Home Grape Hexagram 2 interpretation of love. This is a situation when you need to manifest the maximum of the pure female Yin vibration, the result of which will be the realization, the materialization of a very powerful Yang energy. Explanation of individual Yao according to Zhou-gun

Hexagram 2 interpretation of love. This is a situation when you need to manifest the maximum of the pure female Yin vibration, the result of which will be the realization, the materialization of a very powerful Yang energy. Explanation of individual Yao according to Zhou-gun

"I Ching" 坤 kūn Kun. Other names: "performance",
Receptive, field, consent, and flow.


Both in the manifested world and on the subtle plane, there is a large earth everywhere (planet Earth). This is a very, very powerful support for a mother in the broadest sense of the word: from a real mother, a woman to planet Earth on all planes of existence. This is a very solid and powerful foundation, symbolizing the provision of everything you need (the mother will protect and feed). The maximum and purity of the female yin vibration (all lines of the hexagram are discontinuous). The dual support of the feminine divine energy that represents the solid foundation of any endeavor. On all planes, the big Earth (as self-giving and fulfillment) replaces the big Earth (as self-giving and fulfillment). Development cannot go in this direction, because these vibrations are already manifested to the maximum. This is a dead end. Therefore, changes will take place in exactly the opposite direction, in the direction of enhancing creativity, initiative, POWER YAN. In this situation, there are no yang male vibrations; they will be brought into the situation from the outside.

It is favorable to find a good field of activity and join it. It is favorable for a woman to find and follow a worthy man, for a man to join and follow leaders. Regardless of whether you are a man or a woman, active adherence to the Highest, to God, to the stream of events is extremely harmonious here and will certainly bring very rich fruits.

This is a situation when you need to manifest the maximum of the pure female Yin vibration, the result of which will be the realization, the materialization of a very powerful Yang energy.





The opposite vibration is dominant here! That is, the development of the situation will go towards strengthening the YANG POWER. This always happens when a property is overly manifested. It is simply impossible to realize the powerful female YIN energy without a decent male YANG energy.


Awareness positions:

1. Manifestation of feminine energy is execution, following, perception, inspiration for creative impulse. Voluntarily giving up one's own initiative shows the beauty and power of Yin. It seems that it is much easier to execute, follow and inspire than create, achieve, realize. Not everything is so simple, try to trust your partner and fall into his arms without looking back. Pay attention to your emotions at the moment of free fall, and you will understand what latent power you need to possess to realize Yin in life.

2. As a seed initiates an egg cell, so Yang initiates Yin energy for creation and creation. After initiation, Yin becomes the All-Creative Cosmic Energy. Yin cannot take place without the initiation of the Yang energy.

3. Only thanks to the feminine energy of forgiveness and Yin love, this world still holds. Otherwise, the fiery, unrestrained and warlike energy of Yang would have destroyed everything long ago.

4. There is only one creative energy of love in space. Yang and Yin are just the product of our split mind. Moreover, Yin more than Yang corresponds to Cosmic Love, since it relies less on logic, and therefore on the dual mind.

5. A woman must see and guide, so as not to go astray, for she encompasses the continuation of life. Softness and weakness are good tools for moving in a chosen direction with the help of the strength of men. Soft and subtle control of the raging stream - by a man, this is the true strength and beauty of the feminine principle.

6. “The world had a beginning, which we call the Great Mother. Having found a mother, we begin to learn what her children should be. Having learned that we are the children of the Mother, we begin to defend her qualities in ourselves. She will protect us from all dangers until our death. ”- Lao-Tzu“ Tao Te Ching ”.

7. For the beautiful female Yin energy to manifest itself, powerful male Yang energy is needed, like air!

8. Our ego manifests itself in life through actions and actions contrary to the flow of events, God and the Higher Self. Ego manifests itself in life through the fiery energy of Yang. On the contrary, Yin energy is calm and absolutely divine, as it is purely following the flow.

9. The main task of a person is not to change the world by doing anything, but to radiate love and happiness, to be happy in any situations. This task corresponds to the Yin energy. We are connected on a quantum level with all people, with all nature on this beautiful planet. By becoming happier, we instantly make everyone around us happier, this is the only way we really fulfill our mission and make this world more beautiful.

