Home Grape Gender in the second junior group. Summary of GCD on gender education in the second junior group on the topic “Tanya and Vanechka are learning to play. Topic: "Tell about your family"

Gender in the second junior group. Summary of GCD on gender education in the second junior group on the topic “Tanya and Vanechka are learning to play. Topic: "Tell about your family"

Topic of the week: "Winter".

Target: expanding children's ideas about seasonal changes in nature.


1. to acquaint children with the characteristic signs of winter, the properties of snow, with changes in the life of birds and wild animals; learn to establish the simplest cause-and-effect relationships; develop auditory and visual attention, fine motor skills; activate the dictionary; learn to answer the questions posed;

2. develop a sense of color and rhythm, create a positive emotional mood in the group;

3. to foster interest in the knowledge of nature and the reflection of their impressions in artistic and aesthetic activities.

Changes in the subject-spatial environment:add paper snowflakes to the group, place them in the group space; place the layout "Winter's Tale" in the design center; to place paintings with winter subjects in the center of creativity; bring a doll in winter clothes; place information on seasonal changes in nature in the parent's corner.

Final event:entertainment "Visiting the Snowflake".



Organization of the developmental environment

for independent activities

Working with parents

Individual work


Cognitive development

Speech development

Physical development

Morning exercises

Conversation “What we like in winter” is to clarify the children's ideas about the coming season.

Finger gymnastics: "The bear is asleep."

Like on a hill - snow, snow,

And under the hill - snow, snow.

And a bear sleeps under the snow.

Hush, hush - do not make noise.

Didactic game"What color" - to consolidate the ability to recognize and name colors.

ZKR "Who is shouting how?" (Exercises with non-speaking children).


to consolidate neatness while eating.

Object pictures with images of animals.

Box with paper-cut snowflakes.

Individual conversations with parents about ways to observe natural phenomena while walking.


Cognitive development



1.FEMP: “Many and one” - to teach children to find one and many objects in a specially created environment, to answer the question “how much?” Using the words “one, many”.

2. FORMATION OF HLS:outdoor game "Catch the Snowball" -develop dexterity and attentiveness in children, as well as quick reaction. The host has a bag with small balls - "snowballs". Give the children small multi-colored plastic buckets. At a prearranged signal, the children run and try, substituting buckets under the flying snowballs, to catch them. When all the snowballs in the bag run out, the game ends.

Walk 1

Social and communicative development

Cognitive development


How it snows, what shape are the snowflakes, is it possible to catch them, do they melt from the touch of a hand, etc.

Work : basic assignments - collect toys after a walk.

  • P / N "Snow is spinning"
  • - to form in children the ability to correlate their actions with the text ..

We all gathered in a circle, spun like a snowball!

(Children approach each other, then whirl.)

(Children do the actions at random and slowly squat at the end.)

A cold wind blew. How? B-in-in-in!

(Children say "B-in-in-in".)

Snowflakes scattered, scattered in different directions.

(Children scatter around the playground.)

P / N: "Run up to me" - to learn to hear the signal and complete the task.

Children run around the site and, upon a signal, stop and take a pose.

Low mobility game:"Who is gone." Promote the development of attention, memory.

Situational conversationthat during a walk you cannot run to the sides, you need to play together and amicably, walk carefully, looking at your feet: Maxim, Misha.

Teach children a benevolent attitude towards peers and adults, emotional responsiveness, develop a sense of kindness, a willingness to help each other, build friendships and value them, teach children to call each other by their first names, not quarrel, value friendly relationships.

Remote material:

Work before bed

Speech development

Reading fairy tales "Zayushkina hut" - to educate children to sympathy for the hero of the tale.

2nd floor of the day

Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Physical development

Awakening gymnastics.

Role-playing game"Hospital. The bear cub came to the doctor "

Teach children to mimic actions and role-based dialogues.

Independent activityin the center of creativity (painting with paints).

Conversation "Share toys" - to develop friendly feelings.

Continue to reinforce self-dressing skills

Hospital set

Paints, brushes, album sheets.

Walk 2

Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Physical development

Teach children a benevolent attitude towards peers and adults, emotional responsiveness, develop a sense of kindness, a willingness to help each other, build friendships and value them, teach children to call each other by their first names, not to quarrel.

Remote material:sleighs, dolls, buckets and shovels.



Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children

Working with parents

Group and subgroup activities

Individual work

Educational activities in times of security


Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Physical development

Morning exercises.

Didactic gameson sensory development: "Arrange the dishes in groups" (by color) - to train children in distinguishing between primary colors.

ZKR pure phrases with the sound "C":

The garden is in the snow and the forest is in the snow, and in the snow I run.

From autumn to spring, the bear sleeps and sees dreams.

Sanya has a snow scooter.

Sanya has a sleigh.

Give Sanya snowfall -

He will skate everyone.

Individual work on ZKR (Liza, Zakhar, Pasha).

CGN : practical exercise. "Mine, my clean-clean"

Make you want to clean your hands

Crockery from different sets.

Object pictures "Dishes".

Invite parents to draw a picture with their children on the theme "Why do we love winter"






- to consolidate and systematize ideas about seasonal changes in nature and about natural phenomena characteristic of winter;

Enrich the vocabulary of children, teach them to respond to detailed sentences;

Foster a love of nature.


According to the plan of the physical instructor.

Walk 1

Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development Physical development

Observation what and how changes in nature with the arrival of winter. What changes are visible in the weather.

Outdoor play "Little white bunny is sitting" - to teach children to listen to the text and perform movements in accordance with the content.

Outdoor play "Hit the target" - to exercise children in throwing at a distance.


Game task "Where I'm going - I know!" - teach walking backwards, keeping the direction (Seryozha, Anya, Arisha)

Remote material:sleighs, dolls, buckets and shovels.

Work before bed

Speech development

Listening fairy tales "Snow Maiden" - to teach children to empathize with the fairytale hero.

2 half a day

Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Physical development

Awakening gymnastics.

Finger gymnastics"Snowball"

One, two, three, four, bend our fingers one by one

You and I made a snowball, "Sculpt" with both hands

Round, strong, we draw a circle with our hands

Very smooth, stroking with one hand with the other

And not at all, not at all sweet. We threaten with a finger

Role-playing game:"Hospital. The bunny has a toothache ”- to teach children imitative actions and dialogues corresponding to the role.

Independent activityin the center of creativity (modeling).

CGN : Exercise: "Keeping an eye on your appearance"

Learn to use personal hygiene skills in a timely manner and independently.

Plasticine, sculpting boards, molds.

Walk 2

Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Physical development

Independent play activity.

Teach children to put on tights and socks on their own.

Portable material: sleighs, dolls, buckets and shovels.



Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children

Working with parents

Group and subgroup activities

Individual work

Educational activities in times of security


Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Physical development

Morning exercises.

Conversation "Why you can't eat snow" - to foster a positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle.

Breathing exercises"Blow on the snowflake" - to develop speech breathing, voice power, train the muscles of the lips.

Did. the game "Guess what is gone?"

Develop memory and attentiveness (Fedor, Nastya, Sasha D.).

CGN : reinforce neatness while eating.

Board game "Memori".

Mug with snow.


Speech development

Musical development

1. Storytelling based on the painting "Winter Fun"

- teach consistently, meaningfully perceive the picture, highlight the main thing in it, distinguish bright details.

Develop speech activity;

2. according to the plan of the music director

Walk 1

Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Physical development

Observation beyond the sky. Sky is blue. There are clouds or clouds in the sky. The clouds are white and fluffy. The clouds are dark, heavy.

