Home Grape Guys look like girls. Masculine female celebrities. But to reduce men's preferences only to the selection of their "mirror image" is not worth it

Guys look like girls. Masculine female celebrities. But to reduce men's preferences only to the selection of their "mirror image" is not worth it

I've always liked androgynes, especially men who look like women. I don't know why, but I find their manners and femininity to be very attractive, although many of these men may not be creepy.
1.Andrey (Andrea) Pezhich.

The Serbo-Croatian fashion model who blew up the catwalks of leading fashion houses and became the star of Jean-Paul Gaultier, showing off his luxurious wedding dress, which, by the way, sat better on his figure than on Rihanna. He worked demonstrating both men's and women's clothing.

More recently, Andrei underwent gender reassignment surgery and admitted that he always felt like a woman. Now he is a hot beauty Andrea, who is included in the tops of the most beautiful and sexy models.

2. Bill Kaulitz.
During my teenage years, Tokyo Hotel was the most fashionable group with the most coveted vocalist among girls from 12 to 18. No one was embarrassed that the beautiful, slightly androgynous vocalist turned out to be a boy. Although as for me, seeing Bill for the first time, for some reason I immediately realized that he was a boy.

The Tokyo Hotel started their career early, so little, as Bill's "girlish" vocals have changed, now there is no feminine note in his voice. In addition, now Bill is 25 years old, and he has matured very much, however, he does not stop being the same handsome man. By the way, the growth of one of the most beautiful and famous Germans, as Wikipedia says, is 192 cm.

Bill has a twin brother Tom, and with their absolute similarity in appearance, it is difficult to find such different people. Some people said that Bill drinks female hormones, that he is a transvestite, gay, etc. but the question of his sexual orientation remains open. My humble opinion is that Bill grew up on David Bowie, who also at one time wore heels and false eyelashes, but he married the supermodel Iman, so theoretically we can assume that he is at worst bisexual.
3. Stas Fedyanin.
The Russian androgynous model, like the European predecessor Andrei Pezhich, appears in both male and female images. However, as a guy I like him better.

For several years in a row, the world has been agitated by androgynous male models, of which he has become a prominent representative. Now a new personality has appeared in the fashion world - this is a woman who continues to destroy stereotypes and gender discrimination.

A model named Raine Dove became famous for her extraordinary appearance - she looks like a woman trapped in a man's body. Or, as they say on the Internet, she has a female body and an absolutely male face. It is this feature, from which a person could go crazy in our society, that the girl successfully uses for her career. Rain Dove manages to showcase women's and men's clothing, believing that any thing is transformed on it.

In everyday life, 26-year-old Rain Dove is often mistaken for a transsexual, but this does not offend, but only amuses her. From early childhood, she was different from her peers, who gradually turned into cute girls. Raine Dove, with her height of 188 centimeters, was taller than other guys, and her expressive chin and nose were completely confusing. It is not surprising that she was teased at school, but Raine quickly got her bearings and began to use non-standard appearance for her own benefit, realizing a certain uniqueness.

When you see my face, you should know that it is not ugly, it is just of a different beauty.

Raine Dove really has a strong masculinity - she once tried to work as a locksmith and firefighter, and then she moved to the modeling business. However, the girl does not deny her feminine side and actively shows that she can be harmonious in the image of a sexy woman. To prove this, she took part in an art project, taking a photo in and taking photos of famous models on her face. In fact, Rein Dove proved that gender as such does not exist - it is only a part of our perception of the world around us.

Raine Dove likes to play with two sides of her personality, which is why she often shows pictures on social networks in which she appears as a man and a woman in the same places. Raine insists that a person should not be perceived only by external data, because inside he still has the same heart.

Interestingly, Rein Dove not only erases the framework of gender distinction, but also raises other equally important topics. So, the girl conducts experiments, figuring out how people react to men and women. After walking through London at night, she came to the conclusion that a woman cannot walk the streets in a dress without hearing a whistle in her direction. But the owner of a shirt and trousers will calmly get home without worrying about their safety.

Today I tried to walk in my "menswear" on the busiest street in London, where people usually gather for a drink. I did this after walking there in a versatile women's dress - it garnered far more comments and whistles about my appearance than my best men's outfit. Therefore, in order to safely return home after a night out, I often choose shirts and pants.

