Home Grape How secular lionesses live on the ruble. It-girls: success stories of socialite. What would you wish for yourself

How secular lionesses live on the ruble. It-girls: success stories of socialite. What would you wish for yourself

The former common-law wife of businessman Yevgeny Frolov, the heroine of glamorous magazines, Yana Prezhevskaya, died under strange circumstances. On February 6, her friends, half-naked and severely beaten, were found in a rented room near the Dynamo metro station.

Doctors diagnosed a 41-year-old woman with a severe head injury. On the night of February 14, she died in intensive care. Investigators are checking, but there is no criminal case or real suspects.


While it is reliably known that Frolov and Prezhevskaya have three sons, they have never been officially married. In 2012, Eugene kicked his spouse out of the house, forbade communicating with children. True, he allowed me to pick up expensive gifts. Fur coats, jewelry, a car, clothes - after the break, Yana transported all this to a rented apartment near the Dynamo metro station.

She had the most luxurious exclusive jewelry, diamonds, - one of Yana's close friends Svetlana Molodykh told KP. “It all cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. And all this disappeared without a trace!


Svetlana met Prezhevskaya four years ago, did not communicate for a long time.

I found her on Facebook in September, ”says Svetlana. - I came to visit her home and was stunned! She lived very, very poor.

Where did all the treasures go?

Yana said that among her acquaintances there were some Arthur and Taisiya. She said that they took some of the things. Either they handed over to the pawnshop, and the money was given to her, or they simply stole ...

According to Svetlana Molodykh, after breaking up with her husband, not very decent people circled around Prezhevskaya.

Vultures ... So they pounced on her and began to tear everything apart. She was just completely robbed! - Svetlana is indignant. - And she herself was in a terrible depression. These dubious acquaintances used this, purposefully soldering her to steal another Birkin handbag or a pearl necklace. Yana did not understand where things disappeared. I just didn't remember what she had.

I heard that the reason for the separation from the children was allegedly her addiction to alcohol ...

Complete nonsense. She was a great mom, she didn't abuse. Only when one was left, the problems began.


Svetlana assures: she did everything to get Yana out.

She had hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, says Molodykh. - In September we put her in Sklif, where it was very difficult for her. She was psychologically depressed. She did not want to do anything: neither to be treated, nor to file a lawsuit against her ex-husband, so that he would be allowed to see the children. We paid the doctor to give Yana IV drips at home and take care of her.

The name of this doctor is Marianna Tretyakova. Journalists have already managed to accuse her of all mortal sins: they say, she robbed Yana on the quiet.

All this is a complete lie. I know Marianne. Here we are together - this is everyone who was with Yana in the last months. They brought food, came to her. We tried to save her. As for the charges of theft - you know, everything has already been brought before us, - Svetlana gets excited.


In recent months, Yana has not left the house. She was ashamed of her appearance and her position - after all, she was used to the best salons and cosmetologists, to expensive clothes. And here - the general ward in Sklif, injections, pain ...

Many now speak of Yana as a sincere and kind person. She sang well, played the piano, was well-read and very intelligent ... But Prezhevskaya, apparently, did not possess fighting qualities. And she was not ready for meanness from those whom she considered close people.

In fact, few people know, but she was not deprived of her parental rights. There was no trial, nothing. The husband simply told her “leave our house,” and left the children for himself. That's all, - Molodykh told us.

In this situation, Yana could not even count on the support of the closest person - her mother.

They seemed to have had a fight a few years ago, - Svetlana recalls. - As far as I know, for two years Lyudmila Ivanovna never visited her. I personally called her and asked her to come. No reaction.

We will continue to understand this tangled story.


Bozena Rynska conducts her own investigation into the death of Yana Prezhevskaya

The tragedy of the socialite Yana Prezhevskaya shocked Moscow. Women gossip about the mysterious death of women on forums and social networks. Recall that the former party girl was found with traces of severe beatings on February 6. On the night of February 14, she died in hospital. Numerous acquaintances of Prezhevskaya are trying to understand - who beat Yana so severely that she could not come to her senses for a week in intensive care? ()

The secular lionesses of Moscow attract the attention of millions. Someone condemns them for their strange behavior, someone wants to be like them, and someone just silently envies. Today we will introduce you to the stories of the most famous secular lionesses of Moscow.

History of the concept

Today, secular lionesses are usually called girls who lead an active social life. As a rule, they go to great lengths to attract the attention of the public: they give spicy details about themselves, scandal or wear revealing outfits. Most of them do not value their own reputation too much.

In Russia, the concept of "secular lioness" came from the French in the 30s of the last century.

In French, le lion (lion) means not only a feline predator, but also a trendsetter, the rules of behavior in a secular society, worthy of representatives of the "upper class".

Unlike ours, French secular lionesses have always behaved very restrained, although in Russia it is no longer fashionable to be an unrestrained brawler today.

