Home Grape An inexpensive gift for his wife for the new year. New Year's miracle: a gift for your beloved wife. Ideas of original gifts for the New Year for the wife

An inexpensive gift for his wife for the new year. New Year's miracle: a gift for your beloved wife. Ideas of original gifts for the New Year for the wife

On the eve of the New Year 2020, all men think about what gifts to give to their beloved wives, girls, girlfriends, sisters, mothers. At first glance, it seems that choosing presents is easy, because there is so much in stores. In reality, everything is completely different. It is difficult to choose a thing that will delight a particular person and give him positive emotions, since everyone has different tastes and desires. What to give your beloved for the New Year, friend, sister, mother is a question, the answer to which is worth starting to look for right now.

When buying New Year's gifts, it is recommended to take into account the character traits of those people for whom gifts are purchased, their tastes, wishes, hobbies, work, age. If difficulties arise due to the wide range of goods, then you can choose another way - to make a gift with your own hands. It won't take a lot of money for such a present. Despite this, he will be very sweet and sincere.

You should think about what to give your beloved wife for the New Year 2020 in advance, because this is not an easy task.

When choosing a presentation, you need to take into account the spouse's hobbies or hobbies:

  • great gifts for needlewomen - beads, sets of threads, knitting needles and other similar gizmos;
  • a woman who loves to paint will be happy to receive a new easel or set for an artist;
  • a representative of the fair sex who is fond of gardening can be presented with useful tools for working with the earth, original pots for plants;
  • for a wife who leads an active lifestyle, loving extreme or sports, a suitable gift will be sports equipment, a certificate for a parachute jump;
  • a woman who is fond of cooking can buy beautiful dishes, kitchen appliances that her wife has long dreamed of;
  • if a loved one collects something, then she can be given a gift based on this, for example, some like to collect coins, others like soft toys, and others like original postcards.

Good gifts are jewelry, high-quality bijouterie, cosmetics, mink coats, expensive beautiful underwear. All representatives of the fair sex dream of receiving such gifts on a festive night.

What to give a pregnant wife for the New Year is a pressing question for many men. An excellent present - a certificate for photography. The beloved will not only receive positive emotions at the moment when she is given a gift. After a while, she will become the owner of beautiful and vivid photographs - a source of pleasant memories of the happiest and most tender period in her life.

Women in an interesting position usually have a lot of free time. Almost all the fair sex during this period of their life begins to look for useful information, strive to learn more about pregnancy, childbirth, raising children. The source of knowledge is books. They can be purchased as a gift. In modern stores, there is a fairly wide selection of useful literature for expectant mothers. When in doubt, buy a gift certificate from the book.

Gifts for your girlfriend for the New Year 2020

The best gift for a beloved girl is any desired thing. You can find out about the dreams of your beloved secretly or by accident. If it does not work out, there is a way out - to pick up a romantic present, from which any representative of the fair sex would be delighted.

Girls' best friends are diamonds, jewelry. For the New Year, you can present a ring, earrings, bracelet, pendant or brooch, for example, with a ruby ​​or garnet. It is not necessary to purchase jewelry made of precious metals. You can buy jewelry jewelry with real stones or crystals and give it along with the bouquet. Such a gift will cost 3-4 times cheaper than a "jewelry" one, and will cause no less delight.

If you want to give your beloved girl something inexpensive and original for the New Year, it can be a souvenir. There is where to roam. In shops, souvenirs are presented in a wide range. There are funny, beautiful, unusual items.

An inexpensive New Year's gift for your beloved can be beautiful notebooks, a wallet, an original phone case.

You can search online stores for souvenirs based on the girl's favorite books, films or TV series.

For the New Year 2020, you can prepare a cosmetic gift for your beloved - for example, shower gel, body cream, eau de toilette. However, this is not so easy to do. Such a gift should be decided by those young people who are very well aware of the addictions and tastes of the second half.

Choosing a New Year's gift for your beloved friend

No matter what they say, friendship between a man and a woman happens, therefore, on the eve of the New Year, many representatives of the strong half of humanity think about what to give a friend for the New Year.

A great option is a certificate for the purchase of any goods. Such a gift has many advantages:

  • the certificate can be bought at any time (even on New Year's Eve);
  • thanks to him, a friend will be able to choose any product they like in a particular store;
  • the certificate is a small item, so you can hide it until the right moment.

