Home Grape CL watch for artistic and aesthetic education. "Conducting aesthetic dialogues during the classroom hour as a means of improving the spiritual and moral education of students" class hour on the topic. Class hour on the topic

CL watch for artistic and aesthetic education. "Conducting aesthetic dialogues during the classroom hour as a means of improving the spiritual and moral education of students" class hour on the topic. Class hour on the topic

Now let's get to know them.

Lazarev Mikhail Petrovich (on the slide his portrait) A native of the city of Vladimir, Admiral, naval commander, diplomat, scientist, navigator, who made three round-the-world voyages, discovered the sixth continent of our planet - Antarctica.

Suvorov Alexander Vasilievich

When he was still small, he wanted to become a hero: he tempered himself, did physical education, doused himself with cold water.

And he went to work - on campaigns with the soldiers, he ate from the same cauldron. He loved them very much and called them miracle heroes. And in the morning he jumped out of his tent and woke up the whole camp - crowing like a rooster.

He took Ishmael. And he also crossed the Alps and appeared behind enemy lines. And he won many more victories. He was generally invincible. The soldiers loved him and followed him everywhere.

Kubasov Valery Nikolaevich

This man was born in the city of Vyazniki, Vladimir region in 1935. He graduated from high school there, then entered the Moscow Aviation Institute. Immediately after graduating from the Aviation Institute, he worked in a design bureau and was engaged in the design of manned spacecraft.

Soon Valery Nikolayevich was enrolled in the cosmonaut corps and performed three space flights as part of expeditions.

Currently, the pilot-cosmonaut is an Honorary Citizen of 11 cities in Russia and the world. Has many awards.

Gagarin Yuri Alekseevich

He made his first ever flight around the Earth on April 12, 1961 on the Vostok spacecraft. The centuries-old dream of people to fly to the stars has come true. A guy from Smolensk, a citizen of our country, made the fairy tale come true. The whole planet admired his feat. His name became known to the whole world. But he remained himself - modest and kind, smiling and charming.

Valuev Nikolay Sergeevich

The Vladimir Gymnastics School named after N.G. Tolkachev. A whole galaxy of gymnasts emerged from the walls of the school - masters of international class, Olympic champions.

One of them is a seven-time champion of the Olympic Games, the world, Europe, the USSR, winner of the World Cup, Honorary Citizen of Vladimir.

Currently, he is the head of the sports school of the Olympic reserve in gymnastics.

What is the name of the Vladimir gymnast (Nikolay Andrianov)

Portrait of N. Andrianov

Disciple: Boxer, world heavyweight champion was born in Leningrad. During his school years he played basketball, then became interested in discus throwing, and after that he came to boxing. The novice boxer started showing good results almost immediately. In the history of world boxing, he is notable for his external data: his height reaches 213 cm, weight - 148 kg.

Vasnetsov Viktor Mikhailovich

A wonderful Russian artist. The son of a rural priest grew up in the Russian outback of the Vyatka province among peasant children. The first drawing lessons given to him by his father awakened the boy's craving for the visual arts. Studied at the Academy of Arts. His works are deeply lyrical, romantic in nature. Moving on to historical and fairy-tale subjects, the artist created a new "national" trend in contemporary Russian painting.

Dmitry Mendeleev

An ingenious Russian chemist, physicist and naturalist in the broadest sense of the word. Born into the family of a gymnasium director. After graduating from the Tobolsk gymnasium, he was admitted to the Department of Natural Sciences of the Physics and Mathematics Faculty in St. Petersburg. Graduated from the institute with a gold medal.

He left over 500 published works. He is the author of research in chemistry, physics, economics, agriculture, etc., closely related to the needs of the development of the productive forces of Russia. He discovered the periodic law of chemical elements and the writing of "Fundamentals of Chemistry".

Who are we talking about?

The life of great people is a subject for study, but not only. This is a vivid example for you, dear guys, in the formation of your personality, in the choice of your life path.

What great people have we met?