Shark feather

Nadezhda Stanislavovna Obolentseva was born in Moscow on July 24, 1983 in a family of diplomats. For a long time she lived with her parents in Central America.

After graduating from school, the girl entered Moscow State University at once at two faculties - art history and journalism.

She worked as a gossip editor for Tatler magazine, and then created a closed intellectual "Club 418" in Moscow. Later, a similar club was created in St. Petersburg.

Recently, Nadezhda starred in the video "Labyrinths". At a charity evening dedicated to the support of the Naked Heart Foundation of Natalia Vodianova, the shooting of this video was raffled off as one of the lots. Nadezhda became one of the winners of the auction and the heroine of Bilan's video. All the money raised from the filming went to the fund.

Twice married

Nadezhda Obolentseva was married twice. She met with the skater for a long time and received a marriage proposal from him, but she did not dare to tie the knot with this man.

The first husband of Nadezhda was businessman Denis Mikhailov. His impressive wealth: a huge villa in Hollywood, a luxurious car park, business - could not contribute to a happy marriage, and after three years of family life, Obolentseva left for her parents in Moscow.

For the second time, Nadezhda Obolentseva got married in 2014. Ayrat Iskhakov, top manager of the Neftegazindustriya group of companies, became her chosen one. The age difference of 16 years did not embarrass Nadezhda, and a casual acquaintance in a cafe grew into a love relationship. The wedding of Iskhakov and Obolenskaya took place in Italy on Lake Como. The richest and most famous personalities of Russia were present at the celebration, and during the celebration the bride changed three dresses.

Alas, the marriage did not last long; in 2017, Ayrat and Nadezhda divorced.

Now the secular lioness is free, although there are rumors about her affair with Abramovich.

Thumbelina, mother of three

Miroslava Duma is the most fashionable of all the secular lionesses of the capital. She was born in Moscow in 1985 in the family of a famous politician, member of the Federation Council Vasily Duma.

After graduating from school, Miroslava entered the Moscow State Institute of International Relations and after graduation began to work by profession.

  • She first worked as an executive at Harper's Bazaar magazine and wrote her own column.
  • In 2011 she moved to the OK magazine.
  • A little later, she launched her own project - the Buro 24/7 website - about health, fashion and beauty.

A successful girl is now actively involved in charity work. She organized two foundations: "Planet of Peace" and "Health", providing assistance to the sick and needy.

Miroslav Duma prefers not to talk much about his personal life. However, everyone knows that even in her student years, she married businessman Alexei Mikheev. Miniature Thumbelina a little more than one and a half meters tall gave birth to her beloved husband three children: a son and two daughters, the youngest of whom is not yet six months old.

From model to businessmen

Little is known about the biography of another secular lioness of the capital - Yulia Vizgalina. In the past, she was a model, appeared on the best catwalks in Europe and America. Having become the wife of the head of CJSC "Russian Gold" Alexander Tarantsev, Julia began to seriously think about her own business.

In 2002, the girl decided to open a clothing boutique. The plans were quickly realized: first - Soho in Moscow, and then Jimmy Choo - already in Europe

But Yulia's real passion was jewelry, therefore, having gained experience in doing business, she moved from the world of fashion to the world of jewelry. This choice cannot be called a blind passion or hobby, because Vizgalina is a professional gemologist.

In 2007, Julia opened the David Morris salon, and then the first Soho Jewelry boutique in Europe, where she presents jewelry of the best world

Modesty is the main strong point

Julia does not have a bright appearance, but she is in no hurry to hide her behind flashy outfits and jewelry. Her makeup is always moderate, and her favorite style of clothing is casual.

Julia recently divorced Alexander Tarantsev. It was rumored that the affair with an actor who allegedly left his wife with three children because of her was to blame, but together the young people were seen only a couple of times. If they were connected by any relationship, then they were frivolous and very short-lived.

Alena Kravets

(not to be confused with Elena (Alena) Kramer) - the secular lioness of Moscow. She was born in 1985 in the capital and has always dreamed of becoming a model.

The girl's father is a military man, her mother taught at the Moscow State Technical University. Bauman. At school, the girl was the first beauty, and at the age of 15 she was offered a job in a modeling agency.

After some time, Alena Kruglikova (her maiden name) has already conquered European catwalks.

Parents feared that their daughter would never receive an education in pursuit of a career, so they did everything possible for her to graduate from university. As a result, Alena even received two higher educations - legal and psychological, but she never worked in any of the specialties.

Singer, actress and just beauty

In 2012, Alena began her career as a singer. The first song "Prosto Kino" caused a storm of criticism, but gradually Kravets still managed to "get into" the world of show business and gain a foothold there.

In addition to her singing career, Alena tried herself as an actress, starred in several episodes in films and TV series.

Alena met her husband (this is Ruslan Kravets) at the age of 16, when she was working as a model in the USA. They soon got married, and in 2007 their daughter Danielle was born.

The couple lived in marriage for 9 years. After the divorce, Alena got a chic mansion on Rublevka, but tensions with her ex-spouse often end in violent scandals.

