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Slimming menu for women. Everyday menu for girls. Diet menu for the week

Eating right is difficult only in the early stages. If you stick to a proper nutrition schedule for every day and make an example of a menu that you follow, then the pleasant bonuses of this approach will not keep you waiting long.

“We are what we eat” - it's hard to disagree with these words

According to most modern nutritionists, the daily intake of healthy food consists of:

  • 50% carbohydrates;
  • 30% proteins;
  • 20% fat;
  • vitamins;
  • minerals.

The daily calorie intake for women is 1800 kcal, for men - 2100 kcal. It can vary depending on the level of activity of a person during the day.

What is proper nutrition, the menu for every day, well reflect the reviews about this system:

  1. this is the basis on the basis of which the general condition of the body is built;
  2. she gives a good mood and visual appeal;
  3. maintains good spirits and energy;
  4. helps to treat and reduce the likelihood of a number of diseases;
  5. has a clear schedule of healthy meals.

The basics of healthy eating

Unfortunately, not all of us adhere to the rules of healthy food consumption, although we are familiar with their basics from the school curriculum. Clearly proper nutrition, the menu for every day can be presented in the form of a so-called plate:

  1. take simple dinnerware and divide it into two equal parts;
  2. the first half should always be occupied by vegetables or fresh salad, unsweetened fruits;
  3. the second part must be halved again;
  4. one half - animal proteins in the form of meat or fish;
  5. the second - a portion of porridge, hard pasta, boiled potatoes;
  6. do not forget also about bread and a daily rate of liquid of 1.5-2l.

This plate should correspond to three meals, the other two are for snacks. They are made up of fruits, yoghurts, vegetables and nuts.

Healthy eating principles

Products that a person uses every day should perform several functions at once

Building your personal food system properly is not an easy task. Certain principles and rules must be followed:

  • you need to eat when you feel hungry;
  • every piece of food should be thoroughly chewed;
  • it is necessary to eat in a calm state in moderate portions;
  • while eating, it is worth taking a sitting position and concentrating on the process itself;
  • the menu for one meal is limited to a maximum of four courses;
  • the daily diet should be divided into 4-5 small meals, eating the main volume of food at lunch;
  • it is worth eating freshly prepared natural food, in particular, more fiber - fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • minimize or eliminate fast food, alcohol and unhealthy foods - mayonnaise, ketchup, deep frying;
  • give preference to natural sweets with a low sugar content and no fatty creams.

Meal frequency

One simple rule applies here - there is more often, but less. Foods from your nutritional menu for the day should:

  1. have definite and regular office hours;
  2. distributed by the number of calories and chemical elements;
  3. take into account the set of dishes and their quantity;
  4. prepare from combined products.

For healthy people, the optimal frequency of meals is 4 times a day; in the presence of gastrointestinal diseases, there may be 5 or 6 of them.


You need to eat regularly, the same breakfasts should not be skipped, citing lack of time. They guarantee you productivity and vitality all day long.

Create an optimal routine for yourself that you can follow without breaking. An approximate schedule of proper nutrition for every day looks like this:

  • breakfast at 7 am, 10:00 am - for those who wake up late;
  • lunch at 10:00 (13:00);
  • lunch at 13:00 (15:00);
  • afternoon snack at 16:00 (17:00);
  • dinner - 19:00 (20:00).


This principle can be easily explained by the fact that with the help of food we replenish the energy supply necessary to maintain the vital functions of the body. It should be received exactly as much as we are able to spend.

If the amount is greater, then excess weight appears, since unused calories will accumulate, and if less and all reserves are spent, you cannot avoid serious health problems.

The daily norm of the menu of proper nutrition for each day should be distributed as follows:

  1. light breakfast equal to 1/3 of the norm;
  2. hearty lunch and dinner, corresponding to a quarter of the food consumed;
  3. with the obligatory four meals.


A reasonable balance of carbohydrates, fats and proteins is easy to maintain by eating a variety of foods and considering food compatibility. A balanced diet of proper nutrition for every day consists of 5 main food groups:

  • cereals;
  • vegetables;
  • fruit;
  • dairy products;
  • meat and fish.

Their distribution by hours of consumption strongly depends on the composition and energy potential. The high protein content of meat, fish, and legumes is good for lunch or breakfast, as they increase the activity of the central nervous system and take longer to be absorbed by the body. Fermented milk products, vegetables and fruits should be consumed for dinner, as they do not burden the digestive system.

List of foods for proper nutrition

With proper nutrition, a person's diet is balanced and healthy.

To prepare healthy and delicious meals for every day, you will need a list of essential foods, which includes:

  1. fresh seasonal berries, fruits and vegetables, herbs;
  2. nuts and dried fruits, white and green tea, grain coffee, chicory;
  3. various cereals and cereals, olive oil, mushrooms;
  4. dairy products - in particular natural yoghurts, sour cream and cottage cheese;
  5. poultry and seafood - fillets and red fish;
  6. honey and dark chocolate;
  7. lean meats, chicken and quail eggs.

Healthy food menu for the week

The system of separate nutrition, which is based on the compatibility of different foods with each other, will help you to correctly plan your diet in accordance with a healthy lifestyle. Following the selected regimen, you can start from the compiled list of foods and combine them, adjusting your daily calorie intake.

Start with the simplest thing - schedule by the hour what you will eat at this moment for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Create a detailed menu with a description of the meals for the week. These recipes for proper nutrition for every day will help you with this:

  1. pasta with chicken and vegetables - Boil durum wheat products in salted water, cut into medium zucchini (courgette) wedges and add broccoli and green beans to it, stew vegetables in a skillet in olive oil and combine them with diced chicken fillets when it will come to readiness, mix everything with pasta;
  2. vegetable salad - cut a fresh cucumber into thin strips, and cherry tomatoes in half, pickle onions in wine vinegar, cut them into half rings, combine the ingredients, season them with arugula and lemon juice;
  3. pumpkin puree soup - prepare chicken breast broth, take out the meat and cut it into cubes without turning off the pan, add onions and carrots blanched in butter, finely chopped potatoes and pumpkin in butter, cook until tender, drain the liquid into a separate pan , and from vegetables and meat, make mashed potatoes, combine the ingredients, seasoning the soup with basil and rye croutons to taste.

Slimming menu for girls

In order not to miss anything important, you can create a menu for the week for each day.

