Home Grape What brand of tea to choose. What is the best tea

What brand of tea to choose. What is the best tea

Let's talk about the drink so beloved in our country. Strong, freshly brewed, aromatic, it invigorates as well as coffee. Guess what we're talking about? Of course, about tea. And even though we are far from Chinese, and we don’t devote so much time to the ceremony of drinking this drink, but still ... And what is the best tea? You will not find an answer to this question, because each person has his own taste. Someone likes black, someone - green, and someone generally prefers to use herbal.

What teas are there?

There are more than a hundred types of this product around the world. Teas vary in leaf quality, harvest time, enzyme levels, and aging time. There are types that are very popular in some countries and completely unacceptable in others. In general, people often associate the best tea not even with the variety, but with a certain atmosphere and environment. For example, cooked in nature in a pot over the fire (fragrant, with a smoke) or in a restaurant for a tea ceremony ... Agree, there is a difference.

Therefore, it is somehow more logical to divide it into varieties and talk about which one is the best. dissension, and you will now be convinced of this. So...


Oolong tea is a Chinese variety. It has medium enzyme levels. It has the aroma of fresh green tea, but with a pronounced floral flavor. Depending on the variety, oolong tea can be brewed seven to fifteen times. And every time you will again enjoy its aroma and taste. When brewed, it has a sweet floral aroma and honeyed aftertaste, and can range in color from orange-red to emerald green.

There are more than two hundred and fifty varieties of this tea in the world. They are truly beautiful and worthy of trying them at least once. But among them there is one that has received the most good reviews worldwide. We can probably say that he is the best tea in this category. This is milk oolong. This special variety was bred in Taiwan and called the "golden flower". The technology of its manufacture is rather complicated, but also interesting. The tea bush is pollinated with a sweet solution of sugar cane, poured over with milk, which is why the leaf, when harvested, already has a sweet-milky aroma.

Good green tea

Worldwide, green tea is the most popular of all varieties. There are a huge number of its types and varieties. A distinctive feature is the processing technology that does not subject the raw materials to the fermentation process. Green teas are subdivided according to varieties of production technology, place of growth, quality.

He has miraculous powers. Of course, tea is a good drink that quenches thirst, relieves fatigue, has a thick and rich aroma, and has a wonderful taste. The Chinese are probably the greatest connoisseurs of this drink. And here's what's interesting: their favorite is jasmine green tea. It turns out that the jasmine flavor in the drink is a Chinese invention. This drink is very refreshing and invigorating, gives strength. The aroma of jasmine itself is pure and fresh, it helps to stabilize the energy balance of the body. After using it, there is a feeling of some kind of freshness and lightness, an energetic rise is noticeable.

Best Tea - Puerh

The homeland of Pu'er tea is the village of the same name in the Yunnan province. Several trees grow in this region, which are almost a thousand years old. The best varieties are obtained from leaves plucked from trees, and not from bushes. And the older it is, the more refined the taste of the prepared drink.

A feature of this one is that fermentation is constantly taking place in it. Each year it is aged gives it a new taste and color. Some people like the taste of young Puer, while others like the seasoned one. When brewed, it has a deep red color, persistent rich aroma, long-lasting taste. Puerh is the best tea for true connoisseurs of quality varieties.

How Do I Pick a Good Tea?

How can an inexperienced novice tea drinker choose a good variety? You need to know the characteristic properties of a given product for which it is valued.

The best tea is alpine. Although modern technologies make it possible to grow it anywhere, it is the green variety cultivated in the mountains that is considered the most delicious. After all, it is there that nature created ideal conditions for plants.

In Japan, due to the lack of land, alpine varieties are grown very little. The best is Chinese tea, and Taiwanese is also good.

The next advantage of such a product is its price. Remember that alpine varieties are quite expensive. In the country of growth, the minimum price is two hundred and twenty dollars per kilogram. And rare and unique varieties generally have a colossal price.

The most important feature of any tea is its freshness. If it is stored for a long time, it loses its properties (except for some expensive varieties).

