread, make real pizza and sugar mastic. This is just a part of the cooking lessons.

They also offer master classes on painting ceramics, toys, glass, stones, soap making and making candles, jewelry, sand paintings. Children like lessons in decorating, painting T-shirts, pottery, etc.

You can choose a master class for a limited number of guests or for a large company.

Video: TOP 10 places for a children's birthday

Check out our round-up of the 10 Best Places to Organize Your Baby's Birthday Party:

A child's birthday is the most important holiday for the whole family. Both the little birthday boy and his parents are looking forward to the first anniversary. 10 years is a conscious age, the first ten. The child already has his own preferences, best friends with whom he wants to spend this important day. Where to celebrate a child's birthday?

Unusual birthday

There are a lot of ways how to celebrate the birthday of a child at 10 years old. The choice will depend on what the hero of the occasion is fond of. If the parents of the birthday are creative individuals and know how to organize holidays themselves, come up with contests and quizzes, you can take the preparation of the event into your own hands. In summer, you can organize a trip to nature with a picnic and fun starts, but what to do if it rains and snows. Where to celebrate a child's birthday in Moscow?

10 years is the most mischievous age for both boys and girls. How to celebrate the celebration so that it remains in their memory for a long time? Young birthday people have energy, they are able to perform any feats. Many rave about computer games, aliens from outer space, superheroes. Laser Land will offer a great option where to celebrate the birthday of a child at 10 years old. This is the largest laser tag arena in Moscow. The child can invite the whole class to his holiday. There is everything for an active and exciting holiday. Children's Birthday at Laser Land is an amazing program for any age, which consists of: laser battles, bowling, entertainment from the best animators, a sea of ​​attractions and slot machines.

For space lovers, an original Star Wars themed program has been prepared. Children will be able to take part in exciting battles with space aliens.

Space Museum

Both boys and girls will appreciate the stellar celebrations at the Memorial Cosmonautics Museum. Here, a real trip into space on a comic ship is organized for young guests. An exciting excursion is organized for the birthday boy and his guests, after which the children will be able to visit the inside of a real spaceship. The museum staff will organize an exciting quiz, and after the young space explorers will be invited to a festive tea party.

Birthday with fairy tales

Which of the children does not like toys. None will be found. The celebration in the Hamley’s toy store will be unforgettable for the hero of the occasion and his friends. Here they will be able to play with cars, collect Lego, sit behind the wheel of a large London bus.

Fans of Smeshariki will like spending time with life-size puppets Nyusha, Krosh, Barash. Such a celebration will help organize the "Smeshariki Friends Club" in "MegaKhimki". The organizers will hold fun events, make face painting, and everything will end with a festive fireworks.

Or maybe the little guests will want to find the magic door that Buratino's golden key opens and unravel the mystery. Nothing is impossible on the most important day. In the Pinocchio-Pinocchio Museum, they will have fun activities Pinocchio, Basilio the Cat, Alisa Lisa.

Birthday with benefit

A birthday can not only be celebrated cheerfully, but also spent with benefit. The celebration can be combined with an educational event. Moscow has great opportunities for organizing such a holiday. For this purpose, the following are suitable:

  • zoos;
  • museums;
  • children's scientific and educational centers.

Darwin Museum

This is one of the largest museums in Moscow. Employees organize programs especially for heroes of the occasion. It will be an interesting and informative pastime for both the birthday man and his guests. The program contains interactive excursions with the organization of tea drinking. As part of excursion programs, you can get acquainted with neighbors on the planet, listen to the most interesting stories about the giants who have disappeared from our land. For small handfuls, programs are offered to choose from, which may consist of:

  • only from the excursion part;
  • excursions combined with exciting quizzes and contests;
  • excursion programs with elements of independent activity.

At the request of the parents, an animation program can be organized. For example, a magic trick master class.

