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Many people mistakenly consider pastila to be an oriental sweetness, a close relative of Turkish delight. In fact, marshmallow is a primordially Russian dessert. The city of Kolomna is considered his homeland, where even during the time of Ivan the Terrible they learned to cook aromatic sweetness from apples.

Real marshmallow, as they say in Kolomna, can only be tasted in their city. A museum dedicated to the national sweetness “Kolomenskaya marshmallow” has been created here, where you can learn everything about the history of the creation of the dessert, taste different varieties and even watch how real marshmallow is prepared.

The main ingredient for making marshmallows is apples. In Kolomna, they assure that sour apples with a pronounced sourness are ideal for this - Antonovka. And they will even show a garden with such apple trees. In addition to applesauce, honey, egg white and the pulp of various berries are added to the marshmallow. There are varieties of marshmallow, where nuts, raisins or dried fruits are added.

Kolomna marshmallow five centuries ago was made from Antonovka, apples were simmered in the oven for long hours so that they turned into a homogeneous mass. The apple mass was ground in mashed potatoes, molasses and honey were added. Then they spread canvas towels on the table and spread the applesauce and molasses mixture. And they put it out in the sun so that the marshmallow dries up. Then a thin layer of marshmallow was removed from the towel and rolled into a roll. Such marshmallow could be stored until the next harvest without any refrigerators.

The very name "marshmallow" came, as they say in Kolomna, from the verb "to lay". There is another opinion: "marshmallow" is a derivative of the word "pasta".

Modern marshmallow

Modern technologies for making marshmallows are very different from the original, developed five centuries ago. Depending on the manufacturing method, there are three types of pastilles: custard, glue and glueless.

Glue marshmallow is considered the most useful, it has a low calorie content and it contains only natural ingredients. It was called glue for its consistency, dense and viscous. This marshmallow is prepared with the addition of pectin or agar-agar. Pectins are a natural polysaccharide that is usually obtained from apples. The source of pectins in the production of marshmallows is also sugar beets and watermelons.

Agar-agar is also a natural polysaccharide that is obtained from seaweed. The high content of natural components in the glue paste makes it a useful product, which is readily recommended by nutritionists.

Glueless pastille, in addition to applesauce, contains sugar and egg whites. Such a candy is obtained airy due to the introduction of whipped proteins and has a sweet and sour taste. However, it is high in calories.

However, the most high-calorie is custard marshmallow. It is made by steeping apples with sugar. It has a viscous consistency and is sweet. This method of making marshmallows is considered the most inexpensive, and therefore popular with manufacturers. Most types of marshmallow sold in stores are made using this technology.

The composition of the marshmallow

The composition of the marshmallow depends on the technology and manufacturer. But apples continue to be the main component. In addition to applesauce, the composition may include fruit puree, agar-agar, sugar, molasses, egg whites. Also, the production standards allow the addition of flour, sugar, flavorings, dyes and other equally "useful" additives.

The calorie content of marshmallow depends on the composition and can reach 320 kilocalories per 100 grams. As for the nutritional value, the marshmallow does not contain fats (with the exception of those varieties where nuts were added), an insignificant content of proteins, and carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are presented in the form of mono - and disaccharides, as well as starch and dietary fiber (pectins).

The composition of the marshmallow includes organic acids (mainly citric and malic) and other biologically active substances. Of the vitamins, it should be noted the high content of B vitamins, in particular riboflavin, and vitamin PP. As for minerals, pastille is rich in potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron.

The benefits of marshmallow

The main advantage of marshmallow is a healthy alternative to sweets and desserts, which contain many so-called empty calories, when sweetness does not bring anything but sweetness to the body. Pastila is a healthy sweetness. Pastila is distinguished by a high content of pectins. These soluble dietary fibers have a high ability to absorb harmful compounds, waste products and toxins in the intestines. Pectins help to naturally cleanse the body of all unnecessary things.

Pectins have a beneficial effect on the body. Pectins are recommended to be eaten with a decrease in immunity, to restore normal intestinal microflora.

They help cleanse blood vessels of cholesterol plaques by lowering the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. Healthy vessels are the key to the normal functioning of the entire cardiovascular system, prevention of the development of heart attack and stroke.

The starch, which is part of the marshmallow, protects the mucous membranes from the effects of acids, prevents the development of gastritis. The pastila contains agar-agar, a derivative of seaweed. Once in the stomach, agar-agar lowers the acidity level. Moving further along the digestive tract, the components of agar-agar lower blood cholesterol levels, triglycerides, and help lower blood sugar levels. In the intestine, agar-agar swells and improves its peristalsis, stimulating the processes of evacuation of the contents. Agar-agar is a natural prebiotic and helps to restore healthy microflora in the intestines, which is very useful in the prevention of dysbiosis.

