Home Grape Navalny about Trump. Why Putin described Navalny as “Russian Saakashvili. On the work of the government and plans for a new term

Navalny about Trump. Why Putin described Navalny as “Russian Saakashvili. On the work of the government and plans for a new term

- There is only one person whose participation in the elections could change these elections - and this is Navalny. And you and I know this, everyone knows it, he knows it, our political management knows it well, in general, this is not a topic of discussion for anyone, because everyone understands it. Why would his participation make a difference? Because he is able to bring the elections to the second round. Everyone knows this deep down, but they don't formulate it in this form, let's put it bluntly. Why?

- With Sobyanin it almost happened.

- With Sobyanin, I think it’s a long time ago. I think that it turned out that way, because when a current leader running in elections is shown a result of a little more than 51%, it means that he had 49% in nature, but they were only afraid to show it. Now, after so many years have passed, it seems to me that approximately the way it was. Why is this the situation? Not because Navalny has some magical properties, but because at the moment he already has a political structure, these are the systems of regional headquarters. It looks more like a party than all our other parties, I would say, put together. Therefore, his participation would change the situation. Therefore, he will not participate. This means that everything else is like “flowers”.

In the course of this campaign, through the participation of this or that candidate, will something be announced that would sound good in general in public space, some revelations, the right words? If we have an election campaign at all, it would be better to say the right words than the wrong ones. Let someone say at least something similar to human speech. Is this a serious motive? Is it very important? Not really. I would not make far-reaching predictions here, because the candidate is the one who was registered. This is still a long way off. Let's not forget about the excellent structure of our electoral legislation, the need to collect signatures, or the support of a party that has a corresponding quota. Having collected the signatures, they must be submitted, and they must be accepted. This is still absolutely, absolutely not guaranteed or promised to anyone.

- Everything is ahead, yes. And the last question then: can Sobchak be such a “Russian Trump”, who was a marginal, and then took and won?

- He won in the primaries in his party. The American party system does not fit into the heads of almost none of the Russian people, let alone citizens, and in general even researchers and observers of the political process. The entire American system is built on these two parties, which have taken root there for centuries and which permeate all American social life, from schools and universities to all levels of government. We have nothing like this. Trump made his way to power in this very way, through his party. How it happened inside them, we will not discuss this now, just keep in mind that parallels of this kind are completely irrelevant.

What is implied in your question: our policy is all frivolous, everything is gamified, and any populist can get out and collect crazy voices who don’t know where to apply themselves. Is this possible in our case?

I am not into electoral technology, so I am not very good at this kind of thing. The only thing I can say: if, in principle, a candidate appears who positions himself as a candidate “against everyone,” like “I am for those,” “I am the voice of your discontent,” “I am not a candidate with a program, I am the voice of the voiceless,” “ vote for me if you don’t like anything ”,“ let's show how many of us there are who don’t like anything, ”and if suddenly he gains about 20% or let’s say 15%, this is a kind of reality, a kind of political fact, with which it is impossible do not count.

How to reckon with him is already more difficult to understand, because this specific candidate cannot accumulate these votes and become a political figure: it is difficult to imagine. Nevertheless, this is - speaking delicately - as if to show the language to the system, and it will be a kind of sign: "Look how many people who don't like it all." On the other hand, there will be even more people who will not come to the polls at all. Can they all be considered dissatisfied?

There is a version that non-presence, as it were, dissolves you in the sea of ​​those who did not come, for some unknown reason. This is also true. On the other hand, the presence and voting for any of the proposed candidates, as it were, plunges you into a system against which you, in fact, want to protest. And he and the other option, if we consider or not consider, change or not change, this is exclusively a matter of the political system that does not take into account the opinion of voters, replacing it with various kinds of imitation games, then I do not think that there is a winning tactic ...

One of the most incomprehensible things to me about the Russian debate about the American elections is why Putin's media and officials are so convinced that Trump is a president for them.

I don't think so at all, I also recorded a new video on this topic:

Yes, most likely, there will be no admixture of personal animosity between the leaders in the future Russian-American relations. Hillary talked about Putin so much at the end of her campaign that it certainly would have arisen, and now it won't.

What else is Trump's pro-Russian or, even more so, pro-Putin nature of Trump expressed?

Let's take Trump's program and his most important (in my opinion) campaign speech and break it down.

