Home Grape This will ensure a secure fit in the heel. Orthopedic shoe inserts. Cushioning insoles for high heel shoes

This will ensure a secure fit in the heel. Orthopedic shoe inserts. Cushioning insoles for high heel shoes

Why is an orthosis needed for a heel spur, how to use it and how it can be replaced

The cause of pain in inflammation of the plantar fascia is microscopic damage to the connective tissue of the heel.

Most people experience increased pain in the morning when trying to step on the heel after waking up.

Special orthopedic devices help to cope with this pain - a night orthosis with a heel spur and a Strasbourg sock.

How to use these funds and how they act on the spur, we will tell you in this article.

How do orthoses help with heel spurs?

The calcaneal fascia, or in another way the plantar aponeurosis, participates in the formation of the longitudinal arch of the foot and perceives the load when resting on the foot.

With fasciitis, micro tears form on the connective tissues of the heel, which become inflamed and painful. The damaged fascia causes especially severe pain during prolonged standing, walking, running.

At night, microdamages begin to grow together, but with a slight shortening. Therefore, in the morning, when trying to stand up, the fascia is again injured, and the person feels acute pain.

Why do fasciae grow together with shortening? The fact is that the natural position of the foot at night is with an extended toe and a relaxed ankle joint.

An orthosis for a heel spur, which is always advised by orthopedic surgeons, fixes the fascia in a stretched state, allowing them to heal properly.

The device holds the foot at a 90-degree angle to the ankle, just like standing on your feet. Microtrauma heals overnight, and due to the fact that the fascia does not need to contract, the damage does not appear again.

Overnight orthotics for stretching the fascia can help speed up spur healing and reduce pain and inflammation.

The duration of the use of night orthoses is 1-6 months, depending on the complexity of the disease and the effectiveness of the treatment methods prescribed by the doctor.

Orthoses (braces) with a heel spur

Orthopedic orthoses or braces are devices in the form of a boot, but only with open toes. The brace positions the foot securely in the correct position, allowing damaged fascia to heal at night.

There are 3 types of night orthoses:

  1. Typical production models with specific dimensions.
  2. Orthoses made according to individual measurements of the customer.
  3. Prefabricated braces, consisting of individual elements.

Of course, the most comfortable and effective will be individual orthoses that take into account the anatomy of the foot, height and other characteristics of the patient. Unfortunately, such devices can only be ordered in large cities in specialized orthopedic workshops. The cost of such orthoses is high and starts from 10 thousand rubles.

Serial orthoses cost much less - from 4 thousand rubles, but they have many disadvantages:

  • increased rigidity of some elements;
  • bulky, uncomfortable, constraining movements;
  • fastening legs inappropriate for the fullness;
  • made of cheap leatherette, in which feet sweat.

Most people who want to buy a night orthosis with a heel spur are faced with a problem when no one device fits in size, fullness, and comfort. The solution may be a homemade orthosis, but the quality and effectiveness of such designs is usually very low.

A quality orthosis should be made of safe materials, have optimal rigidity and strength. A full-fledged alternative to night braces can be a Strasbourg sock.

Strasbourg sock - effective fixator for heel spur

The Strasbourg sock serves the same function as the orthosis - fixing the foot in such a position that the fascia remains elongated during sleep. The toe holds the heel securely, preventing connective tissue fiber breaks.

    Shark Fat and Golden Whisker Cream with enhanced action helps to eliminate the heel spur, relieves pain and inflammation and prevents the re-emergence of a build-up.

    360 R

    Heel spur cream "Shark fat and Golden mustache" SpurStop softens and removes the heel spur, growths on the feet, relieves pain and tension

    240 R

    Silicone heel pads with honeycomb insert effectively cushion the heel, eliminate pain with heel spurs, and prevent the appearance of calluses. A honeycomb insert massages the heel to relieve tension.