10. The most important difference between a woman and a man, in terms of the manifestation of love, is that a woman follows love more, while the role of a man is to set the direction of love. Women's love is less self-centered and more sacrificial. In other words, a woman's destiny is to love more, not the one she chooses herself, but the one who loves her. This is a great and difficult role. If you are a woman and are not ready to accept and love a man who loves you with all his shortcomings, then you do not know how to love like a woman. If you strive to choose the best man yourself and do not agree to less, then you risk being either alone or in the company of a man with a more “feminine” way of showing love.

11. “Behind every great man there is always a woman who believed in him. And she really loved ... ”, - Bernand Shaw.

12. “Women ask how to attract a man. The answer is very simple - learn to enjoy. The stronger the pleasure, the more men will want to experience this feeling with you. The energy of pleasure is the most powerful means of attracting people to yourself. ”- Lin Bao.

13. “Whatever one may say, there is only one woman in a man’s life. All the others are her shadows. ”- Coco Chanel.

14. “The paradox is that the more stupid and mediocre a man is, the more claims he has against a woman,” - Coco Chanel.

15. "If you were born without wings, do not stop them from growing" - Coco Chanel.

16. “The illusion that a woman can turn a fool on the path of virtue is one of the sweetest female illusions of all time.” - Agatha Christie.

17. "Any mutual affection between a man and a woman begins with the amazing illusion that you think the same about everything in the world." - Agatha Christie.

18. “It's strange, women are prettier from love, and men look like sick sheep” - Agatha Christie.

19. “Women have amazing sharp eyes: they see everything but the most obvious” - Oscar Wilde.

20. Pure Yin is, first of all, a space for the manifestation of love and absolute acceptance with love of everything without exception!

21. Nothing teaches a woman to be stronger than a failed attempt to be weak. (Author unknown).

22. "A woman becomes a goddess when she studies and accepts her femininity" - Osho.

23. “Right now, on this planet, at this very moment when we are channeling our love to you, we declare: the most powerful person who can influence the vibration of the planet is mother. You mothers have the power to create an entire generation of balanced people! ”- Kryon (Carroll Lee, Partnership with God).

24. "A very beautiful woman is a source of terror" - Carl Jung.

25. “Water is the softest and weakest creature in the world, but in overcoming the hard and strong it is invincible, and there is no equal to it in the world” - Lao-Tzu “Tao Te Ching”.

26. “The most noble gift of heaven for mankind is love; and woman is love incarnate. ”- Milton A. Potteger.

27. “If a woman walks with her head down, she has a lover. If a woman walks with her head held high, she has a lover. If a woman keeps her head straight, she has a lover. And in general, if a woman has a head, then she has a lover! " - Faina Georgievna Ranevskaya.

28. “Women love only those they don’t know” - Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov. Hero of our time.

29. “An intelligent girl kisses, but does not love, listens, but does not believe and leaves before she is left,” - Marilyn Monroe.

30. “In order to be beautiful, a woman only needs to have a black sweater, a black skirt and walk arm in arm with the man she loves” - Yves Saint Laurent.

31. “A beautiful woman is pleasant to the eyes, but kind to the heart; one is a beautiful thing, and the other is a treasure ”, - Napoleon I Bonaparte.

32. “A woman is, of course, smarter. Have you ever heard of a woman who would lose her head just because a man has beautiful legs? " - Faina Georgievna Ranevskaya.

33. "A woman is the embodiment of matter triumphant over the spirit, while a man personifies the triumph of thought over morality" - Oscar Wilde. The Picture of Dorian Grey.

34. “A man, if he could understand what a woman thinks, would still not believe” - Dorothy Parker.

35. "If a woman is not beautiful, then she is simply stupid" - Coco Chanel.

36. "Why are all fools such women ?!" - Faina Georgievna Ranevskaya.

37. “If a woman has already forgiven a man, she should not remind him of his sins at breakfast,” - Marlene Dietrich.

38. “All women are charming, and the love of men gives them beauty,” - Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

39. "To be irreplaceable, you need to change all the time" - Coco Chanel.

40. “A woman, in order to succeed in life, must have two qualities. She must be smart enough to be liked by stupid men, and stupid enough to be liked by smart men, ”- Faina Georgievna Ranevskaya.

