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What led to the collapse of the airborne barracks near Omsk

The paratroopers who survived the collapse of the barracks of the 242nd Airborne Training Center in Omsk told the site what happened to them during the tragedy, how they dealt with it and what they are doing now.

Almost on the “summer equator”, July 12, a tragedy occurred in Russia - the barracks of the 242nd Airborne Forces training center in Omsk collapsed. The disaster claimed the lives of 24 Russian paratroopers, who had taken the oath literally half a day before. Another two dozen soldiers were injured varying degrees gravity.

A criminal case was opened into the incident, the suspects in which are the head of the center, Colonel Oleg Ponomarev and Alexander Dorofeev, CEO LLC Remeksstroy, which renovated the building in 2013. According to the publication Delovoy Kvartal, the company is currently close to becoming bankrupt. The court will consider the relevant case on November 30.

The news agency website spoke with about ten military personnel injured in the collapse of the barracks. As it turned out, many of the victims recovered and continue to serve in regular military units, but not all managed to remain in the Airborne Forces. In addition, the paratroopers agreed that the commander of the training center, Colonel Ponomarev, was not to blame for what happened.

Mikhail Klysh

When it all started, I had just washed myself and lay down on the bed. My neighbor was already dozing, other people in the barracks were still communicating, handing in documents after dismissal. And I remembered that we needed to get some stitching and got out of bed. At that moment a very loud crash began, as if hail was falling. I look at the floor and see that it is collapsing and everything is flying down, including ourselves. After two or three seconds I open my eyes and realize that I was completely overwhelmed: my legs were pinched and after some time they began to swell.
There were screams everywhere, people trying to find their own. One fighter kept shouting: “My legs were cut off, my hands are pinned.” He screamed for about 15 minutes, and then fell silent...
I didn't panic, nothing like that happened. And then a colleague started talking to me, it became easier. We heard that the equipment was working, then it was jammed more than once in order to find the living by their screams, but it was useless - no one heard us.

By this time I could no longer feel my legs, it was very difficult to breathe and I began to lose consciousness. At this time, my friend had already been pulled out, before that I asked him to tell about me, that I was also here and I needed help, but they forgot about me. And the plates were already moving, pinching the legs even more tightly. I physically couldn’t scream anymore because I didn’t have the strength to take in air.

But then they finally found me. The rescuer asks me: “Are these your legs?” I say no, not mine, mine are ahead. As it turned out later, there was a corpse lying between the slabs above me. They dug me out and took me to the hospital, and I said that I needed to go, I needed to help the boys.

At the hospital, I gave the doctor my phone number so that he could call my mother and reassure her. The next day I was already in the hospital in Moscow. There the surgeon gave me some papers to sign and said that I had developed blood poisoning and needed amputation of my legs. I said that I would not sign, they tried to persuade me to do this for a long time, but I refused all the time and in the end they started doing blood purification instead of amputation. During the second procedure, sensitivity had already begun to return, and after the third, the doctors said that I was recovering quickly.
Over time, I began to learn to walk and then run. In the end, I managed to stay in the army. At first they didn’t want to send me into the airborne forces, but I tried and passed the medical commission in the Airborne Forces. It seems like they promised to give me a vacation, but they never did. But the main thing is that I’m alive and standing on my feet, only at night I can’t sleep well, it’s starting to feel like I’m falling again.

I have no complaints against anyone, I am a simple person. And so, this floor was such that if you jumped on it, it was as if he began to walk. But neither we nor others paid attention to this.

Vladimir Petrov

I was sleeping at the time of the collapse. My mother and sister came to the oath and we walked all day, so I was tired and fell asleep immediately after lights out. When it all started, I didn't even understand what was happening. I was flying and thinking: what the horrible dream like this and when will I wake up. And when I fell, I already realized that all this was really happening to me and the building had collapsed. I fell on my chest and was covered with two slabs. I don’t know, maybe there were more slabs higher, but I only felt two. Left side The body was completely pressed against me, another slab was supposed to fall right on me, but it was held by the bed, which saved me. If it weren't for her, I would have been crushed to death.

