Home Grape Order 240 n of 23.04. Work experience requirements. III. The order of the meeting of certification commissions

Order 240 n of 23.04. Work experience requirements. III. The order of the meeting of certification commissions

On April 23, 2013, the Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia No. 240N was signed, concerning the procedure and period for passing certification by medical and pharmaceutical specialists to assign them qualification categories. In this regard, the previous similar order No. 808N terminated its effect. What has changed and what rules are in effect today, we will consider in this article.

Certification is carried out to determine the professional qualifications of specialists and their competence for the performance of official duties. During the certification, knowledge of the theory and practical skills of specialists is assessed. Based on the results of the exams, they are assigned the appropriate categories.

Passing certification is relevant for specialists with secondary and higher medical and pharmaceutical education, who work in their specialties.

Certification is carried out once every 5 years for positions of several categories (second, first, highest).

At the same time, each specialist can apply for an increase in his category before the expiration of a five-year period, but not earlier than 3 years after the last qualification level assignment.

Work experience requirements

Order No. 240N changed the requirements for the length of service required to assign one of the three listed categories. Now, when conducting an exam, seniority does not depend on the education that was received by a specialist.

In particular:

  • to obtain the II category, a work experience in the specialty of at least three years is required;
  • for the assignment of category I, a work experience in the specialty of at least five years is required;
  • to obtain the highest category, a work experience in the specialty of at least seven years is required.

For comparison: during the period of validity of the previous order, in order to obtain the highest category, a specialist with a higher education had to have at least ten years of experience in the specialty.

Self-education of a specialist during certification is also not taken into account today.

General rules for assigning categories

The rules approved in Order No. 204N define the requirements for specialists passing certification at each subsequent level.

Specialists applying for the assignment of the second category must:

  • know the theory and have practical skills in the field of their work;
  • apply modern methods of diagnosis, prevention of diseases, their treatment and implementation of rehabilitation measures;
  • navigate scientific and technical data, be able to analyze quantitative and qualitative performance indicators, draw up profile reports.

Specialists applying for the first category, in addition to performing the listed tasks, must take part in solving tactical issues related to the organization of work. All this should be done by specialists of the highest category. Among other things, they must be able to professionally solve not only tactical, but also strategic issues.

Features of the work of certification commissions

Certification is carried out by a special commission.

A coordinating committee organizes the work of the commission and its expert groups. It also establishes methods for assessing the skills of specialists, prepares decisions on assigning certain categories to specialists.

The attestation commission includes:

  • specialists of medical and pharmaceutical institutions;
  • representatives of employers, specialized non-profit organizations;
  • representatives of government bodies at various levels and other officials.

The surname composition of the commission is approved by the order of the authority or institution that created it. The work of the commission is organized by the chairman, who at the same time serves as the head of the committee. The duties of the chairman during his absence are performed by the deputy.

The documents of specialists submitted to the commission are registered by the secretary. He also sends documents to expert groups, prepares decisions and other documentation. Expert groups also have their own chairs, deputies and secretaries.

Group members prepare conclusions, test the knowledge of specialists, and conduct control interviews.

The procedure for passing certification by specialists

Specialists who apply for the assignment of one of the categories submit to the commission a certain package of documents, which includes an application, an attestation sheet with a photograph, a characteristic for a specialist, an annual report on work, copies of a passport, work book and educational documents.

The rules for filing documents have practically not changed. An innovation is that documents received in foreign countries must be translated into Russian and notarized. In addition, the innovation is a ban on the filing of documents by representatives of organizations in which specialists are employed.

Each specialist must now submit a package of documents in person or send it by mail. Documents must be submitted before the expiration of the previous category, four months in advance.

The documents are submitted for consideration by the committee within one week from the date of their receipt. If an incomplete package of documents is submitted, the secretary sends the specialist a notification about the refusal to consider them. One week is also allocated for this (previously it was two weeks). The specialist must correct the comments and resubmit the documents.

Within a month after the registration of the documentation, it is considered by experts who appoint the time for the test control. It must take place no later than 70 days from the date of registration of documents. Based on the results of the control, a specialist may or may not be assigned a certain category. In any case, the decision of the commission must be reasoned in the appropriate protocol.