Metro. Hundreds of people flash before our eyes. Among them there are those on which attention dwells for a long time. Like this person, extraordinary and ambiguous.

Gender is not Feng Shui. Boy looking like a girl

Late in the evening there is no train for a long time, you have to while away the minutes and keep yourself busy with something. Sleepy people look at the dark tunnel. And this young man of very outstanding appearance thoroughly wipes his hands with wet wipes. It is not exactly clear who it is - a girl or a guy. Indeed, it is not clear.

Strange boy looking like a girl

Black hair dyed. It can be seen that the color is not natural. And bangs, purple. This expressive contrast was emphasized by an interesting hairstyle. Fuchsia jeans and sweater, black coat. He's just like from a youth glossy magazine. A well-groomed young man, or a girl ...

The train arrived. There was an opportunity to take a closer look, the dude was sitting directly opposite. It turned out to be a man: the large size of sneakers, a coat of a man's cut, the outlines of a clearly masculine chest.

He looked at the monitor screen in the carriage, funny videos with animals were broadcast. Most of the carriage was just sitting, waiting for its stop. And only a few occupied their eyes with something, read or listened to music. The guy took out a chocolate bar. Apparently, in order to eat it, he wiped his hands with napkins, maybe some kind of infection would cling, germs from dirty hands.

This is a skin-visual guy, 22-23 years old. Cheekbones are chiseled, slender body, white, smooth skin, large, beautiful eyes. Next to him sits a "man" in the conventional sense - stocky, broad-shouldered, with a small beer belly, stubble, already clearly outlined bald spot. Dressed simply - a brown leather jacket, a checked shirt, a huge backpack. The clothes are old, they seem to be very used to them - they are worn to holes, but they are dear. It is unmistakable at first glance that this is the owner of the anal vector. The contrast is obvious.

A guy with dark purple bangs isn't necessarily gay. Although for men with an anal vector, and indeed for many others, due to our peculiarities of mentality, such a guy is a priori gay, or "some such". A boy who looks like a girl. Although this is a man. He was born a man. He was just born different, with a special type of sexuality.

Homosexuality. Pathology or norm? Fragment of the training on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan.

A priori gay. Thanks Mom?

Why do they dress like that, look like that, look after their appearance, are they even too feminine and corny? Some authoritative experts argue that such style features and, in general, features in men are associated with upbringing - the child's image of a mother has sunk into his memory since childhood, and he imitates her in his manner of dressing and behavior. Mom, who throughout childhood nursed her sweets and tried on bows, is like an idol for him, and the boy strives to be like a mother. And he becomes gay for this reason. Mom is to blame for everything, she coddled too much, like with a girl. Even if, even as an adult, he does not sleep with men, but his thoughts are exactly the same, since mannered and "mows" like a girl.

Why are they boys like girls?

And imagine that his mother is such a serious, large woman. Auntie like that, she doesn't really care for him and doesn't hang bows. Not a feminine cotton-eyed man, under which he would "mow" like that. And dad is a chauffeur, a simple man who knows his business, not particularly emotional. Whose image left an imprint on the image of the future metrosexual / fashion model / animator / dance ra ...? Would he look courageous if born into a family like this? And the fingers would not be thin, and the skin on the face would not be so soft, silky?

We always make up our children.

Waldemar Lysak

Man light

Such a child is in itself sweet, pretty, like a girl. The eyes are big, the tears are close, impressionable, special. Not like all boys, sensitive and gentle, shy, cute. Mom could not have looked at him differently. He is what she gave birth to. And the attitude towards the child corresponds to what he is mentally, physically. If he were a gloomy round-faced kolobok, he would be perceived differently.

In childhood, for a skin-visual boy, the company of girls is more interesting. He is comfortable among his girlfriends. Of course, this behavior can lead to the assumption that he will become gay by playing with dolls (another common misconception). And the parents begin to throw him into the fire - to the boys, to the boys' company, to be friends with them urgently! And there he will be persecuted. He's not a hooligan, he doesn't pull girls by their braids ...

Let this have girls when he grows up. But he does not protect against hooligans and does not look for an opportunity to prove himself a man, a real man. But he is easy to talk to, like a girl - you can talk to him on any topic, even a purely girl topic. Strange. Is he gay?