Outdoor play: "It's frost and wind outside"

Learn to act in accordance with the text.

It's frost and wind outside,

Children are walking in the yard.

Handles rubbing

Handles, handles keep you warm.

(They go in a circle, rubbing and warming their hands.)

Handles-crumbs will not freeze, We will clap our hands.

This is how we can clap, this is how we will warm our hands.

(They stop, turn their faces in a circle, clap their hands.)

In order not to freeze our legs, we will sink a little, this is how we can stomp, this is how we will warm our legs.

(They walk in a circle with a stomping step.)

Work: collect toys after a walk.

Exercise walking in a forward direction through game tasks (Pasha, Sonya).

To develop basic physical qualities, motor abilities, as well as cognitive, communication skills of children in joint activities.

Remote material:sleighs, dolls, buckets and shovels.

Work before bed

Artistic and aesthetic development Speech development

View cartoon "Zayushkina hut"

Foster a sense of empathy for the fairytale hero.

2 half a day

Physical development

Speech development Social and communicative development

Exercise after sleep.

Finger gymnastics"Met":

The palms are folded together, the fingers are connected in pairs. We tap our fingers against each other in accordance with the text:

We met two chickens, pee-pee, pee-pee.

We met two ducklings, quack-quack-quack, quack-quack-quack.

We met two kittens, meow-meow-meow, meow-meow-meow.

We met two puppies, gavgav-woof, woof-woof-woof.

Two bulls met: Muuu!

Role-playing game"Hospital. Chanterelle vaccination "

Teach children to imitate actions and appropriate dialogue.

Independent activityin the design center.

Кгн: to consolidate the skills to put on tights and socks on their own, to fasten sandals.

Add syringes to the hospital play set.

Small toys, constructors.


Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Physical development

Independent play activity.

CTG: teach how to put on shoes on their own, ask an adult for help if necessary.

Portable material for independent games.



Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children

Organization of an educational environment for independent play

Working with parents

Individual work

Educational activities in times of security


Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development Physical development

Morning exercises.

Conversation on the theme "Letter to Santa Claus" - to create a New Year's mood, tell about New Year's traditions.

Finger gymnastics"The bear is sleeping"

Like on a hill - snow, snow,

And under the hill - snow, snow.

And a bear sleeps under the snow.

Hush, hush - do not make noise.

Didactic game"Find an object of the same shape?"

Teach children to find objects that are similar in shape.

Enrichment of the vocabulary"Wonderful bag" (what is it, what does it look like, what is it made of?) (Maxim, Fedor, Sonya).

CTG: Develop basic personal hygiene skills: wash hands before eating

Layout "Winter's Tale".

The game "Wonderful bag", a set of small objects of different shapes

Place advisory material on the choice of costumes for the New Year's party in the parent's corner.


Cognitive development

Physical development



Strengthen the ability of children to build a ladder of three cubes;

Show how to make a ramp from a plank.

2. according to the plan of the physical instructor

Walk 1

Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Physical development

Observation for passenger transport: to consolidate knowledge about cars, how do cars affect nature?

Outdoor play "Sparrows and the car"

Continue teaching children to act according to the text.

Downhill skiing.

Work: collect toys after a walk.

Conversation: “Why can't we throw snow?” (Misha, Nikita).

Continue to develop the desire to play group games without being offended.

External material: paddles, ice-cream, dolls.

Work before bed

Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Conversation "What do we like in winter?"

Clarify children's knowledge of winter activities

2 days

Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Physical development

Exercise after sleep.

Finger gymnastics"Met."

Learning nursery rhymes "Oh you, winter-winter"

Learn to memorize words, understand their meaning

Role-playing game"Hospital. The doll has a toothache "

Teach children to mimic actions and dialogue appropriate to the role.

Independent activityin the design center.

A book with nursery rhymes.


Walk 2

Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Physical development

Independent play activity.

Continue to develop the desire to play group games, not to be offended.

Remote material:ice skids, sledges, dolls.



Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and a child

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities

Working with parents

Group and subgroup work

Individual work

Educational activities in times of security


Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Physical development

Morning exercises.

Articulation gymnastics"Blow off the snowflake"

Develop speech breathing, train the muscles of the lips.

Conversation based on drawings drawn together with parents on the topic: "Why do we love winter?"

Make children want to talk about their drawing.

Independent activityin the center of creativity.

CTG: Strengthen the skills of accurate food intake

Place new coloring pages in the center of creativity.

Place an exhibition of children's works "Magic Snowflakes" in the reception area


Artistic and aesthetic development

Musical development

1 . according to the plan of the music director

2. Application "Magic Snowflakes":

To consolidate the ability to use a brush and glue;

Teach children to form small balls from napkins and stick them in a certain sequence.

Lane 1

Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development Physical development

Observation watching the older children sculpt snow figures.

Outdoor game "Santa Claus"

To instill in children the ability to perform characteristic movements (bunny, bear, chanterelle, birds).

I am Frost Red Nose, (Children jump towards the teacher like bunnies)
Overgrown with a beard.

I'm looking for animals in the forest.

Come out soon!

Come out, bunnies!

I will freeze! I will freeze!
(The teacher is trying to catch the guys).

The exercise "From circle to circle"

Teach children to jump on two legs.

Game task "Walk over the bridge"

Develop balance when walking (normal) on a log, arms to the sides)

(Sonya, Liza, Pasha, Nikita).

Work before bed

Speech development

Cognitive development

Social and communicative development

Didactic game"Guess by the sound?"

Strengthen the ability of children to correlate the voices of animals and their image

2 half a day

Physical development

Musical development

Social and communicative development

Speech development

Exercise after sleep.

Entertainment "Visiting Snowflakes"

- develop emotional responsiveness;evoke a positive emotional response from children and create a good mood.

Role-playing game"Hospital. The doll Masha has a sore throat "

Learn to perform imitative play actions and participate in a dialogue appropriate to the role.

Independent activityin the center of the mantle.

Snowflakes made of paper.

Walk 2

Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Physical development

Independent play activity.

Portable material: ice shoes, sledges, dolls.

PLANNING EDUCATIONAL WORK for a week on the topic "Winter fun" Purpose.

View document content
"Complex - thematic planning in a mixed junior group on the topic" Winter fun ""

PLANNING EDUCATIONAL WORK (for the week 15.01-19.01)

Group:mixedearlyTheme:"Winter fun"

Target. Expand children's ideas about the time of year winter, winter phenomena, wintering birds. Introduce the rules of safe behavior in nature. To foster a respect for nature. Develop the ability to notice the beauty of winter nature, to observe the weather.

Final event: Exhibition of children's drawings "Winter winter"

Date of the final event:Friday– 19.01.

Responsible for the final event: educators.

Day of week





Speech, Physical

Conversation about the surrounding world: what the child saw on the way; natural, weather changes. Purpose: to develop coherent speech of children, observation.

P. and. "Little gray bunny sits" Purpose: development of coordination of movements, to form the ability to comply with the rules of the game

D / and "Collect a snowman."

cultivate perseverance, develop logical thinking.

Reading verse-th S. Mikhalkov about winter

“White poetry.

On skates.

Ski track and stump "

(1000 verses p. 125,126,128)

Children's games with pyramids, nesting dolls, logic cubes, Dyenysh cubes

Purpose: to provide children with the opportunity to make their own choices, form the ability to occupy themselves, develop imagination.

Introducing parents to kindergarten activities.