The maximum period for making a decision is four months from the date of submission of documents by a specialist. It is now possible to appeal the decision within one year (previously, this was only one month).

federal executive bodies, state academies of sciences, organizations with subordinate medical organizations and pharmaceutical organizations are created departmental certification commissions ;

the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation create territorial certification commissions.

13. Attestation commissions are guided in their activities The Constitution Of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decisions and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, normative legal acts of federal executive bodies and state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as this Procedure.

14. The Attestation Commission consists of the Coordination Committee (hereinafter referred to as the Committee), which carries out the functions of organizing the activities of the Attestation Commission, including ensuring the activities of the Attestation Commission in the intervals between meetings, and expert groups by specialties (hereinafter referred to as the Expert Groups) that carry out certification of specialists in terms of consideration documents and qualification exam.

The certification commission includes leading specialists of organizations engaged in medical and pharmaceutical activities, representatives of medical professional non-profit organizations, employers, government bodies or organizations that form the certification commission, and other persons.

The personal composition of the attestation commission is approved by an administrative act of the state authority or organization that created the attestation commission.

15. The Chairman of the Attestation Commission is the Chairman of the Committee, carries out general management of the activities of the Attestation Commission, presides over the meetings of the Committee, organizes the work of the Attestation Commission, exercises general control over the implementation of decisions taken by the Attestation Commission, distributes responsibilities among the members of the Attestation Commission.

The Deputy Chairman of the Attestation Commission is the Deputy Chairman of the Committee, acts as the Chairman of the Attestation Commission in his absence, performs other functions on behalf of the Chairman of the Attestation Commission.

The executive secretary of the attestation commission is the executive secretary of the Committee, appointed from among the representatives of the state authority or organization that forms the attestation commission.

The executive secretary of the attestation commission registers and considers documents submitted to the attestation commission by specialists who have expressed a desire to undergo certification to obtain a qualification category, for compliance with the requirements for the list and execution of documents established by these Procedure and terms, forms materials for sending to Expert groups, prepares materials for meetings Of the Committee, draft decisions of the Committee, perform other functions in accordance with this Procedure and on behalf of the chairman of the attestation commission.

The deputy executive secretary of the attestation commission performs the duties of the executive secretary of the attestation commission in his absence, performs other functions on behalf of the chairman of the attestation commission.

The Chairman of the Expert Group carries out general management of the activities of the Expert Group, chairs the meetings of the Expert Group, organizes the work of the Expert Group, and distributes responsibilities among the members of the Expert Group.

The Deputy Chairman of the Expert Group acts as the Chairman of the Expert Group in his absence, performs other functions on behalf of the Chairman of the Attestation Commission and the Chairman of the Expert Group.

The Executive Secretary of the Expert Group prepares materials for the meeting of the Expert Group and draft decisions of the Expert Group, performs other functions in accordance with this Procedure and on behalf of the Chairman of the Expert Group.

16. The main functions of the Committee are:

organization of the activities of the certification commission;

coordination of the work of the Expert Groups;

determination of the venue for the meetings of the Expert Groups;

determination of methods, methods and technologies for assessing the qualifications of specialists;

consideration of the need to use variable certification methods: remote using telecommunication technologies (hereinafter referred to as remote certification), offsite meeting;

sending to the public authority or organization that created the certification commission proposals for holding an off-site meeting of the Expert group or remote certification, taking into account the level of workload of the Expert group, the grounds on which an off-site meeting of the Expert group or remote certification is planned, the number of specialists wishing to undergo certification, the availability of equipped premises, the ability to comply with the requirements established by this Procedure;

preparation and submission for approval to the state authority or the organization that created the attestation commission, the draft administrative act of the state authority or organization on the assignment of qualification categories to the specialists who have passed the attestation;

organization of consideration of controversial issues, including in case of disagreement of a specialist with the decision of the Expert Group, and making decisions on them;

record keeping of the attestation commission.

17. The expert groups carry out the following functions:

consider documents submitted by specialists in accordance with this Procedure;

prepare conclusions on reports submitted in accordance with this Procedure;

carry out a test control of knowledge and an interview;

make decisions on the assignment of a qualification category to specialists.

18. The main form of activity of the attestation commission is meetings.

Meetings of the Committee are held, if necessary, by decision of the Chairman of the Committee, meetings of the Expert Groups are held at least once a month.

