Home Grape How erotic massage for women is done. How to massage your wife for maximum pleasure? Essential oils - aphrodisiacs for women

How erotic massage for women is done. How to massage your wife for maximum pleasure? Essential oils - aphrodisiacs for women

Probably, there are no people in the world who would not love massage. This procedure contributes to the healing of the whole body, improves blood circulation, a person relaxes and enjoys. Today we will tell you about the main types of this procedure, and also learn how to make an erotic massage for a man.

Of course, you can visit specialized salons and get your dose of pleasure there. But how much more pleasant it is when your beloved woman does the massage. In this case, you can combine various techniques, perform a sensual erotic massage, and then smoothly move on to making love.


Let's consider the most common and popular techniques:

  • Erotic. Designed to stimulate sexual function, promotes the emancipation of the sexual partner and the release of sexual energy. Helps to get closer spiritually and find mutual understanding in bed.
  • Wellness. Used to relieve tension from the entire body. Stiff muscles come to a relaxed state, fatigue disappears, swelling decreases, blood circulation is restored.
  • Sports. During sports training, enormous stress is exerted on the muscles, lactic acid is produced. This technique will help get rid of overvoltage, reduce pain. Muscles will receive additional vitamins and minerals for growth with increased blood flow.

Preparatory stage

Before proceeding directly to the massage, it is necessary to carry out the preparation at home:

  • First of all, make sure that no one is disturbing your peace of mind or disturbing you.
  • Create a cozy twilight in the room. This can be done with candles, a lamp, or simply leave the TV screen on.
  • Be sure to play some nice, relaxing music based on your man's musical preferences.
  • It is recommended to take a bath or shower before the procedure. You can do this together with your chosen one, which will help you tune in the right way.
  • Take care of beautiful and erotic attire. From one glance at you, desire and attraction should awaken in a man.
  • Prepare cream or butter.

Erogenous zones

Quite often, women mistakenly believe that only caressing the penis can give a partner pleasure. Let's dispel this misconception and list all kinds of erogenous zones of the male body:

  • Extremities. You can't even imagine how many nerve endings are in the fingers, toes, feet and palms. For a man, this will be indescribable, especially if no one has previously stretched his fingers.
  • Neck, head, ears. You can start with the ears (a very sensitive area for many of the stronger sex), smoothly moving on to pressing the scalp and stroking the neck.
  • Coccyx and lower back area. In this case, combined movements are perfect - point pressing with your fingers and gentle stroking.
  • Inner thighs. Indulge your partner with gentle air movements in this area of ​​the body. This will provoke sexual arousal.
  • Breast, nipples. Do not forget to caress your breasts, gentle sensual strokes will do. The nipples can be slightly physically affected.
  • Scrotum, penis. The genitals should be treated with extreme caution - there is a high likelihood of a premature denouement in the form of ejaculation. Do not forget about the anus, you can lightly stroke the inter-gluteal zone.

Erotic massage

In order for your efforts to be crowned with success, it is important to know how to do erotic massage correctly. To perform the session, you need to choose a hard surface, a soft bed will not work - the man will drown in it and will not be able to fully enjoy the process.

  1. Cover the surface with a soft cloth. Please note that oil stains may occur. Lay the man on his stomach. Rub the cream or oil into your palms, then gently massage onto your back and hands.
  2. Begin with the hands, work each finger and rub the palm. Do not spare the oil, your hands should slide freely over your partner's skin. Then go to the forearms for rubbing and stroking.
  3. Move smoothly to the shoulders and neck, do not make physical efforts, do everything carefully. Pay special attention to the auricles, massage the scalp.
  4. Get down to the shoulder blades, with light pressing movements, go from top to bottom along the spine to the buttocks. This is where a little power is needed, remember them well. Next, you need to turn the man's belly up.
  5. Rub his chest in a circular motion. Now he can see you and his arousal will increase. Gently walk over your belly and lower to your hips. Disregard the genitals for now.
  6. Play lightly with the inner thighs and you can move on to massage the legs and feet.
  7. In the process of performing the procedure, as if between times, touch your body to his skin, slide over it, this causes arousal.
  8. How to massage intimate parts of the body? Pay attention to the scrotum, you can squeeze it slightly in your palm, stroke the inter-gluteal zone, do not forget about the oil.
  9. At the end, you can lie on your partner and rub all the convex parts of the body against him. Of course, he will be delighted with such a massage.

