Home Grape Syria May 2. Syria: Assad's troops "evict" American mercenaries from several areas of Damascus. Media: The militants agreed to leave the last stronghold in the north of Homs without a fight

Syria May 2. Syria: Assad's troops "evict" American mercenaries from several areas of Damascus. Media: The militants agreed to leave the last stronghold in the north of Homs without a fight

May 2... Residents of the Shiite cities of Al-Phua and Kefraya in Idlib received humanitarian aid dropped from the aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces. Israeli-made weapons were found at IS1 positions in Damascus. Militants will leave north Homs on Saturday, military source says Federal News Agency (FAN) in Syria Ahmad Marzouq.

Briefly about the results of the confrontation

Russian Aerospace Forces: dropped humanitarian aid to the residents of the besieged Shiite cities of Al-Phua and Kefraya to the northwest Idlib... Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and allied forces: received reinforcements in the south Damascus; found Israeli weapons at the positions of ISIS fugitives in Damascus... Syrian Free Army ** (FSA): hit by Syrian Air Force airstrikes in northern part Latakia... Islamic State 1: said militants are ready to confront Kurds in Deir ez-Zore; lost an underground tunnel in the province Nineveh v Iraq... "Tahrir Al-Sham": concluded a peace agreement with the SAR authorities on the evacuation from Homs v Idlib... International Coalition: Will Support Kurdish Formations in Deir ez-Zore.


The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) officially took control of the northern part of the Al-Yarmouk camp after the Tahrir Al-Sham coalition fighters were evacuated to Idlib province. Al Masdar News reports that government reinforcements have already arrived in the liberated area to launch an offensive in the area. A military source on the social network Twitter (sayed_ridha) reports that Israeli-made weapons and ammunition have been found on the outskirts of the Al-Qadam and Hajar Al-Aswad areas, which were cleared by the SAR forces. It is noted that ISIS members left their weapons in the trenches during the flight. We will remind, the military personnel of the SAA have also repeatedly found Israeli ammunition and medicine on the battlefield with the Islamists. This may indicate that Israel is sponsoring anti-government groups in Syria.

Province of Latakia

In the northern part of Latakia province, new armed clashes suddenly broke out between government forces and illegal armed groups. According to the opposition-controlled Emaan News Center, the Syrian Air Force launched airstrikes against the fortifications of radical groups of the Syrian Free Army (FSA) in the Turkoman Mountains. The damage done to the jihadists is not reported. Recall that the radicals stationed near the border with the neighboring province of Idlib, often conduct provocative shelling of the fortified areas of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA).

Homs province

It became known that negotiations between the leaders of the armed opposition and the Syrian government, mediated by representatives of the Russian Center for the Reconciliation of Warring Parties, were successful. According to a military source (hosienmortadapressnew) on its Twitter page, the evacuation of militants to Idlib will begin this Saturday. Meanwhile, opposition media continue to publish reports that the Islamists do not intend to give up their positions.

Idlib province

The Emaan News Center reports that Russian military aircraft dropped humanitarian aid to residents of the Al-Phua and Kefraya settlements besieged by the militants of the Tahrir Al-Sham terrorist alliance. Recall that Shiite cities have been in blockade since 2012, however, under the terms of a peace agreement between the forces of Jabhat al-Nusra 1 *** and the SAR authorities, five thousand civilians will be taken to safe areas controlled by the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) , in exchange for the evacuation of Islamists from Damascus to Idlib. Some of the local residents have already left Al-Phua and Kefraya. Meanwhile, the Islamists "Jebhat Fatah Al-Sham" 1 continue to forcibly impose their order in the territories occupied by them. Opposition sources report that the Al-Nusra radicals have demanded the leadership of the university in the city Sarakeb organize separate training for people of the opposite sex. In the event that the demand of the Islamists is not fulfilled, the university will be closed.

