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Why dream of a concentration camp dream book. Dream camp. “Pioneer is an example for everyone” or pleasant moments await you

The endometrium is the inner layer of tissue that lines the uterus. With a gynecological disease, this layer grows pathologically. Delayed menstruation with endometriosis is accompanied by soreness in the lower abdomen. There are other symptoms depending on the localization of endometriosis formations. Endometriosis often causes female infertility, so you need to treat immediately, without leading to complications.

Causes of endometriosis

In the list of the most common gynecological pathologies, endometriosis ranks last in the top three (after inflammatory diseases and uterine fibroids).

Today, until the end, scientists have not figured out why this pathology develops. Some experts blame bad heredity and environmental pollution for this, others are sure of hormonal disruptions and a drop in immunity.

In patients with endometriosis, menstruation poses a certain danger - with menstrual flow, pathological cells enter other organs, attach to the tissues that have turned up and begin to multiply. If a woman does not become pregnant during ovulation, the endometrium dies not only in the area of ​​​​the uterus, but also wherever it gets. In the wrong places of fixation, squeezing is formed, the patient perceives this as pain and discomfort.

Risk factors that increase the possibility of endometriosis have been known in medicine for a long time:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • excess estrogen with reduced progesterone;
  • late first pregnancy;
  • complicated childbirth;
  • abortion, especially in the later stages;
  • cauterization erosion;
  • C-section;
  • biopsy of the cervix;
  • gynecological operations.

With any injury to the uterus (unintentional or inflicted during a planned operation), cells enter the fresh wound, which will soon begin to grow where they should not have been originally.

Smoking, alcohol abuse, unbalanced nutrition negatively affect all processes in the body, the risk of endometriosis increases.

Symptoms of the disease

With endometriosis of the uterus, the endometrium changes more intensively than in a healthy woman. This is influenced by environmental conditions and malfunctions of internal organs. Pathological proliferation of cells occurs not only in the uterus, but also outside it. With the defeat of the reproductive system, cystic formations in the ovaries, the inability to become pregnant and frequent delays in menstruation are noted.

The course of the disease is very individual and varies greatly in patients with the same diagnosis. This is due to the different localization of the pathological tissue. At first, the disease proceeds without any symptoms, they appear in the last stages.

The most common symptoms are as follows:

  • painful menstruation;
  • frequent pain in the pelvic region;
  • inability to get pregnant;
  • discomfort or pain during sex;
  • painful defecation.

Most of the symptoms may be absent for a long time, women in this case apply for the inability to conceive a child. 50% of patients complain of pain that increases during or before menstruation. The pain in this case is caused by organ damage by endometrial growths.. In the affected cells, fluid accumulates, pressing on the peritoneum, so discomfort appears. Endometriosis needs urgent treatment so as not to aggravate the patient's condition.

Pregnancy with endometriosis

Infertility is a consequence of many diseases, but most often such a diagnosis is made due to endometriosis. The growths of endometriosis tissue extend to the fallopian tubes and ovaries, causing many problems for a woman's health.

Sometimes the disease is formed during pregnancy, in which case there is a high risk of miscarriage. Another dangerous complication in a pregnant woman is perforation of the uterus, its unexpected rupture.. Without surgical intervention, a woman is threatened with imminent death; in this case, the fetus cannot be saved. Therefore, obstetricians and gynecologists do not recommend women with endometriosis to plan a pregnancy until complete recovery.

When the inner part of the uterine layer is affected, endometriosis develops. The mucous membrane of the uterus grows, disrupting the work of the ovaries. As a result, there is a delay in the menstrual cycle. A woman's egg develops, but it takes longer than usual.

If cycle violations have happened repeatedly, a woman does not need to look for recipes. It is necessary to go to the gynecologist. A delay is the initial sign of endometriosis, but this also happens with less dangerous diseases, so there is no need to panic in advance. Visit a doctor, he will diagnose, relieving severe doubts and anxiety.

The disease disrupts the hormonal order in the body, which will necessarily affect the timeliness of growth and rejection of the endometrium. The cycle of menstruation changes significantly, in some cases they completely disappear - this is. If the level of progesterone in the blood decreases further, this will necessarily lead to uncontrolled bleeding or delay.