1. Probably the actions of President Trump will lead to a decrease in oil prices (they fell already on the news of his election):

Fifth, and this is very important, I will lift restrictions on the development of American energy reserves, including shale, oil, gas and coal... That's $ 50 trillion and lots of jobs. Our miners must get back to work.

Sixth, I will remove the obstacles set by Obama and Clinton and allow vital energy infrastructure projects to move forward. We have an incredible number of obstacles for them - environmental, structural ... Keystone pipeline will be completed and much more... This is a lot of jobs and a lot of benefits for the country.

Seventh, we will stop giving billions of dollars to UN programs to combat global warming and use this money for the needs of the American water infrastructure and the American ecology. We're giving away billions while it's time for us to tackle our own ecology.

The United States has huge oil reserves. Their production and export have been artificially constrained for years. A full green light for oil companies will lead to an increase in supply and will put pressure on prices down.

It is clear how this will affect the Russian budget.

2. Recognition of Crimea, lifting of sanctions. Yes, Trump said he would consider recognizing Crimea, but that was in 2014. He said that Putin is cool and better than Obama, but also for a long time. But less than a month ago, he already condemned the bombing of Aleppo and said that he was reconsidering his opinion about Putin and did not know what their relationship would be, assuming that it would become "terrible."

Trump said in October that he was reconsidering his attitude towards Russian President Vladimir Putin and joined the chorus of Western politicians who condemned Moscow's actions in Aleppo, Syria. He accused the Kremlin of disrespect for Obama and Clinton and said that he did not yet know how his relationship with Putin would develop, assuming that it would "be terrible."

Prior to that, during the campaign, Trump lavished praise on Putin and predicted "very, very good" relations with Russia. He called Putin more worthy of the role of state leader than Barack Obama.

The Republican presidential candidate sees room for cooperation with Russia in the fight against the Islamic State. He said he would study the issue of recognizing Crimea, annexed from Ukraine in 2014, as Russian territory and lifting Western sanctions imposed on Russia for its role in the Ukrainian conflict.

As for the sanctions, here's a historical example: the Jackson-Vanik amendment. Introduced in 1974, canceled already in 2012. Although the USSR collapsed, and the Jews quietly left without restrictions, and "friend Bill - friend Boris", and it has not actually worked in recent years. America does not lift sanctions quickly (and neither does it).

3. Arms race.

Trump wants to increase spending on US military and infrastructure, but says it will cut spending in other industries by 1 percent annually, but that will not affect Social Security and Medicare seniors.

So to maintain parity, we still have to spend a lot of money depleting our budget.

The most sensitive issue for us in defense is missile defense, and here the new Vice President Pence is a much bigger hawk than all administrations before:

Pence: the US should deploy a missile shield against Russia in Poland and the Czech Republic
https: //ria.ru/world/20161005 / ...

Prior to that, it was said that the American missile defense system was directed not against Russia, but against "rogue countries."

4. Putin and Trump are basically opposite politicians. Take any question:

- Immigration... Trump: the wall. Putin: against the visa regime with the countries of Central Asia.

- State in the economy... Trump: Downsizing. Putin: State Capitalism and the Growth of the Number of Officials.

- Weapons to citizens... Trump: for. Putin: Absolutely not.

- Islamization... Trump: we will ban migration from problematic Islamic countries. Putin: delusional quotes that Orthodoxy is closer to Islam.

Corruption. Trump built his campaign around speeches about fighting her. These are his main promises.

Therefore, from the first day after I took office, my administration will begin work on six measures to combat corruption and the merger of power with business.

First, a constitutional amendment is needed to limit the number of terms for which members of Congress can be elected.

Secondly, we will stop the recruitment of federal employees (except for the military, and public security and health workers) and, thus, as the natural decline, the number of officials will decline.

Third, a rule will be adopted that for each new federal regulation two existing ones will be canceled. Regulations are killing our country and our jobs.

Fourth, former White House and Congress employees will be prohibited from lobbying for five years after leaving service.

Fifth, a lifetime ban will be introduced for White House employees to lobby for the interests of foreign governments.

Sixth, foreign lobbyists will be completely prohibited from raising funds for American election campaigns. Now it happens.

Putin has made corruption the backbone of his regime.

Etc. On all counts.

Most importantly, why I believe that Trump's election will not change anything. It will be neither good nor bad for us.

