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The tallest water slides. The tallest water slides in the world (8 photos). Jumeirah Sceirah: Incredible Fall Down

Inga Mayakovskaya

Reading time: 8 minutes


Soon, soon the New Year ... And it's time to decide - where exactly, with whom and, most importantly, how to celebrate this best holiday in the world. Regardless of the place of celebration, creating a New Year's atmosphere in the house is the primary task. And the first thing that should be taken care of is the Christmas tree, under which the main grandfather of the country will store his numerous gifts.

Which Christmas tree is better - lively, fragrant, or artificial and practical?

Artificial Christmas trees - pros and cons

Of course, the aroma of live needles by itself creates good New Year spirit ... But more and more often today we buy just artificial Christmas trees.

Artificial Christmas trees - benefits

  • Wide range of. Artificial Christmas trees differ in color (green, silver, white, etc.) in size and "fluffiness", according to the type of attachment of branches with a trunk (collapsible, in different versions, and not collapsible), are divided into ordinary and LED (for the latter, the garland is not needed), differ in completeness - with tinsel and toys or without them.
  • Life time. The artificial beauty will not have to be thrown away a week after the holiday - it will last from 5 to 10 years. Hence the third plus follows - savings in the family budget.
  • Convenience of storage. The Christmas tree can be carefully disassembled and hidden in the mezzanine until the next holiday.
  • Ease of installation. There is no need to look for a bucket, pour sand into it or pour water into it - just stick all the branches into the trunk and set the Christmas tree on a stand.
  • No need to shake out Christmas tree needles from carpets until spring and drive away pets from the fragrant symbol of the new year.
  • Ecology. By buying an artificial Christmas tree, you keep several alive (one for each year).
  • Fire safety. The live tree lights up instantly. Artificial (if it is of high quality) - it is created from fireproof materials.
  • You can buy a Christmas tree in early December(and "live" Christmas tree bazaars will open no earlier than December 20th).

Artificial Christmas tree - cons

  • No pine needles aroma. The problem can be solved simply - buy a pair of spruce paws for "aroma" or use aromatic oil.
  • Price. It will be quite tall for a solid fluffy tree. But if you divide the amount by several years, it will still be profitable.
  • If several branch parts are lost or damaged it will be impossible to collect a full-fledged beauty for the next holiday. Therefore, it is important to follow the rules for its storage and assembly / disassembly.
  • Toxicity of substandard products. PVC, which is commonly used in Christmas trees, contains harmful lead compounds and releases phosgene when heated. Therefore, it is unreasonable to take a Christmas tree according to the "cheaper" principle. Health is more expensive.

Live Christmas trees for the New Year - the advantages and disadvantages of a real tree

Anyone who cannot imagine the New Year without a living tree will say that its main plus is freshness and incomparable smell of pine needles ... That is why, even in the absence of funds for the Christmas tree, many buy spruce branches - so that at least a small piece of this fairy tale, but was present.

In addition to the aroma, the pluses of a living green beauty include:

  • Creating a truly New Year's atmosphere at home.
  • Traditional, incredible pleasant ritual of decorating the Christmas tree bringing family members closer together.
  • No problems with storing the Christmas tree(there will be no extra boxes on the mezzanine).
  • Bactericidal properties and other properties. The pine scent soothes the nervous system, fights tubercle bacillus, and is used in the treatment of seasonal respiratory diseases.
  • An effective mask can be made from Christmas tree needles for hair or a paste for compresses for colds.

Disadvantages of a live tree

Preparing for the New Year holidays, you cannot do without their main symbol - an elegant Christmas tree. But what to choose: a live tree or an artificial one? We will help you figure out what works best for you by offering arguments for and against each of the options.

PER. Smell

Nothing beats the fresh scent of pine needles filling your home. This is a truly important part of the festive atmosphere, which, alas, the artificial tree cannot offer.

So if scent is critical to you, don't skip the natural option.

PER. No need to worry about allergies

If you and your loved ones are not allergic to conifers, then you have nothing to fear - a live Christmas tree will not cause you problems.

But the artificial one can. Despite the fact that ideally all materials should be hypoallergenic, not all manufacturers are conscientious in this matter. Therefore, the desired purchase can turn into health problems and ruined holidays.

PER. Diversity

A new tree every year is a kind of symbol of change and a new beginning. If you have an agonizing need for novelty and are tired of the same things and traditions, then you should buy a living tree.

