Home Grape Craft - do-it-yourself brownie: master class. Do-it-yourself brownie Kuzya: how to knit using the amigurumi technique or make a do-it-yourself brownie toy from cork patterns

Craft - do-it-yourself brownie: master class. Do-it-yourself brownie Kuzya: how to knit using the amigurumi technique or make a do-it-yourself brownie toy from cork patterns

A brownie, or brownie, is a domestic spirit, the owner and patron of the house, protecting the home and its inhabitants (people, animals) from various troubles, maintaining life and contentment in the family. In Ancient Rus' brownies were defined as souls deceased relatives-sinners, family ancestors, men who died without repentance. According to another version, in ancient times, with the beginning of the construction of a new home, a special sacrifice was made, the spirit of which was considered a brownie. Later the human sacrifice was changed to a sacrificial animal.

Based on the appearance of the brownie, they were most often represented similar to a recently deceased relative, although the appearance of the spirit also includes animal features: sharp and elongated ears, a woolen body, long nails (claws). According to legends, the brownie dresses up as any member of the family living in the house, or even an animal: most often a cat, fox or snake. In addition to the male brownie, there is also a female version - this is the owner’s wife (domovika) or daughter (domovinka). Some people in Ancient Rus' believed that the brownie was a solitary creature, while others believed that the number of brownies was equal to the number of people in the family. So several brownies or brownies can live in a house.

There was always a housewife. Now many people no longer believe in the spirit of the home, but just in case, they still place the figurine in their home as an interior decoration.

The meaning of the amulet for your home

It is quite simple to please the brownie, then he will repay with his kindness. Popular beliefs say that there can never be too many amulets in a house. All figures symbolizing the brownie, are taken into account by the spirit, which tries the more to strengthen the well-being of the home, the more it sees that it is loved. Charms can be very different, for example, a shaggy doll with a tablespoon, a figurine with an armful of berries, mushrooms and flowers, the brownie Kuzya from the cartoon, clean or grimy.

The figurine can be purchased at the gift shop, there are a great many of them, but it is best to do it yourself using improvised means. For such a craft, you don’t even need to activate magical energy; it arises during the sewing process. But it is important that your thoughts are positive. We will talk further about how to sew a brownie with your own hands.

Brownie Kuzya: master class

In order to sew a brownie Kuzya, you need to prepare:

  • beige cotton fabric (to sew the body);
  • calico of different colors (for shirts and pants);
  • padding polyester or padding polyester;
  • white or gray yarn (for hair);
  • sushi stick;
  • threads, needles, scissors;
  • fabric paints;
  • twine thread (for bast shoes);
  • button

The first step is to print out the pattern and transfer it to beige fabric.

Sew the head from five wedges, turn it right side out, and stuff it with padding polyester. Stitch the arms and legs of the product, stepping back half a centimeter from the edge, make cuts at the bends or cut them out with curly scissors. Turn out the blanks of legs, arms and torso, and also fill them with filler. Take the head again and paint the eyes and mouth with paints on the fabric. To make the eyes the same size, you can cut a blank out of paper and, measuring the distance with a soft meter, place it evenly on the face, right then circle with a pencil.

After the paint has dried, the face can be colored with pastels or powder. Sew a ball nose and sew it to the head. Next, sew the limbs to the body. If the brownie is poorly stuffed with padding polyester, the head may hang loose, so it is worth inserting a sushi stick into the body and head. But you can do without it. Next, take the yarn, wrap it around something wide, such as a book, and cut the ends. Sew the resulting hairstyle to the head.

Iron the material for the shirt and pants, trace the pattern, cut, stitch and turn outward. The clothes for Kuzya are slightly larger than the figure itself, since in the cartoon she sat loosely on it. You can make two versions of the toy: clean and messy. Dress Kuzya, comb his hair, or, conversely, make him disheveled. Sew a button onto a shirt. You can sew a loop on the back to hang the toy in your apartment. Brownie Kuzya is ready! You can place the toy in your home, or you can bring it as a gift to a loved one or relative for good luck.

Amulet "Brownie" made of burlap

Figures made of burlap, despite their artlessness and simplicity, look touching, their image seems to unite us with distant times, peasant identity - those years when children played with dolls rolled up by their mother from rags. This amulet is made like this: small details and decorations are sewn onto a body formed from a piece of a bag.

