Home Grape Light accounting. Light bargaining and corse bargaining programs. Brief description of the main features of the program

Light accounting. Light bargaining and corse bargaining programs. Brief description of the main features of the program

Published in the collection of programs: 03.02.2016

Operating system: Windows All Platform
Size of the program (distribution kit): 4.4MB
License type: FreeWare

Author / Publisher: Gorev Dmitry(all developer programs)
Program website: lite-uchet.ru
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In the latest versions of the program, work with EGAIS has been added - functions of confirmation of incoming TTN, a new magazine for retail sales of alcoholic beverages, a system of discounts for goods, added 4 and 5 price lists, a system of promotions for goods and a system of bonuses for customers, analytics for attendance, product photos , work with currency, numerous small but convenient improvements.

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Version 8.3 from 24.01.2012

  • Changes related to the new form of invoices (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2011 No. 1137):
    • new printable invoice (added unit code, country of origin code, name and currency code);
    • new invoice form in HTML form;
    • 2 fields have been added to the product card (unit code and country code);
    • in the mode of mass change of product characteristics, the ability to change the country code and unit code has been added.
  • In TORG-12 (both in standard form and in HTML form), the column "Code by OKEI" (unit code) is now displayed;
    • use bulk mode to enter country codes and units;
    • to print invoices in the old form, use the previous versions of the program (do not delete the old version after the update);
    • OKEI classifier (units of measurement) can be found here: http://www.klassifikators.ru/okei
    • OKSM classifier (countries of the world) can be viewed here: http://mvf.klerk.ru/spr/spr63.htm

Version 8.2 from 08/17/2011

  • The form of the bill of lading (TTN) has been updated in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 15, 2011 No. 272 ​​"On approval of the rules for the carriage of goods by road."
  • The dimension of the fields for entering the quantities of goods by 1 character has been expanded.

Version 8.1 from 03.09.2010

  • The variable "Currency name: rub." Has been added to the printed form of the invoice. (in accordance with law 229-FZ from 02.09.10, this requisite is mandatory, but since the new invoice form has not yet been approved by the Government, this decision is temporary). Similar changes have been made to the invoice printed in HTML format.
    You can read about whether it is necessary or not to change the invoice before the release of the RF Government decree here: http://forum.klerk.ru/showthread.php?t=358647
  • The dimension of the "Product name" field has been increased from 95 to 170 characters.

Version 8.0 from 06/07/2009

  • The invoices were amended in accordance with the Government decree of May 26, 2009:
    • in the header of the invoice added the reference "dated May 26, 2009 N451";
    • column 2 ("Seller") displays the full and short name of the organization;
    • the full name of the organization must be entered in the company card in the "Supplement" field;
    • fixed the form of the invoice in HTML form.

    Comment. The Federal Tax Service has issued a clarification - the document "On the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05/26/2009 No. 451" (http://www.nalog.ru/document.php?id=27430&topic=root_nalog). Thus, at your discretion, you do not have to fill in column 2 with both names of the organization. In this case, you do not need to enter the full name of the organization in the "Supplements" field in the company card.

Version 7.9 from 10.06.2009

  • The ability to integrate the program with the site. We have released the Kors-Site program, which allows you to:
    • create an arbitrary site;
    • upload the nomenclature from this program to the site;
    • form an order for goods from the site;
    • send orders to you by e-mail.

    Now the programs Light, Kors and Kors Pro have the ability to automatically receive orders placed on the site. To do this, the "Insert order from the site" item has been created in the Service menu. Before performing this mode, you must be in a new invoice (for example, in a new invoice).

    Thus, you can significantly reduce the costs of the company for the formation of orders, the extract of documents, reduce queues at the office, relieve the phone, computers, etc. Now it is enough to send the client to your site and ask to place an order on the site.

    For the chain to work, you need to install the Kors-Site program and create a website about your company. The catalog of goods is built automatically based on the database of the Light program (Kors, Kors Pro). Further sequence of actions: periodic updating of the catalog on the site in case the item has changed, or its prices, or stock balances have changed, etc.

  • Additional control when entering the quantity of goods in invoices, invoices. In case of invalid input, a window appears with a description of the situation.

Version 7.8 from 01/17/2009

  • The ability to massively change the base currency of goods. The regime is relevant in a situation of mass "re-pegging" of commodity prices from rubles to the dollar and vice versa. The mode is in the window for mass change of the characteristics of goods (the ">>" button in the reference book of goods).
  • The error in the reports "List of sales documents" and "List of warehouse documents" has been fixed: previously, items deleted from the document were printed.