A very good tea should have a uniform color, but if there are green or whitish leaves in it, then this indicates that this is a mixture from different crops. And this is unacceptable.

In general, the correct tea is the one that is sealed with you in the package. Packaged in a factory, it will likely last for years. Of course, modern packaging will not allow it to lose all its properties, but still it will not be fresh anymore.

In order to store good tea, it is better to use a porcelain container. After sprinkling some leaves, close the container tightly with a lid. After all, tea very quickly absorbs foreign odors. And contact with air is harmful to him. In a porcelain box, raw materials can be stored both in the refrigerator and in room conditions.

Instead of an afterword

In general, the best tea is the one that suits your taste. This drink is unique in its properties. In addition to being soothing and relaxing, it also has a positive effect on vision. A vitamin such as B2 protects the skin from flaking and dryness, and strengthens blood vessels, thereby supporting the work of the cardiovascular system. Tea lowers cholesterol and helps break down fats. For a long time, you can enumerate the advantages of this drink. Therefore, if you have not been fond of tea drinking before, we advise you to reconsider your attitude towards it. Perhaps you just haven't found your strain yet that will captivate you with its taste and aroma.

Black, green, white - we explain why it's time to switch to tea and which tea is healthier. By the way, they haven't forgotten about milk oolong either!

Many drinks are now called tea, but true lovers consider only black, green, white, oolong and pu-erh to be real teas. Derived from the leaves of Chinese camellia, these teas are rich in special antioxidants called flavonoids.

Natalia Vyaznikova

physician, specialist in wellness programs and healthy eating, certified titester

All types of tea are made from the tea bush (in China) or the tea tree (India, Ceylon), although it is also produced in other countries - Kenya, Japan, Vietnam, Nepal.

Each type of tea has its own characteristics of the effect on the body. The beneficial properties of tea depend on the growing conditions of the tea bush and the method of processing the tea leaf. Tea leaves are known to contain theine, or tea caffeine. It has a tonic effect on the body, increases blood pressure, but more mildly than caffeine in coffee. This is because theine is bound in the beverage, unlike coffee caffeine. Therefore, tea acts softer and longer than coffee.

What determines the concentration of tea caffeine in tea? The smaller and "younger" the leaf, the more caffeine it contains. This means that tea with tips - tea buds - is the richest in caffeine, as well as alpine tea (temperature drops affect the caffeine content in tea leaves, and this leaf grows more slowly in the mountains). The more sunlight, the more caffeine in the tea. Consequently, teas from northern countries have less caffeine.

Green tea

The taste of green tea is milder than that of black tea - the leaves are dried and processed almost immediately after harvest, and this stops the fermentation process.

Why is it useful: Green tea contains epigallocatechin gallate, a compound that can prevent many diseases, including some types of cancer and heart disease. Just one cup of green tea a day can reduce the risk of heart disease by 10%.

Inessa Shkurina

tea master

Up to 500 useful substances and compounds are found in tea, and in the huge palette that exists on the market, you can always find what you like according to the degree of fermentation. Of course, green tea is healthier, it retains more nutrients if it is brewed correctly. But this type of tea may not suit someone.

There are very simple requirements for tea. If it is green tea, then the water temperature should be between 60 and 80 degrees; you do not need to insist for a long time, literally two minutes. Good green teas brew very quickly. The temperature regime is a prerequisite: green tea is not brewed with boiling water, because it immediately kills nutrients, and the burnt leaves can taste bitter. Many therefore do not like green tea: they pour in a lot, hold it for ten minutes, and then say that it is disgusting.

Black tea

Black tea is made from fermented leaves and forms the base of most flavored teas.

Why is it useful: Black tea protects the lungs from exposure to tobacco smoke, lowers cholesterol levels and, if drunk several cups a day, reduces the risk of stroke.

