Home Diseases and pests Commercial director of a construction company responsibilities. Planning the range of goods and setting prices. Operational commercial groups

Commercial director of a construction company responsibilities. Planning the range of goods and setting prices. Operational commercial groups

There comes a time in every growing company when it is simply necessary to expand staff and redistribute responsibilities. It is then that deputy directors of the company appear on various issues. These are the people responsible for procurement, production, advertising and promotion, and finance. The commercial director is practically the second person in the company after the general director. He has his own responsibilities, tasks and rights. Commercial Director must have specific and operational skills. What kind of person is this, what exactly does he do and how to write a resume for a good company?

Who is a commercial director?

The field of finance is quite broad, so each applicant must clearly understand the essence of the chosen profession, the range of duties and responsibilities.

So, a commercial director is a specialist who is directly involved in various trade operations and their support. Wherein full list responsibilities depends solely on the specifics of the enterprise and its size. But we can definitely say that it is thanks to the commercial director that the company makes a profit and determines the course and pace of development.

Such an employee manages not only the purchasing and sales of products, but also the marketing and logistics departments. Also, the commercial director forms and maintains relationships with large and key clients of the company and is responsible for concluding particularly profitable deals.

In general, we can say that this is a key figure in the structure of any company. That is why the requirements for the applicant are quite high and stringent.

The place of the commercial director in the organizational structure of the company

Very often confused with the head of the sales department. But the commercial director has a clear specific place in the management hierarchy. It is thanks to this distribution of responsibilities that the company runs like clockwork.

The position of commercial director belongs to the second level of management. This is the next step after the director. In this case, a financial deputy is appointed and also removed from office exclusively general manager companies.

On all operational issues, the commercial director reports and reports directly to the director. These are the questions operational management, trade and money turnover and financial planning. At the same time, he is personally responsible for the safety of various material assets and signs the corresponding agreement with management.

If the chief financier is absent from the workplace due to illness, business trip or vacation, then another company employee is appointed in his place by a separate order from the manager. The Deputy Commercial Director has the same rights and responsibilities that he receives at certain time. He also bears financial responsibility.

What does a commercial director do?

To choose the right place in the company, you need to clearly understand what tasks and goals are facing you. This will allow you to more effectively and efficiently distribute your time and energy. Besides, this fact is valuable for both the applicant and the employer. After all, having outlined the range of responsibilities and tasks, you can safely demand from the employee concrete results. You can also constantly monitor the effectiveness of its activities.

The only thing that appeals Special attention, this is the company's revenue. The commercial director of the company must constantly monitor the situation and take prompt measures if this indicator decreases. To do this, he can request any commercial documents from other departments, as well as coordinate actions with other department heads.

This irreplaceable employee can represent the financial interests of the enterprise in relations with various institutions and government agencies. In this case, he is the face of the company and has all the authority to resolve problems that arise.

Main responsibilities

A commercial director is a person who is entrusted with enormous powers and responsibility. Accordingly, he must in full carry out all instructions from the director of the company, develop and expand commercial relations, and adhere to the existing business plan.

In this regard, he is entrusted with the following responsibilities:

  • Control and coordination of the development of quality standards and storage of products or services, as well as their quantity. It is the commercial director who determines final cost goods, their range and production volumes.
  • Coordination of development and implementation marketing strategy enterprises. directly affects the future financial well-being companies.
  • Responsible for training and monitoring the work of employees.
  • Monitor the timely preparation of reporting documents and submit them to management on time. In addition, the tasks of the commercial director include the approval of all financial papers.
  • Monitor the implementation of the overall business plan, as well as the enterprise budget. Ensure timely and complete payments wages.

In addition to these requirements, each company has the right to introduce its own terms of reference for the commercial director. It all depends on the size, specifics of the enterprise and management structure. IN Russian companies The specific wishes of the founders may also influence the completeness of job responsibilities.

The main qualities that a professional should have

Commercial director is a very complex position, requiring from the employee not only relevant work skills, but also certain personal qualities. And this is determined not only by personal sympathies and preferences, but rather by the peculiarity of the chosen post.

So let's start with professional qualities and skills. Most companies impose the following criteria on the applicant, which the commercial director must indicate in his resume:

  • Ability to work and knowledge of the specific market in which the company operates.
  • Ability to shape and control existing and proposed distribution channels.
  • Navigate in marketing system to effectively implement various advertising projects.
  • Ability to communicate with VIP clients, sign contracts to conclude large transactions.
  • Possession English language for communication and working with documents.