What contribution did they make to our country?

And this concludes our lesson, goodbye!

Topic: "What is beauty?
Objectives: to find out the idea of ​​children about the beautiful in life, nature, art; contribute to the formation of a new concept of "sense of beauty"; give accessible information about people who create beauty; cultivate a respectful attitude towards everything that surrounds us.

Equipment: crown for princess Nesmeyana, musical accompaniment, book with illustrations "100 most beautiful cities in the world", handicrafts made by children.

Course of the lesson

1. Message of the topic.
-In aesthetics lessons, we will talk about the beauty that surrounds us.
-Guys, what would you call beautiful?

2. Introductory conversation.
- Remember that handsome you saw when you went to school.
-Beautiful can be seen (flowers, picture, sea, sky, dance, etc.), heard (song, music, splash of waves, rustle of leaves, etc.), feel the beauty of a kind, noble, courageous deed. Thus, beauty is everything that surrounds us and gives us joy, pleasure, makes our life more interesting, richer.

3. Musical pause
-Listen to music. Did you like this melody? What did you imagine when you listened to it? And now we will perform different movements to this music. What mood have you become? Why?

4. Competition "Princess Nesmeyana"
-One of the best, highest human abilities is to be surprised. But, unfortunately, this gift is not given to everyone by nature, just as not everyone has an ear for music or a sense of humor from birth.

Remember the Russian fairy tale about the princess Nesmeyana, whom nothing could make laugh. Try to imagine this princess at a fun children's party, where all the children laugh, rejoice, and poor Nesmeyana is not at all funny. She can't even understand what others are laughing at and what is fun? After all, the evil wizard took away from her the gift of wondering at everything funny and cheerful.

Let's help Princess Nesmeyana get rid of the wizard's evil spell. Try to make our princess laugh.
5. Teacher's story
-There are also people who have no sense of beauty. They may have good eyesight, good hearing, but they do not see or hear, they do not know how to be surprised at beauty. And it is very difficult for such people to live, because they generally do not see beauty around them. This means that all the beauty of life is tightly closed for them ...

- Is it possible to help in such a trouble and how? What advice would you give to such people?

We are very sorry for people who are indifferent to the beauty of their city, forest, river bank, to the sunset, to gentle music, to flowers, to the voice of a nightingale, etc., and if they are not helped, then such people can bring a lot of troubles ... For example, a person who loves and appreciates beauty will never break a birch branch, never pick a flower from a flower bed, or throw a stone at a bird, but, on the contrary, will strive to do something beautiful himself, to please others.

6. The teacher's story about people who create beauty
-Let's talk about people who create beauty.
-Name the people who are working to ensure that everything in our country is beautiful, everything would please the human eye, create a good mood.
- These are the janitors who keep the streets clean. They are gardeners, builders, architects who create beautiful cities. These are hairdressers, tailors who care about the beauty of a person. These are musicians, artists, poets, writers, these are all people who work and love their homeland.

7. Lesson summary
-Children! Be active creators of beauty, be her true friends.
- What beautiful things can you do at school, class, at home, on the street?
-For example, we can decorate a classroom beautifully and always maintain cleanliness and order in it, plant flowers, trees and take care of them, and most importantly, we ourselves do not spoil the beauty created by people and nature and do not allow others to do it.

8. Children decorate the class with their crafts, water the flowers, clean up the classroom.

Classroom hour in grade 5 on the topic"Aesthetics of behavior and etiquette"

Behavior is a mirror in which everyone shows their own image.

I. Goethe

A moral class hour. Formally, the speech is about etiquette, the rules of behavior, but the main direction of the conversation is the formation of the inner culture of children, the education of respect for others.

A significant part of the script is occupied by a conversation aimed at motivating cultural behavior, the formation of a positive assessment of good deeds. Fifth graders do not always succeed in explaining why they need to behave culturally.

