Home Grape Megan fox natural hair color. The evolution of Megan Fox's style: from a simpleton to a sex symbol. Tattoo inscription on the left side

Megan fox natural hair color. The evolution of Megan Fox's style: from a simpleton to a sex symbol. Tattoo inscription on the left side

The talented Hollywood actress Megan Fox has many fans all over the world. Most of the fans want not only to watch films where the star was filmed, but also to find out as much as possible about their idol. They are interested in absolutely everything related to her personality - what her childhood and youth were like, what she was fond of at school, how she became one of the most famous and attractive Hollywood stars.

When Megan Fox married actor Brian Austin Green, it was important for her fans and female fans that the personal life of their idol was successful. For those who know almost nothing about the way to the big screen of the famous actress, presenting her only for her roles in famous films, it will be interesting to get acquainted with her biography and interesting facts from the life of Megan Fox.

Megan Fox: biography

Actress Megan Fox, who gained worldwide fame after the release of the world of the blockbuster "Transformers", was born in the small American town of Rockwood, located in Tennessee. She was born on May 16, 1986 in a family whose ancestors were people of many nationalities, so that the born baby inherited Irish, French, Italian genes, as well as a part of the blood of Native American people - Indians.

It is possible that such heredity became the reason not only for the attractiveness of the girl, but also for her difficult character. Attractive appearance played a large role in a successful acting career and helped to become a popular model. The complexity of Megan's character became the sources of various problems that began in her school years.

At first, these were conflicts with peers, thanks to which the girl did not have friends either at school or in the studio, where she began her career as a model. There were some problems with the law as a teenager.

Megan does not hide the fact that during these years she also got acquainted with drugs. Fortunately for the girl, she did not like this acquaintance, although today she believes that the use of marijuana does not do much harm, so it should be legalized.

From early childhood, Megan was engaged in dancing, received several prestigious awards in dance competitions. She studied at the theater studio. At the age of fifteen, she began her acting career on the set of Hollywood, where over several years she achieved significant success in this difficult profession.

At the same time she worked as a photo model, systematically taking pictures for glossy and men's magazines. The young actress gained fame after starring in the famous film "Transformers", which was followed by many invitations to participate in various photo and film projects.

In 2010, Megan Fox became the wife of her colleague, Hollywood actor Brian Austin Green. Today, three sons are growing up in the family of actors - in addition to two joint children, they are raising Cassius, Brian's son from his first marriage. The actress does not plan to leave her work in the cinema. While pregnant with her second child, she starred in a film that is due to appear on screens in 2014.

Now let's turn to some periods of Megan Fox's life in more detail, let's talk about what fans of her talent will probably be interested in knowing.

Megan Fox: as a child

The family where Megan Fox was born was difficult to call prosperous. Franklin Fox, the girl's father, worked as an overseer for probation criminals. This difficult work awakened aggressiveness in the man, which then manifested itself in family relationships. As a result, the girl's mother, Darlene Fox, takes the children (Megan has an older sister) and leaves the family.

Three-year-old Megan has a stepfather - Darlene marries a man much older than her. The family moved to Florida, where they settled in the city of Port Saint Lucie. Tony Tonaccio, who became the new husband of Megan's mother, and replaced the father to two girls, was not distinguished by an easy character. In the district he was considered a despot.

The stepfather approached the upbringing of girls responsibly, but his conservative outlook on life often served as a reason for conflicts in the family. Megan herself claims that a difficult relationship with her parents caused her frequent emotional breakdowns, however, only thanks to their support, she was able to get excellent dance and musical training.

Megan began to study dancing and music at the age of five, and when she was ten years old, and the family moved to another city in Florida - St. Petersburg, it was at the insistence of her parents that they continued. At the same time, the future actress studied in a drama studio and studied at an ordinary local school.

Megan Fox: in her youth

Her diligent dance practice has been rewarded with victories in several competitions held in South Carolina. Megan managed to win several awards at the same time. Then the young performer was only 13 years old. In the same year, 1999, Megan made an offer to try her hand at modeling. Parents did not mind, setting one condition - to continue acting.

Megan did not mind, so her plans were to devote her life to an acting career. Continuing dancing art did not fit into the girl's plans. The teachers in the theater studio supported the girl's plans, considering her to be very talented, having an innate acting ability.

As the girl's career in art began successfully, her school affairs were just as bad. Her friends were only among the guys, and she did not fit into the girl's company. And outside of school, her behavior left much to be desired.