It’s not difficult to make a homemade house with your own hands; anyone can handle it. The pattern is made very simply: a rectangle is drawn on paper - the future torso with a head. Afterwards, the details of the legs and cap are made, and lastly, the hair, mustache and beard are made from threads. From such a simple pattern, you can sew many types of houses: with and without handles, with frowning eyebrows, etc. The following describes in detail the process of creating a house with handles from nylon.

Necessary materials:

  • sackcloth;
  • nylon tights;
  • padding polyester;
  • cardboard (insert for legs);
  • shirt fabric;
  • wire;
  • eyes (can be purchased at any craft store).

So, you need to make a square piece of burlap, fold it in half, and sew the sides together. Unravel the upper end so that the figurine’s hair forms and form a hairstyle. Leave the pulled thread scraps to later make a beard, eyebrows, and mustache (to do this, you need to tie them in the middle and trim the ends).

The nose is made from a round piece of nylon, a needle is sewn along the perimeter with a seam forward, and pulled together. The resulting ball must be filled with padding polyester and basted to the face of the future amulet. Glue on the eyes. Using a strong thread, sew the upper end of the head under the hair so that the burlap does not unravel further, and pull it together. Do the same with the seam that separates the head from the body.

Form the skeleton of the arms from thin wire and wrap it tightly with padding polyester. Carefully pull two nylon rectangles onto the wire handles, secure the fabric by wrapping it with twine around the wrists. Sew the connections between the fingers, wrap the padding polyester around the remaining wire part of the hands, stretch the nylon and sew its edges.

For the legs, a blank of a certain shape is cut out of cardboard, as shown in the picture. Cut the same shape from burlap (2 pieces). Glue one of the parts to the cardboard, fill the second with synthetic padding and glue it too. Sew the edges of the parts together.

Glue the legs to the body, sew the arms on the sides. Cut and sew a shirt from colorful fabric, and a hat from knitwear. For beauty, you can trim the edges of the headdress with fur. Add the necessary details: buttons, berries, a spoon in your hand, etc. A do-it-yourself brownie made from burlap is ready!

Where to place the house-elf

After purchasing a talisman or creating it with your own hands, the question arises - where to place it? The brownie's favorite place to arrange his home is the corner behind the stove, pantry, cellar or attic. The brownie prefers to live in quiet, secluded places. The brownie was always the first to enter a new house, and his favorite habitat they left it behind him: you can’t occupy the spirit’s house, as you might get sick.

Recently, there has been a fairly popular trend to hang a figurine of a brownie in a visible place in order to appease the spirit. You can put a cup of milk, cookies or candy nearby. The spirit does not feed on the food itself, but on its energy, so it is not worth finishing eating after it.

A brownie with a spoon should be placed in the kitchen, a brownie guard can be placed in the corridor, figurines for good luck, wealth will be most effective in the library, office or living room.

Can a talisman cause harm?

In general, the house spirit is a peaceful, helpful creature. It sits quietly behind the stove if you don’t forget to feed it, and warns of misfortunes, illnesses, and natural disasters. But angering a brownie is not a difficult task. And then he begins to take revenge: he can hide things, change their places, throw off the bedspread from the sleeping person, break dishes, drop household items, tangle threads. And he can even send a stranger to the family, who will cause a lot of trouble.

Most often, a spirit can be angered by quarreling in the house or in the yard, or standing on a garbage heap, if a woman walks around with her hair untied or sleeps naked, if she works at night, if she forgets to have dinner, if she takes over a brownie’s house or puts some things there. You can save yourself from an angry spirit by hanging a mirror in your room. He will see his reflection, get scared and become quiet.

A cute hand-sewn brownie will become a decoration for your home, and such a doll will also serve as a family talisman. This toy will be a wonderful gift for relatives or friends and, of course, you can place it in your apartment.

Domovyats can be of various shapes and differ both in execution and in the required materials, depending on which master class you liked best and which author took on the task.

Simple brownie made from burlap

In order to sew Kuzya from burlap in accordance with the following master class, additional materials are needed, namely:

  • sackcloth;
  • padding polyester or cotton wool, sawdust, herbs;
  • leg-split;
  • decorative eyes;
  • flax tow;
  • PVA glue, hot glue gun;
  • for decoration, legumes, mini dummies of fruits and berries, spikelets, etc.

The master class will teach you how to create a brownie in the shape of a bag, and this is not easy. The bag is a symbol of wealth and abundance.

