Home Grape How and where to do a painless colonoscopy. Colonoscopy of the intestine pain. How is the procedure carried out

How and where to do a painless colonoscopy. Colonoscopy of the intestine pain. How is the procedure carried out

Colonoscopy is an endoscopic method of bowel diagnostics performed using a colonoscope device. It consists of a long flexible probe with a camera, the image from which is transmitted to the specialist's computer, illumination and a tube for supplying air to the intestinal cavity.

It also includes special forceps, which are necessary for taking biomaterial for histology. The appearance of the device scares patients, and they begin to wonder: colonoscopy of the intestine - does it hurt? Almost all patients experience discomfort of varying intensity, and below we will consider what factors contribute to a decrease in discomfort during the procedure, and which, on the contrary, increase it.

The main advantage of the procedure is that it allows you to quickly assess the condition of the large intestine. Another advantage of the method is that the intestine is examined along its entire length, that is, all 1.5 meters.

Thanks to the diagnosis, the doctor can:

  • study the shade, shine on the intestinal mucosa;
  • analyze the diameter of the intestinal lumen and its motor activity;
  • to identify the presence of various inflammatory processes in the intestinal cavity, as well as the appearance of neoplasms;
  • to reveal the presence of cracks, ulcers, polyps, erosions, scars on the mucous membrane;
  • take biomaterial for further histological examination;
  • remove a small formation, foreign body or polyp located in the intestinal cavity;
  • remove the source of bleeding;
  • recanalize the narrowed area;
  • take pictures and more carefully examine the intestinal cavity and its mucous membrane.

Colonoscopy is a unique procedure that helps to quickly assess the internal state of the intestine and make an accurate diagnosis.

How is a colonoscopy performed:

  1. Immediately before the procedure, the patient should remove all clothing below the waist. If desired, the patient can wear special ones.
  2. Next, the patient is placed on the table. He should lie on his left side. The legs should be bent at the knees and pressed against the stomach.
  3. After that, the patient is introduced to the colonoscope into the rectal cavity. In the event that the patient has a low pain threshold, the anal area is lubricated with anesthetics. The most commonly used dicain ointment or xylocaingel.
  4. As the intestinal cavity is examined, the specialist moves the device deeper into the organ. In order to straighten the folds of the mucous membrane, air is pumped into the intestine, which is then removed using a special tube. If, after several hours, the patient has a feeling of bloating, then he needs to take activated charcoal tablets.

The procedure usually lasts about 10 minutes, but in the presence of intestinal pathologies it may take longer. After completing the examination, the patient can get dressed and return to his normal life.

Does colonoscopy hurt?

The procedure is absolutely safe, however, patient reviews about whether it is painful to do a colonoscopy vary.

Most note that mild pain appears only when air begins to flow into the intestines. In the future, unpleasant sensations do not arise.

Some patients after the procedure complain that a colonoscopy is painful, such reviews can be triggered by the following factors:

  • Non-professionalism of a doctor.
  • Features of the patient's body constitution and low pain threshold.
  • The presence of pathologies of the organ under study, for example, irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Inappropriate posture. Typically, the procedure is performed with the patient lying on their side. But if the colonoscopy is painful to do this way, you should inform the specialist about it and change your posture.
  • The structure of the intestine. During the diagnosis, the patient may feel discomfort associated with the passage of the device through various bends and angles in the organ. For example, the hepatic or splenic angles of the colon.

Anesthetics are usually not used. However, if it is very painful to do a colonoscopy of the intestine or there are factors predisposing to this, the doctor may suggest pain relief.

Topical preparations (tablets, injections) and general anesthesia are used. In the latter case, the patient is immersed in a drug-induced sleep before the start of the procedure and wakes up when it has already ended.

Also, during the procedure, you may want to visit the toilet. To get rid of such symptoms, you should take a deep breath.

How do I prepare for the procedure?

It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to the question: is colonoscopy of the intestine - is it painful or not? Patients experience varying degrees of discomfort - from mild discomfort to severe pain. Doctors say that proper preparation will help reduce them.

Initially, the patient should get rid of feces. To do this, the patient needs to follow a slag-free diet for 2-3 days. It is based on eliminating fiber-rich foods that contribute to feces and bloating.

Immediately before the procedure, you should cleanse the intestines. This is done with enemas or laxatives.

There is no need to eat any food the day before the procedure. Also, do not eat before the procedure itself. The intestines must be empty and clean.

So, the level of unpleasant or painful sensations during colonoscopy depends on many factors, including the anatomical features of the intestine. Proper preparation for the procedure and the use of pain relief help reduce discomfort.

