Home Fruit trees Ask a question to those VK support. Vkontakte technical support hotline. How to write a question to support VK. Alternative communication channels

Ask a question to those VK support. Vkontakte technical support hotline. How to write a question to support VK. Alternative communication channels

You can write to the VKontakte support service if you have access to your personal page, or if you don't. I bring to your attention the most complete overview of the existing methods:

How to write a letter in support if you have access to your personal page?

We enter the site using your username and password. In the upper right corner, point and click on your name. We select the item " Help».

The search page for the VKontakte directory opens. We enter “How to ask a question in support?”. We see the text. The third paragraph says:

Unfortunately, we were covered with an avalanche of questions, so the familiar “write to us” button is temporarily unavailable. If you have questions that cannot be solved with the help of articles, use the link

Click on the link and we will be able to enter your question.

An alternative way to contact VK support

After going to Help, the search page for the VKontakte directory opens. We open the first available help section.

Then we click on the button "This does not solve my problem", then click on the link "I still have questions."

In the pop-up window, click "Ask a question".

A form for contacting support appears. We fill in. We send.

How to contact VKontakte support via email?

You can also contact VK.com support directly using regular mail. All you need is to send an email to the mailbox [email protected]... These emails are answered in about 3-4 days, so be patient.

Extended form of restoring access to the page

A letter in support of VK.com through an extended access recovery form is a very common way to contact support. It is used in cases where it is not possible to return access to the social network in the usual way. Step by step instructions.

As new ways of contacting the VK support appear, I will update this instruction. Just in case, I advise you to bookmark this page. If you have any questions for me - ask them in the comments.

This is not to say that often, but still in a fairly large number of cases, one or another VKontakte user may require a direct connection with the technical support of this social network. Like many other similar sites, VK.com provides its users with the opportunity to write messages to the administration, which, after consideration, are answered by authorized specialists.

It is important to realize that writing some messages to the administration must be accompanied by common sense. If you violate this simple rule, you can get punished, up to blocking some features or a whole page in this social. networks.

Contacting support

To date, all user messages written to technical support are thoroughly checked. If your request has a real, justified basis, you will quickly receive a response from the administration.

It is recommended not to write to the technical support of the social network VKontakte without good reason. This is due to the fact that most of all possible problems can be solved without resorting to such radical methods. If you nevertheless decide to act in this way, then you should know that in most cases the administration will provide you with links to already existing pages with a solution to one or another difficulty that users have encountered or may encounter.

In the list of problems in which contacting the VK.com administration is necessary, it is possible to include:

There are also issues that even the administration cannot solve, for example, the return of the once relevant, and today is already outdated, design. At the same time, keep in mind that often such unsolvable problems are associated precisely with some kind of updates to the social site. networks.

  1. Go to the VKontakte website and open the main menu by clicking on your avatar in the upper right corner of the page.
  2. From the list of sections, select "Help".
  3. In the search box, enter a query that matches your question and press the key "Enter".
  4. If there is no answer to your question on the site, you will see a corresponding notification.
  5. To write to technical support, click on the link "Write to us" at the very end of the provided notice.
  6. After opening the link, you will see a notification about the workload of the administration and the approximate time for processing your request. To go to the contact form with technical support, click the button "Ask a Question".
  7. On this page, you can describe in detail the whole essence of your appeal, as well as, if necessary, add any documents and photographs.
  8. The headline should be a short summary of your problem.

  9. Once the ticket is ready to be sent, click the button "Send" to initiate the review process for your message.
  10. After clicking the specified button, the message will be sent.
  11. The status of consideration of your appeal can be observed on the main page of the section. "Help".
  12. You can delete or edit your appeal at any convenient time by clicking on one of the corresponding links.

In the case of editing the content of the appeal, the estimated processing time of the request can be completely reset to the original

It is recommended to patiently wait for a response from the VKontakte administration and calmly resolve the problem. Do not forget that you are communicating with real people, on whom the solution of many problems depends - respect here is an integral part of the appeal.

An authorized specialist will tell you in detail about all aspects related to your contact with technical support, and will also answer any of your clarifying questions. We wish you the best in solving your problems!

Problems with a particular site are common. However, most often they occur on those resources where there is a large crowd of people. In addition, problems can be of a different nature, from the fact that the site freezes and ending, say, insults from another user. Take the social network VKontakte, for example: it is popular, and millions of people visit it every day. Therefore, it is not surprising that every second or third has some kind of trouble, which he cannot cope with on his own.

In this case, you should contact the site administration, which will tell you how to figure out a particular situation. Actually, I want to write about how to write to the VKontakte administration in this material.

How to write to the VK administration

In general, it is not difficult to write to the administration of this social network, but I would not recommend doing this if you have a trivial question. It is likely that it is solved quickly, you can just look for a solution on the Internet. The fact is that you will not receive an answer immediately, it usually takes at least a day.