Inessa Shkurina

tea master

Black tea is more fermented, "tolerates" a temperature of 90 degrees. It is important to select good water, and it is better to buy tea in specialized stores, because there are enough of them. If you buy tea bags in supermarkets (people appreciate it, tea bags are quick), you need to look at the collection time at the package, because when tea is transported in bags, it loses its aroma and properties, and if it is packed on the spot, the freshness lasts longer ... And it is better, of course, to choose vacuum packaging.

White tea

Young leaves of white tea are the least processed, so its taste is the mildest, and the beneficial properties of tea are better preserved.

Why is it useful: White tea differs from other types in that it can improve glucose tolerance and lower cholesterol levels.

Oolong tea combines the qualities of black and green tea: it is fermented only half - the edges of the leaves and part of their surface.

Why is it useful: The enzymes of this tea are able to dissolve dietary fats that are stored in adipose tissues, so eating oolong helps to lose excess weight - of course, if you also drink a sufficient amount of plain water.

Having appeared in America at the beginning of the last century, tea bags quickly spread among consumers in almost all countries of the world. It is impossible to say unequivocally which tea bags are better or worse, everyone has their own taste needs, but you can systematize the basic rules of how to choose good quality tea.

Like any product, packaged tea has its own.


  • Doesn't require a teapot. It can be poured directly into the cup with water.
  • No tea leaves or leaves in a glass or shell.
  • Optimal dosage. One sachet is enough to prepare a drink with a rich color and flavor.
  • Fast brewing due to the use of chopped leaves.
  • Convenience of transportation.
  • If people gathered around the table prefer tea with different tastes, tea bags provide an opportunity to meet the individual needs of everyone.


  • Higher cost compared to an identical loose version of the same brand.
  • The bags are breathable. Because of this, over time, the raw material loses its original smell and taste.
  • Possible presence of artificial additives and admixtures of plant debris. They can be toxic and cause various diseases, including cancer.
  • Shredded leaves tend to oxidize quickly.
  • Cheap products of unknown brands are often characterized by a high content of fluorine. Regular use of it can lead to darkening of tooth enamel and fragility of bones.

Varieties of packaging

One of the indicators of the quality of tea is the container in which it is packaged. Let's dwell on its main distinctive features.

Tea bags are made from various materials:

  • corn starch;
  • artificial silk;
  • nylon;
  • paper.

Paper packaging is considered unsuccessful, since it not only does not allow water to pass through well, but can also change the taste of the drink for the worse. In addition, synthetic resin, which is dissolved in alcohol or acetone, gives the paper strength. As a rule, tea of ​​not the best quality is placed in such a container.

There are also different forms of sachets:

  • round;
  • rectangular;
  • pyramid.

The quality of brewing depends on the form of packaging. In pyramids with a large volume, the leaves move freely. At the same time, their aroma and taste are revealed to the maximum. I must say that only in the pyramids tea of ​​breeding varieties is sold.

The bags also differ in the way of fastening the thread.

  • The best taste can be obtained from the packaging with the sewn-on thread.
  • If the thread is fastened with a metal bracket, then, oxidizing, it will spoil the pleasure of the drink.
  • The glue fixing, dissolving in hot water, enters the body, which may not have the best effect on health.

Packing content

The quality of the drink depends on what kind of raw materials were put in the package. It can be of three types.

  1. Good quality whole leaves are the best option. They are used by manufacturers of well-known brands.
  2. A specially crushed raw material called "fannings".
  3. Tea dust. She practically lacks her own taste and smell. It is to this "tea" that various flavor enhancers and dyes are added, as well as chopped herbs and leaves of various plants.

Important indicators

When choosing tea, you should pay attention to a number of factors that clearly indicate its quality.

  1. See how the box is packed. It should have a tightly sealed transparent film.
  2. Having opened the packaging, find out what material the bags are made of.
  3. Partially remove the bags from the box and inspect the bottom. If it is abundantly covered with tea dust, it is unlikely to make a tasty drink from such a product.
  4. Expensive tea bags should be individually wrapped in food foil. It protects the contents from moisture, drying out and sunlight.
  5. Pay attention to the way the thread is attached.
  6. Read the composition. If among the components there are flavors "identical to natural", it is better to refrain from buying.