Folder clamshell "Child and book"

Unreservedly imaginative activity

Artistic - aesthetic

2ml gr. "Snowman" Purpose: continue to learn how to sculpt objects consisting of balls. Strengthen the ability to bring the product to the desired image with the help of additional materialWed group "Snow woman frantiha" Purpose : Continue teaching children to create expressive moldings in a constructive way. Explain the connection between the plastic form and the sculpting method. Develop an eye, a sense of form and proportion.

Artistic - aesthetic


Socio-communicative, Cognitive,

Speech, Physical.

Finding winter signs with children. Purpose: to develop the ability to independently identify signs of winter, observability.

P / and "Shaggy dog"

Purpose: to teach children to listen to the text and quickly respond to the signal of sustained attention.

Exercise in comparison of values ​​(large-small; low-high) - to develop thinking, attention, memory.

A situational conversation about the fact that during a walk you can't run around, you need to play together and amicably, share toys.

Independent play activity.

Purpose: to continue to form the ability to engage yourself in the game, to form a benevolent attitude towards each other, the ability to share with a friend.

Garbage collection from the site

Work before and after sleep

Social but communicative,


Speech, Physical.

Artistic - aesthetic

Continue to teach how to change clothes on your own, wash your hands with soap and roll up your sleeves.

Conversation about the benefits of sleep. Purpose: to form the idea that sleep is restorative. Reading a fairy tale: Mitten Preparing for an afternoon snack. Afternoon snack.

1 ml gr. "Nose for a snowman" Purpose: Continue teaching children to roll the ball in a circular motion with their palms; roll out a thick column, and then narrow the column into a cone from one end, transferring the elongated shape of the carrot. Foster curiosity, initiative, interest in creative activity.

Experiments with water - washing clothes for dolls. What has the water become?

Viewing and discussing cartoon

"When the trees are lit"

Purpose: to involve children in a conversation after watching a cartoon; explain the actions of the characters

Control in sculpting plasticine balls (snowballs)

Purpose: to learn how to roll small balls in a circular motion between the palms.

Situational conversation about the benefits of water for the body

С / r and "Clothing store"
Purpose: to teach children to actively participate in joint games; to acquaint with the concept of "seller", "buyer", "goods", "queue" activate the dictionary on the topic, teach to build detailed sentences; accustom to putting things in order.

Independent activity in the corner of creativity.


"We make a house for bunnies" modeling from snow P. and. Run quietly. Children leaving home.

15.01 19.01 )

Group:mixedearlyTheme: « Winter fun »

Target. Expand children's ideas about the time of year winter, winter phenomena, wintering birds. Introduce the rules of safe behavior in nature. To foster a respect for nature. Develop the ability to notice the beauty of winter nature, to observe the weather.

Day of week

Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Interaction with parents / social partners




Educational activities in times of security

Reception of children, games, communication, morning exercises, preparation for breakfast, breakfast.

Socio-communicative, Cognitive,

Speech, Physical

Conversation on how winter differs from other seasons. Invite children to look at indoor plants, name friends; determine which plant was not previously in the corner of nature, describe the geranium.

D / and "The fourth extra" -

encourage you to find an extra picture,

explain why.

continue to develop the amount of memory and attention,

Observing the sky from the window Purpose: to continue to acquaint children with inanimate nature.

Offer children s / r. And.

"At the doctor"

Goals: continue to work on the development and enrichment of game plots; to acquaint children with the profession of a doctor; teach children game actions, their implementation in a certain sequence

Ind-i conversation with the parents of Roma S. about the daily routine,

about the benefits of following the correct regimen, about putting children to bed on time in order to avoid a bad mood in the morning from lack of sleep.

Cognitive, Speech.

2ml - Wed gr. "Our friend the snowman" Purpose: develop tactile sensitivity. Learn to answer problematic questions, develop logical thinking, be able to explain, compare, find similarities and differences between two objects. (Koldina D.N. 1, p. 15)


Lesson number 2 Objectives:


Speech, Physical.

Watching the trees.

Purpose: to clarify the idea of ​​children about the life of wintering trees and shrubs

P / and "One, two, three run to the tree"

Purpose: to fix the names of trees; exercise in running without stopping; navigate in space.

Learn a nursery rhyme

"Chiki-chiki-chikalochki, Vanya is riding on a stick, and Dunya is cracking nuts in the cart."

Remember and tell the poem I learned for the New Year's matinee.

Purpose: to develop memory; evoke an emotionally positive mood.

Exercise "Labyrinth"

Purpose: to invite children to lay a winding path in the snow.

Free activity under the supervision of a teacher with external material (clubs).

Labor orders to cover the roots of trees from frost with snow.

Invite parents to make bird feeders at home, in order to evoke sympathy for birds that are hungry in winter

Work before and after sleep

Social-flax-communicative, Cognitive,

Speech, Physical.

Artistic - aesthetic

Situational conversation "Thanks to everyone who prepared us lunch"

Listening to the musical composition "No rain, no snow ..." ("The Song of the Astrologer" from the movie "Little Red Riding Hood". Gymnastics after sleep. Walking along the paths of health.

Directly educational activities

Lesson number 2 Objectives: Learn to run in a column one at a time, roll the ball with both hands while standing; train in the ability to crawl on an inclined board, jump up. (Anisimova T.G. p. 12)

Di. "Find the same"

"Ski relay"

Purpose: to develop the activity of children in physical activity; the ability to observe elementary rules during the game; complicate, enrich the subject-game environment

"Balls for grandmother"

Objective: Exercise in the ability to draw circles

Reading and discussion of the work of L. Voronkova "It is snowing"

Independent activities of children - noisemakers, musical instruments, sounding toys. Purpose: acquaintance with the sound of some musical instruments, development of the ability to listen to different sounds.


P / and "Mice and a cat" - to exercise in running, to encourage children not to bump into each other, to follow the rules of the game. Children leaving home.


Group:mixedearlyTheme: « Winter fun »

Target. Expand children's ideas about the time of year winter, winter phenomena, wintering birds. Introduce the rules of safe behavior in nature. To foster a respect for nature. Develop the ability to notice the beauty of winter nature, to observe the weather.

Day of week

Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Interaction with parents / social partners




Educational activities in times of security

Reception of children, games, communication, morning exercises, preparation for breakfast, breakfast.

Socio-communicative, Cognitive,

Speech, Physical

I. small / sub-sta "Dwarfs and giants" to form the ability to determine the size of an object in comparison with the sample and by representation.

D / game "Guess who called?" Purpose: to develop children's communication skills, ideas about peers.

Exercise "Who walks how" - for the development of gross motor skills:

Situational conversation about respect for their own crafts and crafts of their peers.

Board games

“Collect the picture. Find the Difference "- to develop visual perception, attention, memory

Creative activity of children

"Funny coloring"

Purpose: to develop interest, accuracy, perseverance, independence

Memo for parents "Winter fun"

Directly educational activities

Cognitive, Speech.

2 ml Average gr. "Tanya is not afraid of frost" Purpose: teach children to compose a short story reflecting the content of the picture, according to the plan proposed by the teacher; to learn to select definitions for the words snow, winter, snowflakes; learn to highlight sounds in a word.


According to the plan of the music director


Socio-communicative, Cognitive,

Speech, Physical.

Watching the wind. What is blowing: a strong, not very strong wind ?. When the wind blows, the trees sway, the sultans rustle. The wind is cold and warm P / and "Funny Sparrows" Teach children to jump from low objects, gently landing on bent legs

D / speech development game

"Name it affectionately"

Purpose: improving the grammatical structure of speech

Creative Activity: Determining the mood of winter (when good, when bad). Purpose: to develop observation, to foster love for the nature of the native land.