If you want to give something practical, you can buy original and bright diaries, mugs, boxes with the symbol of the coming year - the Yellow Boar. Another interesting option is a souvenir in the form of a small Christmas tree. Her friend will be able to decorate her workplace.

New Year's surprise for your beloved sister

A sister is one of the closest people, a loyal friend. That is why the choice of a New Year's gift for her should be given special attention. What to give your beloved sister for the New Year if she is still little?

Here are the options for a girl:

  • soft toy or pretty doll;
  • a large coloring book with your favorite cartoon characters or fairy-tale characters;
  • plasticine for modeling;
  • set of baby cosmetics.

If the sister is a teenage girl, then she will be glad to receive decorative cosmetics, a comfortable backpack, accessories for a computer or smartphone (for example, headphones), a jewelry box, a photo album as a gift. Pens, notebooks, diaries will be a useful gift for an adult sister. These little things come in handy at school or work.

A very original gift for a sister is a pillow or blanket with photographs of loved ones, family members and friends. Some companies are engaged in the manufacture of such things, so it will not be difficult to prepare such a gift for the New Year, but you need to order it in advance.

Gift for beloved mother for the New Year

It is much more difficult to decide what to give your mom for the New Year of the Yellow Boar, because you want to please her, present her with some useful thing. Good gifts - sets of dishes, pots, pans, silicone molds for baking, a beautiful tablecloth and other items for the kitchen.

Any household appliances can be a gift. Any woman needs a hairdryer, a hair curler. It is recommended to take a closer look at such presentation options. If mom loves to sing, then she will be delighted with the music center with karaoke. If a woman is fond of sewing, then she can be presented with a sewing machine or a certificate at a fabric store.

Mom will especially appreciate the gift made by hand. You can make a figurine with your own hands, a postcard, a pillow or a kitchen apron with a bright print - a symbol of the coming year.

A useful gift is a ticket to a sanatorium or resort. Mom will not only see new and interesting places, but will also be able to rejuvenate and heal her body.

We figured out the question of what to give a woman for the New Year 2020. And here's the final advice - you should go to the shops to buy gifts for the holiday in advance, because original and beautiful things are very quickly sold out. It is also recommended to familiarize yourself with the festive assortment of online stores. There are many unusual and at the same time useful products on the Internet that can cause delight and a smile from the fair sex.

Useful video with ideas on how to originally pack large and small New Year's gifts

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New Year is a magical time for miracles and the fulfillment of desires. Gifts are an integral part of it, which is why we so want to please our family and friends with a successful surprise.

On the one hand, choosing a gift for our beloved wife may seem too simple task, because we see her every day and are well versed in the tastes of our half. However, New Year is a special holiday, which means that the present should be truly impressive and memorable. In this article, we have collected for you not just a selection of original and useful presents, but classified them according to different types of characters in order to please your wife.

  1. Take the choice of a New Year's present very seriously. In this case, you cannot get off with only symbolic gifts, otherwise your wife's mood will be ruined for the year ahead. Women, like little children, continue to believe in miracles and wait for a gorgeous surprise.
  2. New Year is the second most important holiday in our country after a birthday, which means that the cost of a gift should be above average, however, do not seek to present something indecently expensive: it is better to put a piece of your soul into a surprise.
  3. Become a real spy in the last couple of months. Carefully notice every little thing, go shopping with your wife, ask her about both unrealizable dreams and essentials.
  4. Gift wrapping should not be inferior to its contents: a beautiful box, rustling paper, ribbons, beads ... For the New Year's decor, you can attract any pleasant little things that so raise your spirits.
  5. Present a surprise in an unusual way: put it under the Christmas tree or dress up in a Santa Claus costume in order to impress your beloved.

And now we propose to think about the character of your wife and attribute her to one of the four most common types: romantic nature, hearth keeper, business woman and extreme. But even if it is almost impossible to classify your soul mate, do not despair! Read our article carefully, and perhaps the idea will appear by itself!

Romantic nature

It is very easy to recognize a woman of this type: she is sentimental, sensitive, loves to dream, her mood changes every hour, and her sympathetic nature does not allow you to quarrel. Such persons are often said to be in the clouds. Your wife remembers every insignificant date in the relationship, strictly adheres to traditions and signs, and also simply pathologically cannot stand lies. It is difficult and easy to please her with a gift at the same time: such a woman has a huge variety of desires, but on the other hand, it is almost impossible to guess what she wants at a given second.

