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Criteria for checking an essay on history. How to write an essay on history better than historians? K7. Form of presentation

Russian history

USE: writing a historical essay

A good essay can bring 11 points out of the maximum 55 for the entire work to the exam in history. The teacher and author of textbooks Roman Pazin analyzed in detail the criteria for assessing this important task and gave advice on how to prepare for it.

Task number 25

The graduate must write an answer for one of the three epochs. First: IX - the end of the XVII centuries. Second: end of the 17th century. - 1914. Third: 20th century from World War I to December 1991. Dates in the second and third spaces are often given with months as a clue to the student. For example, if the period “March 1801 - December 1812” is chosen, it is necessary to tell not only about the Patriotic War of 1812, but also about the domestic and foreign policy of the first stage of the reign of Alexander I in general.

A historical essay is a creative work according to a certain algorithm. The wording of the task itself includes almost all the criteria by which the text will be evaluated by an expert. Let's consider these criteria in more detail.

Indication of events (phenomena, processes)

The essay must indicate two events (possibly without dates) from the selected time period. If everything is done correctly, 2 points are awarded. If only one event is correctly indicated - 1 point. The sequence of presentation and the connection of events with each other is not taken into account. According to statistics, more than 76% of essays correspond to the first criterion.

When more than two phenomena are indicated and two of them are correct, the rest does not matter precisely according to this criterion, but still, of course, affects the result. Example: “In the period 1825-1855. the III branch of S.E.I.V. was created. chancery, as well as the reform of the state village. In addition, during the same period, military settlements began to be created in Russia. The expert will rightly award 2 points for the first criterion, but then will penalize for the presence of an error, since the third event does not fit into the period.

Historical figures and their role

It is necessary not only to name names, but also to indicate the role of individuals in these events. If two historical figures are correctly revealed, the expert puts 2 points. If only one person is correctly represented, 1 point is awarded. This task causes difficulties for most graduates.

The difficulty is that the role in the event refers to specific actions. These actions should be of a single nature and expressed without fail in personal activity.

Wrong examples:

  • "Ivan III played a decisive role in the unification of Russian lands around Moscow",
  • "Rumyantsev participated in the Seven Years' War",
  • "Lenin headed the Council of People's Commissars."

Correct examples:

  • "Polzunov developed the first steam engine project in Russia",
  • "Egorov and Kantaria hoisted the Banner of Victory over the Reichstag",
  • “Khrushchev spoke at the XX Congress of the CPSU with a report on the personality cult of I.V. Stalin."

Actions like “ascend the throne” and “be commander in chief” are too abstract, they won’t take a point off for them, but they won’t charge them either. According to this criterion, it is easy to work with cultural figures and the results of creativity, for example: “A.I. Solzhenitsyn wrote the novel One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich.

The workbook is part of the CMD on the history of Russia I.L. Andreeva, L.M. Lyashenko, O.V. Volobuev and others and corresponds to the Federal State Educational Standard of basic general education and the historical and cultural standard. The structure of the workbook corresponds to the structure of the textbook for grade 10 by O.V. Volobueva, S.P. Karpachev, P.N. Romanova. The notebook contains a variety of tasks: tests, writing an essay, working with a historical map, matching dates and events, etc. and adapted for training students for the OGE and the USE.

Causal relationships

If two causal relationships are correctly indicated, 2 points are awarded, if one relationship is 1 point. More than half of the graduates do not cope with this.

Cause-and-effect relationship should be understood as a relationship between historical events (processes, phenomena), in which one event (cause), under certain conditions, gives rise to another event (consequence). The cause-and-effect relationships prescribed in the role of a person are no longer considered here. However, in addition to the reasons themselves, the prerequisites for events that go beyond the boundaries of the period, and reasons (if it is indicated that this is a reason) are taken into account.

Example:"One of the reasons for the beginning of the era of palace coups was the publication of the decree of Peter I on the succession to the throne."