Deir ez-Zor province

On the eve it became known that the Democratic Forces of Syria **** (SDF) intend to resume the counter-terrorist operation in the eastern part of the province of Deir ez-Zor. The command of the pro-American detachments announced that military aircraft of the international coalition led by the United States would provide support to the Kurdish units. In addition, according to Iraqi military sources, the Hashd Al-Shaabi militia will also take part in clashes with ISIS in the event that terrorists approach the Syrian-Iraqi border and try to infiltrate Iraq. We will remind, the campaign called "Tempest of Jazeera" was suspended after a significant part of the Kurdish units went to the side Afrin to oppose the Turkish armed forces. According to reports from media portals associated with the terrorist group, ISIS are ready to repel attacks by the "democratic army".

Al Manar News reports that south of Mosul in the province Nineveh a 400-meter tunnel of Islamic State terrorists was discovered, in which the militants stored ammunition and weapons. It is believed that the underground passage belonged to clandestine groups of the "Islamic State", which have repeatedly attempted attacks on strongholds of the Iraqi armed forces, and also attacked civilians in the region. 1 The organization is prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation. Participants in hostilities in Syria (show infographic)

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Similar news:

Some of the ISIS 1 militants announced their intention to voluntarily surrender to the SAR troops in the south of Damascus. The Kurds have stepped up provocative shelling of the SAA positions east of the Euphrates in Deir ez-Zor. A number of Islamists are preparing to continue resistance in the north of Homs province, a military source said. Federal News Agency (FAN) in Syria Ahmad Marzouq.

Briefly about the results of the confrontation

Syrian Arab Army (CAA) and allied forces: Heavy fighting continues with IS 1 on the outskirts of Sheikh Zazi and Hajar Al-Aswad in the south Damascus; were provocatively shelled by Kurds on the eastern bank of the Euphrates, southeast of Deir ez-Zorah.

"Jebhat Fath al-Sham" 1 *** ("Jebhat al-Nusra"): 1 keeps tanks at the front line in the vicinity of the city Ar-Rastan in the province Homs.

Islamic State 1 (ISIS): partially capitulated in southern suburbs Damascus, but the majority continues to fierce resistance, using mobile groups of terrorists, snipers, IEDs, as well as machine guns and other weapons against the SAA.

"Ahrar al-Sham": maintains the combat readiness of equipment and militant units in a number of regions Rastan cauldron; suspected of assassinating members of Jaysh Al-Izza's FSA brigade in the south of the province Idlib.

International coalition: transferred a new batch of armored vehicles to the city area Manbij northeast of Aleppo.


Despite the effective fire effect of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) on the positions of the Islamic State units, the situation in the southern suburbs of Damascus remains tense. Many extremely radical militants intend to continue stubborn resistance, despite the large territorial losses of the group. According to a military source on Twitter (@ IvanSidorenko1), the fiercest fighting is in the Sheikh Zazi and Al-Hajar Al-Aswad areas. At the same time, however, in the latter of them, a number of IS detachments expressed a desire to lay down their arms and voluntarily surrender to the government forces of the SAR. Meanwhile, the rest of the ISIS gangs are trying as best they can to restrain the advance of the SAA units with small mobile groups. For this, they also actively use snipers and mine-explosive obstacles. In addition, during intense clashes, terrorists widely use mortars and large-caliber machine guns installed on military off-road vehicles.

Province of Aleppo

A local source on Twitter (@WyvernReports) recorded the arrival of a new batch of armored military vehicles of the US and French armed forces in the area of ​​the city Manbij... According to the source, pickup trucks of the pro-American coalition patrol the area controlled by Kurdish fighters of the People's Self-Defense Forces (YPG) daily, fearing the start of a military operation by Turkish troops and Ankara-allied Syrian Free Army (FSA) militants. The source notes that significant forces of the Western coalition are concentrated in the vicinity of Manbij, despite the fact that there are no Islamic State units in the north-east of Aleppo province for a long time. We will remind, representatives of Washington and other Western countries regularly emphasize that the purpose of their illegal stay in Syria is the fight against international terrorism.