Megan Fox was arrested at the age of 14 for stealing a car, but fortunately, the story did not receive a continuation. She was detained several times in stores for stealing cosmetics. It is possible that such behavior was a way of self-affirmation for a teenager, since among the girls at school she was an outcast, she was simultaneously envied and hated.

It is not surprising that school for Megan remained not even in the background, but in the last plan. The result was expected - after such "feats" the future star was expelled from the school. After leaving school, Megan made the final decision - to start a career as a film actress.

Megan: on the road to the big screen

Megan began her journey to the cinema in a peculiar way - deciding to earn money on her own for a trip to the film industry capital Los Angeles, she got a job as a walking advertisement (people of this profession were called "bananas"), inviting passers-by to visit a cafe and praising the quality of service in this institution. Having received the first salary, the girl went to conquer Hollywood.

It is clear that no one was expecting such a young girl there (Megan turned 15 not so long ago), she realized that her acting skills, highly regarded in the theater studio, were rather weak against the background of Hollywood actors, the future star relied on her attractive appearance.

Indeed, Megan's appearance - beautiful hair, a charming smile, excellent skin color and body parameters that meet Hollywood standards - attracted the attention of filmmakers. In 2001, she starred in the film Sunny Holidays. The role was noticeable - the girl played by Megan Fox was present on the screen for a long time, she was constantly next to the main characters (they were played by the sisters Ashley and Mary-Kate Olsen), adjusting various tricks for them.

Although the film turned out to be not very successful - it did not come out in distribution, it sold poorly on discs, but the beginning of a film career was laid. For several years, Megan starred in cameo roles, accepting any proposals from the directors. In her creative baggage appeared secondary roles and episodes in such films as "Ocean Street", "Why I Love You", "Queen of the Screen" and others.

These jobs were important for Megan not only for appearances on the screen with famous Hollywood actors, but also for the opportunity to improve her acting skills. Thanks to her cameo roles in 2004, the young actress was offered a more interesting role in the movie "Stage Star", where Megan played along with the popular actress Lindsay Lohan. Then for three years she starred in a TV series called Hope and Faith.

Megan Fox: first starring role

Numerous roles in films and work as a model in men's magazines made the girl noticeable among Hollywood actresses. Finally, in 2007, when the blockbuster "Transformers" was released, where the actress played the main role, Megan waited for her finest hour.

The super popular science fiction film, which grossed more than seven hundred million dollars during the box office, made Megan Fox famous from the first days of its appearance on the screens, turning the young actress into one of the famous Hollywood stars. Megan's childhood dream has come true.

The first successful role was followed by invitations to new filming. In 2008, the actress played the role of a rising star in How to Lose Friends and Make Everyone Hate You.

In 2009, the film "Jennifer's Body" appeared in the box office, in which viewers could appreciate not only Megan's magnificent game, but also her magnificent figure. There were episodes in the film where the actress appeared completely naked.

In the same year, the actress was invited to play in the second part of the acclaimed fantastic blockbuster, released under the title - “Transformers. Revenge of the Fallen. " The film, in which Megan again played the main character Mikaella Baines, turned out to be no less successful, so its creators began filming the third part.

However, in the third part of the project, Megan Fox was no longer filmed. The actress claimed that she refused the role herself, but director Michael Bay voiced a different version. Filming for the Megan Fox project was discontinued at the initiative of producer Steven Spielberg. The actress was fired from the project after insulting the director.

Megan Fox: next film works

In 2010, Megan expanded her filmography with two more films - the not very successful western "John Hex" and "Passion Games". In 2011, followed by filming in the films "Intersection" and "Phantom". Films with Megan Fox were popular with viewers, but they did not bring much fame to the actress, but her external data attracted readers of men's magazines.

2012 turned out to be more successful for Megan Fox in terms of creativity than the previous one. The actress starred in two films - "Love in an adult way" and "Children are not a hindrance to sex" and her acting work was highly appreciated by film critics.

In 2013, Megan took part in the filming of the blockbuster Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. It will appear on the screens in 2014. Fans of the actress will have the opportunity to see their idol in the main female role.

Megan Fox: filmography

Especially for fans of Megan Fox's work, there is a detailed list of her work in films and on TV in one section.

Movies with Megan Fox:

- Sunny Holidays (2001);

- Screen queen (2003);

- Bad Boys 2 (2003);

- Stage star (2004);

- Transformers (2007);

- How to Lose Friends and Make Everyone Hate You (2008)

- Slut (2008);

- Jennifer's body (2009);

- Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen (2009);

- Jonah Hex (2010)

- Games of passion (2010);

- Children are not a hindrance to sex (2011);

- Dictator (2012);

- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014).

