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Monosodium glutamate effect on the body. What is monosodium glutamate - harmful or not, its effect on the human body. Food supplement E621: what is it

In case of difficulties with conception, both spouses should go to the doctor; examination of a man for infertility is no less important than a woman.

There are several reasons that impede natural conception, among which are: violation of the patency of the vas deferens, immunological, psychological factors, etc. This means that the diagnosis of male infertility should be carried out comprehensively.

As a rule, the first test for infertility in men is carried out through the delivery of an ejaculate (). She will tell your doctor how to determine the causes of fertility problems, if any. Based on the results of the spermogram, additional studies are prescribed, if necessary (tests for male hormones, checking the patency of the vas deferens, erectile dysfunction, etc.)

If you are looking for where to get tested for various diseases of the male reproductive system, contact the AltraVita clinic. Here you can quickly and without queues go through all the necessary studies and get advice on them from an experienced andrologist. The prices for the analysis of infertility in men are quite affordable here.

Examination of men for infertility

To become a father - this desire is visited by many men, but some of them face difficulties in translating it into reality. If during a year of active sex life without contraceptives, the partner does not become pregnant, then it becomes possible to talk about such a diagnosis as infertility.

To successfully overcome the problem, it is recommended to undergo a comprehensive examination, during which a number of studies are assigned, including an analysis for hormones in men, a spermogram and others. The variety of reasons for childlessness, complex laboratory diagnostics of male infertility, the complexity of the interaction between the male reproductive glands with other organs of the endocrine system - all these factors complicate the diagnosis and treatment of reproductive disorders in men.

Therefore, it is better to undergo the examination in a clinic where there is both the necessary equipment and experienced specialists for this.

The first stage of the survey

Examination of the anamnesis

Before checking a man for infertility using laboratory tests, a specialist collects and evaluates anamnesis data, among which information about previous urogenital diseases and fertility (gonorrhea, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, etc.) is of the greatest interest. In addition, the patient's lifestyle, chronic diseases and previous surgeries, which could potentially cause the impossibility of conception, are studied. It also turns out how long conception does not occur, the presence of abortions and pregnancies in a partner, etc. Such information is relevant if IVF is planned for male infertility.


Infertility tests in men begin with a semen analysis. This analysis is mandatory; in order to obtain correct results, one should refrain from sexual intercourse for 48-72 hours. During this period, the use of alcohol, strong drugs, visits to the sauna and bath are not allowed. If pathological changes in the ejaculate are recorded, then a second analysis will be required after 2 weeks. A similar study is carried out during IVF for male infertility.

MAR test

As part of the spermogram, some other tests are sometimes performed for male infertility. Most often - MAR test. The study is designed to detect the number of sperm cells that can be covered by antisperm bodies, making fertilization impossible. If more than 50% of such spermatozoa are recorded, then a diagnosis of "immunological infertility" is made.


According to which the titer of antisperm antibodies in the blood serum of a man and his partner is determined.

Andrologist examination

During which the severity of secondary sexual characteristics is assessed, the state of the penis, testicles, mammary glands, the distribution of hair on the body is studied. On examination, the doctor assesses the size, consistency and location of the testicles in the scrotum by palpation.

Cytological analysis

Allows you to get information about the discharge of the urethra, seminal vesicles.

Other research

  • Bacteriological analysis.
  • The secret of the prostate gland is examined.
  • Determination of blood group, Rh factor.
  • Blood chemistry.
  • Infection tests.
  • General blood analysis.
  • in men.

The second stage of the survey

If during the first stage of the examination, the cause of infertility was not found, then the specialist prescribes a number of additional tests and studies, including:

  • An advanced analysis for hormones in men (FSH, LH, testosterone, sex hormone binding globulin), which is relevant for severe azoospermia and pathospermia.
  • If a pituitary tumor is suspected, it is recommended to check the prolactin level.
  • Ultrasound examination of the scrotum, which is also performed for IVF in male infertility.
  • Its purpose is the study of structural changes and the detection of pathologies in the epididymis, testicles and prostate gland.
  • The TRUS method is intended to detect changes in the seminal vesicles if there is congenital agenesis of the vas deferens or obstruction of their distal parts.
  • Doppler study allows you to detect subclinical varicocele, the presence of venous reflux in the testicular vein system.
  • ELISA in conjunction with PCR to detect sexually transmitted infections. Genetic research, including karyotyping.
  • Ejaculate centrifugation testing is usually indicated for non-obstructive azoospermia.
  • Study of post-orgasmic urine.
  • for diagnostic purposes, it is rarely carried out. Most often, this operation is required for IVF for male infertility.

List of tests for the diagnosis of male infertility

When planning a pregnancy through IVF, a comprehensive study of the male body is required, which consists of two stages.

Initially, the anamnesis is carefully collected and studied, sperm analyzes are deciphered. After that, a number of diagnostic measures are prescribed, the results of which will provide a complete picture of the state of the man's body.

Primary tests for infertility in men consist in taking an anamnesis, which contains all the information about what diseases the patient suffered from. Examination and ultrasound examination are carried out. Also, tests are prescribed for a man to establish the immunological factor of infertility and a spermogram.

Before donating sperm for analysis, it is strongly recommended to have sexual rest for 48-78 hours. If pathospermia is recorded, then after half a month, re-delivery of the ejaculate will be required.

It is possible to determine the immunological cause of infertility by means of special tests, thanks to which the presence of antisperm antibodies in the ejaculate and blood serum is determined. For this, an ELISA antibody titer and a MAR test are prescribed. If the study gives a positive result, then we are talking about the immunological factor of infertility.

Testing for infertility in men at the second stage involves the study of the hormonal profile, analysis of post-orgasmic urine (with retrograde ejaculation). Also, the presence of causative agents of infections in the genitourinary sphere is necessarily determined, and a genetic examination is carried out.

Diagnostic methods

  • allow you to find out the exact level of LH, FSH, SHBG and testosterone. If there is a suspicion of abnormalities in the activity of the thyroid gland or a tumor in the pituitary gland, then it is recommended to determine the level of thyroid hormones and prolactin.
  • Ultrasound examination provides an opportunity to assess the structure of the prostate gland, as well as the organs of the scrotum. The pathology of the seminal vesicles is detected using the TRUS technique.
  • Diagnosis of infertility in men is carried out by the Doppler method. For this, a Doppler examination of the vessels of the scrotum is carried out, due to which the subclinical form of varicocele is determined, as well as the presence of reflux in the testicular venous system.
  • Pyospermia can be detected during semen culture with ejaculate microscopy.
  • Checking for the presence of STIs is carried out by ELISA and PCR diagnostics.
  • Non-obstructive azoospermia is diagnosed by examining an ejaculate centrifugate.

If retrograde ejaculation is suspected, i.e. sperm enters the bladder, then post-orgasmic urine analysis is prescribed. Such an extensive study allows us to identify the exact cause of male infertility and prescribe qualified treatment.

For a healthy baby to be born, pregnancy must be planned. For these purposes, it is also necessary to undergo an examination. Analyzes for a man when planning a pregnancy will show the existing abnormalities in the body and undergo treatment in a timely manner. Of course, the list of studies when planning conception for men will be shorter than for women - after all, a woman not only participates in conception, the ability to bear a fetus depends on her state of health. However, pre-conception screening of a man is just as important.