American foreign policy is not a one-man race car. It is possible with us, yes - within two months the Turks are our main allies, then the main enemies, then again the best friends.

In a country where there are institutions of power, this does not work like that. It is rather a laden tanker. Even if you really want him to turn, he will still shove at the same rate for a long time by inertia.

Congress, the Senate, the media, public opinion, experts, ambassadors - all this affects and all this cannot be changed at once. Obama really wanted to close the prison at Guantanamo. He was president for eight years. Closed it? No, it didn't work, the Republicans blocked it.

And tomorrow these Republicans in Congress, who scolded Obama for being soft on Russia and demanded the supply of lethal weapons to Ukraine, will not go anywhere. They have an opinion, it will have to be reckoned with.

This is a long work, you start now - you will see the effect in years.

So Trump is not for Russia, not against Russia. This is about the fact that one part of American society mobilized and stood in the elections stronger than the other.

What we must pay attention to is the victory of the candidate, whose defeat was predicted by all the media, experts and sociologists. All the stars and opinion leaders were against him. For Trump, only like Chuck Norris spoke out, which gives us a reason for new jokes about the invincibility of Chuck Norris.

Nevertheless, he won. And we saw again what a real election is with real competition and real struggle for votes.

Let's strive for the same in Russia. Except for ourselves, no one will do this, including Trump.

Of course, as a first approximation, it is somehow strange and seemingly comical to compare the Russian opposition politician Alexei Navalny and the current US President Donald Trump. Well, what can they have in common?

Financially, they are not comparable at all. True, Alexei Navalny is the leader and head of the Anti-Corruption Fund. The foundation has premises, equipment for preparing TV stories, the ability to publish printed materials, and have headquarters in several dozen Russian cities. The fund also receives donations from the people, but still only at their expense this institution could hardly have existed for more than one year, have lawyers, access to the people, so to speak.

The only thing that is somehow comparable between Trump and Navalny is that the presidential campaign of both is actively hindered. But Trump nevertheless stood up as the president of his country, despite the fact that there was and continues against him at the present time, and will not stop while he is in the first post in the state of an active and tough, irreconcilable struggle.

They are also fighting Navalny, but formally - within the framework of the law. That is the head of the Central Election Commission, who, assuming this post, promised that she would do everything so that elections at all levels in Russia were as fair as possible. But last year elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation were held, violations were noted there. But somehow everything quietly came to naught. And suddenly the main lady in the elections in Russia announced that Alexei Navalny did not have any opportunities to nominate himself as a candidate for the presidency in his country, since he had an outstanding criminal record. To which the future presidential candidate of the Russian Federation himself replies that he is not under investigation, and therefore has the formal right to participate in the upcoming elections in 2018. And besides, he believes that it will be possible to peacefully through popular pressure, so to speak, to force the authorities to do everything possible so that he can participate in the elections next year. He even came up with such a slogan - 20! 8, which outwardly looks spectacular and creative, but whether it will work is a question.

The fact is that popular support helped him a few years ago. Together with his companion in Kirov, they were sentenced to several years for fraud with the forest (this is how the investigation indicated the plot of the case). But on the evening of the announcement of the judgment, several thousand people went out in only one in Moscow to Tverskaya Street (formerly Gorky), that is, to the very center of the city. And the real term was replaced with a suspended one, but his brother was nevertheless sentenced to imprisonment, where he is serving a sentence on some not entirely clear case.

And after that, Navalny put forward his candidacy for the post of mayor of Moscow, launched a successful campaign based on the results. In the first round of elections, he won a little over 30 percent of the vote, and Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin - just over 50, although there is an opinion that there were some rigging during the elections. And the administrative apparatus was working in full force for Sobyanin, so in this case we can say that the result of his election campaign was clearly weak.

Donald Trump has promised that he will change some laws and programs adopted by the previous administration and will jail Hillary Clinton. If he gradually copes with the first, despite the fact that all his initiatives are simply fierce confrontation between some of the establishment and representatives of the legislative branch, then the question with Hillary Clinton remained open. In any case, Trump no longer says anything concrete about her punishment, which can be judged from what reaches Russia in the news.

Alexei Navalny in an interview with the most liberal Russian radio station said that if he becomes president of the Russian Federation, he will first of all put the prime minister in prison, dissolve the State Duma of the Russian Federation and return some articles of the term, but four years, as it was originally accepted. And he will clarify that you can be elected for no more than two terms - not in a row, as it is said now in the main document of the state, but in general.