The practical part requires some psychological preparation: fifth graders are usually embarrassed to show politeness and courtesy towards girls. You need to explain to them that this is just an exercise - an exercise in a culture of behavior, the same as physical exercise. Only there muscles are built up, and here the general culture grows. And she, by the way, in every man is manifested primarily in the way he treats women.

Objectives: to expand children's understanding of the rules of etiquette; develop the ability to correctly assess yourself and others; to form the skills of cultural behavior in everyday life and the experience of moral relationships in a team.

Preparatory work with children

Warn the girls (each one individually) to play along with the children and help them do the etiquette exercises, explaining that the game will help their relationship with the boys, improve the atmosphere in the classroom.


Prepare lottery tickets with numbers from 1 to 15 (according to the number of boys in the class). As the game progresses, boys pull tickets with assignment numbers, the teacher reads assignments from a book, and the boys do etiquette exercises. In the cards, you must indicate the specific names and surnames of the girls in the class.

Class decoration

At recess, before school hour, write down a topic, an epigraph on the blackboard.

Classroom plan

1. Interactive conversation. Motivation for the lesson.

2. Work in groups. Problematic issues.

3. Analysis and assessment of situations. Who greets first?

4. Tasks for courtesy. Game "Win-win lottery".

5. Summing up.

Class hour

I. Interactive conversation. Motivation for the lesson

Classroom teacher. Guys, how do wild plants differ from cultivated ones? Well, for example, a wild pear from a cultured, thoroughbred pear?

Examples of children's answers:

The wild pear grows anywhere and anyway, and the cultivated pear grows in the garden.

Nobody cares for the wild pear, but the cultivated pear is watered, fertilized, and grafted.

The fruits of the wild pear are ugly, tasteless, while the cultivated pear has good fruits.

Classroom teacher. People can also be wild and cultured. What is the difference?

Approximate children's answer:

The wild ones do not know how to behave, while the cultured ones behave reasonably, politely, they are not ashamed of.

Classroom teacher. Do you think people are nice. her to communicate with a cultured person or with a wild one?

Children answer that it is interesting and pleasant to communicate with a cultured person.

The pear can be vaccinated and it will become cultured. Can a person be vaccinated? What can you instill in him?

Examples of children's answers:

You can get a flu shot, diphtheria vaccine.

You can instill rules of cultural behavior, good manners.

You can instill good skills, habits.

Classroom teacher. If we instill in a person the skills and habits of cultural behavior, what will he become?

Children (in chorus). Cultural.

Classroom teacher. What does it mean to be a cultured person?

Examples of children's answers:

This means following the rules of cultural behavior.

It means to behave so as not to disgrace yourself.

It means to behave so that your parents are not ashamed of you.

Classroom teacher. I agree with you. What do you think, what kind of person was called "uncouth" in the old days?

Examples of children's answers:

An ill-mannered, uneducated, uncultured person.

The one who did not learn anything.

The one that no one respects.

Classroom teacher. Really. To cut a log or stone means to make them smooth, shiny. Uncut means untreated. And in a figurative sense, uncouth means an ill-mannered, ignorant person, a fool. This explains the meaning of this word in Dahl's dictionary.

Do you want to be cultured people?

The children answer in the affirmative.

II. Group work. Problematic issues

Classroom teacher. Guys, the rules of cultural behavior are called etiquette. There are a lot of etiquette rules: there are rules of behavior at the table, at a party, in the theater, at work. But all these rules are reduced to one, the main principle: "Respect the people around you." If you proceed from this principle, you will never be wrong!

In this regard, I have several questions for you. You will answer in groups. (Groups are divided into rows: each group is half a row.)

1. So, the first group: why is it uncivilized to walk on the sidewalks in a crowd? (Because this is disrespect for people walking towards them: the crowd blocks the entire sidewalk, interferes with the oncoming movement of people.)

2. The second group: why is it uncivilized to wave hands and gesticulate in public places? (Because you can touch a stranger with your hands.)

3. The third group: Why is it uncivilized to talk loudly, laugh in public places? (Because this is disrespect for others: they may be in a completely sad mood, and your laughter may annoy them.)