Homs province

Most of the fighters based inside Rastan cauldron north of the city of Homs, the day before decided to surrender and surrender the area to the Syrian army. Some of the Islamists, however, did not agree with this decision of their leaders and still intend to repulse the SAA servicemen. Some of the jihadist weapons are still at the forefront and are ready for use at any time. According to Al Manar News, on the outskirts Ar-Rastana Several Hayat Tahrir al-Sham tanks were seen, as well as a number of Ahrar al-Sham military equipment, a new stronghold and additional militant units.

The Twitter news channel (@NatDefFor) reports that Akhrar al-Sham field commanders, despite the preparation of most of the armed opposition forces to leave the Rastan cauldron, have organized a fortification of forward positions in the vicinity of the Qabbat al-Kurdi settlement. Similar actions are also carried out by Islamists near the city of Suleim. In addition, the concentration of combat-ready terrorist groups at the very front line was uncovered not far from the settlements of Tel al-Dir, Iz ad-Din and Buraigit. It is possible that in the near future the remnants of the militant detachments may try to seize part of the key highway. Salamia - Homs.

Deir ez-Zor province

Kurdish fighters of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) **** have stepped up provocative activities on the line of contact with the SAR troops east of the Euphrates in the southeastern outskirts of Deir ez-Zor. Pro-American radicals are inflicting a fire defeat on the positions of the SAA, trying to force the Syrian military to launch retaliatory attacks, a military source reports on Twitter (@ C_Military1). The Kurds fired at the strongholds of government forces in the area of ​​the Al-Isba plant from mortars and small arms. In addition, one of the objects of the SAR army in this direction was hit from an American-made SDF combat drone. The Syrian troops, in turn, have not yet opened fire in return. Meanwhile, the Kurds, in parallel, continue to pull together new detachments of militants closer to the front line.

Idlib province

A military pickup truck of members of the Jaysh Al-Izza group, which is part of the Free Army, was blown up by an improvised explosive device planted by unknown militants on a section of the highway between the cities of Kafr Sajna and Khan Sheikhun in the southern part of Idlib province. According to a local source on his Twitter page (@ Breizhman1983), there were no casualties in the ranks of Jaysh Al-Izza. It is believed that the roadside bomb was planted by the Islamists of the Nur ad-Din al-Zenki or Ahrar al-Sham formations, which are part of the Jebhat Tahrir Surya terrorist alliance. This coalition is waging an armed struggle against Jabhat al-Nusra, whose allies are some FSA brigades, in particular Jaysh Al-Nasr and Jaysh Al-Izza.

1 The organization is prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Participants in hostilities in Syria (show infographic)

Alexey Gromov

02.05.2018, 07:00

Media: FBI employee married a militant instead of participating in the investigation

The FBI employee, who was assigned to participate in the investigation of a militant of the terrorist group "Islamic State" * (IS * - banned in the Russian Federation), left for Syria and married the militant, CNN reports.

FBI translator Daniela Green reportedly lied to management about where she intended to go and warned her husband, Denis Kaspert, to investigate. Green married Kaspert in 2014, but the media only now became aware of this.

According to the TV channel, a few weeks later, Green admitted that she had made a mistake and returned to the United States, where she was arrested. Green agreed to cooperate with the authorities. She was sentenced to two years in prison. She was released last summer.

In October 2015, CNN reported that 39-year-old Caspert had been eliminated in an American air raid in Syria. Earlier, the US State Department included Kaspert on the list of especially dangerous international terrorists. According to the agency, the former German rapper joined IS * in 2012 and served as a propagandist and recruiter for the group. He appeared several times in IS videos * and once appeared in the frame with his head cut off.