If you want to lose weight, then your diet, regardless of gender, should be complete, low-calorie and varied. The weekly menu, compiled by nutritionists, implies the following proper nutrition for weight loss for every day:

  1. porridge from any whole grain cereal - a portion does not exceed one and a half tablespoons;
  2. lean meat, fish or poultry - alternate these dishes on the days of the week, daily it is two portions, the size of the palm;
  3. fermented milk products - a glass of fermented baked milk or kefir, half a glass of yogurt without fillers, no more than 200 g of low-fat cottage cheese per day;
  4. still mineral water - about 1.5 liters, taking into account the fact that you eat first courses, drink teas, eat fruits;
  5. liquids at will - compotes, rosehip decoctions, green tea, unsweetened juices and fruit drinks;
  6. fiber - from seasonal vegetables and fruits, 300g each, as well as fresh herbs and celery;
  7. vegetable oils - no more than two tablespoons of olive or flaxseed oil;
  8. spices, salt and sugar - the first in the form of cinnamon and turmeric, ground coriander, the second - to limit consumption as much as possible, replace sweets with dried fruits and honey;
  9. eggs, nuts and low-fat cheese - the daily allowance is within 30g.

Daily menu options for athletes

The daily diet should include foods with a rich list of nutrients

Exercise and sports contribute to wellness and weight loss. You can use different options for the sports menu, depending on your goals, but they must comply with the following rules:

  • the main meal 2-3 hours before the start of the workout;
  • Protein and other nutritional shakes are equal to one meal, a good alternative to a full breakfast;
  • if this is not possible, a snack with cottage cheese, yogurt or kefir is allowed half an hour before fitness;
  • an alternative option for getting energy is a fruit or natural juice 40 minutes before the start of the class;
  • during training, it is advisable to consume small amounts of non-carbonated mineral water;
  • after exercise - a taboo on fatty foods, it should be replaced with protein, the same cocktail or a small portion of cottage cheese for 20-30 minutes;
  • if you go to bed 4-5 hours after training, you can afford a full dinner no later than 19:00, for example, fish stew with vegetables, baked in the oven or on the grill.

Many athletes will love these healthy everyday nutritional recipes:

  1. vinaigrette in a slow cooker - peel the beets, potatoes, onions and carrots and cut into cubes, place the ingredients in a steamer bowl, pour 1 liter of water into the main one, steam for 15 minutes, then leave only the beets for another 10 minutes, thinly chop the sauerkraut or pickled cucumbers and mix them with ready-made vegetables, add spices and green peas, season with olive oil;
  2. celery cocktail - mix with a blender until light foam forms 50 ml of celery juice or a small piece of fresh stem, 100 ml of milk and one egg white;
  3. Banana Protein Shake - Whisk in a blender 0.5L milk, one banana, 2 tbsp. spoons of honey, 30g of any nuts and 200g of homemade cottage cheese.

Diet menu for teenagers for every day

Strict diets and fasting days are excluded for the rapidly developing child's body. Teenagers should eat a balanced diet, get all the necessary amount of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. These tips and tricks will help you create the right nutrition for every day for your children:

  • limit high-calorie foods if the child tends to be overweight;
  • organize a full breakfast - milk porridge, steam omelets, cottage cheese with fruit;
  • make sure that 50% of the diet is carbohydrates, and 30% and 20% are proteins and fats, respectively;
  • eliminate the likelihood of overeating by introducing fractional meals in small portions 5-6 times;
  • allow your child to eat sweets, starchy foods and fast food no more than three times a week, in the morning;
  • replace harmful sweets with useful ones - let it be bananas, dark chocolate, marshmallows, grapes, fruit jelly or natural marmalade and marshmallows;
  • select the calorie content of the diet so that it corresponds to the activity of the teenager, for girls - no more than 2400 kcal per day, for boys - no more than 2800 kcal.

(12 estimates, average: 3,42 out of 5)

The menu of proper nutrition for normalizing metabolism and losing weight, compiled for a week, helps to get rid of extra pounds and improve well-being in the shortest possible time. A healthy lifestyle is gaining fans, but the controversy around PP (proper nutrition) and its features do not subside.

The PP menu for a week for weight loss is the main assistant in the fight against excess weight. First, the loss of pounds occurs due to the fact that fast carbohydrates, such as cakes and sweet rolls, are completely removed from the diet. They are called fast due to the fact that they are absorbed in a short time, while they do not provide useful substances, but immediately go into body fat.

The exclusion of such carbohydrates from the menu gives the body the ability to process existing fats, and not accumulate new ones.

Secondly, food occurs in small portions, at short intervals. Thanks to this meal schedule, you always feel full, and therefore, the body does not need to accumulate reserves in case of a hunger strike.

The PP menu, developed for the day and the week, for high-quality weight loss includes certain foods that need to be consumed at certain times of the day. For example, citrus fruits cannot be eaten for breakfast, since the acid they contain irritates the mucous membranes, however, they are not recommended for dinner because of the sugar.

The best time to eat an orange is for lunch or dinner. So it is with the rest of the products. Carbohydrates should be eaten in the morning, while vegetables are much healthier for dinner. Fish is well digested in the evening, and you can eat meat for lunch. Thanks to this eating pattern, the body can get the most out of the food it receives.

As a result, all of the above actions accelerate the metabolism, thanks to which the process of losing weight occurs. Proper nutrition is the basis of a beautiful figure

How much can you lose weight with proper nutrition?

Having developed a PP menu for a week for weight loss, you should not expect instant results. It takes time for the metabolism to accelerate. The kilos lost in the first week are water. Puffiness goes away and the correct metabolism is restored. The result also depends on physical activity, the more there is, the faster the process of losing weight.

A sharp weight loss is very harmful to health, and the goal of proper nutrition is to bring internal processes back to normal. Therefore, weight loss will be smooth, namely about 3-4 kg per month with average physical activity. This activity includes cardio training 3-4 times a week, daily walks lasting from 20 minutes.

It is possible to increase weight loss through vigorous physical activity. For example, doing a full strength training session 6 times a week can increase your weight loss by another 2 kg.

It is very important to remember that losing weight is an individual process. The number of pounds lost depends on the initial excess weight. The larger it is, the faster the weight loss.

And, with each lost kilogram, it is more and more difficult for the body to part with its reserves, therefore, the longer you sit on the PP, the slower the process of losing weight will go.