How to determine the quality of tea

Tea lovers will certainly want to enjoy a drink made from a natural and fresh product. But, unfortunately, a high price is not always a guarantee of quality. Often, even expensive tea bags contain artificial additives (flavors and colors), and may not be the first freshness.

To make sure that the purchased tea is natural, you need to conduct a simple experiment.

To test black tea:

Place the bag in a glass and fill it with cold water. Let the tea brew for two hours. Evaluate the quality of the resulting infusion:

  • If the water remains clear or only slightly colored, then a good product was purchased.
  • If you get a strong drink with a rich color, in addition to tea, there are dyes and additives in the bag that can have a bad effect on health.

To test green tea:

Place the bag in a glass-walled cup and pour over hot, but not boiling water. After 10 minutes evaluate the received drink:

  • A transparent infusion of a beautiful shade is an indicator of natural raw materials.
  • Cloudiness and faded color indicate that the purchased product is of poor quality. Dip a slice of lemon into a glass and in a few minutes look at the color of the tea:
  • If the infusion has become lighter, it is made from natural leaves.
  • If the color has not changed, the packaging contains dyes.

First of all, foam is an indicator of the freshness of tea. If it appeared on the surface after adding water to a cup, then the raw material was collected recently. The absence of foam indicates that at least 2 years have passed since the collection of the leaves.

In addition, after drinking tea, you should pay attention to the walls of the cup. If a brown coating remains on them, then the selected product is not of the best quality or expired.

To make tea drinking as useful as possible, you should follow a few simple rules:

  • Pregnant women and people with serious medical conditions should not brew more than three tea bags a day. Healthy people can increase this amount to 5, but no more.
  • In no case should you pour boiling water into a plastic glass. Under the influence of hot water, it begins to melt, and a lot of harmful substances are released from it.
  • Use each package only once. The re-brewed beverage will have no taste. In addition, toxic substances can be released from it.
  • Drink the contents of the cup within half an hour after preparation. After this time, most of the nutrients disappear.
  • After drinking tea, if possible, you should brush your teeth to avoid dark plaque on the enamel.
  • Do not drink tea bags on an empty stomach. This can be fraught with stomach diseases.
  • Select only verified brands.

Adhering to these recommendations, you can easily choose high-quality delicious aromatic tea bags. The main thing is to buy tea in specialized stores or supermarkets, in places where product quality control is carried out and the correct storage conditions are provided.

So what is the tastiest tea? You can read more about brands and recommendations.

photo: depositphotos.com/johnkwan, svetas, amenic181

Tea is considered one of the most consumed drinks, so beloved among adults and children. It has a positive effect on the body, allowing you to eliminate excess weight. In addition, the drink rejuvenates. It can be consumed hot and cold. What is the tastiest tea? This is described in the article.

The benefits of tea

The drink allows you to eliminate fatigue, activate metabolism, normalize cardiac activity, and heal blood vessels. Tea contains valuable trace elements, which are very scarce in other products. These include: copper, fluorine, manganese.

The product slows down the development of malignant tumors, reduces the risk of cell degeneration into cancerous ones. Tea slows down aging due to its anti-aging effect. Tea contains tannin, which eliminates bacteria, which protects against stomatitis, sore throat, enteritis and other intestinal infections.

Drinking the drink allows you to lose weight, improve the appearance of your skin. Tea inhibits the formation of fatty deposits inside the blood vessels, therefore, the risk of sclerosis and hypertension of cerebral blood clots decreases. It is used to prevent cataracts.

Brewing rules

Even the most delicious and healthy tea must be brewed correctly. To do this, you need to take into account the following nuances:

  1. Fresh water of the first boil is needed, it is desirable that it be filtered.
  2. The brewing container must be heated with boiling water.
  3. Tea is brewed many times.
  4. After the next pouring of hot water, almost immediately the drink is poured into cups.
  5. After draining the tea leaf, leave it in the teapot without water, so that there is no over-brewing.
  6. The drink should be consumed not cooled down.
  7. Tea will be useful only if all of the above rules are followed.