I realized that there was no need to panic, they wouldn’t get us out quickly, and there was little air. There was only five centimeters of free space on both sides of my head, through which dust was flying. A friend was lying in front of me, with whom I began to communicate and we reassured each other. Another colleague was behind. He's for me right leg I pulled and it hurt. And the rest didn’t hurt, although, as it turned out later, I had a ruptured spleen, an open craniocerebral injury, an open fracture of the left leg, an open fracture of the talus and a transverse fracture of the body of the sternum.

I kept asking my co-worker to stop jerking my leg. And he repeated: “Get me out of here, please.” And I could only answer: “Friend, I myself am under the rubble, be patient, they will definitely pull us out, no need to worry.”

As a result, he held me like that all the time, I had already gotten used to this pain. And then he suddenly let go of my leg. Later I realized that he had died.
And then I thought that my time had come, I began to say goodbye to everyone, I remembered the best moments in my life and it was no longer clear: I was still alive or had already died. I cannot describe what I felt then. I lay there and thought that I wasn’t even 20 years old yet, why should I die so early? He began to fight for life, to show signs of himself. There was no point in screaming, but then one of the slabs was removed and a small opening appeared. I managed to pull my fingertips into it and start shaking them.

After some time, I heard shouts: “Here alive, here alive!” At that moment, someone grabbed me by the fingers and said: “Brother, hold on, we will pull you out.” Something happened to me after that that, again, cannot be described in words. After these words, I began to feel and appreciate life differently. They pulled me out for about 40-50 minutes, and when I found myself on the surface, I told them that a comrade was lying in front of me, he was also alive, and the other one, who was behind, had died.

All this time I did not open my eyes. I opened them only the next day, already in Moscow. At the hospital they told me that I had a lot of blood loss and internal bleeding. And I kept trying to prove to them that they don’t need to do anything to me, I’m healthy. As a result, I was placed in an artificial coma and transported to Moscow. My mother was already at home in Sterlitamak when my friend called her and told her that I was on the list of victims in extremely serious condition.

Now I am in the military hospital named after Burdenko. I’ll stay here until the New Year, and maybe even a little longer. Doctors say the injuries are severe. My mother and the parents of other victims were first placed in a barracks at the Airborne Forces headquarters, where they lived for a month and a half, and then soldiers arrived there and they were moved to a dormitory from the Ministry of Defense.

I don't blame the training center commander. He has nothing to do with it at all. When they told me that Colonel Ponomarev had been detained, I was completely shocked. I know that when the overhaul was carried out, it was not in the unit at all. And then I read in the news that there wasn’t even Ponomarev’s signature on the documents about moving into the barracks.

The barracks itself looked very good both outside and inside. Nobody could have thought that this would happen. Almost just before the disaster, it was as if we had a sign from above: during the evening roll call we were standing on the parade ground and three of us lost consciousness. And within an hour and a half the barracks collapsed.

I would be glad to continue my service; since childhood I dreamed of joining the Airborne Forces. The dream came true and I became a paratrooper, but I was not destined to serve even a month. Now my injuries are too severe, I fear for my health. It turns out that I won’t even be able to walk in ankle boots, and I’ll have to put orthopedic insoles into regular shoes for the rest of my life.

We, all those who were injured in the crash, are in contact, communicate and support each other. Even the most severely affected are optimistic. I myself will remain in the hospital for a long time, I need to work on my leg and restore it left hand, because it practically doesn’t work for me. There’s also something wrong with my stomach, some kind of hellish pain.

I would like to express my gratitude to my friends and all other caring people who helped both morally and financially by participating in raising funds for travel and accommodation for my mother. I also want to say thank you to the Airborne Forces for welcoming and placing her in Moscow.

Rustam Giniyatullin

At the time of the crash, I was standing near my bed, just about to lie down, when I heard a dull knock, then another and then a loud crash, after which the floor tilted and went down, and behind it a wall with windows stretched out. I managed to turn around and jump from the falling slab, caught myself on the broken edge of the fourth floor, began to climb, and then the ceiling slab pinched me to the waist so that I stayed in the air without falling down. It turns out that I was hanging between the third and fourth floors. I’m still surprised how my basin didn’t get crushed; I should have been crushed there in the first place.