If a young woman, after a year of a happy family life in love and harmony, cannot conceive in any way, she begins to seriously worry about infertility. Therefore, she shares her doubts and fears with her friends, relatives, relatives. This is, of course, a good solution, but purely psychological. To find out the cause, and, if necessary, undergo treatment, you need to see a doctor.

According to medical statistics, in our country the average number of infertile couples is 10-15%. Infertility: When to Diagnose? If pregnancy does not occur in any way, how much time after the start of regular sex life should I see a doctor? Let's look for answers to these questions:

A certificate of infertility or when a disappointing diagnosis is made?

Most often, infertility is diagnosed after 12 months of regular sexual activity of the spouses, provided that both have no health problems, are of reproductive age, and the average frequency of sexual intercourse is at least 2-3 times a week, without the use of contraceptives.

If all of these conditions are met, the probability of conception in the first 3 months is usually 30%. In the next 7 months - 60%. And in the next 2 months, the probability of conception is 10%. That is, 12 months of regular sexual activity should fully ensure the onset of pregnancy by 100%.

If this does not happen, you need to see a doctor, undergo the necessary examination, and take tests. Moreover, both spouses need to do this. The fact is that very often infectious diseases are the reason for the inability to get pregnant. They are found during the examination. With timely treatment, this cause of infertility is eliminated.

It is also necessary to note such an important factor that significantly affects the possibility of getting pregnant, as the childbearing age of a woman. More recently, the optimal age for pregnancy was between 18 and 25 years. But at present, this age is considered to be 20-35 years. A physically healthy woman in her thirties has a 20% chance of becoming pregnant in one menstrual cycle. Provided that sexual intercourse is regular. By the age of 40, this probability decreases to 5%.

Of course, various chronic gynecological diseases that have not been treated in time, as well as congenital structural features of the female body, can lead to female infertility. There are also many reasons for male infertility. Most diseases that prevent pregnancy can be successfully treated, especially at the initial stage of development. Therefore, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible.

An experienced doctor should carry out the diagnosis. In addition, it is imperative to find out which spouse has problems with conception. If, for some reason, infertility cannot be cured, remember - life is not over and this problem can still be solved. Only spouses need to do this together, together. You can find a way out of this seemingly hopeless situation.

How to get rid of infertility?

This is the best option for male infertility. It can be very difficult for a man to decide on this, because he will know all his life that his child is not his own. But to preserve the family, most infertile men agree to donate. If the decision is made, be responsible for finding a donor.

There is another form of donation. It is used for female infertility, when female cells are not produced or their function is lost. In this case, a healthy egg is taken from a donor woman. The doctor then connects her to her husband's sperm. Then it is transplanted into the uterine cavity of the wife. In this case, with the onset of pregnancy, the woman endures and gives birth on her own and on time.

This method should not be discounted either. If a woman is infertile and it is known for sure that she will not be able to give birth on her own, a surrogate mother can be found. The doctor will fertilize her egg with her husband's sperm, after which the woman will carry and give birth to a child, whom you can pick up. If this method is chosen, you need to be very responsible when choosing a surrogate mother. She must already have children of her own, and she must also be physically and mentally healthy.

Remember that adopting a small person is a very serious and responsible step. Therefore, before doing it, discuss this opportunity with your family, weigh all the pros and cons, pros and cons. Each child is a person that requires attention, care, and most importantly - he needs to be loved. The foster baby should become truly dear to you. You must understand that you are fully responsible for him - for the necessary treatment, education, upbringing.

If you are ready for this, hurry to the guardianship authorities, take from a specialist a list of documents that must be collected for adoption.

It is best to adopt a newborn refusenik baby from a maternity hospital. Unfortunately, there are a lot of such abandoned children. But you can adopt an older child by visiting an orphanage. But in this case, certain difficulties may arise, because a child of 3-5 years old may simply not accept a new mom and dad. Whereas a newborn all his life may not know that his parents are adoptive.

How to come to terms with infertility and is it worth it?

In conclusion, I want to add that if infertility is diagnosed, there is no need to despair. Remember that life does not end there and there is always a way out for you. The fact is that real medicine is not perfect, and it can be achieved endlessly. But that’s not the point. The human brain, whoever created it, is perfect. So in many cases, you need to start changing your idea in your head about your situation. You have to imagine every day that you are healthy and can have children, and even that you already have them, have just been born. Imagine the whole process of the birth of life, the birth of a child. All these thoughts should be joyful. Eliminate all negativity, bad habits from your world. Engage in health promotion and imagine what you want in your head all the time. You should not sweep aside amulets, icons and other symbols that strengthen the belief that you are healthy and can do everything ... And you really can, because your brain will make you healthy!

Female infertility

The dream of many couples is happy and healthy children, but for some couples it is not difficult to fulfill the dream, while others have to go through numerous examinations, undergo tests, and sometimes even undergo operations.

Treatment for female infertility varies greatly depending on its type:

  • Primary infertility. Such a diagnosis is given to women who have never had a pregnancy during regular sex life without the use of contraceptives - a fairly common situation. In this case, step-by-step diagnostics are carried out, ultrasound studies are carried out and tests are taken, and, as a rule, everything is limited to taking special drugs.
  • Secondary infertility. This type can occur in a woman who has given birth, or in one who has already become pregnant earlier. Everything is a little more complicated here, since the transferred pregnancy is a great stress for the body, which requires a completely different approach when prescribing tests and other studies, and when interpreting their results.

There is also a third type - complete infertility, when a woman cannot get pregnant due to the absence of important reproductive organs. It is obvious that here, unfortunately, even the most experienced doctors can no longer help.

Causes of female infertility

The reasons for the lack of conception in a woman can be caused by several reasons, and most often pregnancy does not occur due to:

  • Inflammation of the appendages and uterus;
  • Endometriosis, polycystic and ovarian dysfunction;
  • Hormonal disorders;
  • Ovulation problems;
  • Violations in the cervical canal.

Often a woman cannot get pregnant with a lack of folic acid in the body, underweight or overweight.

The psychological factor plays an important role, because the function of childbirth is regulated by the nervous system and depends a lot on the woman's emotions in everyday life.

There are also congenital causes of female infertility, such as Turner syndrome or malformations of the uterus or fallopian tubes.

How to treat female infertility

In each case, everything is individual and depends on the results of analyzes and studies. As a rule, the doctor acts in stages - from simple to complex. In most cases, everything is decided at the first stages.

To begin with, the doctor prescribes a set of tests, as well as an ultrasound scan of the reproductive system.

Blood tests and smear tests will allow the obstetrician to find out about possible hormonal disorders, the presence of pathogens, vitamin deficiencies, etc. Often, it is enough to take certain medications in order to normalize the situation with hormones or cure an infection, and get the long-awaited "two strips".

If there are suspicions, to clarify the diagnosis, an examination of the fallopian tubes can be performed using the hysterosalpingography procedure, which will show the patency of the fallopian tube.

If adhesions or cysts are found, a laparoscopic operation is prescribed, the purpose of which is to restore the patency of the tubes or to excise the cyst on the ovaries. A partner compatibility test can be carried out separately.