The Committee and the Expert Groups independently determine the procedure for conducting their meetings and activities in the intervals between meetings, taking into account the provisions of this Procedure.

A meeting of the Committee or Expert group is considered competent if more than half of the members of the Committee or Expert group are present.

19. The decision of the Committee and the Expert group is made by an open vote by a simple majority of votes of the members of the Committee or the Expert group present at the meeting. In case of equality of votes, the vote of the chairperson of the meeting of the Committee or the Expert Group is decisive.

When considering the issue of assigning a qualification category to a specialist who is a member of the certification commission, the latter does not participate in voting.

The decision of the Committee and the Expert group is formalized in a protocol, which is signed by all members of the Committee or Expert group who attended the meeting of the Committee or Expert group.

A member of the Committee or Expert group who does not agree with the decision made has the right to state in writing a dissenting opinion, which is attached to the minutes of the meeting of the Committee or Expert group.

III. Conducting certification

20. Specialists who have expressed a desire to pass certification to obtain a qualification category shall submit the following documents to the certification commission:

an application addressed to the chairman of the attestation commission, which indicates the last name, first name, patronymic (if any) of the specialist, the qualification category for which he applies, the presence or absence of a previously assigned qualification category, the date of its assignment, consent to receive and process personal data for the purpose qualification assessments, personal signature of the specialist and date;

a printed attestation sheet, certified by the personnel department of an organization carrying out medical or pharmaceutical activities, the employee of which is a specialist, in the form according to the recommended sample ( Appendix N 1 to this Procedure);

a report on professional activities (hereinafter referred to as a report), personally signed by a specialist, agreed with the head and certified by the seal of an organization carrying out medical or pharmaceutical activities, the employee of which is a specialist (the report must contain an analysis of professional activities for the last three years of work - for specialists with higher professional education and for the last year of work - for specialists with secondary vocational education, including a description of the work performed, data on rationalization proposals and patents, the specialist's conclusions about his professional activity, proposals for its improvement);

copies of educational documents (diploma, certificates, certificates, specialist certificates), work book, certified in accordance with the established procedure;

in the event of a change in the surname, first name, patronymic - a copy of the document confirming the fact of changing the last name, first name, patronymic;

a copy of the document on the assignment of the existing qualification category (if any).

In case of refusal of the head of an organization carrying out medical or pharmaceutical activities, of which the specialist is an employee, a written explanation of the head of an organization carrying out medical or pharmaceutical activities, of which the specialist is an employee, about the reasons for the refusal, which is attached to the application for obtaining a qualification category, is issued to the specialist in coordinating the report. ...

21. Documents are sent to the address of the public authority or the organization that created the certification commission by mail or are submitted personally by a specialist no later than four months before the expiration of the existing qualification category, otherwise the qualification examination may be held later than the expiration date of the existing qualification categories.

22. The documents received by the attestation commission are registered by the executive secretary of the Committee in the register of documents on the day they are received by the attestation commission.

Keeping and storing the journal of registration of documents is ensured by the executive secretary of the attestation commission.

The executive secretary of the Committee checks the availability of the documents provided for by this Procedure, necessary for consideration by the certification commission of the issue of assigning a qualification category to a specialist, as well as the correctness of the application and certification sheet of the specialist, and within seven calendar days from the date of registration of documents submits them for consideration to the chairman of the Committee.

In the absence of the documents provided for by this Procedure, necessary for consideration by the certification commission of the issue of assigning a qualification category to a specialist, an incorrectly executed application or a specialist certification sheet, the executive secretary of the Committee, within seven calendar days from the date of registration of documents, sends the specialist a letter of refusal to accept documents with an explanation of the reason refusal.

Based on the results of the elimination of the grounds that served as the reason for the refusal to accept the documents, the specialist has the right to re-send the documents to the attestation commission.

The re-examination of the documents by the certification commission is carried out within the time limits established by this Procedure for the consideration of documents and calculated from the moment the documents are re-submitted to the certification commission.

23. The Chairman of the Committee, no later than fourteen calendar days from the date of registration of documents, determines the Expert Group for certification and sends the received documents to the Chairman of the Expert Group.

24. Not later than thirty calendar days from the date of registration of documents by the Expert group, their consideration is carried out, the conclusion on the report is approved and the date and place of the test control of knowledge and interviews are set.