Only two cockpits collapsed; both flights of stairs remained intact and soldiers were evacuated along them. I called them for help, but none of my colleagues stopped, everyone ran away. Then several guys and the corporal stopped and began to pull me out, but they didn’t succeed. They tried to push this ceiling slab and after several attempts they were finally able to do it and free me. Due to a leg injury, I could no longer move and was carried by a corporal from the 8th company.

We were lined up in front of the barracks and roll call began. From my platoon there were only nine people out of 27. It became scary.
Everyone was spinning around, panicking, they counted us again, firefighters and an UAZ of the medical company arrived. Already at the hospital, the nurse gave me a call home.

Regarding the collapse of the barracks, in my opinion, the commission that recognized the barracks as suitable is to blame. And they want to leave Colonel Ponomarev as the last, although he is not guilty of anything. Now I am continuing my service. I dreamed of getting into the landing force, I got into the landing force and I will be a paratrooper no matter what.

Ruslan Shabanov

I slept on the third floor and fell on the second. This is what one of the soldiers who participated in clearing the rubble told me. I woke up at the moment of the crash. I remember that the bed went down, and then emptiness. I woke up when they were dragging me in the yard on a sheet to the hospital. I was severely stunned by the blow and couldn’t see anything around me. Then I repeatedly heard words of support from those who dragged me, they said: “Hold on, bro.” They told me that the barracks had collapsed. At the hospital they injected me with painkillers and an ambulance took me to the city hospital.

I was constantly tormented by the question of my left eye, as I thought that I had lost it. As it turned out later, it was a hematoma. Every 15 minutes I asked the doctors how my comrades were doing. I was scared for them and thoughts about their fate were very depressing. The emergency doctor gave me his phone number to call my father, I didn’t scare my parents, I told them that I only had scratches.

Only the professionalism of experienced surgeons saved me. The help I received was worthy, thanks also to the military and the government. I was discharged from the army. Of course, I wanted to continue to serve, I tried to persuade the doctors, but they make the decision, not me.

I have no grudge, especially against the commanders. There is only resentment for the dead guys; I still can’t get out of my head the anger at this damned barracks. Of course, if there is direct evidence of the guilt of certain persons who knew about the building’s emergency situation, but kept silent and hid this fact, then let them be held accountable for the dead guys. And I don’t need anything from the company that was involved in the major renovation of the barracks. I am alive and well and why did I give up these lawsuits?

Alexey Bogatishchev

13/07/2015 - 15:22

Sad news does not stop coming from Omsk, where the building of Airborne Forces barracks No. 242 collapsed: the number of deaths has increased many times over. On the morning of July 13, 23 soldiers were rescued from the rubble. They all died. [] shook all of Russia. The large-scale emergency caused dissonance in military society - the matter is rich in pitfalls. Latest news from the scene: we publish a list of dead and injured, the causes of the emergency and important data, as well as photos and videos from the scene of the tragedy.

The collapse of the barracks in Omsk occurred on the evening of July 12. 4 floors in the left wing of the building collapsed. At the time of the crash, 337 people were sleeping in the building. 17 airborne troops managed to escape, almost all of them were seriously injured. As of the night of July 13, at least 37 people remained under the rubble. On this moment It was established that 42 people were injured or killed under the walls of the barracks.

Collapse of the Airborne Forces barracks in Omsk, last news:

The death toll increased to 23 people. Let us remind you that previously only 2 deaths were known. According to the latest data, the number of people killed in the barracks collapse increased during the rescue operation carried out by the Ministry of Emergency Situations and military personnel of the training center. On the night of July 13 [[In Omsk, the number of victims in the collapse of the barracks reached 18 people|18 deaths became known]], rescued from the rubble. In the morning, rescuers freed the remaining fighters; they were all dead.

Final data on the dead and injured: 23 victims, 19 people injured. Of these, 10 people were taken to the hospital with severe injuries.