Young birthday people will not be left indifferent by the opportunity to spend a festive evening in the slot machine hall. Yes, not simple ones, but also those played by their mothers and fathers. The Museum of Soviet Arcade Machines does not offer special programs for holding a children's party, but you can rent a hall here. Guests will be able to play without restrictions on any slot machine. During the holiday, an employee of the museum will be with them, who will tell you in detail about the exhibits presented and help you figure out the game.
No birthday is complete without treats. The museum invites its guests to sit on the balcony and have a small tea party.

Museum of Living History

In the Museum of Living History, you can organize a science and entertainment program for children on a historical theme. The birthday boy and his guests will be able to go to the excavations of Ancient Egypt, attend a knightly tournament or feel like pirates looking for treasure. Museum staff organize excursions and master classes for children.
The uniqueness of this museum lies in the fact that most of the exhibits can be touched with your own hands, ancient clothes can be tried on.

Active birthday

Where can you celebrate the birthday of a child 10 years old, when guests cannot sit still. For the most active guests, there are options for organizing outdoor activities. For an active children's birthday party in Moscow, many water parks organize holiday programs. this is a completely safe vacation. An experienced instructor will always be near the children, who monitors their safety. Water parks offer to celebrate the birthday: "Kva-Kva Park", "Caribia", "Fantasy Park".

The boys will be delighted with your idea to celebrate their birthday in a karting center in an unusual way. Here you can organize a time trial with a festive treat. The club "10 dumas", "Silver rain", "Club 21" will help to arrange such a celebration.

How actively can you celebrate your birthday in the summer?

At this time, the most successful option would be a celebration in nature. An excellent option would be to visit Panda Park. These are six rope towns. The staff will help you choose age-appropriate trails with cableways, wobbling bridges and nets.

The country clubs offer horseback riding and picnic in nature. Such services are offered by the equestrian club "Izmailovo", "Belaya Dacha".

Culinary master classes

For young housewives, you can organize a birthday party in a cafe or restaurant, where culinary master classes for children are held. Guests and birthday people will be able not only to have fun, but also to learn useful skills.
In the family cafe "Lilac" children will be taught how to lay the table beautifully, decorate the dishes. But that is not all. The cafe staff will teach young guests to knit, embroider, decorate clothes. In addition, here you can be shown a performance, a concert. In the cafe you can order all the food you need for the holiday.

Eva culinary studio will help you to celebrate birthdays. Here, young guests will be taught how to bake the most delicious pizza, prepare delicious desserts, which they will eat together.

The Jenius club organizes creative events for children. Here for your guests they will organize not only a master class on creating original dishes, but also arrange an exciting program. Among the animators there is a magnificent princess Sofia, funny Fixies, favorites of all children and adults Masha and the Bear. Children will be able to neutralize the evil witch Ursula with the help of the little mermaid Ariel.

For their birthday, the beloved princesses Elsa and Anna Frozen can come to the little birthday girls. They will take young guests to a snowy land with ice castles, blizzards and huge icicles.
The Jenius Club organizes not only cooking master classes. For young researchers there is an opportunity to take part in the crazy laboratory program, where children can feel like real scientists.


The popularity of quests is getting more and more every day. Many children 10 years old will not be surprised by clowns with balls, laser tag, bowling and other fun. And the quest will give new impressions and make you work your head a little.

The quest can be done in the classroom, at home, on the street. For a complete immersion with transformation into fairy-tale characters, it is necessary to invite the leading animators who will conduct the quest game in the designated place.

Quest organizations appeared in Moscow that created rooms with different riddles and secrets. In them, children will be able to solve intellectual problems among colorful decorations, chat with the characters of their favorite cartoons, and have fun celebrating their birthday with friends.


  • Serious games;
  • KiD. Celebration;
  • Quest street.

There are a lot of places in Moscow where you can celebrate your 10th birthday inexpensively and with great fun. Places for the celebration will find everyone to their liking: from active naughty girls to serious children who are keen on science.