Your wife, for sure, adores historical novels and films, so she has dreamed more than once to be in the place of her beloved heroines. Helping her with this is not so difficult! Just order a portrait from a photograph, independently choosing the desired image that will delight your queen so much. Or maybe a formidable warrior? In any case, the original gift will amaze her to the very heart and will definitely be remembered for a long time!

All women have their own secrets, and there are many, many of the most varied jewelry that so lack a cozy and functional home as a casket. This gift is made of natural wood and contains a comfortable mirror and several spacious drawers. But most importantly, the lid will have a personalized inscription dedicated to your wife. What could be more romantic?

Everything is perfect in such a gift! Firstly, a pendant is a piece of jewelry, and the more expensive it is, the more your wife will be delighted. Secondly, the shape in the form of a heart, on the one hand, will emphasize your love, and on the other hand, it will remind you of the romanticism of your chosen one. And finally, thirdly, personalized engraving will not leave indifferent any woman in the world, because it is so nice to wear a unique pendant around your neck!

The keeper of the hearth

Your wife is an amazing hostess. Everything argues in her skillful hands: she is neat, cooks well, loves handicrafts, creates coziness from little things and always makes sure she is clean. At the same time, your beloved cannot be called a domestic hen, just all her hobbies are truly feminine, and her eyes radiate care and affection. Such women see the meaning of their life only in the family and give themselves to their household members without a trace, demanding nothing in return. Perhaps your significant other will order something useful for the home as a gift, but even so, try to surprise her and do something pleasant just for her.

After a day of complete worries at home and at work, your wife will probably want to relax in a relaxed atmosphere with her beloved family or just in the company of a good book. A blanket with sleeves is a great gift that allows you to drink tea or read without getting out from under the warm bliss of plush fabric. It will make your nest even cozier, but at the same time it will only belong to your half!

If your spouse loves indoor plants, then surprise her with a florarium - a unique composition of various plant species that requires virtually no maintenance. He will take a worthy place in the collection of the second half and will enjoy his appearance for all household members. In addition, the florarium looks very exotic, and the shape of the vase and its filling can be chosen by yourself from many original options.

Who said that a New Year's gift should be tangible? After all, first of all, this is a magical time for the fulfillment of desires! If your wife is seriously interested in cooking and spends all the time in the kitchen, not because it is necessary, but because her heart tells it so, then a themed master class is the perfect idea for a surprise! Your beloved will not only have a great time, but will also be able to use the knowledge gained to improve her skill level!

Business lady

This type of women is increasingly found in large metropolitan areas with many opportunities, including for work. Wives cease to be content with only the role of a housewife, they want development, material independence and self-realization. If your beloved belongs to this category, do not despair: she clearly plans the time, she has something to talk about, and holes in the family budget never arise. And even if these representatives of the fair sex borrowed rigidity, composure and a clear mind from men, you will never have to blush for your chosen one.

A smart watch is the perfect gift for a business lady. They not only look stylish and show the time, but they can also synchronize gadgets, as well as receive calls and SMS. Such a surprise, no doubt, will delight your wife as a professional in her field and let her know that you are attentive to her interests.

A jewelry flash drive combines two gifts: on the one hand, it is a full-fledged gadget for storing large amounts of information, which is so necessary during the work process, and on the other hand, it is an elegant piece of jewelry that pleases the eye with its unusual design. You should never forget that every business woman is first and foremost a woman who adores diamonds, even if they are not real.

What can better amuse the vanity of a business woman than a personalized diary? Now all employees will know who they are dealing with. In addition, the projects immortalized in it are sure to come true!


You will never get bored with such a wife! And even if she is not at home regularly, your relationship is like an action movie. It is not at all necessary that your beloved every week jumps with a parachute or goes to exotic countries, the main thing is that the spirit of rebellion is in her blood, and it is impossible to change her plans. Women of this type are usually very athletic, carefully monitor their diet, are not afraid of anything and are always ready for adventure!

Hot air ballooning is a great gift for a thrill-seeker! A whole snow-covered city under your feet, which can be seen from heaven! Present a certificate for one person or two, and then your surprise will turn into a romantic trip. Is it possible to resist a winter fairy tale from a bird's eye view?

It is difficult to surprise an extreme with something, so we connect all kinds of resources to impress her. Even if your wife is not a fan of computer games and tearful melodramas, this magic helmet will plunge her into a real world of thrills! Watching any movie will turn into an exciting action full of extreme. Who knows, maybe your beloved will start showing up at home more often?