Processes in the cervix

The second reason for the failure of the cycle in a woman is the growth of abnormal cells in the cervix. Because of this growth, menstrual blood cannot leave the vagina. When the menstruation comes, it is more profuse than usual, and is accompanied by pain. This type of pathology is less common, but it is much more dangerous due to the high risk of developing into cervical cancer.

Even if the process has not become malignant, it is still undesirable due to the formation of adhesions in the cervical canal. Spikes prevent a woman from getting pregnant. Spermatozoa that enter the vagina are unable to reach the egg to fertilize it.

Hormonal imbalance in the body slows down the development of eggs in the ovaries, so menstruation comes later than usual. The endometrium with hormonal disorders cannot mature by a certain time, so there is no uterine bleeding. The female body is designed so that the uterus during the cycle is prepared to receive a fertilized egg. If a girl has endometriosis, the course of the natural process is disrupted, which affects the whole body.

Diagnosis and treatment

Endometriosis is more common in patients before the onset of menopause, it also happens. The delay occurs as a result of the development of the disease. Gynecologists distinguish endometriosis of the genital and extragenital forms. The genital form is diagnosed when the uterus, tubes, ovaries or vagina are affected. The extragenital form is determined when endometrial cells are found in neighboring organs that do not belong to the reproductive system.

Diagnosis of endometriosis is difficult because there are often no symptoms in the initial stages. If symptoms are present, then it is similar to signs of other gynecological pathologies. What to do to make an accurate diagnosis?

Preventive examinations by a gynecologist will help to detect the disease in a timely manner and avoid serious complications. With endometriosis, secondary infertility occurs in a quarter of patients.

The diagnosis is confirmed after a series of examinations, including physical examination, ultrasound, culture, and biopsy. The main tasks of modern treatment of this pathology are to reduce pain, relieve inflammation, and preserve the patient's fertility. The course of treatment is highly dependent on the age of the patient, as evidenced by reviews on the Internet. Two treatment tactics are used - medication or complex with surgical intervention.

Delayed periods with endometriosis are common, as are unexpected uterine bleeding. Among the drugs for endometriosis, hormonal agents are used that stop menstruation for the period of treatment. Usually these are gestagens that reduce the synthesis of estrogens and stop ovulation. They are used in the early stages of the disease.

In addition to hormones, analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs and immunostimulants are used. The operation is prescribed only for severe forms of the disease in order to remove the foci of inflammation. With proper treatment, in most cases it is possible to completely restore the patient's health.

During menstruation, the torn off layer of the endometrium is removed from the uterus, which comes out with the blood. Problems with menstruation begin when the endometrium grows too much, which makes its removal problematic. Menstruation with endometriosis is usually heavy and prolonged. However, sometimes they come out scarce or with clots. The nature of the discharge will allow you to suspect the disease and consult a doctor for help. But for this you need to know what endometriosis is, how it appears, how it affects menstruation and what negative consequences for the body it can lead to.

Every month, a woman's endometrial layer in the uterus is updated. So the body prepares for fertilization. Usually, the endometrium grows to a certain limit, and then begins to exfoliate if conception does not occur. It comes out with menstruation, and a new layer grows in its place. Sometimes this mechanism fails.

The essence of the pathology lies in the fact that, for unknown reasons, the endometrial layer begins to grow outside the uterus. And so far it has not been possible to establish why the endometrium begins to grow in the wrong place for this. What is known so far is that hormonal imbalances can play an important role in the whole process.

In most cases, the problem is concentrated in the genitourinary system, but often the pathology spreads to the intestines, as well as to other organs.

The influence of the disease on the volume and intensity of secretions

Usually, scanty periods with endometriosis do not happen, but it all depends on the development of the pathology. If the growth has occurred in the vagina or the outer layer of the uterus, then the periods become spotting, and it seems that they are scanty. This situation is characterized by the absence of pain or they are insignificant.

This pathology is characterized by prolonged (more than a week) and abundant discharge. And all this time there may be smearing periods. This state of affairs is very dangerous, because the loss of blood in large volumes over a long period of time can lead to iron deficiency anemia. As a result, the feeling of weakness remains even after the end of menstruation.

Although the endometrium grows beyond the prescribed area, it retains its properties and function, and therefore bleeds during menstruation. So more endometrium comes out in the body than necessary, which leads to copious secretions.

Abundant periods with endometriosis are usually accompanied by pulling pains in the lower abdomen. They become more intense than usual. There may be a discharge with clots.