Version 7.7 from 02/15/2008

  • New mode Print - Set of documents. Allows you to print a set of documents for the selected account, including delivery notes, invoices, TORG-12, etc. In this mode, the number of copies printed for each of the documents is memorized. The set is printed from the list of accounts using the Print menu. Hotkey - F11
  • New report "Warehouse-Remains-status of all warehouses". Each warehouse is represented by a separate column, summarizing all warehouses for each item. The report is multi-column, the report is not configured - it is automatic. Report options: total, free (minus the reserve), reserve, deficit (excess of the reserve over the balance)
  • Administrator-Settings-Workplace: the ability to "include" the phrase "VAT is not charged" used when printing documents. This is necessary for firms on a simplified taxation system. (Note: in this case, to print TORG-12 and invoices, you still need to indicate zero vat on the product card)
  • Expanded the Description field in the product card (up to 250 characters), including for better compatibility with the Light-Site program (a program that allows you to very quickly create a website about your company with a price list, contacts, etc.)
  • The field of the full name of the organization has been expanded in directories of firms, customers, suppliers and directly in invoices

Version 7.6 from 06/23/2007

  • New report Trade-Reports-Clients-Indicators by months. For one of the selected indicators (statement, shipment, payments, returns, sales), a report is generated in the form: each row is a customer, and a column is a month from a specified interval. The number of columns is not limited and is determined by the specified interval; totals both row and column. Automatic report setup
  • New multicolumn report Trade-Reports-Commodities-Sales by month. 2 options: in quantitative and in sum terms. Automatic report setup
  • New multicolumn report Trade-Reports-Commodities-Profit by months. The report setting is automatic.
  • Administrator-Database-Cleanup mode: added the ability to completely clean all documents (invoices, receipts, etc.). Directories are not deleted.
  • Printing the TORG-12 consignment note in HTML form

Version 7.5 from 11/21/2006

  • Document search mode by goods: now the sums of goods in found invoices in both currencies are calculated
  • Report column setup mode: simplified input of column names (without quotes), etc.
  • Creation of invoice: fields DR number and date of the DRP when creating an invoice now remain empty; you can change them later

Version 7.4 from 05/27/2006

  • New report Trade-Reports-Statement of goods. Shows the item drawn out for the specified period (in the Invoice mode)
  • New report Warehouse-Reports-Goods movement / invoices. Shows the movement of all goods for the selected interval, indicating the type of operation, number and date of the invoice, quantity and amount. Quantities and amounts for consignment documents are present with a minus sign
  • New auxiliary mode "stock availability". Available in any document with goods (invoice, receipt, ...) when working with a commodity list (either with the >> button or Ctrl + A). Shows availability, reserve and free quantity in each of the warehouses for the selected product
  • A new form of invoices (as amended by the RF Government Decree of May 11, 2006 N 283). Cosmetic changes - in the column names

Version 7.3 from 03/27/2006

  • The TORG-12 form has been changed. All necessary details with a decryption are fully displayed
  • New Mechanism for filtering the list of products by several text fragments. For example, to search for strings like "Men's white shirt", type "rub husband white" in the "Filter" field and press Enter. To quickly move to the filter field, use the F9 key
  • New mechanism for rounding prices both for the main currency (rubles) and for the additional one. Ability to set any number, for example 50 kopecks. Rounding is now set in the Administrator-Pricing mode. Comment. To ensure that the whole VAT (in kopecks) is always allocated from the price of the goods, you need to set the rounding of ruble prices to 59 kopecks
  • In the Administrator-Currency rate mode, the task of price rounding has been removed and the ability to view the history of exchange rate changes has been added
  • To work with price tags, a Rostest icon has been created, it is located in the FRX folder (rostest.bmp)

Version 7.2 from 03/15/2005

  • Displaying the username in the program header
  • Remembering the last selected report
  • Consignment note together with the transport section (printed on 2 sheets).
  • Delivery sheets: previously dispensed issues are not displayed, sorting in the issue list, TTN printing, printing as a list of invoices with goods (delivery list)
  • Mode of mass change of the price of selected goods by a specified percentage (References-Products-button >>)
  • New fields in the product directory: the date of issue and validity of the certificate, the printed form of the list of certificates has been changed
  • Improved report settings mode

Version 7.1 from 02.11.2004

  • Print invoice in HTML format
  • Printing a bill of lading
  • The "Service-Update prices in the directory" mode is supplemented with the ability to change prices based on the weighted average prices of the remainders
  • The "Service-Update prices in the directory" mode is supplemented with the ability to change prices based on averaging prices in the invoice and prices0 in the directory
  • It is again possible to filter accounts by a set of criteria

