Home Grape Forms and methods of extracurricular activities on the subject “The World Around. Synopsis and presentation of extracurricular activities "Working with natural material. Sawdust" Extracurricular activities with natural materials

Forms and methods of extracurricular activities on the subject “The World Around. Synopsis and presentation of extracurricular activities "Working with natural material. Sawdust" Extracurricular activities with natural materials

Municipal institution of additional education -

Center for extracurricular activities

city ​​of Marx, Saratov region

Plan - lesson outline

association "Dreamers"

Supervisor: teacher of additional education

Topic of the lesson: "Nature and Fantasy".

Compiled by: teacher

additional educationIqualification category

Gritsenko Galina Anatolievna

Lesson topic:"Nature and Fantasy".

The purpose of the lesson: developing and maintaining children's interest in making crafts from natural material, developing creative and individual abilities, acquiring practical skills of manual labor, using them in life.

Lesson objectives:

-educational: communication of cognitive information; demonstrate the knowledge and skills of students; acquisition and consolidation of skills for making applications from natural material; teach how to draw up finished work;

-developmental: develop children's creativity, perseverance in achieving goals, fine motor skills of hands, attention, the ability to control their movements, fantasy, aesthetic taste, imagination, memory, ingenuity;

-educational: to cultivate love and respect for nature, a sense of collectivism, the desire to take part in collective creativity, mutual understanding, respect for comrades, an economical and careful attitude to materials, accuracy, diligence, patience, perseverance.

Type and type of occupation: complex: communication of cognitive information, repetition and consolidation of existing knowledge, application of knowledge, skills and abilities in practice, lesson-exercise.

Lesson form: group with an individual approach.

Lesson methods: verbal, visual, practical; lesson with the use of fantasy, lesson-travel, method of play.

Equipment: applique patterns, natural material, cardboard, glue, scissors, pencils.

Lesson plan:

1.Organizational moment:


Preparing students for work in class;

The mood for work.

2. Main part:

Communication of cognitive information.

- repetition of the passed material necessary for work.

3. Practical part:

Practical work: performing an entertaining task - making applications from natural materials;

- exercise for eyes and hands.

4. The final part:

- summing up the results of the lesson.

The course of the lesson.

1.Organizational moment: greeting, control of attendance, checking the readiness of students for the lesson, rules of conduct for the lesson, preparation of the necessary material for work.

2. Main part:

- communication of cognitive information:

Hello guys and guests!

Our occupation today will not be easy. We will travel with you today. And after the trip, the goal of our work is to make an applique from natural material. The topic of our lesson: "Nature and Fantasy".

A string of weeks, as nature dictates,

The time-merry-go-round is spinning in the seasons.

On the leaves of the calendar they walk one after another

From January to December, the months are in a circle.

After autumn - winter, after spring - summer.

It's already autumn there, so that the winter comes again ...

Time does not get tired of turning its merry-go-round.

In the calendar volume will be replaced by the brother of the brother.

How many months in a year? That's right, twelve.

Guys, we all know there are four seasons. And each season is different from each other, each has its own signs, its own characteristics. Today we will be traveling through the seasons.

Mother invented names for daughters

Here is Summer and Autumn, Winter and Spring.

Spring comes - the forests turn green,

And Summer has come - everything is blooming under the sun,

And ripe berries ask for a mouthful.

The generous Autumn bears fruit for us,

Fields and orchards give yields.

Winter covers the fields with snow.

In winter, the earth rests and slumbers.


Colds set in. The water turned into ice.

The long-eared gray hare turned into a white hare.

The bear stopped roaring, the bear fell into hibernation.

I have a lot to do: I am a white blanket

I cover the whole land, I take it into the ice of the river

I whitewash the fields, they call me at home ... (winter).

Guys, tell us about the main signs of winter (the students answer, the teacher helps with the answers).

The days have become shorter, the sun shines a little,

Here frosts came, and winter came.

Guys, listen to the poem, which reflects all the signs of winter that we just talked about.

Winter comes inadvertently, taking its toll on all counts.