But this does not mean that healthy nutrition has ceased to work, it means that the body begins to process the last reserves "for a rainy day." During this period, it is better to put off the scales and start measuring body volumes, the change in which is tracked more clearly.

There are several principles of proper nutrition, therefore, when compiling a PP menu for a week for weight loss, you need to take into account all of them:

Things to Avoid During Proper Nutrition

The PP menu for a week for weight loss will be easier to follow if you avoid situations that provoke breakdowns:

What foods can and can not be eaten with proper nutrition for weight loss


It is possible in very small quantities:

  • vegetables containing starch;
  • cheese (fat content up to 30%);
  • fruits in small quantities;
  • cottage cheese.

It is forbidden:

  • alcohol;
  • corn;
  • bakery;
  • sugar.

How to make the right menu

Before compiling a PP menu for weight loss for a week or a month, you must:

  1. Assess the level of physical activity.
  2. Calculate the rate of kcal per day.

The level of physical activity can be:

Once the level of physical activity is determined, the calorie rate can be calculated using the formula:

(9.99 * weight in kg) + (6.25 * height in cm) - (4.92 * age in years) -161 * coeff. physical activity

Approximate menu for a week with a daily calorie content of 800 calories

When eating 800 kcal per day, 3 meals a day are provided, there are no snacks. Cook vegetables and meat without oil. Can be stewed, steamed and baked. Dairy products are low-fat or low-fat.

The PP menu for weight loss for a week at 800 kcal per day is suitable for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle or cannot have a snack every 2-3 hours.

Monday Morning 249 kcal 101 g cottage cheese
Day 299 kcal 201 g vegetables + 2 eggs + drink
Evening 249 kcal 299 g vegetables + 1 egg + a glass of kefir
Tuesday Morning 249 kcal 149 g cereals with milk
Day 299 kcal 249 ml soup + unsweetened coffee with milk
Evening 260 kcal 305 g vegetables + 99 g red meat + a glass of milk
Wednesday Morning 249 kcal 125 g salad
Day 299 kcal 203 g stew + 154 g chicken
Evening 259 kcal 148 g fish stewed with vegetables
Thursday Morning 249 kcal Repeat Monday menu
Day 299 kcal 230 g salad + 2 boiled eggs
Evening 239 kcal 208 g ragout + 154 g boiled meat
Friday Morning 249 kcal 106 g cottage cheese with sour cream (20%)
Day 299 kcal 204 g green borsch
Evening 244 kcal 154 g cottage cheese + 1 glass kefir with ½ tbsp. l. Sahara
Saturday Morning 249 kcal Repeat tuesday breakfast
Day 299 kcal 249 g borscht on PP + 3 rye bread with curd cheese, tomato and herbs 70 g
Evening 248 kcal 205 g turkey and buckwheat hedgehogs + a glass of kefir
Sunday Morning 249 kcal 215 g omelet with cheese, tomato and herbs
Day 299 kcal 230 g ragout without potatoes + 143 g chicken fillet + unsweetened coffee
Evening 240 kcal 152 g of meat + 201 g of vegetables + a glass of milk.

Approximate menu for a week, containing 1000 calories per day

The PP menu for a week for weight loss with a daily calorie content of 1000 kcal is recommended for a sedentary lifestyle, as well as for those who have a slow metabolism.

With this food scheme, 5 meals are provided.

Vegetables can be steamed, baked and stewed. The addition of oil should be avoided.

Dairy products are either low fat or low in fat.

Monday Morning 249 kcal 150 g cottage cheese with raisins
Lunch 99 kcal 99 g fruits or berries
Day 299 kcal 99 g chicken + 99 g buckwheat without salt
Afternoon snack 99 kcal 1 boiled corn
Evening 247 kcal 204 g seasonal vegetable salad
Tuesday Morning 249 kcal 1 egg + 1 slice of bread
Lunch 99 kcal 1 cup skim or coconut milk and kiwi smoothie
Day 289 kcal 201 g dietary ratatouille
Snack 79 kcal 30 g cheese (up to 30% fat)
Evening 301 kcal 80 g chicken breast
Wednesday Morning 249 kcal 1 piece of black roll with cheese (curd)
Lunch 99 kcal 143 g Grapes
Day 269 kcal 201 g sliced ​​vegetables
Afternoon snack 90 kcal Walnut 2 pcs.
Evening 305 kcal 1 boiled egg
Thursday Morning 249 kcal 145 g cottage cheese
Lunch 99 kcal 70 g of any berries
Day 309 kcal 201 g vegetable soup
1 cup skim milk
Evening 279 kcal 146 g salad of stewed zucchini, carrots and bell peppers
Friday Morning 249 kcal 154 g skimmed oatmeal
Lunch 99 kcal 1 PC. muesli bar
Day 319 kcal 99 g chicken breast + 99 g any allowed side dish
Afternoon snack 97 kcal 1 piece of rye bread with a thin layer of curd cheese
Evening 249 kcal 130 g seafood salad
Saturday Morning 249 kcal 149 g from eggs and tomato
Lunch 99 kcal 1 orange
Day 279 kcal 201 g green borscht PP
Afternoon snack 100 kcal 99 g low fat yogurt
Evening 249 kcal 99 g boiled beef
Sunday Morning 249 kcal 149 g sirniki PP
Lunch 99 kcal 1 apple
Day 305 kcal 99 g fish + 99 g vegetables
Afternoon snack 102 kcal 1 glass of kefir
Evening 249 kcal 99g chopped fruit

Approximate menu for a week, containing 1200 calories per day

The PP menu with a daily calorie content of 1200 kcal is suitable for people with average physical activity. With such a diet, it is recommended to increase daily loads, as well as carry out full-fledged workouts 3 times a week.

There are 3 main meals and 2 snacks. There are no special recommendations, the main thing is to maintain the general principles of proper nutrition.