Whom did you give birth to me? Some kind of shugan, what a man he will be!

Why are such boys, who look like girls, started to be noticed very actively right now? Generation is it? Degeneration of the "real man" gene? They were there before, they just entered the arena more brightly, to fight for the peculiarities of their own psyche. The level of cultural development allows - dress as you want, realize yourself wherever your heart desires.


Boy or girl, but definitely not a man

Like mushrooms after rain, over the past decades, movie superstars, pop stars have begun to appear, or ... participants in drag shows, fashion shows, male strippers ... where only a skin-visual boy in various degrees of development does not find himself. Who goes to the ballet, and who goes to the strip club. They were suppressed by anal parents who brought up "men" before. And in ancient times, there were no dermal-visual boys at all. They became victims of ritual cannibalism.

It's all about the bundle of vectors - visual and skin. Such an early man could not fulfill the species role in the flock, which other skins had - to kill in the hunt and war. Spectators at all times did not kill, and now it is they who are vegetarians, animal defenders, etc. They were not even able to kill microbes in themselves, the body catches any infection and cannot cope with it. What a hunt there! Having no specific role, they became a victim of the tribal cannibal, like a burdening ballast, an extra mouth.

And then she came

Skin-visual females are the creators of culture. They limited the killing of skin-visual boys, and culture began with this limitation. Skin-visual boys no longer became victims of the tribal cannibal, but often died of diseases. They began to survive quite recently and also began to develop their own behavioral program, however, with a huge lag behind the rest.

In the future, such children became more and more, medicine developed. Now they do not die from every microbe as they did before. But they often remain mentally crippled when a folder with an anal vector tries to raise its long-awaited SON as a man, but it turns out ... all the same, it turns out that he was born - a skin-visual boy, only an unhappy one.

Against the background of our mental homophobia, the skin-visual son becomes a victim of bullying (moral and even physical) by his father, if he has accumulated frustrations. He is trying to remake the child, to make him courageous. The son irritates him, as the internal tension is unbearably pressing, manifesting itself as a defensive reaction - a pronounced homophobia aimed at such boys. On TV he has all the pid..sy, when the power is pid..sy, all around shit ... Have you met such?

By improper upbringing, parents block the development of the properties inherent in the skin-visual son. They send for some kind of struggle to learn to defend themselves, impose "men's hobbies", while the boy wants to go to ballet / singing / stage / guitar ... The folder forbids crying, it's a shame in an anal way for such a son, his wife gave birth to hack!

Constantly hiding from peers' bullying behind girlfriends, such a boy runs the risk of growing up and hiding behind them in an adult way - to become a gigolo. Undeveloped, he will not be able to create an emotional connection, and will seek the attention of others, easily changing partners (both F and M, it will not matter to him) for more profitable ones. It is important not only to properly raise such a child, but also to monitor the conditions in which he finds himself outside the home, and how his peers communicate with him.

The purpose of education is to teach our children to do without us.

Ernest Leguyev

Children and bullying

Children are born archetypal, that is, not adapted to the realities of the modern world, their vector properties have not yet been developed to the current level. Such primitive little animals, which have yet to be taught culture and developed for the modern landscape. They start to rank as a pack in all of their games. Modern children, due to the mistakes of their parents, very often grow up callous and cruel. And such a boy is not ranked (there was no specific role), and therefore others can infringe on him, humiliate him, make him an outcast.

If he wants to see girls - let him go to them, there he will not be subject to the bullying of small primitive animal children. But even here it is important to correctly explain to the child that he is a boy, a future gentleman, a gallant suitor who will give a hand to a lady (a little lady from her group in the kindergarten ...). This does not mean that he should avoid boys, but the approach is special - depending on which boys. There are already tasks for educators and teachers. Often they do not cope with them, alas. The "flock" of children is not always controllable.