The most abundant periods during endometriosis become in cases where the disease is localized in the fallopian tubes.

Changing the regularity of the cycle

Endometriosis is characterized not only by the spread of tissues to other organs. This pathology also leads to an increase in the uterus due to the compaction of the tissues of this organ. The normal functioning of the ovaries directly depends on the work of the uterus. If the mucous cavity of the uterus grows strongly, then the ovaries are not able to work in the usual way. This leads to a longer maturation of the germ cell. As a result, menstruation begins late, and the cycle is shifted.

Endometriosis is characterized by periods that occur twice in one cycle. This happens due to the dominance of estrogen over progesterone, which should not be in a healthy body.

How menstruation passes with endometriosis depends on the location of the pathology. If endometrial tissue grows into the cervical region, this also negatively affects the stability of the menstrual cycle.

Due to endometriosis, changes with menstruation can be quite diverse: painful or painless, plentiful or meager.

Symptoms of pathology

Consider the most characteristic symptoms of endometriosis:

  • more intense periods. We have already written about the reasons why the discharge becomes more abundant;
  • lengthening of menstrual bleeding in time;
  • pain during sex;
  • pain in the pelvic area, which is most felt before menstruation (may continue during menstruation);
  • inability to get pregnant;
  • if the pathology is at the last stage of development, then pain is felt when going to the toilet for defecation or urination.

There are other symptoms, but these are the most characteristic of endometriosis. They are also symptoms of other diseases, so their presence speaks only about the likelihood of a pathology. For an accurate diagnosis, a gynecologist is needed.

The appearance of pain

Critical days are characterized by the presence of pain of varying intensity. Women have long been accustomed to this. However, in pathology, things are somewhat different. Pain during menstruation with endometriosis is usually accompanied by the following symptoms.

  1. Increased weakness.
  2. Difficulties with urination if the germination of the endometrium occurred in the genitourinary system.
  3. Nausea with vomiting.
  4. Problem stool if the pathology has spread to the intestines. In this case, even the appearance of blood from the anus during defecation is possible.

This pathology is characterized by severe pain. It can be aching, cramping or shooting pains. They can appear quickly and just as quickly disappear or last the entire menstruation. In this regard, there is no such category as “typical pain”.

Since the endometrium can grow in different tissues and create many foci, the sensations are constantly changing. Also, the stage of the course of the pathology affects the soreness. It is one thing if we are talking about a simple superficial focus, and quite another thing if there is a fusion of organs and many foci appear.

With the progression of the disease, pain becomes constant, and at the initial stage they occur periodically.

Painful sensations can continue not only during menstruation, but also after them. The reason for this is the abundant flow of blood into the uterus due to illness.

Answering the question about what kind of menstruation with endometriosis, we can definitely say - painful. The more advanced the pathology, the more noticeable the pain will be.

Methods of dealing with pathology and consequences

Fight endometriosis in three directions.

  1. Eliminate or muffle pain.
  2. Regulation of the volume of secretions.
  3. Getting rid of the foci of the disease and the complete elimination of pathology.

Usually, drugs such as No-Shpa, Spazmalgon, Kombispasm, Solpadein and others are used to relieve pain. There are more potent drugs, but only a doctor should prescribe them. By and large, ordinary paracetamol is enough, and if it does not relieve pain, then further symptomatic treatment should be carried out only with a doctor.

Eliminating pain, you only remove one of the symptoms, but the disease does not go away. For her treatment, a gynecologist is needed. Therefore, it is better to go to the doctor, and therefore already take painkillers.

There are many medications that can be used to reduce bleeding during your period. These include Askorutin, Diferelin, Tranexam, Vikasol, Dicinon, Oxytocin, Ergometrine and others. Some drugs are used directly to treat endometriosis, others are needed to reduce the uterus, and others are hemostatic agents. Therefore, a doctor's consultation is mandatory, because it will not work to choose a treatment for yourself.

If necessary, the gynecologist may prescribe hormonal therapy (usually this happens) using the following drugs:

  • dinazol;
  • monophasic oral contraceptives of the combined type;
  • Nemestran (Gestrinone);
  • Dienogest and other progestin preparations;
  • Decaleptyl.

It is better not to use tampons for endometriosis, as in other situations with heavy periods. It is necessary to see the volume of secretions, and also not to let them stagnate. Gaskets in this situation are the best choice.