Monday Morning 270 kcal 249 g omelet with tomato
Lunch 139 kcal ½ grapefruit
Day 280 kcal 143 g fish + 150 g carrot and cabbage salad
Afternoon snack 150 kcal a few dried fruits
Evening 287 kcal 249 g seasonal vegetable salad
Tuesday Morning 284 kcal 249 g oatmeal with berries
Lunch 149 kcal 1 cup low fat cottage cheese smoothie with coconut milk and currants
Day 286 kcal 99 g boiled chicken + 157 g vegetables
Afternoon snack 140 kcal 1 glass of yogurt
Evening 305 kcal 201 g of baked fish + 141 g of any salad
Wednesday Morning 298 kcal 1 hot Greek sandwich
Lunch 156 kcal 1 apple
Day 288 kcal 201 g chicken soup + 153 g cucumber and tomato salad
Snack 309 kcal 99 g cottage cheese casserole
Evening 283 kcal 150 g breast (turkey or chicken)
Thursday Morning 279 kcal 1 oat pancake
Lunch 149 kcal 1 glass of kefir
Day 300 kcal 201 g pilaf PP
Afternoon snack 139 kcal 99 g beetroot and carrot salad
Evening 306 kcal 99 g beef liver + 99 g any cereal side dish
Friday Morning 301 kcal 249 g oatmeal with coconut milk
Lunch 149 kcal 99 g Raffaello PP
Day 310 kcal 201 g seafood salad + 1 slice of rye bread
Second snack 144 kcal 99 g Chinese cabbage and cucumber salad
Evening 305 kcal 201 g chicken casserole with vegetables
Saturday Morning 290 kcal 99 g wheat porridge in water + boiled egg
Lunch 149 kcal 99 g fresh berries
Day 298 kcal 201 g borscht PP + 1 black bread toast
Afternoon snack 160 kcal 99 g fat-free cottage cheese
Evening 295 kcal 2 eggs + 149 g fresh vegetable salad
Sunday Morning 294 kcal 1 Oat pancake stuffed with 1 tomato
Lunch 149 kcal 1 granola bar
Day 289 kcal 201 g chicken liver with vegetables
Afternoon snack 139 kcal 99 g fresh vegetables
Evening 279 kcal 201 g chicken casserole with vegetables

Approximate menu for a week with a daily calorie content of 1500 calories

For the most active, a 1500 kcal menu is suitable. To lose weight with such a diet, you need daily stress. The menu is also suitable for those whose work is connected with heavy physical exertion.

Approximate PP menu for 1500 kcal for a week for weight loss

The power mode remains the same as with the 1200 kcal menu.

Monday Morning 351 kcal 2 boiled eggs + 1 cucumber + 1 rye toast with curd cheese
Lunch 249 kcal 1 cup banana cottage cheese smoothie
Day 351 kcal 2 chicken cutlets PP + 149 g brown rice + 149 g fresh vegetables
10 pieces. walnuts
Evening 351 kcal 249 g vegetable salad + 149 g baked fish
Tuesday Morning 351 kcal 249 g omelet with herbs and tomatoes
Lunch 249 kcal 1 black bread toast with cheese (up to 30% fat)
Day 351 kcal 149 g durum pasta + 149 g vegetable salad + 99 g beef goulash
Afternoon snack 249 kcal 1 glass of yogurt with cinnamon
Evening 351 kcal 249 g fish and vegetable casserole
Wednesday Morning 351 kcal Repeat breakfast Monday
Lunch 249 kcal 149 g cottage cheese + ½ banana
Day 351 kcal 201 g chicken soup + 1 whole wheat toast
Afternoon snack 249 kcal 10 cashews
Evening 351 kcal 149 g turkey + 249 g vegetable salad
Thursday Morning 351 kcal 249 g porridge on water + 1 boiled egg
Lunch 249 kcal 149 g cottage cheese casserole with fruit
Day 351 kcal 249 g ratatouille in the oven with lean meat + 50 g feta cheese
Afternoon snack 249 kcal 8 dried fruits
Evening 351 kcal 149 g steamed fish + 249 g cucumber and tomato salad
Friday Morning 351 kcal 201 g buckwheat boiled in water + 1 boiled egg
Lunch 249 kcal 149 g Peking cabbage roll with cottage cheese
Day 351 kcal 99 g chicken goulash + 149 g Chinese cabbage salad + 149 g buckwheat porridge
Afternoon snack 249 kcal 99 g of cottage cheese with 1 tbsp. l. jam
Evening 351 kcal 249 g chicken stock + 2 black bread toast
Saturday Morning 351 kcal 99g water-boiled brown rice + 149g fresh vegetables
Lunch 249 kcal 99 g low-fat yogurt + 1 pear
Day 351 kcal 277 g okroshka PP + 1 rye toast
Afternoon snack 249 kcal 149 g curd cakes, oven-baked
Evening 351 kcal 249 g Greek salad + oven baked meat
Sunday Morning 351 kcal 249 g oatmeal in water with the addition of dried fruits
Lunch 248 kcal 1 boiled egg + 99 g beet salad
Day 351 kcal 99 g of porridge made from permitted cereals + 99 g of boiled chicken meat + 1 cucumber
Afternoon snack 259 kcal 1 glass freshly squeezed juice + 2 PP oat cookies
Evening 351 kcal 149 g beef + 149 g tomato salad

First course recipes with proper nutrition for weight loss

Green borsch

  1. Chop the meat into cubes and cook until cooked.
  2. Add seasonings to the broth.
  3. Add potatoes to broth and cook until tender.
  4. Saute the onion until golden brown.
  5. Boil eggs, cool, peel and chop finely.
  6. Wash the sorrel and chop.
  7. Add sorrel, onion, eggs to the broth.
  8. Boil for another 5 minutes. with a closed lid.
  9. Let the borscht brew for 15-20 minutes.

Chicken noodle soup

  1. Boil the meat in one piece until cooked.
  2. Remove the meat from the broth.
  3. Add seasonings to the broth.
  4. Add vegetables to the broth and bring to a boil. Then put the noodles there and cook for 5-7 minutes.
  5. Cut the chicken into cubes and add to the finished dish.

Second courses

Baked salmon with vegetables

  1. Remove the bones from the fish, rinse and dry with a paper towel. Place in a convenient container and drizzle with lemon juice and soy sauce. Leave to marinate in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
  2. Divide the broccoli florets and open them.
  3. Place the marinated fish and broccoli on a baking sheet.
  4. Bake in the oven at 201 ° 25 min.

Meatballs with sour cream sauce

  • Minced meat (chicken or turkey) - 399 g;
  • ground ginger - 21 g;
  • onions (chopped) - 201 g;
  • carrots (chopped) - 99 g;
  • garlic puree — 10 g;
  • sour cream - 99 g.
  1. Add salt, spices, ginger and garlic to the minced meat. To stir thoroughly. Make small balls out of the mixture.
  2. Fry the meatballs a little in a dry frying pan.
  3. Fry vegetables until golden brown. Add sour cream and some water. Put out a little more.
  4. Place the meatballs in a baking dish and pour over the sour cream sauce. Bake at 180 ° for 25 minutes.