Useful video about colonoscopy

Colonoscopy - an endoscopic examination of the loops of the large intestine and rectum, the procedure is not considered pleasant. There are a lot of conflicting opinions on this topic on the network, but not a single negative review is worth being afraid of the process so much that you refuse and neglect your health for the benefit of your own cowardice. To assess what constitutes an intestinal "execution", how dangerous it is, it is useful to refer to the comments of people who have passed it:

Alena K., 21 years old, Syktyvkar: “When the doctor introduced the probe, it hurt a little, then there was a feeling of slight tickling. Tingling sensations occurred periodically - perhaps at this time the probe rested against me from the inside. Would I advise doing it? If the doctor prescribed - definitely Yes. "

Boris E. 49 years old, Armavir: “It turned out to be more painful than expected. Mostly, probably, when the doctor pumped air into me from the inside. There was a feeling of strong bursting and for a moment it seemed that I was about to burst. In general, the procedure is bearable. If you need to go through, then refuse - cowardice and self-dislike ”.

Alexey I., 38 years old, Moscow: “The sensations are not pleasant, but not catastrophic. Basically, it was unpleasant when the hose just passed through you. Probably, it's his own fault - you shouldn't have shrunk so much. For those who will pass - I advise you to relax, although it is not easy. If they appoint more, I will ask them to do it under anesthesia. "

The comments clearly demonstrate: the respondents share common indications in perception, but they are similar in one thing - if you need to do it, it is better to endure this uncomfortable study, so that later you will not become annoyed for the missed opportunity to treat the disease on time.

It is known from medical and non-medical sources that the aforementioned endoscopic examination involves pulling a flexible (soft silicone) probe with specialized equipment at the end inside a person. Poking is supposed to be in the anus (anus), the place is intimate, which means that a number of psychological experiences are associated: a fundamental unwillingness to demonstrate a hidden area of ​​the body, embarrassment, shame for possible natural secretions or odors, psychosexual dilemmas (homophobia). In addition to the emotional stopper, those preparing for the colonoscopy are faced with the task of overcoming the pain threshold. What causes pain? The "perpetrators of pain" are divided into two categories - those that depend on the subject and those that have come independently.

Dependent reasons include the behavior of a person during the course of the study. In this circumstance, the psychological component plays a negative role. Excessive constraint, inability to fully relax, protective body movements - the probe rests against the walls of the rectum or clings to the villi of the skin of the anus, creating painful sensations. With the correct approach, it is possible to avoid worries.

An important role in the successful passage of a colonoscopy is played by high-quality preparation. Insufficient cleaning of the loops of the colon and rectum leads to an uneven accumulation of fecal residues in the lumen. A passing probe is able to get bogged down in the contents and, in further diagnostics, give inaccurate results, and if the masses are too hard, they slip away and cause microtrauma to the intestinal walls. To avoid such troubles, it is necessary to strictly follow the doctor's recommendations when choosing a diet before the procedure.

The causes of pain independent of a person include soreness arising directly during the test. The doctor, for an accurate examination of the state of the walls of the large intestine, is forced to artificially expand the organ - this is done by blowing air. The jets expand the intestinal lumen, forcibly stretching - the reaction of the organ is quite painful, the patient involuntarily feels it. The main task of the assisting nurse is to prevent sudden movements in the patient, otherwise there is a risk of sudden injury to the intestines. Pain can be manifested by direct sampling of cells (biopsy) during the procedure. Coming pain syndromes must be taken into account by the diagnosing medical professional, otherwise they can turn into a strong pain shock.

Anesthesia: yes or no?

In order to exclude undesirable consequences as much as possible, people are invited to perform the procedure under general or local anesthesia. Whether to undergo the procedure without anesthesia or to use it - the patient decides individually. There are no unanimous opinions.

General anesthesia is an artificial inhibition of the activity of the central nervous system with a reversible effect later. A person is introduced into artificial sleep, there is a decrease in the main reflex activity, loss of consciousness and amnesia occur during the period of falling asleep.

Local anesthesia is a local shutdown of individual nerve branches, through the technique, a complete absence of sensitive sensations is achieved, but the patient is constantly fully conscious and is able to remember current events. Anesthesia is divided into subtypes:

  • Epidural, or spinal, where the main nerve branch at the exit of the spinal column is blocked. The method of anesthesia is widely used in colonoscopy, it allows you to partially turn off the lower parts of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Local anesthesia is an injection into the tissue surrounding the painful area. Mainly used in dentistry, plastic surgery and traumatology.
  • Surface anesthesia is a type of pain relief where an anesthetic is applied to the surface of the skin. This type is found in gastroscopy - the substance is applied to the probe or directly to the anus before the introduction of the probe. It is done if a person suffers from increased pain sensitivity.