Since the dermal-visual male did not have a species role, he did not receive a natural right to the share of the flock, and to the woman, respectively - he was not assigned her type in terms of sexuality. Such guys still have the development of a behavioral program ahead, there is no range of sexual acceptability due to the peculiarities of the psyche. Skin-visual men often create a natural pair with an urethral woman, it happens that they are many years older than them, but this is a natural pair. And society is in a hurry to condemn or see some hidden subtext - they say, she found herself a young, midlife crisis. It's all about the characteristics of sexuality, given from birth to each of us. The urethral woman chooses the dermal-visual one, this is a special type of attraction - giving back to shortages, because he did not get his own type of female.

Boy Like Girl: Relationship Palette

The son lives with his ... boyfriend

With whom the skin-visual sexually mature guy will create a pair - depends on the parents. Before puberty, the child develops, and already with the obtained level of development of properties, realization begins - he feels independent responsibility for himself. This is the very “difficult age” when the parents observe, and what did they manage to give the child for development, and the consequences if they did not complete something. Beaten and depressed in childhood, a skin-visual boy, grows into a guy and, as it were, imitates a skin-visual girl. Even worse, the child cannot figure out his gender, orientation. These are all of them, skin-visual victims of parents and bullying of others.

Primitive cannibals did not eat skin-visual girls, they had their own specific role (by the way, the only females). Therefore, an underdeveloped skin-visual guy imitates the girl with his mannerism and even sex change on special occasions, so as not to be noticed by the primitive cannibal. Remained in the archetype, the properties are not adapted to modern landscape conditions, and the person is doomed to live in fear, seeks protection, draws attention to himself, arranges emotional blackmail, tries to be noticed wherever he appears.

The best way to make children good is to make them happy.

Oscar Wilde


Everywhere, parents bring up such sweet, fearful boys as a "man", drive them into stress instead of giving a feeling of security to a fearful kid. They read fairy tales with elements of cannibalism about Koloboks and other threats to life, multiplying the child's fears. And then they beat him for tearfulness and capriciousness, with which the child tries to draw attention to himself, feeling fears. Translated into systemic language, this means: how scared I am, I do not feel my parents are guarantors of my security, on which I depend, I was left defenseless. All this should be known to parents, so as not to commit the irreparable, to develop the child, and not to leave him a non-adaptive dependent on his fears for life.

Parents themselves make it so that for such an improperly educated boy, a homosexually frustrated "real man" with an anal vector will become a future partner. This is a special life scenario, always with the same causes and effects. The typical gay couple is “active-passive”. He finds a defender in his asset so that no one offends, and whether or not he doesn't care, if only not on a dark night, in an apartment with monsters under the bed.

There are two more options for gay couples: two men with an anal vector, or two men who have an optic cutaneous ligament in the vector set. But the latter do not have a homosexual attraction, as well as a given type of woman in terms of sexuality. But there are mistakes in upbringing, due to which such sexual experiments of these men appear, which do not have any restrictions on the range of sexual acceptability. Together, they are not so scared for their lives, to suffer from phobias! Be sure to show their gay status, they need attention, attention, attention ... (to be noticed so as not to eat).

The child gives birth to parents.

Stanislav Jerzy Lec

Children are not a photocopy of their parents

Once upon a time, skin-visual women created a culture by limiting ritual cannibalism and turning animal mating into sensual sex for pleasure. On the basis of these prohibitions, culture has developed for 50 thousand years, due to this we have a society where human life is above all. And where, unfortunately, the development of skin-visual men continues to stop. And behind them is the future of culture, as it once was for its creator, the skin-visual female.

Developed and realized skin-visual boys delight the eyes, they are in sight, they choose creative professions where they can really give emotions to the viewer. Ballet dancers, artists, singers, actors ... Attractive and endearing agents, secretaries, press attachés ... Now they are more in demand than ever, for them there is a sea of ​​opportunities, if many parents did not turn this sea into a puddle.


A boy who looks like a girl is a hero of our time

Our hero, which was discussed at the beginning of the article, is perhaps sufficiently developed for life. Or maybe not? Suddenly sleeping with the lights on, or maybe he is selfish, or "gay"? You never know ... It's good if he is sufficiently adapted by his parents and works somewhere in a creative position, is able to support himself, there is a girl, there are many friends. It is good to…

Accelerators, nano-kids with iPads, high-tech generation, juvenile hackers ... Depressive, emo, goths, skinheads, racists, cruel killers ... nightmare of "difficult age"? How to develop your incomprehensible children and how to educate them so that they develop well, do not feel colossal lack of realization, enjoy life, and do not suffer from parental impotence?