4. The fourth group: why is it uncivilized to litter on the streets? (Because - this is disrespect for the work of janitors and for other people who are unpleasant to see garbage.)

5. The fifth group: why is it uncivilized to come to school in short tops with a bare belly, in tight jeans, in sportswear, with loose hair, in shorts and T-shirts? (Because this is disrespect for classmates and teachers: they dress like this for leisure, not for work.)

6. Sixth group: why is it uncivilized to talk at the table with a full mouth, wave a fork? (This is disrespect for others, since you can touch a person with a fork; during a conversation, crumbs will fly from your mouth to the neighbors' plates, and no one will like this.)

III. Analysis and assessment of situations. Who greets first?

Classroom teacher. Respect for others is a law for a cultured person. This law necessarily includes respect for elders, respect for women. Do we always fulfill this law?

Listen to the story "Who Gets First?"

“Recently, something incomprehensible began to happen around Dimka. Friends stopped greeting him. Yesterday, for example, on the way to school he met his neighbor, Baba Katya. Dimka looked at her with all his eyes, and she walked by and did not even say hello. Approaching the school, Dimka met the Teacher of Mathematics, and he also silently walked by. All day Dimka was painfully looking for an answer to the question why no one greets him. And in the evening in the ° yard, nose to nose, he collided with Lenka from 5-B. He literally drilled her with bases - and imagine, she didn't even say hi. All night Dimka was painfully looking for a clue to this strange phenomenon and decided that a conspiracy was brewing around Him. "

Why do you guys think no one greeted Dima?

Examples of children's answers:

There is no conspiracy around the hero of the story. He just had to say hello himself first.

Men should be the first to greet their elders, women, and not wait until they are greeted.

And girls should also be the first to greet their elders, but not boys.

Classroom teacher. Indeed, the younger ones should be the first to greet the elders, the boys should be the first to greet the girls, but if you forget this rule, it never hurts to say hello first.

And now the continuation of this story.

“The next day, our hero met his friend Denis, and he explained that Dimka was the first to greet everyone. And Dima decided to fix the situation and say hello to everyone again, and not just like that, but by the hand. What could be better than a strong man's handshake!

He decided to start with Baba Katya. She, as always, returned from the store with a huge bag on wheels. "Hello, Baba Katya!" - Dimka shouted and rushed to the old woman, stretching out his hand for a handshake. The old woman greeted, but did not answer the handshake. She decided that Dimka wanted to help her, and happily handed him her heavy bag. I had to be noble to the end and drag this bag to the 5th floor. Because of this, Dimka was almost late for school - and he still had to greet the math teacher!

Dimka saw Ivan Ivanovich from afar. But he had a heavy briefcase in his hands. Dimka decided not to risk it and wait for Ivan Ivanovich to leave his portfolio in the teacher's room. As soon as the teacher went out into the corridor, Dimka held out his hand to him: Hello, Ivan Ivanovich! But the teacher hastily put his hands behind his back and smiled apologetically: "Hello, Ezhikov, unfortunately, I have nothing to give you." Frustrated, Dimka went to the 5-B grade in order to give Lenka his strong man's handshake, but Lenka was indignant and gave him a lecture.

What do you guys think Lena told him about?

Examples of children's answers:

That with his behavior he humiliated the old woman, the teacher and Lena.

That the elder is always the first to extend his hand, not the younger.

That the woman always stretches out her hand first, and not the man, and if she has not done this, then there is no need to shake her hand.

When two men of the same age and position meet (for example, two classmates), it does not matter who is the first to reach out for a handshake.

Classroom teacher. Our hero, it turns out, did not know the basic rules of behavior. And, unwittingly, he insulted those around him.

IV. Politeness tasks. Game "Win-win lottery"

Classroom teacher. Now, guys, we will have some practical work. I invite all our boys here.

The boys go to the board.