It is even more convenient to brew tea bags. It is produced by many manufacturers. Pour boiling water over the bag and let it brew for 3-5 minutes. After that, the drink is ready to drink.


You need to wash the kettle and dry it in advance. Then the dishes are filled with fresh water and boiled over low heat. When small bubbles with slight turbidity appear, remove the kettle from the heat and wait for it to cool down to 80-85 degrees.

The teapot must be rinsed 3-4 times with boiled water. Then dry tea is added to it: 1 tsp. for 1 cup of water and 1 for a kettle. This drink will have a medium strength. Let the tea swell for a few seconds.

Pour 2/3 or half of the water into the teapot. It is closed with a lid and a napkin. Leaf teas are usually infused for more than 5 minutes, black teas - for more than 4. In the middle of brewing, you need to add water to leave a little space.

And at the end you need to add water to the top. Then the brewing will be slow. The foam formed during infusion is considered a sign of correct brewing. It needs to be stirred in a teapot. The result is a delicious, aromatic drink. Brewing may differ depending on the type of tea. And which variety to choose is described below.


This drink is considered the most consumed. It may or may not contain additives. The peculiarity of the product is the method of its production: black tea is oxidized. The whole process can take about a month. When dry, the leaves are black or dark brown. When it is brewed, the hue changes to orange or burgundy.

The astringent taste of the tea makes for a pleasant drink. It is consumed with sugar, without it, with milk, with cream or lemon. The cost of some varieties can reach many thousands of rubles per 1 kg. The price is determined by the location of the plantations and their number in the world. The stores have both elite varieties and affordable ones.

Best black tea

What is the tastiest black tea? Connoisseurs know that it is better to choose the sheet version. If you brew it in a ceramic teapot, you will be able to experience many flavors. What is the tastiest black tea? Now products of the following manufacturers are in demand:

  1. Orimi Trade. In stores you can find such names as Greenfield and Tess, as well as Nuri and Kandy.
  2. Unilever. Brooke Bond, Lipton and Beseda teas are famous for their quality.
  3. May company. Consumers are in demand for Curtis, Lisma and Maisky tea.

These types of drinks are considered delicious in the mid to low price bracket. Fans of elite flavors buy tea by weight in small tea shops.

Leaf varieties

What is the tastiest loose leaf tea? Many people prefer to choose this particular type of product. It has a rich taste and original aroma. The 5 best varieties include:

  1. Ahmad Ceylon Tea - Ceylon tea harvested in the highlands. The drink is of excellent quality, deep taste and strong brew.
  2. Greenfield Flying Dragon is a green tea with a soft, tart taste, light infusion, delicate aroma.
  3. Dilmah Ceylon is a strong black tea that gives energy.
  4. Ahmad Green Tea is the highest quality green tea.
  5. Brooke Bond is a strong black tea.

These products are considered the leading ones in the world, they are in demand among buyers. The reputation of the growers provides a guarantee for the correct collection and processing of the leaves.


This is the one that people all over the world love. Compared to the black species, it does not completely oxidize. Fresh leaves are laid out in an open place so that they wither a little. Then they are dried and rolled.

The benefits of the drink are associated with the presence of vitamins B, PP and C. With it, the mood rises, polluting metals are removed, bacteria are eliminated. For proper brewing, tea leaves are poured into a cup and poured with hot (up to 90 degrees) water. Infusion is performed for no more than 5 minutes.

The color of the drink turns out to be light, yellowish-green. Interesting aroma, soft taste of tea makes it one of the favorites. It is usually consumed without sugar. What is the tastiest green tea? The Japanese type of Tea Forte is in demand in the world. The cost of the product can be 360 ​​thousand rubles. The drink is known for its attractive taste. Its secret is the processing feature: the leaves are not fried, but dried and curled into cobwebs.