C / r and. "We are going to visit" External material: steering wheels, traffic signs. Remember the rules of the road.

Independent games with portable material:

scapulae, buckets, molds

Collection of portable material in a box. Purpose: to teach to maintain cleanliness and order on the site of the garden.

by class

at home with children applique.

Objectives: to educate parents

with artistic activities

children helping

in permission


Work before and after sleep

Socio-communicative, Cognitive,

Speech, Physical.

Artistic - aesthetic

Exercise "We hang clothes on the chair neatly" Reading Russian folk tales before bedtime at the request of the children. Corrective gymnastics. Preparing for an afternoon snack. Canteen duty. Afternoon snack.

Directly educational activities

1 ml.gr. Looking at the painting "Walking in Winter" Purpose: To teach children to answer questions about the content of the picture, to control the pronunciation of phrases, to learn to regulate a quiet and loud voice, to change the timbre of the voice.

Viewing and discussing the cartoon based on the fairy tale "Mitten" - to lead children to understand the meaning of the tale, assess the actions and character of the characters.

Dramatization of the fairy tale "Rukavichka". Purpose: to develop the creativity of children.

Articulating gymnastics "Tasty Jam"

Reading verse S. Mikhalkov "About a girl who ate poorly"

(1000 verses page 16)

Independent creative activity: invite children to mold a treat for guests from salt dough with further coloring (after drying)


Observing the weather. P / N: "Snowballs" Independent activity: games with portable material. Children leaving home.


Group:mixedearlyTheme: « Winter fun »

Target. Expand children's ideas about the time of year winter, winter phenomena, wintering birds. Introduce the rules of safe behavior in nature. To foster a respect for nature. Develop the ability to notice the beauty of winter nature, to observe the weather.

Day of week

Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Interaction with parents / social partners




Educational activities in times of security

Reception of children, games, communication, morning exercises, preparation for breakfast, breakfast.

Socio-communicative, Cognitive,

Speech, Physical

Examination of pictures "Winter"

Purpose: to acquaint with the phenomena of nature;

learn to make short sentences with new words. Learn the finger game "Snow"

Goal: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements

(Timofeeva E.Yu. page 51)

Compilation of descriptive riddles, stories - to form the skills of composing a story on the topic "Snow-white winter" based on pictures.

Repeat the names of the trees. Discuss the structure of the tree (trunk, branches)

Learn the riddle "in winter and summer in one color"

Joint games with cars (find and highlight parts: cab, body, wheels, etc.)

C / r. And. "Chauffeurs".

Purpose: to teach children to prepare the necessary conditions for the game, to negotiate. Independent activities of children in active play areas

Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents

Directly educational activities

Cognitive, Speech.

Lesson number 2 Goal: 2ml.gr To develop the ability to distinguish objects of contrasting size and designate them with the words big-small. Wed gr Manage counting sounds by ear within 5. Clarify ideas about the meaning of words far-close


Lesson number 2 repetition Objectives: Learn to walk on a board placed on the floor, run in a straight path, throw at a vertical target; exercise in building up in a column of two, jumping between objects (Anisimova T.G. p. 33)


Socio-communicative, Cognitive,

Speech, Physical.

Watching the snow

Purpose: to clarify ideas about the properties of snow; white, cold, crumbly, soft, covers the entire area.

P / and "Snowballs" - creating a game situation (hitting the target)

goal: to develop dexterity, eye (throwing snowballs into the distance)

While getting ready for a walk, repeat the dressing algorithm

Situational conversation "Is it possible to leave the territory of the kindergarten alone"

Independent motor activity. Purpose: to improve the ability to independently organize outdoor games, to use sports attributes.

Constructive games "Build what you want" snow modeling

Home lexical assignment on the topic "Snow-white winter".

Work before and after sleep

Socio-communicative, Cognitive,

Speech, Physical.

Artistic - aesthetic

Learn to turn things out and hang them neatly on chairs. Reading fairy tales of the children's choice. Breathing exercises. Walking the health path. Listening to the audio fairy tale "Winter House of Animals"

Directly educational activities

1ml gr. Reading the work of K.I. Chukovsky "Confusion"(Gerbova V.V. 2 p. 77)

Purpose: To acquaint children with the work of K.I. Chukovsky, bringing joy to the kids from a sonorous, funny poetic text, to develop imagination.

Theatrical play

"Zimushkin's fun"

Purpose: to please children with a game plot; encourage motor improvisation; develop creative imagination

(Gubanova N.F. p. 46)

Learn the nursery rhyme "Fall, fall, white snow! Please, please everyone everywhere! "

Sound pronunciation work: pronouncing the pure phrase "Ri-ri-ri - on a branch of bullfinches"

encourage children to active speech reactions.

Create conditions for

C / r. Games "Mothers and Daughters" Purpose: To encourage children to creatively reproduce family life in games. Independent play activity:

Exercise "spreading out of sticks" Purpose: to develop the ability to lay out a picture according to a model.


Monitoring the janitor's work. An outdoor game "Catchers". Children leaving home.


Group:mixedearlyTheme: « Winter fun »

Target. Expand children's ideas about the time of year winter, winter phenomena, wintering birds. Introduce the rules of safe behavior in nature. To foster a respect for nature. Develop the ability to notice the beauty of winter nature, to observe the weather.

Day of week

Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Interaction with parents / social partners




Educational activities in times of security

Reception of children, games, communication, morning exercises, preparation for breakfast, breakfast.

Socio-communicative, Cognitive,

Speech, Physical

Conversation with all the children about what they did yesterday, what are the plans for today, the wishes of the children (what they would like to do)

Educational game "Blow up the bubble"

goal: to bring the kids closer to each other and the teacher

Learn the nursery rhyme "Chiki-chiki-chikalochki, Vanya rides on a stick, and Dunya cracks nuts in the cart."

Situation discussion

"Ksenia Sergeevna has come to us." Compliance with the rules of communication with adults

Labor assignments - invite children to look through all the books in the book corner and choose those that need to be glued.

Objective: to continue to shape the labor skills of children

Independent games in development zones

Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents

Unbelievably imaginative activity

Artistic and aesthetic

2 ml gr. Wed gr. "Snowmen in hats ..." Purpose: 2ml.gr. control in drawing objects of a round shape, to teach to convey in the drawing the structure of an object, consisting of several parts, to consolidate the skills of painting with solid lines. Wed gr.Show the techniques of decorative design of sets of winter clothing. Foster confidence, initiative, interest in experimentation.


Complex number 1 Wellness gymnastics. Task: Learn to walk and run in a column one by one between objects with a snake.


Socio-communicative, Cognitive,

Speech, Physical.

Observing the weather. Target : learn to determine the season by characteristic features.

P / game "Sparrows and the car". Purpose: teach children to run quickly on a signal, not to bump into each other

Repeat the signs of winter and compare with the signs of autumn.

Preventive measure.

Breathing and sound control

"The whistle of the steamer"

Snow construction "Brick castle"

Purpose: Arouse interest in the design of various materials. Develop perception, thinking, imagination.

Independent games of children with portable material.

Labor activity

Spread feed into troughs.

Conversation with parents “What knowledge about nature is available to children in winter?

Objectives: to inform the parents of the program tasks of the school for acquaintance with nature and ecological education, to give practical recommendations for expanding and enriching children's knowledge about nature in winter.

Work before and after sleep

Socio-communicative, Cognitive,

Speech, Physical.

Artistic - aesthetic

Game situation "Let's teach the doll Masha to use a tablespoon"

Help with table setting for dinner. Reading a fairy tale at the request of children.