Classroom teacher. You all know what a lottery is. And now we will hold a win-win lottery with you. Each of you will pull out a lottery ticket from the box, on which it will be written which etiquette rule you need to follow. You follow the rule and receive a reward - applause from our girls.

So let's get started. Who is first?

The boys come up to the teacher, pull out tickets from the box with assignment numbers. The teacher reads the text of the assignment from the book and a hint on how to complete this assignment.

Tasks for cards:

1. Go out with (name, surname of the girl) out the door.

The boy needs to open the door and let the girl go ahead.

The teacher needs to agree with the girl in advance that as soon as this ticket falls out, she will go out to the blackboard and slowly walk towards the door.

2. Invite (name, surname of the girl) to dance.

You need to go up to the girl, tilt your head and say: “Can I invite you to a dance?”, Then take the girl by the hand and lead her to the board.

It is necessary to agree with the girl in advance so that she would answer: "Good."

3. Help (name, surname of the girl) put on the jacket.

You need to take the girl's jacket and hold it until the girl puts her hands in the sleeves, then straighten the collar on the back of the jacket.

It is necessary to agree with the girl in advance so that, as soon as this ticket appears, she goes to the board with a jacket, jacket or coat.

4. Two girls are sitting at a desk. They are talking. Ask one of them what time it is.

You need to go up to two girls who are sitting at a desk and say: "Excuse me for interrupting you, (girl's name), tell me, please, what time is it?"

5. Call (name, surname of the girl), find out what is asked in mathematics. And if the girl is not at home, talk to her mom.

You need to pick up the phone, say: “Hello, please call (name of the girl). Please tell me that you called (name, surname of the boy). I wanted to know what was asked in math.

It is necessary to agree with the girl in advance so that, as soon as this ticket appears, she will play along with the boy, answering as if she is a mother: “She is not at home. Who's that calling? What should I tell her? "

6. Go to (name, surname of the girl) and invite her to sit down.

You have to say, "Sit down, please."

You need to agree with the girl so that she comes out to the board.

7. You sneezed. Your actions.

You have to say, "I'm sorry."

8. You are late for class. Your words and actions.

You need to knock, open the door and say: "Hello, I'm late, please allow me to come in."

For this exercise, the boy must walk out the door, knock, and enter.

9. You call a friend. But they answer you: "There are no such people here." Your words in response.

You have to say: "Excuse me, please, I probably got the wrong number."

10. Sit on a chair, then make way for the teacher. Your words and actions.

You need to get up, turn to the teacher and say: "Sit down, please (name, patronymic of the teacher)."

11. Congratulate (name, surname of the girl) happy birthday, wish her something good.

12. Congratulate all the girls on a good spring day, wish them something good.

13. You are walking down the street. Ahead is an old woman with a heavy bag. Offer her your help.

You need to go to the "old woman" and say: "Let me help you."

You need to ask one of the girls to play the role of an old woman (put on a handkerchief and take a large bag).

14. Tell all the girls: "Good morning, girls!"

15. You are visiting a friend. Suddenly, your friend's grandmother enters the room. Your actions?

You need to get up and stand until your grandmother sits down, or leaves the room, or she herself invites you to sit down.

You need to ask one of the girls to play the role of the grandmother.

Classroom teacher. Our lottery has come to an end - Tell me, guys, why is it called a win-win? What have you won in this lottery?

Examples of children's answers:

We won the applause of the girls, so we behaved culturally.

Each of us has become a little more cultured, and therefore won.

We won the knowledge of how to behave in different situations.

V. Summing up

Classroom teacher. Cape you live in the XXI century. Some of the rules of etiquette seem ridiculous and outdated to us, but does this mean that you can do without rules of conduct at all?

Examples of children's answers:

Now rules of conduct are also needed, because without them people will not respect each other.

You cannot live in society without rules, people will quarrel.

Rules are very much needed. Children must learn from adults how to behave, otherwise they will turn into savages.