The conclusion on the report must contain an assessment of the theoretical knowledge and practical skills of a specialist necessary for assigning him the declared qualification category, including:

possession of modern methods of diagnosis and treatment;

participation in the work of the scientific community and professional association;

availability of publications.

The decision of the Expert Group on the appointment of the date and place of the test control of knowledge and the interview is brought to the attention of the specialist no later than thirty calendar days before the date of the test control of knowledge and the interview, including by posting the relevant information on the official website on the Internet or information stands of the body government authorities or organizations that have created an attestation commission.

Test control of knowledge and interviews are carried out no later than seventy calendar days from the date of registration of documents.

25. Test control of knowledge provides for the specialist to perform test tasks and is recognized as passed, subject to the successful completion of at least 70% of the total amount of test tasks.

26. The interview is conducted by the members of the Expert Group on theoretical and practical issues of the professional activity of a specialist, subject to the successful passing of the test control of knowledge.

27. Based on the results of the qualification exam, the Expert Group decides on the assignment or refusal to assign a qualification category to a specialist.

The decision to assign or refuse to assign a qualification category to a specialist is made by the Expert Group no later than seventy calendar days from the date of registration of documents.

The decision of the Expert Group to refuse to assign a qualification category to a specialist is made on the following grounds:

the presence in the conclusion of the report of a negative assessment of the theoretical knowledge or practical skills of a specialist necessary to obtain the qualification category declared by him;

the presence of an unsatisfactory mark based on the results of the test control of knowledge;

failure of a specialist to pass a test control of knowledge or an interview.

28. The decision of the Expert group on the assignment or refusal to assign a qualification category to a specialist is formalized in the minutes of the meeting of the Expert group in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to this Procedure and is entered in the specialist's certification sheet by the executive secretary of the Expert group.

29. In case of refusal to assign a qualification category to a specialist, the protocol shall indicate the grounds on which the Expert Group made the appropriate decision.

30. The protocol of the Expert group drawn up in accordance with this Procedure, containing decisions on the assignment or refusal to assign qualification categories, is sent by the Chairman of the Expert group to the Committee within five calendar days from the date of signing the minutes of the Expert group.

31. The Committee, no later than ninety calendar days from the date of registration of documents, prepares and submits for approval an administrative act of the state authority or organization that created the certification commission on the assignment of qualification categories to specialists who have passed certification.

32. The public authority or the organization that created the certification commission, no later than one hundred and ten calendar days from the date of registration of documents, issue an administrative act on assigning a qualification category to specialists who have passed certification.

33. Not later than one hundred and twenty calendar days from the date of registration of documents, the executive secretary of the attestation commission sends by mail or hands the specialist an extract from the administrative act of the state authority or organization that created the attestation commission on the assignment of a qualification category to him.

34. Handing out (sending by post) an extract from the administrative act of the state authority or organization that created the certification commission, on the assignment of qualification categories to the specialists who have passed the certification, is registered in the document registration log.

35. The decision of the attestation commission may be appealed to the state authority or organization that created the attestation commission, within one year from the date of the adoption of the contested decision by the attestation commission.

* If there are documents issued on the territory of a foreign state and executed in a foreign language, the specialist submits a duly certified translation of documents into Russian.

Appendix N 1
To Order and timing passing
health workers

categories approved by order
dated April 23, 2013 N 240n

Recommended sample Attestation sheet 1. Surname, name, patronymic (if any) ________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 2. Date of birth ______________________ 3. Education information *(1) _________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 4. Information about labor activity *(2) from _____ to ______ ______________________________________________________ (position, name of organization, location) Signature of the personnel service employee and the seal of the personnel department of the organization, the employee of which is the specialist. 5. Work experience in medical or pharmaceutical organizations __________________________________ years. * (8) Executive secretary of the Expert group, signature, full name, surname


* (1) Indicate the level of existing education (secondary, higher, postgraduate or additional vocational education), the topic of the advanced training course or professional retraining (for information about additional vocational education), the name of the assigned specialty, the number and date of issue of the educational document, the name of the organization who issued a document on education.

* (2) The dates of the beginning and end of labor activity in the corresponding position, the name of the employing organization, and its location are indicated.