Version 7.0 from 05/14/2004

  • HTML reports, report customization
  • User rights for all modes and reports
  • Expanded all screen forms (under 800x600)
  • New mechanism for filtering documents and reports
  • Advanced search for customers and suppliers
  • New reports

1. Introduction. 2

2. Operation of the program .. 3

2.1. Installing the program .. 3

2.2. Networking. 3

2.3. Updating program versions .. 4

2.4. Data safety. 4

3. Basic techniques for working with the program. 5

3.1. Working with reference books. 5

3.2. Work with documents. eight

3.3. Working with reports. eleven

4. Warehouse operations. 13

4.1. The state of the warehouses. 13

4.2. Arrival of goods. 13

4.2.1. Invoice for the arrival. 13

4.2.2. Entering goods into the invoice .. 14

4.3. Purchase returns. fourteen

5. Trading operations. 16

5.1. Accounts. 16

5.2. Invoice processing. 16

5.3. Account statement and change. 17

5.4. Registration of a new account. eighteen

5.5. Payment by invoice. eighteen

5.6. Issuance of the account. 19

5.6.1. Delivery note. 19

5.7. Refunds to invoice. twenty

5.8. Auxiliary Modes .. 20

5.9. Adjustment of trading operations. twenty

6. Brief description of the main features of the program .. 22

7. Examples of modes and reports. 25

1. Introduction

This manual is intended for two programs: Light-Bargaining and Kors-Torg... Therefore, the instructions describe the maximum capabilities, i.e. the capabilities of the program Kors-Torg... In the case of a program Light-Bargaining it should be borne in mind that some features will not be available. Below is a list of the differences between the programs.

Differences between Light-Torg and Kors-Torg



Accounting for managers in documents, reports

The ability not to "post" the document

Price list for the client (Agreements and Prices)

Delivery sheets

User action protocol

Algorithms for calculating prices for each product

Accounting for the sale of goods by customers

Schedule of cases, CRM reports

Restrictions on work by firms, warehouses, clients, ...

Overdue invoice notification at startup

2. Operation of the program

2.1. Program installation

The program is supplied on a CD. To install the program, you must have a CD-ROM drive on your computer, as well as at least 5 MB of free hard disk space.

Insert the CD into the CD-ROM to start the installation process. The installer will start automatically. If the installer does not start, open the icon My computer(located upon Desktop), select the CD-ROM (for example, drive D :), and by pressing the right mouse button, select the item Autostart... Answer the questions asked by the installer consistently.

Attention! By default, you are offered the installation directory C: \ KorsTorgxx, where xx is the version number. If you have previously installed the program in this folder, then, in order not to lose the existing data, change the name of the folder for installation. The use of subfolders is allowed.

Upon successful completion of the installation, the program will create an item in the section Main menu | Programs containing the elements necessary for further work, as well as a shortcut to start the program on Desktop.

Databases "href =" / text / category / bazi_dannih / "rel =" bookmark "> a database (only one user accesses the data), and with a common database - on the network - in this case, several users simultaneously work with the same For full-fledged work, each workstation (computer) must have its own hardware protection key.Without the key, the program allows you to launch the main modes, make reports, work with directories, but prohibits creating new documents.

When working with the program at the same time on several computers (with a single base), the following are different: main computer (where the database is installed) and additional computers .

1. Installation of the program: when installed on main computer- enable the "Database installation" option, when installing on other computers - disable this option.

2. Setting additional computers... Run Start - Network Neighborhood - Tools menu - Map Network Drive. Select the path to the host computer, to the drive where the program database is located. Enable the "Connect at computer startup" option and remember the name of the connected drive (for example, X :). This setting is done 1 time for each additional. computer.

3. Running the program on additional computers. When launched, the program will ask you to specify the path to the database. Select drive X: or another (see previous point). Then select the path to the database, for example, X: \ KorsTorg.20 \ BAZA.

2.3. Updating program versions

If you have already worked with the program (with an earlier version), then:

1. Before installing the new version, be sure to back up the database.

2. Install the new version into new, non-existent folders.

3. Install the new version with your empty base.

4. Do not connect to the base from the old version!

5. After installation, start the new version, make sure that the database is empty and run the Administrator - Database - Import mode.

2.4. Data security

The safety of the data existing in the program (database) depends only on you! If you lose the database, then you can restore it only from the archive you made earlier. Run the Administrator - Database - Archive mode periodically. Save archives on different media and store in different places.

In any "abnormal" situations: suspicious behavior of a computer or program, messages about viruses, before updating the version, etc., back up the data!