I liked it - put a "heart":

07/11/06, Tou tou
Let her look like a guy - this is HER PERSONAL AFFAIR. She does not impose herself on anyone, she lives and that's it. At least a girl like that is a thousand times better than a hyped and oiled bitch. In general, I go nuts over such rotten bazaars: are you better off, fifa ?!

07/11/06, Atemlos
I love androgynous style in any form. including girls who look like guys. and then, they are usually more interesting than glamorous blondes in pink.

07/11/06, Benjaminel
Let's not get confused in terms! We are talking about Girls who look like TO Guys, and not about probabs who look like men. These are different things) Personally, I have always liked nice well-groomed girls, but not "glamorous" dressed up in roy rubbish from the market, and not so unisex even ... but not heavily made up, tall, thin, slender, with by nature pretty face ... and dressed without "frills" - fashionable, but without hairpins and other crap ...)

08/11/06, Lifelines
What does "look like guys" mean? Wearing pants and hoodies? Wearing short hair? What's wrong with that? Everyone has the right to be himself. It suits someone. Well, they love football, and what's unfeminine? I like it the most. They are independent, smart and beautiful in their own way.

08/11/06, Dusty
so it turns out that I prefer "boys" to any glamorous creatures with an empty head. If an elegant slender maiden figure is dressed in tattered jeans, heavy boots, a tweed jacket, and she has some kind of unintelligible nix on her head, this, of course, does not mean anything, but if she is ready to kick off anyone she meets, she reads serious literature and can to discuss politics and religion with rage and passion over a pack of cigarettes and a bottle of rum - then this is my ideal .. it is a pity that this does not exist in nature)

29/11/06, Mental ipsism
In general, I love all kinds of people, but I have a special sympathy for such girls, because for me unisex looks are the best that can be. As I already wrote once, I don't really like it when people strongly emphasize their gender, because for me it makes no sense. In general, I don’t understand and don’t accept statements like “if you were born a man - be him, if you were born a woman - be her”. It always seemed to me that any person knows that the main thing is to be who you feel you are. And how could it be otherwise?

29/11/06, Mental ipsism
For me, there are no Women and Men, there are only People and Human behavior, and I despise any framework such as Female and Male behavior, because they are just an extra and insane cell of restrictions.

17/12/06, svet for you
not that I like shtob, but for some reason I am friends with the little girls. the fact that we are from different worlds obviously became in the ninth grade. I am in high heels (this is a must !!), blonde, in a skirt and all sorts of women's fentiflushechki and two of my fighting friends in shir-pants, Steel-ah and all other crap, including 12 times pierced ears and tattoos. (By the way, Awesome) the way we manage to be friends remains a mystery for 4 years already. Nevertheless, I sometimes go to a punk concert, and they come to taste my homemade sushi. True, we swear in secret from each other. but I can't imagine my life without them. I ABAJ and appreciate!

20/05/07, Mental ipsism
They are not as disgusting as small, short-legged and fat-ass piglets with jelly handles covered with a fatty coating.

20/02/11, PAsaNka
I myself am a kid myself, I love football, cars, but I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I don’t dye, and I hate skirts. Boys and boys have a lot in common, they understand them almost perfectly. Or do you prefer painted fif, throwing tantrums because they broke a nail there. These fools want everything at once, and the boys only want understanding;)

20/02/11, Pony pony
I myself have been trying to become like a guy for a long time! and I don't see anything wrong with that, it's really a personal matter for every girl, it's just that if you can't realize yourself as a girl, you try to do it on behalf of the guys) this, in my opinion, gives some kind of incentive to further action!))

12/04/12, NellyNeoNa
After reading the opinions of members of the forum ... mmm ... very few people are close to the concept of a kid! I wore this status for a long time, and "strove" for it. Honestly, I thought how 90% was written here by the guys at the age of 12, there were complexes of cattle. it became profitable ... there was almost no money in the family and so as not to disgrace my parents, I pretended that I like tattered style, dirty hair and higher on the list. It happens that way, and! often !! YES! for everyone, I'm not ugly, sporty , quite educated and brought up. I take care of myself, despite the fact that a kid to this day! Everything is simple, girls who are able to think like guys, and not swim in the answers, boys. Psychology and Anatomy! School course! tells, the guys know how to draw conclusions and make specific decisions, while the look, tone, and so on. non-verbal actions: the fight by the male for the dominant! Aunts, whose brains work as well, boys and it admires! Well, other behavior and gestures is understandable why they have a place. ! Boy! (F), it's immediately clear, it's not about trances!