Series with Megan Fox:

- Why do I love you (2002-2006);

- Screen Queen (2003-2006);

- 2.5 people (2003-2013).

Megan Fox: height and weight

Girls who consider the image of Megan Fox to be ideal for themselves try to at least slightly resemble their idol. The attractive appearance of a Hollywood beauty is not only a gift from nature and parents. In adolescence, despite the intense dance classes, giving significant physical activity, Megan was a little overweight girl.

Her stunning figure today is the result of her daily fitness routine. Megan's height is not too high by modern standards - 165 cm. However, due to the correct proportions of the figure, the girl seems a little taller. She now weighs 52 kilograms.

Several times a week, the actress is visited by a personal trainer, and Megan does exercises for the press and abdomen every day on her own. Therefore, her figure is in great shape even after she has two babies. Even a couple of kilograms that Megan got after giving birth did not interfere with the beauty of the figure, but only added sexuality to her.

Megan Fox: before and after plastic surgery

Almost all Hollywood stars have resorted to the services of plastic surgeons. Megan Fox is no exception. She had to solve the first problem of her appearance at the age of fifteen, when a large number of youthful acne began to appear on the girl's face, leaving noticeable scars (more details). Megan had to go to a beautician and remove them using laser skin resurfacing. The actress still uses exfoliation to make the skin smooth.

As she grew older, Megan turned to the services of plastic surgeons several times. She corrected the shape of the nose, getting rid of a small hump on it.

Slightly enlarged breasts

and made a correction to the shape of the lips.

All operations were done very correctly, so the changes in the appearance of the actress are not striking, her appearance looks natural.

How to make eyebrows like Megan Fox's?

Another highlight in Megan Fox's appearance is her amazing eyebrows. Their perfect shape for the face of the actress is admired by millions of fans. Often plastic surgeons say that when they come to an appointment, patients bring a photo of Megan, as with an example, wanting to get the same result.

The actress's eyebrows appear black, but in fact this effect is achieved due to the skin color, which has an ivory tint. Enhance the effect of light gray eyes. In fact, Megan's eyebrows are dark brown, matching her hair color.

Such dark eyebrows are not suitable for every girl, since she must have an oval face of a suitable shape. If she is naturally blonde, and her forehead is low, then by making such eyebrows as Megan's, the girl will only ruin her appearance. Maintaining the natural harmony of shape and color is the perfect way to become beautiful.

An English-language video of a girl making her eyebrows. As far as you can see, her eyebrows are really like Megan Fox's.

Video: makeup like Megan Fox

Megan Fox: hair color

Since birth, Megan has a dark brown hair color.

True, in her youth, she experimented a little on them, turning into a sweet girl with light hazel hair. However, on the screen in this form, she became not very noticeable, so she quickly returned to her previous appearance of a bright brunette. Her favorite hairstyle is hair, as if slightly disheveled by the wind. To give them a more saturated shade, Megan occasionally tints them slightly.

Interestingly, as a teenager, Megan dreamed of turning into a blonde, but when she decided to do this transformation on her own, she unexpectedly acquired an orange hairstyle for herself. She walked in this form for a whole year. Since that time, it has not changed so radically.

However, a surprise awaits the fans of the actress. For the filming of the movie about teenage mutant ninja turtles, where Megan plays the role of a brave journalist, the actress became red-haired, just like the journalist looked in the popular cartoon.

Megan Fox Tattoos

Everyone knows that the actress is a big fan of tattoos. Each tattoo on her body is made with a special meaning. Among the eight tattoos that are located on different parts of Megan's luxurious body, there are not only drawings, but also inscriptions. The actress says she loves the process of getting tattoos. For her, this is not only a way of self-expression, but also a remedy for depression.

Tattoo inscription on the back

The actress remains true to her profession and constantly demonstrates her creative nature in the form of tattoos from poetic lines and phrases from literary works.
“We will always laugh at golden (gilded) butterflies,” King Lear once said over the body of his beloved daughter. In the original, Shakespeare reads it:
"We will all laugh at gilded butterflies."
It is this phrase that you can see on the back of Megan Fox, on the right side in the area of ​​the shoulder blade.

Yin-Yang Tattoo

The tattoo depicted on Megan's left wrist, from its inner side, represents two intertwined waves, like the ancient Chinese symbol "yin - yang", meaning an inextricable connection in the nature of the feminine and masculine, heaven and earth, light and dark, etc. ... This tattoo looks like a solid spot from afar, and only up close can you see and understand its meaning.