During the massage, the partner will experience strong arousal, it's time to start the sexual denouement and make love. Erotic massage will become the guarantor of a stable and faithful relationship. Now your man will always rush home in anticipation of another surprise!

Wellness massage

This type of massage involves working out the upper body. The main movements are stroking, pressing and rubbing. First, you should warm up the skin, then intensively wash your back, rub your neck and head, stretch your shoulders. At the end, it is recommended to perform soothing movements - stroking. After this, it is recommended to cover the person and leave to rest for at least 15 minutes.

Sports massage

It is recommended to perform it starting from the legs, gradually going up. Warming stroking movements are used. The aim is to increase blood circulation, distribute lactic acid to tissues and relieve physical stress. Circular kneading movements work well. After the muscles and skin are warmed up, you can use plastic or wood massage devices.

The right erotic massage can lead you to a real explosion of passion, which will culminate in sex. In fact, any massage can become erotic, it all depends on the masseuse, and on who gets it ...

Efficiency erotic massage largely depends on the dexterity of the hands and fingers. The rhythm of caresses, warm gentle hands, together with the created suitable atmosphere, will warm up your man's appetite and cause him to have hot sexual fantasies. It is important to maintain the rhythm and slowness of the movements, let the hands glide gently over the body, applying steady pressure. But the idea is not to be a professional masseuse, erotic massage is a whole ritual of seduction. Would you like to learn how to do an erotic massage that will take you straight to seventh heaven? Read on and you can really surprise your man.

Creating an atmosphere

Do not forget that the goal is not only to relax, but also to increase libido and unleash erotic potential ... The environment is very important, zero distractions. Switch off your phone, use oil, candles or an aroma lamp, accessories, anything that will help you create a special atmosphere. To give an erotic massage to a man, it is best to trim the nails ...

All of these details will contribute to the effectiveness of your massage. The use of oil will make the erotic massage experience completely different and more exciting. Choose organic vegetable oils while avoiding chemicals. As for the smell, to your taste, the possibilities are endless ... Also, the atmosphere will be facilitated by dim lights and relaxing music, soft quiet melodies.

You can use peculiar accessories for erotic massage, for example, feathers. Note that if you are using feathers, or something similar from a soft material, you must do so before applying the oil.

Erotic massage technique

The first thing to remember in order to do an erotic massage is that your hands must remain in constant contact with the body. If you take your hands for a while, it will cool not only the hands, but also the partner himself.

The second important rule of erotic massage - do not touch the genitals for as long as possible.

Erotic massage aims to induce high tension, you must cherish every area of ​​your partner's body. The ideal is a combination of movements on erogenous points with other parts of the body that are less responsive sexually. This means that you must avoid touching the genitals directly. You start fondling erogenous zones, arms, head, legs ... Slowly but surely, stopping in the hottest places, stimulating the guy's imagination, hinting that this game will end very well ...

Only when you pay attention to the arms, head, legs, stomach, chest, back, neck ... can you move on to the genitals.

Put some lubricant on your hands, grab his penis and apply some lubricant. You can try the following movements for an erotic massage of the penis: hold his penis with one hand, sliding it up and down, while the other caress the head, making circular movements; make a ring with your thumb and forefinger, slide up and down; grab the penis near the head and turn it, as if trying to open the door. And then in the opposite direction, and in a circle, do it gently and slowly. Repeat this movement several times. You can place your penis between your breasts, squeeze your breasts with your hands, or simply rub against it.