If speak about personal qualities candidate, then the employer’s requirements are quite standard. As in many other positions, the future commercial director must be goal-oriented and stress-resistant, sociable and charismatic. He must be a leader and interact effectively with staff and any audience. Efficiency and non-conflict are also especially valued.

Which companies use this position?

Nowadays in the labor market you can find quite a large number of vacancies for the position of commercial director. Their peculiarity is that such advertisements can hang for quite a long time. There are several objective reasons for this: firstly, the employer conducts a rather strict and careful selection of candidates, and, secondly, newly hired employees cannot withstand the full scope of job responsibilities and the rhythm of work.

The approach to finding a financier and the requirements for his knowledge and skills differ significantly between Western and domestic companies. Here you should take into account the mentality and history of business development in Russia and abroad.

In domestic companies, the position of commercial director appears as a result of the expansion of the enterprise or the restructuring of the management structure due to its ineffective activities. Therefore, the requirements for candidates are very vague. Here, the commercial director is a universal, trained and experienced specialist who can quickly cope with problems that have accumulated over the years.

In Western companies, the functionality and requirements for applicants have long been clearly defined. Therefore, it is much easier for the applicant to figure out what exactly he is responsible for, what his main tasks and responsibilities are. In addition, attention is paid here to professionalism, and not to subjective sympathies.

Salary level and basic requirements for the candidate

What can a future commercial director count on as compensation for his difficult work? After all, the job description of a commercial director provides for a fairly wide range of responsibilities and enormous responsibility.

It is worth noting here that the salary will directly depend on the size of the company and even on its location. For example, the highest salary for a commercial director is observed in Moscow or St. Petersburg. Here an employee can count on a monthly income of 80,000 rubles. The farther from the capital, the lower the reward will be.

In addition, there are also increased requirements for an increased salary: at least 3 years of experience in a relevant position, completion of various courses and sales training, experience in financial planning and conducting effective negotiations. An MBA degree and knowledge of English are also desirable.

Wherein average age The future commercial director is about 40 years old. Most often these are men with higher specialized education. In addition, each candidate must have good recommendations With previous place work.

The employer may also present specific requirements to the applicant. For example, this is ownership of a vehicle, consent to perform duties during non-working hours, possession of certain diplomas, etc.

Registration of a commercial director for work

This issue is resolved in each company in accordance with existing legislative acts. The candidacy is first agreed upon with the owners of the company. If it is not possible to find a professional employee on the side, most often the chief accountant of the enterprise is appointed to this position. This is the man who has everything necessary knowledge and skills for this position. In this case, a corresponding entry about the transfer is made in work book.

The order for the appointment of a commercial director is signed personally CEO or the head of the enterprise. In the same way, an employee is fired from this position.

Due to the fact that a newly hired person has a huge responsibility, it is advisable to conclude a employment contract. In it, as in job description, all rights and obligations of the future commercial director are indicated. A clause on confidentiality and non-disclosure, financial liability and conditions for early termination of the existing contract is also written down here.

However, in any case, the HR department makes a corresponding entry in the work book about the time of acceptance and the order number.

Job description for commercial director

In the structure of the enterprise, a special manual is drawn up for each employee, which indicates all aspects of the activity and the nuances of the position held.

The job description of the commercial director contains the following points:

  1. General provisions. Here, as a rule, the basic definitions and terms, requirements for professional and personal qualities and the basic rules of work at the enterprise are deciphered.
  2. Responsibilities of the employee. This paragraph clearly states all the points for which the commercial director is responsible.
  3. Rights. This section indicates the capabilities and powers of the employee.
  4. Responsibility. This point is especially important because contains information about the obligations of the commercial director to the company and the law.

This document may also indicate working conditions, requirements for the employee and other points at the discretion of the enterprise management. An employee may be fired for failure to comply with job descriptions.

How and by what indicators is the work of a commercial director assessed?

Now in any company, one of the main indicators of an employee’s performance is his performance, i.e., what useful things he brought and what benefits this turned out to be. Or it may be the amount of final profit received by the company during the period of the person's work. This is a very important indicator, since it can subsequently directly affect the salary and recommendations.

The activities of most commercial directors are assessed according to the following criteria:

  1. Strict implementation of own job description. Here compliance with each clause of the contract is assessed.
  2. High level of discipline and subordination. The commercial director must be highly organized and responsible person, because the present and future well-being of the company rests on it.
  3. Implementation of the company's existing business plan. The company's work, along with financial indicators, is carefully and accurately calculated. If any item is not completed on time, it can have a rather negative impact on her future.