Alena does not experience a shortage of attention from men, who often give her expensive gifts, including real estate and cars.

Daughter of a famous father

Ksenia Sobchak was born in Leningrad on November 5, 1981. Her father, Anatoly Alexandrovich Sobchak, worked at that time as a lawyer, and then was the mayor of St. Petersburg. Ksenia's mother is a historian.

In his youth, Sobchak's hobbies were ballet and drawing. After school, Ksenia entered St. Petersburg State University at the Department of International Relations, but after she transferred to a similar department at MGIMO, in 2004 she graduated from an educational institution.

In the same year, Sobchak got a job as the host of the show "Dom-2", where she worked for 8 years.

Since 2010, she tried herself as a TV presenter of other shows, including:

  • "Freedom of thought".
  • "Girls".
  • "Top Model in Russian".

Ksenia took part in the shows "The Last Hero" and "Blonde", and has hosted the Muz-TV award several times.

And in 2012 she opened her program "Sobchak Live" on the Dozhd TV channel.

Few people know that one of the most famous secular lionesses in Moscow has acted in films several times. This happened for the first time in 2004 in the film "Thieves and Prostitutes". Three years later, she starred in "The Best Film", and in 2008 played Hitler's beloved in the film "Hitler Kaput". In addition to these roles, there are several episodic roles in the filmography of the socialite Ksenia Sobchak.

In 2008, the world will learn about Sobchak the writer. The books she wrote have self-explanatory and uncomplicated titles:

  • “Masks, glitters, curlers. The ABC of Beauty ”.
  • "Stylish things by Ksenia Sobchak".
  • "Marry a Millionaire" (with Oksana Robski).
  • "Encyclopedia of a sucker".

All Sobchak's relationship ended in a quick parting:

  • In 2005, Ksenia almost became the wife of businessman Alexander Shusterovich, but the wedding ceremony had to be postponed, and soon the young people parted.
  • In 2011, there was a short affair with State Duma deputy Sergei Kapka.
  • A year later, she met with Ilya Yashin.

Unexpected news for the public and even close friends of Ksenia was her wedding with Maxim Vitorgan. They got married in secret in 2013. In 2016, the couple had a son, Plato.

Future president

Ksenia Sobchak is also known as the brightest person with opposition views. She took part in numerous rallies and was even detained several times by law enforcement agencies.

In 2017, Ksenia announced her intention to run for president. She offers to regard herself as a "against all" clause.

Who knows, maybe soon the first secular lioness of Moscow will rule our state.

How to become a socialite in Moscow?

It is not so difficult to be the first beauty in the village, but to become a secular lioness in the capital you need to work hard. But how do you do this if you don't have influential parents?

Here are some tips:

  • Get a good education, better at leading universities in the country or the world.
  • Learn languages.
  • Get a job at a reputable firm.
  • Make your name and yourself recognizable. Business cards, your own website, and numerous acquaintances will help you.
  • Attend social events.
  • Marry a wealthy and powerful person.
  • Take an interest in expensive and exclusive items.
  • Follow fashion trends.
  • Do not focus on your well-being if you managed to achieve the desired level.
  • Behave with dignity: fame gained through scandals and intrigue is highly questionable.
  • Watch your speech, swear words and slang forever forget.
  • Do charity work: helping those in need, you are doing a good deed, and good will surely return.
  • Don't waste time with envious people (successful people have enough of them). However, it is not worth responding to their evil words or actions, because there are much more important things to do.
  • Do not forget how you "got out into the people", always remember how it all began.
  • Do not be a superficial person: always "look at the root", do not forget about continuous education and self-improvement.

Modern secular lionesses of Moscow are worthy girls with an extraordinary mind and a good education. Of course, their parents, who were not at all ordinary people, contributed a lot, but without perseverance and diligence, it would be impossible to achieve success with any starting opportunities.