It should be on time, but come on, it’s not there!

And suddenly, one day, early in the morning, looking through the window pane

And you see the "self-assembled tablecloth" - everywhere, around, white and white ...

The river is bound with ice in strong fetters,

And a severe frost came to us from afar.

The branches of oaks, maples turned black until spring,

Only spruce and pine have green in winter.

Raccoons and bears sleep, hedgehogs sleep, and their neighbors -

A wolf, a hare and a fox are looking for food in the forests.

The earth is shrouded in crystal shroud,

Children dive into white snowdrifts,

The skates are sharpened and the skis are in front of me

The blizzard is over, and it is high time to go to the forest.

There are a lot of cheerful people on the street!

Winter-naughty calls to play snowballs!

Well, how not ashamed in frosty weather

There are so many lessons for schoolchildren to ask ?!


I open the buds into green leaves.

I dress the trees, water the crops,

The movement is full. My name is ... (spring).

We got up early today, we have no time for sleep today!

They say the starlings are back! They say it came ... (spring)!

Brooks rang, rooks flew in.

The bee brought the first honey to her house - a hive.

Who's to say, who knows when it happens?

Guys, tell us about the main signs of spring (the students answer, the teacher helps with the answers).

Guys, listen to the poem, which reflects all the signs of spring that we just talked about.

Spring has come slowly, no sleep now, of course,

Bear, hedgehog, raccoon - you need to get to work.

And prepare minks for summer, on a warmed-up hillock.

Outside the window, drops are ringing, primroses are blooming.

Ducks, geese, and cranes arrived from the south in April.

The house revived - a stump in the middle of the forest edge -

A bug, an ant, a spider, two flies came out of it.

Grass appears, foliage blooms.

All nature comes to life, the frog jumps into the water,

Begins to croak loudly: "Kva-kva-kva-croaky slush!"

A starling flew into a birdhouse, settling in successfully

And it is quite ready to hatch the chicks by May.

Closer to the middle of the year, nature is already waiting for summer!

Spring beams warmed the whole earth, green grass is rioting everywhere.

And bird trills spread over us, and the sun is shining, and our head is spinning!

The sorceress-nature beckons to the arms! I look outside, and I want to walk ...

Well, how not ashamed to ask us, unhappy children, in good weather ?!


I am woven from heat, I carry warmth with me,

I warm the rivers, invite them to swim.

And for this you all love me. I ... (summer).

The sun is baking, the linden is blooming

Rye ears, golden wheat.

Who knows, who knows when it happens?

Guys, tell us about the main signs of the summer (the students answer, the teacher helps with the answers).

Guys, listen to the poem, which reflects all the signs of summer that we just talked about.

So the summer arrived in time, dressed with the greenery of the forest.

Mushrooms have grown in the forest, there is a scattering of chanterelles!

Mosquitoes ring in the heat and wasps fly.

There is an animal kindergarten in the forest: we will find a hedgehog in a family of hedgehogs,

In the den - brown bears, under the tree - gray hares.

The birds have a bird kindergarten, their chicks squeak in the nest,

And the beak is full of worries for birds - for woodpeckers, finches, tits.

The hare is carrying two carrots, and the cow has a lot of grass.

And in the mud by the pond are teeming with families of nimble frogs.

Oh, we grew up in the forest - look! Currants and blackberries!

We take kids to the forest in July to pick raspberries from the branches.

The thermometer is twenty-eight, but autumn is not far off!


I carry crops, I sow the fields again,

I send the birds to the south, I undress the trees,

But I don’t touch the pines and Christmas trees. I ... (autumn).

I came without paints and without a brush and repainted all the leaves.

What are the leaves whispering there? Let's go and ask.

Leaves answer: fall, fall, fall.

Guys, tell us about the main signs of autumn (the students answer, the teacher helps with the answers).

Guys, listen to the poem, which reflects all the signs of autumn, which we just talked about.

So autumn has come, we will ask her for apples.

We were lucky with the harvest - we collect three baskets!