If your wife is an avid traveler and never sits in one place, then present her with a gift that will help keep fond memories of each trip. Fill out the first few pages to show your sweetheart that you share her passions in every way.

What can not be given to a wife for the New Year?

  1. Household items. No mixers, vacuum cleaners and pans will make a woman happy! And especially in the New Year. In such gifts there is no charm and magic, but only a reminder of the direct responsibilities of your wife. There can be only one exception in this case: the beloved herself ordered a specific present from this area.
  2. Things that all family members can use. Any gift must be targeted, otherwise it simply ceases to be such. Try to avoid practical surprises and let your wife feel that she is truly special.
  3. Cosmetics and personal care products. These presents will more likely remind of the imperfections of the spouse than please her. In addition, they are quite mundane, and the New Year requires the fulfillment of desires and magic 😉

How do you know what she wants?

You can always negotiate with your wife. For example, discuss the purchase of gifts in advance and jointly go on a shopping tour of the New Year's shops. The option "give money - buy it yourself" is undesirable, it is a family holiday!

If you want to surprise, watch your woman for a while. Surely she is trying in every possible way to hint at the desired gift. These can be conversations on a certain topic, sighs about running out of perfume, an out-of-fashion fur coat or an old hair dryer.

There are no hints, which means she is also waiting for a surprise. I'll have to spin myself. This is where smart and crazy ideas come in handy. What to choose depends on the character of the spouse, the length of family life, the thickness of the wallet and the desire to enter the New Year in a good mood.

Essential gifts

We will not consider cars, villas, private islands and plots on the Moon. Not all of us are oligarchs, and this is absolutely no reason to feel slighted. But to confirm love not in word, but in deed is very correct.

In most cases, furs and diamonds evoke the brightest emotions in women. The wife wants a fur coat, and you can afford it - give her the fifth, tenth or first coat in your life and that's it. The Snow Maiden is happy, Santa Claus will be covered in chocolate.

But the most anticipated and desired New Year's gift is a piece of jewelry. Buying jewelry for your wife is simple and pleasant:

  • the ring will not be understood ambiguously;
  • you have an idea of ​​her preferences;
  • you can study and even photograph the contents of the box;
  • collect something that has not been worn for a long time and make a thing to order.

You don't have to buy a diamond the size of a pigeon's egg. Sometimes a simple pendant or inexpensive silver jewelry is much more valuable. The main thing is to present it with a soul. Moreover, a nice bonus awaits you. Jewelry stores are making significant discounts on the eve of the New Year holidays.

Practical approach: all in the house

It would seem that it is easier to donate kitchen utensils or household appliances. Don't be fooled by an easy decision that is fraught with consequences. If the spouse has character, you can get a frying pan on the head. At best, she will harbor a grudge and find a way to take revenge.

You can buy household gifts with the personal approval of your wife or in married couples with experience. A sophisticated woman will appreciate a new coffee maker or dishwasher. The young wife will consider this an encroachment on her freedom.

If your family budget is limited and you want the present to be really useful, give:

  • favorite perfume;
  • preferred brand cosmetics;
  • an original USB flash drive or headphones;
  • new phone or tablet;
  • a certificate to the store with her hobby;
  • an interesting master class or psychological training.

You can act according to your interests:

  • taking care of beauty - a trip to the spa;
  • counting every calorie - a smart scale or a gym membership;
  • a homebody - a cozy blanket;
  • what he likes, but does not allow himself often - elite chocolate, coffee, tea.

It is better not to give lingerie, especially erotic lingerie, in the New Year. There are other holidays for this - Valentine's Day, March 8, the anniversary of our acquaintance.

Aerobatics - an emotional surprise

Things wear out, break down, delicacies and sweets are eaten, and positive and extreme emotions leave a lasting aftertaste in the form of a surge of feelings, a new round of relationships, a sense of the family as the main, indestructible value. Tempting? Choose a present:

  • portrait or cartoon from inscriptions, in the form of a mosaic, from a photo;
  • tickets for a theatrical premiere, you can go to another city or country;
  • a trip to a memorable place;
  • a romantic dinner in a restaurant, alone, in complete darkness;
  • image consultation, shopping with a stylist;
  • a journey where fantasy and finances call;
  • a ride in a retro car or an old carriage;
  • joint day at the spa;
  • visiting a real New Year's ball;
  • dance master class;
  • swimming with dolphins;
  • hot air balloon flight;
  • dog sledding;
  • jazz evening for two;
  • participation in an exciting quest.

