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Gomel State Medical University admission monitoring. Gomel State Medical University. Faculty of pre-university training

Educational institution "Gomel State Medical University" today is: more than 350 highly qualified professors, associate professors, assistants; 4 faculties, a research laboratory, a research sector, a department of science and scientific and medical information, an editorial and publishing department, a professorial advisory center and other structural divisions; 18 large clinics, equipped with modern equipment, on the basis of which training takes place (the clinical base of the university is one of the best in the Republic of Belarus, where the most modern medical technologies are used for the diagnosis and treatment of endocrinological, cardiological, immunological, hematological, ophthalmological, and oncological diseases); regional center for scientific and medical information for health workers; a library with a fund of more than 256 thousand storage units, including more than 73 thousand scientific literature, an electronic library of the university - over 2 thousand digitized documents, access to world information resources HINARI, eLIBRARY.ru, PubMed, an educational library fund consisting of 80 thousand items. educational publications in Russian and foreign languages ​​helps students to master medical sciences; 4 modern comfortable dormitories for students.

In accordance with the national classifier of the Republic of Belarus, the university implements:
- an educational program of higher education of the first stage, which ensures the acquisition of the qualifications of a specialist with higher education. The training of specialists at the first stage of higher education is carried out in 2 specialties: 1-79 01 01 "General Medicine" and 1-79 01 04 "Medical and Diagnostic Business";
- educational program of higher education of the II stage, which forms the knowledge, skills and abilities of scientific, pedagogical and research work and provides a master's degree. The training of personnel of the highest scientific qualifications is organized with and without interruption from production through postgraduate studies, doctoral studies and competition;
- educational program of postgraduate education. 124 people are currently studying in clinical residency;
- educational program of pre-university training.
Preparation of candidates of sciences is carried out through postgraduate study of full-time and part-time forms of study in 30 specialties. Currently, 46 people are studying in graduate school, of which 24 are in the form of an application.

Gomel State Medical University is one of the most important centers of medical science in the Republic of Belarus.

Now you are faced with a choice, perhaps the most important in your life - who to become, what specialty to choose? This decision is not always easy, and mistakes and frustrations are not uncommon. The profession of a doctor is one of the most humane, noble, necessary and, at the same time, the most responsible, requiring the full commitment of spiritual and physical strength. There are many roads in front of you, and I sincerely wish that, having chosen your own, you followed it to the end, not knowing disappointment and fatigue ...
I am sure that you have many bold discoveries and personal victories ahead of you. I wish that each new academic year brings you closer to the main goal - to find your place in life and become a worthy citizen of the Republic of Belarus!

Lyzikov Anatoly Nikolaevich, rector, doctor of medical sciences, professor

Lyzikov Anatoly Nikolaevich,
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor
Vice Rector for Academic Affairs:
Anashkina Svetlana Anatolievna,
candidate of biological sciences, associate professor
Vice-rector for medical work,
Dmitry Ruzanov,
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor
Vice-rector for educational work,
Alexander Tolkunov,
candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor


Medical Faculty
Medical and Diagnostic Faculty
Faculty of training specialists for foreign countries (international faculty)
Pre-university training and vocational guidance


Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Department of Human Anatomy with the Course of Operative Surgery and Topographic Anatomy
course of operative surgery and topographic anatomy
Department of Biological Chemistry
Department of Internal Diseases No. 1 with the course of endocrinology
Department of Internal Medicine № 2
Department of Internal Diseases No. 3 with a course of radiation diagnostics and radiation therapy
Department of Military and Extreme Medicine
Department of Histology, Cytology and Embryology
Department of Foreign Languages
Department of Infectious Diseases
Department of Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics, Allergology and Immunology
Department of Medical Biology and Genetics
Department of Medical and Biological Physics
Department of Microbiology, Virology and Immunology
Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery with a course of medical rehabilitation
Department of Normal Physiology
Department of General Hygiene, Ecology and Radiation Medicine
Department of General and Bioorganic Chemistry
Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines
Department of Public Health and Health Care
Department of General and Clinical Pharmacology
Department of Oncology
Department of Otorhinolaryngology with the Course of Ophthalmology
Department of Pathological Anatomy
Department of Pathological Physiology
Department of Pediatrics
Department of Outpatient Therapy and General Medical Practice
Department of Propedeutics of Internal Diseases
Department of Psychiatry, Narcology and Medical Psychology
Department of Russian as a Foreign Language
Department of Traumatology, Orthopedics, VPH with a course of anesthesiology and resuscitation
Department of Phthisiopulmonology
Department of Physical Education and Sports
Department of Surgical Diseases No. 1 with a course of cardiovascular surgery
Department of Surgical Diseases No. 2
Department of Surgical Diseases No. 3 with a course of urology

Selection committee:


The university has the ability to accommodate nonresident students in a hostel.