Directly educational activities

1ml gr. "It's snowing" Purpose: continue to teach children to paint using a brush; clarify and consolidate knowledge of colors; to form an interest and a positive attitude towards drawing.

Physical leisure:

"On a visit to winter"

Purpose: Create an emotionally positive attitude; to form a positive attitude of children towards physical activities; improve movement skills: running, walking, throwing, climbing

D. / and "Assemble the pyramid" to consolidate the ability to correctly assemble the pyramid to distinguish and correctly name

colors in it.

Learning fables: “The village was driving past a peasant,

Suddenly the gate barks from under the dog "

Independent activity Inviting children to water indoor plants, arrange neat books in a book corner, arrange chairs in a row.

Objectives: to form knowledge about the subject environment in kindergarten, to foster diligence and curiosity.


Show children how to build a house out of snow for a doll or animal. Objectives: to teach to measure the size of the house with the size of the toy; cut the hole carefully and deep enough. D / i: "Say the opposite" Self-activity: games with portable material


: Reception and examination of children in a group

Cognitive development

Experimental activities.

Topics a- "Multicolored ice floes"

Target: Generate exploratory and cognitive interest through experimentation with water and ice.

Speech development.

Narrative based on the storyline "Winter Fun".

Target : Clarify children's ideas about winter games, teach them to consider the plot picture, answer questions about the image, reproduce specific actions with movements, accompanying them with speech; develop auditory perception, the skills of correlating the visual image with the auditory; activate the dictionary on the topic "Winter".

Physical development

Morning exercises, hygiene procedures.

C / r. game "Feed the kids".

Target : To develop in children the ability to unite for joint games.

Conversation with children on the topic: “The road is dangerous!

Target - continue to explain to children that crossing the road can only be with adults, you can walk along the side of the road.

Games in the play corner with your favorite toys.

Before bedtime:

Walk 1.

Cognitive development

Crow watching


Expand the understanding of wintering birds,

Learn to notice how birds move.

Learn to guess riddles

Develop observation

To cultivate love and respect for wintering birds.

Speech development.

Making riddles about the crow.

Kar-kar-kar! the cheat shouts.

What a clever thief!

All the shiny things

This bird loves very much!

And she is familiar to you all,

What is her name?


Physical development

Outdoor game "The Crow and the Dog"

Target :

Learn to move without interfering with each other

Develop the ability to pronounce onomatopoeia

Foster the desire to play outdoor games

The course of the game.


Near the green Christmas tree

The crows are galloping, croaking:

Kar! Kar, Kar ”- children jump, emit onomatopoeia.

“Then the dog came running

And the crows scattered everyone:

Aw! Aw! Av! - the children scatter in different directions.

Individual work: throwing.


Exercise in throwing at a distance with the right and left hand

Develop an eye

Cultivate a desire to exercise

Social and communicative development

Situational conversation on the topic "How to behave while walking in winter"

Target : Strengthen the knowledge of the rules of behavior for walks in winter in children.


You cannot throw snow and snowballs in the face and behind the collar;

You cannot push down a hill, on ice, etc.;

Do not swing a spatula, etc.

When sledding, do not overturn and push each other;

Explain that failure to follow the rules leads to injury

C / r. game: "Transport"

Target : explain to children the rules of the road traffic rules (stop in front of a pedestrian crossing, letting pedestrians pass).

Independent games with portable material.

Labor activity: cleaning toys from the site.

Target : to develop in children a desire to work.

Singing familiar songs together.

Purpose: to create a joyful mood.

Social and communicative development

Before bedtime

When undressing at bedtime, encourage you to take off your dress or shirt, then your shoes, teach you to take off your tights, and hang your clothes neatly on the back of the chair. Teach children to politely ask for help.


Physical development

Gradual rise, gymnastics after sleep, air hardening, hygiene procedures.

Social and communicative development

Continue to work with each child on the skills of dressing tights, teach children how to put on shoes correctly

Cognitive development

d / and "Find two identical snowflakes"

From 4-5 snowflakes you need to find two identical ones and explain your choice.

Speech development.

Conversation with children on the topic "What clothes are worn in winter", to enrich the children's vocabulary on the topic "Clothes".

Physical development

Train game

Target : Exercise children to move at different paces.

Artistic and aesthetic development

to consolidate the skills to use paints, to continue teaching children to rhythmically touch the paper with a brush nap, to restrain hand movements within the sheet of paper.


Cognitive development

Continue observing the crow.

The goal is to cultivate a love for birds, a desire to take care of them.

Physical development

Ind. work - development of movements (Ilya, Denis, Kirill, Vova, Alena, Varya R)

The goal is to practice jumping on two legs.

An outdoor game "The Sun and the Rain" - to teach to walk and run scatteringly without bumping into each other, to teach to quickly act on

the signal of the teacher.

Artistic and aesthetic development.

A conversation about the beauty of winter nature.

Target : to develop children's interest in the beauty of the surrounding nature.

Social and communicative development

Play with portable material.

Target to develop the ability to play next to other children, the ability to share toys.

Labor assignments - cleaning toys.

Purpose: to educate children to respect toys, develop work skills.

Topic: "Winter Games and Fun" from 12.12.2016 until 16.12.2016

Target: Expanding children's ideas about winter.Formation in children of ideas about winter natural phenomena, fun.

Final event - entertainment "Winter fun with a snowman!"

Day of the week /


Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account integration

educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers )

Interaction with parents / social partners (theaters, sports, art schools ..)

Organized partnership activities

Educational activities at times

Educational areas

Monday 12.12.16


Physical development:

Physical education

"Colored cars"

- Walking on a gymnastic bench

Crawling under the arc without touching the floor with your hands.

P / and "Traffic light and colored cars"

I half:

    Morning exercises: "Sun", with audio recording

    Individual work « Colored mittens ". (To teach children to select an object by color and size) Kolya, Taisiya, Lyosha.

    Conversation "Winter has come - the kids are having fun!"

(Expand children's ideas about the characteristic features of winter nature, about winter fun; develop spoken language).Consideration of plot pictures about winter.

    Singing with children songs for the holiday "On a visit to the Christmas tree", "Little Christmas tree"

( teach vyp(perform movements while singing songs).

    P / game: "Little white bunny is sitting"

(To develop the desire in children to play outdoor games)

    Walk: Watching the snowflakes

(formation of skills to see the beauty of the surrounding nature)

Cognitive development

Speech development

Physical development

    Introduction of illustrations on the theme “Winter. Winter fun ".

    Phonograms of musical works.

    Provide equipment for a sports corner for organizing the game "White Bunny Sits"

    Creating conditions for s / r games

    Consultations "Winter fun", "Weekend route".

    Involve parents to create various snow structures on the site

    Suggest a list of books to read on the topic

IZO No. 27 drawing

"Floating clouds"

Target: the formation of skills to fill a sheet of paper with tonal spots of different sizes


    Teach children the action of replacing real objects and phenomena;

    Labor activity: Clearing the snow from the playground

    P / and "Hares and Wolf", "Hunter and Hares"

(develop coordination of movements)

    Experiments with snow "Determination of the dependence of the property of snow on temperature"

(Continue to introduce children to the properties of snow; develop curiosity; foster interest in experiences)

    Individual work Exercise "Heel"


II half:

    Hardening activities

    Reading artistic literature : Reading the fairy tale "Rukavichka", "Zayushkina hut"

(Continue to teach to listen carefully, answer questions; develop speech; foster a love of fairy tales)

    C / R game: "Shop for gifts."