In the summer there was a green courtyard, look, in October

Became colored like a traffic light! A lot in the yard

Poplar and maple leaves, red, yellow and green.

Flocks of birds flew south in October,

It's warm there, there, in December, the blizzard will not whirl.

And the bug and the spider looked after the stump house,

Or they chose a pine tree and got ready for bed.

The bear eats a lot so that it can lie fat in its den.

And the raccoon animal will spend the winter in hibernation.

The squirrel is not afraid of frosts - it has fluffy fur.

A squirrel in a hollow of a birch will store a hazelnut.

In November, snowflakes flew from the sky.

Everyone understands at the edge - on the nose of a blizzard!

Autumn rain drumming on my window, puddles and fallen leaves by the school.

And gray clouds, and a wet path, and everywhere dirt, and a headache ...

Sad nature sheds tears of sorrow. My heart is melancholy, and I want to sleep.

Well, how not ashamed to ask schoolchildren so many lessons in inclement weather ?!

This is the kind of journey we have made through the seasons.

- repetition of the passed material necessary for work.

But before we start making an applique from natural material, let's remember what we have already learned in our lessons.

1. Rules of safe work with the tools that we use in the classroom.

Let us always sweep away injuries and dangers.

And in every matter to comply with the laws of safety.

There is a simple law for scissors: first, close them.

And always put the blades away from you, sparing yourself.

If you want to give them to a friend, don’t forget to give the rings in front of her.

2. Repetition of theoretical material required for work.

3. Practical part:

Practical work: performing an entertaining task - making an applique from natural material.

Guys, we take the necessary material and tools, let's get to work. Students carry out a practical task, the teacher helps individually.

- physical minutes for eyes and hands.

Exercises for hands, locomotor apparatus: circular rotation of the hands, "My family", "Castle", "Guests".

Physiotherapy for the eyes:

1. Relax your eyes - frequent blinking without any tension.

2. Movement of the pupils down - up, left - right, from corner to corner, in a circle.

3. Close your eyes tightly for 10-20 seconds. Loosen your muscles, open your eyes

4. Concentration on the tip of the nose. It is considered one of the most beneficial for the eyes in yoga.

5. Lightly stroke yourself with your fingers on the eyelids, eyebrows, around the eyes (these exercises bring relaxation).

After a physical minute, the continuation of practical work.

4. The final part:

- summing up the results of the lesson.

At the end of the lesson, the results of the work are summed up. Mark well-performing, general notes on the lesson.

Guys, do you think you coped with your task? What did you like most about the lesson?

Relaxation: let's smile at each other goodbye and see you in class.

Goodbye! Good luck and good mood to everyone!

Plan - lesson outline

extracurricular activities in the general cultural direction "Kingdom of Creativity".

Class 1 "A"

Teacher Dmitrieva M.V.

Topic: "Beauty around us (collection of natural material)".

Lesson form: excursion.


1. To create conditions for consolidating knowledge of natural material for handicrafts, formation of knowledge of the rules for collecting natural material - leaves, the ability to collect autumn leaves for handicrafts, replenishment and activation of the dictionary.

2.Promote the development of auditory perception, observation, attention, thinking, perception,

The development of oral speech based on the ability to answer questions, compose simple sentences.

3. To contribute to the formation of motivation for learning, to cultivate a respectful attitude towards nature.

Formed UUD:

Personal: motivation of educational activity (chebno - cognitive interest in activity), reflectively self-assess their activity, success in the lesson; tune in to work.

Regulatory: determine the purpose of the activity (with the help of a teacher), accept, save and solve an educational problem, exercise control, learn to distinguish a correctly completed task from an incorrect one.

Cognitive: answer simple questions from the teacher, classify objects according to the given parameters, be able to determine the practical value of the performed activity, be able to determine the external signs of objects and correlate them with the necessary parameters, and develop aesthetic taste.

Communicative: listen and understand the speech of others, the ability to build phrases, answer the question; meaningfully perceive spoken language; when accepting tasks - to carry them out.