Fans of traditional medicine use decoctions of nettle, yarrow, horsetail, pepper, viburnum bark and other plants. These decoctions should help stop the bleeding. However, we are talking about unproven medicine, so you can simply waste precious time on ineffective treatments.

When is surgery required?

If the disease has just appeared and has not yet begun to progress, then its treatment consists in the use of hormonal drugs. However, this method is not effective if there are too many foci of proliferating cells.

If endometriosis is localized in the cervix, then a cleaning or scraping procedure is used. It is best to carry out such a procedure during menstruation, when the endometrium itself is rejected and is easier to remove. Moreover, endometriosis with all its foci is best seen a few days before menstruation.

The most commonly used procedure is called laparoscopy. It consists in introducing tubes into the peritoneal region. Through these tubes, the impact on the foci is carried out in order to destroy them. All foci are removed without damaging the organs where they were located.

If menstruation with endometriosis caused certain problems, then after surgery there should be no difficulties.

After the cure, you need to give up sexual intimacy, hot baths, baths, any douching and physical activity for a month. It is also recommended to avoid stressful situations.

The development of endometriosis is influenced by the lifestyle of modern women. The immune system reacts inadequately to the ongoing changes, and "wandering" endometrial cells are implanted in unusual places.

Delayed menstruation is an atypical condition for endometriosis. But the paradox is that the pathology is very often associated with other diseases of the reproductive systems, which can be the cause of the delay. Most likely, the connection here lies in the common beginning of their development.

Endometriosis is a travel disease. Foci can theoretically be found in any place and organ. Cases of endometriosis of the eye, brain, liver are described, often there are foci on the intestines, bladder, abdominal cover of internal organs.

Classification of endometriosis

Endometrial damage to the structures of the uterine body is called adenomyosis. In this case, the foci are found in the endometrium, the muscle layer and can "drill" the uterus through and through. For a number of reasons, adenomyosis is often associated with endometrial polyps of various nature, glandular hyperplasia. All these conditions are associated with delays in menstruation. The treatment is similar: hormonal drugs and surgical removal of lesions are mainly used.

Endometriosis in half the case is combined with myomatosis, for which hormonal disorders and cycle failures (delays, bleeding) are a common occurrence.

Appeared endometrial lesions on the ovaries over time, it transforms into cysts. They grow by constantly secreting a menstrual-like fluid inside, so their contents are always dark in color. Endometrioid cysts literally “eat up” the ovaries.

This is due to the following:

  • The foci grow, new ones appear, this leads to the death of nearby tissue.
  • Endometrioid cysts are recommended to be removed, as they are still prone to malignancy. Laparoscopic surgery is considered the ideal method. Cauterization leads to additional damage to the tissues of the ovaries. The function of the ovaries is disturbed, failures occur. A shortening of the cycle, a decrease in the volume of secretions and the number of critical days after the operation is the first signal of ovarian exhaustion and an early (in the next 5-10 years) menopause.

Endometriosis often accompanies, where delay is a typical symptom.

For endometriosis of the cervix in general, delays are not characteristic. This is possible only in the case of a large focus or continuous tissue damage, as a result of which a mechanical obstacle may form in the path of blood outflow. The clinical picture is bright: the woman complains of pain in the lower abdomen, which are growing.

With ultrasound, a secret is found in the uterine cavity, which creates pressure on the walls and initiates pain. The restoration of the outflow of menstrual flow immediately leads to relief and disappearance of symptoms.

A delay in endometriosis, especially during treatment with hormonal drugs, should always alert a woman. First of all, you need to do a urine test or take a blood test for hCG to exclude pregnancy, and then look for another cause of failures.

  • there are signs of pregnancy;

Read more in our article on missed periods with endometriosis.

Endometriosis is the disease of women in the 21st century. It affects the lifestyle, the desire for career growth and many other factors. As a result, the immune system does not adequately respond to the ongoing changes, and "wandering" endometrial cells are implanted in unusual places.

Typical symptoms of the disease:

  • Pain whenever and wherever: in the lower abdomen, in the rectal area, during sexual intercourse, during menstruation, etc.
  • Spotting before and after menstruation as a sign of delayed rejection of the endometrium.