41. “A woman is tormented not by the tyranny of a man, but by his indifference” - Jules Michelet.

42. “No one becomes a woman’s friend if he can be her lover” - Honore de Balzac.

43. “We must give justice to women: they have the instinct of mental beauty” - Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov. Hero of our time.

44. “Women die later than men, because they are always late,” - Faina Georgievna Ranevskaya.

45. “There are so many women in the world to sleep with, and so few women to talk to,” - Ernest Hemingway.

The hexagram consists of six dashed lines. This is a warning sign indicating things to come, there are many obstacles on your way right now.

A series of events awaits you, which you must go through, calmly agreeing with the course of things. Your diligence and work will help you choose the right path and lead to success in two months.

The desire will certainly come true, although this will require effort and patience. This will not be difficult for you, since you are a cultured person striving for knowledge.

Now is not the time to think about material gain, selfish motives should recede into the background.

You are a good son and are attached to your mother. But if you are thinking of visiting her, then in the near future it is not recommended to go on any trip or journey.

Soon a person will appear next to you who will show great interest in you.

The powers of the gods favor you, you are under the auspices of the powers of mother earth.

For the interpretation of the next hexagram, go to the page.

Explanation of the interpretation of hexagram 2.

If the answer of the ancient Chinese oracle is not fully understood and seems vague to you, read the explanation to the hexagram, which contains the main idea of ​​the message, this will help you to better understand the oracle of ancient China.

The answer to the question posed is Kun - Execution.

The hieroglyph depicts the spirits of the earth.

Flexible strength, receptiveness. The surface of the world, real being, the fundamental ability to shape all things. Earth, moon. Mother, wife, femininity. Follow, obey, agree. To contain, to give life, to bear fruit. Nourish, provide, serve, work for the good.

Semantic connections of the hexagram 2.Kun

Figuratively, this hexagram can be represented as symbolizing the primary spiritual force that feeds and gives shape to all plans, which you find in the moon, in the mother, in the earth, in a devoted servant, in a mare. Now you are confronted by many opposing forces, but you will achieve success and enlightenment, you will open a new cycle of time in events. Determine calmly what is essential for you and do it, give it shape; feed it and provide it. Despite the abundance of events, it is necessary to maintain an inner sense of purpose. Do not worry, follow your plan, soon you will have everything you need. Join in real activity (southwest) with other people, but do not shy away from your responsibility (northeast) in works for the good. Through obedience and tacit acceptance of the course of things, the path to creation will be open for you. Mother the living and help them grow. May your strength bear fruit and be generous and nourishing.

Interpretation of hexagram 2 in the translation of the canonical text of the Book of Changes

Read the translation of the canonical text, perhaps you will have your own associations in the interpretation of the second hexagram.

[Primal fulfillment; the stamina of the mare is favorable. A noble person has to act, but if he moves forward, he will get lost, stepping back, he will find a master.

It is favorable to find friends in the southwest, and to lose friends in the northeast.

You will remain calmly in perseverance - there will be happiness!]

I. At the beginning of the six.

If you stepped on frost, then strong ice is close.

II. Six second. Straightforwardness, ubiquity, greatness.

- Although you do not prepare, there will be nothing unfavorable.

III. Six third.

Stay quiet, you have to be persistent.

- It is possible that if you act, following the leader, without undertaking anything, then the matter will be brought to the end.

IV. Six fourth.

Tie the sack (Be quiet)

- [There will be no blasphemy,] there will be no praise.

V. Six fifth.

- Yellow skirt. [Primal happiness!]

Vi. There is a six at the top.

Dragons fight on the outskirts.

“Their blood is blue and yellow.

[Probably a later commentary insertion: [“In weakness, eternal endurance is favorable.]

This auspicious hexagram, consisting of all Yin lines, represents the power of feminine sensitivity and emotionality, powerful and healing. Emotional power is sensual and subtle and can be overlooked through too much thinking, talking, and planning. Now is the time to focus on the real world, on how to react to the situation, and not how to fix its outcome in the future. As a mature woman, she skillfully and gracefully perceives events. Her spiritual experience and calm outlook on things lead to success.