1. Cards for individual and differentiated work.

2. Dummies of vegetables in a bag.

3. Plates with a dictionary on topics: vegetables and fruits, colors, geometric shapes, size, lesson names, what we will do, what we did.

4. Multimedia presentation with tasks, eye exercises, physical. just a minute.

5. Required technical equipment: interactive whiteboard, computer.



1) Organization of attention.

2) Emotional attitude.

Checks the readiness of students for the lesson.

Organizational phrases by ear.

What do we do?

Ask me.

We will study, listen carefully, complete assignments, play.

Repetition of the rules of conduct during the excursion.

* you must walk along the street calmly, do not push;

* during observation, become so that everyone can see;

* listen carefully;

* take care of nature;

* choose a controller. He will keep an eye on the conservation of nature.

P / n reception - exercise "Sun": ".

See how good it is outside!

Breathe in. What air! (Stand up, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. With a sigh, slowly raise your hands up, gradually "stretching" the whole body: starting with the fingers and ending with the toes without tension. We held our breath - "reaching for the sun." Exhale, lowering your arms, relax.)

How does the sun shine in winter?

(Fingers gather in a pinch).

How does the sun shine in spring?

(The muscles of the palm are tense, the fingers are bent).

How does the sun shine in summer?

(Spread your fingers wide, stretching all the muscles well


Smile to the sun, and now to each other.

Children go to the school area, taking with them notebooks to collect leaves.

They perceive phrases by ear and visually, repeat them, give answers to questions.

Personal: tune in to work, organization of activities.

Communicative: listen and understand the speech of others, answer the question posed;

Regulatory: accept and solve an educational problem,

2. Updating knowledge.

- What time of year is it?

What month is it?

Name the fall months.

In the fall, you can collect a lot of natural materials for crafts.

Assignment: choose a natural material from various materials for crafts in the picture and name it.

Answer questions (weak

learn based on a dictionary).

Everyone chooses natural material. Oleg calls him, the rest repeat 9, speak with dactyl)

Communicative: listen and understand the speech of others, answer the questions posed.Regulatory: accept and solve an educational problem.

Cognitive: be able to classify objects according to the given parameters.

3. Preparatory.

Statement of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Exercise to develop attention.

Find all the leaves in the picture and count them.

Topic message.

- What do you think is the topic of the lesson?

What are we going to do in the lesson?

The topic of the lesson is "Autumn leaves for crafts."

We will collect leaves for crafts.

Carry out the task.

Oleg names from which tree the leaves are.

Suggest the topic of the lesson. They answer the questions posed.

Communicative: be able to formulate their thoughts orally.

Regulatory: be able to define and formulate a goal in the lesson with the help of a teacher.

4. The main stage.

1) Formation of knowledge.

    Phys. a minute

2) The practical part.

Familiarization of children with the rules for collecting autumn leaves.

Before collecting leaves, familiarize yourself with the rules for collecting them.

1. Collect only fallen leaves.

2.Check the quality of the leaves:


    No dark spots

    Beautiful in shape and color.

3. L the truth must be put between the pages of the notebook.

4. At home, the leaves need to be shifted with newspapers and put under a press.

The teacher shows examples of quality and poor quality leaves.

An outdoor game "Forest". The teacher invites the children to depict with movements how the tree reacts to:

* light warm breeze;

* Hurricane;

* powerful cold gusts of wind;

* downpour;

* scorching sun;

* freezing.

1. The teacher invites the children to collect beautiful fallen leaves for crafts.

2. Implementation of quality control of the harvested leaves.

Perceive the teacher's explanations.

Participate in the game.

Children go to the site, collect leaves, check each other for the quality of the collected leaves.


Personal: educational - cognitive interest in the task.

Communicative: listen to and understand the speech of others.

Regulatory: accept, save and solve an educational problem,

Regulatory: accept and save an educational task, exercise control, learn to distinguish a correctly completed task from an incorrect one.

Cognitive: be able to determine the external signs of objects and correlate them with the necessary parameters, develop aesthetic taste.