It is a good idea to have a children's birthday in a museum if you want the day to be not only memorable, but also informative.

The museum is a separate, lovingly collected from exhibits, wonderful world. Each museum has its own atmosphere, rules for selecting an exposition, topics, audience. Museum staff and tour guides are often very passionate about their topic and have interesting stories to tell.

  • For holding a children's party, it is better to choose a museum that you know and that the child likes. Children feel more comfortable in a familiar place.
  • Specify the exact location of the holiday and access to the museum's exposition for guests. The Darwin Museum is large, it will take time to find a collection point.
  • The presence of a dedicated room for tea is a big plus. It is important that the acquaintance with the museum is not limited to this room.
  • Find out if you need to bring treats for children and parents. Make a precise menu to avoid the frustrations and complaints of hungry and tired children.
  • Museums are more interesting than cafes and restaurants in terms of entourage and stories. But in terms of food, they usually lose a lot. Take the initiative.
  • Be sure to order the services of a photographer if they are not included in the program. Game photos in the interiors of the museum will take their rightful place in family albums.


Address: Street. Butyrskaya, 46/2.
Telephone: 495 120-05-20
Section on the site: http://www.experimentanium.ru/birthday/

Price programs with a quest for a group of up to 15 children with 2 accompanying adults from 12,000 rubles. Additional science shows and master classes can be ordered.
Age: the celebration will be interesting for children from 6 to 14 years old.

The Museum of Entertaining Sciences offers exciting show programs, quests, parties with a banquet in the museum's three-level cafe. The main activity of the museum is the popularization of science and fascinating excursions to the inventions of the past, scientific experiments, spectacular demonstrations of the possibilities of science.

Pros and Features:

  • After the end of the program, you can freely visit the museum exposition.
  • Sign up in advance, the museum has a very busy schedule with an appointment 2 months in advance.
  • The cafe menu includes hot dishes, pizzas from 360 rubles, chicken and vegetable kebabs, complex offers.
  • Tables in the common room can be booked for 1 hour.
  • The museum cafe accepts orders for the production of birthday cakes.
  • You can bring a cake with you, subject to payment of the minimum banquet amount.
  • To celebrate in a separate room, you need to pay for an order of at least 10 people at 800 rubles per person.

Moscow lights

Telephone: 495 624-73-74
Section on the site: http://www.ognimos.ru/excursions

Price 10,000 rubles for a group of 12 people. With an increase in the number of participants, an additional payment of 200 rubles is required for each additional person.
Age: for a children's birthday, the museum offers 3 main programs: for children from 3 to 12 years old, for kindergarten age and for children from 10 to 12 years old... The program for older children includes painting on candlesticks and writing with a real goose pen.

Duration festive program 2 -2.5 hours.

The main theme of the museum is devoted to the history of lighting, the work of lamplighters. Fascinating master classes on making candles and various lamps, historical retrospectives are held. In the programs, children will be told about how to make fire and how to illuminate premises and streets in different historical eras.


  • Cozy atmosphere saturated with theatrical magic of light
  • Many interactive programs
  • Fascinating educational activity, dancing, handicrafts, learning old crafts
  • There is a possibility of tea drinking in the museum


  • The teapot and cups are provided by the museum, you need to take care of disposable tableware and napkins yourself.
  • You can bring your own holiday food and drinks. According to reviews, the most thoughtful option for organizing hot meals for children is ordering pizza with delivery.
  • According to reviews, weak alcohol is allowed for adults.

Museum of Animation

Address: Armenian lane d 3-5, building 1
Telephone: 495 624-73-74
Section on the site: http://www.ognimos.ru/excursions
Address: VVC, pavilion 84a
Telephone: +7 910 438-0804
Section on the site: http://animamuseum.ru/birthday

Price programs 10-20 thousand rubles, depending on the day of the program and the choice of the program. When choosing an economy option, the duration of the holiday is reduced to 75 minutes, while maintaining all the main points of the program.