Tattoo inscription on the right side

The tattoo on the right side of the actress is a paraphrased dictum of Friedrich Nietzsche: “ And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music"What is translated" If you can't hear music, don't rush to call the dancer crazy". Megan Fox on this tattoo: "I actually got this tattoo in honor of Mickey Rourke ... I just really love him and I think he is very special."

Tattoo inscription on the left side

The text of the tattoo is written in Old English: “ There once was a little girl who never knew love until a boy broke her HEART", What means " Once upon a time there was a little girl who did not know love until one boy broke her HEART»
The tattoo becomes noticeable when Megan Fox raises or moves her left hand to the side: it is located on the left side of her beautiful body. Perhaps these words reflect her personal experience.

Marilyn Monroe tattoo

When she was a fan, Megan Fox captured the memory of Marilyn Monroe with a tattoo on the inside (above the wrist) of her right hand in the form of a portrait of the famous actress. Megan Fox about this tattoo: “ She was one of the first people I saw on TV. Every time I hear her voice, I always cry. I don't know why, but I have my own thoughts on this: I have always empathized with her.»

After several years, the tattoo of Marilyn Monroe's portrait begins to fade gradually with the help of laser surgery. In an interview with Amica magazine, Meghan explained why she decided to get rid of this tattoo:
« She was a negative person, mentally unstable, and suffered from bipolarity. I don't want to attract such negative energy into my life.».

Tattoo named Brian

Not all Megan Fox tattoos are open to prying eyes. For example, a tattoo with the name of her beloved "Brian" (Brian) is located on the belly of the actress just above the groin area on the right, and you can see it only thanks to the posing of the model in candid photo sessions

Tattoo crescent moon overlapping five-pointed star

Megan Fox's only color tattoo is a crescent moon overlapping a five-pointed star. The tattoo can be easily spotted on Megan Fox's bare right leg - above the inner ankle. It remains to be seen what these signs mean in Megan's life.

Hieroglyph tattoo

Hieroglyph 力 - means "Strength" (in a broad sense). Also "energy, vigor, fortitude."
It is located on the back of Megan Fox's neck, under the hairline. It seems for a reason that a celebrity placed this sign on her body, which contains a deep philosophical meaning and characterizes the actress as a strong personality.

So far, the actress is not going to get rid of them, although sometimes during photo shoots they become a hindrance. However, in an interview, Megan said that if a good means of removing them appears, then some of the tattoos will disappear.

Megan Fox's fingers

Megan Fox has one problem that cannot be solved even with the help of plastic surgeons - from birth, her thumbs are much smaller than standard sizes. In everyday life, this does not bother her, but when, when filming in an advertisement for Motorola, she needed a close-up of her hands, Megan needed a stunt double. The hands in the commercial had to be removed from another actress.

Megan Fox: no makeup

Many paparazzi have a hobby - to photograph a famous actress at a time when she has no makeup on her face. In such photos, it can be difficult to recognize some of the stars. Fortunately, nature has rewarded Megan with such an appearance that her images, taken by such amateurs, do not give reason to be upset.

Megan's appearance remains beautiful even without makeup. She is photogenic, has wonderful skin color, beautiful eyebrows and eyelashes. Therefore, the actress even likes to give her face a rest, allowing her to appear for a walk without the slightest trace of makeup. If you need to run to the nearest supermarket, Megan sometimes even forgets to touch up her lips. But she has such a beautiful shape and such a pleasant color that she can afford it without losing her attractiveness.

Megan Fox: how old?

Megan Fox is not going to hide her age yet. In May 2014, the popular actress turns only 28 years old. Her husband, Brian Austin Green, is 12 years older than Megan. When they met, the young actress was eighteen, and the future spouse was already thirty.

Megan Fox's husband

With her future husband, Hollywood actor Brian Austin Green, the actress met on the set. It was 2004, when Brian broke up with the mother of his son, who at that time was two years old. Three years later, the couple became engaged, and a wedding was planned. However, after a while, Megan decided that her age still allows her not to rush into marriage, and the engagement was terminated.

Two years later, the couple decided to be together again, and on June 1, 2010, Megan and Brian celebrated their engagement. For this they chose a very romantic place - Hawaii. Their wedding took place there on June 21st, witnessed by Brian's son, Cassius, who at that time was already eight years old.

Megan Fox: pregnant

Two years after the wedding, on September 27, 2012, a charming baby appeared in the family, and ten months later, information appeared in the press that Megan Fox was pregnant again.