We create a correct and meaningful resume

The employer cannot know about the unique personal qualities, skills, experience and other nuances of the personality of the future employee. Therefore, any applicant needs to be able to correctly compose his resume. After all, it depends on whether he will be accepted into the team.

So, in the resume, the commercial director must indicate:

  1. Personal data (date of birth, place of registration or residence, etc.).
  2. Education (higher educational establishments and all courses).
  3. Work experience (name of enterprises, position and responsibilities).
  4. and skills (the item should represent a competitive advantage).
  5. Additional information (knowledge of programs and languages).

In addition, there are some tips for filling out a resume:

  1. More specific information and numbers in the description of professional achievements.
  2. It is better to indicate the scope of activity of the companies you worked for previously.
  3. Look at your resume through the eyes of an employer.

Responsibilities of a commercial director of a trading company, responsibilities of a commercial director of a car dealership, responsibilities of a commercial director construction company, as well as the responsibilities of a commercial director manufacturing enterprise, differ from each other only in some minor and rather specific aspects of activity characteristic of the industry.

In general, the commercial director is a leader whose goal is to create a stable revenue stream. This common goal is implemented through personnel management in the context of 5 main functions: activity planning, motivation, organization, control and training.

Job responsibilities of a commercial sales director: 3 steps in planning

A commercial director can be as sophisticated as he likes in management matters. However, if he does not take into account the psychological side of planning, then beautiful plans will remain on paper. Therefore, you can use this algorithm.

1. Get into the numbers

Indeed, from the very beginning, you need to plan the activities of your employees in such a way that you understand what actions and in what quantities each employee must perform daily in order to achieve the monthly financial profit goal. These indicators can be calculated by decomposing the planned profit.

First, set the projected profit figure based on internal and external factors. Then find the revenue by the percentage of profit in it. After that, after average bill you can easily calculate the number of transactions that need to be closed during the planned period. The total determines the number of leads that need to be processed in order to reach the planned number of transactions. After this, intermediate conversion between stages will allow us to find the daily number of actions that managers must perform at each of them.

2. Take care of managers

Correct calculation by the decomposition method does not mean at all that even with a sufficient number of sellers, the plan will be fulfilled. Therefore, you need to understand the psychological mood of the staff and, perhaps, correct it.

People tend to have their head in the clouds. And this is exactly what can disrupt any plans. Therefore, you should talk to each employee and find out whether he has fallen into one of the two most common traps: “living in the past” or “living in the future.” Both will have a detrimental effect on sales. You can diagnose the condition of a subordinate using the following markers.

  1. Markers of “life in the past”
  • “People are no longer as interested in the service/product”
  • “My income was higher before”
  • “It’s no longer so easy to sell”
  1. Markers of “life in the future”
  • “The low season is about to end...”
  • “They’ll install CRM for us...”
  • “Here they will give me an assistant...”

3. Engage in employee goals.

Employees should have a tangible personal goal in mind. Your job is to identify it and show how it can be achieved simply by doing your job.

1. Identify the goal. Usually the list of everyday “standards” includes: buy an apartment, visit the Maldives / Bahamas / Seychelles (underline as appropriate), buy a car, save for children’s education, pay off debts, etc. If, despite all your efforts, you continue to observe a dull look and a certain lethargy on the seller’s face, then it is better to replace him altogether.

2. Making the goal achievable. At this stage, a tool for specifying and assessing goals such as SMART helps a lot. He passes the goal through criteria filters that will not allow you to stray from the intended path:

  • Specific (specification of the goal),
  • Measurable (indicators by which it will be clear that a person is moving in the right direction),
  • Achievable (achievability as a result of actions taken),
  • Relevant (relevance of the goal),
  • Timebound (deadline by which the goal will be achieved).

3. Once a specific goal has been set, you should increase general level proactivity of the seller, talking with him about what he would like to achieve in 3, 5, 10 years.

4. And finally, do not “let go” of the employee for more than a day. Constantly remind him of what he wants to get. The use of “new” marker phrases is very suitable for this. The marker phrase is keywords from the goal formulated by the manager: “apartment”, “Maldives”, “car”, etc.

Job responsibilities of a commercial director: 3 levels of motivation

It should be taken into account that staff motivation should be worked out by the commercial director at 3 levels.

The first level is “I”. This is the basic level - material motivation, the size of which depends on the performance of the subordinate. It is built on the principle of “complex” income for the seller: fixed salary (up to 30-40%) + soft salary for meeting indicators (10-20%) + bonuses (50-70%). Well, and, of course, don’t forget about the marker phrases: “car!”, “apartment!”, “Maldives!”