    680 R

    Over-sized silicone socks with fixation on the foot prevent flat feet and soften old calluses and corns

    620 R

    The silicone pad on the screed eliminates flat feet, pain, and flattening of the foot. Securely wraps around the leg and does not fly off even when playing sports

    460 R

    Silicone heel pad with high sides is used for all forms of heel spurs: plantar, back, Achilles. Protects the heel from shock loads and pain, cushion the foot

    720 R

    Socks with the healing properties of tourmaline, massage and warming effect

    450 R 370 R

    Silicone orthopedic insoles for shock absorption during walking, arch support, prevention of corns and treatment of all types of flat feet

    1 508 R

    Gel cushioning suede insoles for sport and active life

    940 R 860 R

    Sports orthopedic insoles relieve shock loading and securely fix the foot in the shoe. Suitable for comfortable sports

    595 R

    Gel half insoles with silicone of different densities cushion the foot and eliminate pain in the joints and spine

    1 390 R

    Massager for gymnastics of feet and relieving muscle tension

    440 R 390 R

    Anatomically shaped heel pads to protect the heels from chafing, fix the foot and correct shoe size

    340 R

    Suede-coated heel pads are used to prevent heel chafing in shoes and to shrink the shoe by one size

    195 R

    Shock-absorbing heel pads to relieve soreness in the heel

    270 R

    Silicone inserts in the shoe for abrasion protection, heel cushioning and anchorage of the foot in the shoe

    240 R

    Roller massager for foot massage with reflexogenic effect

    750 R 680 R

    They are used to reduce the shock load when walking, relieve the joints of the lower extremities, the spine and support the longitudinal arch of the foot

To reduce the load on the joint and ligaments, special orthopedic devices are used: braces, corsets, orthoses (a bandage for the hip joint, knee joint, for the foot, etc.). This is sometimes necessary, since the joints of the legs are daily subjected to the load of the entire body weight of a person. The joints of the ankle, knee and hip joint are most often affected by injury and damage.

Orthopedic devices are prescribed for injuries to the joints of the legs, in the postoperative period instead of plaster, with increased physical and mechanical stress on the joints of the legs as a preventive measure (for example, for athletes for the foot). The ankle joint is most often injured and therefore needs additional support. Such support for the joint will be provided by a special orthosis (bandage) for the feet.

Bandages are of several types:

  • easy fixation;
  • semi-rigid;
  • tough.

Easy fixing devices. Such bandages are made of lightweight elastic materials (fabric, silicone). They are used to fix a joint to prevent injury, or as an adjunct to a dislocation or sprain. Elastic clamps have a number of positive properties. They provide peace of mind to the joint, reduce pain, prevent the formation of edema, and have warming and massage properties. They are also very practical, since they do not require special care, are invisible under clothes and are accessible.

Light fixation bandages are also divided into several types.

Semi-rigid devices for foot injuries are prescribed after surgery or after removing the cast. So the patient's foot is rigidly fixed, the pressure on the ankle joint and heel area is eliminated. Such a corset is made of soft elastic materials that allow the skin to breathe, and special metal inserts and fastening straps make the retainer rigid.

A rigid fixator is used for severe injuries of the foot, fractures of the tarsus and metatarsal bones, ruptures of ligaments and tendons. A heel fracture is considered difficult and “inconvenient” to treat this type of fracture. In this case, it is the rigid orthosis that is most effective. It will reliably fix the damaged part of the heel, help relieve the heel bone, and the rehabilitation time is halved. This heel brace is very comfortable and lightweight compared to plaster cast and can be used outdoors. A foot brace has a beneficial effect on blood circulation and helps prevent congestion and atrophy of leg muscles.

There are several types of rigid clamps.

  1. Traumatic ankle (used for rigid fixation in case of leg injury, rigidly fixes the ankle).
  2. Derotation boot (such a corset looks like a boot and completely fixes the foot and lower leg to completely immobilize the injured limb).

For various diseases and injuries of the ankle, the bandage is an indispensable tool, since it keeps a person's mobility and contributes to his early rehabilitation.