Megan herself talked about her second pregnancy only once, while noticing that she did not feel very well only at the very beginning of her term. Further, the actress felt great and continued to work on the set. On February 13, another son appeared in the family of a happy couple.

Megan Fox named her son Bodhi Ransom Green. Bodhi in Buddhism is the "understanding that Buddha possessed" in relation to the "nature of things." Simply put, Bodhi is "enlightenment." Ransom is part of the name of a famous poet in the United States John Crowe Ransom

It is clear that two children, born with a difference of just over a year, give parents a lot of trouble, but all fans of the actress hope to see Megan again in great shape in the near future, as it was after the birth of her first baby.


And the blue-black hair and red lips are the classic vamp look. Despite the apparent simplicity, it is quite difficult to achieve the perfect dark shade of curls and maintain it in the future. But Monica Bellucci, Demi Moore, Bella Hadid and other star beauties succeed. Famous brunettes who do not change their dark color in the BeautyHack collection.

Advice from the celebrity stylist, owner of the Muze beauty salon, partner of Wella Professionals Alexandra Matiz: “Today, coloring in several tones is at the peak of popularity. If you want to give your hair a light shade, choose a dye without ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. It gives shine and beautiful color play, but does not paint over gray hair and is washed off in 6-8 times.

Megan Fox

Megan Fox changed her dark hair color only once, making an ombre and lightening the ends. However, the beauty experiment did not last long, and soon the Transformers star returned to the shade of cold chocolate.

Penelope Cruz

In one of the interviews, the owner of a luxurious head of hair, Penelope Cruz, said that she was not ready to change color, even for the sake of an important role. After an unsuccessful youthful experiment - lightening curls, during which the actress burned her gorgeous hair, she vowed never to do this again. Therefore, now its maximum is light highlighting.

Demi Moore

Demi Moore has favored dark hair since her first appearance on the screen (TV series General Hospital). Being a brunette by nature, the actress did not put on makeup for a long time.

Now Dami is in her early 50s, but she's still faithful to the dark. As for hair care, the main secret of her luxurious curls is the lack of a hairdryer in everyday life and an impressive arsenal of moisturizers.

Monica Bellucci

Even those who have never watched films with her participation know about this Italian woman (although we doubt that there are still such). Monica has gorgeous, dark hair. The actress prefers the shade of dark chocolate. Bellucci says she washes her hair no more than twice a week to keep her hair dry, while diluting the shampoo with mineral water to lower the concentration of chemicals. According to the actress, the best mask is olive oil. Monica does not use a hairdryer in her daily life and tries to style her hair with a curling iron as little as possible.

Catherine Zeta-Jones

Catherine Zeta-Jones's on-screen look: long hair and makeup with an emphasis on the eyes. At the dawn of her career, the actress's curls descended below the waist. However, a little later, Katherine parted with such a length, and strands of a nutty hue appeared in her hair. Favorite mask of the actress: a mixture of beer and honey. After the procedure, Katherine rinses her hair with water and lemon juice to get rid of the odor.

Liv Tyler

The daughter of the musician "Aerosmith" Liv Tyler has repeatedly headed the TOP of the most beautiful women in Hollywood. The actress and model played her first star role in the legendary film Armageddon, after which she woke up famous. Liv has stayed true to her dark hair color for many years now, and her main hack when washing her head is using a lot of moisturizing hair conditioner.

Mila Kunis

Already twice, mother and actress with Ukrainian roots Mila Kunis is a convinced brunette. However, sometimes the performer of one of the main roles in the acclaimed film "Black Swan" adds softness to her image with the help of lighter strands. Mila's color is based on strong coffee. Completing the look is given by honey strands along all lengths.

Bella Hadid

Recently, the 21-year-old model shocked her fans with a picture in which she appeared in the image of a blonde with pink ends that are fashionable this season. They did not appreciate such radical beauty experiments and begged Bella to return the dark, cold hair color. To the delight of the raging fans, the model very quickly joined the brunettes again, simply by removing the wig.

Emily Ratzkowski

Emily Ratzkowski's success came from filming Robin Thicke's "Blurred Lines" video. Despite the fact that the original was taken out of rotation, this did not stop the girl from becoming an it-girl. Emily made her debut with an even, black hair color. However, a little later, the model slightly lightened the ends, which gave her a fresh and carefree look.

Keira Knightley

As soon as Keira Knightley did not experiment with her style: she wore a short haircut, cut long bangs, went with a boy's cut and was even almost blonde. However, all such experiments of the actress ended in the same way: she again painted in dark. And it is not surprising - this image is the most successful of all the variety of haircuts and styling.