Don't be too pushy at this time. If you try to direct events during this period in the direction you want, you can get confused. Opening yourself up in order to get what you attract should be your top priority. Be patient. Do not hurry. Focus more on feelings than actions. Be broad and deep in your attitude to events so that you calmly accept whatever comes with grace and poise. Be receptive and spacious like the ocean; let the river of change come to you. For now, you can let your partner take the lead. Strive for a natural response that is based on inner strength, not outward show.

Line interpretation:

Line 1 (bottom line)

You have a hunch about your situation or relationship, like the first frost of the fall season, warning you that the winter is going to be cold. Take a closer look at the small warning signs that you may notice during this time. Get ready. Collect wood now and you'll be ready to fend off the brutal cold.

When action naturally flows out of inner peace and continues to harmonize with external creative forces, good results are achieved without adaptation, complex intentions, or even great effort. Let nature serve as a reminder of how all good things can develop naturally without obstacles.

Leave the pursuit of fame and praise. Focus on accepting yourself unconditionally. Freedom from vanity gives you a powerful advantage. Don't show your virtue for everyone to notice, but cultivate it within yourself. Try to be helpful and your life will improve on its own. Let the fruit ripen slowly. Quiet persistence is what you need now.

If things don't go your way, be careful and proceed with caution. Perhaps you do not have enough energy right now, so you need to accumulate it, but do not become isolated.

When you are called to play an important role in a project or relationship, in order to be successful in this you should draw strength from your reliability and discretion. Be polite and kind and you will get more influence. During this period, it is important to be prudent.

Line 6 (top line)

Beware of unpleasant relationships or confusion within your personal boundaries. Don't try to get your hands on something that you are not entitled to. When boundaries are not clearly defined, both dogs quarrel. Slow down. Don't act until roles and responsibilities are clear.

Kun (Execution): the surface of the world, real being, the fundamental ability to shape all things; earth, moon; mother, wife, feminine; flexible strength, receptivity; follow, obey, agree, contain, give life, bear fruit; nourish, provide, serve, work for the good. The hieroglyph depicts the spirits of the earth.

Initial fulfillment; the stamina of the mare is favorable.
The prince has a place to speak.
He moves forward - he gets lost;
If he follows, he will find the master.
Favorable: to find friends in the southwest, to lose friends in the northeast.
If you remain calmly in perseverance, there will be happiness.

It is the primary spiritual force that feeds and gives shape to everything. You see her in the moon, in the earth, in the mother, in the devoted servant, in the mare. You are faced with many opposing forces. Hold on to the essential and shape it; nourish and provide it. This will open up a new cycle of time, bring success, benefit and enlightenment. Maintain an inner sense of purpose. At first, you will be confused by the abundance of events, but do not worry. Do what needs to be done now. Soon you will get what you need. Join other people in real activity (southwest), but don't shy away from responsibility (northeast). The path will be opened for you through calm, tacit acceptance of the course of things. Let your strength be generous and nourishing. Take care of the living and help them grow.

Even the most intense creativity cannot be realized if there is no environment in which it will be realized. But this environment, in order to realize absolute creativity, must also be absolutely malleable and plastic. In addition, she must be deprived of any initiative of her own, must, in complete self-denial, only echo and follow the impulses of creativity. But at the same time, she would not be able to fulfill what is the creative intention. Therefore, she - a completely selfless force - is expressed metaphorically in the image of a mare, which, although devoid of the temper of a horse, is not inferior to him in the ability to act. If Creativity is Heaven, Light, Perfect Man, then Fulfillment is Earth, Darkness.

A noble person who hears and obeys the instructions of the Perfect Person. It is he who here has to act not on these instructions, but on his own initiative, then he could only be delusional. And only by following his master can he find him. So, for a noble person here it is best, having lost friends like him, to find a friend above his standing, who makes up for his shortcomings with his qualities. In the spatial symbolism of the Book, the southwest is considered an area of ​​darkness, since the extinction of light begins there. And, in contrast, the northeast - the region where light originates - is considered the region of light. Fulfillment is expressed in the features of darkness, so he needs to lose forces similar to him in the southwest and find replenishing “friend” forces in the northeast in order to obey them. At the same time, it is important that the activity of the Execution proceeds in complete tranquility, in a submissive acceptance of its fate, without overdevelopment, otherwise its activity will not fulfill the intentions of creativity, but compete with them. Darkness will enter into an illegal battle with light, which cannot lead to a good result, for the power of darkness is a blind necessity, not a clear consciousness. If the first symbol refers primarily to the sovereign, husband, etc., then the symbol Fulfillment tells about the activity subject, wife, etc. It shows the evolving need for Fulfillment.