Recently, many couples have resorted to IVF or artificial insemination. This is a separate complex topic, which is dealt with by specialized specialists. As a rule, when it comes to IVF, all other methods have been exhausted.

If you are faced with infertility, but the doctor has not found any physiological reasons for this - do not give up hope, perhaps the reason is in the "nerves". Try to get plenty of rest, avoid stress and not think about the problem.

In any case, it is important to remember that infertility is not a stigma, if you dream of a baby, consult a doctor in a timely manner, you will always have a chance to give birth to a child. The most important thing is to believe in yourself, correctly assess the problem and look only ahead with optimism.

How infertility is determined in women

Infertility in women is not only a medical problem, but also a social one.

Infertility in women (according to Wikipedia) is the inability of a woman of reproductive age to reproduce.

What is the cause of infertility in women?

The main causes of infertility in women:

  • obstruction of the fallopian tubes, which is the result of the adhesive process. In this case, they speak of female infertility of tubal origin;
  • adhesive process in the small pelvis, as a result of operations or an inflammatory process. Adhesions can be located between the tube and the ovary, which prevents the egg from entering the tube;
  • endocrine (hormonal) disorders, as a result of pathology of the ovaries and other endocrine glands (hypothalamus, pituitary, adrenal thyroid gland). With various hormonal disorders, hormonal infertility is diagnosed in women;
  • congenital and acquired pathology of the uterus: intrauterine septum, bicornuate uterus, scars on the uterus after surgery, endometritis of uterine myoma, adenomyosis, polyposis;
  • endometriosis as one of the causes of infertility in women. The foci of endometriosis form adhesions that cause tubo-peritoneal infertility.

There are also reasons for female infertility - this is a chromosomal pathology that leads a woman to sterility. What else causes infertility in women? In 5-8% of cases, the presence of an immunological factor (antisperm antibodies) causes immunological infertility in women. The reasons for psychological infertility in women are the woman's unwillingness to have a child because of fear of pregnancy and childbirth, unwillingness to have a child from this man, etc.

Types of infertility in women

Absolute infertility in women is distinguished, which is associated with irreversible pathological conditions, which means that a woman can never become a mother. So, a woman may have no ovaries, fallopian tubes or uterus. Relative female infertility is temporary, treatable and, if the cause is eliminated, a woman can give birth to a child.

The degrees of infertility are also distinguished: infertility of 1 degree in women (or primary infertility in women) and infertility of 2 degrees in women (or secondary infertility in women). Primary infertility in women is said to be when a woman has never had a pregnancy at all. Secondary infertility in women is a condition when at the moment there are problems with conception, but before there was a pregnancy.

Secondary infertility in women occurs in 40% of cases. The most common causes of secondary infertility in women are abortion, adhesions and gynecological diseases. Therefore, secondary infertility in women is considered as a complication of gynecological diseases and surgical interventions. Secondary infertility in women is more often associated with tubal factor or peritoneal factor.

Female infertility: symptoms

Symptoms of infertility in girls attract attention during puberty: congenital abnormalities of the genitals, late onset of menstruation, long menstrual cycle, scanty and irregular periods. Symptoms of infertility in girls can be suspected of lagging behind in physical (underweight) and sexual development.

The first signs of infertility in women are menstrual irregularities. These are scanty or profuse, irregular and excessively painful periods.

Signs of infertility in women include the appearance of acne, oily skin - this indicates an excess of male hormones. Signs of female infertility are manifested in the change in the hairline. Excessive hair growth on the chin and chest may indicate an excess of male sex hormones. Insufficient growth of hair in the pubis and armpits will be noted with a decrease in estrogen levels. Signs of female infertility are milk production in non-lactating women. The increased content of the hormone prolactin suppresses ovulation, therefore infertility occurs.

Since infertility in women is caused by various pathological conditions, certain symptoms will dominate in the clinical picture. So, polycystic ovary syndrome, absence of menstruation and ovulation, obesity, hypertrichosis. With endometriosis, a woman complains of painful periods. Symptoms of the underlying disease, which are the cause of infertility in women, facilitate the differential diagnosis and establishment of the final diagnosis.

How to identify infertility in women. Diagnosis of infertility in women

Diagnosis of female infertility begins with a survey and collection of information about the woman's gynecological health. For the diagnosis of female infertility, the nature of the menstrual function is important: the time of the arrival of the first menstruation, the regularity, duration and soreness of menstruation, the presence of discharge from the mammary glands. In the diagnosis of female infertility, the presence and number of pregnancies, if any, and how they proceeded, are important. The transferred infectious and gynecological diseases in the woman and the hereditary factor in the mother are found out.

How to check infertility in women? Of the functional tests for infertility in women, the most common are:

  • analysis of basal temperature, which allows you to assess ovarian function and the presence of ovulation;
  • determination of the cervical index, which reflects the saturation of the body with estrogens;
  • postcoital test to study the activity of sperm in the contents of the cervix, as well as to determine the antisperm bodies.

The analysis for infertility in women necessarily involves a study of the content of hormones in the blood and urine. When checking for infertility in women, the following hormonal studies are informative: DHEA-S and 17-ketosteroids in urine, prolactin, testosterone, thyroid hormones, cortisol, follicle-stimulating progesterone, luteinizing hormones, estradiol in blood plasma. In case of infertility, examination for genital infections is of particular importance.

With adhesive obstruction of the tubes, hysterosalpingoscopy is indicated. The complex of diagnostic measures also includes colposcopy.

To clarify the state of the endometrium, diagnostic curettage of the uterine cavity and hysteroscopy are prescribed. A hysteroscopic examination is performed under general anesthesia. The doctor examines the inner surface of the uterus and takes tissue for histological analysis. Laparoscopy - examination of the organs and cavity of the small pelvis through a micro-incision. Laparoscopy and hysteroscopy for infertility is carried out for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes.

Female infertility of tubal origin

The tubal form of infertility occurs if there are obstacles to the movement of the egg through the fallopian tubes. The obstruction of the fallopian tubes leads to female infertility of tubal origin, as a result of the inflammatory process of the tubes, since salpingitis often ends in an adhesive (adhesive) process. Female infertility of tubal origin is noted after surgical removal of the tube for an ectopic pregnancy or purulent process in the tube.

Endocrine infertility in women (hormonal infertility in women)

Hormonal infertility in women occurs against the background of polycystic ovary syndrome or ovarian depletion, trauma or diseases of the hypothalamic-pituitary region. Disorders of metabolic processes and stress can lead to endocrine infertility in women. The key point in this form of infertility is the breakdown of the ovulation mechanism. Endocrine infertility in women is characterized by anovulation.

Treatment of female infertility

The decision on the treatment of female infertility is made after evaluating the results of examinations and establishing the causes of infertility.

With the endocrine form of infertility in women, hormonal disorders are corrected, therefore, hormonal therapy is the basis of drug treatment. The woman is selected for hormonal treatment, and the treatment process is controlled by the dynamics of the hormone content in the blood. In case of tubal-peritoneal infertility, treatment is aimed at restoring the patency of the fallopian tubes. The operation is performed using laparoscopy.