An experienced endoscopist is obliged to advise the subject about the types of anesthesia and together choose the appropriate option.

Complications after colonoscopy

The process of internal invasive examination of the colon and rectum is safely equated with a simple surgical intervention. And any intervention is fraught with short-term or total complications.

Short-term complications

This category includes simple consequences that occur immediately after taking a biomaterial, usually lasting from one to two hours to three to four days. Basically, painful sensations at the examination site or along the bowel loops.

It may be painful to pinch in the anus during the act of defecation, sometimes patients feel seething in the lower abdomen and attribute it to the consequences of the study. This is partly true, but usually the seething is the result of a long forced fasting, which is necessary for the preparation for endoscopic examination to be complete.

Complications of moderate severity

Complicated consequences include reflex bowel reactions to interventions. In the latter case, diarrhea or the opposite phenomenon is possible - constipation. Syndromes occur if a person immediately after the procedure "pounces on food", trying to quickly satisfy the annoying hunger and drown out hungry headaches that people suffer. A sharp filling of the gastrointestinal tract with food masses leads to numerous spasms of the walls and provokes short-term disruptions in the work of organs. It is important to eat small portions, to consume enough liquid for proper absorption of food.

Severe complications

The last component is severe forms of consequences. This conventionally implies physical and chemical disorders. In the first case, we are talking about injuries received during colonoscopy: internal micro-cuts inflicted during the biopsy collection and aggravating - perforation of the intestinal walls. The chemical options include allergic reactions that occur to the anesthesia drug. The degree of their action is calculated from simple rashes on the skin to the most serious delayed anaphylactic shock. Therefore, patients who have undergone the study are recommended to stay in the clinic for observation - the last two categories of complications, with the wrong approach to the situation, often lead to death.

Colonoscopy of the intestine is a modern method that allows, with the help of instrumental research, to make a detailed diagnosis of the intestine and draw conclusions about its condition. During the procedure, they use a device specially designed for this - a colonoscope, the use of which in a short period of time in a couple of minutes makes it possible to assess the existing deviations in the intestine. With the help of a camera that transmits images to a computer, specialists are able to notice the slightest changes in the colon and its mucous membrane on the monitor.

The use of colonoscopy, which today is considered indispensable for timely diagnostic research and treatment of various pathological conditions of the intestine, allows you to examine the mucous membrane of the rectum and large intestine, the length of which is about two meters. In addition to this important point, this procedure can take material from problem areas for histological examination.

During a medical examination, using this method, it is possible to identify any abnormalities in the state of the digestive tract in every third subject, and this can be done at the earliest possible date at the initial stages of the pathological process. In the case when the patient feels unusual symptoms, uncharacteristic before, in the form of pain in the abdomen, the appearance of repeated constipation, bleeding from the anus, sharp weight loss, changes in blood test results, it becomes necessary to conduct an examination using the colonoscopy method.

Colonoscopy capabilities

The colonoscopy method allows for a more accurate diagnosis and prevents the development of serious diseases. This method is also of no small importance from a preventive point of view, for which everyone who has turned 40, whether he has complaints or not yet, is recommended to use this diagnostic method every five years for prevention purposes. In the same cases when the patient applies for complaints, such an examination should be mandatory.

Examination using a colonoscope allows you to obtain the following results:

  1. In the study, a specialist can give an objective assessment of the state of the intestine and determine possible changes in it.
  2. The size of the intestinal lumen is assessed and, if necessary, the ability to expand the narrowing of this area.
  3. On the monitor, using a magnified image, it becomes possible to identify the smallest abnormalities in the intestinal mucosa, such as scars, ulcers, polyps or cracks.
  4. When passing the study, you can get material for a biopsy.
  5. The technique allows you to remove small benign neoplasms directly during examination, thus saving the patient from the upcoming painful surgery.
  6. It becomes possible to determine the causes of intestinal bleeding and eliminate them using thermocoagulation.
  7. The method allows the doctor to obtain not only an image of the inner surface of the intestine, but also to take pictures of certain parts of it.

The method is able to reveal the development of the inflammatory process and other defects, the stage of which is not yet accompanied by characteristic symptoms.