Columns of armored vehicles from Russia and the United States arrived in the Kurdish regions of Syria, standing between the Turks and the YPG

On Monday, footage appeared of the arrival of Russian military units in the canton of Afrin, which is located in the northwestern part of the Aleppo province.

As can be seen in the pictures below, a convoy of the military police of the RF Ministry of Defense and the Reconciliation Center arrived in the countryside in the mentioned region.

It is reported that the Russian command in Syria and the commanders of the Afrin People's Self-Defense Forces (YPG) have reached an agreement under which Russian military posts will be established near the Turkish border. This agreement is intended to prevent attacks by the Turkish army on YPG positions in the region.

A military source confirmed to Russkaya Vesna that such a decision had indeed been made.

“CPVS checkpoints are being set up near the line of demarcation of the warring parties to prevent provocations,” the source said. "Russian Spring".

Earlier, a convoy of American armored vehicles was spotted in the city of Qamishli in northeastern Syria, where they carry out the same patrol duties along the Turkish border.

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and the Pentagon have not yet officially comment on this activity of their units, but it is obvious that now the Kurdish forces have received support and protection from both the United States (in the east) and from Russia (in the west), which should prevent further Turkish aggression in northern Syria. ...

Turkey began to create a defense line on the border with Syria

A defense line is being created in the Akcakale region of the Sanlıurfa province in southeastern Turkey, bordering Syria, and sites for Turkish armored vehicles are being prepared, Anadolu news agency reported on Monday.

Construction equipment works in the Tatlıca, Hurriyet and Ondjul districts, opposite of which the city of Tell Abyad, controlled by the Syrian Kurdish self-defense forces, is located across the border.

At the same time, the construction of towers for the modular concrete wall continues at the border.

Last Thursday, according to the Turkish General Staff, the Tekce border post in Akchakal came under a rocket and mortar attack from the regions of Syria controlled by the Kurdish self-defense forces, after which the firing points in Syrian territory were suppressed by a retaliatory strike.

Ankara considers the Syrian Kurdish Self-Defense Forces a terrorist organization linked to the country's banned Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK). In this regard, Turkey has previously repeatedly criticized the United States for supplying weapons to the Syrian Kurds, whom Washington considers its allies in the fight against the terrorist group IS (banned in the Russian Federation).

Russian Aerospace Forces in Syria: Recent successes and footage of combat work against militants

The Russian aerospace forces continue to air strikes on militant positions in the province of Idlib, consistently destroying the strongholds of the Islamists.

A military source from the SAR told "Russian Spring»Details about the latest successes of the RF Aerospace Forces.

“On the night of April 30, 2017, Russian aviation carried out pinpoint airstrikes against the targets of the illegal armed formation“ Jabhat al-Nusra ”* (the Syrian wing of Al-Qaeda *) in the area of ​​n. Kbana village of Idlib province, as a result of which an ammunition depot was destroyed and over 15 militants were killed, ”the source said.

“According to the available data, on the same night a warehouse with weapons was destroyed in the area of ​​n. the village of Sermania, which is under the control of the Akhrar al-Sham gang, - added the interlocutor "Russian Spring».

The aerospace forces of the Russian Federation over and over again destroy the objects of the Islamists and create conditions for the offensive of the Syrian army and the liberation of the territories of the province of Idlib.

It is reported that in the province of Hama, terrorist positions are daily subjected to air strikes.

At the same time, according to Syrian intelligence, new provocations are expected in order to accuse the Russian military of attacks against civilians.

In turn, members of the gangs continue to shoot videos about the combat work of the Russian Aerospace Forces and the Syrian Air Force. We bring to your attention a few recent stories from media activists of the "armed opposition".