Bean and Pepper Salad

  1. Pour the frozen beans with boiling water and bring to a boil again.
  2. Chop the pepper.
  3. Mash the garlic in a press.
  4. Mix all ingredients and season.

Seafood salad

  • Seafood cocktail (frozen mix) - 499 g;
  • cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • lettuce leaves - 51 g;
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • tomato (vegetable) - 1 pc .;
  • soy sauce - 2 tbsp. l.
  1. Boil a seafood cocktail and let it cool.
  2. Mix oil and sauce.
  3. Put lettuce leaves on the bottom of the salad bowl.
  4. Cut the tomato and cucumber into strips and place on top of the lettuce leaves. Drizzle a little with the dressing.
  5. Put a sea cocktail on top of the vegetables, salt and season with the remaining mixture of butter and sauce.


Cottage cheese casserole in the microwave

  1. Beat eggs and cottage cheese.
  2. Add sweetener to the resulting mass.
  3. Cut the fruit into cubes and add to the curd mass.
  4. Place the dish in the microwave for 3 minutes. With a power of 750 watts.

Banana and pear can be substituted for other fruits and vegetables. If the microwave power is less than 750 watts, the cooking time can be extended.

Rafaello PP

  • grapes - 15 berries;
  • soft cottage cheese - 99 g;
  • protein - 51 g;
  • ground cashew nuts - 70 g.
  1. Mix cottage cheese and protein. But not in a blender. The mixture should turn out to be slightly liquid.
  2. Dip each grape in the curd mixture.
  3. Roll the resulting balls in ground cashews.
  4. Let the sweets steep in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.

The PP menu, compiled for a week for weight loss, can be varied and useful. Any recipe can be made suitable by replacing prohibited foods with permitted ones.

The main thing to remember is that losing weight is an individual process, and PP is not just a diet, but a new way of life.

Article formatting: Mila Friedan

Healthy Nutrition Video (PP)

The principles of good nutrition:

Healthy and proper nutrition is indispensable for losing weight. A balanced menu for every day ensures the reduction of extra pounds without harm to the body.

The internal and external state of the body depends on the quality of nutrition. To be in a cheerful state and elated, you need to follow principles of rational menu design:

Proper nutrition for weight loss (the menu for every day will be presented in the article) should be regular. You should adhere to its principles on a daily basis.

Correct transition to a balanced diet

When switching to proper nutrition, you must adhere to a number of rules:

  • The transition to healthy foods should be moderate. Favorite foods that do not follow the principles of a healthy diet should be phased out. It is recommended that you find a useful replacement for them.
  • A balanced diet should include a variety of foods. Thanks to this, the body will not experience a deficiency of vitamins and minerals, and it will also be possible to avoid breakdowns.
  • It is important to learn to listen to the body. Eating should be stopped as soon as a feeling of fullness sets in.
  • Calories should be calculated correctly according to age, gender, lifestyle. It is enough for women to consume an average of 2000–2500 kcal per day. The norm for men does not exceed 3000 kcal per day.
  • You can not give up a balanced intake of fats, carbohydrates and proteins. This will help avoid weakness, fatigue, and other well-being problems.
  • It is recommended that you prepare healthy food yourself. This will ensure that there is no excessive oil, fat or salt in the food.

If you follow the rules, the transition to a healthy diet will become easier. This will help prevent a return to unhealthy eating habits.

Healthy and unhealthy foods for weight loss

Proper nutrition for weight loss consists of healthy foods. The daily menu should include sources of fat, carbohydrates, and protein.

They maintain the vitamin and mineral balance in the body, and are necessary for normal life:

It is required to remove junk food from the diet that contributes to weight gain:

  • Sauces (mayonnaise, ketchup and others) are characterized by high calorie content and a high content of refined oils and starch.
  • Baked goods, breads and pasta containing white carbohydrates contribute to fat storage.
  • Sausage and canned products are high-calorie and low-quality.
  • Sweets with refined sugars contribute to the accumulation of fat cells and disruption of the intestines.
  • Fatty dairy products are harmful because they are high in calories, salt and preservatives.

By adding healthy foods to your daily menu, you can lose weight without suffering from a lack of energy. The elimination of junk food will give you vivacity.

Proper nutrition for weight loss, a menu for every day in which a balanced diet should be made, impossible without following the recommendations:

Sample menu for one day

Eating What to eat
BreakfastSteamed omelet with tofu cheese, tomatoes, bell peppers and spinach.

A glass of coffee or green tea.

SnackCoconut waffles with fruit.
DinnerSorrel soup with boiled egg.
Afternoon snackWarm salad of baked carrots, quinoa and fresh herbs.

A glass of green tea.

DinnerBaked salmon with beets.

Approximate menu for a week for weight loss

Day of week Breakfast

450-650 kcal


100-200 kcal


350-450 kcal

Afternoon snack

100-200 kcal


250-350 kcal

MondaySpelled and tofu cheesecakes with fresh berries Spinach and kiwi smoothie Shredded tomato soup with bell pepper and ginger Skim cheese Baked cod with asparagus
TuesdayWhole wheat toast with soft-boiled egg BuckwheatBaked cod stew with beans in tomato sauce Low fat kefir Steamed salmon fillet with green salad
WednesdaySteamed omelet with herbs Fresh fruitsPuréed pumpkin and carrot soup with ginger Greek yogurt Beetroot casserole
ThursdayBaked oatmeal and almond muesli with Greek yogurt Blueberry mint and basil smoothie Steamed turkey cutlets with quinoa and baked carrots YogurtGrilled dorado
FridayOatmeal with apple and almonds, boiled in water Sugar-free cottage cheese casserole with fresh berries Bean cutlets with bulgur Fermented baked milk with low fat content Zucchini, carrots, broccoli with green peas in vegetable broth
SaturdayRice porridge with soy milk with baked pumpkin Fresh fruits and almonds Grilled chicken fillet with vegetables Coconut yogurt Muksun in almond breading
SundayScramble with tomatoes and avocado paste Quinoa porridge with baked apple Mashed Cauliflower Soup with Celery and Tofu Almond or soy milk Sockeye salmon with celery puree

Diet first course recipes

Proper nutrition for weight loss (the menu for every day should include main dishes) is impossible without dietary soup. The first course should be on the menu 3 times a week.