It is impossible to list everything. You just need to choose a gift-emotion that matches the character, temperament and interests of the wife.

Our hands are not for boredom

A gift with your own hands is also on the list of New Year's surprises. Naturally, you will have to do what you really have at least the slightest experience. What could it be:

  • a dinner or birthday cake you make;
  • personally edited film;
  • recording a song or poems of your own composition;
  • footstool, book holder;
  • jewelry or ceramic product.

Repair of the crane, replacement of light bulbs and New Year's general cleaning do not count. This is not a gift to his wife, but a feasible help. Only a tangible thing that you can create yourself will do.

Remember that it is better not to present to your wife:

  • gifts collected on the occasion of the holiday in the store;
  • New Year's symbols and other trinkets;
  • what will be used by other family members;
  • items related to her personal, sometimes far-fetched, problems.

A gentleman's set of a bouquet, a box of chocolates and champagne is not a gift, but an addition or, if you like, a prelude. Better spend on movie tickets and one rose.

The direction is set, you can act. And since the logic of men, unlike the weaker sex, is present - you will succeed!

Traditional presents

If you do not want to waste time looking for an original solution, use the classic gift options for the new year:

  • jewelry- Treat your beloved with gemstone earrings or gold bracelet. You can also buy a platinum ring, a pendant in the shape of a letter, a necklace with hearts, an original hairpin. Such a present will show how dear a woman is to you;
  • hair styling device- a device with which you can achieve excellent results without visiting a beauty salon. The range of devices is extensive: a hair dryer with attachments for adding volume to the hairstyle, a multifunctional styler, a hair curler;
  • fur coat- a sign of security and status. If your wife dreams of a soft and warm element of outerwear, become Santa Claus for one day. Give your wife a gorgeous gift for the New Year 2020. She will be immensely happy;
  • seductive underwear- a gift that cannot be saved on. Before going to the boutique, find out the size your wife is wearing. Pay attention to what your soulmate likes best. Buy nice lingerie and get your receipt. If the size does not fit, the spouse can replace the kit;
  • perfume Is a common solution favored by many husbands. Before buying, see which scents your spouse likes best. Choose a perfume in the store that will reveal a woman's natural charm and help highlight her main virtues.

You can buy an add-on for the above gifts. This could be a box of chocolates and champagne, or a basket of assorted fruits. Do not forget about the external design of the presentation. Put the purchased item in a beautiful box or in a bag stylized as a New Year's sock.

Gift for a young wife

If you recently had a wedding and you haven't studied your wife's tastes, buy some gifts. For example, a leather handbag, high-quality jewelry, a rat-shaped figurine, a pendant with a symbol of the coming year. You can also give your spouse a certificate to a clothing store. Let the woman choose what she needs.

For husbands who want to surprise their young wife, we have prepared a list of the best gifts for the New Year 2020:

  1. Fur coat.
  2. Brand perfumery.
  3. Hydromassage bath.
  4. Jewelry case.
  5. Thermal gloves.
  6. New smartphone.
  7. Romantic dinner.
  8. Pop art portrait.
  9. Photo session certificate.
  10. Warm set: mittens and a snood scarf.

Gift for an experienced wife

Husbands who have lived with their spouse for many years cannot lose face. The presentation must be original and expensive. This will demonstrate your love and care to your wife. Don't be stingy and don't use the classic options. Get creative.

We have several gift ideas for experienced wives:

  • travel abroad- gradually family life turns into a routine. If you want to refresh your senses and distract your wife from everyday worries, make an unexpected surprise. Buy a ticket to a ski resort or a warm country. The trip will have a beneficial effect on mutual relations and will charge you with energy for the whole year;
  • modern gadget- think what your wife would like to have. Today, e-books, large-screen tablets, smartphones with two SIM cards are popular;
  • evening dress from the latest collection- a gorgeous gift for your wife for the New Year 2020. In a beautiful dress, your wife will look stunning. The wife will hang it in the closet and wear it on special occasions;
  • certificate for chocolate wrap- a useful and original present. It is a pleasant treatment that has a positive effect on skin condition and mood. After the chocolate wrap, the woman will feel wonderful;
  • entertainment ticket- a concert of your favorite band, theater, party. Bring your wife out. The spouse will be distracted from all worries and will receive a lot of positive emotions.