July 29, 2011, 02:56

The term "it-girl" is increasingly flashing on the pages of the press and is used to refer to rich and famous girls without a specific kind of activity. They are the main heroines of the gossip column, regulars of fashion shows and nightclubs. But what are they famous for? In English, there is an ideal definition of the phenomenon of it-girls - "famous for being famous", that is, "famous for being famous." Who is "it"? For the first time, the word "it" to denote a certain personality trait attractive to the opposite sex, was used by Rudyard Kipling in the story "Mrs. Bathurst": "Not beauty, so to speak, is important, and beautiful words are not necessary. The main thing is This. It happens that a woman just walks down the street and the man does not forget her. " Then there was the English novelist Elinor Glyn, author of It: “It is something that radiates an attractive force. This is both a property of the mind and physical attraction. It is self-confidence and indifference to whether you like you or not. That's what It is. " The first official it-girl was silent film actress Clara Bow, who in 1927 starred in the film It, based on the book by Eleanor Green. The heroine Bowe is a simple saleswoman, thanks to her appearance and ingenuity, who fell in love with her boss's son and became an entrance to the high society. A sort of Tekkereevskaya Becky Sharp of the 1920s. The definition was firmly entrenched in the actress and in real life. So one of the first sex symbols of Hollywood, without knowing it, laid the foundation for a whole phenomenon. I propose to get acquainted with an overview of already experienced and just beginning it-girls of Western and Russian show business. 1) Paris Hilton Who is she: granddaughter of multimillion-dollar hotel business founder Conrad Hilton, who was repeatedly bereft of her inheritance for misbehavior but managed to win back her father’s affection each time. This famous blonde without any kind of activity, without a doubt, is the main it-girl of our time. World fame brought her participation in the reality show "Simple Life" and the cultivation of the image of a socialite, able to be famous for the fact of her glamorous doing nothing. Paris tried her hand at different spheres of activity: on account of her contract with Donald Trump's modeling agency T Management, participation in several film projects, autobiography "Confessions of an Heiress", a perfume line, a music album and several design projects. However, the girl is known mainly for her novels and riotous lifestyle. The blonde calls her idols Princess Diana, Marilyn Monroe and Madonna, and when asked what annoys her the most, she answers: "Work and boys." Having already created an international brand out of her name, Paris began to make money by doing what she does the most, that is, by hanging out. For a twenty-minute presence in the club, the girl receives a check for several hundred thousand dollars. Paris herself has repeatedly confirmed this in an interview: “When they see me at a party, in fact, I get paid to be there. There is no such thing as bad fame for me. " In 2003, as if in confirmation of these words, a home video of a sexual nature with the heiress of the hotel empire in the title role was leaked on the Internet. This was the first case after which the father threatened the negligent Paris with disinheritance. Then there were numerous drunk driving scandals, going out without underwear, a 23-day prison sentence and arrests for speeding, during which Paris bags of cocaine fell out of her purse. 2) Nicole Richie Who is she: adopted daughter of famed musician Lionel Richie, goddaughter of Michael Jackson and former best friend of Paris Hilton. Until a certain time, the name Nicole Richie was used exclusively in conjunction with the name Paris. Together with Hilton, she traveled across the American hinterland in "Simple Life", but at the same time she always remained on the sidelines. After a quarrel, the girls parted ways, and Nicole decided to leave the shadow of her once best friend. In 2005, she played in the film American Kids, then published the book The Truth About Diamonds, became the face of Jimmy Choo, founded her own brand House of Harlow 1960, in general, did the same thing as Paris, only in her own way ... But Richie got on the pages of the media mainly because of her problems with the law, scandalous nature and accusations of anorexia. The girl was detained for driving without a license and using drugs, for which she even had to spend 82 minutes in a prison cell. However, now Nicole is diligently correcting the mistakes of her youth, and her name is less and less often included in the section of the scandalous gossip. Nicole is happily married to musician Joel Madden and has two children - three-year-old daughter Harlow Winter and two-year-old son Sparrow James. 3) Kim Kardashian Who is she: the daughter of successful lawyers who turned her whole life into a reality show. The success story of Kim Kardashian is not much different from the stories of other famous heiresses. It all started with the reality show "Keep up with the Kardashians." Then Kim began to appear at all sorts of parties in the company of people like her - rich and famous socialites. Kim, like Paris, once managed to appear in a sex video with R`n`B performer Ray J, which brought both unprecedented popularity. Ray J even wrote a song about the legendary video to prolong the success. An affair with football player Cristiano Ronaldo helped Kim become even more famous. The couple's relationship did not last long, but helped the Kardashians firmly establish themselves on the front pages of the world press. Kardashian chose reality television as her main field of activity: she participates in all entertainment shows, and now she decided that her own wedding should be the next project. She regularly provides the press with details of her relationship with her fiancé, basketball player Kris Humphries, and promises that a film crew will be present at the wedding ceremony, thanks to which the whole world will be able to rejoice for the newlyweds. By the way, this will be the second marriage for Kim. At 19, she married music producer Damon Thomas, whom she divorced four years later. 