A barracks collapsed near Omsk, latest news: list of dead and injured:

List of dead:

Altynbaev R., – 21 years old
Belov E., – 20 years old
Vakhrushev S., no data
German E. – 19 years old
Gritskov A., - 19 years old
Igoshev M., – 19 years old
Ivanov M., – 19 years old
Ignatenko M., – 19 years old
Kenich D., – 19 years old
Kortusov O., – 19 years old
Lomaev V. – 18 years old
Mamliev F., – 19 years old
Nafikov V., – 19 years old
Polegenko A., – 18 years old
Reshetnikov A., – 19 years old
Sudnikovich V., – 20 years old
Chemezov V., – 19 years old
Shaikhulin R., - 21 years old
Shingareev A., – 18 years old
Shokaev A., – 18 years old
Filatov S., – 19 years old
Filyanin I., 19 years old
Yumagulov R., - 24 years old

List of victims:

Avkach S., 20 years old, various injuries and bruises
Avramov Yu., 23 years old, various injuries
Akylbekov A., 20 years old, a combination of various injuries
Andreev A., 20 years old, polytrauma
Andrianov A, 19 years old, abrasions and bruises
Valmukhametov R., 18 years old, various injuries
Vydrin V., 18 years old, various injuries
Dedusenko V., 20 years old, was in the operating room with a ruptured bladder
Zhulanov A., 18 years old, bruises and abrasions
Klysh M., 20 years old, traumatic brain injury
Kuandykov I., 23 years old, traumatic brain injury, neurosurgical intervention
Lebedev V., 18 years old, compression lower limbs, serious condition
Petrov V., 20 years old, traumatic brain injury, in intensive care
Sukhorukov M., 20 years old, fracture
Tugbaev D., 18 years old, neurosurgical department
Kharimov R., 19 years old, heel fracture
Shabanov R., 23 years old, a combination of various injuries
Shaikhulin R., 21 years old, polytrauma
Shalaev D., 23 years old, various injuries

Most of them are in Central District Hospital No. 1 and No. 2 in Omsk, 10 of them were transported by a special helicopter from the Ministry of Emergency Situations to Moscow for urgent operations.

Airborne Forces barracks No. 242 collapsed in Omsk, latest news: causes of the tragedy, assistance to the wounded and their families:

After the collapse of the barracks building in Svetly, the Ministry of Defense launched a call center to receive the latest data on the emergency, including the fate of each soldier. Telephone hotline: 8-3812- 92-67-66.

The Ministry of Defense reports that 13 injured soldiers will receive the necessary qualified treatment at the military hospitals named after Burdenko and Vishnevsky in Moscow.

Relatives and friends of the victims gathered at the scene of the emergency. The Ministry of Defense and the Government covered the costs of housing the relatives of the victims and the wounded. In the future, the Ministry of Defense intends to understand the causes of the tragedy and provide the grief-stricken relatives of the soldiers with everything they need.

The preliminary causes of the collapse may be hidden in negligence in construction. As previously reported, the construction crew carrying out the repair work consisted of incompetent workers.

The company that supplied work force for the construction of the barracks - the Nizhny Novgorod company "RemExStroy", which has a very dubious reputation in terms of fulfilling labor obligations.

Investigative Committee employees Nizhny Novgorod region conducted searches in this company and seized necessary documents for check. It is worth noting that Chief Accountant RemExStroy hastily left the office as soon as the investigators had time to leave with the documents. Currently the office construction company closed, the management left it in advance, nothing is known about the location of the director.

As it turned out later, in 2013, a major renovation without redevelopment of load-bearing structures. As explained by the architect Boris Uborevich-Bororvsky. According to him, the reconstruction of the barracks was carried out, but the relative dilapidation and wear and tear of the building was not taken into account. The architect believes that the overhaul could not have caused the collapse, despite the reputation of the performing company.

An Airborne Forces barracks collapsed in Omsk - this became the reason for initiating a criminal case under the article “negligence”. Such “negligence” led to the death of 23 people.

It is known that those responsible for the tragedy at the Airborne Forces training center near Omsk face 10 years in prison. The Main Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation informs that everyone involved in “sloppiness” will be punished and “removed from positions” - we're talking about about high-ranking employees.