Signs of endometriosis depending on the location of the focus

Delayed menstruation is an atypical condition for endometriosis, since in fact the disease is not provoked by hormonal disorders. But the paradox is that endometriosis is very often associated with other sexual diseases, which can be the cause of the delay. Most likely, the connection here lies in the single beginning of the development of the pathological process, which has not yet been established.

Causes of delay in endometriosis

Endometriosis is a "traveler" disease. This is explained by the comparison with the fact that endometrioid foci can theoretically be found in any place and organ. Cases of endometriosis of the eye, brain, liver are described, often there are foci on the intestines, bladder, abdominal cover of internal organs. For each case, the cause of the delay in endometriosis can be explained in different ways.


Endometrial damage to the structures of the body of the uterus is called adenomyosis. In this case, the foci are found in the endometrium, the muscle layer and can "drill" the uterus through and through, reaching the serous cover of the organ and affecting adjacent structures. For a number of reasons, adenomyosis is often associated with endometrial polyps of various nature, glandular hyperplasia. And all these conditions are associated with delays in menstruation.

It is sometimes difficult to say what is primary - endometrial pathology, endometriosis of the uterus or delay. The treatment is similar: hormonal preparations and surgical removal of pathological foci or growths are mainly used.

Endometriosis in half the case is combined with myomatosis, for which hormonal disorders and cycle failures (delays, bleeding) are a common occurrence.


Appeared endometrioid foci on the ovaries over time are transformed into cysts. They grow by constantly secreting a menstrual-like fluid inside, so their contents are all dark in color. Endometrioid cysts literally “eat up” the ovaries. This is due to the following:

  • The foci are constantly growing, new ones appear, this leads to the death of nearby ovarian tissue.
  • Endometrioid cysts are recommended to be removed, since, although in a small percentage, they are still prone to malignancy. Laparoscopic surgery is considered the ideal method. So it is possible to excise all the affected tissues in the most gentle way and under magnification and identify all the foci of other localizations.

However, the cauterization used in this case leads to additional damage to the remaining ovarian tissues. There is never a guarantee that a new cyst will not develop on a recently operated ovary, which is often the case unless additional long-term hormonal therapy is prescribed.

Endometrial cyst

As a result, the function of the ovaries is disturbed, failures occur. A shortening of the cycle, a decrease in the volume of secretions and the number of critical days after surgical treatment of endometrioid cysts is the first signal of ovarian exhaustion and an early (in the next 5-10 years) menopause, even if the girl is a little over 20. Therefore, surgery for endometriosis, especially in women who have not given birth or are suffering from infertility, should be treated with caution, carefully weighing all the pros and cons.

In addition, endometriosis often accompanies polycystic disease, where delay is a typical symptom.

Watch this video for symptoms and treatment options for an endometrioid cyst:


For endometriosis of the cervix in general, delays are not characteristic. This is possible only in the case of a large focus or continuous tissue damage, as a result of which a mechanical obstacle may form in the path of blood outflow. The clinical picture is bright: the woman complains of pain in the lower abdomen, which are growing.

Expert opinion

Daria Shirochina (obstetrician-gynecologist)

A delay in endometriosis, especially during treatment with hormonal drugs, should always alert a woman to a possible pregnancy. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to do a urine test or take a blood test for hCG.

What symptoms should you see a doctor for?

Violation of the menstrual cycle is already a reason for a thorough examination by a specialist. Only then can the cause be established and the most rational treatment can be undertaken. Often, therapy coincides with one of the options for treating endometriosis, therefore, without going deep, the delay in menstruation is attributed to it. Seek medical attention immediately if you are concerned about the following:

  • intense pain in the lower abdomen against the backdrop of a delay;
  • deterioration in general well-being: weakness, lethargy, dizziness, pressure drop;
  • there are signs of pregnancy;
  • body temperature has risen, strange discharge from the genital tract is disturbing.

Endometriosis can very rarely become an independent cause of a delay in menstruation. However, the disease is an indicator of pathological changes in the body, often the condition is accompanied by other gynecological problems, which the girl may not know about, but they cause failures. Only a specialist can understand the situation and prescribe a competent correction, therefore, in order to preserve reproductive health, you need to contact him.

Useful video

Watch this video on what to do if you are diagnosed with endometriosis:

Endometriosis is a common disease in gynecology. The endometrium is called the outer layer of the uterus, its mucous membrane, which undergoes changes during the menstrual cycle aimed at creating a favorable environment for egg implantation.