With endometriosis, pathological foci are removed using laparoscopic coagulation. The result of laparoscopy is fixed by a course of medication correction of the hormonal background. Immunological infertility in women is overcome by artificial insemination with the husband's sperm, bypassing the immune barrier of the cervical canal.

Prevention of female infertility

It would be appropriate to say about the prevention of male and female infertility, since male infertility is observed in 50% of cases of infertile marriages.

In the prevention of male and female infertility, the leading place is taken by the prevention and timely treatment of inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system, as the main cause of infertility. This is especially true for sexually transmitted diseases.

Of particular importance is the observance of the basic rules of hygiene and hygiene of sexual activity. It is the presence of promiscuous sex life, frequent change of partners and sexual intercourse without the use of protective equipment that lead to the occurrence of diseases of the genital area.

Prevention of female infertility consists in the prevention of gynecological diseases, therefore, it is unacceptable to have sex during menstruation, unauthorized adoption of contraceptives, douching with chemical agents. Do not forget about the consequences of abortion as the main cause of infertility.

The topic "infertility in women" is often raised on the forum. As you yourself understand, information is often shared by people without medical education. Visiting the forum "female infertility", you can not self-medicate and "try on yourself" the proposed recipes. To more fully familiarize yourself with the topic you are interested in, you can read an essay on the topic "female infertility" written by a specialist.

Female infertility is such a pressing problem for some married couples that they take any treatment options: from medical, for example, treatment of female infertility in Israel, to making requests and prayers to higher powers.

It is known about the existence of "places of power" on earth, having visited which a person improves his health. The strength of these places is often associated with extraordinary natural phenomena. And temples and monasteries give the power of "prayed" places. Such a place is the Murom Convent, which is visited by women diagnosed with infertility and dreaming of becoming a mother. It is believed that pilgrims who come to the relics of Saints Peter and Fevronia in this monastery receive healing from infertility.

About infertility

How often do all attempts by a couple to achieve the desired pregnancy end in failure? About as often as the contrite sighs about this: "So, some of us are sterile!" And endless trips to doctors, fortune-tellers, psychics and healers begin. It takes a lot of money, time and effort, but there is still no long-awaited result.

As mentioned earlier, the most important stage in the diagnosis and examination of a patient for a doctor is to make a diagnosis and determine the causes of infertility. Infertility in men in this case is considered the inability of a man to conceive a child within 12 months, provided that the couple does not use any means of contraception. At the same time, most of the pathologies of the male body that lead to infertility, subject to timely detection, are curable.

Secretory form

  • varicocele;
  • hydrocele;
  • oncology;
  • mumps;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • an acute lack of proteins;

Obturation form

  • prostatitis;
  • retrograde ejaculation;
  • premature ejaculation;
  • erectile disorders;

Autoimmune form

You can find out about individual pathologies of the reproductive system leading to infertility from individual materials:

  • Infertility of 1 degree
  • hormonal disorders;
  • varicocele;
  • low immunity.
  • Infertility grade 2
  • varicocele;
  • a course of radiation and chemotherapy;
  • urethritis;
  • inflammation of the prostate;
  • thyroid disease;

2 comments Why infertility can appear in men: causes and types

Not worth it, because now there are medicines for all diseases! My husband and I also had this problem. They did not postpone, but immediately he quit smoking and drinking, began to eat right, I constantly made him infusions of St. John's wort and knotweed. On the advice of a doctor, he took spermatozoa, began to play sports, and to improve hormonal levels, he began to rest and get enough sleep. All this helped us a lot in due time, the child is already a year old) Here we are planning the second :)

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Causes of female infertility:

- testicular aplasia, etc.

ICSI (from the English.

a source

Do women issue certificates of infertility? Infertility medical certificate sample, Woman infertility certificate sample

Not so long ago, the problem of infertility concerned mainly women, since medical practice recorded frequent cases of pathologies and diseases of the woman's body. Today, statistics have changed dramatically, and of all infertile couples, 40-45% are those due to male pathologies. Based on such disappointing facts, the problem of male infertility is becoming urgent in society.

Infertility in men is called infertility; it is advisable to talk about it if it is not possible to conceive a child within one year. In this case, it is important to undergo a comprehensive diagnosis for both partners, after which a verdict will be issued. Provided that the cause of such a pathology is accurately determined, the specialist will be able to choose the optimal course of treatment. With a timely visit to the doctor, infertility can be easily cured.

As mentioned earlier, the most important stage in the diagnosis and examination of a patient for a doctor is to make a diagnosis and determine the causes of infertility. Infertility in men in this case is considered the inability of a man to conceive a child within 12 months, provided that the couple does not use any means of contraception. At the same time, most of the pathologies of the male body that lead to infertility, subject to timely detection, are curable.

For reference! Official estimates of the World Health Organization show that around the world there are 8% of married couples unable to conceive a child. About half of them faced such problems due to male pathologies of the reproductive system.

If a specialist can accurately identify which diseases cause infertility in men, eliminate them, soon the couple will be able to achieve the desired goals. Medicine identifies many factors that can affect a man's reproductive function, most often in one patient several such reasons are combined at once. The most common causes are endocrine disorders, varicocele, the presence of chronic diseases, infections, immunological disorders, and other causes, in rare cases - testicular tumors.

Today, infertility in a man can be of three types - secretory with low quality ejaculate, autoimmune with the appearance of antibodies that destroy sperm, and obstructive infertility with sperm obstruction for one reason or another. Depending on the type of infertility, experts suggest a number of reasons for infertility.

Secretory form- due to the negative impact of certain factors, the testes of a man do not produce a sufficient number of sperm, there are abnormalities in their development, as well as insufficient mobility and purposefulness in movement.

  • varicocele;
  • hydrocele;
  • abnormal prolapse of the testicles into the scrotum;
  • oncology;
  • mumps;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • sexually transmitted infections (typhoid, chlamydia, tuberculosis or syphilis);
  • an acute lack of proteins;
  • prolonged depression and stress;
  • intoxication of the body due to bad habits;
  • frequent horse riding and cycling;
  • impaired thermoregulation in the scrotum due to overheating, wearing tight synthetic underwear, etc.;
  • trauma and mechanical stress on the scrotum;
  • drugs that cause infertility (hormones, antihypertensive drugs, tranquilizers, anabolic steroids, sulfonamides or nitrofurans);
  • after chemotherapy or radiation therapy;
  • unfavorable ecological living conditions;
  • physical overload and taking steroids and anabolic steroids.

Obturation form- with this form of male infertility, doctors observe certain barriers that make it difficult for sperm to enter the vas deferens. In rare cases, the complete impossibility of the germ cell movement is diagnosed. In this case, a surgical method of treating infertility is most often used, that is, surgery.

The reasons that can cause infertility of this form:

  • inflammatory process with a prolonged course in the epididymis;
  • incorrectly performed operations on the internal organs of the small pelvis;
  • prostatitis;
  • retrograde ejaculation;
  • congenital abnormalities, such as the absence of the vas deferens or appendages;
  • premature ejaculation;
  • erectile disorders;
  • vasectomy, that is, the consequences of sterilization.