4) Poppy Delevigne Who is she: daughter of Selfridges' personal shopping director, model and aspiring style icon. Poppy Delevingne belongs to the new generation of it-girls, her name is just beginning to flicker in the gossip, but she is confidently crowding out more experienced competitors. Since childhood, Poppy was surrounded by the greatest figures of the fashion industry, so it is not surprising that the girl decided to develop her career in this direction. As a model, Delevingne has appeared on the shows for Louis Vuitton, Chloe and Balenciaga, and also appeared on the covers of Tatler, L’Officiel and Vogue. At the same time, the 25-year-old Englishwoman calls the modeling business her hobby and dreams of outstanding film roles that are not yet offered to her. To parties and drunken binges, Delavigne prefers going to the shows of world fashion weeks. Poppy guaranteed a front row seat and hugging photos with Roberto Cavalli and Alexa Chung. Delavigne calls herself a simple girl and says that in everyday life she prefers to dress in TOPSHOP and Mango. 5) Peaches Geldof Who is she: daughter of Irish musician Bob Geldof (Bob Geldof) and a frequenter of all London clubs. Peaches Geldof was born on March 16, 1989 in London. The girl's career began at the age of 14 with an author's column in Elle Girl magazine. Then she began calling herself a freelance journalist, and her publications appeared periodically in such diverse publications as The Daily Telegraph, The Guardian and Nylon. Over time, Geldof was less and less listed as the author of articles and more and more often became their heroine. In the summer of 2008, 19-year-old Peaches married her boyfriend, musician Max Drummey, the leader of the group Chester French. The wedding ceremony took place in Las Vegas. However, the family idyll lasted only three months, and in November of the same year Peaches filed for divorce, arguing that when she got married, she did not think that her marriage would last a lifetime. However, what else could you expect from a girl famous for her love of rock and roll parties and drugs? In July 2008, the press reported that the girl was hospitalized with symptoms suspiciously reminiscent of an overdose. A few days earlier, the paparazzi had managed to photograph Peaches at the time of transferring money to a drug dealer, who regularly bought goods from Geldof's friend and drinking buddy Amy Winehouse. Among other "achievements" of the young brawler are an attempt, in the best traditions of Winona Ryder, to leave the boutique without paying for things, as well as an affair with a transsexual, which Gelford herself gladly told the press about. 6) Ksenia Sobchak Who is she: daughter of the first mayor of St. Petersburg Anatoly Sobchak and member of the Federation Council Lyudmila Narusova, journalist and TV presenter, who managed to get out of the shadow of famous parents. Ksenia Sobchak certainly cannot be counted among the it-girls in the classical sense. She has long been a working girl who seriously annoyed the public with the image of a blonde in rhinestones and diamonds, did not reject the opportunity to be a kept woman, and eventually achieved fame and recognition by hard work. Sobchak became the cult it-girl of the early 2000s, the first representative of Russian show business to receive the title of "socialite" and "party girl". The girl's gentlemen included Umar Dzhabrailov, Vyacheslav Leibman, Sergey Kapkov and many more famous and wealthy businessmen and politicians. In the summer of 2005, the press relished the details of the separation of Ksenia and Alexander Shustorovich. The wedding was supposed to take place on July 1, but Sobchak did not manage to demonstrate the wedding dress that Valentin Yudashkin sewed especially for her. This story has become one of the main secular scandals of the year. With the rest of it-girls, the girl has in common love for social events and scandalous behavior. This is where the similarities end - today Ksenia Sobchak participates in a variety of projects. Her most famous incarnations are TV presenter (“Dom-2” on TNT, “Top Model in Russian” on Muz-TV), radio presenter (“Everyday Barabaki” on “Silver Rain”) and columnist (really significant in comparison with other heroines of the list, columns in the gloss of the first echelon: GQ, Tatler, Sex and the City). Today Sobchak is actively moving away from the scandalous image and promotes the values ​​of the so-called. "New sincerity" without false pathos. 7) Miroslava Duma Who is she: daughter of a member of the Federation Council Vasily Duma, wife of businessman Alexei Mikheev and the most fashionable journalist in the country. Miroslava Duma, 28, does not miss a single fashion show, exhibition or presentation. In high-profile scandals, the girl was not noticed, she does not quarrel with other society ladies and does not cheat on her husband. By the way, she met him while still a student at MGIMO. Alexei prefers not to flicker in the press, but his wife has long become hers in a secular get-together. Together they are raising two children. Miroslava Duma's career began with a column in Harper's Bazaar. There was a time when her candidacy was considered almost seriously for the position of editor-in-chief of the publication. Now Mira continues to write small columns for the gloss, maintains her blog and does charity work - she is a co-founder of the Planet of Peace Foundation, whose tasks include the implementation of projects in the field of culture and education. However, the title of just a cute and stylish girl brings the greatest popularity to Duma - for her delicate sense of style, she is highly praised in the pages of magazines and in fashion blogs. 8) Natalia Goldenberg Who is she: one of the main fashionistas in Moscow, a columnist and just a media person. Natalia Goldenberg almost always comes out accompanied by childhood friend Miroslava Duma. Previously, the girls went to school together, and now they conquer Moscow bohemia together. Natalya is a graduate of the Russian State Humanitarian University, who has been fond of fashion since childhood. At first Goldenberg was listed as a merchandiser at TSUM, then she became a buyer and director of the Kova & T brand. The unique eclectic style ensured her a permanent presence in fashion blogs, invitations to all notable fashion shows and authorship of columns in several magazines. Getting tired of the role of a girl from the world of fashion, but having a very indirect relationship to it, Natalya presented her first collection of her own brand Tzipporah, at the presentation of which all the star friends were present. 