Contemplation of the same, albeit beautiful, artificial Christmas tree every New Year can be slightly depressing.

PER. Family traditions

Buying a Christmas tree is a great joint tradition for loved ones. If you go out with your whole family every year in search of the perfect New Year's tree, do not deprive yourself of this joy. Let this part of the holiday remain with you for many years!

PER. No storage required

A live tree is bought exclusively for the holidays and then, sadly, is thrown away. But this solves the issue of storage. In fact, this is a temporary purchase, while the artificial tree will not leave your home after the holidays and it will have to find a permanent place where it will wait in the wings from year to year.

If you have a catastrophic shortage of free space at home, then an artificial tree is definitely not an option for you.

AGAINST. Crumbles and pricks

So, we have finished with the arguments “for” a living tree. What are the disadvantages? First of all, a natural tree or pine is poured. Remember yourself - not one week after the New Year's holidays you have to sweep the broomstick and pieces of bark out of the house.

Also, a live Christmas tree pricks - it is inconvenient to decorate, but this problem becomes more widespread if you have small children or curious animals in your house. They can get hurt and prick painfully.

An ideal solution in this case is an artificial herringbone - there is no debris from it and it feels much softer and safer to the touch than its natural "sister".

AGAINST. Annual expenses

You have to spend money on a live Christmas tree every year, and prices for this festive product are still going up. At first glance, what is a small waste once a year? But imagine that this amount needs to be included in your holiday expenses, thereby reducing the finances for gifts and the celebration itself. Not very nice, right?

Artificial Christmas trees are bought once and serve for many years. Of course, the prices for them are much higher than for natural ones, but the service life is not even subject to comparison. By purchasing an artificial herringbone, you save yourself from headaches and annual expenses for a long, long time.

AGAINST. Appearance

A natural tree is far from always beautiful - often its branches are asymmetrical, in places crumbling and yellowed, and in general the whole tree is far from ideal from Christmas pictures.

If you want your Christmas tree to be perfect, buy an artificial one. You can choose not only the ideal shape, but also the height, color and size that suits you.

AGAINST. Destruction of trees

The felling of Christmas trees is a gesture of violence against nature, and we all sometimes wonder how many trees died just so that we could decorate our home. After all, a live tree stands with us for a maximum of two or three weeks, and then it ends up in the trash heap.

Protect nature by choosing an artificial analogue. If at least a few dozen people go to it, the deforestation will be much less.

AGAINST. Difficult installation

And the last "but" in relation to a live Christmas tree - it is not so easy to install it at home. Everyone dodges as best they can: they use tubs of sand and homemade crosspieces ...

If you are tired of doing this forced hand-made every year and are afraid that the hour is uneven, and the tree with all the toys will fall and crumble to smithereens, think about purchasing an artificial beauty. A stand is already provided in it, and it itself is lighter than a natural tree, which means that it will cause less damage in which case.

Whatever you choose, choose your tree wisely. First of all, choose not the price, but the quality, and then your New Year's holidays will not be overshadowed, and the festive atmosphere will be light and fabulous!

A live spruce in a pot is the best option for celebrating the New Year. Unfortunately, this pleasure is not available to everyone. And all because spruce trees are grown for a very long time and the most beautiful trees cost a little more than felled and artificial ones. However, you should still buy a live Christmas tree in a pot. After all, such a tree has a lot of advantages.

Why is a spruce in a pot so good?

A tree in a pot is the embodiment of all the virtues, both felled trees and artificial ones. And all because the needles do not crumble and the smell of the needles is fragrant and rich. It is suitable for people who care about the environment and against the deforestation of coniferous forests. After the holidays, live spruces are easily transplanted to the site and you can continue to enjoy the beauty of the plant all year round. The plant in the container grows as a solid lump of earth. A tree that has not been felled and has no damage to its root system. New Year's trees in pots fill the room with a coniferous aroma. It is persistent and much richer than cut trees. Spruce in a tub will become an unpredictable gift for your loved ones!

And, as you know, such a scent is healing and can kill most bacteria. The scent of pine needles freshens the air and stays indoors throughout the entire period. Also, the spruce needles in the pot will not dry out and crumble. If you water the plant correctly, then there will be no problems. This means that after the holidays you will not have to remove many fallen needles. Another advantage of eating in a pot is the ability to rent a plant for several days. This is very convenient for those who love nature, but do not have the opportunity to grow spruce in the open field in the future. Short-term use of the New Year tree will be economical. After all, renting a spruce in a pot is cheaper than buying.