Apples, which are the basis for marshmallow, are considered to be a source of iron in the body. Many doctors believe that apples also help improve thyroid function. And in combination with other minerals that make up apples, marshmallow becomes useful for many systems and functions of the body.

So, a high potassium content in marshmallow will benefit the heart muscle, the walls of the blood vessels and the entire muscular system. Phosphorus is another mineral that the cardiovascular system will accept with favor. Zinc, which is rich in marshmallow, will help men in their delicate problem. Zinc is also responsible for the work of the sebaceous glands; with a deficiency of zinc, seborrhea can occur, in advanced cases leading to baldness.

Harm of marshmallows

Generally speaking, any food product, even the most useful one, can be harmful to health if consumed excessively. In the case of marshmallow, one should remember about its rather high calorie content. And, what is extremely important, you should carefully study the composition of the product, which is sold in stores under the name "marshmallow".

Varieties that contain dyes, flavors and other chemical additives can cause an allergic reaction.

Pastila at home

Pastila can be made at home - this sweetness will be safe and healthy.

Wash 3 kg of sour apples, peel and core, cut into large pieces. It is better to boil apples in a dish with a thick bottom, for example, in a cast-iron cauldron. Pour a little water into the bottom of a thick-bottomed saucepan or cauldron, about the thickness of a finger. Add chopped apples, bring to a boil and simmer, covered, until apples are smooth. For dense apples just plucked from a branch, the cooking time can be more than two hours, soft apples will boil in an hour.

Drain the mixture. You can drink this juice, or you can roll it up, in the future it will have to be diluted with water. And rub the boiled apples through a sieve. Cover a large cutting board with parchment paper for baking, spread the apple mass in a thin layer - the thinner, the faster the marshmallow "ripens". The paper must be pre-secured so that it does not move along the board with the apple mass.

One board may not be enough for this amount of puree, so you should prepare several boards of parchment paper. These boards are exposed to the sun to dry. Since the process of "ripening" of a half-centimeter thick pastille lasts about three days, the boards are brought into the room at night. When the candy is dry, it is carefully removed with a plate and turned over to the other side for a few more hours. Only completely dried pastille is considered ready.

The plate is cut into pieces, put in jars. This candy can be eaten even by those who suffer from type 2 diabetes.

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Pastila is a delicious dessert. Many people believe that she is related to Turkish delight. In fact, the marshmallow is of Russian origin. They began to cook it from apples in the 14th century in Kolomna. A museum dedicated to the ancient dessert was opened in the city. What is the composition of the marshmallow?

The origin of the marshmallow

The delicacy in Russia was originally prepared from jam, which was cooked for a long time. It was not only apple, but also rowan and currant.

The marshmallow got its special name as follows. A thick mass of jam with honey was applied to special canvases. They were made of canvas fabric, which was inserted into a special frame. Then all this was placed in the oven and a marshmallow was obtained. The name corresponds to the name of the dessert that is "lined".

Modern marshmallow

What is the marshmallow made of and what is the composition of the treat? The technologies used in its manufacture today are much different from those used to create a classic product. Depending on the method of production, they are distinguished: custard, glueless and glue pastilles. They all have some differences.

The most useful is glue paste. It contains natural ingredients and is low in calories. It was named glue for its dense and viscous structure. Pectin or agar-agar is added to it. In the first case, the source of the thickener is a natural polysaccharide obtained from apples. Agar-agar is a natural product made from seaweed. The increased content of useful substances in the glue paste makes it available for use in dietary nutrition.

The non-glue variety of the product, in addition to applesauce, includes sugar and beaten egg whites. Thanks to this, the pastille becomes airy and gets a sweet and sour taste.

The most nutritious delicacy is prepared by the brewing method. The pastille is obtained by boiling apples and sugar. This method is the most inexpensive and popular with the manufacturer. Most of the marshmallows sold in the store are made using this technology.

Pastila "Charlize"

What is the composition of "Charlize" marshmallow? Dessert with pieces of marmalade is a delicacy with an indescribable taste and aroma. It is made by roasting applesauce with sugar. Additionally, small pieces of marmalade are added to this mass. The consistency of the marshmallow is soft and airy.

Its calorie content is 312 kcal per 100 g of product.