  1. An oblong bag is sewn from burlap; the material used to decorate wine bottles is well suited; it is dense and beautiful. You can sew either on a sewing machine or with your own hands, the main thing is tightly. For orientation, let's take an example of dimensions 14x24 cm. After we have succeeded in sewing three sides, the bag is turned inside out and the corners are straightened.
  2. We fill the container with padding polyester, cotton wool or aromatic filler such as sawdust or herbs, and make holes for the handles on the sides with a pencil. They can be made from a braid of twine or burlap threads. The length and thickness of the arms are determined on a scale to the size of the “body”. We thread the braid through the holes, pull it out and align it on both sides.
  3. Next, gently make an indent of about 2 cm from the top of the bag, and tighten the rest with thread. Thus, the toy received the top of its head. We attach a wig made of “hair” to it. The hairstyle that the brownie will get can be made from twine or a grass brush with your own hands. We put the hair on glue and attach it to the top of the head, trim it at our discretion.
  4. The bast shoes that the brownie will wear can be made from twine or corn leaves. We stuff rolled burlap into them, and the doll gets its legs.
  5. The next step is to make a hat. It can be sewn from burlap in whatever size and shape you want. It is not necessary to attach it to your head, you can simply put it on. We make Kuzya mustachioed using tow.
  6. Next we attach the eyes, the nose can be made from a nut or bean, the mouth can be made from halves of lentils.
  7. The brownie is ready, all that remains is to reward Kuzya with goods and food supplies. For them you need to sew several small bags and fill them with cereals. To prevent the contents from crumbling, you must first mix it with glue and wait until it dries.
  8. The toy will be ready after you decorate it with your own hands; you can attach models of berries, fruits, vegetables, ears of wheat and everything that your imagination allows on it.

Ideas and options for sewing are homemade

To make the brownie more realistic and human-like, a master class in which the head is based on nylon. Using regular nylon from flesh-colored tights makes it possible to work out facial features.

These brownies are distinguished by their individuality and look high quality. You can stuff a nylon face with padding polyester or plasticine, having previously formed the main facial features with your own hands.

Here is a detailed master class:

You can use used spools of wide tape as a stable base.. Three units of such material will be enough to create a tall brownie with your own hands. To form the legs, you can line the heads of disposable spoons or other foot-like objects with burlap. To make the hands look like real ones, wire is used, with its help a semblance of a skeleton is created, and then all that remains is to roll it with cotton wool and cover it with fabric.

When creating a toy, you can sew clothes for your brownie from burlap or other fabrics with your own hands and decorate them as you wish. Beads and multi-colored ribbons will also be used.

A very simple Kuzya can be made based on cardboard tube, covered with burlap, which will serve as both the body and the head for the brownie. Glue all the necessary body parts and decorations onto the base. The master class will teach you how to quickly create toys, and the brownie will become a talisman for your home.

Domovyats from different master classes are not alike, like any handmade craft. Fruits, vegetables and other decorations are not only for beauty, they have their own mystical powers.

With the help of a skillful combination, your amulet will become useful for your home and family:

  • Broom in the hands of a brownie it symbolizes the cleansing of the house from negative energy, and if it is directed upward, it will attract money.
  • Red pepper- a symbol of men's health.
  • Blackberries and rowan berries symbolize girlish beauty, pumpkin seeds are responsible for female strength and fertility.
  • Nest, lark or egg will become an image of procreation.
  • Small loaf of bread, which you can make with your own hands from clay or plasticine, will bring prosperity and moral wealth to the family.
  • Fruits will give the inhabitants of the house longevity, and thuja eternal youth.
  • Chamomile will be an ideal component for a young couple, as it symbolizes love and youth.
  • Horseshoe more than anyone else, it will be a harbinger of happiness when paired with a rooster.

This master class gave the basics on which you can create your ideal brownie and bring your family everything that it so lacks.

A brownie, or brownie, is a domestic spirit, the owner and patron of the house, protecting the home and its inhabitants (people, animals) from various troubles, maintaining life and contentment in the family. In Ancient Rus' brownies were defined as souls deceased relatives-sinners, family ancestors, men who died without repentance. According to another version, in ancient times, with the beginning of the construction of a new home, a special sacrifice was made, the spirit of which was considered a brownie. Later the human sacrifice was changed to a sacrificial animal.

Based on the appearance of the brownie, they were most often represented similar to a recently deceased relative, although the appearance of the spirit also includes animal features: sharp and elongated ears, a woolen body, long nails (claws). According to legends, the brownie dresses up as any member of the family living in the house, or even an animal: most often a cat, fox or snake. In addition to the male brownie, there is also a female version - this is the owner’s wife (domovika) or daughter (domovinka). Some people in Ancient Rus' believed that the brownie was a solitary creature, while others believed that the number of brownies was equal to the number of people in the family. So several brownies or brownies can live in a house.