* (3) Indicate the existing qualification category, the name of the specialty (position) for which it was assigned, and the date of its assignment.

* (4) Indicate the available academic degrees, academic titles and the dates of their assignment.

* (5) Indicate information only about printed scientific works, including the name of the scientific work, date and place of publication.

* (6) Indicate the registration number and the date of issue of the respective certificates.

* (7) Includes information on the effectiveness of the specialist's professional activity, his business and professional qualities (including an assessment of the level of responsibility, exactingness, existing skills, practical skills).

* (8) The details of the minutes of the meeting of the Expert Commission, at which the decision was made to assign a qualification category to the specialist, are indicated.

Appendix N 2
To Order and timing passing
health workers
and pharmaceutical workers
certification for obtaining a qualification
categories approved by order
Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
dated April 23, 2013 N 240n

Recommended sample Date, place of the meeting of the Expert group Minutes number Minutes meetings of the Expert group ____________________ attestation commission (the type is indicated: central, departmental, territorial) ________________________________________________________________________ (name of the public authority or organization that created the attestation commission) in the specialty _______________________________ (name of the specialty) Chaired by __________________________________ (first name surname) Executive Secretary __________________________________ (first name last name) Attended: Members of the Expert Group: ________________________ (first name . Surname) ________________________ (First name Last name) ________________________ (First name Last name) Agenda *(1): About certification __________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ (position, name of specialist) Conclusion of the Expert group on the report on the professional activities of a specialist ____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Test result: __________________________________________ Name of the test program Result of test tasks *(2) _____% Interview Results *(3): __________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Decision: Assign / Refuse to assign __________________ qualification (s) (highest, first, second) category (s) by specialty (position) _____________________________ (name of specialty (position)) Adopted by open vote: for _____, against _____. The presence of a dissenting opinion of a member of the Expert Group *(4) _____________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Chairman of the Expert Group signature I.O. Surname Members of the Expert Group signature I.O. Surname Executive secretary of the Expert group; signature I.O. Surname


* (1) When attesting two or more specialists, information on the results of the qualification examination and certification shall be indicated separately in order in relation to each specialist.

* (2) Indicates the percentage of successfully completed volume of test tasks.

* (3) Including the questions to the specialist and the content of the answers to them.

* (4) If there is a dissenting opinion of a member of the Expert group, this fact is noted in the minutes, the content of the dissenting opinion is stated by the member of the Expert group in writing and attached to the minutes.

ORDER of April 23, 2013 N 240n


In accordance with subparagraph 5.2.116 of the Regulation on the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, approved by the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 19, 2012 N 608 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 26, Art. 3526), ​​I order:

1. To approve the attached Procedure and terms for medical workers and pharmaceutical workers to pass certification to obtain a qualification category.

2. To recognize as invalid the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of July 25, 2011 N 808n “On the procedure for obtaining qualification categories by medical and pharmaceutical workers” (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on September 23, 2011, registration N 21875).

3. Control over the implementation of this order shall be entrusted to the Deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation I.N. Kagramanyan.


by order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of April 23, 2013 N 240n


I. General Provisions

1. These Procedure and terms for medical workers and pharmaceutical workers to pass certification to obtain a qualification category (hereinafter - certification and Procedure, respectively) determine the rules for medical workers and pharmaceutical workers to pass certification and apply to specialists with secondary medical and pharmaceutical education, specialists with higher professional education carrying out medical and pharmaceutical activities (hereinafter referred to as specialists).

2. Certification of specialists with secondary and higher medical and pharmaceutical education is carried out in the specialties provided for by the current nomenclature of specialties for specialists with medical and pharmaceutical education (hereinafter referred to as specialties).

3. Attestation of specialists with other higher professional education and carrying out medical and pharmaceutical activities is carried out according to the positions provided for by the current nomenclature of positions of medical and pharmaceutical workers (hereinafter - positions).

4. Certification is voluntary and is carried out by certification commissions in three qualification categories: second, first and highest.

5. Certification is carried out once every five years. The assigned qualification category is valid throughout the territory of the Russian Federation for five years from the date of the issuance of the administrative act on the assignment.

6. Specialists can apply for the assignment of a higher qualification category not earlier than three years from the date of the issuance of the administrative act on the assignment of a qualification category.

