Home Grape How embarrassing it was for me. How foreigners perceive Russian speech. It was unpleasant for me to read this. Friends are more important to him

How embarrassing it was for me. How foreigners perceive Russian speech. It was unpleasant for me to read this. Friends are more important to him

The unusual sound of foreign speech is most often the cause of culture shock. In China or Vietnam, the sound of the local language, similar to "xiao-miao-liao", may well drive us crazy. German speech in the style of "Rosenkleitz Rotenbergschmacher Steinblumenrichtenstadt" in timbre and intensity sometimes resembles Hitler's election speech. But how does our Russian, so native and understandable, language sound for foreigners? Please answer below.

Russian sounds very brutal, masculine. This is the language of real machos.
(Will, financial analyst, Australia)

Russian sounds exactly like Polish to me. The same intonation, the same “feminine” pronunciation, especially compared to Czech.
(Jakub, financial analyst, Czech Republic)

Great Britain:
For me, Russian speech is something between the roar of a walrus and the melody of Brahms.
(Abe, accountant, UK)

Before I began to study Russian, and some time after the start of the Slavic lessons, the more it seemed to me like a record of any other world language, started up backwards.
(Gethin, scout, Ireland)

The most amazing thing is that the Russian language can sound completely different: it all depends on the speaker, and on what exactly is being said. In principle, if you wish, you can achieve an angelic sound from the Russian language. True true! Russian is plasticine, from which maste can mold whatever he wants.
(Batyr, photographer, Mongolia)

New Zealand:
As if someone did not really cough up, got a mouthful of saliva and at the same time tries to talk.
(Dean, retired, New Zealand)

The Russian language is the sounds that a cat would make if you put it in a box full of marbles: squeaking, squealing and complete confusion.
(William-Jan, designer, Netherlands)

It always seemed to me that Russian is a mixture of Spanish with a rounded “r”, French, in which “zh” was added, and German rough sounds.
(Jeremy, teacher, USA)

It's like an invitation to a desperate flirt. And especially when Russian girls pronounce their “PACHIMA?” with an incredibly sweet voice. Publish me please.
(Alessio, journalist, Italy)

Highly emotional language - Russians put a lot of feeling and passion into intonation. Example: "Wow!"
(Chris, consultant, Corsica)

The Russian language is a pair of familiar words, lost in a complete linguistic chaos of sounds that are unpleasant to the ear.
(Albertina, infectious disease specialist, Germany)

Great Britain:
Like the sound of sandpaper scratching a rough surface covered with a thin layer of varnish. And if we talk about the provincials, then their Russian is a scraping of sandpaper over a rough surface without any varnishing at all.
(Mark, teacher, UK)

The Russian language is like a very poorly adjusted radio: full of unnecessary rustles, crackling and squeaking.
(Maria, translator, France)

Posted by Olmins

To quit or not to quit - that is the question. If it was precisely this dilemma that had overcome Hamlet at one time, everything would probably have been much simpler. However, the philosophical question "To be or not to be?" seemed much more interesting to him. However, the point here is not at all in Hamlet. The whole reason is he, the very handsome prince with whom, following the oath to the registry office worker, you will live your whole life both in sorrow and in joy.

But if you have vague doubts about your future, it's time to check if your prince is from that fairy tale?

Here are the top 10 reasons to think about your relationship.

Lack of attention

You have already forgotten the last time he sent a message with the words “good morning” or “I love you”, and calls from him have generally become akin to luxury. Postponing dates an hour before the meeting has become his habit, and he explains his behavior with a bunch of cases and incredible busyness. Promises to call back end with the fact that ... yes, they do not end with anything. And if you call him back yourself, you risk getting a cold and short answer: "I forgot."


Friends are more important to him

What could be better than meeting your girlfriend (unless, of course, the word "beloved" has not lost its relevance yet)? Of course, football, beer, fishing and a lot of friends. At least your boyfriend thinks so. Who argues that male friendship is a holy cause? But don't forget about relationships either.

Meetings with friends are a kind of VIP events that you are not recommended to attend. But what if romantic secluded evenings are left behind, and men's gatherings are organized almost every day? There is only one way out: meet him in the circle of your mutual friends. Or not meet at all.


Restaurants, going to the cinema and the theater have become your pipe dream. And you generally safely forgot about gifts and flowers. But nothing prevents him from pleasing himself with expensive purchases. Looks like he's not ready to spend money on you. And his behavior speaks volumes.

You have nothing to talk about

Your conversations are now limited to discussing everyday problems, gossip about mutual acquaintances, or disputes on various topics. He does not support you and is not at all interested in your life (when was the last time he asked how you were doing?). But even an hour is not enough for him to tell about all his problems, "exploits" at work or other events, the significance of which, as it seems to him, exceeds all indicators on the scale of importance.