The list of documents for registration of those wishing to get a bed in the hostel:

1. Application
2. Certificate confirming the right to the benefit and its photocopy: (large family, disabled parents or students of groups 1 and 2);
3. Certificate on the composition of the family and the occupied area, form 28, 58 or 161 (any);
4. Certificate of lack of housing in the city of Gomel. (Contact the BTI at the address: Polesskaya str., 19b., Have a passport with you); issuance of a certificate at the BTI for a fee;
5. Passport, photocopy on one sheet of A4 format (p. 25, 31, 32);
6. Folder - binder (paper).

For inquiries by phone: + 375 232 75-53-28 (Polonevich Larisa Ivanovna)

Student club

Address: Kosmonavtov Ave., 70, Gomel, building No. 4 of the Medical University

Tel .: +375 232 54-37-70

The student club was organized in 2002 as a cultural and educational center that operates in the field of aesthetic education of students in order to create favorable conditions for amateur creativity, the development of the artistic and intellectual abilities of medical students, and the organization of leisure for students.

Cultural and leisure activities are an integral part of the educational process. The social functions of cultural and leisure activities are such that significant groups of people are involved in their implementation: organizers of cultural and leisure programs, activists, members of various circles, amateur associations and clubs of interest, the audience themselves.

The main tasks of the student club are: identifying talented youth and creating conditions for the realization of their creative potential; familiarizing students with national culture, its traditions, as well as with the culture and traditions of other peoples; promotion of healthy lifestyles; organization of leisure time for students.

At present, the student club is a modern structure of cultural work at the university. Modern technical equipment, spacious premises for cultural events allow you to effectively fulfill the tasks of the student club, contribute to the development of the intellectual and creative potential of students. The student club is a worthy successor to the best traditions of the university and student youth.

Dmitry Ivanovich Tverskoy was appointed the head of the student club.


Medical Faculty

Formed together with the establishment of the institute. The main specialty of the graduates of the faculty is general medicine.


surgical diseases with specialization in abdominal surgery, pediatric surgery, cardiovascular surgery, thoracic surgery, urology, ophthalmology, otorhinolaryngology, dentistry, traumatology, orthopedics, oncology, anesthesiology and resuscitation.

internal diseases with specialization in therapy, pulmonology, phthisiology, allergology, infectious and tropical diseases, hematology, endocrinology, nephrology, neuropathology, dermatovenerology, geriatrics, radiation diagnostics and therapy, psychiatry.

pediatrics with the specialization of pediatricians, specialists in the field of pediatric diseases in hematology, immunology, pulmonology, cardiology, gastroenterology, neuropathology, neonatology.

obstetrics and gynecology with the specialization of obstetricians-gynecologists, specialists in medical genetics.

Medical and Diagnostic Faculty

In 1996, for the first time in our country, a medical and diagnostic department was opened at the State Medical University for the training of specialists in clinical laboratory diagnostics.

In November 2000, the department was transformed into a medical and diagnostic faculty, and in 2001 it received a new name - medical and diagnostic faculty. The faculty is the only one not only in the Republic of Belarus, but also in the vastness of the former Soviet Union


clinical laboratory diagnostics

functional diagnostics

radiation diagnostics

Graduates are awarded the qualification "doctor" (doctor-hygienist, doctor-epidemiologist, laboratory assistant at the center of hygiene and epidemiology, doctor-valeologist at the health center and research laboratories.) institutions and research laboratories.

Foreign faculty

The faculty of training specialists for foreign countries prepares future doctors for the countries of Europe and Asia. Foreign citizens from Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, Egypt, Jordan, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Iran and other countries study at the 1-6 courses of the faculty.

The university has created the necessary conditions for the training of foreign students: a fundamental clinical base equipped with the best samples of foreign and domestic medical equipment, teachers and doctors with academic degrees, trained in the best clinics in Europe, North America, and Japan.

The educational process corresponding to world standards provides a combination of deep theoretical knowledge with fundamental practical training. The specialization helps to improve the quality of training in the field of medical education for future Doctors of Medicine, allows teachers to concentrate their efforts on the specific features of the course of diseases, diagnosis, and treatment of patients. At the same time, climatic, ethnic, economic and other factors of influence on human diseases inherent in this region are taken into account.

Upon graduation, graduates are awarded the qualification of a doctor and the title of Doctor of Medicine. Education can be continued in any medical specialty in clinical residency, postgraduate studies, and internships.

Dear Applicants!

The philosopher of Ancient Greece Socrates said that all professions in the world are from people and only three are from God. The judge, teacher and doctor, according to the sage, receive their gift from above.The profession of a doctor has always been considered one of the most respected and honorable professions.

The names of the first outstanding doctors of antiquity will forever remain in history - Hippocrates, Asclepius - whose knowledge and art of healing people not only saved many lives, but also conditioned the development of medicine - one of the noblest spheres of human activity, designed to protect and strengthen the most valuable each person - his health.