3. Basic techniques for working with the program

3.1. Working with directories

When working with all directories, the following rules apply:

    If the directory is multi-level, then on the left side of the screen there is a tree of groups. The columns correspond to the main attributes of the selected directory. The order and width of the columns can be changed. The sorting order can be changed, the current column by which the list is sorted contains a green arrow in the column heading (the direction of the arrow indicates ascending or descending sorted lines) By default, lines are sorted by "name". Therefore, enter information in the "title" field so that it is convenient for searching and sorting. This is especially true for directories of managers and clients. You can search for strings by the content of any of the columns (both by the first characters and by the context). The current "search" column is displayed in a faded color. To create, edit and delete directory entries, use the "Add", "Edit", "Delete" buttons. The entry cannot be deleted if there is a document with the selected value in the system (for example, the delivery note)

Column operations:

Column search:


When working with multilevel directories, the following rules apply:

    On the left side of the screen, there is a tree of groups (up to three levels of nesting of groups are allowed). When starting the directory, all records are displayed (that is, the "All groups" object is selected) To filter the list by the required group (or "branch" of groups), click on the required group mouse Only "involved" groups are displayed (that is, those groups for which there are entries in the directory) To work with groups, click the "Groups" button in the upper left part of the window To open all branches of groups, click the "+" button in the upper left part windows To hide all branches of groups, click the "-" button in the upper left part of the window

When working with groups in multilevel directories, the following rules apply:

    All existing groups of the current directory are displayed. Groups can be up to 3 levels of nesting (not counting the root group) You can swap groups by simply dragging them with the mouse to a new location. target at the same level If the "Move to subordinate level" mode is enabled, the group to be moved will be located under the target group at the subordinate level. Groups can be moved with whole branches. The group cannot be deleted if there is an entry with this group in the directory. (first you need to delete subordinate groups)

3.2. Work with documents

In this mode:

    All documents are displayed in the "default" time interval, each document is represented by a separate line. Lines are highlighted in different colors depending on the "Document Type" (colors can be customized) The columns correspond to the main details of the document. The order and width of the columns can be changed. The sorting order is displayed with a green arrow in the column header. The search for rows is carried out by any of the columns. The current "search" line is highlighted in a faded color To change the date interval in which the list of documents is generated, click the "D" button in the upper left corner of the form (the "default" interval is defined in the "Workplace settings" mode) To set filtering conditions for the list documents, click the button with a circle in the upper left corner. You can use filtering by main characteristics. To create, edit and delete tasks, use the "Add", "Modify", "Delete" buttons. use the "Search" button.

Column operations:

    Sorting: double click on the column heading. To sort in descending order, repeat the Width action: press the left button on the right border of the header (without releasing it) and resize it Order: press the left mouse button in the middle of the header (without releasing it) and drag the column to a new position

Column search:

    Go to the required column - click once on the column heading Search within a line: start entering text Search from the beginning of a line: press simultaneously with the first character +- jump to the next found entry - erase the last search character.

Select a date range.

This mode is intended for quick selection of the date interval for filtering documents. The left calendar is intended for setting the start date of the interval, the right one - for setting the end date of the interval for selecting documents. In each calendar, you can select any of the presented days, change the month, year. The "Today" button is intended for quick selection of the current date. Buttons “<” и “>”Are intended to move to the previous or next month. In addition to using calendars, dates can also be entered in the standard boxes at the bottom of the screen. Confirmation of the choice is carried out by the "OK" button, refusal to change the interval - by the "Cancel" button.

Document filter.

A document filter is used to set conditions that limit the list of documents. Each line in the filter list represents one of the directories. To set a restriction for the selected directory, double-click on the corresponding line. This will open a window for selecting restrictions:

In this mode, it is necessary to mark the lines that are involved in the selection of documents. The selected rows are displayed in green and a “V” in the first column. To select all lines of the directory, press "All +", to unselect all lines, press "All-". Marking (unmarking, if the line is already marked) of a specific line is carried out by double-clicking on this line.

3.3. Working with reports

When working in the report mode, the following rules apply:

A list of all possible reports in the form of a tree is displayed on the left side of the window

The choice of a specific report is carried out by a single click of the mouse on one of the reports

The list of filters for the selected report is displayed in the right part of the window

· To activate one of the filters, double-click in the second column ("Value") in the corresponding line

· In the filter, the selected lines are marked in green and with a “V” in the first column (toggle selected / not selected by double clicking on the line)

· When setting up a report (the "Settings" button), you can turn on / off the columns of the report, the selected columns are marked with "@"

· Formation of the report is carried out by the button "Report"

The report is generated in HTML form and appears in the standard browser of your computer (for example, Internet Explorer)

· The generated report can be easily transferred to Word, Excel, Outlook Express, etc. using the following actions:

o Select all - Ctrl + A (while in the report)

o Copy - Ctrl + C (while in the report)

o Paste - Ctrl + V (while in another program)

An example of the operation of the "Filter by managers" mode.