There was always a housewife. Now many people no longer believe in the spirit of the home, but just in case, they still place the figurine in their home as an interior decoration.

The meaning of the amulet for your home

It is quite simple to please the brownie, then he will repay with his kindness. Popular beliefs say that there can never be too many amulets in a house. All figures symbolizing the brownie, are taken into account by the spirit, which tries the more to strengthen the well-being of the home, the more it sees that it is loved. Charms can be very different, for example, a shaggy doll with a tablespoon, a figurine with an armful of berries, mushrooms and flowers, the brownie Kuzya from the cartoon, clean or grimy.

The figurine can be purchased at the gift shop, there are a great many of them, but it is best to do it yourself using improvised means. For such a craft, you don’t even need to activate magical energy; it arises during the sewing process. But it is important that your thoughts are positive. We will talk further about how to sew a brownie with your own hands.

Brownie Kuzya: master class

In order to sew a brownie Kuzya, you need to prepare:

  • beige cotton fabric (to sew the body);
  • calico of different colors (for shirts and pants);
  • padding polyester or padding polyester;
  • white or gray yarn (for hair);
  • sushi stick;
  • threads, needles, scissors;
  • fabric paints;
  • twine thread (for bast shoes);
  • button

The first step is to print out the pattern and transfer it to beige fabric.

Sew the head from five wedges, turn it right side out, and stuff it with padding polyester. Stitch the arms and legs of the product, stepping back half a centimeter from the edge, make cuts at the bends or cut them out with curly scissors. Turn out the blanks of legs, arms and torso, and also fill them with filler. Take the head again and paint the eyes and mouth with paints on the fabric. To make the eyes the same size, you can cut a blank out of paper and, measuring the distance with a soft meter, place it evenly on the face, right then circle with a pencil.

After the paint has dried, the face can be colored with pastels or powder. Sew a ball nose and sew it to the head. Next, sew the limbs to the body. If the brownie is poorly stuffed with padding polyester, the head may hang loose, so it is worth inserting a sushi stick into the body and head. But you can do without it. Next, take the yarn, wrap it around something wide, such as a book, and cut the ends. Sew the resulting hairstyle to the head.

Iron the material for the shirt and pants, trace the pattern, cut, stitch and turn outward. The clothes for Kuzya are slightly larger than the figure itself, since in the cartoon she sat loosely on it. You can make two versions of the toy: clean and messy. Dress Kuzya, comb his hair, or, conversely, make him disheveled. Sew a button onto a shirt. You can sew a loop on the back to hang the toy in your apartment. Brownie Kuzya is ready! You can place the toy in your home, or you can bring it as a gift to a loved one or relative for good luck.

Amulet "Brownie" made of burlap

Figures made of burlap, despite their artlessness and simplicity, look touching, their image seems to unite us with distant times, peasant identity - those years when children played with dolls rolled up by their mother from rags. This amulet is made like this: small details and decorations are sewn onto a body formed from a piece of a bag.

It’s not difficult to make a homemade house with your own hands; anyone can handle it. The pattern is made very simply: a rectangle is drawn on paper - the future torso with a head. Afterwards, the details of the legs and cap are made, and lastly, the hair, mustache and beard are made from threads. From such a simple pattern, you can sew many types of houses: with and without handles, with frowning eyebrows, etc. The following describes in detail the process of creating a house with handles from nylon.

Necessary materials:

  • sackcloth;
  • nylon tights;
  • padding polyester;
  • cardboard (insert for legs);
  • shirt fabric;
  • wire;
  • eyes (can be purchased at any craft store).

So, you need to make a square piece of burlap, fold it in half, and sew the sides together. Unravel the upper end so that the figurine’s hair forms and form a hairstyle. Leave the pulled thread scraps to later make a beard, eyebrows, and mustache (to do this, you need to tie them in the middle and trim the ends).

The nose is made from a round piece of nylon, a needle is sewn along the perimeter with a seam forward, and pulled together. The resulting ball must be filled with padding polyester and basted to the face of the future amulet. Glue on the eyes. Using a strong thread, sew the upper end of the head under the hair so that the burlap does not unravel further, and pull it together. Do the same with the seam that separates the head from the body.