Of course, this, like many other things, which Alexei Navalny broadcasts, verbally and in writing, informs the citizens of Russia, is wonderful as a program of action. The only problem is that Donald Trump wanted and became the president of the United States. And Alexei Navalny, no matter how he talks about his intention to take the post of leader of the Russian state, most likely, under no circumstances will he become one.

Well, that will not be all, since the opposition to his nomination will be even more powerful than it was during the US campaign against Trump. And first of all, because in the plans of the Russian elite there is no desire for Navalny to lead the country. No matter how it is split, our elite, according to Belkovsky and other interpreters from the language of power to the public, does not need Navalny in any capacity.

Whether Russia needs it is also a big question.

It is known that with all the difficulties of life in our country, the people for the most part have got used to the difficulties. Has mastered with them, and does not want changes and is afraid of them. Thus, from this side, Navalny's support is not too great.

And everything will be done to dampen his initiatives.

He was going to go to the rally on June 12, the Independence Day of Russia, as soon as he left the entrance, he was arrested for 30 days for an administrative offense. Then the sentence was reduced by 5 days. Schoolchildren and students followed him, they want to pass a law prohibiting schoolchildren from participating in political actions, and the students were worked out as in Soviet times, so that they would not take part in such unpleasant events for the authorities.

For each of his moves, for all of his initiatives, symmetrical responses are invented, so the likelihood that, given a positive set of circumstances, he will gain a solid number of votes in the first round of the 2018 presidential elections in Russia is still small. And, as you know, you can always count the votes as needed, and if Navalny participates in the elections, especially since he is not a beautiful-minded young lady, he will punish the riggers in full. And who might like it?

So it is possible to keep Navalny in mind as a contender for power in Russia, but nevertheless, it is useless and pointless, although, to be honest, I would very much like to be mistaken in this conclusion.

On November 8, 2016, Republican billionaire Donald Trump won the presidential elections in the United States, overtaking his rival Hillary Clinton. On January 20, the inauguration took place, after which Trump began to fulfill his campaign promises. Some of them the 45th President of the United States was able to implement alone, and some of the measures met with a sharp rebuff from the Congress. Republic talks about what Trump managed to do in the first year of his presidency, and what promises he has not yet been able to fulfill.

1. Withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). Three days after his inauguration, Trump signed a memorandum on the US withdrawal from the treaty. According to the US President, the TPP would deprive the country of jobs. In addition to the United States, the project included Japan, Malaysia, Vietnam, Singapore, Brunei, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Mexico, Chile and Peru. The treaty was actively lobbied by the administration of former US President Barack Obama. Trump considered the document "unprofitable". At the same time, the American leader launched a revision of the terms of US participation in the Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

2. Resumption of energy production. Trump ordered to continue the construction of two oil pipelines at once: the Dakota Access Pipeline and Keystone XL. Both projects were frozen under Obama after protests by Indian tribes and environmentalists. Trump also decided to revise the Clean Energy Plan that the previous administration adopted. The US President lifted restrictions on the production of oil and natural gas in the country and allowed the development of coal deposits.

3. Paris Agreement on Climate. On June 1, 2017, Trump announced that the United States was withdrawing from the Paris Climate Agreement. The country's full withdrawal from the treaty will be completed by 2020. Trump believes that the fight against global warming will lead to the loss of "millions of jobs and billions of dollars." The decision of the American president was criticized by other parties to the agreement, including Russia.

4. Health care reform and the cancellation of the Obamacare program. Trump spoke about his desire to cancel Obama's health care program during the election campaign. In 2017, the Senate failed to vote twice to repeal Obamacare. On October 31, Trump pledged again to fix the health situation. The President of the United States believes that the program has increased the cost of medical services and increased the influence of the state on medicine in general.

5. Wall on the border with Mexico. Back on January 25, Trump signed a decree on the construction of the wall, which he has not stopped talking about for the past two years. In the months that followed, the administration of the President of the United States announced a design competition, and construction of prototypes even began in San Diego. But the Mexican leadership is still skeptical about Trump's idea of ​​fencing off a giant wall and refusing to pay for its construction. The US President is convinced that the uncontrolled border with Mexico is the reason for illegal migration and an increase in crime.