Control your boyfriend! Do not fall for his first impulses, he will be grateful to you.

Move slowly, don't forget to let everyone open up the power of erotic massage, you shouldn't rush anywhere. The more time, warmth and passion you put into your movements, the amazing the end result will be.

Finally, note that your massage should be unique, depending on your partner's tastes and your fantasies.

Caress, combine hand movements with kisses and hugs, use your chest for massage, change the pressure, depending on the reaction of your friend ... Use for massage not only the touch of your hands, but your entire body. In other words, unleash your creativity and desire, making an erotic massage to a man!

Required Attributes

Erotic massage is a small performance where you are the main character. Therefore, one cannot do without appropriate decorations.

Erotic lingerie or negligee. It is undesirable to massage naked. In this case, it is highly likely that you will finish this performance ahead of time. Most comfortable - in a negligee or sexy nightgown, no panties.

Massage Oil, it can be ordinary, but it can be relaxing or, conversely, exciting. It is best to pour oil on your hands, not on his body: many men do not like it when something cold is poured on them.

Candles. A candle flame looks much more romantic than a night light. Special scented candles are available. Just choose the incense carefully so that the smell is blurry and does not tire you.

Musical accompaniment. If you have your own melody that brings back pleasant memories to you, then play it. And if not, then any slow composition will do, without words or in a foreign language, so as not to distract attention.


You need to start from the back. Let the beloved lie on his stomach and stretch his arms along the body, while she herself sit astride him. Massage his back with light stroking movements, starting from the shoulders and gradually going down. Run your fingertips along your spine several times. Pay special attention to the lower back, neck and inner arms. While the man is lying on his stomach, it is necessary for him to relax as much as possible and prepare for the main action. All movements should be smooth - "stroking": deep massage does not excite, but deprives you of strength and sometimes tires.

Main action

Ask your loved one to roll over onto his back. It is in this position that the main part of the process takes place. Your movements should still be very gentle and barely perceptible. You can massage not only with your hands, but with your whole body and even your breath and hair.

Ride him again. Start the massage on his feet. If you reach your toes, then be sure to stroke them with stroking movements and especially pay attention to the spaces between the fingers (if he is not afraid of tickling). Then move along the leg. Thoroughly massage the inner side of the legs, in these places the skin is more delicate and sensitive. And then move on to massage the chest and abdomen. For most men, the most sensitive areas are the nipples and the area from the navel to the groin. But do not touch the genitals with your hands.

By the way, it is in the process of erotic massage that you are given the opportunity to carefully study his body and identify all erogenous zones. If you noticed that your touches in some areas especially excite a man, then periodically "accidentally" return to these places. Every time you feel that he is very aroused, give him a break and return to the massage of the legs until you are ready to complete the process yourself.

Demand that he comply with the indispensable condition of masseuses from intimate salons: until the end of the massage, he should not touch you with his hands. At first it seems that it is difficult to accomplish, but then it will definitely pay off for you.


If you have successfully reached the epilogue, now, most likely, your beloved will take the initiative into his own hands. And the end of your performance is not at all difficult to predict.

Erotic massage is not just a therapeutic and relaxing procedure, it is a whole action taking place between two loved ones. Its purpose is mutual pleasure, and we are not talking about sexual intercourse, which many consider an indispensable end of the session. Not every representative of the stronger sex knows how to do erotic massage for a woman and enjoy the process. It's time to fill this gap!

The right atmosphere for erotic massage

With a little effort, every man will be able to give his woman unforgettable moments that will undoubtedly be appreciated and rewarded properly.

First of all, you need to be aware that intimate massage is a game, a kind of prelude that does not tolerate haste and fuss, requires preparation, endurance and love. And the professional skills of a massage therapist in this case are completely optional. The most important thing is the desire to please your soul mate, to help her relieve tension after a hard day at work, to diversify your relationship, to bring a bit of romance into it.