Form the skeleton of the arms from thin wire and wrap it tightly with padding polyester. Carefully pull two nylon rectangles onto the wire handles, secure the fabric by wrapping it with twine around the wrists. Sew the connections between the fingers, wrap the padding polyester around the remaining wire part of the hands, stretch the nylon and sew its edges.

For the legs, a blank of a certain shape is cut out of cardboard, as shown in the picture. Cut the same shape from burlap (2 pieces). Glue one of the parts to the cardboard, fill the second with synthetic padding and glue it too. Sew the edges of the parts together.

Glue the legs to the body, sew the arms on the sides. Cut and sew a shirt from colorful fabric, and a hat from knitwear. For beauty, you can trim the edges of the headdress with fur. Add the necessary details: buttons, berries, a spoon in your hand, etc. A do-it-yourself brownie made from burlap is ready!

Where to place the house-elf

After purchasing a talisman or creating it with your own hands, the question arises - where to place it? The brownie's favorite place to arrange his home is the corner behind the stove, pantry, cellar or attic. The brownie prefers to live in quiet, secluded places. The brownie was always the first to enter a new house, and his favorite habitat they left it behind him: you can’t occupy the spirit’s house, as you might get sick.

Recently, there has been a fairly popular trend to hang a figurine of a brownie in a visible place in order to appease the spirit. You can put a cup of milk, cookies or candy nearby. The spirit does not feed on the food itself, but on its energy, so it is not worth finishing eating after it.

A brownie with a spoon should be placed in the kitchen, a brownie guard can be placed in the corridor, figurines for good luck, wealth will be most effective in the library, office or living room.

Can a talisman cause harm?

In general, the house spirit is a peaceful, helpful creature. It sits quietly behind the stove if you don’t forget to feed it, and warns of misfortunes, illnesses, and natural disasters. But angering a brownie is not a difficult task. And then he begins to take revenge: he can hide things, change their places, throw off the bedspread from the sleeping person, break dishes, drop household items, tangle threads. And he can even send a stranger to the family, who will cause a lot of trouble.

Most often, a spirit can be angered by quarreling in the house or in the yard, or standing on a garbage heap, if a woman walks around with her hair untied or sleeps naked, if she works at night, if she forgets to have dinner, if she takes over a brownie’s house or puts some things there. You can save yourself from an angry spirit by hanging a mirror in your room. He will see his reflection, get scared and become quiet.

Attention, TODAY only!

Many of us remember the restless and mischievous Brownie Kuzyu from the cartoon of the same name. What if you put such a character in your home, or give him as a souvenir. This master class will help sew such a toy-amulet with your own hands.

How to sew Brownie Kuzya

To make this Brownie Kuzi, a piece of jersey knitwear measuring 30 x 40 cm was used. Despite the fact that this material is quite densely woven, it was previously reinforced with non-woven fabric (ironed with a hot iron).

Fold the fabric in half with right sides inward and transfer the pattern.

Each “body part” should have two parts, except for the nose. It is recommended not to cut them out immediately, but to first stitch them along the contour.

During stitching, do not forget to leave small open sections (1-1.5 cm each) for subsequent turning and stuffing.

We unfold the edges of the toe parts at the legs and grind them down.

In places with bends, we make small cuts, or use zig-zag scissors when cutting.

Turn the pieces right side out. This is convenient to do with sushi chopsticks or long tweezers. We fill the blanks with any soft filler - padding polyester, holofiber, padding polyester, etc.

The padding should be very tight. If you want to shape your fingers, then the padding in the toe part and on the handles should be weaker. We sew up open sections on the arms, legs and torso. We fix the head on the neck with pins, and then sew it with a hidden seam.

The legs can be immediately sewn to the body. It is advisable to use a button-thread fastening. Thanks to this method, the doll’s legs will be movable, which means Little Brownie Kuzya will be able to stand and sit.

We put this “oval” on Kuzya and tighten the upper edge around his neck.

We place the handles on a piece of fabric folded in half. We trace along the contour of the handles, cut out the blanks with an allowance of 5 mm from the contour. We sew and turn the sleeves inside out, put them on the arms, and sew them in the area of ​​the shoulders through the body.

Now let's start making pants.

We measure the waist circumference and divide this value in half. We draw a line on paper, step back from it downwards at a distance equal to the height of the future panties. Draw a parallel line that is slightly longer than the top one. Draw step cuts. Using this pattern, we cut out two parts from the fabric. First we sew down the middle seams of the panties, then the step seams.