Sorrel soup with boiled egg


  1. To make a vegetable broth, pour 1 head of onion, celery, fennel and chopped bell peppers with purified water and cook for 1 hour.
  2. Grate the pepper finely. The onion is cut into strips. Prepared vegetables must be sautéed in unrefined oil.
  3. Sauteed vegetables, fresh sorrel and herbs, as well as spices must be added to the boiling broth.
  4. Boil a chicken egg separately and decorate the soup with it.

Delicate baked carrot soup


Step-by-step cooking instructions:

  1. Carrots must be baked with dried herbs.
  2. The onion needs to be finely chopped into cubes, and then sautéed in olive oil with the addition of grated ginger in a saucepan.
  3. Pour vegetable broth into a deep saucepan and bring to a boil.
  4. Chop the carrots in a blender with ready-made vegetable broth.
  5. It is recommended to add lemon juice and spices to taste.

Diet second course recipes

The second course, with proper nutrition, should consist of protein and fiber. It is recommended to use fish and vegetables as a second.

Baked muksun with beetroot puree


  • Muksun fillet - 150 g.
  • A sprig of thyme.
  • Unrefined apple cider vinegar - ½ tsp.
  • Young beets.

Step-by-step cooking instructions:

  1. Muksun should be baked in the oven on a baking sheet for 20 minutes at 180 °.
  2. Wrap the beets in foil, add thyme, and bake for 40 minutes at 180 °. The finished vegetable is peeled.
  3. The baked beets need to be mashed in a blender.
  4. Muksun is poured with lemon juice with the addition of spices. The dish is garnished with beet puree.

Pumpkin casserole and several types of cabbage


Step-by-step cooking instructions:

  1. The pumpkin needs to be peeled and seeds removed, and then cut into slices.
  2. Bake the pumpkin with cabbage and rosemary in the oven at 180 ° until tender. First you need to add rosemary, salt, and sprinkle the dish with sesame oil.

Light salad recipes

Proper nutrition for weight loss (the menu for every day should contain enough greens) involves the use of low-calorie salads. They help eliminate hunger and improve digestion.

Warm salad of baked carrots and quinoa


  • Young carrots - 4 pcs.
  • Fresh salad greens.
  • Unrefined olive oil.
  • A sprig of rosemary.
  • Kinza.
  • Quinoa - 20 g.
  • Flaxseeds.

Step-by-step cooking instructions:

  1. Boil the quinoa until tender.
  2. Carrots must be baked at 180 ° for 20 minutes. First you need to grease it with olive oil and add rosemary.
  3. Put the finished carrots on top of fresh lettuce leaves. Then the dish is complemented with boiled quinoa, cilantro and flax seeds. It should be warm when served.

Shrimp salad with vegetables and herbs


Step-by-step cooking instructions:

  1. The shrimp will need to be boiled until tender and peeled.
  2. Carrots and celery will need to be cut into thin strips.
  3. Place the asparagus in a double boiler for 3 to 5 minutes.
  4. The tomato is cut into small cubes.
  5. All prepared ingredients are laid out on a leafy salad with arugula.
  6. The preparation of the dish is completed by adding half an avocado, drizzled with lemon juice and seasoned with spices.

Low Calorie Dessert Recipes

Eating good food doesn’t imply giving up sweets. The main rule is that desserts should contain a minimum of calories.

Dark chocolate mousse


Step-by-step cooking instructions:

  1. You will need to melt chocolate with almond milk in a water bath. Add a pinch of salt, brown sugar and agar to the mixture.
  2. The resulting mixture must be cooked over low heat for 15 minutes, avoiding the formation of bubbles.
  3. It is required to cool the mixture, stirring occasionally.
  4. The cooled mousse should be placed in the refrigerator for several hours, transferred to a glass beaker.

Coconut waffles with fresh berries


  • 2 eggs.
  • Almond milk - 1 glass.
  • Coconut flakes - 300 g.
  • Unrefined cane sugar - 100 g.
  • Blueberry.
  • Baking powder.
  • Strawberry.
  • A pinch of salt and vanillin.

Step-by-step cooking instructions:

  1. Almond milk needs to be mixed with beaten egg yolks, brown sugar and vanilla.
  2. Baking powder will need to be added to the coconut, and then pour in the mixture prepared earlier, stirring continuously.
  3. The whipped egg whites must be added to the resulting dough.
  4. The dough should be cooked in a waffle iron for 5 to 7 minutes.
  5. Decorate the waffles with fresh berries.

Porridge recipes

Every day's menu should include cereals. With the right nutrition for weight loss, they allow you to prolong the feeling of satiety for a long time.

Quinoa porridge with green vegetables


Step-by-step cooking instructions:

  1. Vegetables need to be boiled and cut into cubes.
  2. Cook the quinoa until tender.
  3. At the end of cooking, you will need to put the arugula on a plate, and spread the quinoa with vegetables on top. It is recommended to sprinkle the dish with olive oil and add spices.

Lentil porridge with vegetables


  • Lentils - 70 g.
  • Ginger - 10 g.
  • Beans - 20 g.
  • Young carrots.
  • Rosemary sprig - 1 pc.
  • Unrefined sesame oil.
  • Vegetable broth to taste - 200 ml.

Step-by-step cooking instructions:

  1. Boil the lentils and add the cooked beans to it.
  2. Vegetables must be chopped and fried, and then added to the porridge.
  3. Pour the resulting mixture with vegetable broth and simmer for 15 minutes. You will need to add spices, chopped ginger and a sprig of rosemary.
  4. Fresh herbs are added to the porridge.

Proper exercise nutrition

The body needs protein before exercising. It is recommended to moderately limit the amount of carbohydrates, and completely abandon fats.

To prepare for physical activity, as well as to recover from it, it is advisable to eat:

You can eat 3 hours before exercise.

Weight Loss Food Diary

It is easier to adhere to proper nutrition if you keep a special diary. It reflects the menu for weight loss for every day.