Application of a bandage and orthosis

The largest joint in our body, the hip joint, is also injured. In its treatment and rehabilitation, the most effective remedy is a bandage, corset or orthosis. This device takes the load on itself, prevents dislocations and joint injuries. Such a fixator is used in the postoperative period, during rehabilitation, in case of a hip fracture. There are several types of hip fixators.

The softly fixing orthopedic corset is called a bandage. Such a hip joint fixator is made of soft elastic tissue. It is used to stabilize and relieve joints, in inflammatory processes, bruises, muscle injuries, arthrosis of the joint. In addition to its basic properties, the bandage has warming and analgesic properties, improves blood circulation. Such a bandage is very light, it is not visible under clothes, it does not hinder movement.

The fixator with a rigid structure can be one-sided and two-sided. The rigid unilateral orthosis consists of two parts: one is attached to the waist like a belt and the other is attached to the hip. These two parts are connected to each other by means of a hinge, thanks to which the patient can perform flexion and extension movements. This type of orthosis is used during the rehabilitation period.

The rigid bilateral orthosis completely immobilizes the hip. It is used in rehabilitation, in the postoperative period, and also as a treatment instead of plaster.

The brace, or leg brace, is selected and prescribed only by the attending physician. There are many factors to consider. It is necessary to determine for what purpose the fixator is needed (prevention, treatment, rehabilitation). The orthopedic accessories market offers a wide range of devices with different functionalities and different qualities. When choosing, be guided not by the cost of the product: more expensive does not always mean better. It is necessary to take into account all the physical parameters and characteristics of the patient (ankle circumference, lower leg, foot size, etc.), since the corset should be as comfortable as possible, not cause discomfort and not cause additional disease.

The use of leg braces has contraindications (vascular diseases of the legs, skin). It is also necessary to take into account the material from which the corset is made, since the material can cause allergic reactions in the patient. For allergies, opt for cotton braces and avoid bandages that use special pain relievers and cooling gels. Rely on the advice of a specialist so as not to aggravate the disease and do not harm yourself.

Independently or with the help of a sales assistant, you can select a retainer for minor injuries. In this case, the retainer should not require individual adjustment (elastic bandage). Today, orthoses, bandages and various fixators are the most effective means for the prevention, rehabilitation and treatment of joint diseases. They are in many ways superior to "classic" methods such as plaster cast or splinting. They are lighter, more convenient to use, cope with "difficult" fractures (with a fracture of the heel, femoral neck). They also have additional medicinal properties: they improve blood circulation, have a warming effect.

Thanks to the removable design of the orthopedic device, it is easy to care for the skin at the site of injury and carry out hygiene procedures.

An easy gait is a decoration of a person and a sign of good health. This gracefulness largely depends on the condition of the legs, especially the feet. To prevent an ordinary walk from becoming a serious test, orthopedists recommend using silicone heel pads. They are effective for heel spurs and other deformities and injuries of the foot, making walking more comfortable and painless.

Why do you need heel pads for shoes?

Orthopedic products for the foot are designed for the prevention and treatment of many diseases. When walking, the main load falls on the heel, because the step begins with it. Heel cushions are good shock absorbers, they relieve pressure on the foot and joints.

These devices relieve pain and prevent discomfort and fatigue when walking. Orthopedic inserts improve blood circulation and help keep the foot in the correct position in the shoe.

  • flat feet;
  • (heel spur);
  • injuries to the back of the foot;
  • and ankle joint;
  • curvature of the pelvis due to the unequal length of the legs (with a difference of up to 3 cm);
  • diseases of the hip and knee joints;
  • disorders of the spine.

Such devices are useful for correcting gait when the sole of the shoe is worn out on one side.

Doctors recommend that patients wear silicone heel pads in the treatment of diabetic foot and sole skin problems. The use of earbuds makes the gait more stable for pregnant women and people with hallux valgus (X-shaped deformity). Special products for the heels are useful for athletes, overweight people and those who spend a lot of time on their feet.

Varieties of products, their advantages and disadvantages

An orthopedic heel pad is a shoe insert that resembles a shortened insole, secured with an adhesive retainer.