By the end of May 2, the SAA and the allies occupied territories controlled by Al-Nusra, which had left for Idlib, and continued to tighten the ring around ISIS fighters in the Yarmouk camp and the Khayar region.
The enemy continues to put up fierce resistance, relying on dense residential buildings and underground communications, but in recent days there has been a gradual exhaustion of heavy weapons among the militants, which allows the Syrian armored vehicles to work more aggressively with direct fire at strong points and firing points, which remain unsuppressed after concentrated airstrikes. The enemy still refuses to surrender and demonstratively kills prisoners on camera. Apparently, the Syrians also do not take militants especially prisoner; since the beginning of the assault, only a few have been shown on camera. As the controlled territory shrinks, the effectiveness of the impact of aviation on the ISIS strongholds identified by ground reconnaissance and UAVs will increase, and the loss of the ability to conduct an active defense in a shrinking cauldron will lead to an increase in the losses of militants.
I believe that in the next stage, the territory to the west of the Khayar area will be occupied in order to ensure a concentrated assault on the area from two sides, as well as to continue attempts to break through the corridors deep into Khayar and Yarmuk in order to fragment the organized enemy defenses and begin to clean up.

A Russian medal for a Palestinian from Liwa al-Quds

Among the trophies seized from ISIS, Israeli "goodies" were also found.

Trophy flag.

They caught a suicide bomber.

Turnover as usual in Telegram

Turkey sends military convoy to the north of Hama province

Surrender of the Rastan Cauldron

The initial agreement was reached late yesterday on the surrender of the Rastan cauldron.

1. Under the terms of the agreement, the militants must leave the Rastan cauldron within a few days and leave for Idlib and Jarablus under Erdogan's wing. They even talk about an accelerated period of two days, but I think it will take more time to get people out.
2. The militants are also obliged to hand over all heavy and medium weapons to the Syrian army, hand over ammunition depots and minefield maps.
3. The militants must hand over the held hostages and prisoners. According to various estimates, there are from 180 to 220 thousand civilians in the territory controlled by the militants.
4. Militants should not interfere with those who want to stay in the territory controlled by Assad in order to return to a peaceful life or enter the service of government agencies.
5. The Russian military will monitor the implementation of the agreement.
6. However, some SSA and Sham Legion groups operating in the Rastan cauldron continue to refuse so far and are trying to achieve better conditions, trying to attract Erdogan to mediate.
7.Considering that Erdogan completely closed his eyes to the operations in Eastern Ghouta, Yarmuk, Eastern Kalamun and Rastan, and also accepted the exported militants in the north, here we are most likely observing Turkey's fulfillment of its obligations related to the defeat of the Kurdish enclave in Afrin, on that Russia and Iran closed their eyes.
8. If some of the militants leave by agreement, those who remain are unlikely to be able to effectively defend the long front of Rastan, which already threatened to crumble under the blows of the Syrian offensive, so here we are rather seeing continued trade from the radicals, who may still need airstrikes to clarify the situation.

Thus, with the implementation of the agreement reached, the liberation of the province of Homs is completed and the southern regions of the province of Hama are completely liberated, as well as the key Homs-Hama highway is unblocked.
Within a couple of days, the format for closing the Rastan boiler should become clear. Aside from the Yarmouk enclave, which is shrinking under attacks from the Syrian army and allies, the Rastan Cauldron remains the last major enclave inside Assad-controlled territory. The era of enclaves in the Syrian war is coming to an end.

Turnover as usual in Telegram -

The assault on Yarmouk: the Russian Aerospace Forces and the Syrian Army dropped tons of bombs and shells on ISIS, the infantry rushes through the ruins (PHOTO, VIDEO)

The Russian Vesna military correspondent is reporting from the combat formations of the Syrian army in the vicinity of the former Palestinian refugee camp Yarmouk near Damascus, where the assault on the ISIS stronghold continues.