Indications for the procedure

A diagnostic study using the colonoscopy method is indicated for the following conditions that disturb the patient:

  • a feeling of soreness in the abdomen or in the location of the colon;
  • there is a mucous or purulent discharge from the anus;
  • repeated bleeding from the anus appears;
  • there is a motility disorder in the form of constipation or bouts of diarrhea;
  • the presence of obesity;
  • the development of progressive anemia;
  • a slight increase in body temperature, lasting a long time;
  • the presence of close relatives with cancer;
  • finding a foreign body in the intestine;
  • determination of polyps or tumors of a benign nature.

When these situations are created, the upper sections of the colon are examined. They resort to diagnostics using a colonoscope and under existing assumptions about the presence of Crohn's disease, as well as to determine the causes of intestinal obstruction, with inflammation of the intestinal mucosa of an unclear nature, as well as in the case of malignant neoplasms.

Do they do with hemorrhoids?

Colonoscopy for hemorrhoids is prescribed in the following cases:

  • to confirm a diagnosis previously made by a specialist;
  • to identify the extent of the inflammatory process caused by hemorrhoids;
  • to determine the existing complications;
  • to stop existing profuse rectal bleeding;
  • as a preparatory study for the upcoming operation;
  • to conduct a diagnostic assessment of hemorrhoids and existing tumors formed in the rectal cavity in the presence of characteristic symptoms in the form of a sharp loss of body weight, signs of intoxication, changes in stool, etc.
  • for the purpose of tissue collection for further histological or microbiological laboratory studies.


Despite all the popularity and high efficiency of colonoscopy as a diagnostic method, one cannot fail to mention that in some cases its use is contraindicated in the presence of hemorrhoids in the patient. Since this method is inherently invasive, albeit gentle, then passing the colonoscope through the anus and rectal canal can damage these parts of the intestine and cause an inflammatory process in them.

There are other contraindications for hemorrhoids, when the use of the colonoscopy method is undesirable, namely:

  • the presence of a hernia formed on the anterior abdominal wall;
  • nonspecific ulcerative colitis in the acute stage;
  • suspicion of peritonitis and its acute course;
  • diverticulitis disease;
  • the state of pregnancy;
  • acute infectious processes in the upper respiratory tract;
  • poisoning and intestinal infections;
  • decompensated forms of heart and lung failure;
  • violations in the processes of blood clotting;
  • mental disorders and seizures of epilepsy;
  • the general condition of the patient weighed down by diseases.

For those patients who have the listed contraindications, virtual colonoscopy is offered as an alternative.

How do I prepare for the procedure?

For a colonoscopy, as for any diagnostic procedure, you need to prepare. For this, a mandatory bowel cleansing is carried out, which the patient is able to provide for himself. This is of great importance in ensuring the quality of the procedure and obtaining the accuracy of the examination results. It is equally important to follow a specific diet before having a colonoscopy. In general, there is nothing difficult in observing these two conditions, both of these points will benefit not only the research, but also the entire body as a whole. But if at least one of them is not performed, then colonoscopy is not recommended.


Because how well the digestive tract is cleared, the effectiveness and the final results of the survey depends on. It is important to try to thoroughly cleanse the intestinal walls from toxins and feces accumulated on them, the presence of which will not allow the free movement of the advanced probe. It is better to start preparation a few days before the colonoscopy, and you do not need to go to extremes and starve yourself, but simply follow certain dietary recommendations and follow all the doctor's requirements. If you follow a diet, the following foods should be excluded from the menu:

  • greens, vegetables and fruits, that is, all types of plant foods;
  • peas, beans and all legumes, as well as nuts;
  • varieties of fish and meat with high fat content, sausage and meat delicacies;
  • pasta and pearl barley, oat and wheat groats;
  • sweet drinks with gas;
  • rye breads;
  • natural coffee and whole milk.

The use of these products leads to increased gas production, which will complicate the diagnosis.

When preparing for the upcoming procedure, it is advisable to limit yourself to the following list of products:

  • wheat bread made from coarse flour;
  • types of lean meat and fish;
  • unfilled soups in diet broth;
  • varieties of dry biscuits such as biscuits;
  • dairy products as natural yoghurts, kefir or yogurt without flavoring and coloring agents.

On the penultimate day before the study, food should be no later than 12 noon, and after that only plain water and loosely brewed tea are allowed. On the day of the colonoscopy, they do not eat and drink only water and the same tea. The next stage of preparation for the procedure is to cleanse the intestines, on which a lot also depends.


The procedure for cleansing the intestines is carried out independently using an enema. Before carrying out it, you need to disinfect the enema and use only boiled water with a temperature not higher than 36 degrees. Cleansing with an enema is carried out three times: at 20.00, at 22.00 and the next morning from 6.00 to 7.00. It is recommended to use medications with laxative properties with the evening procedure for more effective cleansing.