There are many types of heel pads for fashion and casual shoes. These are products for any season. The heel pads are made of hypoallergenic materials that do not irritate the skin.

Manufacturing firms create adult and children's models. Form options:

  • oval,
  • rounded,
  • rectangular with smooth corners.

Many designs have cutouts in the heel area or padded inserts to reduce the pain of plantar fasciitis. The height of the orthopedic product varies from 3 to 12 mm.

Distinguish between hard and soft heel pads, depending on the material:

  • Leather. They are used in the case of different leg lengths. They are characterized by low shock absorption and have a small latex insert. They breathe well, are of high quality and durability. At the same time, they do not have a strong orthopedic effect.
  • Gel. Soft preventive products. Reduces pressure on the heel and prevents the formation of calluses, cracks, spurs. Compact heel pads can be used in elegant women's shoes. The products are thin enough and cannot eliminate serious dysfunctions of the foot.
  • Cork. They have a pronounced orthopedic effect. A sufficiently rigid base is effective in correcting flat feet, diseases of the spine and joints. Not always effective in the treatment of plantar fasciitis.
  • Silicone. They are characterized by a complex structure and thickening in the heel area. They have bumpers for fixing the feet in closed shoes without a heel. Prevents the formation of calluses and cracks in the heel, prevents leg fatigue. Useful in the treatment of flat feet. Not used in fashion shoes.
  • Latex. Good cushioning properties of the material are important for heel spurs and different leg lengths. Reduces foot fatigue. Breathable, leather-covered latex foam products are very comfortable, but require a secure fit in the shoe. It is advisable to have separate orthopedic heel pads for each pair of shoes.

Corrective inserts are manufactured in the USA and European countries. Brand awareness, along with technical qualities, affects the cost of a product.

How to choose orthopedic heel pads for shoes

The search for a product should be taken seriously, because well-being, performance, and mood often depend on the accuracy of the choice. You can list several important rules that will help you find the right option:

  • determine exactly why it is necessary to purchase heel pads (prevention, treatment or comfort improvement);
  • consult a doctor;
  • determine for which pair of shoes the liners will be selected;
  • examine the assortment and choose the appropriate model of the appropriate size;
  • read the product description;
  • when trying on, have the right pair of shoes with you in order to better appreciate the convenience of the chosen design;
  • it is advisable to purchase orthopedic heel pads in specialized salons and pharmacies.

Important! For a heel spur, soft products with a good shock-absorbing effect should be used. For rehabilitation after a heel bone fracture, the device must be rigid. For the prevention of the initial degree of leg or spine disease, plastic structures are recommended.

In some cases, it is possible to make an individual insert according to the measurements of the foot, taking into account the type of shoe.

Product operation rules

The comfort of the foot and the durability of the liners often depend on the implementation of the rules of use:

  • Use liners constantly in one pair of shoes to avoid deformation of the products.
  • Renew the adhesive latch periodically.
  • Do not use heel pads if the skin on the heel is damaged.
  • Wear orthopedic inserts for no more than 16 hours in a row.
  • Wash the item in warm soapy water and dry naturally (wipe leather items with a damp alcohol wipe).
  • Protect from sunlight.
  • Do not exceed the service life.

The inserts can be used in pairs or separately.

Video reviews of silicone heel pads:

Orthopedic heel pads are an excellent device to compensate for the negative consequences of many diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The heel pads will help improve the condition of the foot and return the ease of movement.

Does beauty require sacrifices, as the well-known "axiom" says, or did modern magicians and fighters for female beauty effortlessly find an opportunity - to avoid these senseless sacrifices - or at least to alleviate them? The sweetness of the sensation of shoes taken off after a working day is known to every lady whose dress code does not allow slippers to walk at work. And if flat feet, or hallus valgus, join the uncomfortable shoes, then wearing shoes turns into a real torture ...

For your attention - the most necessary accessories for comfortable wearing of shoes - and not only!

Outer linings and stickers on shoes

First of all, we are talking, of course, about safety and comfort.