Decorating a Christmas tree in a pot with the whole family

The Christmas tree is a symbol of winter holidays, you simply cannot do without it! A live spruce in a pot can be an excellent addition to the New Year's interior of any room. Such New Year's trees perfectly decorate both residential buildings and office premises. Every year, everyone celebrates New Year's lights. And the main characters are always gorgeous Christmas trees. Therefore, a live spruce in a pot will be the best option for New Year's decorations. You can decorate such plants with various New Year's toys and garlands. They look very harmonious.

Also, the tree in a pot is easy to transport. After all, the plant is planted in an earthen coma and holds on tightly there. And you can put the tree in any free corner, the main thing is that there are no heating appliances nearby. Live spruce trees can be purchased in different sizes and made from them magnificent New Year's compositions. The dwarf spruce in the Temariks tub looks great. The pot can also be beautifully decorated. They put him in beautiful baskets made of vines. You can also decorate the pot with New Year's paper, appliqués, and other festive decorations. Such ideas will be a great occasion to get the whole family together and decorate the Christmas tree together. I was interested in the New Year tree - you can buy it in the garden center "Greensad" http://greensad.ua/category/elki_novogodnie/

A live Christmas tree in a pot is a very beautiful evergreen plant. Buying it will bring the whole family a lot of positive emotions. But it is worth remembering that such a plant requires regular maintenance. Namely, the correct temperature and watering. But there is no doubt that the benefits of a spruce in a pot are much greater than that of a felled or artificial New Year's tree. Live New Year's spruce will decorate your home, and later will become a decoration of your garden or cottage!

Small or tall to the ceiling, fluffy green or made by hand from improvised means, artificial or alive - every year millions of people ask themselves the question: "So which tree to choose?" Let's take a look at the pros and cons of both options.

Living tree

If you decide to give preference to a forest beauty, with the appearance of which an indescribable atmosphere and smell will reign in your house, then you need to remember how to choose and take care of her correctly.

Buy tree at least a week before the New Year, and immediately after purchase, let it stand on the balcony, "rest" after frost and before installing in a warm room.

Choose a suitable method of fastening: either a wooden cross, or a bucket of sand, to which add a solution of sugar and aspirin.

Do not forget that the spruce is alive, so do not overload the tree with toys, do not use artificial snow in the form of a spray for decoration, and periodically spray the needles with water from a spray bottle.

Faux Christmas tree

A fake tree may seem like a greener option. Perhaps it is, but only on condition that you are ready to use the same tree from year to year, taking care of it and carefully keeping it in the mezzanine or in the closet. When you want to change this tree for a new one, do not throw it away, but find a new owner for it, who will continue to use it carefully. Or start a tradition in your family: along with Christmas tree decorations, pass on an artificial spruce from generation to generation.

Environmental problems begin when you buy an artificial tree every year and throw away the old tree.

According to Canadian scientists, from an environmental point of view, artificial spruce will pay for itself only if it lasts at least 20 years. Otherwise, buying a live Christmas tree would be a more sustainable option.

You will say that cutting oil can harm the planet.

But let's not forget that, firstly, the spruce comes to Christmas markets from specially grown plantations, and not from the wild forest.

Secondly, the number of fir trees for such bazaars is regulated, and a limited number of trees are brought to them every year.

Thirdly, it is not known which is better from an environmental point of view: the production of an artificial Christmas tree from synthetic material consumes non-renewable reserves of oil, while spruces grow on their own and more and more trees grow every year.

The advantages of choosing an artificial spruce include:

Convenience... You can collect a spruce at any time, and not run in search of a living tree in the pre-New Year's bustle.

Variety of colors and shapes... If you want a red fluffy spruce - please, white with sparkles - no problem!

- And the most important thing - no needles on the floor! Choose a tree made of high-quality certified material and remember that polyvinyl chloride is most often used for its production, which, when heated, emits an analogue of the warfare poison gas - phosgene.

Well, if you are not entirely sure which tree to give preference to, try making a Christmas tree with your own hands using sticks painted, for example, in silver color and attached to the wall in the shape of a Christmas tree.

Another option is to cut the silhouette of a tree out of cardboard, decorating with Scandinavian-style toys and white garlands.

The main rule when creating such a designer Christmas tree is that it should resemble a pyramid in shape.

Your imagination will do the rest for you!

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