Growing, the endometrium thickens, becoming an excellent nutrient medium for the female gamete. Sometimes the process in question gets out of control, and its cells end up on the surface of the uterus, are found in the tissues of neighboring organs. This pathological condition will be called endometriosis.

Like any other disease of the female reproductive system, endometriosis causes disruptions in the menstrual cycle. There may be a long delay, abnormally long menstruation, as well as total. Menstruation with endometriosis, as a rule, is characterized by abundance and duration, have a brownish tint.

Answering the question of how menstruation passes with endometriosis, a few words should be said about the pathogenesis of this disease.

With the growth of the endometrium, part of its tissues penetrates into neighboring organs: the urogenital tract, the vagina, and in advanced cases, even the rectum suffers. Since it is with the outer lining of the uterine cavity that changes occur, the pathology cannot but affect the process of menstruation, changing in it:

  • cyclicity;
  • duration;
  • the nature of the discharge.

In addition, the disease in question often causes pain in the uterus, which accompanies the release of bloody discharge.

Let's clarify the judgment about whether there can be a delay in menstruation with endometriosis. As a rule, the disease, on the contrary, causes heavy menstruation, but with inhibition of ovarian function due to the penetration of tissue parts into the parenchyma of the gland, menstruation may also be late.


Endometriosis before menstruation usually does not manifest itself in any way. You will feel the development of pathology directly during critical days, since it is a fairly common symptom.

Unpleasant sensations can have a different character: acute, spasmodic, cramping. It depends on what kind of menstruation a woman has with endometriosis.

With abundant secretions, the pain is acute or spasmodic, with scanty - pulling, radiating from the groin to the lumbar region.

The pathological location of the cells of the uterine mucosa is the cause that causes pain. When the functional layer is rejected in abnormal places, capillaries are damaged, additional foci of local bleeding are formed. In addition to unpleasant sensations, there is a spasmodic contraction of the uterine myometrium, which aggravates the general condition of the woman.

Sometimes soreness is manifested in conjunction with other unpleasant symptoms, such as:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • general malaise;
  • difficulty and pain in urination.

Pain can be controlled with analgesics and at home, but if it is acute and accompanied by continuous bleeding, hospitalization may be required.


With the disease in question, as a rule, are observed. This is due to the occurrence of additional foci of bleeding. The secretions often contain large amounts of blood and mucus.

Scanty menstruation with endometriosis is explained by the involvement in the pathological process of the female gonads - the ovaries. Particles of the mucous membrane, penetrating into the parenchyma, disrupt the function of the endocrine gland. In case of severe damage to the organ, menstruation may be completely absent.


Due to the thickening of the endometrial tissue, it takes a long time for rejection and subsequent recovery. Consequently, menstruation lasts much longer - a week or more. During this period, a woman can lose a large amount of blood, which often leads to the development of anemic conditions due to a lack of hemoglobin.

Loop failure

Delayed menstruation with endometriosis is a rare phenomenon. Even with the defeat of the regulation, albeit meager, as a rule, they begin on time.

Due to the total damage to the gonads, coupled with the initial insufficiency of their function and hormonal imbalance, it sometimes happens that with endometriosis there are no critical days at all, that is, there is a delay that inexperienced women can attribute to pregnancy or cycle fluctuations.

Most often, there is an extension of the period of discharge, the nature of which should alert any woman. Menstruation has a number of features that make it possible to suspect a pathology of the gynecological profile.

Features of treatment

Treatment of endometriosis involves both the fight against the root causes of the pathology, and symptomatic therapy, including painkillers and hemostatic agents. Multivitamin and restorative complexes will also be a good help.


The pain that accompanies menstruation is a clear sign of the disease in question. It gives a woman severe discomfort, greatly reducing the quality of her life. Due to the different origin of discomfort, different pharmaceutical agents can be used. In case of discomfort caused by capillary damage, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used:

  • ibuprofen;
  • Analgin;
  • Diclofenac.

If the pain syndrome is caused by microcontractions of the muscular membrane of the uterus, then antispasmodics are used: Drotaverine, No-shpa, Papaverine.

adjuvant pain therapy

Adjuvant therapy involves the use of auxiliary drugs to relieve pain. These measures cannot be an independent treatment, but only complement the medical and surgical ones.