The second level is “You”. On it, employees are motivated non-materially, by involving them in contests, competitions, or vice versa. teamwork And corporate events. As a result, the team becomes more and more united and friendly.

The third level is “Business”. So, it will not be possible to immediately explain to employees why they should perceive the goals of the company in which they work as their own. We will have to develop a whole range of measures to promote corporate culture and ethical behavior with clients. Advanced training, encouragement of the most “cultured”, a clear model of career growth are integral elements this complex.

Functional responsibilities of a commercial director: 3 ways of organization

To keep employees on their toes, hold meetings. If you think this management tool is a waste of time, then you simply don't know how to use it.

First, prepare an agenda.

Secondly, require sellers to publicly indicate their plans for the month/week/day.

Third, record their promises.

Fourth, send these promises as a general mailing to all employees.

Fifth, check with everyone about the results at the next meeting.

There are 3 types of meetings. And each has its own functionality.

  • Big weekly meeting
  • Daily planning meeting
  • Five minutes with separate groups employees

What are the responsibilities of a commercial director: 4 types of control

The commercial director must organize a continuous process of training and professional development for salespeople. Just hire someone or lecture about general principles Sales is a pointless activity. You won't get any results. All efforts in the field of managerial education must be targeted and focused. How to do it?

1. Create a skill model - a document that describes a set of specific skills that are needed to make transactions specifically in your field.

2. Record and listen to calls. Thus, a database of cases is accumulated for working out typical objections and mistakes.

3. Organize a quality control service that will evaluate the skills of sellers using development sheets ( technological maps), collect them into development folders, and then analyze clients’ performance using the “Traffic Light” system.

We looked at 5 basic responsibilities of a commercial director. Use the proposed algorithms and fill them with your own specifics.

Recruitment of personnel for a large construction company.


  • Search and attraction of new volumes of construction and engineering services.
  • Development of construction, design and other areas of the company’s activities;
  • Conducting commercial negotiations within the framework of sales and supply policies, business correspondence with Customers in the interests of the company.
  • Analysis of the competitive environment of the construction and engineering services market.
  • Formation of a sales plan for the services of a general contracting construction company and ensuring its implementation.
  • Organization of work on the preparation of tender documentation and participation in competitions; preparation and calculation commercial offers, concluding contracts, interacting with Tender Committees.
  • Operations management structural divisions companies, supervising current projects.
  • Monitoring compliance with work quality standards, ensuring the organization fulfills its obligations.
  • Monitoring the implementation of design and construction schedules.


  • Construction equipment is desirable;
  • Experience in a key management position in construction for at least 5 years;
  • Experience working in the structures of a general contractor and technical customer;
  • Knowledge of processes and technologies for the construction of class A buildings;
  • Knowledge of economics and pricing in construction;
  • Experience in managing project managers;
  • Experience in construction management and commissioning of large projects.
  • PC knowledge: user of office applications, AutoCAD;

How to determine the functionality of a company's commercial director? What to write in a job description for a commercial director? What are his responsibilities? What is beyond his competence? The answers to these questions may vary from company to company. Eat three main factors influencing the duties and powers of the commercial director:

  • Company size: the larger the company, the more strategic tasks the commercial director faces;
  • Clients of a b2b or b2c company, how simpler product and the sales process, the less the commercial director is concerned with specific sales and the more involved in building a system and marketing;
  • Availability of production- how smaller company creates it herself and the more involved in sales, the greater the functionality of a commercial director.

Of course, there are many more company features that influence functions and responsibilities of a commercial director, such as: participation of the commercial director in the founders, family ties, high leadership skills and the participation of the head of the commercial unit at the stage of formation of the company, but we will not be able to evaluate all of them. Let us dwell on those functions that are most often prescribed in job descriptions for the commercial director of a company.

Functional responsibilities of the Director for Commercial Affairs:

1. Development of a commercial strategy for the enterprise.

The company's positioning, price segment, long-term and short-term goals, plans and ways to implement sales plans are determined.

2. Organization of interaction between commercial and other units in the company.

All employees are involved in sales in the company. Even the actions of the secretary and specialist will influence the success of sales technical support. The task of the commercial director is to ensure the actions of non-selling departments so that they help, and do not hinder, sellers and sales managers.

3. Determination of sales channels.

Select the most promising channels. Define performance criteria. Protecting your business from having only one channel and constantly developing existing channels is one of the main functions that affects the stability of sales.