4. Warehouse operations

Warehouse operations allow you to control the current state of goods in your company, register both receipts from suppliers and returns of goods to suppliers.

4.1. Warehouse condition

To get a list of goods available in the company's warehouses, use the Warehouses state mode. To start this mode, call the Warehouse | Warehouse status in the main menu.

After starting the mode, the screen will display a list of goods available in the selected warehouse or in all warehouses together. To view the characteristics of a product (prices, packaging, VAT, etc.), double-click on the product.

4.2. Arrival of goods

To view, print, add and change delivery notes, start the Warehouse | Parishes in the main menu.

The screen will display a list of incoming invoices, each line of which corresponds to an incoming invoice, and the columns display the Invoice Number, Invoice Date, Supplier, Invoice Amount and other details.

In the upper left part of the "Arrivals" window there are buttons for managing the list of invoices:

    Date range selection button. The current interval is displayed in the title bar of the window. The “default” interval duration is defined in Workplace Setup. The filter button is used to define filters used when selecting documents (for example, by warehouses, by counterparties, etc.). Printing the register of the presented list of invoices in HTML form. The current column order is used for printing (the order can be changed). HTML-view of the invoice register can be easily imported into Word, Excel, Outlook Express, etc. Search for documents by product. In the window that appears, select a product and click the Search button. The result will be a list of documents in which this product is present with prices and quantities for each found document.

To print the selected invoice, click the Print menu.

To enter a new invoice, click the Add button, to change the invoice - the Change button, and to delete - the Delete button.

The exit from the mode is carried out by the Exit button.

4.2.1. Receipt invoice

A receipt invoice window appears when a new receipt is added, or when an existing receipt is changed.

When adding (changing) an invoice, it is necessary to set the invoice attributes and generate (change) a list of goods:

    Invoice number. By default, the next available number is offered, which can be changed. Invoice date. The current date is suggested by default. Warehouse. Determines which of the warehouses will receive the goods. Counterparty. Select the provider you need from the drop-down list. This will automatically generate the Title field. Button "<<", рассположенная справа вызывает справочник контрагентов, где Вы можете найти нужную фирму или создать новую. Внести выбранного поставщика из справочника в накладную можно либо двойным нажатием мыши либо клавишей Enter. Менеджер. Определяет лицо, «отвечающее» за текущий документ. Тип определяет один из существующих типов накладной (тип определяет цвет строки в общем списке). Скидка определяет скидку или надбавку (в случае отрицательного числа) для всего перечня товаров. Внизу накладной подводится итог, отображающий количество позиций перечня/общее количество единиц, общую сумму накладной с учетом скидки. Дополнительные реквизиты заносятся с помощью кнопки ">>".

4.2.2. Entering goods into the invoice

To select goods in the invoice, click the Goods button. To enter the quantity of the selected product, double-click on the corresponding line or select the line and press the Enter key. In the window that opens, enter the quantity of goods and, if you wish, change the offered price. Complete the entry with the OK button. Then repeat the operation for the next item. Click OK to finish working with the list.

When working with a list of products, additional options are available (">>" button):

    product creation; copying of goods; change in product characteristics.

The generated list of goods will be presented in the invoice. You can change the quantity of each of the goods, as well as the prices directly from the invoice, by double-clicking on the required line. Removing an item from the list is done by entering a zero quantity.

To print the invoice, use the Print mode of the main menu.

To save the invoice, click the Checkout button, and to exit without saving, click the Cancel button.

4.3. Purchase returns

The Goods withdrawal mode is intended for returning the goods to the supplier, for writing off or rejecting the goods. To view, print, add or change the care invoice, start the Warehouse | Leaving. Working with departures is similar to working with receipts and is described above. When forming the list of goods for leaving, in contrast to invoices for the receipt, you can select only that product and its quantity that are present in the warehouse.

5. Trading operations

Trading operations are designed to record all commodity and cash flows with your customers and allow you to issue invoices to customers, draw up the issuance of goods by invoice, take into account payments from customers, arrange returns of goods from a customer and receive various reports.

5.1. Accounts

Each trade operation in the program is executed in the following order. At the first stage, an invoice is issued indicating the invoice number, invoice date, list of goods, their quantities, prices, customer name and other attributes of the invoice. When registering an invoice, the goods are reserved. The reserve does not change the quantity of the goods in the warehouse.

At the next stage, on the basis of the issued invoice, the issuance of goods according to the invoice and payment are made. Both payments and issuance of the invoice can be incomplete (partial) and follow in an arbitrary order. In this way, you can create several delivery notes and several invoice payments. The total quantity of goods dispensed cannot exceed the quantity specified in the invoice.