Additional material

To talk about etiquette

Classroom teacher. So, a cultured person is a person who knows and follows the rules of behavior, knows etiquette. Etiquette translated from French is the rules of cultural behavior that every person needs to know.

In Russia, the first rules of conduct were written in the book "Domostroy". "Domostroy" taught "not to steal, not to lie, not to envy, not to condemn, not to remember evil ..."

Tsar Peter the First often gave balls, which were attended by ambassadors from other countries. At these balls and receptions, young people could find a bride and make a career. But, in order to achieve success, one had to be able to behave. It was then that the book on the culture of behavior appeared. There were, for example, the following rules: “do not blow your nose or sneeze into a handkerchief”, “don’t brush your nose with your finger,” “don’t eat like a pig, and don’t blow into the soup so that it sprinkles everywhere”. And this helped many to seem cultured, educated people. This book was called "Honest Mirror of Youth". How do you understand these words?

Examples of children's answers:

The book is like a mirror, looking into which you will look honest and beautiful.

This is a mirror that honestly showed young people their lack of culture.

This is a magic mirror in which you see only good things.

For an extra class hour on the same subject

Educational script... Scene-legend about the Tower of Babel.

Pupils act out a scene.

Author. There was one language and one dialect throughout the whole earth. Moving from the east, people found a plain on the land of Shinar and settled there. And the people said to each other: Let's make bricks and burn them with fire. And they had bricks instead of stones, and earthen pitch instead of lime. And they said, Let us build ourselves a city and a tower with a height of up to heaven, and let us make a name for ourselves before we are scattered over the face of the whole earth. And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower, which the sons of men were building. And the Lord said ...

Lord. Here is one people, and one language for all; and this is what they began to do, and they will not lag behind what they decided to do; Let us go down and confuse their language so that one does not understand the speech of the other.

The presenters come out.

Host 1. Hello, everyone! Let's imagine that we are in the very time and place that the guys just told us about, and we will try to finish building the tower. Whether or not it will turn out to complete the tower depends only on you, dear participants in our meeting.

Now everyone will be given cards, each card has the word “hello” written in 4 different languages.

When greeting each other, all participants should gather in teams (depending on the chosen language).

As a result, you should get 4 teams (hereinafter we will call them "peoples").

Host 2. Centuries passed, and the idea to build a tower was revived. But this can happen if people of different nations, speaking different languages ​​and dialects, are able to agree with each other. Our four "peoples" will have to go through great tests to see if they can find a common language, even if they speak different languages.

Each "people" will be asked to complete the task. If the "people" do it correctly, then they get a part of the tower, which is to be completed by all together.

Host 1. "Peoples", are you ready? So, listen to the terms of the first assignment. Each "people" needs to come up with its own name. The name should be different from the names of peoples existing in real life.

Host 2. You should also come up with a greeting ritual. For example, in Japan, when they meet, they say "konnitiva" and bow down at the same time. In Buryatia, they say "sanboina", while pulling the dagger out of its scabbard, putting it behind the back, and in Yakutia, when they meet, they say "dearly" and put their hand to their heart, leaning slightly forward.

Presenter 1. Preparation time is 3 minutes.

The "peoples" are preparing and performing the first task.

Leader 2. Trade relations have developed between nations at all times. Not knowing the language of neighboring peoples, people communicated through gestures.

A story from two students about gestures. One student talks about gestures; another student shows them.

Disciple 1. The gesture in Japan "thumb up" means senior in position. The hand-to-heart gesture means "rely on me" in Japan. The gesture "pointing your index finger at yourself" means "I". When we need to say "quieter" we replace this word with a gesture: we raise our index finger up and put it to our mouth. This gesture is used both in Russia and in Japan.

Student 2. For example, in America, the gesture "zero", formed by the thumb and forefinger of the right hand, means "okay", that is, "everything is in order."

The same "zero" in Japan means "money". But in Portugal, Spain and some other countries, be careful with this gesture - there it is perceived as something obscene.