You should follow the tips for filling out the diary:

  • It should evoke pleasant emotions. It is recommended that you choose a beautiful notebook in a convenient format to make notes on proper nutrition. It should fit in your purse and not take up much space.
  • The goal to be achieved should be precisely defined. The diary should record the number of extra pounds, as well as the period for which they have to be dropped.
  • Keeping a diary is required regularly. Information on foods eaten during the day should be entered daily.
  • It is important to note personal information in the diary. On the first page, you can enter data on weight and height, as well as activity during the day. You can devote a separate section to volumes and workouts.
  • The diary must be filled in honestly. Then it will become a way of psychological relief, which is important when losing weight. He should be treated as a helper, not a harsh critic. This will help you to see the flaws in the compiled menu and strengthen willpower.
  • It is important to enter the calorie data of all snacks eaten, including small ones, in the notebook. Candy and candy bars eaten on the run often go unnoticed. However, their use leads to excess calories per day. This makes it difficult to lose weight quickly.
  • For convenience, the diary can be created in electronic format. The paper version is not always at hand, unlike a smartphone.

The need to write down the results of losing weight in a diary will be a source of motivation. Clearly recorded data is convenient to analyze and correct deficiencies in the diet.

With proper nutrition for weight loss, you do not need to give up delicious food. The menu for every day should be varied, but not contain extra calories.

Weight Loss Nutrition Video

Proper nutrition rules:

Nutrition Myths:

Many people who are overweight prefer not to have breakfast at all in the morning or to fry potatoes, eggs, and this is wrong. Feeling hungry in the morning or bloating is not what you want. Be sure to think about nutrition and have a healthy breakfast, remember this if you want to lose weight.

For a slim figure, you need to control your food menu not for one week or a month, but preferably from today and for the rest of your life to eat healthy food and high-quality products every day. This does not mean that on weekends or holidays you should stick to a balanced diet for weight loss. Just on such days, be aware of the amount of food consumed, know the girl's measure.

Especially girls, if you are prone to a quick set of extra pounds, then you do not need to eat at night, but 2-4 hours before bedtime, the best option for a light meal.

  1. Carbohydrates should be eaten in the morning, preferably before 3 pm, and in the evening, dinner should consist of protein foods and fiber.
  2. A common phenomenon is when a person mistakenly perceives the feeling of thirst as hunger. The next time you go to eat, first drink 200 ml of water and wait 10-15 minutes. If the feeling of hunger persists, then you really want to eat and you can safely sit down at the table and enjoy a healthy menu for losing weight.
  3. In season, eat more berries, vegetables, fruits. During winter, eat apples, cabbage, carrots, beets, preferably your own harvest. In summer, eat berries, fruits, vegetables from broccoli, cucumbers, spinach, cabbage.
  4. For weight loss and a slim figure, the body needs a balanced menu of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals. Observe this in your diet every day.
  5. Don't know how to cook? It's time to learn how to make healthy food. Learn to prepare original vegetable salads, fish, stews, and delicious, low-calorie desserts.
  6. Do not use any harmful tools and ingredients. Replace the skillet with an oven or double boiler. Forget about butter.
  7. Give the body everything it needs, for this purposely divide the plate into 3 equal parts. 25% protein (meat, cottage cheese, chicken, fish). 25% carbohydrates (various cereals, beans, durum pasta and exclude buns). And the remaining 50% of the plate is fruits, vegetables, in a word, fiber.
  8. New changes are sometimes difficult, but stick to these rules for 21 days and then you will get into the habit of taking care of what you eat and how much.

A girl, a woman should look elegant and have a slender figure.

Nutrition myths - everyone needs to know them

There are many different opinions and myths, now let's figure it out:

  1. The first myth is that you can't eat after 6 pm. It is true if you go to bed at 10 o'clock in the evening, and if you go to bed at 11 or 12 o'clock in the morning, then what to do? It is correct to eat 3-4 hours before bedtime, so adjust your dinner in time, in relation to sleep.
  2. The second myth is that you need to starve and eat rarely, they say the less you eat, the better and you start to lose weight. This is not true, because you need to eat regularly, preferably every 3-4 hours in small quantities, then the metabolism accelerates, and your body does not store excess food in fats. Thus, you are thinner, the more often you eat in small portions.
  3. Friction is a myth about a sharp change in your diet and daily menu. You do not need to abruptly give up all foods and foods that you eat, and switch to a proper and balanced diet. You need to do it gradually so that you do not have sharp jumps and drops. For 1–2 weeks, eliminate harmful foods and methods of their preparation. Then start eating wholesome and healthy foods and you will see how your figure is changing week after week.
  4. The fourth myth is about the high cost of the right diet. Most of the inhabitants of our country have a vegetable garden, and vegetables are obtained inexpensively. Fish and meat, of course, can be “affordable”. Count, for example, chips are more expensive than a pack of cottage cheese or fruit? The answer is obvious.

Nutrition menu for weight loss

In order not to gain weight, girls and women need to consume about 2000 calories, and to lose weight by 400-500 Kcal less, everything is simple. Additionally, include walking in your day - at least, and as a maximum - cycling, visit the gym, play active sports, etc.

An approximate diet, adjust to suit your taste preferences:


  • omelet of 1-2 eggs with tomato and herbs, a slice of fried black bread, baked apple with honey or cinnamon to taste
  • cottage cheese casserole (100-125 grams) with strawberry jam, natural yogurt (140-160 ml), 1-2 fruits
  • oatmeal porridge with an apple (150-200 grams), preferably natural juice (200 ml), cheese (20-40 grams) or a boiled egg


  • Green tea with lemon, 2 black bread (or whole grain) sandwiches with avocado, dill and salmon (slightly salted)
  • Fresh cucumber salad, tomato, onion, pepper with olive oil, chicken with vegetables (250 grams)
  • Fruit 1-2 pieces, mixture with boiled phytas, chicken breast, tomatoes, lettuce (season with honey and French mustard)


  • Pasta with minced beef with tomato sauce, 1 fruit
  • Green tea with lemon, steamed fish with stewed vegetables
  • Shawarma made from boiled veal, lettuce with natural yogurt, parsley, garlic sauce

Afternoon snack

  • Vegetables, fruits, cottage cheese, berries

Slimming snacks

  • Low-fat (fermented baked milk, kefir, yogurt), fresh vegetables

Eating the Right Exercise to Reduce the Waist

Increase the amount of protein in your menu when you visit the gym, because during training, your muscles need protein, it is he who is responsible for the growth of new muscle tissue and recovery. Follow these guidelines and keep your weight down in the gym as you workout.

Carbohydrates are needed for energy on the menu, every day. After all, they are the main source during heavy physical exertion in the gym. Eat carbohydrates 1–2 hours before your workout every day for energy and good results.