Pastila "Charlize" contains many useful substances, such as iron. Eating foods containing this macronutrient helps to normalize the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. The constant use of foods with iron contributes to the establishment of hematopoiesis processes and increases the level of hemoglobin.

Vitamin B is also present in a large amount of pastille.

Old recipes and new technologies

Modern producers of various delicacies add something special to the old recipes.

The company "Beleevskie Sweets" produces marshmallows according to the old technology. It is made by hand based on age-old recipes.

What is the composition and calorie content of Belevskaya marshmallow? Egg white, granulated sugar and applesauce are used for its preparation. The calorie content of marshmallow is 270 kcal per 100 g of product. When replacing sugar with fructose, it will drop to 210 kcal.

The ingredients of the treats largely depend on the manufacturer and the technological process. Apples remain the basis of the marshmallow. In addition to them, the composition may contain: aga-agar, molasses, sugar and fruit puree.

The composition of the pastille in accordance with GOST may include: flour, flavors, dyes and other completely useless substances.

The calorie content of a delicacy mainly depends on its components, therefore sometimes it is 320 kcal. The pastille does not contain fats, and proteins and carbohydrates are presented in minimal quantities.

The delicacy contains citric and malic acid. The pastille contains vitamins B and PP. It contains macronutrients (iron, calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus).

The benefits of marshmallow

The main benefit of the treat is a healthy substitute for candy, which contains nothing but empty calories. Due to its composition, marshmallow - healthy dessert. Indeed, it contains a large amount of pectin, which removes harmful substances from the intestines. They help cleanse the body of all that is superfluous.

It is good to take pectins with a decrease in the protective functions of the body and to normalize the intestinal microflora. It helps cleanse blood vessels from cholesterol plaques.

Agar, found in some types of marshmallow, lowers cholesterol and blood glucose levels. In the intestine, the algae, swelling, improves its peristalsis.

The iron found in apples helps to increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

Some doctors believe that the marshmallow is able to improve the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Harm of marshmallows

Any product that is consumed in large quantities can harm the body. Pastila can cause the following negative effects:

  • allergic reactions caused by dyes and other ingredients contained in the treat;
  • excess weight that may appear with uncontrolled use of the product;
  • when it contains sugar in the product, it is prohibited for people with diabetes.

The main thing when using marshmallow, the composition of which is high enough in calories, is to observe moderation.

Cooking treats at home

The pastille will be tasty and safe for your health if you prepare it yourself.

What is the composition of apple marshmallow? The main component will be apples. From 3 kg of fruit, you need to peel and peel the fruit from the core. Cut into slices. Cook apples in a heavy-bottomed saucepan. Add water to the container and cook the apples under the lid, before turning them into puree. Cooking time depends on the type of fruit: hard ones need to be cooked longer, and soft ones less.

From the resulting mass, you need to drain the water, rub the finished apples through a sieve. Cover the cutting board with parchment paper and spread a thin layer of puree over it. The layer should be low, so the marshmallow will acquire the necessary condition. The paper must be secured so that it does not move with the apple mass.

Several cutting boards are prepared in this way. They are set to dry in the sun. The process of "ripening" of the marshmallow lasts 3 days. At night, the boards are brought into the dwelling. When the delicacy dries up, it is turned over to the other side and dried for several hours.

The product is considered finished when it is completely dry. The pastila is cut into small pieces and placed in jars. The delicacy is allowed to be consumed not only by healthy people, but also by patients with type 2 diabetes.

Pastila is a delicacy that can only be beneficial if it is prepared at home. Dessert made by various pastry chefs can be harmful due to the unhealthy substances it contains.

But in fact, there are historical facts proving that this delicacy is of Russian origin. Many historians believe that the city of Kolomna is the birthplace of marshmallow, where it was invented in the 14th century; later references to it are found in the annals of the 15th century. In the 18th century, a delicacy made by Russian craftsmen was even sent to European countries.

Primordially Russian marshmallow

For the preparation of Russian pastille, applesauce was used.

Historically, this delicacy consisted of only two components: fruit or berry puree, and sour, berries and honey were chosen. Sometimes whipped egg white was added to the marshmallow, which gave it a white color, thanks to which the consistency of the treat became less dense. Later, honey began to be completely or partially replaced by sugar.

A mixture of fruit and berry puree, honey and protein was applied in a thin layer on a dense fabric stretched over wooden frames, and placed in a Russian oven for drying. As a result of drying, dense thin layers of marshmallow were obtained, which were superimposed on each other and in this form were dried in wooden boxes. Until the 20th century, this sweet dish was called "postila", from the word "postlano" (spread out).