Total time festive program in the museum 2, 5 hours.

Age: The excursion will be interesting for children from 5 to 14 years old.

The museum offers to get acquainted with the history and technology of creating cartoons. The festive program includes an exciting excursion, the creation of your own cartoon, followed by viewing during tea drinking.

During the DR celebration at the museum video filming allowed!


  • Thoughtful interactive programs for children.
  • The tea party is complemented by animation with a beautiful cake take-out.
  • Gifts for all participants of the holiday.
  • The household part is well thought out, the cost of the program includes napkins, disposable dishes, there is an opportunity to use coolers with water, a microwave oven, a kettle, a coffee machine. There are cutting boards for slicing sandwiches, knives.


  • The postponement of the holiday time when paying in advance is allowed 1 time in case of force majeure.
  • The Museum reserves the right to withdraw unpaid reservations.
  • It is allowed to bring food and ready-made meals for the holiday with you.
  • It is allowed to bring champagne or wine for adults, no more than 2 bottles.
  • There is a possibility of ordering additional animation, you can invite additional actors and even the director of the museum to the holiday.

Space Museum

Address: Armenian lane d 3-5, building 1
Telephone: 495 624-73-74
Section on the site: http://www.ognimos.ru/excursions
Address: VVC, pavilion 84a
Telephone: +7 910 438-0804
Section on the site: Address: Prospect Mira, 111
Telephone: 495 683-79-68
Section of the website: http://www.kosmo-museum.ru/birthdays

Program cost 7-14 thousand rubles, depending on the chosen program and time.

Age: The Museum offers several different programs for different age groups - 7-12 years old, 4-8 years old.
The average time of the holiday program from 1.15 to 2 hours 45 minutes.

For children in love with the romance of space, there is an opportunity to spend DR in the Museum of Cosmonautics. In the program, the birthday man becomes the commander of a spaceship and leads his team through the vast expanses of space full of secrets and mysteries. An educational excursion with a quiz about the solar system and the base block of the Mir station.


  • Educational quizzes and quests.
  • Photos in the costumes of astronauts.
  • There is an attraction "Buran" with a full flight simulation.
  • High quality animation.
  • An opportunity to touch the real history of space exploration.
  • Name certificates from the Museum of Cosmonautics for birthday people.


  • The workload of the museum is dense, book a space trip in advance.
  • The children's cafe is common for all groups. Separate seats are allocated for each group.
  • Food and excursion program are paid separately.
  • According to reviews, children praise space-made pizza very much.
  • Restrictions for groups up to 15 people.
  • It is possible to submit online applications for the holiday.

Zoological Museum of Lomonosov Moscow State University

Address: Bolshaya Nikitskaya, 6
Telephone: 495 629-39-48
Section on the site: http://zmmu.msu.ru/posetiteli/dni-rozhdeniya-v-muzee

Price programs - from 6,000 rubles.

The oldest museum in Moscow invites you to conduct an educational and entertainment program within the walls of the museum with the celebration of the child's DR.

Age: There are 3 main programs. For kindergarten age a program about the diversity of the animal world. For kids 6-12 years old a program about bird habits with raising chicks and animal transformers about the amazing ways of movement of various animals are offered.


  • From the site of the museum, you can say and print an invitation to the holiday.
  • Additionally, you can visit the terrarium. The cost of admission is 50 rubles for a child and 100 rubles for an adult.
  • After completing the program, you can independently inspect the museum's exposition.

Darwin Museum

Address: Vavilova street, 57/1.
Telephone: 499 134-61-24.
Section on the site: http://www.darwinmuseum.ru/section/den-rozhdeniya-v-muzee

Program cost from 9,000 on a weekday for a group of up to 10 people, up to 15,000 for large groups and on weekends.

The museum presents exhibitions on the origin of species. For children, more than 10 thematic programs are offered, designed for different age groups. from 3 to 13 years old... General program time with tea drinking for about 2.5 hours.