Assessment of the impact of events on the further history of Russia

For a correct assessment of the impact of events (phenomena, processes) of one period on the subsequent history of Russia based on historical facts and (or) the opinions of historians, the expert awards 1 point. Here the student must go beyond the upper limit of the specified time interval. This is one of the most difficult criteria.

If the graduate does not mention a specific historian, but writes, for example, “in the opinion of a number of historians...”, then the answer is also counted as correct (of course, when the point of view is really present in historiography). In any case, it is better to rely on historical facts, and give the opinion of historians additionally.

Fact-based example:"1565-1572: A blow to the boyar aristocracy contributed to the strengthening of tsarist power, but at the same time, the oprichnina became one of the factors that caused a structural crisis in the Russian state, which, in turn, led the country to the Time of Troubles."

An example based on the opinion of historians:"1237-1242: As a result of the Mongol invasion, the Russian lands fell into political and economic dependence on the Golden Horde, which lasted more than two hundred years and, according to the historian Karamzin, had a decisive influence on the nature of power in the Russian state."

The workshop is designed to organize independent educational and cognitive activities of high school students in the course of studying the history of Russia (Grade 10). It can also be used to organize educational activities in the lesson as part of the basic history course, as an elective course, a system of lessons at the profile level of studying the subject, additional classes in preparation for passing the exam.

Use of historical terminology

To get 1 more point, it is enough for a graduate to correctly use at least one historical term. This, according to statistics, succeeds in the vast majority.

A historical term is a word or phrase denoting a historical concept associated with a certain event, characteristic of a certain period (epoch), or the historical process as a whole. Words such as polyudye, veche, tithe, Troubles, localism, manufactory, parsuna, guard, surplus appropriation, industrialization, collectivization, rehabilitation, privatization and others can be used. Opening the meaning of the term in brackets is optional, but desirable.

Example:"Princess Olga carried out a tax reform, established lessons and churchyards."

Presence of factual errors

If there are no factual errors in the essay, 2 points are added, if there is one error - 1 point. It is important to note that the expert considers this criterion when the graduate scored at least 4 points in the first four. Unfortunately, errors occur even in very "strong" compositions.

It is better for the guys to act according to the principle: "I'm not sure - I don't write." Stylistic, grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors are not taken into account if they do not lead to meaningful errors (metropolis - metropolis).

Typical Factual Mistakes

  • Unnecessary generalizations (“The Battle of the Kalka must be perceived as the defeat of all Russian principalities”).
  • Controversial judgments ("The decree on the succession of Paul I did not allow women to take the throne").
  • The use of terms and concepts in an inadequate historical context ("Horde occupation").
  • Content errors. Associated with the relationship of personality and event (“Peter I waged the Seven Years’ War”), dating (“Paul I issued a decree on succession to the throne in 1799”), titles of positions (“N.S. Khrushchev was the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU”), initials (V. I. Stalin, S. S. Karamzin) and others.

The reader is an integral part of the UMK "History of Russia. The beginning of the XX - the beginning of the XXI century. Grade 10." (authors O.V. Volobuev, S.P. Karpachev, P.N. Romanov), corresponds to the historical and cultural standard and can be used with any textbook on Russian history for grade 10 included in the Federal List.

Form of presentation

If the answer is presented correctly, in the form of a historical essay with a consistent presentation of the material, 1 more point is added. But also only on condition that at least 4 points are awarded for the first four criteria. A little more than half of the graduates lose their uniform.

Tips for students:

  • Do not confuse a historical essay with an essay (there are no problems in it, but there are facts that must be indicated).
  • Do not forget about logical links and paragraph division of the text.
  • Do not neglect the rules of the Russian language.

Algorithm for working on an essay

  1. We choose a period. It makes sense not to take a difficult period with a confusing course of events.
  2. Working with draft. It can be compiled in the form of a table with 4 columns: "Event", "Cause", "The role and actions of the individual", "Consequences". We also prescribe the terms and conclusion.
  3. We write an introduction (general description).
  4. We write the main part indicating events, personalities, causal relationships, not forgetting the terms.
  5. We write a conclusion.