Outer and Inner Worlds: Earth and Earth

Nutrition, maintenance, and service characterize the earth. It contains a huge potential that gives shape to all things.


Earth means pliability.


The earth contains and begets.
A noble person uses this generous power to support all living things.

Hexagram lines

Line 1

Six in the beginning

If you stepped on frost, then strong ice is close.

Proceed slowly, carefully, and consistently to establish a solid foundation. Something important is coming back.

The first moment of Fulfillment is such that it itself is still imperceptible in it. And nevertheless, it will be carried out with complete necessity. Even if the power of Darkness and Cold has not yet been revealed here. But she has already begun to act. Even if the frost has already fallen out, the future frost is not yet noticeable, but if the frost has fallen, it means that the time is not far away when there will be strong ice, in which cold and darkness will already be fully manifested.

The growth of power and darkness can be understood in a figurative sense: this is the time when more and more “insignificances” - immoral people - can begin to act. We must anticipate events and be ready to meet with them.

Line 2

Six second

The flat square is huge (straightforwardness, ubiquity, greatness).
Even though you don't prepare, there will be nothing negative.

A flat square (Earth shape) interacts with a round dome (Sky shape). The Tao Te Ching says: "The Great Square has no corners." Correct the wrong, spread in all directions, focus on the great idea. You don't need to prepare or rehearse your actions. Go straight to the point: it will benefit everyone. The power of the earth helps you.

In the symbolism of the geometric shapes of the Book, the sky is assigned the shape of a circle, and the earth - a square. Spatially, the sky is thought of as domed, and the earth is “straight,” flat. But, entering into interaction with the sky, the earth must fully adapt itself to it in order to carry out its impulses. Despite the difference in their forms, this is possible due to the enormity of the earth. (The ancient Chinese idea that an infinitely large square tends to turn into a circle is attested in Chapter 41 of the Tao Te Ching: “The great square has no corners.”) In each symbol of the Book, one of the features is considered the main one. In this case, this is precisely the second feature. Therefore, the quality of this symbol is predominantly expressed in it. And since in this case this quality is available in full measure, no preliminary exercises are required here: no preliminary preparation is needed, but everything develops favorably by itself.

Line 3

Six third

Hold your shine and you can stay persistent.
Perhaps serve the king by following him.
Without doing anything, you will finish the job.

This is a time of latent perfection. You can act, but only at the direction of your superiors. If you resist the temptation to publicize your accomplishments, you can complete even great things. If you think about the distant, you will get inspiration.

After the first, internal revelation of this situation, a certain crisis occurs again. During it, free activity is impossible. A person can have the most beautiful qualities, but time is not favorable to him. Therefore, it must harbor its brilliance. He can be persistent and can even act, however, only on the condition that his activity does not take place on his own initiative, but only on the instructions of his superior standing leader, then only his work can be brought to the desired end.

Line 4

Six fourth

Knotted bag.
There will be no blasphemy, no praise.

A time of instability, fraught with various possibilities. By keeping in the shadows, you will avoid danger, but you will not be able to count on praise. Think carefully about your actions.

With the passivity of the power of Darkness, characteristic of Fulfillment, the state of crisis is somewhat delayed. Therefore, although in the fourth position he has already passed, but his impact still remains. A person can have a lot, but here it is better for him to hide what he has: to tie a sack. This position symbolizes the position of a person close to the sovereign. His position is unstable and full of troubles. Of course, if a person in such a position keeps in the shadows, then the danger will not threaten him, however, remaining unnoticed, he cannot count on any kind of praise.

Line 5

Six fifth

Yellow skirt.
Primordial happiness.

Yellow is the color of the Earth, the skirt indicates subordination to Heaven. Accept what is happening humbly. You may be confused, but the path will be open (original happiness). Be patient. What is being done now will have a beneficial effect on the future.