To become a good doctor requires high intelligence, intuition, observation, communication skills, emotional stability, and responsibility.

Gomel State Medical University today is one of the best medical universities in the republic, with an established highly professional team capable of training medical personnel at the proper level, conducting scientific research, and providing medical advice to the population.

Gomel State Medical University is science and progressive technologies, the latest equipment and modern teaching methods, and most importantly - talented teachers, students and graduates in demand.

Each of you is a unique person. And the main task of the teachers of the Gomel State Medical University is to help your self-realization in your profession, science, creativity, to create the most favorable conditions for the identification and development of your abilities and talents.

Now you are faced with a choice, perhaps the most important in your life - who to become, what specialty to choose? This decision is not always easy, and mistakes and frustrations are not uncommon. The profession of a doctor is one of the most humane, noble, necessary and, at the same time, the most responsible, requiring the full commitment of spiritual and physical strength.

There are many roads in front of you, and I sincerely wish that, having chosen your own, you walk along it to the end, not knowing disappointment and fatigue. Student life is full of worries and excitement, but there is no time more beautiful than student time.

I am sure that you have many bold discoveries and personal victories ahead of you. I wish that each new academic year brings you closer to the main goal - to find your place in life and become a worthy citizen of the Republic of Belarus!


v Gomel State Medical University!

Rector of the University,

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor

Lyzikov Anatoly Nikolaevich

Gomel State Medical University is one of the most important centers of medical science in the Republic of Belarus. Scientific work is carried out at 36 departments, in 5 specialized research laboratories. The main forms of research activities of the Gomel State Medical University are - the implementation of fundamental, applied and contractual research work, as well as the organization and conduct of scientific conferences and seminars; training of highly qualified scientific personnel; organization of the student scientific society and the Council of young scientists; invention and innovation; publication of scientific literature (publication of monographs, journals, collections of articles and abstracts).

University scientists take part in the implementation of research on state programs, social orders in the field of fundamental research.

So, in 2016, 2 monographs, 78 book editions were published, 749 articles were published in journals and collections of scientific papers, including 150 articles in journals from far abroad. For the period 1996-2016 150 patents were received, 1236 rationalization proposals were filed and accepted for use, 97 instructions for use on methods of prevention, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and organizational forms of work were approved.

Advances in medicine of the XXI century. are caused not only by the achievements of fundamental, applied sciences, biology, the latest technical projects, but also largely by people who implement the results of theoretical medical developments in practical medicine.

Within the framework of international cooperation, the Gomel State Medical University has concluded and is operating agreements (contracts) on cooperation with foreign educational institutions, research and other foreign organizations. Among the main partners of the university are such foreign educational institutions as the University of Nagasaki (Japan), Akita University (Japan), Kursk Medical University (Russia), University of Aberdeen (Scotland) and others.

Cooperation with the universities of Fukushima and Nagasaki (Japan) continues: joint research is being carried out on issues relevant to Belarus and Japan, in connection with the consequences of accidents at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant.

Thanks to international projects and programs, the material and technical and educational and methodological base of the university is being strengthened, curricula are being developed and new programs are being introduced, training and advanced training of scientific and pedagogical personnel is being carried out.

In the system of personnel training, a special place is occupied by educational work, the purpose of which is to create conditions for the formation of a personality with civil qualities of a patriot, spiritual, moral and cultural and ethical values, possessing generally accepted rules of behavior in society, corresponding to the characteristics of a competent specialist, capable of self-realization and achieving success.

In accordance with these guidelines, considerable attention is paid to project activities, which are implemented in a wide range of areas and allow each student to realize their creative ideas, to reveal their leadership potential in various spheres of the socio-political, economic and cultural life of the city, region, country.

Gomel State Medical University is science and progressive technologies, the latest equipment and modern teaching methods, and the main thing is talented teachers, students and demanded graduates. The best results are achieved by the best specialists, which allows the university to occupy a leading position in the field of medical education, in the field of medical science and in the provision of medical care.

The activities of the university are aimed at multiplying the best traditions of the domestic higher education, active integration of the university into the world educational space, the most complete and effective solution of the tasks set by the state in the context of the rapidly changing realities of the XXI century.

EE "Gomel State Medical University"
International name

Gomel State Medical University

Year of foundation
Type of

Educational institution


Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Anatoly Nikolaevich Lyzikov

Master's degree

Is planned

Postgraduate studies

Belarus, Gomel

Legal address

246000 Republic of Belarus, Gomel, st. Lange, 5


Gomel State Medical University (GomGMU) - higher educational institution (university) in Gomel, Republic of Belarus. The institution provides training for specialists with higher education in medical specialties. It is primarily subordinate to two ministries: the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health.


Notes (edit)

see also


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