Collapse of the Airborne Forces barracks in Omsk on July 12, latest news: assistance to the wounded and their families, compensation to the families of the dead:

The main leadership of Omsk, represented by the mayor, calls on concerned citizens not to pass by: wounded soldiers need blood to save their lives. The mayor's office, employees of the Ministry of Defense and fellow military personnel, by their example, help collect blood for transfusions. Requires blood of various types. For this purpose, medical centers always operate blood collection points. To directly donate blood for wounded soldiers, you need to check the blood collection locations by calling the hotline 8-3812-92-67-66.

The families of the airborne conscripts who died in the collapse of the barracks will receive more than 2 million rubles, since all military personnel are insured by the SOGAZ insurance group. The families of those who were injured will receive more than 200 thousand rubles at a time.

It is likely that in the story of the collapse of the airborne conscript barracks in Omsk there are still many pitfalls and more than one criminal case will be initiated, but this time against the perpetrators.

Collapse of Airborne Forces barracks No. 242 in Omsk, Svetly village: photos from the scene of the tragedy on July 13, 2015:

Video from the site of the barracks collapse near Omsk, from 07/13/2015:

Video, eyewitness testimony:

What the barracks looked like before the crash, archive video:

The Ministry of Defense, military personnel, the Government and all of Russia expresses sincere condolences to the families and friends of those who died or were injured under the rubble when the barracks building collapsed.

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The building of a military training center collapsed in Omsk. In a barracks in the village of Svetly, the roof and part of the walls collapsed. At first it was reported that there were two deaths, at approximately 04:00 Moscow time it became known that there were three victims, and almost an hour later their number increased to seven. A criminal case has been opened into the incident under the article of negligence, the Investigative Committee said.

The barracks of the 242nd Airborne Training Center collapsed. Nineteen victims were pulled out from under the rubble of a collapsed barracks in the 242 Airborne Forces training center near Omsk in the village of Svetly, Omsk Region Health Minister Andrei Storozhenko told TASS.

At the same time, the Russian Ministry of Defense claims that 18 military personnel were rescued. “At the time of the tragedy, there were 337 military personnel in the barracks. 38 people were trapped under the rubble. Currently, 18 military personnel have been rescued. Two were killed,” the department initially said.

Later it became known that 20 people were pulled out from under the rubble. “According to preliminary data, three more people were pulled out from under the rubble, they are alive, so in total 20 people were pulled out from under the rubble,” the Interfax source said.

The Russian Ministry of Defense confirmed to TASS a report about the collapse of the roof of the Airborne Forces training center in Omsk. “Indeed, at 20:40 local time, the roof of the Airborne Forces training center in Omsk collapsed,” said a high-ranking source in the military department.

As of 02:40 Moscow time, at least 14 military personnel remained under the rubble. At approximately 04:00, LifeNews reported that the body of a third victim was recovered from the rubble. By latest information, “three people died, 19 were hospitalized,” a source in the rescue services told the channel. "Three more received minor injuries and after treatment medical care they were released. 20 people remain under the rubble,” he added.

Less than an hour later, LifeNews reported that rescuers had found four more bodies, bringing the death toll to seven.

Shoigu interrupted his vacation and reports to Putin about the situation in Omsk

Emergency services, emergency services and doctors rushed to the scene of the incident. Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, interrupting his vacation, arrived in national center defense management, from where it reports every 30 minutes on the progress of rescue operations to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Also, a commission of the Ministry of Defense headed by the acting commander of the Airborne Forces, Lieutenant General Nikolai Ignatov, has already flown to Omsk.

The Ministry of Defense will send 5 medical and nursing teams and special medical equipment to the scene of the incident in the Omsk region, the department’s press service reported. It is also reported that “a medical team is flying to the scene of the incident in the Omsk region special purpose Central Military District".

Medical teams from the central military hospitals named after Burdenko, Vishnevsky and Mandryk are sent by military transport aircraft to the scene of the emergency in the Omsk region, the Russian Ministry of Defense reports. “The teams include highly qualified doctors with special medical modules and equipment,” Interfax quoted the department as saying.

The injured may be taken to central military hospitals

If necessary, the victims will be taken to central military hospitals, said the official representative of the Russian Ministry of Defense, Major General Igor Konashenkov. “If it is necessary to carry out complex operations and provide other highly qualified medical care, military personnel of the Airborne Forces training center will be promptly delivered to Moscow and St. Petersburg by Military Transport Aviation aircraft,” he said.