The density of fire of the militants is very high, many firing points are hidden in the ruins, they are being attacked by aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces and the Syrian Air Force. The artillery also fires heavy fire at the enemy. In recent days, the Syrian Arab Army and Palestinian militias have been striking heavily in the Hajar Al-Aswad area, and on Tuesday they were able to liberate several areas under ISIS control. *

“There was a small quarter in Yarmuk under the control of Jaysh al-Islam. They controlled him until today. After lunch, they left their positions, gathered in one place and awaited departure to the Idlib de-escalation zone. The positions of the "Army of Islam" in Yarmouk have already been taken by the Syrians. Specifically, the Guard and Liwa al-Quds ”, - says the military correspondent from the scene. "Russian Spring".

The assault on Yarmouk: the Russian Aerospace Forces and the Syrian Army dropped tons of bombs and shells on ISIS, the infantry rushes through the ruins

The Russian Vesna military correspondent is reporting from the combat formations of the Syrian army in the vicinity of the former Palestinian refugee camp Yarmouk near Damascus, where the assault on the ISIS stronghold continues.

The density of fire of the militants is very high, many firing points are hidden in the ruins, and Russian Aerospace Forces and the Air Force planes strikes at them. The artillery also fires heavy fire at the enemy. In recent days, the Syrian Arab Army and Palestinian militias have been striking heavily in the Hajar Al-Aswad area, and on Tuesday they were able to liberate several areas under ISIS control. *

“There was a small quarter in Yarmuk under the control of Jaysh al-Islam. They controlled him until today. After lunch, they left their positions, gathered in one place and awaited departure to the Idlib de-escalation zone. The positions of the "Army of Islam" in Yarmouk have already been taken by the Syrians. Specifically, the guard and Liwa-al-Quds, ”says the military commander of the“ Russian Spring ”from the scene.

Under the leadership of the 105th Republican Guard Brigade and the 9th Division, the Syrian Arab Army liberated all the western farms of Hajar Al-Aswad, forcing the terrorists to retreat to neighboring neighborhoods to escape destruction and capture.

Media: The militants agreed to leave the last stronghold in the north of Homs without a fight

The Syrian government, with the assistance of the Russian Reconciliation Center, has reached an agreement with the leaders of radical groups on the withdrawal of militants from the north of the province of Homs and the south of the province of Hama.
SANA agency reports.

As noted, the militants must hand over their heavy and medium weapons no later than two days after the signing of the agreement. They also pledged to hand over all minefield maps and ammunition depots.

"According to the agreement, all the liberated areas must come under the control of the Syrian army, after which all state structures will be restored," the agency notes.

Earlier it was reported that a group of 42 hostages was released in the settlement of Ishtabrok in the Syrian province of Idlib in the northwest of the country.

SANA reports 25 dead in Syria in coalition strikes‍

In Syria, shelling by a coalition led by the United States has killed at least 25 people. This was reported by the national agency SANA.

The incident took place in the suburbs of the city of Haseke in northern Syria.
“The American coalition is committing a new massacre against the Syrians, as a result of which 25 civilians were killed in the village of El-Fadil in the suburb of Haseke,” the agency's source said.

This is not the first time the US-led coalition, which does not have permission to be present in Syria from its government, has inflicted such airstrikes, as a result of which people are killed.

In late April, the coalition said strikes in Syria and Iraq have killed nearly 900 civilians since 2014.

“At least 883 civilians have been inadvertently killed in coalition strikes since the start of Operation Unwavering Determination,” the press release said in a report.

The United States explains its military presence in the region by the need to fight terrorists, primarily the Islamic State *. They control a significant part of the country's territory, as well as the Syrian Democratic Forces they support.

The armed conflict in the Syrian Arab Republic has continued since March 2011. According to the United Nations, the number of people killed in the fighting in the country could range from 300,000 to half a million.

The settlement of the conflict is being discussed at the sites of Astana and Geneva. Russia is taking an active part in the process of reconciliation between the warring parties. The Syrian National Dialogue Congress held on January 30 in Sochi was the first attempt since the beginning of the conflict to gather a wide range of participants on one negotiating platform.