6. Tightening the entry into the United States. On January 27, Trump restricted entry for migrants from Syria, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Iran, Sudan and Somalia. The US President has suspended the refugee reception program. Soon, the court blocked the document. On March 6, Trump responded with a new package of travel restrictions, but this time, too, the court challenged the president's decision and did not allow thousands of people to close the entrance.

7. Conflict with the DPRK. Over the past 10 months, the DPRK has tested ballistic missiles of various ranges about 25 times. The Trump administration has long urged Pyongyang to stop the launches and threatened with new sanctions. As a result, North Korea promised to launch a missile attack on the US base on the island of Guam. Trump immediately reacted to the words of the North Korean leadership and promised that in the event of an attack, Pyongyang "will face such fire and fury that the world has not yet seen." In the past couple of months, the conflict has boiled down to military rhetoric; verbal skirmish has not yet reached real hostilities.

8. Relations with Russia. On January 28, Trump spoke with Russian President Vladimir Putin for the first time. Then the conversation went over the phone. The parties outlined areas for cooperation, spoke in favor of improving relations, spoiled during the Obama presidency. On July 7, the two leaders met in person for the first time on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Hamburg. The normalization of relations did not last long - on July 27, the US Senate approved new sanctions against Russia, after 4 days Moscow responded to Washington by expelling 755 American diplomats. In response, the United States deprived Russia of some of its diplomatic property on the country's territory, and also temporarily stopped issuing nonimmigrant visas. The process resumed a week later, but only in Moscow (diplomatic missions in St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg and Vladivostok stopped their work due to a lack of personnel).

9. Impact on the US economy. The first quarter of 2017 was the worst in three years - US GDP showed the minimum growth of 0.7%. At the same time, the Dow Jones index in the very first days of Trump's presidency broke through the 20 thousand point mark and continued to grow throughout the year. Inflation in September 2017 amounted to 0.53% (a year ago it was not much lower - 0.23%), and unemployment fell to a minimum in 16 years - 4.2%. However, the indicator changed not because of the actions of the Trump administration, but because of the consequences of hurricanes Harvey and Irma that hit the United States.

10. Trump in numbers. The data for 365 days of the US presidency has not yet been calculated, because there are still about two and a half months before the inauguration anniversary, but here is what is known about Trump's first half of the year as head of state: he published 991 posts on Twitter (with repeated mention of the phrase fake news). almost 40 times went to his own golf courses, met 50 leaders of countries and gave 48 interviews (13 times for Fox News).


One of the most incomprehensible things to me about the Russian debate about the American elections is why Putin's media and officials are so convinced that Trump is a president for them.

I don't think so at all, I also recorded a new video on this topic:

Yes, most likely in the future Russian-American relations there will be no admixture of personal hostility of the leaders. Hillary discussed Putin so much at the end of her campaign that such a thing would certainly have arisen, and now it won't.

What else is Trump's pro-Russian or, even more so, pro-Putin nature of Trump expressed?

Let's take Trump's program and his most important (in my opinion) campaign speech and break it down.

1. Probably the actions of President Trump will lead to a decrease in oil prices (they fell already on the news of his election):

Fifth, and this is very important, I will lift restrictions on the development of American energy reserves, including shale, oil, gas and coal... That's $ 50 trillion and lots of jobs. Our miners must get back to work.

Sixth, I will remove the obstacles set by Obama and Clinton and allow vital energy infrastructure projects to move forward. We have an incredible number of obstacles for them - environmental, structural ... Keystone pipeline will be completed and much more... This is a lot of jobs and a lot of benefits for the country.

Seventh, we will stop giving billions of dollars to UN programs to combat global warming and use this money for the needs of the American water infrastructure and the American ecology. We're giving away billions while it's time for us to tackle our own ecology.

The United States has huge oil reserves. Their production and export have been artificially constrained for years. A full green light for oil companies will lead to an increase in supply and will put pressure on prices down.

It is clear how this will affect the Russian budget.

2. Recognition of Crimea, lifting of sanctions. Yes, Trump said he would consider recognizing Crimea, but that was in 2014. He said that Putin is cool and better than Obama, but also for a long time. But less than a month ago, he already condemned the bombing of Aleppo and said that he was reconsidering his opinion about Putin and did not know what their relationship would be, assuming that it would become "terrible."