How to prepare students for writing in grades 10-11

  • Explain the structure of the historical essay (what should be written, what should be discarded).
  • Explain the evaluation criteria.
  • Train students to work with drafts.
  • Write essays in class together as you progress through the material.
  • Assign essays at home.

Algorithm for writing a historical essay

I. Introduction
Describe the general situation in the state at the beginning of the period, indicate what tasks it faced, rewrite the main events and phenomena that took place during this time (“ 1. General characteristics of the period«)

II. Main part
1. Indicate the historical process (event, phenomenon) of the period that you intend to consider in more detail (“ 3. Phenomenon, process«)
2. Expand the causes and factors that influenced its development (“ 5. Causes of the phenomenon, process«)
3. Describe the participation of a historical figure in this process (“ 2. Historical figure") and, based on historical facts (" 4. Historical facts“), reveal its role in this process (phenomenon, event) with an indication of specific actions, steps, its influence on the changes taking place.
4. Draw a conclusion about the nature, consequences of this historical process for the development of the state, indicate various aspects of the life of society in which changes have occurred under the influence of this process, indicate its historical significance (“ 6. Result, value«)
5. Repeat steps 1-4 based on the completed diagram to describe the second historical process (event, phenomenon).
III. Conclusion
Based on the facts, draw a conclusion about the place of the period in the history of the state. Indicate which tasks you mentioned in the introductory part of the essay were successfully or not solved, what were the consequences of the events that took place. Give the opinions and assessments of historians known to you on this period and give your own assessment, confirming your conclusions with historical facts.
IV. Examination
After writing the essay, check the dates and names indicated in it for factual errors. Pay attention to the need for the correct use of terms. Check the prepared text using the evaluation criteria.

The difference between the creative task and its significance for the student

Writing an essay on history contributes to the development of the student's personality, teaches them to develop their own opinion, a value judgment about a particular historical event, and to form value priorities.

An essay on history not only tests the author's knowledge of historical events, but also the ability to systematize information, present results in a free form, and understand the historical significance of events and phenomena.

Criteria for evaluating an essay on the exam

A historical essay is evaluated according to certain criteria, based on which several rules for writing an essay can be distinguished.

The essay must contain the following elements:

  • more than two historical events or phenomena;
  • two historical figures and their significance in a certain period;
  • causal relationships between historical phenomena in a certain period;
  • assessment of the significance of the historical period;
  • correct use of concepts and terms on the subject.

What is a history essay

The first step in writing a historical essay is to choose a period in history and determine its features. At the beginning of the essay, one should indicate what characterizes this period, its specifics, and then select the relevant facts.

Historical facts

Facts in history are divided into historical and scientific-historical. The first are those that really took place in history, possessing objectivity and localization in time and space. Scientific and historical facts usually reflect the opinions of scientists, their conclusions about historical events, based on historical sources.

When selecting facts, it is necessary not only to list the events that took place in the described period, but to highlight the main, most significant events that fully correspond to and reflect the specifics of the period.

Estimated Knowledge

Further, it is required to reflect the evaluative knowledge about the subject, which is manifested in the knowledge of various scientific points of view, versions of the description of historical events and phenomena. When evaluating, the depth of the disclosure of the issue and the soundness of the judgments are taken into account.

Characteristics of a historical personality

One of the evaluation criteria is the description of a historical personality. However, to get a high score, a simple description of a person's activities, even a very detailed and detailed one, is not enough. The task is required to describe the role of these historical figures in a particular period, based on historical facts. The fulfillment of this particular requirement allows you to evaluate the essay according to this criterion for a higher score.

Causal relationships

The ability to identify causal relationships is also one of the criteria for a good historical essay. All historical events or phenomena give rise to other events and phenomena, and, at the same time, they themselves were born by certain events and phenomena. The student must be able to analyze facts, establish causes and effects, draw appropriate conclusions, which is indeed quite a complex mental work.