Before doing erotic massage to a girl, you need to create an appropriate atmosphere. In the case of the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, this is especially important.

  • The light in the room should be dim, dim. A table lamp or sconce can be covered with a translucent material, scented candles can be installed, curtains can preferably be hung.
  • Light relaxing music (better a melody without words) will help you tune in the right mood, discard daily worries and unnecessary thoughts.
  • The temperature in the room is supposed to be comfortable. A girl should not be cold, but excessive heat does not contribute to romance.
  • The massage area should be equipped accordingly. Not every apartment has a massage couch, but you can do without it by sitting on a bed or on the floor. The surface should be moderately hard, but not hard, comfortable, wide, not very high.
  • For the massage, you will need oil or cream to make the skin soft and pliable.
  • Flowers, champagne and other romantic paraphernalia are welcome, but not required.

Read also:

  • Erotic massage secrets

Erotic massage technique

The female body has a huge number of erogenous zones located in different parts of it. Therefore, you need to have an idea of ​​how to properly do erotic massage for a girl in order to please her.

  • It is necessary to start and end an erotic massage with stroking. They will help the partner to tune in to the right wave, relieve possible awkwardness and tension, "disconnect" from everyday life.
  • All movements should be soft, neat, as gentle as possible. No abrupt jerks and transitions - the massage of one zone smoothly flows into the treatment of the neighboring area. The girl should not feel discomfort and experience unpleasant, painful sensations.
  • How to do erotic massage for a woman? You should start with the feet. A large number of nerve endings are concentrated on the heels and toes, so you should be very careful. Tickling and laughter can destroy the most romantic atmosphere in the beginning. It will be very difficult to recreate the mood. Knead your feet with the pads of your toes, massage your partner's toes, gently pressing and stroking.
  • You should pay attention to the ankles, and then you can move on to the calves. The muscles of the legs are constantly under stress - rest and massage will not interfere with them. You can apply a little more strength, and then the pleasant warmth and relaxation in the leg muscles will be transferred to the rest of the body, setting up your partner to rest. Gradually you can go up to the hips and buttocks. The movements are the same: alternation of stroking and rubbing. You can add light nibbling, and gentle weightless kisses, and pats-slaps - it all depends on personal desire and further goals.
  • The back is a special field for activity: there are many points on it that excite a woman. On the back, stroking, rubbing with fingers and palms, the edge of the palm and light pressure with a fist will be appropriate. It is better to leave the twisting and rolling of the skin under the fingers to professional masseurs. Replace them with caresses, gentle intimate touches. Turning massage into an erotic game, in the process you can use feathers, pieces of ice, cooling a heated body, and much more, which your fantasy will tell you about. There is a very sensitive area between the shoulder blades, which needs to be worked on properly.
  • The neck and scalp respond very well to touch. In these places, you should limit yourself to light stroking.
  • Having invited the young lady to lie on her back, you should not immediately throw herself on the chest and stomach. Hand massage will be appropriate: it will help maintain the degree of arousal, preventing it from slipping into sex.
  • When moving on to the chest, you need to be careful. Not only is there very delicate skin in this place - the effect is on the mammary gland, so at this stage the massage is more like petting. Everything that you are accustomed to and that gives you pleasure is appropriate here.
  • Massage of the abdomen and genitals becomes the final stage. Erogenous zones are concentrated on the chest and abdomen, using which you can count on the continuation of the evening in a romantic style.

Read also:

Erotic massage is good at all stages of a relationship: it will help partners get to know each other better at the beginning of a relationship, build trust and show feelings. An experienced spouse who is thinking about how to give erotic massage to his wife will be able to remind her of her former romance. And it is not necessary to create an "expensive" entourage. Much more important is the desire to bring joy and pleasure to a loved one.