How is colonoscopy done?

In order not to feel a sense of fear before the diagnosis with the help of a colonoscopy, it is better for the patient to have at least a general idea of ​​the technical side of the procedure, especially since it does not present any difficulty. The colonoscopy technique consists of going through several stages:

  1. The patient lies on the left side and presses the knees to the abdomen as much as possible.
  2. The doctor, after pretreating the tissues near the anus, carefully inserts the apparatus into the location of the intestine. At the request of the patient and with increased sensitivity of the anus, it is treated with an anesthetic.
  3. The device is gently and effortlessly moved through the intestines, while examining the state of its walls on a computer screen. To get rid of the folds of the intestine, a certain amount of air is pumped into it.

The procedure for examining the entire large intestine lasts no more than 15-20 minutes, but provided that no serious deviations from the norm have been established. To carry out actions of a therapeutic nature, aimed at eliminating the identified pathologies, it may take a longer period of time.

To take tissue from the problem area for the purpose of biopsy analysis, a local anesthetic is injected into the tissue through a channel in the probe tip designed for this purpose. After this action, with the help of tweezers, the smallest sample of material is cut off and taken out. Removal of a polyp or a benign type of neoplasm of small size is carried out using a loop, with which the outgrowth at its base is cut off and their intestines are removed.

Does it hurt?

Those patients who are afraid of the procedure due to fear of pain are anesthetized in the following ways:

  • conducting local anesthesia;
  • sedation, that is, being in a state similar to sleep;
  • the use of general anesthesia.

Before deciding on the choice, it is necessary to take into account all the reasons that can affect the patient's feelings during the manipulation period, as well as the general condition of the patient's body.

  1. The experience of a specialist who will carry out the promotion of the device is of great importance in the conduct of the examination and the sensations during it.
  2. The modern equipment of the device is also important, it determines the comfortable sensations during the procedure and the results of the information received.
  3. The individual characteristics of the patient's body also largely determine the painlessness of the procedure, such as existing diseases of the internal organs, the patient's pain threshold, the structure of his intestines.
  4. Painful sensations and discomfort during examination depend on the interaction between the doctor and the patient, on their coordination in actions.

Before having a colonoscopy, you can discuss with your doctor the method of pain relief and the need to use it, taking into account all possible risks.

Is it possible to carry out without pain?

Most often, doctors advise local anesthesia when diagnosing with a colonoscope, as the most harmless type of pain relief. This method does not pose a threat to the health of the patient under the influence of anesthesia and does not need additional control of the anesthesiologist. Although local anesthesia does not completely eliminate the discomfort, however, it certainly relieves severe pain and, moreover, does not pose a threat of complications after the application of anesthesia.

To carry out local anesthesia, an anesthetic drug is applied to the endoscope probe, and when moving through the intestine, the discomfort dulls from its influence, and the procedure itself is tolerated by the patient much easier. Before starting the procedure, the patient needs to relieve emotional stress and calm down, for which appropriate sedatives and antispasmodics are additionally applied to him.

When using the procedure under the influence of sedation with a partial loss of consciousness, when the patient is as if in a dream, the feeling of fear and anxiety disappears and the colonoscopy is easily tolerated. The disadvantage of the method using general anesthesia is that the specialist cannot assess the patient's condition and does not trace his feelings.

Carrying out manipulations without anesthesia is less comfortable, although it cannot be said that the entire examination process is accompanied by intolerable pain. Discomfort occurs when air is pumped into the intestines, at this time it is possible to feel a burning sensation and distention. Due to the rapid advancement of the probe, short-term painful sensations occur, but they last literally a few seconds. After the end of the examination, the air supply is stopped and the pain also disappears. The cause of unpleasant sensations may be the moment the endoscope overcomes the intestinal bends, after which the painful symptoms disappear.

The intestinal cavity itself does not have nerve endings, so unhindered movement along it is not painful. Patients with irritable bowel syndrome and those with low body weight or wasting may experience greater discomfort during colonoscope examination. Pain can also be caused by inflammatory processes in the intestine and the destruction that they entailed. When moving around affected areas, patients may experience quite severe pain and discomfort.

Under anesthesia or not, which is better?

Diagnosis by colonoscopy under anesthesia does not cause the patient any special discomfort and relieves pain. This method is especially effective for those patients who have a panic fear of any medical procedure, including the use of a colonoscope. All the equipment of a modern device is made taking into account the human body, the hose, with the help of which the probe is directed and the image is transmitted to the monitor, is flexible, has a minimum cross-section and is almost not felt, moving in the intestine. All received data are stored in a computer, recorded on a digital medium, and the patient can at any time receive advice on the results obtained in any clinic from a specialist of his choice.