Konashenko added that “at the direction of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation in the central military hospitals named after Vishnevsky, named after Burdenko, as well as in Military Medical Academy wards have been prepared for receiving victims at the training center Airborne Forces of Omsk region".

In hospitals named after Vishnevsky, named after. Burdenko and the Military Medical Academy "created special task forces highly qualified doctors who will advise medical teams in medical institutions in Omsk using telemedicine,” noted an official representative of the Ministry of Defense.

Versions of the causes of the incident

Household gas could not have caused the partial collapse of the barracks in Omsk, a source in the technical supervision services of the Omsk region said. “There can be no talk of a household gas explosion; the building was not gasified,” said Interfax’s interlocutor.

The collapse was not accompanied by an explosion or fire. “The building did not collapse completely. There was a partial collapse of the roof and part of the walls. There was no explosion or fire,” the source noted.

At the same time, it became known that about a year ago a major renovation was carried out in the barracks building, the quality of which will now be checked, a source in the technical supervision services of the region told Interfax. “During the inspection of the documentation, it turned out that major repairs were carried out in the barracks in 2013-2014. It is expected that a specially formed commission will check the quality of the work performed,” the source said.

242nd The educational center The Airborne Forces are located in the village of Svetly in the southern part of Omsk. Junior commanders and specialists of the Airborne Forces are trained here. Before the collapse of the USSR, the training center was located in Lithuania.

Omsk tragedy, how it happened

On July 12, 2015, at 22:40 local time, in the village of Svetly, spans and ceilings collapsed in the four-story barracks of the third parachute training battalion. At the time of the tragedy, there were 337 people in the building.

According to the first reports from the regional Ministry of Emergency Situations, more than 20 people were trapped under the rubble, and two people were said to have died. Immediately, the street in front of the first checkpoint of the training center was cordoned off by the military and police. More than a hundred people gathered in front of the cordon - local residents and relatives of the recruits who came to them for the oath. According to those gathered, after the emergency, at least 30 ambulances, as well as special vehicles from the Ministry of Emergency Situations, drove into the unit’s territory. Later, heavy construction cranes were also driven there.

The situation near the checkpoint was heating up every minute: people were screaming, mothers were crying, trying to call their sons, but in vain - all phones were turned off. Every now and then they asked the soldiers from the cordon about the fate of their relatives, but they stubbornly remained silent. There were no reports of dead or injured for more than three hours.

Meanwhile, information appeared that a special commission of the Russian Ministry of Defense, created on the orders of Sergei Shoigu, flew from Moscow to Omsk. Vladimir Putin was also reported about the situation in Svetly. The mayor of Omsk, Vyacheslav Dvorakovsky, and governor Viktor Nazarov, who headed the operational headquarters, arrived at the scene of the tragedy.

At about 03:00, the deputy head of the training center for working with personnel, Lieutenant Colonel Vitaly Medinsky, appeared at the checkpoint.

« At about 10:40 p.m., the barracks of the third training parachute battalion collapsed. There were 337 people in the barracks, 38 were under the rubble. At the moment, 21 people have been rescued from the rubble and taken to hospitals. The fate of another 19 recruits is still unknown. Now all parents and relatives will be taken by bus to the headquarters of the training center, where they will be provided with lists of the dead and injured. The reasons for the collapse are still unknown, but it is definitely not a fire or an explosion."- said Medinsky.

The clearing of the rubble continued until the morning, when information appeared that a total of 45 paratroopers were under the rubble. For 23 of them, the barracks became a mass grave. Another 19 people were hospitalized in Omsk hospitals. The very next day, 18 of them were taken by special plane to the capital’s clinics. Two days later, another victim died in City Hospital No. 1 named after Kabanov, and the number those who died terrible night has increased to 24 people.

Debriefing: arrests, investigation, examinations

The next day, July 13, 2015, a criminal case was opened regarding the collapse of the barracks in Omsk. A day later, the head of the training center, Colonel Oleg Ponomarev, the head of the Remeksstroy company, which carried out major repairs of the barracks in 2013, Alexander Dorofeev and his partner Dmitry Bayazov were detained. The flywheel of the investigation began to spin, and numerous examinations began.