The finished marshmallow layers were cut into pieces of various shapes or rolled into rolls.

Modern marshmallow

Now this delicacy, made according to old Russian recipes, is quite difficult to find. In Soviet times, a version of custard marshmallow was made, resembling marshmallow in appearance and consistency. Today, in almost every store you can find just such a marshmallow in the form of white or tinted cubes with different tastes, which has very little in common with the original Russian delicacy.

It contains sugar and powdered sugar, applesauce, a gelling agent (most often agar), egg powder, citric acid, and various flavors. The shelf life of this delicacy usually does not exceed two months, otherwise we can say that preservatives have been added to it.

Useful properties of marshmallow

Of course, a traditional delicacy is much healthier than a modern one, since it is made from cranberry, currant, mountain ash or applesauce, which are rich in vitamins and minerals. It contains especially a lot of ascorbic acid, which is necessary to strengthen the immune system. Cranberry candy is very much appreciated, which contains not only vitamin C, but also substances with antibacterial properties. Making such a delicacy has long been one of the ways to preserve fruits and berries for a long winter.

Honey, which is part of this sweet dish, is also good for the body, it contains more than a dozen useful vitamins and minerals. That is why the traditional marshmallow, of course, can be attributed to the delicacies not only tasty, but also healthy.

Pastila made from fruit and berry puree and honey is a sweetness that improves digestion, as it contains a large amount of pectins. These substances are enterosorbents, they absorb harmful substances accumulated in the intestines and remove them from the body. Traditional marshmallow made from non-acidic berries or fruits is a delicacy that is allowed to be consumed for other diseases of the pancreas.

The pastille available to us today, unlike a dish prepared according to old Russian recipes, will bring much less benefit to the body. Applesauce and agar, which have valuable properties, are very few in it, but there is plenty of sugar. Despite this, we get pleasure when using the delicacy, and this is also necessary for a person. The body needs glucose, which is contained in sweets, to produce the “hormone of joy,” and candy is a good source of easily digestible carbohydrates.

Calorie content of marshmallow

Modern marshmallow looks like a marshmallow in appearance.

The calorie content of both types of marshmallow is quite high, 100 g of a modern delicacy contains about 370 kcal, the traditional dish is inferior to it quite a bit, it contains about 300 kcal. That is why marshmallow, of course, cannot be called a dietary product.

Harm of marshmallows

With individual intolerance, honey, sugar or other components from which a candy can be made, you cannot use it. You should not buy a treat with artificial colors, flavors and preservatives, they can also cause allergies. An undesirable reaction can also be caused by the abuse of sweets.

This delicacy is a high-calorie product, so it is better to exclude it from the diet during the period of adherence to low-calorie diets.

Pastila is a very tasty treat that is much healthier than many other sweet dishes, but do not forget about its possible harm, especially if consumed excessively.

Video program “Examination of things. Quality Control Department "on the topic" Pastila ":


Of the many sweets famous today, it is marshmallow - traditionally Russian. Not only can the components of its composition not be called anything other than Slavic, so also the first mentions of this delicacy date back to Kievan Rus as far back as the fourteenth century.

At that time, Russian chefs did not yet know various delights of European or Arab cuisine. Zephyr, for example, was several thousand years old at that time, but he existed only in Europe. And, by the way, it was like marshmallows that the composition of marshmallow was somewhat similar in modern times - in the 19th - 20th centuries.

Calorie content of marshmallow

The calorie content of marshmallow is 310 kcal per 100 grams of product.

The nutritional value

  • Calories, kcal: 310
  • Proteins, g: 0.5
  • Fat, g: 0.0
  • Carbohydrates, g: 80.8

The composition of the marshmallow

Initially, the technology for making marshmallows included honey and whipped apples and berries puree. An indispensable requirement for apples and berries was their increased acidity. Therefore, they used for the composition mainly such varieties of apples as Antonovka and brilliant green, and from berries - currants and cranberries. Today, when the preparation of marshmallows is practiced not only from apples, but also from other, sweeter fruits, citric acid is added to the marshmallow to ensure the desired acidity.

The original marshmallow recipe did not contain sugar or eggs. A mixture of applesauce with honey was placed in special tubs in the oven and there this composition languished, getting rid of moisture and becoming dry and a little crumbly. Of course, there were different varieties of marshmallow, differing from each other in composition, color and taste. Already at the beginning of the 19th century, sugar began to be added to the marshmallow, saving more expensive honey. And sometimes - at the request of the culinary specialist - eggs were used to prepare it. Their protein was needed to give the dessert a white color.