Good tea is also grown in this country. China is considered to be a supplier of green varieties. It has various types. In Russia, the most popular is pu-erh, which came from the Chinese hinterland. Due to a certain fermentation and storage characteristics, the tea acquires an original aroma and taste. The storage time allows you to get an expressive drink.

The method of making tea is complex. The leaves are treated with a special solution. Then they are fermented by certain bacteria, placed in pits for several years, and then pressed. Chinese tea gives energy, so it can be used instead of coffee. In addition, it not only improves performance, but also improves health, lowers blood pressure and eliminates toxins.

The brewing is also unusual. For this, a porcelain, glass or ceramic container is used. If the latter is chosen, then, in addition to tea, you do not need to brew anything in it, since clay is capable of absorbing odors.

You will need a briquette of tea, from which you need to take a small piece and place it in a teapot. The water should be hot - up to 90 degrees. For the first time, the infusion lasts half a minute, then you must immediately drain. The infusion acquires a red hue and an original taste.

Best tea from China

What is the tastiest Chinese tea? The best types include:

  1. "An-Si" (white) - over 9 million rubles per 1 kg. The product is highly appreciated by amateurs for its original taste and aroma. The drink turns out to be refreshing, with a light citrus tinge. Tea is collected from young buds and top leaves.
  2. "Baycha" (white) - about 70 thousand rubles. Made from a rare tea tree native to Anji. Only blooming leaves are used. The drink is fresh and the taste is pleasant.
  3. "Da Hong Pao" - costs about 40 million rubles per 1 kg. You can buy it only at the auction. The raw materials for such a drink are growing near the Tianxin monastery.
  4. "Tai Shi U-long" (green) - about 14 million rubles. When brewed, you get a juicy color and a bitter-tart taste. The drink tones and refreshes, with it the mood turns out to be excellent.
  5. "Te Guanin" - about 98 thousand rubles. Tea is known for stimulating the production of endorphins and fat burning effects.
  6. "Jun-Shan Yin-Zhen" - about 460 thousand rubles per 1 kg. The drink has an original aroma with hints of apricot and prune. The infusion turns out to be golden.


To find out what is the most delicious tea in the world, you should know not only about its properties, but also about the country of origin. It is advisable to buy goods from:

  1. India.
  2. China.
  3. Sri Lanka.
  4. Taiwan.
  5. Japan.
  6. Kenya.
  7. Indonesia.

Each country has its own tea drinking culture. A cup of the drink can not only quench your thirst, but also enjoy its pleasant aroma. Tea can not only warm, but also improve mood, give vitality.

In the Soviet past, domestic shelves were surprised by the monotony of the goods presented, and tea was no exception. Each family purchased a black long-sleeve shirt with an Indian elephant on the package as standard.

Whether it is now. Black tea alone, and this type is preferred by 90% of the population of Russia, is produced in an unthinkable number of names. And in the varieties of tea with additives, you can get confused at all.

To avoid disappointment in the future, we decided to test 11 types of black tea, for which we purchased a drink in the capital's supermarkets and sent it for examination to the testing center of NPO Impulse LLC.

Our reference Traditional tea-producing countries are Sri Lanka, India, China and Japan. Exactly one third of Russian tea imports come from Sri Lanka, followed by India (25.2%), China and Kenya provide about 9% each, and Vietnam closes the top five - about 8%.

The technology of collecting and drying tea is complex, time consuming and requires true skill. Therefore, manual labor is still used in this area with might and main: only tender young leaves are torn from the branches.

During processing, water is removed from the tea leaf, the content of which is reduced to 3-7%. In addition to drying, the raw material undergoes fermentation; after its full cycle, the tea leaves acquire the black color familiar to most people. However, the process can be stopped at various stages and you can get green, white and even blue tea.

Tea infusion contains three types of alkaloids: caffeine, theobromine and theophylline. Most of all in the drink is caffeine, it is in the tea leaf in combination with other substances and it is often called theine. Having a milder effect on the body than caffeine, theine tones up well, increases physical activity, mental and physical performance, and has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.