At the next stage we create Kuze’s “hair”. Yarn used in this master class is micropolyester. We wrap it around a book and cut it at both ends.

We straighten the segments, mark the middle on them, put thin paper (for example, toilet paper) underneath, and stitch them. We remove the paper.

Such yarn tresses can be glued or sewn onto the head.

The first tres is attached across the crown.

The subsequent ones are horizontal “from ear to ear.”

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Each of us at least once in our lives has heard mention of a kind brownie living behind the stove. His image appears in fairy tales and cartoons. Our ancestors - the ancient Slavs - believed in an invisible brownie who was able to help with housework and look after the house in the absence of the owners. They respected and loved him as a full-fledged member of the family, they brought him treats, had conversations with him, gave him gifts and were very afraid of offending and angering him. But the brownie himself did not talk to anyone and only a few managed to see him. People are afraid of meeting him, but rely on his protection. That is why house charms are popular talismans for many homes.

The ancient Slavic people believed that a brownie was the progenitor of a family living in a particular house. He was endowed with magical abilities and the ability to help in difficult life situations. The appearance of the brownie was presented as a kind old man, capable, however, of getting angry.

The brownie was considered the main owner of the house

It was believed that the brownie loved warmth, and therefore it was assumed that he lived behind the stove, as a result of which he received such names as “baker” or “oven”. And due to his playful character, he was nicknamed “prankster”, which was later shortened to the familiar “Kuzya”. If there were horses on the farm, then the brownie could live in the stable, as he loved these animals very much. He looked after them, combed them and cured them of minor ailments.

Brownies love horses very much and always take care of them

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin spoke very well about the attitude of the brownie towards horses in his poem “The boyar stables are beautiful to everyone.”

The brownie always treats the family in which he lives with love. He helps with household chores, takes care of pets, and protects the house from theft and evil spirits. Therefore, he is considered the “main owner” of the home. The brownie watches day and night so that there is always well-being and prosperity in his house. The slamming of doors, the disappearance of things and the noise of footsteps are just jokes from the brownie. However, you can seriously anger him: if there is a lot of dirt and garbage in your house, the “little owner” will not like it - he will make noise, scare household members and pets, drop things, and at night leave bruises on the bodies of the residents. If you do not reconsider your way of life, then the brownie is capable of “evicting” the simple owner from the house.

The brownie lives next to the stove and helps with the housework

Video: who are brownies and how to make friends with them

Brownie amulet: which one to choose and where to place it

The brownie-amulet will help the house in which it is placed to find well-being, prosperity, and financial stability. It also protects against magical influences, various dangers and theft.

There are many types of domovyat figurines: cheerful old men, smiling boys or girls. An important detail is what object the brownie is holding in his hands - they all have a special meaning:

  • Broom. A brownie with a broom will protect your home from dark forces.

    A brownie with a broom will protect the house from adversity and evil spirits

  • A bag of cereal. Such a detail in the hand of a brownie will allow money to enter the house, which will gradually improve.

    A brownie with a bag will improve well-being in the home

  • Spoon. It is also a sign of prosperity.

    A brownie with a spoon will use a spoon to scoop wealth and good luck into the house

  • A house drawn on a bag carried by a brownie, or simply present next to the brownie, symbolizes comfort and happiness in the family.

    A brownie in a house will bring happiness and prosperity to the family

  • A banknote or coin will bring wealth into the house.

    A brownie with money will bring wealth to the house

  • Bast shoes or a bagel will help restore comfort and peace in your home.

    A brownie with bagels will save family relationships

  • It is also important where the brownie-amulet will be placed:

  • It is better to hang a brownie with a spoon in the kitchen. It will protect your home from “times of hunger.” Food prepared under the gaze of such a brownie will nourish a person not only on the physical, but also on the energetic level.
  • A talisman with a broom or broom is placed in the hallway, opposite the front door. The brownie will keep an eye on everyone who enters the house, and if a person comes with bad intentions, he will “sweep” him out of the home.
  • Figurines with money or bags are placed in the living room or office. The brownie will monitor your financial situation and, if necessary, help.
  • Brownies with bast shoes, houses or bagels will take the right place next to the front door. They will help strengthen family relationships and prevent love from leaving the house.
  • Little house girls (domovikhi) are most often depicted with spoons in their hands, so they should be placed in the kitchen. They are suitable for housewives, single women and will become good helpers in household chores. Boy or old amulets are appropriate for placement in the apartments of single people and families.