4. Formation of an algorithm for the operation of each sales channel.

For a sales channel to be effective, it is necessary to determine the business processes through which sales occur in the channel. Write down these algorithms and consolidate them in the instructions. And the most important thing: make sure that these algorithms work and are not a pile of documentation that interferes with business.

5. Operational control sales managers.

Even with a perfectly designed strategy, victory depends on the actions of each soldier. A tactical task that determines the success of the entire strategy: how to ensure that outsiders do not interfere with the leaders’ ability to pick stars. And the solution, or rather not the solution to this problem, is the scourge of most companies in Russia.

6. Assessing the performance of the unit and implementing measures to improve results.

It is impossible to build an ideal sales system once and for all. It is important to measure results, innovate, measure again, adjust and do it constantly. Stopping is equivalent to death...

7. Connection to work with key clients.

The famous Pareto rule: 20 percent of customers generate 80 percent of revenue. It is these 20% that the commercial director must personally control; of course, depending on the size of the company, he will control from 1 to 50% of clients.

8. Organization of training for managers.

It is the responsibility of the commercial director to build a training system for new and existing managers. Sometimes personal participation in training managers is necessary.

9. Work with company suppliers.

In a trading organization, this is a sacred duty. In a manufacturing company, the production unit can also handle deliveries, but the commercial director must control this process, since cost is important when selling.

Job responsibilities commercial director– this is, first of all, the organization of product sales, which means planning, negotiations, control of managers, etc. In our sample job description for a commercial director, we also provided for such a function as enterprise supply management.

Job description of commercial director

Last name I.O. ________________
"________"_____________ ____ G.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The commercial director belongs to the category of managers.
1.2. The commercial director is appointed to the position and dismissed by order of the general director.
1.3. The Commercial Director reports directly to the General Director.
1.4. During the absence of the commercial director, his rights and obligations are transferred to another official, as announced in the order of the organization.
1.5. A person who meets the following requirements is appointed to the position of commercial director: higher professional education and at least 3 years of management experience in the relevant field.
1.6. The commercial director must know:
- commercial, civil, financial legislation;
- profile, specialization, features of the enterprise structure;
- prospects for the technical, financial and economic development of the enterprise;
- procedure for developing business plans;
- basic principles of financial planning;
- the procedure for concluding and formalizing business and financial contracts.
1.7. The commercial director is guided in his activities by:
- legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
- Charter of the organization, internal labor regulations, others regulations companies;
- orders and instructions from management;
- this job description.

2. Job responsibilities of the commercial director

The Commercial Director performs the following duties:
2.1. Organizes management of the material and technical supply of the enterprise, activities for storage, transportation and marketing of products (sale of goods, provision of services).
2.2. Coordinates the development and preparation of long-term and current plans for logistics and sales of products (sale of goods, provision of services), financial plans.
2.3. Coordinates the development of regulations and standards for logistics (stocks of material and technical resources), product quality standards (goods, services), storage finished products(goods), stock standards of finished products (goods).
2.4. Provides recommendations and advice to managers and specialists financial planning, marketing, sales; controls their work.
2.5. Ensures the timely preparation of financial estimates and other documents, calculations, reports on the implementation of logistics plans, sales of finished products (sale of goods), and financial activities.
2.6. Exercises control over financial and economic indicators activities of the enterprise, expenditure of financial resources.
2.7. Conducts negotiations on behalf of the enterprise with counterparties of the enterprise on economic and financial transactions, concludes economic and financial agreements on behalf of the enterprise, and ensures the fulfillment of contractual obligations.
2.8. Participates on behalf of the enterprise in fairs, auctions, exchanges, exhibitions for advertising and sales of products (goods, services).

3. Rights of the commercial director

The commercial director has the right:
3.1. Represent the interests of the enterprise in relations with government agencies, third-party organizations and institutions on commercial issues.
3.2. Establish job responsibilities for subordinate employees.
3.3. Request from the structural divisions of the enterprise information and documents necessary to fulfill his official duties.
3.4. Participate in the preparation of draft orders, instructions, directions, as well as estimates, contracts and other documents related to resolving commercial issues.
3.5. Submit proposals for improvement of work related to the responsibilities provided for in these instructions for consideration by management.
3.6. Require the management of the enterprise to provide organizational and technical conditions and prepare the established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.

4. Responsibility of the commercial director

The commercial director is responsible for:
4.1. For failure to perform and/or untimely, negligent performance of one’s official duties.
4.2. For failure to comply with current instructions, orders and regulations on maintaining trade secrets and confidential information.
4.3. For violation of internal labor regulations, labor discipline, safety and fire safety rules.

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