Presenter 1. The second task will be as follows: “people” need to buy something from another “people”, explaining by sign language, you can use pantomime. The members of the first team must show, depict what they want to buy, the members of the second team must guess what they are talking about in 30 seconds. Purchase and sale takes place in a circular system.

Host 2. You know that we have 7 wonders of the world in the world. For example: in Paris it is the Eiffel Tower, in Moscow it is the Kremlin, etc. Now all "peoples" will have to invent their own wonder of the world.

Preparation - 3 minutes.

Presenter 1. We are moving on to the last task. Imagine that one of the inhabitants of your "people" was captured, and there is only one way to rescue him from captivity - to recognize the hand of your fellow tribesman who was captured.

Presenter 2. The task is the following: from each "people" a captive is selected and the one who will save him. Previously, the rescuer feels the hand of the prisoner, trying to remember it. Then the lifeguard is blindfolded, and from four different hands he tries to guess the hand of his fellow tribesman.

Participants complete the task.

Host 2. We have come to a very important and responsible moment of our meeting. Each "people" has collected a certain number of parts of the tower, and now you all have to erect it together. This must be done thoroughly so that the tower turns out to be strong and no force can destroy it.

Children "build" a tower.

Host 2. You have built a high tower, and in order for it to remain stable, it must have a solid foundation, a foundation. Our tower was built by representatives of different nations. What do you think is the basis, a solid foundation of relations between peoples?

Children. Mutual understanding, trust between peoples.

Presenter 1. What qualities should people of different nations possess in order to maintain strong relationships between people and to have peace in the world?

We will probably find out about this if each team inscribes one quality in the bricks of the tower, the most important one, in your opinion.

The guys are doing the job.

Leader 1 (reads words written in bricks). Of course, if all the people of the world built their relationships on such a basis, then in this world many great, beautiful, good deeds would be done for the benefit of all mankind.

Conversation on the topic "Aesthetics of behavior and etiquette"

Tasks : to reveal the content of students' ideas about the beautiful sides in human behavior, to introduce them to the concepts of "aesthetics of behavior", "etiquette", to form an aesthetic taste in manners of behavior, the desire to perform beautiful deeds, guided by highly moral motives, to deal with manifestations of rude, disrespectful attitude towards people.

Preparation progress.

1. Offer the students the following assignments:

Remember and describe two situations in which you approved or condemned people's behavior;

Remember the cases from your own life when the knowledge of the rules of behavior was not enough to do the right thing and good;

Continue the following sentences (in writing): "Politeness is ...", "A tactful person is the one who ...", "I adhere to the established rules of conduct at school, in public places, if ..." ... "

2. Write and hang in the classroom corner the rules of behavior and communication at school, in everyday life, in public places.

3. Posters:

A personality is characterized not only by what it does, but also by how it does it (F. Engels).

Conversation outline.

1. Do we know the rules of conduct? Conversation with students on the questions: what rules of behavior on the street in everyday life do you know? When did you not know what to do? What does it mean to be a polite cultured person? Can a person who adheres strictly to the rules of behavior always be considered cultured? What are the requirements of the culture of behavior in our society based on? During the discussion of issues, students' written works and interview materials are used.

2. Discussion of life situations(based on materials from newspapers).

1) The case at the station.There is a huge queue at the railway station ticket office. It was cramped and stuffy. Some old woman, asking for indulgence to her tired legs, began to explain to the queue that it was hard for her to stand and that, if there were no objections, she would have taken a ticket without a queue. And she added, barely audibly, that she was a participant in the war, but, unfortunately, in a hurry during the preparations, she put the certificate in the bottom of a huge bag. " (The teacher interrupts reading).

Questions are asked to students: what do you think will be the reaction of people standing in line to the request of the old woman? What would you do if you heard such a request?

After discussion, the teacher continues the story.

“In the queue, a displeased murmur arose:“ You should sit at home, granny! ” The voices were young, irritably cocky. “If you have a certificate, take it out and show it,” shouted a hefty guy in the firm from head to toe.