Tea is converted into an irreplaceable dietary product by polyphenols, which include more than 30 substances, in particular tannins. They create the effect of astringency, due to which the tea infusion stimulates the activity of the salivary glands and quenches thirst well.

Most of all tannins are in green teas. Moreover, the higher the grade of tea, the higher the content of tannins in it. These polyphenols dissolve well in hot water, so when the strong brew is cooled, they precipitate and the drink becomes cloudy. If it is heated again, the transparency will return. If this is not observed, then the tea is of poor quality.

The aroma of tea is determined by the composition and concentration of aromatic substances in freshly harvested raw materials and depends on the harvest season, the breed of the tea bush, the degree of maturity of the leaves, and the region of growth. There are more aromatic substances in spring tea than in summer and autumn tea, in young tea it is more than in mature tea.

In each locality, tea has its own special aromatic palette. Of the samples we purchased, only three were packaged at the place of growth of raw materials - in Sri Lanka: Ahmad Tea OP, Dilmah and Nuwara Eliya Mlesna. Twinings English Breakfast Tea is packaged in Poland, the rest - in Russia: these are Greenfield Magic Yunnan, Riston, Lipton, Brooke Bond, Akbar, Matre de The Noir "Ceylon with tips" and "Crown of the Russian Empire".

All samples are produced in accordance with the manufacturers' own specifications. The mold content in all samples turned out to be significantly lower than the permissible level, and no metal-magnetic impurities were found at all.

Physicochemical indicators were also in order: the amount of water-soluble extractive substances, the mass fraction of moisture and total ash in all samples corresponds to GOST. The first indicator shows the freshness of the tea. This means that in those cases when tea was packaged far from plantations, the raw materials did not stale and did not lose valuable properties.

The results of the tasting turned out to be more curious. According to experts, Twinings English Breakfast Tea, declared by the manufacturer as the highest grade tea, in fact, is not such and is only up to the first. Brooke Bond has a similar problem.

Ahmad Tea OP also overestimated himself: judging by its appearance, it is not a large leaf, but a medium leaf tea, although in taste and aroma it corresponds to the highest grade.

Greenfield Magic Yunnan pretended to be the first: the “bouquet” variety is indicated on the box - the best according to the Russian classification. However, the number of tips was not enough to qualify for this title, and therefore the tasters attributed it to the highest grade.

But Matre de The Noir "Ceylon with Tips", on the contrary, was modest: experts believe that it belongs to the "bouquet" variety, although the highest is stated on the box.

On the whole, testing has shown that tea producers on the Russian market can be trusted. You just need to be able to choose a quality product.

Always pay attention to the information on the packaging, the more, the better. Ideally, the region where the tea is harvested should be indicated.

The second indicator is the quality of the packaging: the better the sealing, the higher the likelihood that the contents will not lose quality.

Expensive teas should be kept in the refrigerator in a hermetically sealed ceramic jar.

What the letters say

OP (ORANGE PEKOE) Tea in this class contains only whole curled leaves, usually young. This is the "royal" tea (orange is nothing more than the Orange Royal Dynasty of the Netherlands, the country - the largest supplier of tea in the 16th century). Regular ORANGE PEKOE does not contain tips, however, there are varieties with the addition of buds.

BP (BROKEN PEKOE) Tea made from broken or cut leaves, which are waste from the production of whole leaf tea or are specially ground. Such a mixture is brewed faster and infused stronger, but at the same time subtle shades of taste and aroma are lost.

P (PEKOE) Badly rolled, coarse, stiff sheet.

CTC (CUT, TEAR AND CURL) Granulated tea. The leaves are passed through rotating, fine-toothed rollers that cut and twist them. Tea brews stronger and has a brighter color, but less rich aroma.

F (FANNINGS) Seeding, small particles of tea (used for tea bags).

D (DUST) Crumbs, the smallest particles of tea (used for tea bags).

Tasting results

Ceylon black large-leaf tea "Dilmah" (THE SINGLE ORIGIN TEA 100% PURE CEYLON)

Highest grade

Appearance: especially large-leaved, twisted, heterogeneous, with a small amount of open and rough leaves, a broken leaf and a small number of petioles.