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Without a doubt, our health of the dough is related to the sexual sphere. And if there are no problems there, then we enjoy life in full, do not lose hope of receiving the highest satisfaction. It is important to consider that, doing erotic massage correctly, it is necessary to act on all corners of the body where there are sensitive points. For example, if you slowly press your palms on the skin, use slow rubbing, this will help your partner to relax and feel your care, and if you apply a faster pace and strong pressure, the massage will become stimulating, focused on ensuring that the beloved as soon as possible turned out to be ready to interact.

Let's consider the main types of erotic massage and learn how to do it correctly:

Help to relax quickly and rubbing will help to forget about pressing matters. This method is also helpful for circulatory problems. Internal processes will all come in good shape. Erotic massage will turn into wellness.

Stroking at the beginning of the massage and at the end- an integral part of any massage. Don't forget this. And yet - in no case should you confuse which types of movements to use for the back and legs, and which for more sensitive points, otherwise you will get the opposite effect and your partner will regret having agreed to such a session.

It is also worth noting such a positive feature of erotic massage - that it is a process in which you can slowly get to know each other's bodies, identify those features that you didn’t notice before when the light was off. Don't be ashamed of your complexion, even if your body isn't quite perfect. Your partner will not pay attention to this if you yourself do not begin to direct him to this thought.

- When we just touch fingers to the partner's body, thousands of goosebumps run through him, if at this moment he is naked, then millions. Therefore, movements such as stroking, sliding techniques will add more sensuality. Put your soul, love and passion from the start and control the pressure, angle tilt of your arms. You should not constantly look at your partner's face while waiting for what he has to say. Let him rest and enjoy the process. You can only occasionally glance at his expression to know if he has fallen asleep. Otherwise, it will be a shame that you started doing erotic massage with one purpose, and as a result, you put your partner to sleep.

- Light tapping will occasionally tone the partner, so to speak, the massage seemed to him not boring and even a little fun. You can perform this action not only directly on his skin, but also by placing your palm on his back. That is, you knock on your palm, and he receives light echoes within himself. It's also helpful.

- Alternation of movements. Carrot and stick method. YOU can add fun to the massage by slowly running your palms over your body at first and then ending with tapping. The correct erotic massage does not have a strict sequence of movements, so everything will depend on you.

Now let's talk about how to properly move from one part of the partner's body to another.

There are 3 main rules here:

- No harshness.

- All the means that you decide to apply to the massage should be nearby, and not in another room, or not at all.

- Talk less with the person to whom you are giving the massage, let him relax and completely transfer himself to the peak of bliss.

Let's talk a little more about each of these points.

  1. If suddenly you start to recklessly change your position. To start massaging another part of the body, you can accidentally "drive" your elbow into your nose or hit the rib with your heel. So approach everything wisely, keeping the rules in mind.
  2. Working with dry hands is a joy, but not as much as a fragrant cream or gel can provide.
  3. When you want to relax, you try to avoid extraneous sounds. Likewise, the one who is currently engaged in receiving pleasure would not want to have a “radio” next to him. Therefore, present moments of silence.

Many girls have a question about how to start a massage.

A guy returning from work is not always able to adequately behave with a girl who is almost naked. He can walk by, or he can fall asleep right in the hallway. So if you don't want your Romeo to ignore you, take the initiative. Approach him, slowly slide your palm over his cheek and lips, kiss him. Next, whisper in your ear that you have been waiting for him for a long time and now there will be a surprise. Next, take him by the collar of his shirt and lead him to the room where the massage will be performed. Just prepare everything in advance so that he understands that it will be an erotic massage, and not another adult with toys.

Start your massage by unbuttoning his shirt, slowly pulling off his pants. Or you can wait for him to come out of the shower and have an erotic massage session with the same success.

During the massage, you can make teasing movements. For example: reach for a tube of gel without removing your palms from your chest, reach through it, arching back. Iron yourself. Run the hair down his back and paint with the ends of the strands.

Make your usual erotic massage unforgettable!

Now you know how to properly make an erotic massage.

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