Nevertheless, when using local anesthetics, although the introduction of the probe will be painless, but with further advancement in the bends of the intestine or when any formations in its cavity are encountered, the subject may feel quite significant pain. Often, these symptoms can manifest themselves with such force that it is necessary to interrupt further examination without completing it.

Carrying out manipulations under the influence of anesthesia greatly facilitates the procedure and allows you to consider in more detail the problem areas of interest. The patient under anesthesia is in a relaxed state, completely open for penetration and does not prevent possible involuntary spasms from advancing the probe throughout the intestine. Moreover, the use of anesthesia allows you to make the necessary surgical removal according to the indications that were revealed as a result of the examination. For this, there is no need to use additional pain relievers, everything happens during one session of the colonoscopy.

As for the complicated situations during the examination under anesthesia, there is only a risk of damage to the intestinal wall, since the patient is asleep and is not able to inform the specialist about the occurrence of severe pain during intestinal perforation. Otherwise, the use of anesthesia is not dangerous, especially since the dose of the anesthetic drug is calculated correctly.

It is also recommended to think about other possibilities of anesthesia in the case when general anesthesia is contraindicated for the patient due to the existing individual contraindications. An experienced colonoscopy specialist will always advise on a possible pain relief option that will make the examination procedure less painful.

Colonoscopy under general anesthesia


For a long time I could not decide on a colonoscopy due to fear of pain, but it was somehow uncomfortable. However, when undergoing examination for another reason, I was found to have polyps in the intestines, and they can be removed quickly and bloodlessly only with the use of this method. I had to go for it, rather than expect further development of the pathology, especially since the doctor said that sooner or later he would have to do an operation. To my delight and surprise, the whole procedure went pretty quickly and almost without discomfort. I certainly didn't feel pain, I just lay on my side on the couch and that's it.

I just got back from the hospital where I had my colonoscopy. The impression is terrible, maybe the doctor got caught with little experience, but the image was not displayed on the monitor for a long time. The feeling itself is quite unpleasant when the air is pumped, it seems that you feel the urge to use the toilet. In the end, only that calmed. that nothing terrible was found. But somehow I will agree to the second procedure without much enthusiasm.

When prescribing a method for examining the colon, the patient has a question whether it is painful to do a colonoscopy. Colonoscopy is one of the most effective methods of colonoproctology. According to the description, this procedure is not very attractive, therefore this question appears, but the more truthful, scientific and understandable information is received, the better the patient will understand the essence of the procedure, and the less fear he will experience.

Colonoscopy is an endoscopic examination of the large intestine, from direct to blind, allowing in a few minutes, usually 10-15 minutes, to give a complete picture of the condition and existing pathologies of this organ. The procedure is carried out using a colonoscope - a device consisting of a long hose, illumination, an eyepiece, a small nozzle that supplies air, a device for taking material for the purpose of subsequent research, and a mini-camera capable of photographing and video filming.

Colonoscopy is an endoscopic method for examining the colon, which allows you to give a complete picture of the condition and existing pathologies of this organ.

The patient is placed on the left side, the knees are brought to the abdomen. The colonoscope is gently inserted by the endoscopist into the rectal area. The colonoscope moves very slowly along the intestine, examining its walls, supplying moderate air to smooth out the existing folds of the mucous membrane. It is this moment that causes the greatest discomfort and unpleasant sensations, up to painful ones. Information is displayed on the monitor and, if necessary, is recorded, or photographs are taken.

Is pain relief worth it?

Even after receiving full information about the procedure and the way it is carried out, many patients still have doubts about whether to carry out pain relief or not.

In what cases is colonoscopy painful, and doctors still turn to anesthesia, and sometimes to a procedure under general anesthesia? The following cases of colonoscopy under local or general anesthesia are possible:

  • when a colonoscope is inserted, most patients do not experience pronounced pain, and if they do appear, the doctor lubricates the anus with anesthetic ointments, and after a few minutes the procedure continues;
  • if the patient has destructive processes;
  • the presence of adhesions in the abdominal cavity;
  • when carrying out the procedure in children.

As such, there are no nerve endings in the intestine, therefore pain in its usual manifestation is unlikely. An unpleasant sensation of pressure occurs when the air flow is increased to smooth out the folds of the mucous membrane or when the colonoscope passes the intestinal bends. But with the usual threshold of sensitivity, they are tolerable, and here the positive attitude of the patient, trust in the doctor performing the procedure, and the absence of fear that causes muscle spasms that impede the procedure and contribute to the emergence of additional unpleasant sensations are important.