Autoimmune form- in this case, doctors can talk about the presence of certain antibodies in a man's body, which develops immunity, which eliminate sperm, considering them foreign cells of the human body. Very rarely, in 10% of cases, doctors diagnose infertility of unknown origin due to the immunological incompatibility of the couple. It is these reasons that can cause infertility in a couple, in this case, the cure of infertility is almost impossible.

Of these forms of male infertility, the most common and easily curable is secretory infertility, which can be cured by a conservative drug method, while the obstructive form often requires surgical intervention. Infertility against the background of antisperm antibodies is the most difficult to diagnose, and the immunological incompatibility (immunological infertility) of partners is practically not amenable to treatment.

In addition to the classification of male infertility in connection with the prerequisites and causes, doctors also distinguish two types of infertility according to the stage of neglect - infertility of 1 degree and 2 degrees.

  • Infertility of 1 degree- such a diagnosis (primary infertility) can be made by a specialist to a man who, at reproductive age, does not use contraception for a year during a regular sex life, but cannot conceive a child. Such a diagnosis can be made if the diagnosis has confirmed one or more reasons, namely:
  • hormonal disorders;
  • acquired or congenital genital anomalies;
  • varicocele;
  • any genetic disorder (cystic fibrosis for example);
  • history of genital trauma;
  • low immunity.

It is at this stage that a specialist can fix the form of infertility in connection with its prerequisites - a secretory, obstructive or immunological form of infertility.

  • Infertility grade 2- secondary infertility, in which a man previously had the opportunity to conceive a child, but at the moment the pregnancy does not occur. Almost all of the indicated reasons for the 1st degree of infertility can be observed in this case; several more factors should be attributed to them:
  • long-term use of tranquilizers or anabolic steroids;
  • varicocele;
  • a course of radiation and chemotherapy;
  • operations in the groin for the treatment of hernia, hydrocele, etc.;
  • prostate vesiculitis, trauma or epididymitis, which led to obstruction of the vas deferens;
  • urethritis;
  • inflammation of the prostate;
  • thyroid disease;
  • systemic diseases such as diabetes mellitus, bronchial asthma, cirrhosis or tuberculosis.

Often male infertility is compared with previous serious diseases. Fertility problems can occur in men after jaundice, and doctors are also considering whether chickenpox affects infertility. If the reasons for the man's infertility have not been identified, the doctor issues a verdict - idiopathic infertility.

Only an officially made diagnosis can confirm the infertility of a man. For this, the specialist issues a certificate to the patient about his infertility.

Male infertility certificate - sample:

Based on the identified reasons for the development of infertility, a specialist can choose the right course of treatment. Both degrees of infertility can be treated like a medical or surgical method. To do this, it is necessary to eliminate the pathological process at the heart of infertility, whether it is a decrease in the number of sperm in the seminal fluid, their defective development or immobility, or obstacles to the advancement and release of ejaculate along the vas deferens.

To become a father - this desire is visited by many men, but some of them face difficulties in translating it into reality. If during a year of active sex life without contraceptives, the partner does not become pregnant, then it becomes possible to talk about such a diagnosis as infertility.

To successfully overcome the problem, it is recommended to undergo a comprehensive examination, during which a number of studies are assigned, including an analysis for hormones in men, a spermogram and others. The variety of reasons for childlessness, complex laboratory diagnostics of male infertility, the complexity of the interaction between the male reproductive glands with other organs of the endocrine system - all these factors complicate the diagnosis and treatment of reproductive disorders in men. Therefore, it is better to undergo the examination in a clinic where there is both the necessary equipment and experienced specialists for this.

Before checking a man for infertility using laboratory tests, a specialist collects and evaluates anamnesis data, among which information about previous urogenital diseases and fertility (gonorrhea, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, etc.) is of the greatest interest. In addition, the patient's lifestyle, chronic diseases and previous surgeries, which could potentially cause the impossibility of conception, are studied. It also turns out how long conception does not occur, the presence of abortions and pregnancies in a partner, etc. Such information is relevant if IVF is planned for male infertility.

Infertility tests in men begin with a semen analysis. This analysis is mandatory; in order to obtain correct results, one should refrain from sexual intercourse for 48-72 hours. During this period, the use of alcohol, strong drugs, visits to the sauna and bath are not allowed. If pathological changes in the ejaculate are recorded, then a second analysis will be required after 2 weeks. A similar study is carried out during IVF for male infertility.

As part of the spermogram, some other tests are sometimes performed for male infertility. Most often - MAR test. The study is designed to detect the number of sperm cells that can be covered by antisperm bodies, making fertilization impossible. If more than 50% of such spermatozoa are recorded, then a diagnosis of "immunological infertility" is made.

According to which the titer of antisperm antibodies in the blood serum of a man and his partner is determined.

During which the severity of secondary sexual characteristics is assessed, the state of the penis, testicles, mammary glands, the distribution of hair on the body is studied. On examination, the doctor assesses the size, consistency and location of the testicles in the scrotum by palpation.

Allows you to get information about the discharge of the urethra, seminal vesicles.

  • Bacteriological analysis.
  • The secret of the prostate gland is examined.
  • Determination of blood group, Rh factor.
  • Blood chemistry.
  • Infection tests.
  • General blood analysis.
  • Analysis for hormones in men.

If during the first stage of the examination, the cause of infertility was not found, then the specialist prescribes a number of additional tests and studies, including:

  • An advanced analysis for hormones in men (FSH, LH, testosterone, sex hormone binding globulin), which is relevant for severe azoospermia and pathospermia.
  • If a pituitary tumor is suspected, it is recommended to check the prolactin level.
  • Ultrasound examination of the scrotum, which is also performed for IVF in male infertility.
  • Its purpose is the study of structural changes and the detection of pathologies in the epididymis, testicles and prostate gland.
  • The TRUS method is intended to detect changes in the seminal vesicles if there is congenital agenesis of the vas deferens or obstruction of their distal parts.
  • Doppler study allows you to detect subclinical varicocele, the presence of venous reflux in the testicular vein system.
  • ELISA in conjunction with PCR to detect sexually transmitted infections. Genetic research, including karyotyping.
  • Ejaculate centrifugation testing is usually indicated for non-obstructive azoospermia.
  • Study of post-orgasmic urine.
  • Testicular biopsy for diagnostic purposes is rarely performed. Most often, this operation is required for IVF for male infertility.

When planning a pregnancy through IVF, a comprehensive study of the male body is required, which consists of two stages.

Initially, the anamnesis is carefully collected and studied, sperm analyzes are deciphered. After that, a number of diagnostic measures are prescribed, the results of which will provide a complete picture of the state of the man's body.

Primary tests for infertility in men consist in taking an anamnesis, which contains all the information about what diseases the patient suffered from. Examination and ultrasound examination are carried out. Also, tests are prescribed for a man to establish the immunological factor of infertility and a spermogram.

Before donating sperm for analysis, it is strongly recommended to have sexual rest for 48-78 hours. If pathospermia is recorded, then after half a month, re-delivery of the ejaculate will be required.

It is possible to determine the immunological cause of infertility by means of special tests, thanks to which the presence of antisperm antibodies in the ejaculate and blood serum is determined. For this, an ELISA antibody titer and a MAR test are prescribed. If the study gives a positive result, then we are talking about the immunological factor of infertility.