This method of getting rid of pain in endometriosis includes the appointment of a course of vitamins containing all the main micro and macro elements, among which magnesium, which has an antispasmodic effect, stands apart.


The overgrown tissue of the lining of the uterus can be removed surgically. This procedure is called endometrial curettage. As a rule, it is chosen by women who do not want to take synthetic hormonal drugs, because in the future this may affect their reproductive ability. Thanks to the operation, the main function of the organs is preserved.

Surgical intervention will be aimed at removing the foci of the disease. The main disadvantage is that after the procedure, the foci of abnormal endometrial proliferation do not disappear, and after some time the outer lining of the uterus grows again.

In addition to the usual abdominal surgery, laparoscopic surgery is increasingly being used in modern gynecological clinics. Laparoscopy is performed in front of him - a diagnostic operation that is done through incisions in the abdominal cavity of a few millimeters. Differs in high efficiency and low invasiveness.

Laparoscopic surgery allows more precise removal of the affected areas, which lengthens the relapse period. In addition, due to the peculiarities of the procedure, the recovery time is also greatly reduced (up to three days).

hormone therapy

Hormone therapy includes the use of drugs that slow down the proliferation of endometrial cells. In this regard, the volume of the endometrium also decreases, which adversely affects both the reproductive function and the menstrual cycle. This effect is due to the therapeutic effect on endometriosis and delayed menstruation.

A gynecologist to inhibit endometrial cell mitosis may prescribe the following medications and agents:

  1. Combined oral contraceptives.
  2. progesterone preparations.
  3. Danazol.
  4. Analogues of hypothalamus hormones (gonadotropin releasing factors).
  5. Intrauterine spirals.

Oral contraceptives contain both estrogens and progesterone, have a low number of side effects, therefore, can be used for a long time without any consequences.

Releasing factors slow down the production of progesterone, which reduces the growth of the uterine lining. Progesterone preparations have a similar effect. Among other things, they are also characterized by a good anti-inflammatory effect. Danazol is a synthetic male hormone. In the female body, it changes the hormonal background, which is also a factor in inhibiting the proliferation of endometrial cells.

One of the gynecological diseases that can send the most patient woman to the doctor is. They suffer from it mainly in the reproductive age. Therefore, with endometriosis, or rather, the changes that occur with them, one of the reasons to suspect the disease.

Read in this article

Briefly about the disease

The endometrium is the upper layer of the inner cavity of the uterus, part of which is regularly separated and removed, being replaced by a new one. Under the influence of various factors, whose nature is not fully understood, this tissue begins to grow outside the organ. During examination, it is seen mainly within the boundaries of the genitourinary system, and sometimes in different parts of the intestine. Naturally, menstruation with endometriosis of the uterus contains not only its cells of its inner shell, but also those neoplasms that are localized in other organs.

Hormonal disorders are both one of the causes and a consequence of the disease. Therefore, for menstruation with a similar diagnosis, it is also characteristic. Sometimes this makes one wonder if there is menstruation with endometriosis in principle, since the ailment affects the main organ involved in the process. Menstruation not only comes, but they are easy to confuse with. However, cycle failure and long delays in endometriosis are also not excluded.

The effect of endometriosis on the regularity of menstruation

The disease is characterized not only by the excessive number and abnormal distribution of endometrial cells. With it, the tissues of the uterus can become denser, and the organ itself can increase in size. The growth of the mucous membrane of the internal cavity of the uterus leads to the fact that the ovaries cannot function normally. When the germ cell matures longer than usual, then with endometriosis it can be repeated more than once. Another reason for it is the germination of tissues in the area of ​​​​the cervix, which prevents secretions. The imbalance inherent in the disease, which prevents the endometrium from developing, contributes its share to the process. And to come to the state in which it is rejected, it takes more time, hence the delay.

An even more common feature that causes endometriosis is. Moreover, this does not mean the maturation of the egg in both cases. It's just that estrogens at all stages of the cycle prevail over progesterone, which does not happen normally.

Endometriosis during menstruation disrupts the normal balance, stimulating the secretion of organ cells. When the amount of estrogen decreases slightly, the upper layer of the mucosa begins to be shed.