At the end of August, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said that the cause of the collapse was poor-quality masonry of the walls back in 1975 and errors in repairs in 2013. At the same time, it was decided to demolish the remaining five barracks, built according to the same standard design.

Only a month ago, an additional commission for construction and technical forensic examination, which was conducted by experts from the Moscow State construction university, appointed Investigative Committee RF, established the final cause of the incident, which gave investigators the basis for bringing final charges against all persons involved in the criminal case.

According to the conclusions of experts, as reported by Kommersant, in 1975 the barracks were built with unacceptable defects, which significantly reduced the load-bearing capacity of the building structure, and major repairs carried out in 2013 further reduced the strength of the barracks.

« The strength of the walls was also affected by the fact that from May to August 2013 there were heavy rains in Omsk. At this very time the barracks stood without a roof. As a result, one of the supporting walls, already damp due to rotted communications, was thoroughly soaked with water. The subsequent frosts and sudden warming completely destroyed the poor masonry - bricks simply fell out of it in some places and,” according to the publication’s article.

Now, not only Dorofeev, Bayazov and Colonel Ponomarev, but also his deputy for the rear, Vladislav Parkhomenko, who has until now been involved in the case as a witness, may have to answer for the deaths of 24 people. In addition to them, several heads of regional divisions of the now liquidated Spetsstroy may also find themselves in the dock.


Just like last year, today a memorial service for those who died in the barracks will be held at the Holy Trinity Church in the village of Svetloye. A funeral meeting will be held on the territory of the training center. It is expected that he will attend former boss TC Oleg Ponomarev.

VIDEO: Airborne Forces barracks collapsed in Omsk

In Omsk, the barracks of the 242nd Airborne Forces training center collapsed. Two people died. Nineteen victims were rescued from the rubble. The same number remain under the rubble.

The building of a military training center collapsed in Omsk. In a barracks in the village of Svetly, the roof and part of the walls collapsed. Two people died under the rubble.

The barracks of the 242nd Airborne Training Center collapsed. As a result, two people died. Nineteen victims were pulled out from under the rubble of a collapsed barracks in the 242 Airborne Forces training center near Omsk in the village of Svetly, Omsk Region Health Minister Andrei Storozhenko told TASS.

At the same time, the Russian Ministry of Defense claims that 18 military personnel were rescued. “At the time of the tragedy, there were 337 military personnel in the barracks. 38 people were trapped under the rubble. Currently, 18 military personnel have been rescued. Two were killed,” the department said.

The Russian Ministry of Defense confirmed to TASS a report about the collapse of the roof of the Airborne Forces training center in Omsk. “Indeed, at 20:40 local time, the roof of the Airborne Forces training center in Omsk collapsed,” said a high-ranking source in the military department.

Emergency services, emergency services and doctors rushed to the scene of the incident. Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, interrupting his vacation, arrived at the national defense control center, from where he reports on the progress of rescue work to Russian President Vladimir Putin every 30 minutes.

Also, a commission of the Ministry of Defense headed by acting has already flown to Omsk. Commander of the Airborne Forces, Lieutenant General Nikolai Ignatov.

The Ministry of Defense will send 5 medical and nursing teams and special medical equipment to the scene of the incident in the Omsk region, the department’s press service reported. It is also reported that “a special-purpose medical detachment of the Central Military District is flying to the scene of the incident in the Omsk region.”

According to LifeNews, conscript soldiers lived in the barracks, and the hospital of this military unit was located on the ground floor.

Judging by the recording footage, not only rescuers, but also colleagues of the soldiers buried under the slabs are taking part in clearing the rubble.

Regarding the versions of what happened, household gas could not have caused the partial collapse of the barracks in Omsk. This was reported by an Interfax source in the technical supervision services of the Omsk region. “There is no question of a household gas explosion; the building was not gasified,” he said.

Let us remind you. The 242nd Airborne Training Center is located in the village of Svetly in the southern part of Omsk. Junior commanders and specialists of the Airborne Forces are trained here. Before the collapse of the USSR, the training center was located in Lithuania.

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