5.2. Invoice processing

To work with accounts, run the mode Trade | Accounts in the main menu. Window Accounts contains a list of documents in the default time interval.

The list consists of columns: H Invoice number, Invoice date, Client name, Invoice amount, Payment, Issue and etc.

Payment by invoice. An empty value in this column indicates that there were no payments; plus or minus - for incomplete payment; plus - to the full; sign ">" - for overpayment.

Issuance of the account. An empty value in this column indicates that there were no dispenses; plus or minus - for incomplete issue; plus - to the fullest.

To get information about the account, click the "Help" button. To print the selected invoice, run the mode Seal | Check in the main menu, or press the F2 key.

To create a new account, click the button Add; to change an existing account - the button Change. Operation in these two modes is discussed in the next section.

The deletion of both the account itself and related issues, payments and refunds is carried out using the button Delete and subsequent confirmation of deletion. Deleted documents are not recovered.

Working in modes Payment, Issuance and Return discussed in the following sections.

To end work in the Accounts press the button Output.

5.3. Account statement and change

Issuing an invoice is the first trade operation and implies reserving the issued goods for the client for its further issuance and payment.

In the window new document you need to set the invoice attributes and generate a list of invoice items.

Basic account details:

    Account number. By default, the next available number is offered, which can be changed. Invoice date. The current date is suggested by default. Warehouse. The item selected in the invoice is reserved at the specified warehouse. When issuing an invoice, the goods are debited from the specified warehouse. Counterparty. Select a counterparty from the list or click the "..." button to open the counterparties directory (with the ability to create new records). Manager. Identifies the person "in charge" of the current document. Type of. Specify the type of document (optional). The discount defines the discount or markup (in the case of a negative number) for the entire list of products.

Additional account details (called by the ">>" button):

    Full title. The field is automatically filled in when you select a client from the list and can be changed. It should be remembered that the information contained in this particular field will be printed on the invoice, invoice and delivery note. The payment term determines the period in days after which the payment for the issued invoice should be received. If you set a non-zero deadline and there is no payment, the invoice becomes "overdue". Basis - additional information about the account.

To form a list of invoice goods, click the button Goods. Working with the goods selection window is described in the section Goods arrival at the warehouse. By default, the list of goods will contain only those items that are available for statement at the selected warehouse, that is, that have a positive difference between the total quantity and the previously reserved one. To display all products defined in the system, select the "All products" option.

Entering the quantity for each of the goods is described in the section Entering the quantity of goods... If in the mode Administrator | Workplace setup checkbox Statement of missing goods unchecked, the program will prohibit the entry of quantities exceeding the allowable one. If the box is checked, then you can write out goods that are out of stock.

To end work in the mode Product selection press the button OK. The generated list will appear in the invoice. You can change the quantity or prices for each of the products by double-clicking on the corresponding line. The removal of an item is made by entering a zero quantity.

To print the generated invoice, press the F2 key or call the Print | Account in the main menu. In addition to the invoice, other documents are available for printing.

The account is saved by pressing the button Checkout. When saving a new account, a window will appear on the screen Registration of an invoice, the work with which is discussed in the next section. When saving a previously issued invoice, no additional actions are required. To exit without saving a new account or changed account, press the button Cancellation.

5.4. New invoice registration

The New Account Registration mode is intended both for saving the current account and for issuing and / or paying for the account.

The new account is saved by pressing the button Issue an invoice... To cancel saving and return back to the account, click Cancellation.

After issuing an invoice, you can end work in the mode by pressing the button OK.

In addition to the statement, you can issue the entire product at once on this account. Before pressing the button Issue Decide whether to generate an invoice for the delivery note. If an invoice will be generated, check the Invoice box. Then press the button Issue. An invoice will be generated for the issue of goods by invoice. If the invoice checkbox was selected, then the delivery note will contain the next invoice number

If, in addition to the statement, you want to enter the full payment of the invoice, click the Pay button. Payment is made regardless of whether the goods were issued or not. Before making a payment, select a wallet (that is, the place where the client's money goes - cashier or current account, etc.).

Remember that in this mode it is impossible to issue incomplete issues and / or payments. These operations are allowed in the mode Invoice processing and discussed below.

Thus, in this mode, you can: simply issue an invoice, issue an invoice and issue on an invoice, issue an invoice and pay on an invoice and, lastly, issue an invoice, issue and pay an invoice.

To end work in the mode, press the button OK.