7. During certification, the theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary to fulfill professional duties in the relevant specialties and positions are assessed, based on the results of the qualification exam.

The qualification exam includes an expert assessment of the report on the professional activity of a specialist (hereinafter referred to as the report), test knowledge control and an interview.

8. A specialist applying for the second qualification category must:

  • have theoretical training and practical skills in the field of their professional activities;
  • navigate modern scientific and technical information, possess the skills of analyzing quantitative and qualitative indicators of work, drawing up a report on the work; have work experience in the specialty (in position) for at least three years.

9. A specialist applying for the first qualification category must:

  • have theoretical training and practical skills in the field of ongoing professional activities and related disciplines;
  • to use modern methods of diagnosis, prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and to own medical and diagnostic equipment in the field of professional activities;
  • be able to competently analyze the indicators of professional activity and navigate in modern scientific and technical information;
  • participate in solving tactical issues of organizing professional activities; have work experience in the specialty (in position) for at least five years.

10. A specialist applying for the highest qualification category must:

  • have high theoretical training and practical skills in the field of their professional activities, know related disciplines;
  • to use modern methods of diagnosis, prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and to own medical and diagnostic equipment in the field of professional activities;
  • be able to evaluate the data of special research methods in a qualified manner in order to establish a diagnosis;
  • navigate modern scientific and technical information and use it to solve tactical and strategic issues of professional activity;
  • have work experience in the specialty (in position) for at least seven years.

11. Qualification categories assigned to specialists prior to the entry into force of this Procedure shall be retained for the period for which they were assigned.

On August 4, 2013, the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of April 23, 2013 No. 240n “On the procedure and terms for medical workers and pharmaceutical workers to pass certification for obtaining a qualification category” (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure) came into effect. In this regard, the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of July 25, 2011 No. 808n "On the procedure for obtaining qualification categories by medical and pharmaceutical workers" has become invalid. Today we will tell you what has changed in the certification procedure for medical and pharmaceutical workers, and compare the previous and current procedures. .

General Provisions

The procedure establishes the rules for medical and pharmaceutical workers to pass certification. This procedure applies to specialists with secondary medical and pharmaceutical education, specialists with higher professional education, carrying out medical and pharmaceutical activities.

As before, certification of specialists is carried out for positions provided for by the current nomenclature of positions for medical and pharmaceutical workers, for three qualification categories (second, first and highest) once every five years. In this case, the qualification category assigned to the employee is also valid for five years from the date of the issuance of the corresponding administrative act. Specialists can apply for the assignment of a higher qualification category before the expiration of the named period, but not earlier than three years from the date of the qualification category assignment.

The procedure has adjusted the requirements for work experience to obtain qualification categories. Work experience in the specialty now does not depend on the education received by the employee. So, to obtain the second qualification category, you need at least three years of work experience in the specialty (in position), to obtain the first category - at least five years of experience, the highest category - at least seven years of experience.

For comparison, let's say: before, in order to obtain the highest qualification category, it was necessary to have at least 10 years of experience for specialists with higher professional education and at least seven years of experience for specialists with secondary vocational education.

In addition to the length of service, the Procedure establishes requirements for theoretical knowledge and practical skills of specialists. In particular, based on NS. 8 of the Procedure, a specialist applying for the second qualification category must:

  • have theoretical training and practical skills in the field of their professional activities;
  • navigate modern scientific and technical information, possess the skills of analyzing quantitative and qualitative performance indicators, drawing up a report on the work.
To obtain the first qualification category, a specialist must:
  • have theoretical training and practical skills in the field of their professional activities and related disciplines;
  • to use modern methods of diagnosis, prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and to own medical and diagnostic equipment in the field of his professional activities;
  • be able to competently analyze the indicators of professional activity and navigate in modern scientific and technical information;
  • participate in solving tactical issues of organizing professional activities.

To obtain the highest qualification category, on the basis of clause 10 of the Procedure, a specialist must:

  • have high theoretical training and practical skills in the field of professional activities carried out by him, know related disciplines;
  • to use modern methods of diagnosis, prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and to own medical and diagnostic equipment in the field of his professional activities;
  • be able to evaluate the data of special research methods in a qualified manner in order to establish a diagnosis;
  • navigate modern scientific and technical information and use it to solve tactical and strategic issues of professional activity.