Carrying out a colonoscopy procedure under anesthesia is not welcomed by doctors, it is always more effective to deal with an awake patient who reacts to what is happening, talks about his feelings and concerns. In this case, the doctor is also able to adequately respond, trying to reduce discomfort as much as possible. It is necessary to follow the doctor's recommendations, for example, if you have a urge to defecate, your doctor will advise you to breathe deeply. Sometimes it may be necessary for the patient to turn over on their back and return to their original position on their side. If you complain of pain from stretching the mucous membrane under air pressure, the doctor will reduce the air flow.

Thus, with productive cooperation, it is possible to carry out the procedure as quickly as possible with the least discomfort without the use of anesthesia.

Colonoscopy is the most informative method for diagnosing colon neoplasms, including benign and malignant tumors. For the purpose of early diagnosis of these diseases, it is recommended to carry out it for all people over 40 years old 1 time in 4-5 years. If complaints arise, such as discharge of pus, mucus or (colon), abdominal pain, stool disorders of various kinds, colonoscopy is prescribed immediately. There may be other indications for its appointment: diagnosis or even suspicion of the presence of any disease of the colon, which arose during sigmoidoscopy or irrigoscopy. In the process of colonoscopy, you can clarify the diagnosis, photograph the formation, and, if necessary, remove it, take material for a biopsy, remove a foreign body, and stop bleeding.

This method is also indispensable for monitoring patients after undergoing treatment. Colonoscopy is prescribed in the presence of polyps.

Contraindications to the procedure

Contraindications to colonoscopy are:

  • inflammatory processes in the body;
  • infectious diseases;
  • impaired blood clotting;
  • heart and lung failure;
  • severe forms of ischemic and ulcerative colitis.

Before the procedure, it is necessary to inform the doctor about existing chronic diseases and taking medications. Sometimes a general blood test may be required in order to see the whole picture of the patient's condition even more clearly and to make the procedure as safe for the patient as possible.

Preparing for a colonoscopy

Proper preparation for the colonoscopy procedure contributes to obtaining the most effective results in a minimum period of time, while significantly reducing all discomfort and discomfort.

Preparation is primarily aimed at freeing the intestines from fecal masses. Their presence in the lumen of the colon interferes with the examination of the mucous membrane and prevents the correct diagnosis. To cleanse the intestines, it is recommended:

  • 1-2 days before the procedure, adhere to: plant products are excluded from the diet - fruits, vegetables, legumes, potatoes, as well as black bread, you can eat boiled meat, eggs, liquid cereals, fish, cheese and butter;
  • on the eve, consume only liquid food, for example, broths, and drinks - tea, juices, water;
  • at the same time, you should take 2-3 tablespoons of castor oil;
  • after stool, in the evening, make 2 enemas with water at room temperature, each with a volume of at least 1.5 liters, in the morning the procedure must be repeated 1 or 2 times, depending on the state of the intestines.

You can facilitate the procedure for cleansing the intestines by turning to the use of special drugs that contribute to a more thorough cleansing of the intestines:, Lavacol, Fleet,. In this case, you do not need to resort to laxatives or cleansing enemas.

What to do after the study and possible complications

After the colonoscopy procedure, the patient can return to normal life.

If the feeling of bloating from an excess of gases persists, you can take several tablets of activated carbon, crushed and stirred in a small amount of water, at the rate of 2 tablets per 10-15 kg of weight.

Today, medical diagnostics has in its arsenal a large number of methods that make it possible to correctly assess the patient's condition and identify at early stages the development of pathologies that are life-threatening. One of them is the study of the inner walls of the colon using instrumental equipment: colonoscopy is performed in cases where it is necessary to visually assess the state of the intestinal tract and biopsy the affected tissues.

What is the procedure for?

The essence of colonoscopy is extremely simple. For its implementation, an optical device is used (colonoscope, hence the name). Its body is a hollow flexible tube. A backlight and a miniature video camera are fixed at one end of it.

The image is transmitted in real time to the monitor, so the doctor can see the state of the inner walls of the colon for two meters, assess the shine of the mucous membrane, its color, study the vessels located under it, the changes caused by the inflammatory process.

One sachet of Lavacola is dissolved in 200 ml of water. For a complete cleansing, you need to drink three liters. The taste of the powder is more pleasant, so it is easier to take it. Doctors recommend taking Levacol in the afternoon until 19.00.