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Megan Fox's style: not like any other, sexy, light, inimitable - almost all fans and admirers of the star are sure of this. Meanwhile, millions of girls all over the world want to resemble the original beauty. Want to take on some of the celebrity tips? We have collected the most interesting ones, and NameWoman will talk about how Megan Fox takes care of her appearance.

Megan Fox style: glamor and naturalness in one

Megan Fox's style is a combination of luxurious hair, a slender fit figure (the secrets of which we tried to reveal in the article ""), a kind of makeup, ideal most feminine and sexy outfits on the red carpet and sports bows in everyday life .

Imitation of others: in ninth grade, Megan Fox dreamed of being like Carmen Electra ...

A cap, jeans and a shirt are Megan's favorite clothes, while “into the world” the star will certainly wear a flirty sexy dress and always cool stilettos. She does not bother with careful skin care, however, even such a "lazy" girl as Megan sometimes has to resort to the help of a beautician and stylist. The star does not hide that her image is not an exclusively individual work: sometimes it is very important to entrust herself to the hands of professionals.

Megan Fox color type: stylists argue

Her appearance has always caused controversial points in a number of critics. Most consider the girl to be of the "winter" type, since contrast and brightness are her main trump cards. In the end, stylists came to the conclusion that this is a "warm winter", or even off-season. The reasons for this were, first of all, "cold but natural eyes" and very dark hair. However, the dark complexion, warm shades of gloss and blush in Megan Fox's makeup "soften" her appearance.

Megan Fox is a little lazy in skin care ...

Megan systematically makes peels to lift skin tone and rejuvenate. One of the first in Hollywood, Fox began doing diamond skin resurfacing. "Expensive, but effective" - ​​this was the result that not every star lady can boast. Another beauty secret of the film star is the use of the mineral gifts of the sea and the love of sunbathing. The girl loves the sea, and at any free moment she runs to the beach to expose her skin to the rays of the sun, which is the reason for her amazing natural chocolate tan. Megan Fox knows what a beautiful tan is and would never prefer aristocratic pallor to it.

Megan Fox hair: gloss is the secret of sexuality

Megan Fox believes that hair is every woman's greatest asset. The girl often pampers them with all kinds of professional and, therefore, they always look silky and healthy. The star puts special emphasis on.

A couple of times a month, Megan goes to the hairdresser and performs vitamin treatments. The beauty has a negative attitude to the passion for fashionable haircuts, believing that hair should be natural. Megan Fox's favorite hairstyle is strands sexually developing in the wind. So experiments with the beauty's hair are only for photo shoots. NameWoman managed to find a photo of Megan (right) with the original long oblique bangs to one side, the actress looks with such a hairstyle with her hair pulled back at the same time sexy and very touching.

Love for the sun has its drawbacks, therefore, so that the curls do not look burnt out, Fox not only observes, but also periodically tints them to give a more intense black or chocolate shade.

In fairness, it should be noted that Megan Fox was far from always being a brunette. In the first photo below, Megan has a nutty hair color with honey highlights. Here she is very sweet and warm, and if you look closely, you can find traces of ... freckles on her nose and cheeks. Dark curls and an even complexion made Meghan look visibly hotter ...

A terrible secret about Megan Fox's hair from NameWoman: in her youth, she dreamed of being ... a blonde. Armed with a bottle of perhydrol, Megan transformed, but ... not into a beautiful barbie doll, but simply into a girl with ... orange hair! With them, and even with braces on her teeth, baby Megan passed for a whole year ...

Megan Fox makeup: face is a calling card

The girl does not deny that she is endowed with natural beauty (she was lucky with genes - Italian, Indian and French roots in the family make themselves felt), without which it would be almost impossible to break through "upward". True, it took a lot of work to correctly direct this natural beauty and bring it to the ideal. Therefore, reproaches that the Megan Fox project is a bet on appearance do not really hurt her.

Megan prefers to make her face light (while admitting that in her youth she always tried to make her makeup brighter), focusing on the eyes. A little bit of foundation on the skin, soft bronze blush - and the tan tone is perfectly shaded.

Lip makeup: gloss and sex

The lips of a Hollywood beauty are considered one of the standards of beauty, so the girl does not try to "draw" them in a special way. In everyday life, Megan uses only a slightly noticeable lip gloss, but on the red carpet scarlet is Fox's faithful friend and companion. Combined with luxurious long eyelashes, a seductive smile can easily delight fans and envy co-stars.

Megan always uses a balm to care for her lips, this is one of the must-haves in her cosmetic bag.