5.5. Payment by invoice

Window Payment by invoice indicates the total invoice amount, the amount of previously entered payments and the unpaid account balance. In addition, the window contains a list of all payments for the selected account and allows you to enter both new payments and change previously entered payments. The list of payments consists of columns: date of payment, Document Number, Payment amount and Wallet.

To change the existing payment, click the button Change, and to enter a new payment - the button Add. The existing payment can be deleted by pressing the button Delete.

When entering a new payment, the corresponding window contains the unpaid amount as the payment amount. The indicated amount can be changed (reduced).

The entered payment is saved by pressing the button Checkout, and exit from the mode without saving - buttons Cancellation.

5.6. Account issues

The fact that the goods have been dispensed under the account is drawn up with a delivery note. There may be several delivery notes for each account. The total quantity of goods issued in these invoices cannot exceed the quantity issued in the invoice. When issuing an invoice for delivery, both the total quantity of goods in the warehouse and the reserved quantity are reduced.

The Issue by account window contains a list of all issue invoices for the selected account.

5.6.1. Delivery note

To change an existing invoice, specify the corresponding line in the list and click the button Change. To add a new invoice, click the button Add, to delete the invoice press Delete, and to exit the mode - the button Output. The new delivery note contains a list of goods in quantities not yet issued on the current account.

Speaker To issue contains the quantity of issued goods, column In the account is the amount in the invoice, and the column Previously issued- the quantity of goods issued under other delivery notes to this account.

To change (decrease) the issued goods, double-click on the corresponding line and specify the new quantity. If you specify zero, then this product will not be issued.

The main requirements of the document:

    Invoice number. By default, the next available number is offered, which can be changed. Invoice date. The current date is suggested by default.

Additional document references (available using the ">>" button). :

    The full name of the recipient. The basis of the invoice (contains a reference to the number and date of the invoice). Invoice. This check box must be selected if the invoice matches the current delivery note. The checkbox can be set both in a new waybill and in a previously issued delivery note. When you select the checkbox, the next field (invoice number) becomes available for input and by default contains the next invoice number. Invoice number, date (this cut is accessible with the ">>" button). The numbering of invoices is carried out regardless of the numbering of delivery notes and only for those delivery notes that have the corresponding checkbox selected. Number, date of the PRD - details of the payment and settlement document used when printing the invoice.

To print the invoice, use the paragraph Seal main menu. To save the invoice press Checkout. If at the time of registration of the invoice the required goods are not in stock, the program will issue a corresponding warning and prohibit registration. To exit without saving the invoice or changes, press the button Cancellation.

5.7. Refunds to invoice

Working with invoices for the return of goods to the account is similar to the issue of invoice. When making a return from a client, the program controls in such a way that it is impossible to return more goods than was issued on the invoice. The returned item increases the stock of the item, but does not change the stock of the item.

5.8. Auxiliary modes

The following modes are used to view, print and search for various trade-related documents: Pay by invoice, Issuance by invoice, Return by invoice and Invoice. To launch one of the specified modes, select the Trade menu item.

Payments on invoices displays a list of all payments on invoices in a specified time interval and contains the following fields: payment date, invoice number, invoice date, short name of the client, currency, payment amount, debt repaid, and other details.

Issuance by invoice forms a list of invoices for issue in a given interval, indicating the following fields: invoice number, invoice date, invoice number, invoice date, customer name, etc.

Refunds on invoices are similar to refunds on invoices.

Invoices contain a list of all invoices in a given time interval, consisting of the following columns: invoice number, issue invoice number, invoice date (and issue invoice), invoice number, invoice date, customer name and total the amount of the invoice.

In each of the modes, you can change the parameters of the list of documents by clicking the Filter button.

All of the above modes allow you to define a link to the primary document - the invoice.

To print documents corresponding to the selected mode, use the Print menu item.

Exit from the modes by pressing the OK button.

5.9. Adjustment of trade operations

When registering trade operations (checkout, withdrawal and return), it should be remembered that:

    the product can be discharged if it is in the warehouse, provided that the system is configured to prohibit the discharge of the missing product; the product can be discharged, regardless of its availability in the warehouse, provided that the system is configured to permit the release of the missing product; when checking out, the total quantity of goods in the warehouse does not change, but the quantity of goods in reserve increases; goods are issued if they are in stock; the total amount of goods issued on the invoice cannot exceed the amount on the invoice; upon delivery, both the total quantity of goods in the warehouse and the quantity in reserve are reduced; only the goods previously issued on this account can be returned; the total amount of goods returned on the invoice cannot exceed the total amount of goods issued on this invoice; returns increase stock availability but do not affect inventory.