(Form the ability to perform several actions with one object and transfer familiar actions from one object to another. Develop interest in various types of games)

    Finger gymnastics " Our friendly fingers »

( )

    Walk: continued work on the morning walk

Tuesday 13.12.16


Development of musicality

- listening to "Winter"

-Singing "Christmas tree", "On a visit to the Christmas tree"

-Dance "Kids Pencils"

Round dance "Little Christmas tree"

Individual dances.

I half:

    Morning exercises: "Merry Snowflakes"

    Individual work : D / and "Soberand herringbone "

( Continue introducing children to geometric shapes, learn to correctly place ready-made forms, activate speech intime and after completing the task)

    Conversation on the painting: "It's good in winter."

(Arouse the desire of children on their own initiative or at the request of the teacher to talk about what is depicted in the picture, develop the speech of children; foster interest in winter fun)

    CTG: Game situation "Teach Bunny to use cutlery"

(work on fostering a culture of behavior at the table)

    Preparing for the New Year's party

    P. and. "Beware, I will freeze."

( foster a desire to play amicably and fun)

    Reading of S. Marshak's poem "Pours, Pours Snow".

(develop a desire to listen to a poem about winter; bring up a love of winter)

    Walk: « Observing the behavior of birds at the feeder »

( to form the ability to establish connections between the behavior of birds and changes in inanimate nature; develop observation)

    Labor activity

Cleaning the feeders from snow and replenishing them with a variety of feed.

( educate hard work)

Cognitive development

Speech development

Social and communicative development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

    Offer board games:"Lotto" "Seasons"

    Introduction of illustrations on the theme "Winter fun".

    Creation of conditions for games at the choice of children

    Offer children coloring pages on the theme "Winter fun"

    Provide various constructor to develop constructive skills

    Replenish the book corner with winter-themed books

    Consultation: "Clothes and footwear for a child on a winter walk."

    Remind parents to carry out creativeth competition for the manufacture of New Year's toys, handicrafts.

RR: Speech Development # 7

Theme: "Drawing up a story about toys - a kitten, a hare"

Target: development of coherent speech


    Learn to compose short stories with the help of a teacher;

    Learn to form diminutive names for baby animals in units. and many others. number.

    Pronunciation of a clean phrase with the sound of Y.

    Outdoor games : "Frost is a red nose"

(teach to clearly speak the text in the game;observe the rules of the game).Snow games. Molding snowballs and playing snowballs

    Individual. Work Exercise "Hit the target with a snowball."

(improving basic movements (throwing)


II half:

    Wellness exercises after sleep

    Hardening activities

    D / and " What do we like in winter? "

(Teach children to name winter fun and entertainment; develop interest in winter fun)

    Constructive games "Santa Claus Factory" making a garland

(develop constructive ability)


Wednesday 14.12.16

9.00-9.15 9.25-9.40

OL: Sensory Education # 13

Theme: "Hide the mouse"

Target: formation of sensory standards


    Develop ideas about the basic colors of the spectrum;

    To develop the initial forms of cooperation of children with each other;

I half:

    Morning exercises: complex "Funny Snowflakes"

    Individual work: d / and "When does this happen?"

( reinforce the concept of winter phenomenayah, activating the dictionary on the topic)

    Conversation "When it's frosty outside, you can freeze your nose."

(Continue to familiarize children with safety rules in winter and when handling objects. Form the basis of a healthy lifestyle)

    Round dance game: "At the Christmas tree."

(Teach children to perform movements according to the text; develop auditory perception; cultivate friendliness)

    Walk: “I’m watching behind trees and shrubs under the snow "

(to expand knowledge about trees, their various parts)

    Labor activity Modeling a birthday cake from snow.

(teach how to use a shovel correctly, develop imagination)

    Outdoor games: "Who is higher?", "Sparrows and a cat."

( learn to jump easily, play, strictly following the rules)

    Individual work: « White snowflakes. "

( learn to move smoothly)


Cognitive development

Speech development

Social and communicative development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

    Pick up images of snowflakes

    Suggest to children l ists of paper of different sizes and colors, brushes, paints, felt-tip penry, plasticine, forsnowflake images

    Creation of conditions for games at the choice of children

    Creating conditions for listening to music

    Provide crayons, colored pencils, paper for the implementation of creative ideas on the topic: "Decorate the house"

    Individual conversations at the request of parents

    Consultation "Outdoor games in winter with children for a walk"


Physical development:

Physical education

"Colored cars"

Target: development of motor skills


    Exercise to maintain balance while walking on a gymnastic bench

    Learn to land on bent legs in a jump

    P / and "Traffic light and colored cars". Develop coordination of movements and dexterity.

II half:

    Wellness exercises after sleep

    Hardening activities

    Productive activity: drawing "Let's decorate a mitten-house"

(improve the ability to properly hold a pencil, brush during movements)

    CTG: (to form the ability to maintain cleanliness in the playroom)

    Walk: continued work on the morning walk

Thursday 15.12.16

9.00-9.15 9.25-9.4 0

Artistic and aesthetic development:

IZO Modeling

"Decorating a Christmas tree"



  1. Develop speech, thinking, imagination, fantasy;

    Foster responsiveness and kindness

I half:

    Morning exercises: complex "Funny Snowflakes"

    Individual work "One-many"

(to consolidate knowledge about subjectsclothing, its details, teach education plural. (hat - hats, mittens - mittens, etc.)

    Conversation "In the winter on the hill."

( Form elementary rules of conduct for a walk; develop a desire to take care of your health)

    D / and "Chest with riddles"

(exercise in the ability to guess riddles about winter phenomena and entertainment)

    Russian folk game "Bells"

(learn to navigate in space, create a joyful mood)

    Walk: " Observing the weather "

(the formation of skills to independently identify and name winter phenomena in inanimate nature)

    Labor activity:

Constructing a slide for dolls, slapping the snow with a shovel.

( to learn to work together, to get joy from the accomplishedlabor and its result)

    Outdoor games : winter fun "Run and not hit"

(development of dexterity)

"Snow Woman"

(development of physical activity)

    Individual work "Along a straight path on one leg."

(development of motor skills)


Cognitive development

Speech development

Social and communicative development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

    Provide crayons, colored pencils, paper for the implementation of creative ideas on the topic: "Winter - winter"

    Provide illustrations of the rules of conduct in the winter outdoors

    Listening to music

    Creation of conditions for games at the choice of children

    Creating conditions for dramatizing a fairy tale

    Consultation: "How to make a winter walk pleasant and useful for a child?"


Artistic and aesthetic development:

Development of musicality

Hearing "Winter"

- -Singing "Fir-tree", "Visiting the Fir-tree"

Md: Christmas tree-movement

"The Christmas tree is a beauty" in pairs.

Individual dances.

II half:

    Wellness exercises after sleep

    Hardening activities

    Staging a fairy tale: "Zayushkin's hut".

(Teach children to listen to a fairy tale in a staged version; foster love for animals)

    Working in a corner of nature: Observation"What npainted us frost on the glass "

( develop curiosity, expand and deepen knowledge about inanimate nature, form interest in natural phenomena)

    CGN ( Continue to educate children about neatness, the habit of taking care of their appearance)

    Walk: continued work on the morning walk

    Labor activity

Snow clearing of paths, benches.

Friday 16.12.16

9.00-9.15 9.25-9.4 0

Cognitive development:

Development of ideas about the environment №7

« Positive attitude towards yourself and your name "

Target: the formation of a positive attitude towards yourself and your name.