Formation of certification commissions

To carry out certification, as before, commissions are created, which, depending on the bodies that form them, can be central, departmental and territorial. The rules for the formation of commissions and their composition are regulated in detail by the Procedure.

The attestation commission consists of a coordination committee (hereinafter referred to as the committee), which carries out the functions of organizing the activities of the attestation commission and expert groups by specialties (hereinafter referred to as expert groups), which consider documents and conduct a qualifying examination.

The attestation commission includes:

  • leading specialists of organizations engaged in medical and pharmaceutical activities;
  • representatives of medical professional non-profit organizations, employers;
  • representatives of the public authority or organization that form the certification commission, and other persons.
The personal composition of the attestation commission is approved by an administrative act of the state authority or organization that created the attestation commission.

The general management of the activities of the attestation commission is carried out by the chairman of the commission, who is also the chairman of the committee. The deputy chairman of the attestation commission is recognized as the deputy chairman of the committee and acts as the chairman of the attestation commission in his absence.

There is also the position of the executive secretary of the commission, who registers and considers documents submitted to the certification commission by specialists who have expressed a desire to undergo certification to obtain a qualification category, for compliance with their requirements for the list and execution of documents, forms materials for sending to expert groups, prepares materials for meetings and draft committee decisions.

The expert group also has a chairman, deputy chairman and executive secretary.

Note that the Procedure defines in some detail the functions of both the committee and the expert groups. For example, the committee coordinates the work of expert groups, determines the methods, methods and technologies for assessing the qualifications of specialists, prepares and submits for approval to the body that created the certification commission, a draft regulatory act on the assignment of qualification categories to specialists. Expert groups, in turn, consider the documents submitted by specialists, prepare conclusions on reports, conduct test control of knowledge and interviews, make decisions on the issues of assigning qualification categories to specialists.

On the basis of clause 18 of the Procedure, meetings of the committee are held, if necessary, by decision of its chairman, and meetings of expert groups are held at least once a month. A meeting of a committee or expert group is considered competent if more than half of the members of the committee or expert group, respectively, are present at it.

The decisions of the committee and the expert group are made by an open vote by a simple majority of votes of the members present at the meeting. In case of equality of votes, the vote of the chairperson of the meeting of the committee or expert group is decisive ( p. 19 of the Procedure). It should be noted that in the previous certification procedure for making a decision, it was necessary to have at least 2/3 of the members of the commission, and in the event of an equality of votes, the decision was considered to be in favor of the specialist.

The decisions of the committee and the expert group are formalized in protocols, which are signed by all members of the committee and the expert group who attended the meeting of the committee and the expert group, respectively.

Certification procedure

Specialists who have expressed a desire to undergo certification to obtain a qualification category submit a set of documents to the certification commission. The list of documents included in the qualification documentation has practically not changed, but there is one exception: now, instead of a qualification sheet, a specialist must submit an attestation sheet.


In the previous procedure for obtaining qualification categories, it was established that the head of a medical or pharmaceutical organization must create conditions for specialists to obtain qualification categories when interacting with the commission, submitting documentation and notifying a specialist. Now there are no such obligations for assistance.

An innovation in the submission of documents is the need to submit a duly certified translation into Russian of documents issued on the territory of a foreign state and executed in a foreign language.

Also new is the prohibition of participation in the submission of documents by an official of the organization authorized to interact with the organization in which the specialist carries out professional activities with the certification commission. The procedure establishes that only the specialist himself can send by mail or submit documents in person. In addition, the requirement for stitching documents has been eliminated.

The documents must be sent to the address of the state authority or the organization that created the certification commission by mail or submitted personally by a specialist no later than four months before the expiration of the existing qualification category. If this period is violated, the qualification examination may be held later than the expiration date of the existing qualification category.

For your information

Clause 16 of the Procedure establishes that certification can be carried out using telecommunication technologies (remote certification) and in the form of an off-site meeting.

The procedure has adjusted the rules and timing of certification. In particular, on the basis of clause 22 of the Procedure, documents received by the certification commission are registered by the executive secretary of the committee on the day they are received by the certification commission. Within seven calendar days from the date of registration of documents, they are submitted for consideration to the chairman of the committee (previously, the documentation was registered after a seven-day check of its compliance with the completeness requirements).