How much menstrual flow occurs with endometriosis

The question of what menstruation is for endometriosis cannot be answered unambiguously. We can say that they are different, but this is too vague and not informative. The nature of menstruation is due to the long exposure to the uterine mucosa of estrogens, as well as the degree of growth of the endometrium, the places of localization of its tissues.

Abundant menstruation is one of the main signs

  • 2 tablets 3 times a day. The gynecologist may prescribe a different dosage, based on specific circumstances. The drug promotes the formation of platelets, due to which the blood coagulates faster;
  • . The dosage is the same as for the previous remedy, but it is allowed to take 4 times a day. The drug increases blood viscosity, which helps to reduce the volume and duration of secretions;
  • . This is an analogue of Etamzilat, the number of tablets taken for prolonged periods caused by endometriosis is the same;
  • . More effective intramuscularly, as in this form it acts faster. The effect of taking the pill will become noticeable only after 8 hours;
  • Askorutin. Its hemostatic effect is based on the strengthening of the vascular walls. The drug contains rutin, which makes them less permeable and brittle;
  • . It is used from the first day of the cycle, its hemostatic properties are based on the effect on the ovaries in order to correct the production of hormones;
  • Oxytocin. Constricts blood vessels and increases the tone of the muscles of the uterus. Introduced intramuscularly 1-2 ml 2 times a day;
  • Ergometrine. Strengthens the smooth muscles of the uterus. There are different forms of the drug for oral and injection. Enough for 0.2 g 3 times a day.

How and when is surgery for endometriosis

The disease at the initial stage with small foci of cell growth is treated conservatively using hormonal drugs. But in most cases, surgical methods are necessary to preserve reproductive capabilities, followed by the use of the same drugs. With the localization of cells of the uterine mucosa in its neck and cavity, scraping or cleaning is used. The functional layer is removed with tools and sent for examination. The germ cell remains, which retains the ability to form external cells, that is, all the functions of the organ are preserved.

Endometriosis must be cleaned during menstruation if it is an emergency operation for heavy bleeding. It can also be done in a planned manner on critical days, if a diagnosis was previously made, and the material has already been examined, and the diagnosis has been confirmed. This is a more physiological and gentle way, since the endometrium is already being rejected. during menstruation, it minimally injures the organ and allows you to restore its functions in a short time. A planned operation can be carried out a few days before them, then the resulting material is sent for research. In addition, endometriosis before menstruation is seen especially clearly, due to the cyclical nature of its development. This is important, because the accidental leaving of minimal foci will inevitably cause a relapse.

The spread of the disease to the ovaries, appendages, other organs will require a laparoscopic operation, the woman should be re-examined. It is likely that an infection was introduced during the operation or not all foci of the disease were eliminated.

Laparoscopy for endometriosis and menstruation

It is worth paying close attention to what happens immediately after laparoscopy. The bad smell and brown color of the discharge indicate an inflammatory process that requires immediate intervention and elimination.

A little different in comparison with the consequences of curettage, menstruation after laparoscopy manifests itself, endometriosis in these cases captures a significant part of the reproductive system. This means that surgical intervention is more extensive and traumatic. Therefore, the stress associated with it can delay menstruation by 2-3 months. Immediately after the operation, bleeding may occur, but this is not menstruation, but a negative consequence that needs to be eliminated. Delayed menstruation after laparoscopy for endometriosis may be due to

  • The age of the patient;
  • General health;
  • Psychological mood.

In most cases, after the operation, a course of hormones is prescribed, which postpone it for the entire period of admission. After it, menstruation is usually quite plentiful, which indicates the restoration of the ovaries. But the intensity of the discharge is incomparable with what it was during the illness. There should not be clots in them either, with this symptom you need to immediately see a doctor. Normally, the consistency of the discharge is uniform.

At any level of intervention, a woman should avoid sexual intercourse, significant physical effort, hot baths and douching for at least a month.

The nature of the monthly discharge with endometriosis can make these days difficult and dangerous. Do not suppress the pain with pills and use only hemostatic drugs. All these are half-measures that will not relieve suffering for a long time, but will give time for the disease to develop and capture large areas of the reproductive system, lead to infertility, and increase the likelihood of cells degenerating into cancer cells. Endometriosis is more reliable to treat at an early stage, and in order to “catch” the disease on time, it is necessary to carefully examine it at the slightest change in menstruation and the cycle in general.

Before using any drugs, you should consult a specialist doctor. There are contraindications!

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