Aroma: quite pronounced

Taste: tart, rough, bitter

Score: 4.25

Corresponds to the highest grade

Long leaf black tea Ceylon large-leaf "AKBAR" / "AKBAR"

Highest grade

Infusion: above average, transparent

Aroma: pronounced, pleasant enough

Taste: rather tart, with a bitter aftertaste

Broiled sheet color: copper brown

Score: 4.25

Corresponds to the highest grade

Long leaf black tea Ceylon large-leaf "CROWN OF THE RUSSIAN EMPIRE" so-called. "MAY"

Highest grade

Appearance: especially large-leaved, twisted, with a small amount of coarse leaves and a small number of petioles.

Infusion: above average, transparent

Aroma: quite pronounced

Taste: rather tart, bitter, rough

Broiled sheet color: copper brown

Score: 4.25

Corresponds to the highest grade

Ceylon black leaf tea O.P. "AHMAD TEA"

Appearance: medium-leaf (VOR), rather uniform, twisted, with petioles.

Infusion: medium, bright, transparent

Aroma: pronounced

Taste: tart, astringent, with pronounced bitterness

Point score: 4.5

Corresponds to the highest grade in taste and aroma and does not correspond to the appearance (harvesting) declared on the label

Brooke Bond black loose leaf tea

Highest grade

Appearance: heterogeneous, small-leaved, with open plates of tea, petioles and fibers.

Infusion: medium, clear

Aroma: quite pronounced

Taste: medium astringency

Broiled sheet color: copper brown

Score: 3.75

Corresponds to the first grade

Black long leaf tea "LIPTON YELLOW LABEL TEA"

Highest grade

Appearance: fairly uniform, medium leaf

Infusion: medium, bright, transparent

Aroma: quite pronounced

Taste: tart, astringent

Bonded sheet color: copper

Score: 4.25

Corresponds to the highest grade

Ceylon black large-leaf tea, standard O.R. "RISTON CEYLON PREMIUM"

Appearance: very large-leaf, uniform, even, well-curled

Aroma: pronounced, pleasant

Taste: tart, full of astringent, with a harmonious bitterness

Broiled sheet color: copper brown

Point score: 5

Corresponds to the highest grade

Ceylon black leaf tea "Matre de The Noir" Ceylon with tips "

Highest grade

Appearance: large-leaved, even, well-curled, with a small amount of silver tips

Infusion: medium, bright, transparent, with a reddish tint

Aroma: pronounced, pleasant, with a light floral note

Taste: tart, full, astringent, with a harmonious bitterness

Broiled sheet color: copper brown

Point score: 5, 25

Corresponds to the "Bouquet" variety

Ceylon black tea, medium-leaf "NUWARA ELIYA Mlesna" / "Nuwara Elia Mlesna"

Highest grade

Appearance: mixed: medium-leaved with large-leaved, well twisted

Infusion: medium, bright, transparent, with a reddish tint

Aroma: pronounced, pleasant

Taste: tart, astringent, with a harmonious bitterness

Bonded sheet color: copper

Score: 4.75

Corresponds to the highest grade

Long leaf black tea tm. "Greenfield" Magic Yunnan

Variety Bouquet

Appearance: large-leaved, well-rolled, even, with a small amount of golden tips

Infusion: above average, transparent

Aroma: pronounced, pleasant, with a light note of dried fruits

Taste: rather tart, soft, with a dried fruit flavor

Bonded sheet color: copper

Point score: 4.5

Corresponds to the highest grade

Long leaf black tea tm. "TWININGS" "ENGLISH BREAKFAST TEA" / "English tea for breakfast"

Highest grade

Appearance: heterogeneous, small-leaved, with open plates of tea, petioles, fibers and fines

Infusion: medium, clear

Aroma: quite pronounced

Taste: medium astringency

Bonded sheet color: copper

Point score: 3.5

Corresponds to the first grade

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