However, if you are still determined to contact the admins, just follow these steps:

other methods

I want to dispel the myth that besides the letter to the administration, there are other ways of communication. In fact, this option is the only possible one. You should not trust advertisements or users who claim that you can call technical support or contact the VK press service. Remember that there is only one way of communication, which I wrote about above.

Have you ever encountered situations when you needed to contact the VKontakte administration? Very often we do not know the answer to the question of how to properly use a certain function of this social network.

It is worth remembering that if, nevertheless, you are not able to solve your problem or you have questions, then you can always write to the Vk administration. However, how do you do this?

It should be borne in mind that waiting for a response can take more than 24 hours, so you need to be ready to wait right away, or still try to solve the problem yourself, for example, using the Internet. If you do not find your question on the vastness of the world wide web, then it is better to ask the employees of this social network directly.

So, let's take a closer look at the topic of how to write to the VKontakte administration yourself.

We start to write an appeal

The first thing to do to contact technical support is to click on the "help" section, which is located in the upper right corner of the screen near the "exit". Thus, you can contact the administration in VKontakte or as they are called on the site itself with "support agents". After you clicked on "help", we briefly write in the upper field about your problem. Perhaps your question is a fairly frequently asked one, and at this stage you can get an answer by choosing from the list of questions and answers below. If, nevertheless, none of the options is suitable, then you need to select the appropriate function, which is called “none of these options is suitable”.

After that, you will be informed how long you need to wait for a response. On average, this is 24 to 48 hours.

If you agree to wait for a certain time, then you need to fill out a special form. First, we write the topic. This is a succinct sentence that summarizes your problem. Below, in the appropriate field, you can tell about this problem in more detail so that the support agent understands your question as clearly as possible. You can, for example, in this way,.

You can also attach files in the lower right corner, that is, they can be screenshots or photographs, in order to reveal in more detail the essence of your question. After you have entered a topic, a description of the problem in more detail and, if necessary, attached additional materials, you need to click on the "send" button. Your question will be added to the queue for consideration.

And then what?

Once the time has passed and a support agent has answered your question, you will be notified on the left side of the screen marked "plus one". By clicking there, you will be able to see your question as well as the answer of the support agent.

It is worth noting that support agents answer any question concisely, and most importantly, politely, that is, you can not be afraid to ask even the most ridiculous questions at first glance, they will always answer clearly and politely. Therefore, I would like to recommend that users of the social network VKontakte also politely communicate with support agents, because it is always worth remembering that there are also real people on the other side of the screen who are always ready to help you and answer any of your questions.

As the saying goes, “all professions are needed, all professions are important,” and such a profession as a support agent in VKontakte is also an integral part of our life, since we may not always know everything 100% about a given social network. They will help in solving our problems and questions.

If the answer was not comprehensive enough, you can write to this employee again in the same form, and in the form of a dialogue, communicate with him further, asking clarifying questions.

Hello friends! This article will focus on the support service on Vkontakte, namely, how you can contact them in order to ask a question, or to solve the problems that have arisen related to the VK social network. When I needed to turn to them for help, I didn't even find right away where the page was where I could talk to them. That is why I decided to write an article for those comrades who cannot find this disguised support. To be honest, VK looks simple, but sometimes some details have to be searched for a very long time.

Immediately, I want to tell those characters who are looking for a phone number to contact them. You can't contact us by phone. No, of course, there is a phone number, but it is not advertised anywhere. Even if you manage to find a number, you probably won't get through it, and if you succeed in getting through, you will be sent to solve your problems through the form on the VK website or via mail. So just forget about the phone, and use the methods of communication with them, which I will describe in this article.

How to contact the support service on Vkontakte from your personal page?

2. Go to the "Help" tab.

3. After you go, a page will appear where the most popular questions are displayed. At the very top there is a small line in which you can write your question, and get a ready-made answer if there is one, of course. But if a ready answer was not given, or you need to contact support, then write any one word in this line. I wrote a word that doesn't exist to save time. After that, a link will come out at the bottom, it is called "None of these options are suitable." It is on this link that we go.

4. After you go, you will be taken to a page where you can write to them.

Well, in principle, that's all, write your question and send it, after a while you will definitely receive an answer. The approximate waiting time for a response will be shown to you after sending your appeal.

How to contact VK support via email (E-mail)?

There are different situations in life, for example, you cannot write through your personal profile, since you do not have access to it for various reasons, but they need to write. Therefore, there is also a second option, this is an appeal through a mailbox. We send emails to [email protected] This type of communication is quite long, as they answer on average to such letters within 4 days.

Where can I find the answers?

1. Go with your username and password to the profile from which you wrote.

4. After that you will be taken to the page where you can see all your support requests, and of course the answers they gave you.

Well, that's all I wanted to tell you. It seems that he described everything in great detail, but if something is not clear, then ask questions in the comments.

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