If, due to your duty, you have to run daily in heels on smooth and slippery floors, and athletes can already envy your weary calves, and figure skaters can already envy pirouettes, then this device is for you! No more feeling like a heron balancing on a slippery floor and losing grace in front of everyone: inexpensive Velcro stickers will save you from slipping and the risk of injury on a smooth floor.

The stickers are as thin as possible, have a rough surface and adhere firmly to the soles of shoes, which allows you to elegantly knock with heels and stilettos at any speed - on marble floors, and on wet pavements, in the subway, and at work.

The most favorite places for calluses on the feet are, as you know, the heels, which are forced to suffer from any new shoes, and from old ones too, if you need to spend the whole day on your feet. Truly magical modern in-ear pads allow you to protect your heels from calluses.

Covering the heels entirely, the liners are made of medical silicone or eco-suede (or other safe materials), have increased softness, do not reduce the size of the shoe.

With such inserts, new shoes are not scary, even if you have a night party, banquet or excursion ahead of you.

In addition, ...

  • .
    Such models also fix the heels so that they do not jump out of the shoes.
  • . Or corrective heel pads, which fix the heels, reduce the load on the spine, and reduce pain.
  • Inserts for the lower part of the heel pain-relieving and specially designed for people with or painful cracks.

  • , which are recommended for valgus or varus feet.
    Due to the beveled shape, they carry out the necessary correction for clubfoot, reduce the stress on the joints, help correct the hallux valgus of the foot, and in addition, prolong the life of heels, which will not wear out so quickly.

Orthopedic insoles and inserts

First of all, these are modern silicone (or cork) insoles, which are pleasant and comfortable even in the toughest, unworn and uncomfortable shoes. And not only in shoes, but in open shoes.

Orthopedic silicone insoles securely fix women's legs, not allowing them to "ride" on the main insoles of shoes.

In addition, such insoles fix the arches of the feet in an exceptionally correct position, which is ideal for the prevention of flat feet and is indispensable in the treatment of flat feet or other diseases of the feet.

It is important to note that silicone insoles are transparent, and completely invisible in shoes, they are able to reduce the size of shoes (there are many options for insoles, select them taking into account the need for this criterion).

But the most important thing is that such insoles relieve the load from the feet, and therefore from the spine, eliminate leg fatigue, allow you to move in shoes longer, further - and with greater comfort.

The instructions for the insoles are also simple - just glue them to the main insole of the shoe.

Also among the devices with orthopedic properties for shoes are:

  • to support the midfoot.
  • - for sandals with heels, sandals or other open shoes. A good option for a girl with longitudinal flat feet.
  • .
    Well "springy" insoles relieve tension in the feet, and the absorbent properties protect the feet from the effects of increased summer sweating.
  • specially for open / fashion shoes. They are comfortable and useful for quick fatigue of the legs from walking and for painful sensations from wearing shoes.
    The instep supports are created anatomically correct, which greatly facilitates the condition with flat feet.

  • with acupuncture properties.

Silicone pads in shoes to reduce stress on the feet

Women's legs look much more graceful in heels, no one can argue with that. But high heels, when worn for a long time, negatively affect not only the joints of the legs and the spine, but also cause significant discomfort. There is no woman who would not breathe out with relief, throwing off her shoes at home and slipping into slippers.

Reduce the load, relieve leg fatigue, make wearing shoes with heels more comfortable, provide high-quality shock absorption even in hard office shoes will help silicone in-ear pads... Such magic pads, transparent and inconspicuous, probably already have many girls (and more than one pair).

But not everyone knows what else exists ...

The straps on new shoes and sandals always add grace, but narrow and hard strips of leather (or other) straps are always new calluses.

However, in this case, manufacturers have already come up with a lifesaver. Namely - silicone stickers on narrow straps that prevent straps from digging into the skin and rubbing calluses.

Like silicone earbuds, these strips have a sticky backing that provides a snug and secure fit on the inside of the straps.

Modern heirs and footprints: not only "for grandmothers"!