The described tools were specially designed to prepare for examinations using a colonoscope. They gently cleanse, but in many patients they cause side reactions in the form of flatulence, allergic manifestations and discomfort in the abdominal area. The child will not be able to drink the required dose, so no one writes off the enema yet.

How is colonoscopy performed?

Many, going to diagnostic examinations, want to know how they are carried out. Having a complete understanding of the process itself, it is easier to tune in correctly and go through the procedure painlessly.

  1. So, first, the patient is asked to lie down on the couch and turn onto the left side, tucking his knees towards his stomach.
  2. Then the diagnostician treats the anus with an antiseptic and carefully inserts a probe into it. Anesthesia is not used if a person has high sensitivity and complains that he is in pain during the introduction of endoscopic equipment, anesthetic gels can be used. Sedation is also practiced, but it significantly increases the cost of a diagnostic examination. Severe pain occurs only if you need to do a colonoscopy to a patient who is suspected of having acute inflammation or adhesions in the rectum. In this case, a short-term general anesthesia is done (for 30 minutes).
  3. After anesthesia, the doctor carefully inserts a probe into the anus, advances it slowly deep into the intestine. In order to straighten the folds of the tract and more carefully examine its mucous membrane, air is pumped through the pipe.
  4. The probe can move 2 meters deep into the intestine, all this time the camera will show the internal state of the hollow organ. If no pathological changes are found on the path of the probe, colonoscopy is done for about 15 minutes. If necessary, therapeutic actions, as shown by the patients' reviews, may take more time.
  5. To carry out tissue sampling for histological analysis, local anesthetic drugs are first introduced through the endoscope tube, then a small piece of diseased tissue is removed with forceps and removed.

Colonoscopy is used to remove polyps, small single neoplasms. For these purposes, not forceps are used, but a special device that looks like a loop. With it, like a lasso, the doctor captures the convex part of the outgrowth at the base, pulls it, cuts and removes it.

Before the advent of the colonoscope, laparoscopy allowed resection, although it is minimally invasive, it is an operation that requires a more complex preparatory process and recovery.

Video: Colonoscopy of the Intestine

Rare complications

When the examination ends, the doctor must perform certain manipulations: with the help of a probe, he pumps out air from the intestine and gradually withdraws the instrument. After this, many patients experience a feeling of severe distension of the abdomen. Activated carbon tablets help to eliminate it.

In the event that the described procedure is carried out in a specialized institution, and it is entrusted to an experienced doctor, the risk of complications is minimized. But he still exists. What to fear:

  • Perforation of the intestinal walls. A complication occurs when colonoscopy allows you to identify and show mucosal expression, accompanied by purulent processes. The patient is immediately taken to the operating room and the damaged area is surgically restored.
  • Bleeding. This occurs after removal of polyps and neoplasms. It is eliminated immediately by the method of cauterization of the site and the introduction of adrenaline.
  • Severe abdominal pain. Appears after biopsy. The malaise is eliminated by taking analgesics.
  • Fever, nausea, vomiting, bloody diarrhea. Such side effects are extremely rare, but if at least one symptom appears, you should immediately seek medical help.


There are conditions in which it is not possible to examine a patient with a colonoscope. It:

  • Acute infections in the body.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Drop in pressure.
  • Pulmonary insufficiency.
  • The presence of violations of the integrity of the intestinal tract (perforation with the release of the contents into the peritoneum).
  • Peritonitis.
  • Ulcerative colitis, accompanied by inflammation.
  • Massive bleeding.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Poor blood clotting.

There is no indication for colonoscopy in infants. If it is impossible to use the described method, other methods of diagnosing diseases of the lower part of the colon are chosen.

Video: Colonoscopy - Questions Answered

Alternative to the procedure

There is only one survey in the arsenal of physicians that can compete with the described method in terms of information content. This is an MRI of the intestines. Doctors among themselves call this type of examination a virtual colonoscopy. Anyone who has undergone the procedure at least once notes that it feels more comfortable, experts pay attention to the sparing nature of the diagnosis.

It is performed using equipment that allows you to scan and take pictures of the abdominal cavity from different sides, and then create a three-dimensional model of the intestinal tract. All pathological processes are clearly visible on it, while the patient does not experience any discomfort.

Why do doctors still use a colonoscope? The fact is that MRI does not allow showing pathological neoplasms, the diameter of which does not exceed 10 mm. Therefore, magnetic resonance imaging forms a preliminary conclusion, and after it, when the doctor wants to clarify the diagnosis, he prescribes an instrumental examination.

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