    Housewife helps women in housekeeping

    How to make a brownie with your own hands

    A talisman made with your own hands will have much greater power than one purchased in a souvenir shop. After all, when making it, you invest your energy, strength and thoughts. By giving a homemade brownie, you will give your loved ones a strong protector and assistant in home and family affairs.

    A homemade brownie can have any size and appearance.

    Preparatory stage

    First you need to decide on the material from which you will make your brownie. There are many options:

  • fabric or burlap;
  • clay, plasticine or salt dough;
  • nylon tights;
  • threads and cardboard;
  • bump, etc.
  • Choose a material that is convenient for you to work with, there are no restrictions.

    It is also very important in what mood you approach the making of the amulet. In order for the brownie to actually perform the necessary functions, it must be done in a good mood, experiencing positive emotions. During the creation process, talk to the brownie, ask him for help, tying a thread in a knot, you can read a conspiracy for success, love or prosperity.

    Brownie made of fabric or burlap

    A brownie made from burlap or fabric is simple to make and takes you back to the days when children played with rag dolls that their mothers or grandmothers sewed for them.

    You can put any detail you want into the hands of the brownie

    We will need:

  • a piece of burlap or fabric;
  • cotton wool or padding polyester for stuffing toys;
  • cardboard for legs;
  • nylon for handles (old stockings or tights will do);
  • easily bendable wire for the frame of the toy's handles;
  • white, blue and black paper for making eyes (you can buy ready-made ones);
  • bright colorful fabric for brownie clothing;
  • pattern.

    The pattern is very simple: you need to cut out all the details, the hair and mustache are made from threads

  • Let's move on to making the toy:

  • Cut out pieces from burlap or fabric according to your pattern.
  • Take two parts cut out to fit the body of the brownie and sew them on the sides. Round the bottom edge a little, and open the top a little.
  • From the threads that were pulled out when unraveling the burlap, make hair and a mustache. Tie the bunches of thread in the middle and trim the edges.

    We sew burlap for the body and head of the brownie and make hair and beard

  • Make a nose: cut a circle out of nylon fabric, thread it around the edge with regular thread, put a piece of stuffing in the middle of the fabric and pull the thread together.

    The nose is made of durable nylon and padding polyester or cotton wool

  • Take the workpiece under the body again. Sew with thread the edge where the burlap is unraveled. Also separate the head from the body with a thread.

    Using a strong thread, we sew the edge with loose threads so that it does not unravel further; we make one more seam to separate the head from the body

  • Fill the workpiece with padding polyester or cotton wool and tighten the threads.

    You can choose the proportions of the head and body yourself

  • We make eyes from colored paper. We make frames for the hands of a brownie.

    For the eyes, cut out blanks from white and colored paper, glue them together with glue

  • Wrap the hand blanks with padding polyester. Cut rectangular pieces from nylon. Pull the nylon over the hands of the brownie, secure them to the wrist with a thread. Sew the connections between the fingers. Fill your hand with padding polyester and sew up the nylon.

    The size of the hands must correspond to the body of the toy

  • Sew the arms to the body.

    Sew the arms with regular thread

  • Proceed to making the legs: take cardboard blanks and make the same parts from burlap. Glue one piece of burlap on the bottom of the cardboard, put a little padding polyester on top and glue the second piece of burlap. For structural strength, sew the edges of the legs with thread.

    Make sure that the size of the clothing fits the body of the brownie

  • Glue all the parts to the right places, put on the toy. The burlap brownie is ready.

    The brownie's face can be made to suit your taste.

  • Place a spoon, bag, money, broom or any other item you want into the brownie's hand.

    Video: brownie made from burlap

    Brownie figurine made of salt dough

    To make a brownie from salt dough, you need to prepare the base:

  • Take medium-sized salt (200 grams), water (a little less than a glass) and flour (two glasses).
  • Combine salt and flour. Pour in water and a spoonful of sunflower oil.
  • Knead the dough. It should not stick to your hands or crumble. Control this with flour and water.
  • Having achieved the desired consistency, when the dough is well molded, but does not stick to your hands, put it in a plastic bag and place it in the refrigerator for two hours.
  • Once the dough is ready, start modeling. Modeling from salt dough is as easy as modeling from plasticine or clay. Draw small details of the brownie with a thin knife. After making the brownie figurine, it must be baked in an oven preheated to 60–80 °C for one hour. After the figure has dried and cooled, it should be decorated with paints. Gouache, acrylic or oil paints are suitable. Then the product is varnished.