Among the main functions of footprints and footprints are hygiene (without them they will not be allowed to try on shoes in the store), protecting the feet from calluses and blisters, as well as "disguising" an old pedicure that you did not have time to fix.

Of course, modern manufacturers offer not only those "grandmothers" footprints that stick out of summer slippers and shoes of the majority of pensioners. Modern heirs can be a real work of art, and they are not just not hidden, but even displayed!

Followers can ...

  1. Fully cover the entire foot (like sports low socks).
  2. Cover the entire foot except the toe.
  3. Cover the entire foot except the heel.
  4. Cover only the sock (like choreographic gym shoes with elastic bands).
  5. Cover only the area between the toe and the middle of the foot. Such models of footprints in the form of narrow stripes are in great demand by girls in new sandals. If the material rubs, and the sandals are not worn out, then the imperceptible, hidden from the eyes of the footprints will become a real salvation.

Modern heirs are ...

  • With silicone relief (pimples, stripes, etc.) on the bottom so that the leg does not slip in the shoe.
  • Any color, pattern and texture.

  • With pads that reduce pain and fatigue in the legs, and increase shock absorption.
  • Absorbent.
  • Openwork lace and mesh ».
  • Fantasy, colored with different decor.

Cushioning insoles for high heel shoes

Silicone cushioning insoles, as the name implies, serve primarily to cushion and absorb shock while moving through the air cushion inside.

These insoles can be matched to shoes with heels of any height. The ultra-soft material will reduce pressure on the heel and ball of the foot, and thanks to the translucency, they can even be worn in open shoes.

Among the models of such insoles you can also find ...

Toe pads / restraints

With a friend, according to statistics, every second girl. And in a situation where the big toe is curved and Hallux Valgus takes place, special pads come to the rescue, allowing you not to interrupt the correction even in summer, when wearing shoes. Silicone retainers help protect the joint from excessive friction, as well as correct its position and gradually correct and reduce the curvature of the thumb.

Bursoprotectors with interdigital septa are also available on the market. Unlike clamps, they are worn on 1-2 fingers.

Summer types of insoles: so that the legs do not sweat

When the heat sets in, the problem of sweating feet becomes almost the main one among the pressing ones, and not all summer shoes provide the necessary protection from odors, and some even intensify odors.

There is salvation in this case too! No need to hide removed shoes, blush for the smell and spend the family budget on deodorants for feet and shoes.

The situation will be corrected with a "light movement of the hand" ...

Such fingertips made of soft gel material reliably protect the delicate skin of the fingers from corns, chafing and damage. Ideal for dry skin that cracks painfully between the toes, or for calluses that cause pain when rubbing one finger against the other.

Finger caps are completely invisible in shoes and are almost invisible when wearing sandals due to their transparency. The cap will fit any finger - except the thumb, which, of course, needs its own size.

A well-proven orthosis for a fracture of the calcaneus. The device is often used by victims. In their opinion, the use of the orthosis gives good results. The rehabilitation process is accelerated by almost 2 times. The period of incapacity for work is reduced to just 12 weeks. Treatment costs are halved.

With the help of the orthosis, the foot is fixed in a natural position. The device prevents the development of flat feet. The orthosis can be used after surgery or conservative treatment.

The literal meaning of the word "orthosis" is "straight", "equal". This term refers to external medical devices. Orthoses are intended to influence the functional and structural properties of damaged parts of the body. They are used for injuries of the skeletal system, neuromuscular system in the course of restoring the motor abilities of the lower extremities.

There are 3 main components in the orthosis design. These are soft toecaps, hard backs, straps. The closed toe is made primarily of leather.

The back is made of dense material. In height it reaches up to half of the lower leg. Must provide a secure fit. Helps unload the heel area.

For fastening on the shins, 2 straps are used. The orthosis is attached to the foot with another strap. The product is equipped with adjustable buckles. Thanks to this, the brace can be quickly and easily removed or put on.