Testing for infertility in men at the second stage involves the study of the hormonal profile, analysis of post-orgasmic urine (with retrograde ejaculation). Also, the presence of causative agents of infections in the genitourinary sphere is necessarily determined, and a genetic examination is carried out.

  • Tests for hormones in a man allow you to find out the exact level of LH, FSH, SHBG and testosterone. If there is a suspicion of abnormalities in the activity of the thyroid gland or a tumor in the pituitary gland, then it is recommended to determine the level of thyroid hormones and prolactin.
  • Ultrasound examination provides an opportunity to assess the structure of the prostate gland, as well as the organs of the scrotum. The pathology of the seminal vesicles is detected using the TRUS technique.
  • Diagnosis of infertility in men is carried out by the Doppler method. For this, a Doppler examination of the vessels of the scrotum is carried out, due to which the subclinical form of varicocele is determined, as well as the presence of reflux in the testicular venous system.
  • Pyospermia can be detected during semen culture with ejaculate microscopy.
  • Checking for the presence of STIs is carried out by ELISA and PCR diagnostics.
  • Non-obstructive azoospermia is diagnosed by examining an ejaculate centrifugate.

If retrograde ejaculation is suspected, i.e. sperm enters the bladder, then post-orgasmic urine analysis is prescribed. Such an extensive study allows us to identify the exact cause of male infertility and prescribe qualified treatment.

For a healthy baby to be born, pregnancy must be planned. For these purposes, it is also necessary to undergo an examination. Analyzes for a man when planning a pregnancy will show the existing abnormalities in the body and undergo treatment in a timely manner. Of course, the list of studies when planning conception for men will be shorter than for women - after all, a woman not only participates in conception, the ability to bear a fetus depends on her state of health. However, pre-conception screening of a man is just as important.

If you are looking for where to get tested for various diseases of the male reproductive system, contact the AltraVita clinic. Here you can quickly and without queues go through all the necessary studies and get advice on them from an experienced andrologist. The prices for the analysis of infertility in men are quite affordable here.

Sample medical certificate of infertility

Today, all over the world, IVF is the most effective method of treatment for infertility in marriage, as well as in the absence of the effect of other methods of infertility treatment and in cases of unexplained infertility!
There is no absolute infertility!

A marriage is considered sterile if pregnancy has not occurred after 2 years of married life without the use of contraception.
Distinguish between female infertility, male. combined. due to the incompatibility of spouses, as well as unclear or idiopathic infertility.
On average, female infertility is observed in 60% of cases, and male in 40%.
If the cause of an infertile marriage is certain disorders in the woman's body, they speak of female infertility.
If a woman has never had a pregnancy, they talk about primary infertility.

If a woman has had at least one pregnancy, regardless of how it ended - childbirth, abortion, miscarriage, or was located ectopically, they speak of secondary infertility. The definition of "primary" and "secondary" infertility usually refers only to a woman.
Causes of female infertility:
- obstruction of the fallopian tubes;
- violations of the anatomy of the uterus and vagina, etc.
The male factor is considered to be the cause of infertile marriage if the woman is healthy, and the man has a decrease in the fertilizing ability of sperm.
- inferiority of seminal fluid;
- obstruction of the vas deferens;
- violation of the process of spermatogenesis;
- testicular aplasia, etc.

With regard to a man, it is customary to find out whether, in the absence of contraception, at least one of his partners was pregnant. This information serves as an indirect guideline when assessing the fertility of a given man.
With a combination of female and male infertility, a combined form takes place.
In the case when both spouses have normal indicators of their reproductive function, however, special tests indicate their incompatibility. the latter is regarded as a special form of infertile marriage that requires a special approach in determining treatment tactics.
Infertility can also be observed among perfectly healthy and well-compatible married couples. These are cases of so-called obscure, or unexplained, or idiopathic infertility.

Until recently, doctors did not examine the couple until the "experience" of their childless marriage reached 4 years, then the term was reduced to 2 years.
It is currently believed that if, with regular sexual activity (without contraception), pregnancy does not occur within a year, then the question of infertility should be raised and the examination and treatment of partners should be started.
It has been proven that in 20% of healthy married couples pregnancy occurs in the first three months of life together, in another 60% - during the next seven, in the remaining 20% ​​- eleven to twelve months after the onset of sexual activity.
Thus, a year is a sufficient time to assess the fertility of a couple and, in the absence of pregnancy, talk about a sterile marriage. For women over 35, this period should be reduced to six months. For young women, it can be extended to 2-3 years.
The specialists of our clinic successfully apply modern methods of infertility treatment - the ECO and ICSI method.

IVF (from lat. Extra - outside, outside and lat. Corpus - body, that is, fertilization outside the body) - in vitro (artificial) fertilization. IVF infertility treatment is effective even in cases of absolute or idiopathic infertility.
To date, more than two million children have been born in this way in the world.
The technology includes in vitro fertilization and observation of the development of the embryo at an early stage, after which it is transferred into the uterine cavity.
ICSI (from the English.

ICSI - IntraCytoplasmic Sperm Injection, lit. "Sperm injection into the cytoplasm") - intracytoplasmic sperm injection, an auxiliary method of treating infertility in IVF.
The ICSI procedure for IVF is used when at least one of the following circumstances is present:
1.decreased sperm count in semen;
2. reduced motility of sperm in semen;
3. a lot of abnormal sperm in the semen;

4. the semen contains antisperm antibodies (ASAT);
5. undiagnosed pathologies of spermatozoa or oocytes;
Despite the seeming unnaturalness of such fertilization, embryos obtained using the ICSI procedure have normal developmental abilities, and children born after IVF using ICSI do not differ in their physical and mental abilities from ordinary children.

The guarantee of successful infertility treatment at the MEDANA-XXI Century clinic is the high professionalism of our specialists, individual approach and psychological support, modern first-class equipment.
Comfort and care are waiting for you in our clinic!
You can get information and sign up for a consultation by phone:

Flat feet, hallux valgus
Flat feet is a change in the shape of the foot, characterized by the omission of its longitudinal and transverse arches.

If a young woman, after a year of a happy family life in love and harmony, cannot conceive in any way, she begins to seriously worry about infertility. Therefore, she shares her doubts and fears with her friends, relatives, relatives. This is, of course, a good solution, but purely psychological. To find out the cause, and, if necessary, undergo treatment, you need to see a doctor.

According to medical statistics, in our country the average number of infertile couples is 10-15%. Infertility: When to Diagnose? If pregnancy does not occur in any way, how much time after the start of regular sex life should I see a doctor? Let's look for answers to these questions:

A certificate of infertility or when a disappointing diagnosis is made?

Most often, infertility is diagnosed after 12 months of regular sexual activity of the spouses, provided that both have no health problems, are of reproductive age, and the average frequency of sexual intercourse is at least 2-3 times a week, without the use of contraceptives.

If all of these conditions are met, the probability of conception in the first 3 months is usually 30%. In the next 7 months - 60%. And in the next 2 months, the probability of conception is 10%. That is, 12 months of regular sexual activity should fully ensure the onset of pregnancy by 100%.

If this does not happen, you need to see a doctor, undergo the necessary examination, and take tests. Moreover, both spouses need to do this. The fact is that very often infectious diseases are the reason for the inability to get pregnant. They are found during the examination. With timely treatment, this cause of infertility is eliminated.