When choosing a gift, remember that the purchased item should remind of feelings. It doesn't have to be trivial and cheap. Present a present to the chimes and say warm words to your wife. She will appreciate the surprise and understand how much you love her.

Hobby Gifts

In their free time, women knit, read books, make all sorts of hand-made things. Take advantage of this and make a present of your interest. So you show attentiveness to your wife's hobbies. The fair sex is often offended that their husbands are not interested in their hobby. Therefore, with such a gift for the New Year, you will not go wrong.

  • Kitchen appliances can be purchased for the practical woman. For example, a yogurt maker, turbo mixer, bread maker, or double boiler. The spouse will be happy with such a device. She will be able to surprise the family with delicious dishes.
  • If your wife enjoys outdoor activities, give her a nice present. It can be a certificate for extreme entertainment: rock climbing, wind tunnel, laser tag. The choice is not limited to this. Buy fitness accessories for your wife, an exercise bike, a stepper, or a hoop with lots of massage elements.
  • A lady who loves romance will be delighted to travel to the capital of France. Paris is the city of all lovers. Here you can have an interesting time and celebrate the New Year in a restaurant located on the Eiffel Tower. The spouse will remember this trip for a long time and will look at the photos taken against the background of Parisian attractions.
  • A variety of sets can be purchased for the spouse who while away her free evenings with needlework. For example, embroidery of pictures with beads, decoupage, felting, jewelry making, scrapbooking. If the fair sex loves to draw, make a present for your hobby. Buy her a tripod easel, paint, or supplies. After the party, head to the park. Let the wife paint the winter landscape.
  • The avid collector will be delighted with the new exhibit. Women can collect figurines of animals, gzhel, porcelain dolls. Choose a rare exhibit and make a surprise on New Year's Eve.
  • Is your wife an art lover? Present her with a painting by a renowned artist or a ticket to a concert of her favorite band. You can also buy theatrical binoculars and complement them with a ticket to the show.
  • If your wife likes indoor plants and spends every summer at the dacha, make a themed gift. Buy a metal flower stand or decorative planter. For relaxing in the garden, you can buy a hammock, artificial rattan furniture, and a swing with pillows.

Inexpensive gifts to wife

What to do when the family budget is limited? You need to use your imagination and purchase an inexpensive, but at the same time interesting present for the Year of the White Rat. The variety of goods pleases and makes it possible to choose what you like. Therefore, there are no problems with the purchase of a suitable product.

We have many ideas that your spouse will love:

  1. Smartphone stand.
  2. Luminous cup.
  3. Boho style clutch.
  4. Tree-shaped ring holder.
  5. Pillow with the inscription "Queen of my heart".
  6. Jar of pumpkin jam with lemon and orange.
  7. Candlestick "Endless Love".
  8. Bouquet of sweets.
  9. Beautiful silk scarf.
  10. A set called "I love it when we are together", consisting of 12 mini-chocolate bars.

DIY presentations

Self-made gifts feel love and warmth. With their help, you will surprise your wife and show your best side. We know what you can do with your own hands for the new year and will be happy to share ideas.

Heart of roses with surprise- to prepare such a gift, you will need a heart-shaped floral sponge that prolongs the life of plants. You also need roses, pins, toothpicks, and fresh strawberries from the supermarket. Choose roses of the color your wife likes.

The process of creating a masterpiece consists of several stages:

  • we soak a floral sponge - for this, put the mold on the water and wait until it sinks to the bottom;
  • cut the stems of the roses, leaving cuttings 3 cm long;
  • insert short stems with buds into one half of the heart - make sure that the flowers are tightly adjacent to each other;
  • in the next step, we separate the leaves from the cut off stems. We cover the second half of the floral sponge with them. We also attach the leaves with pins to the sides of the heart;
  • the final touch - in the half of the oasis, covered with leaves, we fix the toothpicks with strawberries at the top.

Finally, let's name the gifts that cannot be given to your wife for the New Year 2020. These include kitchen utensils (kettle, saucepan, frying pan), bedding, New Year's trinkets, anti-wrinkle cream. It is also undesirable to give money.

Your wife, regardless of age, remains a girl at heart. She believes in miracles and looks forward to a New Year's gift. Don't disappoint your spouse. Buy her a nice present for the winter holiday and add heartfelt congratulations to it. Thus, you will make a woman happy and prove that magic exists!