If the documents provided for by the Procedure are absent or they are incorrectly executed, the executive secretary of the committee must send the specialist a letter of refusal to accept documents, explaining the reason for the refusal, also within seven days (previously this period was 14 calendar days). In this case, the specialist can send the documents again. At the same time, he was previously given a month to correct shortcomings, but now such a period has not been set at all.

The chairman of the committee, no later than 14 calendar days from the date of registration of documents, determines the composition of the expert group for attestation and sends the specialist's documents to the chairman (clause 23 of the Procedure). In this case, the expert group must consider them no later than 30 calendar days from the date of registration of documents, approve the conclusion on the report and appoint the date and place for the test control of knowledge and interviews (previously, the period for consideration of documents was 14 calendar days).

Note that the requirements for the content of the report have changed. In particular, on the basis of clause 24 of the Procedure, it is no longer necessary to take into account:

  • the duration and timing of the last professional development;
  • forms of self-education used by a specialist;
  • correspondence of the amount of theoretical knowledge, actual diagnostic and therapeutic practical skills to qualification requirements.
The decision of the expert group on the appointment of the date and place of the test control of knowledge and the interview is communicated to the specialist no later than 30 calendar days before the date of the test control of knowledge and the interview, including by posting the relevant information on the official website on the Internet or information stands of the state body. authorities or organizations that have created an attestation commission.

Test control of knowledge and interviews are carried out no later than 70 calendar days from the date of registration of documents.

Based on clause 27 of the Procedure, based on the results of the qualification exam, the expert group can make one of two decisions: to assign or refuse to assign a qualification category to a specialist. Let us recall that earlier there were several types of decisions made by the expert group. For example, it was possible to upgrade the second qualification category with the assignment of the first, confirm the previously assigned qualification category, remove the first (highest) qualification category with the assignment of a lower category, or deprive a specialist of the qualification category.

The decision on the assignment or refusal to assign a qualification category to a specialist is made by the expert group no later than 70 calendar days from the date of registration of documents, drawn up by the minutes of the meeting of the expert group and entered into the specialist's certification sheet by the executive secretary of the expert group. If a specialist is denied the assignment of a qualification category to a specialist, the protocol shall indicate the grounds on which the expert group made the appropriate decision. And the decision to refuse to assign a qualification category to a specialist can be made on the following grounds:

  • the presence in the conclusion of the report of a negative assessment of the theoretical knowledge or practical skills of a specialist necessary to obtain the qualification category declared by him;
  • the presence of an unsatisfactory mark based on the results of the test control of knowledge;
  • failure of a specialist to pass a test control of knowledge or an interview.
A completed protocol containing a decision on the assignment or refusal to assign a qualification category to a specialist is sent by the chairman of the expert group to the committee within five calendar days from the date of signing. The latter, no later than 90 calendar days from the date of registration of documents, prepares and submits for approval an administrative act on assigning a qualification category to a specialist (clause 31 of the Procedure).


An ordering act on the assignment of a qualification category to a specialist must be issued by a public authority or an organization that created an attestation commission no later than 110 calendar days from the date of registration of documents. Previously, an order on assigning a qualification category to a specialist was issued within a month from the moment the commission made a decision.

The specialist, on the other hand, must receive, by mail or in his hands, an extract from the administrative act on the assignment of a qualification category to him no later than 120 calendar days from the date of registration of documents.

Note that the Procedure has increased the period for appealing the decision of the attestation commission from 30 days to a year. The period for appeal is counted from the date of the decision by the certification commission.

As you can see, the procedure for certification of medical and pharmaceutical workers has undergone significant changes in terms of the timing of certification, the procedure for processing documents and certification results. Moreover, there are unclear points. In particular, it was previously envisaged that a specialist was drawn up and issued an appropriate document within a week from the date of issuance of the order on the assignment of qualifications to him. Now the specialist is given only an extract from the order on the assignment of a qualification category to him, and not a word is said about the document. We believe that these points will be clarified by the competent authorities in the course of the Procedure.

Nomenclature of specialties of specialists with higher and postgraduate medical and pharmaceutical education in the field of health care of the Russian Federation, approved by By order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of 23.04.2009 No. 210n.

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