9) Ulyana Tseitlina Who is she: a socialite with a dark past, a four-story mansion on Rublevka and an uncertain source of income. Ulyana Tseitlina is another Russian socialite and friend of Ksenia Sobchak, who, however, differs in that her friends began to master the spaces of social events together, and therefore they never tried to suspect this relationship of self-interest. According to Ulyana, she and Ksenia arrived in Moscow at about the same time, lived in the neighborhood, saw each other often - and became friends. Today, the paths of her former girlfriends have diverged a little - Ksenia has chosen the path of active functioning in the media market and brings out novice secular lionesses, and Ulyana has remained a classic "society lady" in the chronicle of fashion magazines. Zeitlina was born in Leningrad in the family of an artist and editor-in-chief of the publishing house of the Academy of Sciences. After school, the girl entered the Faculty of Interior and Design at the Serov School. In parallel with her studies, she worked part-time at the Leningrad House of Models. Further in the life of Ulyana, a period began, the details of which are shrouded in mystery. It is known for certain that in the late 1980s, Zeitlina flew to Australia, where she remained for 11 long years. But the reasons for the sudden flight from her homeland are not completely clear: she herself says that she went with her husband to visit friends and decided not to return to Russia. Another version is that the girl was hiding from her former lover - a crime boss. Returning to Moscow in 2000, Ulyana became one of the most prominent secular characters in the capital. Tseitlina was the first to risk admitting that her main source of income is the material assistance of wealthy fans, one of whom gave her beloved a house on Rublevka. The name of another former gentleman, who became the father of her son, Ulyana carefully hides from the public. Sometimes a girl still tries to make a living on her own: she was the host of the program "A Trip to Rublyovka" on Muz-TV, wrote a book about how to look good, and her last project was shooting in Dima Bilan's video "Dreamers". 10) Ulyana Sergeenko Who is she: wife of co-owner and general director of Rosgosstrakh Daniil Khachaturov and friend of Ksenia Sobchak. A native of Ust-Kamenogorsk, Ulyana Sergeenko first appeared on the pages of the press as a new companion of the oligarch. Daniil Khachaturov brought out a new passion while still being officially married to his first wife, but soon divorced, despite 15 years of marriage. Sergeenko regularly attended all social events with her husband, and while her husband was busy, in the company of Ksenia Sobchak, Polina Kitsenko and Alena Akhmadullina, she demonstrated outfits from the latest collections, sitting in the front row of fashion shows. It was the friendship with Sobchak, as is often the case in the get-together, that brought Ulyana out of the category of interesting glamorous young ladies with the signature “socialite” into the category of almost independent secular characters. She has yet to get rid of the prefix "socialite" or "companion" altogether - now she solves this issue with the help of her passion for photography. All the representatives of the Russian socialite got into the lens of Ulyana (fortunately, most of them at that time were already her close friends). This year, Ulyana decided to demonstrate to the public another talent of hers and, with the support of Vika Gazinskaya, presented the debut collection of clothes of her own brand Ulyana Sergeenko. 11) Yana Raskovalova Who is she: former model, and now the wife of businessman Vadim Raskovalov and the mother of his two children. Yana Raskovalova went through the usual path for the Russian it-girl - at first she was a model, at one of the events she met her future spouse, thanks to whom she became one of the most mysterious secular lionesses in Moscow. And this is despite the fact that the main and only achievement of the girl in the modeling field is the shooting in the video of her husband's longtime friend Dmitry Malikov “Mine, mine”. In the press, Yana is also called the stylist of Ksenia Sobchak, an art critic and an aspiring designer. It is thanks to, again, a stellar friend that Yana's name often flashes in the columns of the gossip. 12) Varvara Remchukova Who is she: daughter of the editor-in-chief of Nezavisimaya Gazeta, Konstantin Remchukov, a student at MGIMO, spending winter holidays at a ski resort in Aspen. Varvara Remchukova is only 21 years old, and for it-girl she has a surprisingly impeccable reputation: the MGIMO student does not drink or smoke, does not skip classes, behaves decently at parties and fashion shows, and is not noticed in high-profile scandals. Demonstrates adherence to the retro style and has a reputation as a "very good family" girl. The only weakness of a budding it-girl is her love for men much older than her. In 2009, she was regularly seen in the company of Andrei Malakhov, for some time it was even said that the couple had gathered down the aisle, but this, as we know, never happened. In addition, Varya appeared at events arm in arm with Nikolai Uskov, which was also perceived as the participation of a family friend in the socialization of the debutante of the world. The girl sometimes writes articles for L'Officiel and Nezavisimaya Gazeta and is included in all the lists of the country's most enviable brides. 13) Maria Conte Who is she: the wife of the mythical Italian count, the writer and the eternal muse of Igor Chapurin. In all her interviews, socialite Maria Conte proudly declares that she had to work hard from the age of 18, and at 21 she took care of the whole family on her fragile shoulders. After the girl married the Italian Count or Baron De Conte, whom, by the way, no one had ever seen, Maria was able to relieve herself of the burden of responsibility for the material well-being of loved ones. Now the girl does what she likes - she goes to parties and major events. The media persistently write off the absence of the need to work on Conte's romance with Viktor Vekselberg, Chairman of the Board of OJSC Tyumen Oil Company. In her free time, Maria writes: on the account of Conte the writer of the book "Ruble-style troubles" and "When love touches the soul ...", as well as a collection of "SMS-poems". Legend has it that the girl discovered her writing talent in herself when she was waiting for the birth of her daughter. The author of the article: Yulia Gorshkova (website FashionTime.ru)