Very soon, the most adored holiday on the planet will come, giving a fabulous atmosphere of the fulfillment of innermost desires. Thinking over the decision of what to give his wife for the New Year, everyone wants to note the uniqueness of this sign of attention, because most of all surprises are expected from the winter holiday that bring delight, joy to the person closest to us.

It is best to choose a New Year's gift for a wife taking into account her wishes. In the case of a bold decision to make a surprise for his wife, it is recommended to decide on some of the nuances that may arise when choosing a present for your beloved woman.

Gifts for the wife for the New Year can fall into the following categories:

  • Exclusive gifts - this can be, for example, a photo collage of the most touching and touching moments of your family life, or a large basket with her favorite flowers, sweets, colorful balls.
  • Precious jewelry - an exquisite gold ring, diamond earrings or a pendant with a commemorative engraving.
  • Modern gadgets - a smartphone, tablet, e-book, camera or camera, an original USB flash drive in the form of a pendant and other things that are cute to a woman's heart.
  • Household appliances - a dishwasher or a coffee machine, in general, everything that your wife will be delighted with, that will bring her pleasure when receiving such a gift.
  • Appliances or items related to the wife's creative interests, her hobbies. For example, a decorative flower, a needlework kit or a sewing machine, expensive paints, if the wife is fond of painting, etc.
  • New-fashioned accessories and delicate gifts. However, in this case, it is better to use the help of experienced salesmen or your wife's best friend. Such gifts usually include underwear or a leather clutch, wallet, eau de parfum or perfume, and other similar things. But you must be 100% sure that your wife will like them.
  • A certificate to a store, a spa or an interesting master class related to her hobby. Either a useful subscription to a fitness room or a swimming pool located near the house, or, for example, a subscription to a short course on psychological training.

Ideas for an unforgettable gift

Most things wear out or break, and delicacies and sweets are eaten, only memory and emotions that a person experiences during certain events remain unchanged.

Leaving a long aftertaste in the form of a surge of feelings, a new round of relationships, a sense of the family as the main, indestructible value in the relationship between husband and wife on the eve of the New Year can be done with the help of the following ideas:

  • A romantic vacation for two as a New Year's gift to the wife will allow you to express love, tenderness and care, as well as refresh emotions and feelings for each other;
  • A beautiful and memorable photo session for two;
  • Hot air balloon flight or dance workshop.
  • Participation in an exciting quest;
  • Travel, for example, to the sea or a ski resort. It all depends on the fantasy and financial capabilities of the man;
  • Swimming with dolphins;
  • Joint visit to the SPA-salon.

For especially romantic couples, a visit to a real fancy-dress New Year's ball can be an impressive, memorable gift.

Original gifts

In order to express your boundless love, gifts can be made with your own hands. Your beloved will tenderly accept any gift if it is presented from a pure heart, with tender feelings.

  • On New Year's Eve, even a small box of your wife's favorite sweets, but a box made by your own hands, can become a memorable, pleasant gift. It can be made according to your own idea, or made in the New Year's style, following an example taken from the Internet - everything is exactly such a present that will delight your beloved.
  • A bouquet made of sweets or favorite fruits of the wife is an original gift.
  • A wonderful gift for the New Year's Eve for a wife can be a dinner prepared by her husband himself.
  • In search of an original New Year's presentation, you can simply make a short video from cuts of family photos and memorable videos. For people with the appropriate skills, this will take no more than an hour. Your beloved will surely appreciate your gift with gratitude.

However, before the New Year holidays, you should stock up on a small amount of money and free time in order to carefully think over and choose an original gift for your beloved wife.

As you know, no matter what New Year gift was chosen for the wife, it is very important to pack it beautifully, as well as present it beautifully or in an interesting way.

  1. You can do the packaging with your own hands, or pick up a ready-made one in a gift shop. Show all your imagination, a present can be a surprise just because of its design.
  2. Since the holiday is New Year, it will be more interesting if, for example, a box or gift paper will symbolize this event. Fir-trees, snowflakes, snow maidens and everything in this style. So the holiday will be felt especially!
  3. You can come to an agreement with your beloved wife, open gifts after the New Year, putting them first under the tree!
  4. The most important tip for choosing a gift is that if you have not decided what to give each other, perhaps the best way out would be to agree. But not directly, but "by writing letters to Santa Claus"!

If the spouse, who received a New Year's gift at the most unpredictable moment, sincerely smiles only at the sight of the package, then this means that you have made the right choice.

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