5. The stage of summing up.

1. Survey - summary».

What did you do in the lesson?

Practical use:

Why did you collect the leaves?

2. Assessment of performance.

Did you complete the assignment?

How did you work in the lesson: good or bad?


Did you enjoy the lesson?

Students stand in a circle. Perform the exercise "Color of my mood"

End of the lesson: organizational phrases by ear.

The teacher thanks the children:

Thank you for the lesson.

With the help of the teacher, they assess the activities in the lesson.

They relate their attitude to the lesson with conventional symbols and depict them.

They perceive phrases by ear, comprehend them. If necessary, answer.

Communicative: be able to answer questions, formulate their thoughts orally.

Cognitive: be able to determine the practical value of the performed activity.

Personal: summing up the lesson, self-assessment of activities and success in the lesson.

Target: Formation of respect for nature.

Development of the creative abilities of children.

Expanding knowledge of natural materials.

Equipment: Music center, disc "Sounds of the forest", natural materials, plasticine, feathers, glue.

Course of the lesson

Guys, let's imagine that the mysterious Forest Kingdom is spread out in front of us. How much is there in total! You feel like a tiny particle of a huge, ever-changing world. Not only live plants are beautiful. Look closely: here is an old twig resembling a bird, and a monster seems to be peeping out of the stump. Getting into the Forest Kingdom, we always hope to meet something extraordinary, mysterious.

The inhabitants of this world are very different: some are cheerful, funny, gladly exposing their sides to the sun, others are unsociable, hiding under the crowns of trees in the thickest of the dark forest. Let's get to know all and take a close look at them.

Cones and acorns are friendly neighbors, very similar to little people. In the most often incredible, fantastic silhouettes of roots and snags are hidden, and on the ground there are many different branches, blades of grass, bark, various needles - needles and other materials so necessary to create forest sculpture. It seems as if enchanted heroes live in every bizarrely curved root, twig or branch. You just need to learn to recognize them. The forest reveals its secrets to us, and we can extend, if desired, the life of its fabulous inhabitants. Let's get to know the inhabitants of the Forest Kingdom better, invite them to our workshop.

Round, mature, tanned

Once I got caught

I could not split everything,

And got under the hammer

Cracked once - and cracked the side.

When making toys, you can use hazelnuts, walnuts, ground and pine nuts, pistachios - each is very valuable for work. They are harvested by collecting in the forest and buying in the store.

Here is a mailbox,

There are countless letters in it,

And each has a fluffy Christmas tree.

Cones - the fruits of conifers - are an excellent material for bulky toys. In shape, they resemble parts of the body of animals, humans. For products, it is better to use unopened cones, since they are easier to work with.

In summer we turn green with leaves,

In autumn, the leaves will fly off - we will be empty.

Children know the answer to this question.

What is hiding under the leaves? ..

Various branches are used in the manufacture of some parts of products (arms, legs, neck, etc.) and for decorating bouquets and volumetric compositions. For this, it is better to use branches of pine, spruce, lilac. They are resilient and do not break so easily when dry.

Fizminutka: "The wind blows in our face ...".

Before getting started, let's remember the rules for working with plasticine.

1) Choose the color of plasticine you need for work.

2) Cut off the required amount in a stack.

3) Warm a piece of plasticine with the warmth of your hands to keep it soft.

4) After work, dry your hands well with a dry soft cloth and only then wash your hands with soap and water.

Unleash your imagination and start creating a forest sculpture.

(you can use samples).

Our work is ready and we can arrange a small exhibition of our forest sculptures.

Take your time, a little time will pass, and one glance, one touch will be enough for the fairy tale of the forest to come to life.

Forms and methods of extracurricular activities in the subject "The World Around"

Primary school teachers have a certain method of conducting extracurricular activities on the subject of the subject "The World Around".

There are three types of extracurricular activities:




In an individual form of work with individual students interested in studying and learning about nature, the teacher conducts conversations and gives advice. He recommends literature to individual children, involves them in conducting experiments, helps to draw up observation diaries, and keep the first entries in workbooks.