Eye makeup: a ton of mascara is my specialty (according to Megan Fox herself)

Fluffy long eyelashes are Meghan's trademark. “I prefer a million brush strokes of mascara than shadows,” the actress admits in an interview. She practically does not use shadows, and her eyelashes "bend" up along the entire contour, so she knows everything. By the way, Megan is very partial to false eyelashes ...

Fox's evening eye makeup is a subtle "smoky" effect, without fanaticism. The beauty believes that she already has bright eyes.

Megan Fox eyebrows: beauty is in the details

Megan Fox's eyebrows are the subject of envy and a lot of talk. And this is not surprising: the film actress pays a lot of attention to the shape of her eyebrows. She believes that it is the well-groomed eyebrows that emphasize the naturalness and beauty of the eyes, therefore, they must always be in perfect condition. By her own admission, Megan Fox from the age of 9, because the actress had them since birth ... almost fused. Now a specialist monitors the beauty's eyebrows, periodically correcting them, giving the desired attractive shape with the help of competent tattooing and aids. The actress's eyebrows and eyes cause such envy among the fans that a number of beauty salons already offer a special service, so now you can even get a tattoo done in Moscow on the model of Megan Fox.

Favorites among beauty products :

Dark cherry nail polish - Meghan likes it because of the "vampire theme" association;

Rose oil - Megan adds a little of it to all her cosmetics, loves for its aroma and moisturizing ability;

Hairspray - Megan Fox always has a little spray with her, just in case.

Megan Fox's advice: keep it simple and don't look different

In Hollywood, Megan is known for being capricious and wayward. They say that because of this, the shooting of the third "Transformers" went without it. However, the celebrity herself believes that doing something if it is above the principles is not worth it, since if you break your inner "core", you can completely get lost ... Sometimes you can be capricious, if it is in your nature ...

Megan remains true to herself and her convictions, disagrees thoughtlessly with absolutely everything that she is "forced" to do, but at the same time does not consider it humiliating to ask for anything. She is stubborn and purposeful, hardly such a sex symbol can stop anything - even the Golden Raspberry nomination ... Megan Fox chose Ava Gardner as a style icon for herself in her youth (pictured on the left) for brightness, ability to stand up for oneself and ... sometimes daring expressions.

« When a woman does not betray her values ​​and is in harmony with herself, she will always "shine" in the rays of glory, be it the red carpet or the family circle "- says Megan Fox.

Lilia Gurikova

Looking for a classy and sexy hairstyle? Then you should definitely take a look at the most stylish and sexy Megan Fox hairstyles. Trendy vintage waves and classy, ​​glamorous high hairstyles are exactly the models that helped the Transformers actress win the title of best combed star.

One of the most attractive and copied actresses of our time, Megan Fox was able to earn the honorary title of a true beauty icon. Her unmistakable feminine features and long, shiny curls have made her a regular on the covers of fashion magazines. Hollywood glamor waves and curls and evening high hairstyles should definitely be on your list of formal hairstyles, especially if you're gearing up for a special occasion like an important date or wedding.

Pick one of Megan Fox's hairstyles and learn how to style it. You don't need any advanced skills or innate talent, just a few of the basic styling tools and tools to help you replicate your Megan Fox hairstyle.

Hollywood Glamor Hairstyles

A successful actress knows how to express her sex appeal, which is why she chooses Hollywood glam hairstyles such as trendy waves and puffy hair. This is truly the best way to highlight attractive facial features and express a sophisticated sense of style.

Use your curling iron or just your fingers to style your hair. The secret to styling this simple yet stunning hairstyle lies in using basic styling products like hold and shine polishes to help you create a voluminous and defined curl texture. Following Megan's example, complete the look with red lipstick and you will definitely stand out from the crowd.

High hairstyles

High hairstyles are always at the top of the hairstyle charts for awards ceremony or red carpet appearances. Megan Fox can be called the real queen of these hairstyles, because she shows us the ideal styling methods for both loose, tousled, and sleek, perfectly styled high hairstyles. Flirty hairpieces and "buns" are among her favorite options, which she wears with confidence and charisma. If you want to follow her example, remember that your hair should be perfectly healthy and well-groomed.

Tie your curls into a stylish ponytail for a tight-fitting hairstyle. Curl your hair around the base of the ponytail and secure with bobby pins. If you want to create a loose "bun", style it in the same way, just do not tie your hair too tight, put it in a more loose, combed back, low or high "bun".