Trump said in October that he was reconsidering his attitude towards Russian President Vladimir Putin and joined the chorus of Western politicians who condemned Moscow's actions in Aleppo, Syria. He accused the Kremlin of disrespect for Obama and Clinton and said that he did not yet know how his relationship with Putin would develop, assuming that it would "be terrible."

Prior to that, during the campaign, Trump lavished praise on Putin and predicted "very, very good" relations with Russia. He called Putin more worthy of the role of state leader than Barack Obama.

The Republican presidential candidate sees room for cooperation with Russia in the fight against the Islamic State. He said he would study the issue of recognizing Crimea, annexed from Ukraine in 2014, as Russian territory and lifting Western sanctions imposed on Russia for its role in the Ukrainian conflict.

As for the sanctions, here's a historical example: the Jackson-Vanik amendment. Introduced in 1974, canceled already in 2012. Although the USSR collapsed, and the Jews quietly left without restrictions, and "friend Bill-friend Boris", and it has not actually worked in recent years. America does not lift sanctions quickly (by the way, it also introduces them).

3. Arms race.

Trump wants to increase spending on US military and infrastructure, but says it will cut spending in other industries by 1 percent annually, but that will not affect Social Security and Medicare seniors.

So to maintain parity, we still have to spend a lot of money depleting our budget.

The most sensitive issue for us in defense is missile defense, and here the new Vice President Pence is a much bigger hawk than all administrations before:

Pence: the US should deploy a missile shield against Russia in Poland and the Czech Republic
https: //ria.ru/world/20161005 / ...

Prior to that, it was said that the American missile defense system was directed not against Russia, but against "rogue countries."

4. Putin and Trump are basically opposite politicians. Take any question:

- Immigration... Trump: the wall. Putin: Against the Visa Regime with the Countries of Central Asia.

- State in the economy... Trump: Downsizing. Putin: State Capitalism and the Growth of the Number of Officials.

- Weapons to citizens... Trump: for. Putin: Absolutely not.

- Islamization... Trump: we will ban migration from problem Islamic countries. Putin: delusional quotes that Orthodoxy is closer to Islam.

Corruption. Trump built his campaign around speeches about fighting her. These are his main promises.

Therefore, from the first day after I took office, my administration will begin work on six measures to combat corruption and the merger of power with business.

First, a constitutional amendment is needed to limit the number of terms for which members of Congress can be elected.

Secondly, we will stop the recruitment of federal employees (except for the military, and public security and health workers) and, thus, as the natural decline, the number of officials will decline.

Third, a rule will be adopted that for each new federal regulation two existing ones will be canceled. Regulations are killing our country and our jobs.

Fourth, former White House and Congress employees will be prohibited from lobbying for five years after leaving service.

Fifth, a lifetime ban will be introduced for White House employees to lobby for the interests of foreign governments.

Sixth, foreign lobbyists will be completely prohibited from raising funds for American election campaigns. Now it happens.

Putin has made corruption the backbone of his regime.

Etc. On all counts.

Most importantly, why I believe that Trump's election will not change anything. It will be neither good nor bad for us.

American foreign policy is not a one-man race car. It is possible with us, yes - within two months the Turks are our main allies, then the main enemies, then again the best friends.

In a country where there are institutions of power, this does not work like that. It is rather a laden tanker. Even if you really want him to turn, he will still shove at the same rate for a long time by inertia.

Congress, the Senate, the media, public opinion, experts, ambassadors - all this affects and all this cannot be changed at once. Obama really wanted to close the prison at Guantanamo. He was president for eight years. Closed it? No, it didn't work, the Republicans blocked it.

And tomorrow these Republicans in Congress, who scolded Obama for being soft on Russia and demanded the supply of lethal weapons to Ukraine, will not go anywhere. They have an opinion, it will have to be reckoned with.

This is a long work, you start now - you will see the effect in years.

So Trump is not for Russia, not against Russia. This is about the fact that one part of American society mobilized and stood in the elections stronger than the other.

What we must pay attention to is the victory of the candidate, whose defeat was predicted by all the media, experts and sociologists. All the stars and opinion leaders were against him. For Trump, only like Chuck Norris spoke out, which gives us a reason for new jokes about the invincibility of Chuck Norris.

However, he won. And we saw again what a real election is with real competition and real struggle for votes.

Let's strive for the same in Russia. Except for ourselves, no one will do this, including Trump.

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