Both the second and fifth lines, as the middle lines in the lower and upper trigrams, express one of the most important qualities: poise, understood as the ability to always be in the right place without extremes. [This central position is expressed in an image that requires some deciphering. The fact is that the gamut of colors, according to ancient Chinese views, does not consist of seven (like ours), but of five colors, and in it the yellow color occupies a central position. Therefore, in the aphorisms relating to the second and fifth features, there are often images with the epithet "yellow"]. Also, yellow is the color of the Earth. The fifth line in this symbol, although it is not the main one, but, occupying the most advantageous position in the upper trigram, denoting the external, it still symbolizes the possibility of manifestation outside. The outward manifestation is a kind of clothing. But since here we are talking about the Earth, then its position, which is lower in relation to Heaven, is reflected in the fact that the lower part of the Chinese clothing is indicated in the image: “skirt”. The favorableness of this position makes it possible to speak here not only of happiness, but even of “primordial happiness”.

Line 6

Upstairs six

Dragons fight on the outskirts.
Their blood is blue and yellow.

The power of Heaven and the power of the Earth are fighting each other, draining each other in a futile battle. Give way, open the road, restore calm. Let go of your ideas of power and power.

The sixth position expresses the overdevelopment of this situation. The Power of Darkness, being overdeveloped, comes into conflict with the power of Light. Here, at the extreme position, on the outskirts, Light and Darkness, Heaven and Earth, which are inherent in blue and yellow, are fighting. Fortunately, this battle cannot be, since it is a violation of the world law, and now “the blood of dragons” is being poured.

All sixes

With the action of sixes, eternal endurance is favorable.

Long term efforts will be of immense benefit.

In the near future, you will need all your strength and all your experience to resist people who want to disrupt your plans. Be careful when dealing with strangers and strangers. You may not be able to fully demonstrate all your talents now, but if you work hard, you are guaranteed success in two months. Remember, now is not the time to think about the benefits. Also, you should not go on a trip in the near future. It is likely that soon you will meet a person who is very interested.

your wish

Your wish will certainly come true, although not immediately.

Explanation of the hexagram

full explanation of the 2nd hexagram → Kun: Execution

Explanation of each trait

explanation of the traits of the hexagram from bottom to top

Even the most intense creativity cannot be realized if there is no environment in which it will be realized. But this environment, in order to realize absolute creativity, must also be absolutely malleable and plastic. In addition, she must be deprived of any initiative of her own, must, in complete self-denial, only echo and follow the impulses of creativity. But at the same time, she would not be able to fulfill what is the creative intention. Therefore, she - a completely selfless force - is expressed metaphorically in the image of a mare, which, although devoid of the temper of a horse, is not inferior to him in the ability to act. If Creativity is Heaven, Light, Perfect Man, then Fulfillment is Earth, Darkness. A noble person who hears and obeys the instructions of the Perfect Person. It is he who here has to act not on these instructions, but on his own initiative, then he could only be delusional. And only by following his master can he find him. So, for a noble person here it is best, having lost friends like him, to find a friend above his standing, who makes up for his shortcomings with his qualities. In the spatial symbolism of the Book, the southwest is considered an area of ​​darkness, since the extinction of light begins there. And, in contrast, the northeast - the region where light originates - is considered the region of light. Fulfillment is expressed in the features of darkness, so he needs to lose similar forces in the southwest and find replenishing "friend" forces in the northeast in order to obey them. At the same time, it is important that the activity of the Execution proceeds in complete tranquility, in a submissive acceptance of its fate, without overdevelopment, otherwise its activity will not fulfill the intentions of creativity, but compete with them. Darkness will enter into an illegitimate battle with light, which cannot lead to a good result, for the power of darkness is a blind necessity, not a clear consciousness. If the first symbol refers primarily to the sovereign, husband, etc., then the symbol Fulfillment tells about the activities of the subject, wife, etc. It shows the evolving need for Fulfillment. In the text it is expressed as follows: In the initial development, the stamina of the mare is favorable. A noble person has to act, but if he moves forward, he will get lost, while stepping back, he will find a master. It is favorable here in the southwest to find a friend and in the northeast to lose a friend. Calm endurance is happiness.