At the same time, an important role is played by the existing knowledge of all the facts related to the described period, their chronological sequence. It is necessary to build a logical scheme or a chain of events that are sequentially connected to each other. Most often it happens that an event provokes several reasons. In this case, it is necessary to be able to highlight the most significant events.

Typical mistakes:

  • incorrect allocation of primary causes and the least important;
  • substitution of the disclosure of the cause by the description of the fact;
  • description of facts without comprehending cause-and-effect relationships.

Algorithm for writing an essay on history

The sequence of work on an essay on history, which will help to issue a high-quality essay, without missing important points.

Step 1. We choose a period.

Step 2 We confirm the correctness of the choice.

Step 3 Choose a name for the period that reflects its specifics.

Step 4 Determine the events related to this period; identify the most important and secondary.

Step 5 We recall historical figures whose activities relate to this period, their role and influence on the historical course of events.

Step 6 We identify the causes of events occurring in this period.

Step 7 We select the appropriate historical concepts and terms.

Step 8 We determine the historical facts that reveal the significance of the period, while using the opinions of scientists.

Step 9 Organize and organize information.

Step 10 We draw up a plan and write an essay in accordance with it:

Introduction (a brief description of the essence of the selected period);

Main part;

Conclusion (assessment of the significance of the period).

Step 11 Reviewing and editing essays.

One of the most difficult tasks in the Unified State Exam in History is task number 25, which is also called a historical essay. For this task, you can get as many as 11 primary points, therefore, anyone who claims a high score in the exam in history needs to learn how to write a historical essay.

In task 25, you will be offered a choice of three periods, one of which belongs to the section "Antiquities and the Middle Ages", one to "Modern History" and one to "Recent History". You need to write an essay about one of these periods, strictly considering its chronological framework.

The question of how to write a historical essay in the USE in history almost always arises among graduates who decide to take the USE in history. There are many materials on the network on this topic, however, for verification, most of the essays turn out to be too large in volume, and contain information that is simply impossible to remember. To prepare for an essay on history, knowing the subject well is not enough - you need to actively attend , read historical literature and go to .

Criteria for a historical essay in the USE 2018

So how do you write a good essay? First of all, it is necessary to take into account the criteria that are contained in the exam itself. They are listed below with some explanation. So, in the essay you need:

- indicate at least two significant events (phenomena, processes) related to a given period of history. Depending on the period, such an event can be: a war, a battle, a revolution, the implementation of a policy, the adoption of a particular law, the formation or collapse of a state, the formation of a political movement, etc. The range of historical events is very wide. The main thing is not to make a mistake and choose exactly those events that are included in the time period you have chosen, otherwise they will not be evaluated.

- name two historical figures whose activities are associated with the indicated events (phenomena, processes), and, using knowledge of historical facts, characterize the roles of the persons named by you in these events (phenomena, processes). At the same time, the authors of the USE explain that when characterizing a personality necessary indicate the specific actions of this person (the adoption of a law, the implementation of a policy, the annexation of a particular territory, etc.), which largely influenced the course and / or result of these events (processes, phenomena).

In other words, it is not enough just to name a person (ruler, statesman, cultural or socio-political figure) and list his merits. It is necessary to show exactly how this person or her actions influenced the events you indicated and what role she played in the processes you indicated.

- indicate at least two cause-and-effect relationships that characterize the causes of the occurrence of events (phenomena, processes) that occurred in a given period. That is, when characterizing an event, one must not only name it (for example, the October Revolution in Russia), but also indicate its causes (for example, people are tired of the war, the unresolved national conflicts, the decline in the authority of the Provisional Government, etc.). At the same time, in order to better highlight the causal relationships in your text, use the following (and similar) constructions:

1) This was due to a number of reasons, namely ...

2) This led to...

3) (This event) was greatly influenced by ...

4) Causes (events) are ...

6) As a result (of this event), the following changes occurred in ..