The support optimally relieves the calcaneus. This is due to the even distribution of gravity. The device supports the longitudinal arch of the foot, covers the metatarsus. The support function is partially transferred to the gastrocnemius muscle.

More often, orthoses are delivered to consumers in disassembled form. Assembly of the product and fitting of parts is required. It is best to do this in an orthopedic workshop. The patient must certainly be present during the procedure.

Verbal advice from the attending physician is not a basis for fitting or transforming the orthosis. One of the documents must be provided: appointment, extract from the medical history, prescription, referral. Orthotics are performed in strict accordance with a written document.

Orthoses are the result of a synthesis of a wide variety of medical knowledge. For the design and use of orthoses, the data of anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, engineering, and biomechanics are important.

Materials and manufacturing features

In the production of orthoses, materials are used that contain:

  • Elastic elements;
  • Metals;
  • Ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA);
  • Carbon fiber;
  • Textile;
  • Thermoplastic.

Models from a combination of several components are popular.

Traditionally, before the orthosis is made, the limb is measured and contoured. This ensures that you get the most out of your device.

First, a plaster mold can be made. It serves as the basis for the production of the orthosis. Then, using a plaster sample, an orthosis is made of plastic or other materials.

The latest orthopedic production uses devices with various automated systems. The module prepares a special program for computerized production. The devices are equipped with 3D printing, CAx computer-aided design systems (CAD, CNC, CAE / CAD / CAM).

The use of computer technology makes it possible to produce orthoses with maximum conformity to individual shapes. The 3D printing method is combined with different materials. In the production of orthoses, the use of polymer gypsum (USA), low-temperature plastic (Netherlands), polylactide (Russia) was found.

Functional varieties

Orthoses have a wide range of applications. With a fracture of the heel bone, they can limit motor actions or completely immobilize the limb. The orthosis can set the direction of movements, help in their implementation.

A whole group of different devices belongs to orthoses. This could be:

  1. Orthopedic shoes;
  2. Insoles;
  3. Corset;
  4. Bandage.

Each of the devices has distinctive functional features. They serve to activate or correct the injured limb, fix or unload it.

Orthodontic braces are available commercially. Available in a wide variety of sizes. Easy to put on. Secured with Velcro fasteners. Protect against possible injury.

Orthoses reduce the load on the limbs when transferring body weight. The devices not only make it easier to move around, but also reduce pain. Orthoses are often indispensable during rehabilitation after plaster cast removal.

Unloading orthoses are intensively used for fractures of the calcaneus. They gradually increase the load on the heel. Heel pads help in this.

Indications for use

Calcaneus fractures are quite common in medical practice. This unpleasant injury results from:

  • Unsuccessful jump;
  • Strong blow;
  • Pathological transformations (osteomyelitis);
  • Falls on straightened limbs;
  • Road traffic accidents;
  • Violations of safety rules (athletes, conscripts).

In 65% of cases, the injury is classified as occupational among construction workers.

It takes 3-4 months for the fracture to heal. Not every patient can afford such a long period of complete inactivity. For such patients, an orthosis comes to the rescue. The device provides a fairly comfortable walking experience. The brace can be worn and worn in place of shoes.

It is possible to use a heel brace in case of a fracture, regardless of the type of injury. Also, the use of the orthosis is not affected by the characteristics of the primary treatment.

The brace helps to overcome the consequences of single and bilateral fractures of the calcaneus.

A calcaneal orthosis is used during the preoperative preparation of the talocalcaneal plexus (joint). They turn to the device at the preparatory stage for arthrodesis of the heel joint.

During the fitting of the orthosis, the patient must be absent:

  • Plaster casts;
  • Edema of the feet;
  • Open wounds.

When wearing an orthosis, moderate loads on the injured limb are allowed and even stimulated. There should be no pain.

The heel brace is a “safety shoe”. The device is used at any time when vertical loads are applied to injured limbs. The brace can be removed during the rest period.

Efficiency and application benefits

An orthosis for a fractured heel shortens the rehabilitation period by 2 times. On average, treatment lasts 12 weeks.