The first moment of Fulfillment is such that it itself is still imperceptible in it. And nevertheless, it will be carried out with complete necessity. Even if the power of Darkness and Cold has not yet been revealed here. But she has already begun to act. Even if the frost has already fallen out, the future frost is not yet noticeable, but if the frost has fallen, it means that the time is not far away when there will be strong ice, in which cold and darkness will already be fully manifested. The growth of strength and darkness can be understood in a figurative sense: this is the time when more and more "insignificance" - immoral people can begin to act. We must anticipate events and be ready to meet with them. Therefore, the words of the text sound like a warning: At the beginning, a weak line. If you stepped on the frost, then strong ice is coming.

In the symbolism of the geometric shapes of the Book, the sky is assigned the shape of a circle, and the earth - a square. Spatially, the sky is thought to be domed, and the earth is "straight," flat. But, entering into interaction with the sky, the earth must fully adapt itself to it in order to carry out its impulses. Despite the difference in their forms, this is possible due to the enormity of the earth. (The ancient Chinese idea that an infinitely large square tends to turn into a circle is attested in Chapter 41 of the Tao Te Ching: “The great square has no corners.”) In each symbol of the Book, one of the features is considered the main one. In this case, this is precisely the second feature. Therefore, the quality of this symbol is predominantly expressed in it. And since in this case this quality is available in full measure, no preliminary exercises are required here: no preliminary preparation is needed, but everything develops favorably by itself. Only in the light of these thoughts does the text become clear: Weak line in second place. The flat square is huge. Even though you don't prepare, there will be nothing negative.

After the first, internal revelation of this situation, a certain crisis occurs again. During it, free activity is impossible. A person can have the most beautiful qualities, but time is not favorable to him. Therefore, it must harbor its brilliance. He can be persistent and can even act, however, only on the condition that his activity does not take place on his own initiative, but only on the instructions of his superior standing leader, then only his work can be brought to the desired end. That is why the text also says: Weak line is in third place. Hold your shine and you can stay resistant. It is possible that if you act, following the leader, without doing anything, then the matter will be completed.

With the passivity of the power of Darkness, characteristic of Fulfillment, the state of crisis is somewhat delayed. Therefore, although in the fourth position he has already passed, but his impact still remains. A person can have a lot, but here it is better for him to hide what he has: to tie a sack. This position symbolizes the position of a person close to the sovereign. His position is unstable and full of troubles. Of course, if a person in such a position keeps in the shadows, then the danger will not threaten him, however, remaining unnoticed, he cannot count on any kind of praise. So, in the text we read: Weak line in fourth place. Tie the bag. There will be no blasphemy, no praise.

And the second and fifth lines, as middle lines in the lower and upper trigrams, express one of the most important qualities: poise, understood as the ability to always be in the right place without extremes. [This central position is expressed in an image that requires some deciphering. The fact is that the gamut of colors, according to ancient Chinese views, does not consist of seven (like ours), but of five colors, and in it the yellow color occupies a central position. Therefore, in the aphorisms relating to the second and fifth features, there are often images with the epithet "yellow"]. Also, yellow is the color of the Earth. The fifth line in this symbol, although it is not the main one, but, occupying the most advantageous position in the upper trigram, denoting the external, it still symbolizes the possibility of manifestation outside. The outward manifestation is a kind of clothing. But since here we are talking about the Earth, then its position, which is lower in relation to Heaven, is reflected in the fact that the lower part of Chinese clothing is indicated in the image: "skirt". The favorableness of this position makes it possible to speak here not only of happiness, but even of "primordial happiness". After these explanations, the text will probably not seem incomprehensible: Weak line in fifth place. Yellow skirt. Primordial happiness.

The sixth position expresses the overdevelopment of this situation. The Power of Darkness, being overdeveloped, comes into conflict with the power of Light. Here, at the extreme position, on the outskirts, Light and Darkness, Heaven and Earth, which are inherent in blue and yellow, are fighting. Fortunately, this battle cannot be, since it is a violation of the world law, and now the "blood of dragons" is pouring: Above is a weak point. Dragons fight on the outskirts. Their blood is blue and yellow. To avoid such a battle under the action of the forces of Darkness - weak features - one must always bear in mind that only eternal stamina can be favorable here. This is also indicated by the general warning to this symbol: When weak traits are active, eternal stamina is favorable.

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