7) The result of the transformation was ...

8) (This event) was the beginning ...

- using the knowledge of historical facts and (or) the opinions of historians, evaluate the impact of events (phenomena, processes) of this period on the further history of Russia. In this case, you are asked to enter the period you have chosen in the general historical context, i.e. show how this period influenced the subsequent ones.

“As a result of the Mongol invasion, the Russian lands became politically and economically dependent on the Golden Horde, which lasted more than two hundred years and, according to the historian Karamzin, had a decisive influence on the nature of power in the Russian state.”

Also, an important criterion for a historical essay is the appearance of the text. The test should contain a consistent and coherent presentation of the material, present a full-fledged work, and not fragmentary provisions.

Template and plan for a historical essay on history

When writing a historical essay, we recommend that you adhere to the following template, which will greatly simplify your life and make writing an essay more understandable.


In the introduction, write the name of the period (for example, the era of palace coups, the Time of Troubles, etc.), indicate the ruler or rulers. In a few words, describe the situation in the country at the beginning of the period; here, also note the main events, phenomena and processes.

  1. Main part
  2. Indicate one of the historical processes you mentioned in the introduction. Using introductory constructions, indicate its causes, as well as features of development.
  3. Choose a historical figure who participated in the process you indicated and reveal his role, keeping in mind the criteria for writing. Do not forget to give as many historical facts and dates as possible (but only if you are absolutely sure of them!)
  4. Indicate what led, the event, process or phenomenon you described, as well as how it influenced other events, phenomena or processes.
  5. Repeat steps 1-3 to describe the second historical process.


In conclusion, based on the facts you indicated in the essay, draw a conclusion about the significance of this period for the history of Russia. Indicate how historians assessed this period and / or, based on the facts, give your own assessment of its role in history.

Do not forget to check your essay again after writing for compliance with all criteria!

An example of a historical essay in the exam in the history of 2018

Period 1598-1613 (Time of Troubles)

The period of the end of the 16th century and the beginning of the 17th century in Russian history is called the Time of Troubles. At this time, the Russian state had to face political, economic and social crises that brought the country to the brink of collapse.

During this period, one can single out many political figures whose main task was to keep power in their hands in the face of famine, frequent uprisings and foreign intervention. After the death of the last sovereign from the Rurik dynasty, Fyodor Ioannovich, the country was ruled by Boris Godunov (1598-1605), an influential boyar and formerly the closest adviser to Tsar Fyodor, elected by the Zemsky Sobor.

With the beginning of his reign, many historians associate the beginning of the Troubles. The consequences of the oprichnina policy pursued by Ivan IV, as well as the famine of 1601-1603, greatly weakened the economy and caused a wave of discontent among the population, which led to death, robbery and numerous uprisings, for example, the uprising of Khlopok (1603). All of the above events in one way or another contributed to the growth of dissatisfaction with the rule of Boris and the strengthening of his rivals.

The situation worsened with the appearance on the territory of the Russian kingdom of False Dmitry I, who claimed his rights to the throne on behalf of the “miraculously saved” heir Dmitry Ioannovich. Having enlisted the support of part of the peasants, some detachments of Cossacks and boyars, False Dmitry, together with the Polish detachment, managed to gain a foothold in Moscow.

By this time, Boris Godunov had already died, his wife and son were killed as a result of a boyar conspiracy. The reign of the impostor was short-lived and was characterized by a course towards rapprochement with Poland and the implementation of many reforms that were not approved by all segments of the population. The confirmation of the decrees that enslaved the peasants, the wedding according to the Catholic custom - all this undermined the established image of the "correct" king and the hope for a better future under the new sovereign.

Another boyar conspiracy, organized by Vasily Shuisky, one of the most influential boyars, ended the reign of False Dmitry. Russia under Shuisky and the subsequent rule of the boyars (Seven Boyars) faced new peasant unrest (the uprising of Ivan Bolotnikov), as well as Polish-Swedish intervention.