    Clarify ideas about the group, belonging. To her;

    Developthe ability to understand your feelings and the feelings of others; continue to develop empathy, imagination, expressiveness of speech, facial expressions and movements

    Bring upkindness, sympathy.

10.00-10.1 5

Physical development:

Physical education on a walk


Speech development:

Read fiction no. 13

Diagnostics No. 3

Playing out a fairy tale Purpose: identifying the level of development of actions for the construction and use of a motor model of a fairy tale

I half:

    Morning exercises: complex "Funny Snowflakes"

    Individual work "Arrange the snowflakes in different baskets"

(continueteach children to select objects by color, size) Zhenya, Alina, Diana

    Conversation "Frost and sun - a wonderful day!"

(Continue to acquaint children with the peculiarities of winter; develop spoken language)

    Finger gymnastics "Winter"

( develop fine motor skills of hands, speech)

    Walk: entertainment "Winter fun"

( creating a favorable emotional state through games and play exercises in the fresh air)

    CGN (culture of behavior at the table)


II half:

    Improve your gymnastics after sleep

    Hardening activities

    Cartoon show: Smeshariki: winter series

(Create a joyful mood in children from watching the cartoon)

    Walk: continued work on the morning walk

Cognitive development

Speech development

Social and communicative development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

    Provide children with games aimed at developing fine motor skills of hands

    D / and "Make a pattern"

    Offer children cartoons on New Year's themes

    Suggest different types of theater to play out familiar fairy tales.

    Creation of conditions for games at the choice of children

    Involve children in making snowflakes from colored paper and napkins

    Announcement of the topic for the next thematic week

    Sliding folder: "How to help the birds in winter?"

Scenario of winter fun "Winter fun"

Target: creating a favorable emotional state through games and play exercises in the fresh air
-to improve motor skills and abilities;
- develop dexterity, the ability to act on the signal of the teacher, attention, ingenuity;
- to instill an interest in fun games in the winter.
snowballs or white stuffed balls (according to the number of children),
large size mitten,
sweets (by the number of children),
tape recorder with recordings of music on a winter theme.
Methods: outdoor games, competition, the use of riddles and poems about winter, a surprise moment.
Participants: presenter, Snowman, children.
Entertainment progress:
/ children, together with the teacher, go for a walk, gather around the teacher /
Here is frost, so frost,
Even the nose turned red.
Whitewashed the snow at home
Has come ...
Leading Guys, do you like the winter season? (Yes)
Leading Share what? (you can play snowballs, make snowmen, ride from an ice mountain)
Mischievous winter
Eh, naughty girl,
She freezes us
Also teases.
Mischievous winter
Snow coat,
Though it looks cold
In my soul, tender.

E. Shalamonova
Both adults and children love winter. Russian winter is famous for frost and cold weather. When walking in winter, be sure to move so as not to freeze. I suggest you play.
at this time on the site to the song from the movie "The Mystery of the Snow Queen" "Song of the Snowman" lyrics by V. Korostylev, music by M. Minkov the Snowman enters /
snowman Wait, wait. What games can be without me? You blinded me, but you forgot about me.
Leading Guys, we really forgot about the Snowman. Excuse us, Snowman. We will be happy to play with you.

Outdoor game "Freeze"

/ children line up in 2 lines opposite each other, the Snowman stands between them in the middle. At the signal from the presenter: “Don't stand, guys, otherwise you will freeze,” the children begin to run from one side to the other. At this time, the Snowman with the words "Freeze!" catches running children. The host gathers all the caught children around him. Then the presenter and the Snowman help the children “unfreeze”. Children read poems about winter, while the Snowman strokes them on the head. Children are considered "unfrozen" and returned to the rest of the participants /

Poems about winter

A merry winter has come.
With skates and sleds
With a ski track powdered,
With a magical old tale.

I. Chernetskaya
Snowflake dandelion
Will bring winter to your lips
Only blows - and fluff
The seeds will scatter.

T. Shorygina
Snow flutters, whirls,
It's white on the street.
And puddles turned
Into cold glass.

3. Alexandrova
White snow, fluffy,
Is spinning in the air
And quietly to the ground
Falls, lies down.

I. Surikov
Well done! You know a lot of poems about winter. But now I will check if you can guess the riddles.
If the snow lies around
If the river is under ice,
So, visit us herself
Who came, tell me?

If the smoke is a pillar,
Snow creaks underfoot
If your cheeks, nose are cold,
What's on the street?

If there are Christmas trees in the houses
In bright beads and lights,
If we dance in a circle
What are we meeting?

(New Year)
T. Gusarova

snowman Well done! And the winter riddles have been guessed. What else to play with you?
Leading Snowman, let's play snowballs.

Fun game "Snowball fight" / children stand in a circle, each holding a snowball. At the signal from the host: “One or two! Do not snooze! And throw snowballs quickly! " children start throwing snowballs at each other. Rhythmic music can be used /
snowman Have fun playing! It even became hot for me.
Leading Don't you melt, Snowman?
snowman Well no. It's frosty outside.
Leading The next task awaits us.

Competition "Who will collect the most snowballs"

/ the presenter calls 2 children each. At the signal: “One-two-three! Collect as many snowballs as possible! " children begin to collect snowballs in armfuls. Then the results are summed up: they count the snowballs together. Whoever has more is the winner. The competition can be repeated 2-3 times /
snowman Well done boys! You are dexterous!
Leading Now let's all ride the snow merry-go-round together.

Outdoor game "Carousel" / all together stand in a circle, join hands, pronounce the words:
Barely, barely
The carousels spun.
And then, then, then
Everything is running, running, running.
Hush hush
Do not hurry.
Stop the carousel.

They perform movements in accordance with the text: at first they walk slowly, then faster and faster, then they stop. The game can be repeated. In this case, you can move in the other direction // during the game, the Snowman hides one of the mittens in his bosom /
snowman Have fun riding the snow carousel! I really liked it.
Leading Snowman, where did you lose your mitten? Really, while riding the merry-go-round?
snowman And, indeed, lost. I don’t know where.
Leading Do not worry. The guys and I will help you find a mitten.
run around the site, find a large mitten /
snowman Thanks for finding the mitten. And the mitten is not simple. With a surprise.
look into a mitten, find candy, say goodbye to the Snowman and go to the group /

Finger gymnastics "Let's warm our fingers"

We collected snow with our hands,

Our fingers are tired

We will rub them,

We will keep them warm

To get hotter

Knead vigorously.

Guzel Shakirova
Thematic planning of classes for the "Winter" week in the second junior group

1. Learning tasks: to acquaint children with the characteristic signs of winter, the properties of snow, with changes in the life of birds and wild animals; learn to establish the simplest cause-and-effect relationships; develop auditory and visual attention, fine motor skills; activate the dictionary; learn to answer the questions

2. Developmental tasks: develop a sense of color and rhythm, create a positive emotional attitude in group, relieve emotional stress, consolidate the idea of ​​white

3. Educational task: to develop an interest in learning about nature and reflecting one's impressions in art

Day weeks Mode Integration of educational areas Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children

Group, subgroup Individual educational activity in regime moments

Monday Morning

Examining illustrations from the cycle seasons « Winter» , suggest a game "When does this happen?" goal: to summarize and systematize children's knowledge about winter

Individual work with children in the corner of the touch development: assembling the pyramid goal: develop fine motor skills of hands, teach children to distinguish rings in size, string them in a certain sequence. Learn to use appropriate adjectives in speech (red ring is larger than blue, white ring is the smallest) Remind the children of the safety rules in the winter on the site. the goal is to update and supplement children's ideas about the rules of behavior during a winter walk, to consider potentially dangerous situations, to teach them to avoid. Role-playing game "Hospital" goal: to expand children's ideas about the profession of a doctor, his duties.