The group form is work with a constant group of students (circles, clubs) who are interested in environmental studies for a certain period of time (a year or two).

Mass forms of work are attracting children to holidays, training camps, oral journals; conversations, work with natural history literature, etc.

Their characteristic feature is a socially useful orientation, a huge educational impact, the participation of a large number of students.

An example of this is the annual Forest Festival held in the Moscow region, in which tens of thousands of residents of Moscow and the Moscow region take part. More than a million trees have already been planted these days, tens of hectares of forests near Moscow have been restored. Families come to this holiday. The person who planted the tree feels responsible for it; a hand will not be raised to damage or break the tree.

The listed forms of extracurricular work are closely related to each other, they complement and improve each other.

Interest in work often arises when performing individual work on an assignment or a teacher's recommendation. After completing one or two tasks, students are asked to give them more work. And if there are several such guys in the class, then they will unite in circles or clubs, work at the stations of young naturalists.

In turn, circles or clubs can become the organizational centers of mass extracurricular activities, since for their successful implementation, a variety of preparatory work is required, the involvement of a large number of students.

It often happens that after holding mass extracurricular activities, students have a desire to continue the work begun, to study in more detail what aroused interest, that is, mass events can serve as an impetus for starting group or individual work.

The choice of a specific form of extracurricular work depends on the characteristics of the class, the general development of children, the interests of the teacher and local conditions.

Extracurricular activities are diverse not only in organizational forms, content, methods of conduct. This is primarily due to the fact that the content of extracurricular work is not constant from year to year, since there are no compulsory uniform study programs, they can change depending on the class, interests and requests of students, the natural environment of the school, the conditions of the season, the availability of premises. and equipment.

Here is an approximate list of works that can be selectively used by primary grades in extracurricular activities:

conducting observations of available objects of inanimate and living nature, which aroused increased interest of students and aimed at a deeper understanding of the causes of the observed phenomena, establishing links between various components of nature;

excursions to nature, local history museums, the nearest cities, to places of mining, to fields, farms, etc. with the subsequent registration of the collected materials;

extracurricular collective reading of children's popular science natural history literature;

conducting experiments and observations of plants and animals (can be actively carried out in the winter), as well as observations and experiments on the school site;

watching videos available on the Internet;

holding holidays, matinees, KVN, oral journals on natural history;

visiting and familiarizing with mobile or stationary zoos, menageries or fur farms;

conversations on the protection of nature, on the benefits and importance of plants and animals in human life;

reviews of children's popular science literature;

feasible work on equipping and decorating classrooms, offices of the surrounding world, local history corners, school museum, expositions, exhibitions;

making the simplest visual aids from natural materials, organizing exhibitions of students' work;

work on the collection of materials for the release of presentations, albums;

discussion of popular science videos about the nature of the BBC and other channels.

The success of extracurricular work, its effectiveness will depend on the selection of material for each lesson, the plan for its construction and methodology, the active participation of students and on the position that each individual lesson will occupy in the general system of extracurricular natural history work.

Individual extracurricular work is an independent activity of individual students aimed at self-education. It includes specific assignments for individual students with a special interest in nature. These can be tasks for caring for plants in the classroom or at the training and experimental site, work in the "Young Astronomer" circle, tips for feeding birds in winter, preparing reports, amateur performances, preparing illustrated albums, conducting individual observations outside the school curriculum, staging simplest experiments at home.

Interest in extracurricular work arises in children in the classroom. An interesting, emotional lesson forms the desire for a deeper study of the subject. Numerous questions arise, the answers to which students can get in various extracurricular activities.

To this end, the teacher gives assignments: to make observations, collect various natural material, pick up postcards, stamps, drawings on certain topics, arrange albums, and from natural elements - collections, herbariums. With great enthusiasm, children are engaged in collecting proverbs. Riddles, sayings, verses for a vivid characterization of natural phenomena.