As a result, Russia could not recover after the Time of Troubles for a long time. The first step towards the restoration of Russian statehood was taken in 1613, when Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov was elected and invited to the kingdom at the Zemsky Sobor. The Time of Troubles ended only in 1618 after the signing of the Peace of Stolbovsky with Sweden and the Truce of Deulino with the Commonwealth.

The turmoil of the early 17th century is one of the darkest eras in the history of the Russian state. Numerous crises, instability of power and weakness in the political arena led to foreign invasions and the loss of some territories in the west and northwest of Russia. On the other hand, in the conditions of the Time of Troubles, it turned out that the country was able to withstand occupation, famine and a crisis of power, because in the end the members of the Zemsky Sobor came to a compromise and chose a new sovereign.

Evaluation criteria:

K1 Indication of events (phenomena, processes) - 2 points

  • Two events (phenomena, processes) are correctly indicated 2 points.
  • One event (phenomenon, process) is correctly indicated 1 point
  • Events (phenomena, processes) are not specified or specified incorrectly 0 points.

K2 Historical figures and their role in the indicated events (phenomena, processes) of a given period of history - 2 points

  • Two historical personalities are correctly named, the role of each of these personalities is correctly characterized, indicating their specific actions that largely influenced the course and (or) result of the named events (phenomena, processes) of the period under consideration in the history of Russia - 2 points.
  • One or two historical personalities are correctly named, the role of only one personality is correctly characterized, indicating its specific actions (or a specific action) that largely influenced the course and (or) result of the named events (phenomena, processes) of the period under consideration in the history of Russia (or one events (phenomena, process)) - 1 point
  • One or two historical figures are correctly named, the role of each of them in the indicated events (phenomena, processes) of this period of Russian history is not characterized / characterized incorrectly. OR One or two historical figures are correctly named, while characterizing the role of each of them in the indicated events (phenomena, processes) of this period of Russian history, general reasoning is given without indicating their specific actions that largely influenced the course and (or) result of these events ( phenomena, processes) of the considered period of Russian history. OR Historical figures are named incorrectly. OR Historical figures are not named - 0 points.

K3 Causal relationships - 2 points

(According to this criterion, causal relationships named when indicating the role of the individual and counted according to criterion K2 are not counted)

  • Two causal relationships are correctly indicated, characterizing the causes of the occurrence of events (phenomena, processes) that occurred in a given period - 2 points.
  • One causal relationship is correctly indicated, characterizing the cause of the occurrence of events (phenomena, processes) that occurred in a given period - 1 point
  • Cause-and-effect relationships are indicated incorrectly / not indicated - 0 points.

K4 Assessment of the impact of events (phenomena, processes) of a given period on the further history of Russia - 1 point

  • An assessment is made of the influence of events (phenomena, processes) of this period on the further history of Russia based on historical facts and (or) the opinions of historians - 1 point
  • The assessment of the impact of events (phenomena, processes) of this period on the subsequent history of Russia is formulated in a general form or at the level of ordinary ideas, without involving historical facts and (or) the opinions of historians. OR An assessment of the impact of events (phenomena, processes) of this period on the further history of Russia is not given - 0 points.

K5 Use of historical terminology - 1 point

  • Historical terminology is correctly used in the presentation - 1 point
  • All historical terms and concepts are used incorrectly. OR Historical terms, concepts not used 0

K6 Presence of factual errors - 2 points

(1 or 2 points for a criterion can only be given if at least 4 points are given for criteria K1-K4)

  • There are no factual errors in the historical essay - 2 points.
  • One factual error was made - 1 point
  • Two or more factual errors were made - 0 points.

K7 Form of presentation - 1 point

(1 point according to the criterion can be set only if at least 4 points are given according to the criteria K1-K4)

  • The answer is presented in the form of a historical essay (consistent, coherent presentation of the material) - 1 point
  • The answer is presented in the form of separate fragmentary provisions - 0 points.

Maximum score 11

Decide on history.

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