  • The presence of a separate children's room.
  • Variety of programs and an extensive exposition, professional guides.
  • Possibility to walk through the museum on your own after the program.
  • Children's interactive labyrinth "The path of evolution"


  • You should bring food and disposable tea utensils with you.
  • The time in the tea room is limited to 1 hour.
  • There are additional animation programs for teas costing 2,000 rubles.
  • You can take part in a master class with making a sand painting. For a DR ticket, the cost of participation with a picture in a frame is 200 rubles.

Falconry Museum

Address: Moscow region, Mytishchi district, p / o Troitskoe, p. Lesparkhoz Klyazminsky, 1
Telephone: 495 742-18-82
Section on the site: http://falconry-museum.ru/programmy-na-den-rozhdeniya/

Program cost from 400 rubles for 1 participant when choosing the simplest excursion program up to 2000 rubles plus additions when choosing quests. The cost of meals is not included in the price.

For kids middle and senior school age various programs are offered with a visit to the eco-park and communication with hunting birds, horses, hunting dogs.

Quests, master classes, dog training lessons, feeding a hunting falcon from the hand, historical retrospectives, a place for a tea party or a banquet of your choice. From a nomadic yurt to a banquet hall. General holiday duration with a quest or excursion program is from 3 hours.

Pros and Features:

  • You are allowed to bring food for the holiday with you
  • The cost of renting a yurt starts from 1000 rubles
  • Horseback riding can be ordered from 200 rubles per participant
  • There is a form for online applications

Bunker 42 or Cold War Museum

Address: 5th Kotelnichesky per., 11
Telephone: 499 703-44-55
Website for children's banquets http://www.bunkerplanet.ru
Restaurant site http://www.banket-bunker42.ru/index.html

Average order cost is about 40,000 rubles.

For adolescents interesting and rather complex interactive programs, quests, chilling excursions through the bunker with ominous and terrifying apocalyptic stories are offered. After the end of the program, you can go to a comfortable banquet hall with chocolate fountains and the opportunity to order a bubble show.

Pros and Features:

  • Special atmosphere, the ability to learn how to assemble AK at speed
  • Wide range of animators
  • Possibility to choose a children's banquet hall or one of the chic halls of the restaurant

Children's birthday is a great holiday for the whole family and especially for the birthday person. The tenth birthday should be celebrated so that the memory of this day remains for a long time. Where to celebrate the birthday of a 10-year-old child in Moscow is a question that worries many parents. You can organize an event for any budget, taste and with any entertainment program.

The party can be arranged:

with educational activities,
with training master classes;
with an entertainment program.

Before you start organizing, you need to decide:

what will be of interest to the child himself, as well as to his guests;
what is the most convenient location of the institution where the holiday will be held;
what amount will be acceptable for the family budget.

Cognitive activities

If you make a choice in favor of a holiday containing educational activities, then you must choose the following establishments:

children's centers, where they introduce scientific discoveries;
scientific and educational centers.

There are enough museums in Moscow and it will not be difficult to choose a worthy one.

Museum of Soviet slot machines

In such a museum, children will be able to get acquainted with the machines they played during the Soviet era, play enough and get a lot of pleasant emotions. Such a museum is a so-called time machine in the past. The museum can be rented in your spare time from open visits and you can bring your desired treats with you. You can eat treats on a special balcony that can accommodate ten people. If you don't want to cook your own treats, you can order food in a cafe.

Darwin Museum

This museum will offer a program that will require the participation of all guests. It consists of an hour and a half excursion and a specially organized festive sweet table. You can bring everything you need for tea drinking. The museum allocates one hour for refreshments, after which you can see the exhibition “Walk the path of evolution”. The museum also sells original invitations to a children's party.