It is also necessary to note such an important factor that significantly affects the possibility of getting pregnant, as the childbearing age of a woman. More recently, the optimal age for pregnancy was between 18 and 25 years. But at present, this age is considered to be 20-35 years. A physically healthy woman in her thirties has a 20% chance of becoming pregnant in one menstrual cycle. Provided that sexual intercourse is regular. By the age of 40, this probability decreases to 5%.

Of course, various chronic gynecological diseases that have not been treated in time, as well as congenital structural features of the female body, can lead to female infertility. There are also many reasons for male infertility. Most diseases that prevent pregnancy can be successfully treated, especially at the initial stage of development. Therefore, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible.

An experienced doctor should carry out the diagnosis. In addition, it is imperative to find out which spouse has problems with conception. If, for some reason, infertility cannot be cured, remember - life is not over and this problem can still be solved. Only spouses need to do this together, together. You can find a way out of this seemingly hopeless situation.

How to get rid of infertility?

This is the best option for male infertility. It can be very difficult for a man to decide on this, because he will know all his life that his child is not his own. But to preserve the family, most infertile men agree to donate. If the decision is made, be responsible for finding a donor.

There is another form of donation. It is used for female infertility, when female cells are not produced or their function is lost. In this case, a healthy egg is taken from a donor woman. The doctor then connects her to her husband's sperm. Then it is transplanted into the uterine cavity of the wife. In this case, with the onset of pregnancy, the woman endures and gives birth on her own and on time.

This method should not be discounted either. If a woman is infertile and it is known for sure that she will not be able to give birth on her own, a surrogate mother can be found. The doctor will fertilize her egg with her husband's sperm, after which the woman will carry and give birth to a child, whom you can pick up. If this method is chosen, you need to be very responsible when choosing a surrogate mother. She must already have children of her own, and she must also be physically and mentally healthy.

Remember that adopting a small person is a very serious and responsible step. Therefore, before doing it, discuss this opportunity with your family, weigh all the pros and cons, pros and cons. Each child is a person that requires attention, care, and most importantly - he needs to be loved. The foster baby should become truly dear to you. You must understand that you are fully responsible for him - for the necessary treatment, education, upbringing.

If you are ready for this, hurry to the guardianship authorities, take from a specialist a list of documents that must be collected for adoption.

It is best to adopt a newborn refusenik baby from a maternity hospital. Unfortunately, there are a lot of such abandoned children. But you can adopt an older child by visiting an orphanage. But in this case, certain difficulties may arise, because a child of 3-5 years old may simply not accept a new mom and dad. Whereas a newborn all his life may not know that his parents are adoptive.

How to come to terms with infertility and is it worth it?

In conclusion, I want to add that if infertility is diagnosed, there is no need to despair. Remember that life does not end there and there is always a way out for you. The fact is that real medicine is not perfect, and it can be achieved endlessly. But that’s not the point. The human brain, whoever created it, is perfect. So in many cases, you need to start changing your idea in your head about your situation. You have to imagine every day that you are healthy and can have children, and even that you already have them, have just been born. Imagine the whole process of the birth of life, the birth of a child. All these thoughts should be joyful. Eliminate all negativity, bad habits from your world. Engage in health promotion and imagine what you want in your head all the time. You should not sweep aside amulets, icons and other symbols that strengthen the belief that you are healthy and can do everything ... And you really can, because your brain will make you healthy!

Have you been told that the only indication for obtaining a quota for free IVF is the absence of fallopian tubes?

Are you afraid of just one thought about bureaucracy, do you think that you have to collect a lot of documents, are you afraid that getting a quota for infertility treatment for free is unrealistic?

The attending physician of the district polyclinic claims: will they limit free quotas for IVF, will they bypass you?

Carefully read the information that is presented here, make sure that you always have to fight for the rights!

The rules for issuing a quota for infertility treatment using assisted reproductive technologies may be different, different cities - different prices. It is best to find out how to do artificial insemination for free on site. We will tell you what is needed to do free artificial insemination, what legal documents should be followed, for example, in order to make free IVF in Moscow. Additional material - Order No. 195 April 28, 2007 "On the organization of work in the direction of infertility treatment with the use of assisted reproductive technologies at the expense of the budget." www.mosgorzdrav.ru

How to get a quota for artificial insemination free of charge for all other residents of the Russian Federation, see the end of the document.

Who is eligible to receive free IVF quotas?

Selection criteria for free artificial insemination.

Mandatory requirements for doing IVF in Moscow for free:

  • officially registered marriage;
  • permanent residence in Moscow;
  • the age of the patient is 22 - 38 years old, determined at the time of inclusion in the list;
  • lack of common children.

In order to make free IVF in Moscow, the following reasons for the absence of pregnancy must be identified:

  • complete tubal sterility;
  • infertility lasting more than 2 years, proven ineffectiveness of other methods of treatment:
    1.surgical methods of infertility treatment (more than a year after salpingoovariolysis, laparoscopy, coagulation of endometriosis foci);
    2. classical induction of ovulation (condition - at least six attempts to stimulate ovulation);
    3. Operative, conservative treatment of male infertility.
  • a type of infertility, when in vitro fertilization is the most effective method of treating infertility (the presence of combined types of infertility).

Other requirements for doing IVF in Moscow for free:

  • the absence of serious diseases of the somatic type, which can prevent the onset of pregnancy, bearing a fetus, giving birth to a child;
  • absence of bad habits, such as alcoholism, drug addiction;
  • the absence of mental illness that can cause an unsuccessful pregnancy, or that limit the normal upbringing of the child.

The procedure for examining a married couple applying for a quota for free IVF:

Based on this examination, the district women's consultation should issue a referral to the woman for treatment.

List of types of examinations for a quota for free fertilization:

  • general gynecological examination;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • clinical blood test, clotting time (valid for a month);
  • blood test - determination of the group, Rh factor;
  • blood test - LH, FSH, prolactin, estradiol, cortisol, testosterone, TSH (phase 1 of the cycle);
  • blood tests - HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B, C (valid for 3 months);
  • research - flora from the cervical canal, urethra, and the degree of cleanliness of the vagina;
  • research - sexually transmitted infections (ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis);
  • cytological examination of cervical smears;
  • examination - the presence of intrauterine infection: IgM, IgG antibodies to herpes simplex virus types 1, 2, rubella, cytomegalovirus, toxoplasmosis;
  • the conclusion of the neuropsychiatric, narcological dispensaries at the place of residence, containing a note that the patient has no contraindications to the treatment of infertility, carrying a pregnancy;
  • the conclusion of the therapist, containing indications of the general state of health of the patient who wants to cure infertility using ART, also a conclusion is drawn that stipulates the possibility of carrying a pregnancy (taking into account the information provided by narrow specialists, chest fluorography is considered).

List of types of examinations for men:

  • MAR test, spermogram;
  • blood test - HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B, C (valid for 3 months);
  • blood test - group, Rh factor.

When a spouse is diagnosed with male infertility, among other things, a consultation with an andrologist will be required. If fertility is sharply reduced, an additional genetic examination is prescribed (karyotype, AZF factor mutations, CFTR gene mutations). You must first consult with the specialists of the Family Planning Center.