28 August 2018, 18:13

I saw the following photo on Ksenia S.'s insta today:

If anyone does not understand, in the photo is the son of Ulyana Tseitlina - Savva.

Here she is, by the way, pregnant

In general, Zeitlina was such a sweet flower at one time, men flocked to her like bees to nectar


oh, I was distracted ..

In general, I began to google what is there and how Ulyana is doing in her monks, otherwise she cannot be seen or heard after marriage, and the helpful Internet immediately found this article for me.

I think it will be interesting for you too, I share. I'm not greedy.

Rublevsky pensioners. Where did the socialites of the early 2000s disappear?

Where does the nude model and socialite Olga Rodionova live today, why did Oksana Robski run away from Moscow several years ago and with whom did the main blonde Rublevka Ulyana Tseitlina find her female happiness? We will find out now.

The concept of "socialite" did not appear today or yesterday, but in the early 2000s it acquired a special color. This is exactly what we called women in branded clothes, predominantly pink, in whose silicone breasts an unbridled love for Swarovski crystals and diamonds was languishing at the same time. They languidly talked on their Vertu phones, and did not miss a single party, drove expensive cars around Moscow at night and looked for oligarchs. At least half of the country then dreamed of such an easy and carefree life. And what else was there to dream about, reveling in novels Oksana Robski or looking at the program "Voucher to Rublyovka" with Ulyana Tseitlina? But at some point, most of the "lionesses" got tired of their own popularity and went into the shadows. How do the main heroines of the gossip column of the early 2000s live today?

Oksana Robski

She wrote books, went to parties, was friends (at least pretended to be in front of journalists) with Ksenia Sobchak, Spun novels with the rich and famous, and then suddenly disappeared abruptly from the media for several years. And while everyone was wondering where the main writer of Rublyovka had gone, Tatler magazine tracked down Oksana on the island of Saint Barth.

It turns out that she fled there with her son. Joseph and husband Oleg Gorelyshev.

Oksana and son Joseph

The latter, however, visited his wife's new haven on raids; after all, business in Moscow requires no less attention and care than his beloved wife. The reason for the flight of a society lady was banal and hardly worthy of her own pen - the youngest child developed an allergy. Neither the best metropolitan doctors nor the native walls of the expensive mansion where the family lived could cope with the disease.

In Saint Barthe, this problem was solved by itself in almost a month.

And yet, a year after her voluntary hermitage, Oksana moved to Los Angeles. While Joseph was attending a local school, Robski took up surfing and mastered piloting. It seemed that she would never trade sunny Beverly Hills for gloomy Moscow with its unpredictable climate, but last year the ex-resident of Rublyovka returned to her native land.

By the way, soon a replenishment is expected in the family of the writer - a daughter Dasha is in position.

daughter Dasha

Yes, yes, Robski will become a grandmother and, perhaps, will devote another book to this event, we do not yet know how children are raised on Rublevka.

Olga Rodionova

She was called a woman without complexes and ... principles. This is because not everyone will understand and appreciate the photo of Olga Rodionova in the nude style. But public opinion stopped worrying about this woman exactly at the moment when she decided to release a provocative and very frank photo book with her beloved in all angles - "The Book Of Olga".

For those who have not seen this beauty

It was around this publication that a serious scandal erupted in 2010: at the Silver Galosh Prize, Ksenia Sobchak spoke unpleasantly about what Rodionova was doing.

Historical video, by the way. Look, you won't regret

She did not prove anything to anyone, but simply filed a lawsuit against the TV presenter. And although the law assessed Olga's moral damage at only 20 thousand rubles instead of the required 1 million, on the whole the model was satisfied with the outcome of the case, because personally for her it was “a fundamental fight against rudeness”.

Today she is 44. The last candid pictures she took for the Croatian Playboy six years ago and, it seems, is no longer ready for such experiments, not because her age is not the same, she just has different goals and objectives now. In addition, after a serious accident on the road between Los Angeles and Las Vegas, in which Olga and her entire family almost died, according to the model herself, she became a "different person."

Five years ago, Rodionova moved from the capital to Amsterdam. This decision was given to her easily, without tears and mental anguish, because from childhood she wanted to leave Russia. Having started a new life, Olga also opened a new business - boutiques Vivienne Westwood and "Charm", which had to be closed since the times.

But it is not limited to one country of residence, often shuttling between the Netherlands, Croatia and Dubai, and sometimes other parts of the world.