Museum of Animation

In such a museum, the hero of the occasion and his guests will be able to learn the profession of cinematography and try their hand at it. The museum, as a program for persons celebrating a birthday, is invited to make their own animated film for children, with its further viewing in the hall. Also, the museum staff will tell you about the latest cinematography, give the children a cartoon that they shot, and solemnly congratulate the hero of the occasion with all the necessary attributes.

Space Museum

If a child likes space, and interest in the profession of an astronaut occupies all thoughts, then you can celebrate the tenth anniversary in the museum of cosmonautics. Here you will be able to make tea in a state of weightlessness, walk through the halls filled with various exhibits, familiarize yourself with the astronauts' menu, and also choose an interactive program to your taste. The program will be held with the participation of an animator. Such an event will last within three hours. Parents prepare treats on their own.

Planetarium of Moscow

The doors of the Moscow Planetarium are also constantly open for birthday people and their guests. The planetarium offers an extensive program. It begins with a training course in cosmonautics, a special program "Star Command", and ends with watching a movie in a starry hall or a modern cinema. The planetarium also offers additional services such as organizing food in a cafe, space-themed souvenirs, make-up and photographer services.

Celebration with educational workshops

If parents want their children not only to have a rest, but also to acquire certain skills, then it is necessary to choose an institution where entertainment programs will be offered along with educational master classes.

Moscow City Museum

Such a museum offers an individual entertainment program, an outdoor quest, as well as a costume making workshop, or any workshop from an instructor hired by the parents. The animators select the program depending on the interests of the hero of the day, as well as his little guests. The hall in which the event will take place is decorated with balloons. Parents think over the menu.

Museum - estate "Kolomenskoye"

This institution can also offer unique master classes, as well as learn songs and dances with the birthday boy and his guests. All this will be accompanied by dressing up in old royal outfits. The long festive program is two hours long. Guests can be treated to a cafe located on the territory of the museum. Among the treats, pancakes with tea and various marmalades and preserves will be served on the table.

Cafe "Sea inside"

Such a cafe will be to your liking if you want to spend the day very actively, fun and profitably. The animators will teach children various artistic techniques, after which the children will make their own masterpieces on their own. In addition, the institution invites the birthday boy to take part in a difficult quest, to perform interesting and funny tasks of the animator. The most interesting thing is that on this day children are allowed to do everything that they are not allowed to do on weekdays, namely throwing, shouting, jumping, running. Food is ordered from the cafe itself. There is a minimum order for each person.

Family cafe "Lilac" in Sokolniki park

The name-day in this institution will take place, which is called "in chocolate". The cafe will offer many master classes:

will teach you how to cook banquet or everyday meals;
decorate gingerbread;
decorate paintings and make them from seeds;
decorate clothes;
teach pottery;
teach you to knit and embroider.

In addition, the institution offers a concert program, a festive show, or a performance. You can also invite a live figure, a clown, or an animator. You are not allowed to bring food with you. Everything you need to order at the cafe. There is also an excellent pastry shop where you can order a cake of extraordinary beauty.

Entertaining holiday

When you want your tenth birthday to be fun and without getting unnecessary information, you should choose institutions that will simply offer an entertainment and recreation program.

Family cafe chain "Anderson"

This network offers an extensive program for young birthday people. Here you can arrange fights with the use of pillows, throw cakes, watch performances and just interesting to relax in a decent institution. You cannot bring anything with you to the cafe, so the order will need to be made in the cafe.

Hamleys toy store in the European shopping center

All children love toy stores, and spending a jubilee day in a toy store is every second child's dream. Professional actors will have fun with the hero of the occasion and his guests, show a fairy tale, and hold a stylized event.

Trampoline arena "Saltus-Sport"

In this institution, for two and a half hours, you can jump to your heart's content, learn professional jumping with an instructor, and also, after an active pastime, refresh yourself in a specially designated room. The institution, at its own expense, treats the birthday boy with a cake and gives a lot of positive emotions.

Whichever program is chosen, the main thing is that it corresponds to the interests of the child, be interesting to his guests, and the time of the holiday was fun and carefree.

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