When changing the quantity of goods on the invoice, on which the goods were dispensed, the following should be remembered. If you want to reduce the quantity of goods already issued, then you must first perform the specified operation in the delivery note, and then the same operation in the invoice. If you want to increase the number of issued goods, then first change the invoice, and then the delivery note.

6. Brief description of the main features of the program

A new generation program for wholesale and retail trade, a functional analogue of Light, Kors, Kors Pro.

New generation multi-window interface

You can open several modes (windows) at once

· You can change the size and location of windows with automatic saving of changes

In the windows with lists, you can:

o customize the width and order of columns with automatic saving of changes

o sort lists by any column

o search in any column (search both by context and by initial characters)

Highlighting in different colors, both documents and lines of reference books

The presence of a toolbar (ToolBar) for quick launch of modes

Directories in the form of trees

The main directories are divided into groups in the form of trees

Groups can contain up to three levels of nesting

· Representation of directories in the form of trees allows:

o visually display the structure of the directory

o quickly find the records you need

The program contains the following reference books in the form of trees:

o counterparties

o items of income and expenses

o managers

Built-in CRM system

Full accounting of all actions of managers on interaction with clients

Interchangeability of managers

· Convenient "Task Calendar" mode for graphical display of manager loading

· Ability to use the "Tasks" mode for any spheres of human activity

Extended customer characteristics (region, status, loyalty, competitors, etc.)

Working with documents in a new way

· All documents (invoices, invoices, payments) can have the status "Prepared" or "Posted"

· Documents with the "Prepared" status do not change the state of warehouses, wallets, etc.

· In the "Accounts" mode, the "Prepared" status means an invoice statement without reserving the goods

· In the "Inter-warehouse transfers" mode, the status has 3 states: "Prepared", "Shipped", "Moved" (in the second state, the goods are written off from the first warehouse; in the last state, the goods arrive at the second warehouse)

Separation of accounting by firms

Each document records the firm

Separate numbering of documents by company

· Printing documents in accordance with the company selected in the document

Extended reporting by firms

Complete accounting of monetary transactions

Full accounting of monetary transactions (receipts and expenses)

Possibility to enter the initial debt of the client or debt to the supplier

Contracts and Prices

New mode for efficient work with the list of goods sold to a specific client

Determination of the number, date, name of the contract and other details

· Entering a list of goods and their prices (negotiable prices)

Possibility to print a contract

Securing the client for a specific contract

When working with documents, only items from the contract (with prices from the contract) are displayed in the list of goods, which can significantly reduce the time for forming a commodity list

· Customers with contracts still have the old options: 10 price categories and "customer prices".

New reporting mode

Convenient tree view of the list of reports

Effective work with filters

Fast generation of reports

New "engine" for working with the database

Fast and efficient work with the database

More compact data storage

· "Hot" (without exiting the program) saving the database


Highlighting documents with different colors

Extended printing: printing of all basic documents from any mode (including TORG-12 and invoices)

· Fields of unlimited length for storing product descriptions ("Short" and "Full description")

Formation of a sign of payment of an invoice, taking into account returns

· Printing a register of documents (invoices, receipts, expenses, etc.) directly from the document processing mode in the form and quantity as presented on the screen (while maintaining the order of columns, etc.). The registry opens in HTML form and is easily transferred to Excel, Word, Outlook, etc.

· and much more...

7. Examples of modes and reports

Catalog of goods

· Card Product

State of warehouses

· cash receipts

· "Tasks" mode

Delivery note

· "Accounts" mode

· "Trade reports" mode

In order to download Lite accounting, follow the simple instructions.

  1. To download the installation file, click on the blue button "Download from server" located just above.
  2. After that, the server will prepare and check the installation file for viruses.
  3. If the file is not infected and everything is in order with it, a gray Download button will appear.
  4. Clicking on the "Download" button will start downloading the file to your computer.

We do not ask you to go through the boring registration process or send any SMS for confirmation. Just download and use it for health =)

How to install Lite accounting

To install the program, follow the simple instructions that apply to most programs.

  1. Run the downloaded file by double clicking on it. All installation files are taken from the official websites of the developers.The last update date for the Lite file for version 1.69 was 09 January 2017 at 4:56 am.
  2. In the window that appears, accept the license agreement. You can also familiarize yourself with the license agreement on the official website of the program developer.
  3. Select the components you want to install. Uncheck the boxes that may be used to install additional programs.
  4. Select the folder on your computer where you want to install the program. In most cases, the program automatically selects the folder, for example, in Windows it is C: \ Program Files \
  5. Finally, the program's installation manager may prompt you to create a "Desktop Shortcut" or "Start Menu Folder".
  6. Then the installation process will begin. After completion, the installation manager may ask you to restart the computer for the program to work more correctly.

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