And looking only at the oldest and most classic components of the composition of the marshmallow, we can conclude about its multifaceted effect on the body.

Useful properties of marshmallow

And honey, and berry puree, and even sugar are excellent tonic substances. All these components contain simple sugars, which are very quickly converted into energy in the body and support physical activity and mental activity. And these same sugars cause the body to produce in large quantities serotonin - a hormone that improves mood and gives joy.

The composition of honey, as well as in berries and apples, contains a complex of B vitamins, which are necessary for the normal course of many energy, metabolic and synthetic processes in the body. Thanks to these vitamins, the same sugars are absorbed faster and converted into energy, the interaction between different organs and organ systems is much more consistent.

And even despite the fact that some of these vitamins break down during the preparation of marshmallows, the delicacy still brings a lot of useful substances into our body.

Another important component of the composition is the fiber contained in the fruit and berry component. The benefits of fiber, and hence the benefits of marshmallows, is that it helps to increase intestinal motility, improve digestion and cleanse the inner surface of the intestine. Fiber, on the other hand, slows down the absorption of cholesterol into the blood, thereby protecting blood vessels and the heart from the danger of atherosclerosis.

That is why the most important beneficial properties of marshmallow are lost when it is prepared from sugar syrup and aromatic and flavoring additives. There are no vitamins or fiber in the composition of such a surrogate, and all the sweetness turns into a banal storehouse of carbohydrates, leading to diabetes and obesity.

Mineral substances in the composition of the marshmallow

In addition to fiber and vitamins with honey and apples, many mineral components get into the chemical composition of marshmallow. They do not decompose under the influence of temperature and are fully absorbed during the digestion of the product. There are many of these minerals. Calcium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, zinc - all of them perform many useful functions in the body, and, accordingly, enhance the beneficial properties of marshmallows.

For example, potassium maintains the rhythm of the heart and strengthens the walls of blood vessels, helping the body regulate blood pressure. Iron is essential for the formation of red blood cells and the fight against anemia. Calcium and phosphorus support the joints. And zinc is a man's main assistant with his most important male task. It is zinc that helps to increase the production of male hormones, stimulates the production of semen and has a beneficial effect on the prostate gland.

These are the beneficial properties of marshmallow, despite the fact that it is a sweet product. If the recipe for making marshmallow includes egg whites, then it also gives the body all the essential amino acids and the ability to quickly restore damaged tissues and increase the size of muscles.

But, like any confectionery, marshmallows have disadvantages.

Harm of marshmallows

Whatever one may say, but marshmallow is a sweet product. Even honey, it can greatly undermine the well-being of a patient with diabetes, will not contribute to the loss of excess weight and will only negatively affect the condition of the teeth. A pastille made from truly sour apples will bring in a lot of organic acids, which will aggravate the problems of those who suffer from gastric or intestinal ulcers.

But the composition of modern mass-produced marshmallows is especially unhelpful, the recipe for which mainly includes sugar syrup, thickeners and food additives. The harm of this kind of marshmallow will override all its useful properties.

Therefore, choosing a dessert for yourself, it is worth remembering: it is better to have fun and improve your health once a week than to poison yourself a little every day for the same money. And if you are going to buy marshmallow, it’s real, albeit not cheap. Only in this case it will be guaranteed that it will be possible to avoid various negative consequences for the body and truly enjoy the delicious taste of Russian delicacy.

How to make marshmallow, homemade apple marshmallow

It was already mentioned above how useful pastilles made from natural food are. How to make a marshmallow?
There are many recipes for marshmallow. Almost all of them are inexpensive in terms of finance and are easy to implement. Try a traditional apple candy. To do this, you need fresh apples and regular water. Prepare the fruits: wash, cut in half, remove the core. Then take a saucepan with a thick bottom, fill with water. Pour apples into a container with liquid and put it on fire. After boiling, cook the fruits over low heat, avoiding stirring. Duration of the process: 0.5 - 2 hours, it all depends on the size and variety of apples. After the specified period, turn off the heat, cool the contents of the pan, strain and rub the fruits through a sieve. Then place the mashed potatoes on a baking sheet covered with baking paper, in a layer of 4-5 cm. Leave the marshmallow to dry. When it's done, turn the treat over to the other side and set it aside to dry again. Finally, cut the dessert into slices. Store the apple marshmallow in a paper bag or glass jar.

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