Chic loose high hairstyles

For a youthful, more relaxed look, you can experiment with the charming, flowing high hairstyles that are being promoted by the rising star. From chic ponytails to pinned up high hairstyles, all options are good. A chic, swept back, sporty hairstyle is the perfect way to brighten up your day.

A sloppy ponytail will help you add volume and shape to your hair. On the other hand, sleek, tight hairstyles are the perfect way to highlight your best features and draw attention to your face. Play with the length and texture of the strands and be sure to take note of the above stellar hairstyles.

Megan Fox, whose style and beauty fascinate both men and women, is rightfully considered one of the sexiest girls on the planet. Many people like Megan Fox's hairstyle, or her makeup. But, every girl can look like a star.

Girls very often imitate star divas, and this is not strange. After all, all these beauties from the screen are luxurious, sexy and able to win the heart of even the most inveterate bachelor.

Many famous women try to shock the audience. But this does not apply at all to the famous fashion model and film actress Megan Fox, whose style is notable for its simplicity. She does not consider it necessary to wear bright, sometimes even "awkward" outfits or amaze the minds of the public with unimaginable structures on her head, and bright moments in makeup. Quite the opposite is true. Megan prefers simple outfits that emphasize lines, loose curls and natural makeup. Why not? After all, nature has already endowed her with an amazing appearance. Beautiful features, sexy figure, luxurious hair - these are her main attributes for winning men's hearts.

Megan considers her hair to be the main "trump card" of her appearance. And it's hard to argue with that. They always look great. Although she does not try to come up with incredible hairstyles and is not at all interested in fashionable haircuts. In an interview, the film actress said that the best hairstyle for a woman is luxurious curls that develop in the wind. Of course, like any beauty, Megan has her own beauty secrets. But, she does not at all keep them in the strictest confidence and often share interesting recipes.

In order to have beautiful hair, you must first of all learn how to properly care for it. Megan Fox talks about her regular use of nourishing hair masks. She makes them with her own hands from natural ingredients. And twice a week, Megan visits the salon, where her hair receives vitamin nutrition.

If you need a hairstyle like that of Megan Fox, you will have to, first of all, do a little work on yourself. In fact, Meghan always has pretty simple hairstyles. This is mainly loose hair. There are several variations here: large loose curls, straight "like straw" locks, or laid curls (imitation of the forties). Of course, such hairstyles can only be done if you have sufficient hair length. But if this very length is not there, then you can resort to fashionable, recently "build-up".

The second aspect is hair color. The actress experimented a lot with colors. She was even a blonde, but, according to critics, this experiment cannot be called successful. In recent years, the actress has left her search and settled on a dark brown color, similar to natural. He suits her very much and meets her "natural" style.

So in order to create a hairstyle you will need: curling iron (or curling) hair, styling gel, round comb, hair dryer and a little patience. First, you need to wash your hair with shampoo and use a balm. Then mousse or gel is applied to clean hair to fix the style. Use a round comb to lift the strands and dry the hair at the root. This will create a wonderful volume at the very roots of the hair. What will add splendor to the hair. After the hair is dry, you need to decide on the hairstyle. If you require a straight strand style, you should use a special hair straightener. If you like the "luxurious curls" hairstyle, then curls can be obtained with the help of hot curling irons. At the same time, it is necessary to twist the strand without reaching the roots by ten to fifteen centimeters. It's simple - twenty minutes, and any girl turns into a star.

But sometimes, Megan Fox changes her hair. If this does not apply to going out, then she chooses a strict bun on the back of the head or a straight tail. Her most important assistant in creating hairstyles is a special "hair shine". Megan always wears it generously, which gives her hair a special chic and attractiveness.

But, according to the beauty, the hairstyle is not everything. She has her own secrets that create her image and give a unique charm. In order for the look to catch all the attention and be imprinted in the hearts of fans for a long time, it is worth making a bright accent on the eyelashes. To do this, you need to use soft pastel tones in your makeup, and highlight your eyelashes with lengthening mascara. If you want to look sexy and even predatory, you can paint your lips with classic red, scarlet or carrot colors. And if your lips need additional volume, it is worth applying a light pink lipstick on them, and then a transparent gloss. In order to give the image a mystery, one should always smile a little.

In her interviews, Megan often says that it doesn't matter what a woman is wearing and wearing, how she is made up, and what color her hair is. The main thing is your own style, which should not be far-fetched. It is intended only to express what a woman feels inside, how she feels.

You always need to listen to your desires and be yourself. The main thing for success is simplicity, naturalness, harmony and, of course, confidence in your own irresistibility!

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