Reading about nature at home is an important type of individual extracurricular work. The task of the teacher is to teach students to read such literature on their own. Children find answers to many questions related to the life of nature in the wonderful works of V. Bianchi, G. Skrebnitsky, E. Charushin, I. Sokolov-Nikitin, M. Prishvin and many other children's writers. These authors will reveal to the students the fascinating world of wildlife, will contribute to the education of respect and love for plants and animals. In this kind of work, the organizing role of the teacher is indisputable.

Thus, in individual extracurricular work on the world around it, it is necessary to take into account the interests of schoolchildren, unite them in accordance with interests in a group, and then organize group and mass activities outside of class work.

Individual work allows everyone to find their place in a common business. This activity requires educators to know the individual characteristics of students through conversations, questionnaires, and studying their interests.

Group extracurricular activities on the subject "The World Around" brings together students with similar interests and inclinations.

The most common type of group extracurricular work on the world around is the organization of circles of young nature lovers (young naturalists).

Circle work contributes to the identification and development of interests and creative abilities in a particular field of science. In the circles, classes of various types are held: these are reports, discussion of works of literature, excursions, making visual aids, laboratory classes, meetings with interesting people.

In the process of individual and mass extracurricular work, groups of students are created who with great pleasure carry out individual assignments, for example, take care of indoor plants, work in a living corner, take care of plants in the school area, make visual aids, bird feeders, bird houses, decorate herbariums, collections, etc.

In the process of work, interests, certain inclinations of children are revealed. From the composition of this group, an asset is formed, on which the teacher can rely in his multifaceted work. Stronger groups with common objectives can grow into circles.

The circle is a voluntary organization. It is desirable that the circles of young naturalists be organized in parallel classes: separately for students in grades 2-4. The number of members of the circle should not exceed 15-20 people, otherwise it is difficult to manage them.

The circle should work according to a plan, in which it is necessary to provide for both general topics in terms of calendar dates, and the group and individual tasks arising from them for the members of the circle. In organizing the work of the circle, the individual capabilities and inclinations of the students must be taken into account.

The teacher should provide a form of reporting on a general topic, individual and group assignments.

Based on the general theme of the circle, the following topics can be formed: "Golden autumn", "We are preparing for winter", "Where birds winter", "Life in winter", "Spring is the morning of the year", etc.

The teacher can organize extracurricular reading of relevant literature on topics, conducting observations in nature and keeping phenological diaries, excursions, a children's drawing competition, spring planting of plants on the school grounds, the protection of certain natural areas, the release of radio newspapers, etc.

The final theme of the work of the circle "Nature Conservation", in the classroom of which schoolchildren get acquainted with a number of nature conservation activities, and also summarize the results of all environmental protection activities for the year.

In the work of the circles, you can use various forms and methods of observation, experiments, conversations, thematic screenings of films, excursions, practical work, discussion of books read, viewed multimedia materials, etc.

The material collected in the course of the work should be properly designed and used in the educational process.

The members of the circle are usually organizers and active participants in mass extracurricular activities.

Forms of mass extracurricular work are among the most common in school. They are designed for the simultaneous coverage of many students, they are characterized by color, solemnity, brightness, great emotional impact on children.

Bulk work contains great opportunities to energize students. Mass events include: Forest Day, Bird Day, Earth Day, farewell to winter (Maslenitsa,) excursions, various kinds of matinees, evenings, visits to museums, a zoo, a botanical garden, thematic screenings of popular science and feature films about nature and their discussion on reader's conferences, round tables.

Naturalistic campaigns occupy a special place among all types of mass extracurricular activities on the subject "The World Around":

"Forest Week", "Water Protection", "Flower Festival", "Ecological Week", etc.

School holidays are a traditional form of mass work. During the academic year, 4-5 holidays are possible. They broaden the horizons, evoke feelings of involvement in the life of the country. Contests, Olympiads, and shows are widely used. They stimulate children's activity, develop initiative.

All this kind of preparatory work should end with the organization of a holiday, at which it is necessary to take stock of the work done by the schoolchildren. All naturalistic campaigns must have an environmental focus. The importance of public events can hardly be overestimated.