14/06/13, MakS
It is more interesting to communicate with such women than with the same women who, apart from love and Bilan (or some other singer), cannot tell. Many boys lead a normal life. Yes, we love to play football and other dangerous sports. Don't talk a lot about our style either. For example, we like to wear sneakers and pants, long T-shirts and cut short. But we do not spoil our legs by walking on 10 cm heels. V

06/07/13, a moment
Well, not so much). But if a girl is athletic, strong, lean, not flirtatious, not cutesy, then a certain touch of masculinity will be present in her one way or another. And in no way belittling her femininity.

15/09/13, anatidaphobe
I somehow respect girls who look like guys more than these painted fools with not a drop of mind. So, for example, I was often confused with a guy, despite the fact that I only wear men's shirts over T-shirts, loose jeans and do not dye. And it suits me perfectly, I am not offended. Needless to say, girls who look like guys are not women who look like men. Things are different, not to be confused. Girls who look like guys can look more or less pretty, even with breasts and a figure, do not smoke, do not drink, and some do not even swear, but at the same time look like guys. Idiotic stereotypes :)

25/03/15, Nemesis deathmaster
A slender girl without smooth curves is much more attractive than a feminine bbw. and if she has pale skin and bulging veins, then this is generally the ideal. my fetish. looking like guys, I mean physique, constitution and low fat percentage, developed muscles and veins, but not at all disgusting peasant manners and unkempt. a girl should be physically strong, athletic, but at the same time feminine in appearance, such as Madonna or Sarah Jessica Parker, Mila Jovovich and other Hollywood beauties.

07/04/15, DraKo
If a girl looks like a guy, that's her right. Is it her style or the instinct of self-preservation is hidden in it. And no person has the right to judge both. He lives as he can and wants. not to like - do not communicate, do not look.

07/04/15, Unimmortal
Why not? This is their right. I myself, probably, do not look too much like a girl, because I do not dye, my hair is quite short, and I prefer clothes and shoes that are comfortable, practical and not attracting either my or other people's increased attention to dresses - skirts - heels. Yes, and a figure similar to the Spanish guitar, I am also completely deprived. I have neither psychotraumas, nor terry complexes. Only slightly androgynous appearance and lack of motivation to be a "real woman". And other girls - guys - are just interesting and non-standard people for the most part.

09/07/15, Nemesis deathmaster
in a way, I like them. I do not mean an aggressive drunk gopnitsa shaved bald with a cigarette in yellow teeth and in adidas. I mean, in terms of body structure, low fat percentage, narrow thighs, bulging veins and muscles - that's what I like. and the face should be feminine. and the hair is long. and gothic manicure, makeup. for me, the ideal appearance is Madonna. she looks like a guy in body, veins and muscles, arms, abs, lean legs, but nevertheless she has a feminine face and leads a healthy lifestyle. and the girl with the habits of a gopnitsa and manic manners is horror. cool when femininity is combined with predatory muscles and veins. this is sexy and hot!

04/08/15, Calm
Again - the question is not even about the boys, but about the girls who look like guys. For example, I am already used to having a short haircut and wearing loose clothes, as it is comfortable. I don't wear skirts because of the ridicule of my peers in the past - when I was completely like a boy, although I tried to look different. However, despite the fact that I am sometimes confused with a guy, my communication with other people always turns out to be friendly and positive. In addition, everyone has their own path and everyone has the right to be as he wants - and it is stupid to condemn people who are unlike themselves. I'm not claiming anything - you can skip this post altogether, but I hope you will listen. Thank you for your time.

04/08/15, Hack 007Perf
In my opinion, it is quite acceptable. First, their body is their business. Secondly, someone surely likes it, so why not? True, I think that the answer to the question about guys who look like girls will be, to put it mildly, not similar, on the contrary. And they also say that only women are discriminated against.

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