... Suddenly a voice was heard from the line: “Let me go. I am with a certificate. " And a tall young man with blond hair moved to the cash register window. In his hand he held a red book. The top button of his jacket was unbuttoned. And the people standing nearby saw the Star of the Hero ”. “What station is your mother?” - he asked the woman sympathetically. And a minute later he handed her a ticket. "

Questions to students:how do you rate the behavior of people in the queue? What is the reason for such a reaction to the request of an elderly woman by a guy in the "firm"? What dictated the act of the young man who offered to help the old woman take a ticket? Why did he not exercise his right to receive an out-of-order ticket himself? How will people in line behave after what happened?

After the discussion, the end of the situation is read: “When the old woman left, this young man returned to his place in the line. All were silent. No one at that moment dared to look each other in the eyes ... "

Questions to students:1. What lesson did the young man teach people? What is the beauty of his deed? 2. Why did others suddenly feel ashamed in front of each other? 3. Have you met with manifestations of disrespectful attitude of people towards each other? Give examples of noble deeds of people.

2) The Good Deed case.When an old woman next door asked the boy to take milk bottles to the store. He agreed, but said that he would take one bottle for himself.

3) "I tried, I tried."During the collection of waste paper, the student brought more paper than others, but he was not noted in the school order. He declares: “I will not do anything else. I tried, I tried, but what do you get for it? Nothing!"

Issues for discussion:1. Can the kind deeds of the guys be called beautiful? For what reasons were good deeds performed: 2. Is it possible to consider a cultured person who is familiar with the rules of good manners, knowing how to behave, does not like to work, is indifferent to people, is selfish, selfish? 3. And if a person himself is good, sensitive, hardworking, but does not know the rules of behavior, does not know how to behave in society, dress with taste - can we say that he is a cultured person?

4) Playing situations... Students are encouraged to play scenes that reflect both beautiful demeanors and violation of etiquette, the requirements of aesthetics of behavior.


1. “It's your birthday. Guests came to you a little earlier than the scheduled time, the table has not yet been laid. Take guests. You will receive two identical gifts. Your reaction "

2. “You call a friend to ask him what is asked in math. Grandma answered the phone. What will your conversation with her be like? "

3. “A boy and a girl meet at the door of the department store. The boy makes way for the girl. And behind him was a large crowd of people leaving the department store with purchases. "

4. “A boy asks his classmate for a book. “What will you give me for this?” - he asks. After much persuasion and promises to give the stamp to the owner of the book, the boy gets his consent. "

Discussion of lost situations on the following questions: 1. In what cases can the behavior of participants in situations be considered beautiful? 2. What behavior do you disapprove of?

Explanations of the teacher.

Respect is aroused by the person who does not forget what he does, but also how, in what form. The concept of a culture of behavior includes responsiveness, nobility, honesty and selflessness.

5) Acquaintance with "The most important norms of morality" (according to the book by V. A. Sukhomlinsky "The Birth of a Citizen")

You live among people. Your every action, your every desire is reflected in people. Know that there is a border between what you want and what you can ... Check your actions with your consciousness: do you cause harm or trouble to people. Make the people around you feel good.

You take advantage of the benefits created by other people. People give you the happiness of childhood, adolescence, youth. Pay them good for it. This moral standard is the most important source of feelings of civic duty.

Be kind and empathetic to people. Help the weak and defenseless. Do not harm people. Respect, honor your mother and father: they gave you life. They educate you.

Do not be indifferent to people who are trying to live off their father and mother. Show intolerance towards those who do not care about the public interest. Hate the one who creates waste, steals from society.


1.Agaronyan A.S. Culture of behavior.

2. Dorokhov A. It is worth remembering.

3. Rules of good manners.

4.Matveev, Panov. In a world of courtesy.

5.Ovchinnikov, Sakura. Impressions and reflections on the Japanese and the British.

6. Panov. If we are polite.

7. Khodakov. How not to behave.

8. Model rules for students.

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