    The brownie can be of any size and decorated with various details: horseshoes, spoons, brooms, etc.

    You choose the appearance of the salt dough brownie yourself. You can take any drawing depicting a brownie and sculpt it, focusing on the picture.

    Video: how to make salt dough

    Nylon toy

    To make a nylon toy you will need:

  • unnecessary tights, socks or stockings made of nylon;
  • cotton wool or synthetic winterizer;
  • soft wire;
  • round nose pliers;
  • sackcloth;
  • thick threads for hair (preferably yarn);
  • eyes;
  • details for decoration.
  • You choose the appearance of the brownie from nylon tights yourself

    Let's start the process:

  • Start by making hands for the toy: make a wire frame.

    Round nose pliers will help you give your hand the desired shape.

  • Wrap it with padding polyester, cover the workpiece with nylon, sew it with thread between the fingers, fix the nylon on the wrist of the handle, then sew the nylon until the end.

    Using synthetic padding balls, form the brownie’s cheeks, nose and mouth

  • Make the body of the brownie from burlap. Take a rectangular piece, fold it in half and sew along the sides and bottom. Turn the workpiece inside out and stuff it with padding polyester or cotton wool. Sew from the top side.
  • Sew the legs, head and arms to the resulting body.
  • Attach hair to the brownie's head.
  • Decorate the toy in any way: sew clothes, put on a hat, give the brownie some object.

    The principle of making a doll involves stuffing nylon blanks with padding polyester and manually stitching the doll’s face, arms and legs with ties.

  • Video: the process of making a brownie from nylon

    Brownie made of cardboard and thread

    A brownie made from cardboard and thread is easy to make; even a child can handle this process:

  • Take cardboard and make two round shapes out of it. Cut a circle inside each one.

    Scissors must be sharp to cope with a thick layer of thread

  • Tie the cut threads with another thread threaded between two cardboard bases.
  • The nose and eyes can be made from buttons or bought ready-made.
  • Make arms and legs from any available material: cardboard, plastic bottles, fabric, thread, etc.
  • Decorate the brownie with any necessary details.

    If you take a lot of threads, the brownie will turn out to be voluminous, and it can be placed as an independent toy; and if you wind threads on cardboard in 2-3 layers, you will get a fairly flat brownie, which will need to be glued to a cardboard base

  • Video: brownie made of threads

    A simple brownie made from a pine cone

    Brownie made from pine cones is a simple option that you can make with your child. For production you will need any materials: cones, wood shavings, acorns, twigs, leaves, as well as colored paper.

    How to make a brownie from a pine cone:

  • Take a big one. Glue twigs to it, which will be the arms and legs of the brownie. Glue acorn caps to the bottom of the legs.
  • Make a head from a small nut.
  • Glue a brownie hat from an acorn cap and paper.
  • Make the eyes out of paper, replace the nose with round peppercorns.
  • Cut the basket out of paper and glue it with glue.

    The brownie can be supplemented with other details

  • The pine cone brownie can have any appearance you want. You can make his hair from wood shavings or his beard from fur. It all depends only on your imagination.

    Moonlight has powerful energy

  • With the help of breathing. Take a deep breath, stop breathing for a while, and with your eyes closed, formulate an order and desire for the brownie. As you exhale, say everything out loud, directing the air toward the amulet.
  • The third way to “turn on” the amulet is with the help of the four elements. For this you will need:

    • candle (element of Fire);
    • salt, earth or stone (Earth element);
    • a glass of water (Water element);
    • aroma stick (Air element).

    The activation process is as follows:

    1. Place the brownie on a clean surface. Tell him everything you expect from him. Bless the amulet for the fulfillment of your plans.
    2. Sprinkle salt, earth, or run a stone over the symbol.
    3. Spray with water.
    4. Carefully pass over the fire.
    5. Hold over the incense stick for a while.

    During the contact of the amulet with each of the elements, you need to ask for help and protection from them.

    Your amulet is now cleansed and charged. Place it in the right place, and the brownie will begin to help you. You are required to take care of it, make sure that the brownie is always kept clean and not upset by the mess and dirt in the house.

    The brownie should occupy a specific place in your home, and not lie around anywhere

    Video: cleaning and charging the amulet

    The brownie amulet is a good helper in the household and in family and financial matters. It can protect your home from evil spirits, improve your financial condition and improve family relationships. You need to treat the brownie kindly and with respect, then he will answer you in kind.

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