HFA (Painting).

Sod .: continue to form children's interest in drawing, develop aesthetic perception, teach how to create compositions, repetition with children, the colors and shapes of objects, to acquaint with the technique of drawing tamponing; develop imagination, attention, speech development; foster a desire to help each other.

Walk Card File

Conversation "What do I like winter

Target: to teach children to convey in speech their ideas about winter, impressions. Activate vocabulary, teach children to refer to personal experience. Individual work with A. Ilvina, Y. Margarita to consolidate the characteristic signs of winter. Watching the falling snow. Reading L. Voronkov "Snowing" the goal is to form in children ideas about winter, characteristic changes in nature, to teach how to select verbs for the noun snow. Research activities experiments with snow the goal is to continue to acquaint children with the properties of snow, to propose to determine whether snow is molded today, to teach how to sculpt balls out of snow, to add various figures: snowman

Consultation for parents "Winter injuries"

Tuesday Morning Reading From... Yesenin "Blizzard sweeps over" goal: organize observation, introduce children to the concepts "snowfall", "blizzard", "blizzard"... Enrich the vocabulary, teach to convey the results of observation in speech, compare them with the images conveyed in the poem. Individual work in the corner of sensory development "Lacing" (K. Matvey, K. Almaz) goal: teach children to lace up, zip-open zippers, develop hand-finger coordination, name their own actions: buttoning, unbuttoning, lacing, threading.Examination of a reproduction of a painting by I.A.Panov "First snow" goal: to teach children to talk about what is depicted in the picture, to express the emotions that arise in them. Develop coherent speech. Children's games in the play area

Communication "Winter landscape"

Sod. Expand children's knowledge about the season - winter, consolidate the signs of winter (snow is white and cold, falls to the ground, trees, houses). To induce the desire in children to concoct a poem to the teacher. To activate the children's dictionary, use prepositions in speech. Paint the snow with a brush with an adhesion technique, fix the white color (paints).

Walk Card File

Evening Computer presentation « Winter» ... Solving riddles about winter. the goal is to continue to shape children's ideas about seasonal changes in nature. Individual work with children consolidating poems about winter. Labor assignments clearing the site of snow, shoveling snow for future construction, the goal is to form children's skills in performing simple labor actions, to teach them to carry out assignments together. Sledging.

Individual conversations with parents. Dressing children according to the weather.

Wednesday Morning Examination of reproductions of paintings, photographic landscapes, illustrations for books on the topic "There is no bad weather" Reading a nursery rhyme "Oh, you are winter- winter» goal systematize and to supplement the knowledge of children about the characteristic signs of winter, to intensify in speech and clarify the concepts associated with winter phenomena of nature. Introduce children to verbal art Individual work with children in the corner of sensory development learning to distinguish geometric shapes the goal is to teach children to distinguish geometric shapes, find the right one, name it, distinguish objects by color and size. Labor assignments to water indoor plants, the goal is to teach children to fulfill the duties of attendants, to see the benefits of their work, to form skills related to caring for indoor plants. The game is fun "Magic snowflakes" the goal is to invite children to consider paper snowflakes suspended on strings, to pay attention to the variety of their shapes. Offer to blow on snowflakes, arrange a competition - whose snowflake will rise higher, whose will spin longer.

Cognition (FEMP)

Sod. reinforce the assimilation of concepts "one" and "many", "more" and "smaller", "as many"; develop the ability to compare a set of objects in quantity by making pairs; develop imagination; improve creativity; develop the ability to analyze, compare, carry out consistent actions; foster communication skills, cognitive interest in occupations.

Walk Card File

Evening Watching cartoon "Say no to germs" the goal is to expand the understanding of the value of health, to form the desire to maintain a healthy lifestyle. To give an idea of ​​microbes, to form the need for hygiene in everyday life. Individual work with children "What is it made of?" the goal is to teach children to distinguish the materials from which various objects are created, to use appropriate adjectives in speech, to combine objects into groups on this basis... Listening to a song "White snow" muses. a. Filippenko, lyrics T. Volgina

The goal is to form in children the idea that snowdrifts are a huge number of white snowflakes. Learn to see the beauty of the winter landscape. Building a slide for dolls

The goal is to involve children in elementary work on construction planning, learning to distribute work front.

Memo for parents on the prevention of road accidents

Thursday morning conversation "What I saw on the way to the d / s"

Purpose To develop in children a dialogical form of speech, to teach to answer in accordance with the question. Develop curiosity and observation Individual work with children exercise "Who hears what?" the goal is to develop children's auditory perception, attention, to form the ability to designate sounds with a word (ringing, rustling, playing, cracking) Learning a poem by Z, Alexandrova "Snowball"

The goals are to teach children to memorize small poetic works, to reproduce them clearly, at a calm pace. Sports exercises gliding on ice paths the goal is to teach children to perform the necessary movements, run, slide, stop.

Cognition (FKTSM) « Winter»

Sod to acquaint children with the characteristic signs of winter, the properties of snow, with changes in the life of birds and wild animals; learn to establish the simplest cause-and-effect relationships; develop auditory and visual attention, fine motor skills; activate the dictionary; learn to answer the questions posed; develop a sense of color and rhythm, create a positive emotional attitude in group, relieve emotional stress, consolidate the idea of ​​white; to develop an interest in learning about nature and reflecting one's impressions in art

Walk Card File

Reading S. Kozlov "Winter's Tale" Viewing a photo album « Winter» the goal is to teach children to follow the development of the plot, compare the content of a fairy tale with illustrations, and answer questions about the actions of the characters. individual work with children exercise "Open-close"

The goal is to teach children to select the lids for plastic jars in size and color, screw the lid. Self-service work, cleaning gloves, mittens, the goal is to discuss with the children the purpose of this operation, to develop self-service skills, to foster neatness and respect for things. Children play with snow "I bake, bake, bake" the goal during the conversation is to actualize the knowledge of children about the properties of snow, to propose to find out whether it is possible to make pies from snow like from sand. Organize the transfer of the children's experience of working with sand to actions with snow.

Stock "We will help those who are near"... making bird feeders

Friday Morning

Seeing frost on the windows

The goal is to continue to acquaint children with the properties of water, to tell how patterns are formed on the windows, to propose to consider how they shine in bright sunny weather, how they melt and spread by water

Individual work with children exercise "Multicolored paths" the goal is to teach children to correlate color with a specific object, to collect objects in groups on this basis... Activate in speech and clarify the relevant concepts Game situation "The doll Masha is going for a walk" the goal is to teach children to use their knowledge of clothing, the sequence of putting it on. Independent artistic and creative activity of children

Nod HFA (Modeling) "Snowing"

Soda to teach children to press with the index finger on the plasticine ball, attaching it to the base, to place the plasticine balls at an even distance from each other; to form a sense of color, interest in working with plasticine; develop fine motor skills; educate accuracy, respect for their work

Walk Card File

Correctional and health-improving game "Stock hamsters" the goal is to organize the training of nasal breathing and respiratory muscles, closing the lips, coordinating movements. Promote an increase in the vital capacity of the lungs. Examination of animal tracks, compilation of comparative stories-descriptions

The goal is to teach children to distinguish between animal tracks. develop observation, form the ability to draw the simplest conclusions. Outdoor play "Bunny - little white"

The goal is to stimulate the creative and physical activity of children, to help them remember the rules of the game, to master game actions

Folder-slide for parents "Advice of Dr. Aibolit"

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