Firstly, during their implementation, numerous cognitive, educational and developmental tasks are solved.

Secondly, they are carried out collectively, and all the best features of children are formed in the school team. Education through a team, the impact of the team on individual students is exceptionally great. It provides various forms of influence, especially strongly affects the emotional uplift of the entire team. Children have a desire to take part in an event, for example, a mushroom picking in early autumn.

Thirdly, every mass event is about instilling the skills of norms of behavior that are difficult to develop in everyday life.

During mass events, an undisciplined student considers the fulfillment of the rules to be natural, not subject to discussion and doubt, since the success of a collective business depends on the completion of the assignment. Thus, the most important value of mass extracurricular activities is that they are a powerful means of organizing children, contributing to the education of responsibility for the assigned task.

However, there are many pitfalls in holding mass events that must be taken into account when preparing them. First of all, the success of mass events depends on deep thoughtfulness and skillful organization.

Mass events should be planned for the entire four-year period of primary school children. The plan must indicate the class shares in each event. Each of the activities is a complex and varied type of work. Certain educational tasks are assigned to him.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky. His original lessons in nature with younger schoolchildren, are figurative examples of the use of nature for the purpose of moral enrichment and mental development of students, perfectly show that, indeed, nature is the eternal source of thoughts and good feelings of children. To develop students' interest in the natural world, for empathy and reflection, V.A. Sukhomlinsky used fairy tales that he wrote himself, and also introduced children to this activity. He wrote: “A fairy tale is inseparable from beauty ... Thanks to a fairy tale, a child knows the world not only with his mind, but also with his heart. And not only learns, but also responds to the events and phenomena of the surrounding world, expresses his attitude to good and evil. "

Since the excursion is an integral part of the outdoor training system, they are conducted in extended day groups once a week for 2-2.5 hours and the length of the route is 2-3 km.

On excursions, the motor and play activities of students prevail, and in some cases their work activities are also used.

Each excursion consists of three main stages: preparation, guidance and consolidation.

The success of any excursion largely depends on the organizational preparation of the teacher and students. You must do the following in advance:

Outline a topic. It is desirable that the title of the topic sounded emotionally problematic, which will immediately interest the students. For example, "What grows in the forest and who lives in the forest?"

Define the goal, objectives and make a preliminary plan.

Having chosen the place for the excursion, visit it in advance, develop a route. Provide places for outdoor games, information, collection of natural material, socially useful activities of students.

Plan the organizational forms of students' activities (when and where to conduct mass and group observations, collecting natural material), the implementation of socially useful affairs, distribute responsibilities between subgroups or individual students.

Think over to what generalizations, conclusions should be brought to students, how to value their good breeding and discipline.

When the content and methodology of the excursion are finally clarified, the plan can be finalized.

Preliminarily, a conversation is held with the children, on which the topic and purpose of the excursion is communicated. It is stipulated that you need to take with you, how to dress, it is useful to acquaint students with a reminder of behavior in nature. Individual students prepare assignments: prepare a message, learn riddles, poems, organize a historian, conduct a game, etc.

Each excursion starts with building - this disciplines the children well. After checking the list of the total number of students, pay attention to their clothes and shoes. Children walk to the place of excursion in a column of two with a guide in front and a trailing one behind.

When conducting natural history excursions, the leading method is the observation of objects, objects, phenomena and the leading word of the teacher.

During the excursion, it is necessary to constantly enrich the attention of children to the beauty of the surrounding nature, to emphasize the need for a careful attitude to it. All natural phenomena are considered in close relationship and development, which helps to lay the shoots of ecological education in students. Reading poetry contributes to a more emotional perception.

Summing up the results of the excursion is usually carried out in the form of a generalizing conversation. This is necessary in order for the guys to correctly interpret individual natural phenomena. Therefore, when consolidating the material, the teacher answers all the questions of the children, finds out whether all the children correctly perceived the material. Consolidation of the excursion will continue in the following extracurricular activities in the form of small messages, demonstration of drawings, crafts, collections, quiz albums.

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