True, Russia is not on this list.

Olga Rodionova with her daughter

Anastasia Kalmanovich

In the early 2000s, the face of this girl could be seen not only at secular parties, but also in the cinema, until 2009 she continually starred in various films, although she never reached real heights in this field.

The last time Anastasia was actively discussed by the press in connection with the murder of her ex-husband Shabtai Kalmanovich, after which Nastya was almost completely deprived of the opportunity to communicate with their common daughter Danielle.

Alas, the long-term war for the right to return the child has yielded practically no significant results.

Nevertheless, everything turned out well in the actress's personal life: she has been married to a DJ and producer for many years. Fyodor Fomin, and in 2010 she became a mother again, the couple had a son Tikhon.

Nastya and Buzova

Nastya and Monetochka

The family lives in two countries - in Russia and Latvia, and still spends more time in Jurmala.

Uliana Tseitlina

Another legend of secular Moscow and another girlfriend of Ksenia Sobchak, Ulyana Tseitlina, went into the shadows almost immediately after the birth of her only son, Savva.

We remembered her only a few years ago, in 2015, when it became known that the socialite was getting married to Alexey Fedorychev.

The businessman made an offer to Zeitlina during his birthday celebration. The lovers, to the great regret of secular society, did not arrange any magnificent celebrations on this occasion, they simply signed quietly.

However, Zeitlina (now it would be more correct to call her Fedorycheva) still dreams, albeit belatedly, of throwing a holiday in honor of this event.

For the past few years, Ulyana and her husband have been living in Monaco. Parties, provocative outfits and no less provocative statements that now and then flew from her plump lips in the early 2000s, as soon as the journalists approach the blonde, they remained in that past life. And in this one she sits in the evenings on the terrace of her luxurious apartment on Boulevard de Suisse, brings up her son and bakes pies for her beloved spouse.

There is an opinion that socialites become in order to become happy. Who represents this caste in Russia? And did these ladies help their status in acquiring simple female happiness? We'll find out now.

Anastasia Volochkova. A native of St. Petersburg, once the leading ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater. The artist, for whose sake the image of the Sleeping Beauty was specially created in the English National Ballet. Volochkova is notorious for her love affairs and candid photos on the network.

She was married to a businessman, however, only one year.

Anastasia once wanted to become the mayor of Sochi. And now he is working on creating a network of schools for creative development, where they would teach choreography, aesthetics and music.

Yana Rudkovskaya. She is known as the producer of Dima Bilan. Originally from Barnaul. Medical education pushed Yana to start a business in cosmetology immediately after graduation. Rudkovskaya achieved significant success in the business in the city of Sochi. There she also met her second billionaire husband. One of the Italian publications identified Rudkovskaya as the only businesswoman in the South of Russia. But gradually the active woman conquered Moscow as well. Together with the usual cosmetology, she also took up show business, unknown to her earlier. She began to promote the singer Dima Bilan. This project of hers also became successful.

Now Rudkovskaya is married to Evgeny Plushenko, Olympic figure skating champion.

Masha Malinovskaya. TV presenter, model, singer. Masha is notorious for her personal connections with LDPR politicians, including Zhirinovsky. The girl is from Smolensk. Thanks to the bright appearance of wealthy grooms, Masha had enough, but somehow it did not grow together with the wedding. Twice the girl had to have an abortion. But still, in the end, she gave birth to a boy, as it turned out, from a certain Chechen businessman.

Lena Lenina. Russian and French writer, TV presenter, magazine editor. A native of Novosibirsk. For her book "Sexual, or" How to seduce any man "she received a literary anti-award. Many believe that Lenin does not write his novels herself, but uses the labor of "literary slaves". Lena denies this.

Lives in France, but is actively involved in business in Russia. The Lena Lenina Manicure Studio Network operates here. At one time, the scandalous socialite released an album with her erotic photos "Lenin's body lives and wins."

Ekaterina Gordon. Journalist, director, songwriter and performer. Scandals haunt Catherine through life. Her thesis, the short film The Sea Worries Once, was banned from screening as mocking. Although later he was even awarded at the international film festival "New Cinema of the XXI Century".

She received scandalous fame after a quarrel with Ksenia Sobchak on live radio, after which she was fired from the radio station. Even Gordon's personal life was not without scandals. Catherine divorced her second husband, lawyer Zhorin, after he beat her, but after a while the couple got back together.

Gordon's songs become hits (“Take Paradise” by Ani Lorak). She is an active blogger and public figure.

Polina Deripaska. The daughter of a former adviser to Boris Yeltsin. Leads the publishing business. The wife of a domestic businessman. Lives a quiet family life. Raises two children. One of the few socialites who have not been seen in vulgar scandalous stories.

She is a representative of a new wave of elite, a woman who alternately lives in different countries, speaks several languages, works a lot and rests well.

Who is a secular lioness, and how to become one, learned from celebrities Yulia Nalimova:

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