The mechanism promotes the physiological rolling of the injured foot. Special liners reduce stress on the heel bone. The calcium content in the fracture zone does not decrease.

The use of orthoses for fractures of the calcaneus minimizes the risks of insufficient functional load. The patient is practically not threatened with "atrophy from inaction". Unobstructed muscle contractions prevent the appearance of venous thrombosis. There is no need for prophylactic antithrombotic therapy. You can refuse long-term physiotherapy treatment.

The brace provides the victim with the ability to move around in the early phases of rehabilitation. A quick activation of the patient speeds up the regeneration of bone tissue. The device does not interfere with walking on the street.

A heel brace prevents flat feet. The foot takes on a natural position thanks to special curves.

When using a heel orthosis, there were no cases of complications or negative consequences due to prolonged immobilization. During the course of treatment, the device allows for visual and X-ray control.

Walking in a brace has a physiological pattern. The patient feels comfortable during treatment and rehabilitation. The quality of life of the victim is markedly improved.

The use of an orthosis for fractures of the calcaneus does not cause:

  • Formation of pressure sores;
  • Microcirculation disorders;
  • Damage to soft tissues.

After wearing a heel brace, it is easier for the patient to switch to orthopedic shoes. Changing the device to shoes with orthopedic insoles does not cause any particular problems.

Orthoses for fractures of the calcaneus reduce the treatment time by about 50%. Inpatient treatment costs are reduced by 1.5 times. The total cost of treatment is reduced by almost 45%.

Step-by-step plan for using the orthosis

The given treatment plan is indicative only. The step-by-step order was drawn up thanks to the processing of long-term and numerous statistical data.

Here is a brief description of the step-by-step application of the heel brace.

  1. 8 - 12 days. The stitches were removed, the swelling was gone, the orthosis was adjusted. Load on the injured limb with crutches is allowed. The patient adapts to walking with a heel brace. It is recommended to give up crutches as soon as possible;
  2. 4 week. The 1st X-ray control is being carried out. Usually examined: lateral projection of the ankle joint, the same projection at maximum load, targeting the calcaneus;
  3. 6 week. The 1st load bearing is used;
  4. 8 week. The 2nd X-ray control is being carried out. The 2nd load bearing is used;
  5. 10 week. The 3rd load bearing is used;
  6. 11 week. The anatomical and functional state of the feet is studied (plantography, plantogram). If necessary, orthopedic shoes are made (within 4 - 6 days);
  7. 12 week. The final stage of treatment. The patient is tested for performance (if an occupational injury has been sustained).

The decision to start using a heel brace is made by the attending physician. In each case, the doctor independently decides when to move on to the next stage of treatment.

Results of clinical use

The orthosis was thoroughly studied in laboratory conditions before widespread introduction into clinical practice. Used pressure sensors, contact films. This helped to measure the pressure in the area of ​​the inner surfaces of the orthosis and the calcaneus. The physical pattern of walking was assessed using a laser device that determines the position of the body.

The first patients were treated under close X-ray control. Pictures were taken at short intervals. Radiographs of the calcaneal tuberosity were performed in 2 projections. We collected data on support points over time.

The first studies were carried out by Doctor of Medical Sciences Settner (Germany). The group of patients included 5 women and 30 men. The average age of the participants was 40 years. Some patients had a left-sided or right-sided fracture. There were also patients with bilateral fractures.

Orthotics reduced the course of treatment from 212 days to 109 days. Treatment costs have dropped from € 28,000 to € 12,000. The hospital stay has been cut by half. The immobilization time has become minimal. Disability incidents per year decreased by 10%.

The benefits were reflected not only in the economic aspect. The emotional and psychological state of the patients improved significantly.

Orthopedic trauma practitioners in many countries around the world have recognized the benefits of the orthosis in the treatment of heel fractures. Patients appreciate the economic benefits of using the device. Orthotics for the treatment of the indicated localization have proven their safety and effectiveness. The brace is included in the standard treatment for calcaneus fractures.

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