The words "You look amazing!" you are used to hearing from other men, and not from him, but the phrase “Where are you going and when will you return?” he does not speak even for the sake of decency. You have to admit that he doesn't care about you. Delays at work, late returns home and late-night calls to your number do not interest him at all. You do not have to rely on his help and support. In general, the phrase “both in sorrow and in joy” is clearly not about you. The presence of a problem, a cold or just a bad mood makes you call not him, but your friends. Ask yourself the question: why? Maybe you are not as close as you would like?

Interest in other girls

Increasingly, you began to notice how he was looking at people passing by. As soon as you leave to powder your nose, in a minute he is already talking enthusiastically with an unfamiliar girl. You should not dispute the statement that looking at the fair sex is a common thing for men. This is pure physiology. However, it is good to know the measure in everything. So, if the diagnosis "potential womanizer" does not lend itself to any treatment, maybe you should change the "patient"?

causeless jealousy

He calls you five times a day and controls your every step. It hardly speaks of boundless love. More like distrust. He considers you his property, and it is unlikely that this feeling will wane over time.

He doesn't want a serious relationship

A serious relationship is not what he aspired to all his life. Meet, walk and scatter - that's his motto. He is in no hurry to introduce you to his friends and relatives. This state of affairs does not suit you at all, and, most likely, in the near future you will simply get tired of it. You want a family, children, and he certainly will not like such an idea. In this case, do not rush to conclusions: maybe he is simply not ready to start a family yet? The best option is to ask him about future plans in your life together. If he does not want to change anything, then you should think about whether you need this game in the sandbox?

Fading passions

Where did the former spark and attraction to each other that you constantly experienced go? Love has passed, the tomatoes have withered, and there is no question of passion at all. You no longer experience euphoria at the mere glance of him. If you're having a hard time and don't know where your relationship is headed, just let go of the person in search of your true love. But do not forget that it is better to measure seven times and cut once.

unpleasant or not pleasant

Merged or separate?

The word "unpleasant" is written both together and in two words - unpleasant and not nice .

Rule for "unpleasant" (adverb)

To know how to spell the word " unpleasant”, it is necessary, first of all, to determine which part of speech the given lexeme belongs to. " unpleasant" is an adverb. According to the rule of the Russian language, the adverb " unpleasant", formed from the adjective " unpleasant”, in most cases it is written together.


  • In November, it is often cold outside and unpleasant .
  • When the whole truth was revealed, it was unpleasant surprised.
  • unpleasant realize that they tried to deceive and frame you.

The rule for "not nice" (opposition)

adverb " not nice» is written in two words in several cases. The first is if there is an opposition in the sentence. The second - if there is an increase in denial with the help of " by no means», « not at all», « far from».


  • I don't not nice to do this, it kills me from the inside.
  • Dressing inappropriately for the weather and shivering from the cold all the time is not only not nice but even dangerous to health.
  • Today he felt not only not nice , but even dejectedly: emotions were more pleasant far in the past.

In short, it is written together if the sentence carries statement, and is written separately if it carries negation.


Man looks unpleasant. (Lack of sympathy is stated).

Look how nice the person looks!

No, he looks not nice. (The presence of sympathy is denied).

Detailed description

1. "Unpleasant" can be either a short adjective or an adverb (with " not" on the " -about"). They are written together With " not", if they acquire the opposite meaning with this particle. In such cases, as a rule, they can be replaced by a synonym without " not". For example: " disgusting», « disgusting», « disgusting».

Although it is always possible to find a similar synonym, the affirmative shade of meaning contained in the adjective serves as the basis for continuous writing.

His behavior makes me uncomfortable.

2. Is written separately if there is or is implied opposition.

I don't like it, but it's disgusting.

3. Is written separately if there are explanatory words of negative pronouns and adverbs (beginning with " neither”) or combinations of “ far from», « not at all», « by no means».

For me it by no means Nice.

Note 2. If there is an adverb as an explanatory word " at all» both continuous and separate spelling is possible, which is associated with two meanings in which the indicated adverb is used:
1) “absolutely, very much”;
2) “by no means”, “by no means”;


I'm quite uncomfortable. (Totally disgusting).

I don't like it at all. (Not pleasant at all.)

The adverb " at all»:
one) " by no means»;
2) " completely, absolutely"- in a colloquial style of speech;


Although the seller tried, but for me his attention was not at all pleasant. (Not pleasant at all.)

The seller did not take his eyes off me, and when he began to pursue me, I became completely unpleasant. (Totally disgusting).

4. Is written together if there are adverbs of measure and degree: “ very», « very», « extremely», « nearly', adverbial expression ' to the highest degree" etc.

Walking barefoot on the rocks was very unpleasant.

5. Spelled separately in an interrogative sentence, if negation is emphasized:

Don't you like to hear it?

Note. But it is written together if the negation is not underlined:

Does it bother you? (= "Does this disgust you?" Here the sentence carries an affirmation, but if written separately, it carries a negative).

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