Other examinations for obtaining a quota for free IVF:

If in the process of examination in a woman who needs treatment for infertility and has applied for free fertilization, benign formations will be identified (it is the area of ​​the uterus that matters), as well as in the presence of tumors and tumor-like formations of the ovaries, hydrosalpinx, in which surgery is indicated, the patient must first undergo surgical treatment. Then the patient's candidacy is considered again.

Patients with congenital or acquired malformations of the uterus, cancer, will wait for a decision on their inclusion in the register, adopted by a special commission. It consists of specialized doctors who determine the possibility of referring a particular woman to free infertility treatment.

What steps to take after the examination?

After completing all types of preliminary examination, it is necessary to require the doctor of the district antenatal clinic to issue a referral for infertility treatment using assisted reproductive technologies, such as IVF or ICSI. You should come with him to an appointment with the district gynecologist. It is this specialist who must send all the information about you to the secretary so that your candidacy is considered by the commission and a final decision is made.

“… I brought three copies of directions for infertility treatment from the antenatal clinic to the district gynecologist. After the district doctor confirmed that I was on the register, he took all three copies to sign and seal. I entered all the data there, informing me how I would be on the waiting list. The next appointment was scheduled in a week. Then she took two signed copies, giving one to the antenatal clinic, leaving the second for herself. ... "

In Moscow, depending on the district, there was a different rate of progress in the queue for IVF. In 2012, those who have been waiting for about 2 years will be able to get free infertility treatment one by one.

Waiting period for your turn

Small queues, quickly call for an appointment.

Yesterday I was given a referral already with signatures, seals, having called the doctor (the 17th maternity hospital) on tel. 487-40-45, immediately made an appointment with Marilova. Reception schedule: Monday - Thursday 10.00-14.00, Friday - 14.00 - 18.00. The doctor said: "there is practically no queue as such, you can start right away when the IVF work starts."

I was included in October 2007, the first IVF attempt was made only a year later. The long waiting period (May-August) is associated with the lack of necessary medications. The doctor at the district family planning center checks all the tests. Moreover, my attending physician herself sent the documents for signature to the district gynecologist, then she gave me a ready-made referral. Only Marilova works there.

2007 is still in turn

August. Has handed over documents. They didn't give me anything. After 2 months I decided to find out the details. They said that there is such a procedure: the manager herself provides all the documents to the district specialist. After putting on the queue, they will hand over the documents with which I will have to go to the Family Planning Center in Sevastopolskoye. They explained that they are being considered for a very long time, a special commission is being created to consider the documents, it is she who decides who to add. December. I learned that the Family Planning Center in Sevastopolskoye accepts girls who submitted their documents a year ago.

On March 13, I got an appointment with the Family Planning Center in Sevastopolskoye, doctor Vovk L.A. She warned that the city is allocating little money for the purchase of a drug that promotes the growth of embryos. Therefore, there is no possibility to take me to the protocol right away. I got there in August. The list grows every month, as a rule, 4-6 people. She offered to partially pay for the operation, they told me it was impossible: either it was completely paid, or a quota, other options were unacceptable.

  • The commission operates on the basis of the regional Family Planning Center.
  • The objectives of the creation of this commission are to control, establish the order of priority for issuing referrals to patients wishing to cure infertility using assisted reproductive technologies (to make fertilization using IVF, ICSI free of charge) at the expense of funds allocated by the city budget. In addition, the commission has the right to resolve the related conflict situations.
  • The Commission meets as needed, at least once / month. The commission is conducted by either the chairman or the deputy.
  • Materials for each meeting are prepared by the secretary, using the opinions and submissions of doctors - district gynecologists and representatives of the departments of assisted reproductive technologies. Considering the opinions of specialists and other medical documents, the commission, if necessary, organizes a consultation. The members of the commission approve the list of patients who need to issue a referral for infertility treatment using assisted reproductive technologies at the expense of funds allocated from the city budget.
  • The members of the commission record their decision in the protocol of the established form, which is then signed by the head of the Department of Health, or his deputy. Only after that the document comes into force. The storage period for each protocol in the organizational and methodological department of obstetrics and gynecology of the Department of Health is at least 5 years. Any patient who was referred for free infertility treatment can demand to provide her with an extract from the protocol and the members of the commission have no right to refuse her.
  • The Commission is required to submit a report on its work to the Department of Health every year.

As practice shows, the district gynecologist usually does not warn patients about taking tests, which does not comply with the rules. This is how it often happens:

“… The district gynecologist will write you a referral to the Family Planning Center. And only there you will find out that you can register and sign up for the queue only after passing the tests. Then, when the turn comes (in my case it was 2 months), you are given a direction. Having taken it, as well as copies of the test results and certificates, you go directly to the TsPSiR, where the doctor explains all the details to you. Exactly a year has passed since I turned to the antenatal clinic until the in vitro fertilization procedure itself. "

  • The basis for starting infertility treatment is the relevant conclusion of the Commission, funds for treatment are allocated from the city budget, in accordance with the relevant Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of February 26, 2003 N 67 "On the use of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) in the treatment of female and male infertility." Find details here.
  • The infertility treatment program financed by the city budget provides for:

Implementation of two IVF attempts (free fertilization), embryo replanting (IVF and PE), as well as performing, if necessary, cryopreservation of embryos, followed by their storage for no more than a year, subsequent defrosting and replanting of cryopreserved embryos.

The program does not include:

The use of donor sperm, surrogacy and oocyte donation on a commercial basis.

  • After the commission makes a final decision, the patient is prescribed the induction of superovulation. The attending physician chooses an individual scheme for the induction of superovulation, makes changes to the IVF protocol, if necessary, selects the appropriate drugs and adjusts their doses. A short protocol can be selected for the IVF procedure, or a long IVF protocol - according to the indications.
  • In the IVF department, a woman undergoes ultrasound monitoring of the endometrium and egg development. Puncture of oocytes is carried out on an outpatient basis, performing the procedure in the IVF department, using generally accepted techniques.
  • Egg fertilization can be performed using ICSI, artificial insemination, the choice of method depends on the cause of infertility.
  • If there are no sperm in the spouse's ejaculate, the man may be prescribed an operation on the testicles, their appendages (TESA, MESA, respectively).
  • Embryo replanting is performed according to the usual method. It is undesirable to transfer more than 2 embryos.
  • If the in vitro fertilization was successful, the doctors of the district antenatal clinic should carry out the pregnancy management. Up to 12 weeks, the development of pregnancy is monitored by specialists who perform IVF.
  • All information about the performed in vitro fertilization attempts, questionnaires of IVF protocols, information about the results of the procedure (successful IVF protocols) must be transferred to the Secretary of the Commission. One of the tasks of the doctors of the IVF department. These data (questionnaires of IVF protocols, successful IVF protocols) subsequently fall into the general register.
  • Thus, you got acquainted with the information on how the work of issuing referrals for free infertility treatment, for free IVF is structured. Knowing how to get a referral for free IVF will make it easier for you to fight for your rights. Of course, it's best if it gets around you. We hope that you will receive a quota for free IVF without bureaucratic delays and the long-awaited baby will appear very soon! Good luck, patience!

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