Fats should be eaten of vegetable origin in moderation. You may be surprised, but the consumption of vegetable fat has a beneficial effect on weight loss and burning of subcutaneous fat in the gym. Remember that excess fat is stored "in reserve", so know the measure of their use, because you are interested in proper weight loss in the first place.

There are rules for how much and how to eat before and after training, and now you will learn about them below.

Eat food 1–2 hours before going to the gym or any other workout routine. If you violate this recommendation, then during training you will probably experience heaviness in the abdomen and this will adversely affect the results and even more so on the process of losing weight, observe the meal time.

The best nutrition before exercising is protein foods and carbohydrates. For example, porridge and baked lean meat. Thus, you will have energy and strength in the hall.

During each workout in the gym, the girls' bodies are dehydrated and you need to drink water every 5-10 minutes, because the body loses it during intense exertion, and so you replenish it. For weight loss, it is especially recommended to drink water during sports activities.

After the gym, wait 30-60 minutes and eat. Replenish energy with carbohydrates - buckwheat, rice, various cereals. Have a snack on protein foods - lean meat, chicken, fish, cottage cheese.

Diets are only temporary. To be slim at all times, you need to stick to a healthy diet. How to start and what to eat for women, men, teens and people over 40.

Improper nutrition is the main reason for the appearance of extra pounds. Why is the problem of excess weight still relevant to this day? There are several reasons. First, the pace of life, which often makes it impossible for a person to eat in a balanced way. Secondly, the quality of the food. Despite the fact that natural products (cereals, fish, meat, vegetables and fruits) have not been canceled, and the younger generation is learning from the mistakes of their predecessors, making a choice in favor of healthy food. The popularity of semi-finished products, various snacks and confectionery products is still quite high. Thirdly, catering. Lack of diet leads not only to excess weight, but also provokes many other health problems: diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, hormonal imbalances, eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia).

Any diet is designed for a short period of time, after which it is recommended to switch to a balanced healthy diet to maintain the achieved result. Proper nutrition does not at all imply a categorical rejection of food that is loved, but does not benefit the body, for example, from shortbread cookies or boiled condensed milk. However, there is a restriction and strict control of the consumption of such products. Proper nutrition is what you should adhere to throughout your life if you want to be slim and stay young for a long time. So, if you are not just interested in how to lose weight on the right diet, but are determined to get started, make a menu.

How to make a menu for the week

A personalized healthy food menu will help you get used to eating at a specific time. After all, regular nutrition is the key to food discipline. When drawing up the menu, be guided by your usual daily routine. If you are a morning person (wake up at 6:00 and go to bed at 21:00), follow this nutritional principle:

  • breakfast: 7:00;
  • second breakfast: 10:00;
  • lunch: 13:00;
  • afternoon snack: 16:00;
  • dinner: 19:00.

If you are a "night owl" (wake up at 9:00, and fall asleep at 00:00), learn to eat at this time:

  • breakfast: 10:00;
  • lunch: 13:00;
  • lunch: 15:00;
  • afternoon snack: 17:00;
  • dinner: 20:00.

Distribute the time of meals depending on the regimen. But do not forget that you need to have breakfast an hour after waking up (after getting up - drink 250 ml of still water at room temperature), 2-3 hours should pass between meals, and dinner should be no later than two hours before sleep.

Remember: for weight loss, it is important to keep track of the calories eaten. Record everything you eat without missing anything, even if it's a sip of fruit juice or sugar-free mint. This develops the habit of paying attention to what and how much you eat and being able to stop in time.

When planning a menu for a week for weight loss, be guided by the following recommendations:

  1. Make a separate list of the foods you want to add and divide them by day. For example, it is better to choose different days for chicken and fish.
  2. Remember that, firstly, you cannot skip breakfast, and secondly, it must be hearty and balanced: 50% of the total daily diet should be carbohydrates, 30% proteins and 20% fats.
  3. For dinner, eat proteins: cottage cheese (5-9% fat), baked, boiled chicken or fish (hake, pollock, salmon).
  4. Don't forget to snack between meals. Eat fresh fruits (if bananas - then no more than one at one snack, if grapes - no more than 200 g), vegetables, dried fruits and nuts (walnuts or unsalted peanuts - no more than 50 g per snack). Record snacks as well.
  5. Consider your level of physical activity. So, if you have a difficult mental (important report, exam) or physical work (for example, a lot of movement around the city), you should not make a meager diet for this day. Include in the menu a sufficient amount of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, and have a hearty breakfast.
  6. Drink clear still water and green tea. Water speeds up metabolism and cleanses the digestive tract, and teas contain antioxidants necessary for the body and, moreover, are good at reducing appetite.
  7. If you drink high-calorie coffee drinks (latte, mocha, cappuccino, etc.), try to drink them in the morning (before 14:00).
  8. The daily calorie intake of drinks (coffee with additives, sweet tea, juices) should be no more than 500 kcal.

In order to achieve the desired effect, avoid the following mistakes when composing the menu:

  • Sweet and starchy foods: if you do not want to completely exclude confectionery and flour products, give them a minimum in the diet: such products are not useful, but they can interfere with weight loss. Moreover, it is very easy to get carried away and violate the permissible norm.
  • Heat treatment of food: try to eat as little fried as possible. Do not eat a lot of boiled food, consume more greens, fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • Dinner: It should be light and the portion should be small. If you are preparing fish or meat for dinner, it is best to bake, boil or simmer. For example, cook 200 g of baked chicken breast or boiled shrimp + 1 cucumber.
  • Alcohol: Be extremely careful with it. Firstly, it is high in calories, and secondly, it stimulates the appetite.
  • Water with meals: Do not drink water or any other liquid with meals, or earlier than 20 minutes before meals and less than 30 minutes after. The liquid dilutes the gastric juice, and as a result, the digestion process can be disrupted.
  • Salt, condiments, and sauces: Add these in moderation, as salt traps fluid in the body and condiments (especially those containing the flavor enhancer monosodium glutamate) whet the appetite. It is better to prepare sauces yourself, based on low-calorie ingredients.
  • Try not to skip meals. If you can't eat a full meal, carry a bag of nuts (50 g), water with honey and lemon (1 teaspoon of honey per 0.5 l of water + lemon - not your own discretion) in your purse. This will keep your appetite from building up, which can trigger overeating.

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