Syria news May 2 07.00: part of the IS militants surrendered to the SAR army in Damascus, provocations of the Kurds in Deir ez-Zor

Syria, May 2. Some of the ISIS 1 militants announced their intention to voluntarily surrender to the SAR troops in the south of Damascus. The Kurds have stepped up provocative shelling of the SAA positions east of the Euphrates in Deir ez-Zor. A number of Islamists are preparing to continue resistance in the northern province of Homs, according to a military source for the Federal News Agency (FAN) in Syria, Ahmad Marzouq.

Briefly about the results of the confrontation

Syrian Arab Army(CAA) and Allied Forces: Continue heavy fighting with IS 1 on the outskirts of Sheikh Zazi and Hajar Al-Aswad in southern Damascus; were provocatively shelled by Kurds on the eastern bank of the Euphrates, southeast of Deir ez-Zor.

"Jebhat Fath ash-Sham" 1*** (Jabhat al-Nusra): 1 retains tanks at the front line in the vicinity of the city of Ar-Rastan in the province of Homs.

Islamic State 1(ISIS): partially capitulated in the southern suburbs of Damascus, but in the majority continues fierce resistance, using mobile groups of terrorists, snipers, IEDs, as well as machine guns and other weapons against the SAA.

"Ahrar al-Sham": maintains the combat readiness of equipment and militant units in a number of areas of the Rastan boiler; suspected of assassinating members of the Jaysh Al-Izza FSA brigade in southern Idlib province.

International coalition: Moved a new batch of armored vehicles to the area of ​​the city of Manbij, northeast of Aleppo.

Syria War Map


Despite the effective fire effect of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) on the positions of the Islamic State units, the situation in the southern suburbs of Damascus remains tense. Many extremely radical militants intend to continue stubborn resistance, despite the large territorial losses of the group.

According to a military source on Twitter (@ IvanSidorenko1), the fiercest fighting is in the Sheikh Zazi and Al-Hajar Al-Aswad areas. At the same time, however, in the latter of them, a number of IS detachments expressed a desire to lay down their arms and voluntarily surrender to the government forces of the SAR. Meanwhile, the rest of the ISIS gangs are trying as best they can to restrain the advance of the SAA units with small mobile groups. For this, they also actively use snipers and mine-explosive obstacles. In addition, during intense clashes, terrorists widely use mortars and large-caliber machine guns installed on military off-road vehicles.

Province of Aleppo

A local source on Twitter (@WyvernReports) recorded the arrival of a new batch of armored military vehicles of the US and French armed forces in the area of ​​the city Manbij... According to the source, pickup trucks of the pro-American coalition patrol the area controlled by Kurdish fighters on a daily basis. People's self-defense detachments(YPG), fearing the start of a military operation by Turkish troops and militants allied to Ankara Syrian Free Army(CCA). The source notes that significant forces of the Western coalition are concentrated in the vicinity of Manbij, despite the fact that there are no Islamic State units in the north-east of Aleppo province for a long time. We will remind, representatives of Washington and other Western countries regularly emphasize that the purpose of their illegal stay in Syria is the fight against international terrorism.

Homs province

Most of the fighters based inside Rastan cauldron north of the city of Homs, the day before decided to surrender and surrender the area to the Syrian army. Some of the Islamists, however, did not agree with this decision of their leaders and still intend to repulse the SAA servicemen. Some of the jihadist weapons are still at the forefront and are ready for use at any time. According to Al Manar News, on the outskirts Ar-Rastana several tanks were seen Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, as well as a number of units of military equipment "Ahrar al-Sham", a new stronghold and additional detachments of militants.

The Twitter news channel (@NatDefFor) reports that Akhrar al-Sham field commanders, despite the preparation of most of the armed opposition forces to leave the Rastan cauldron, have organized a fortification of forward positions in the vicinity of the Qabbat al-Kurdi settlement. Similar actions are also carried out by Islamists near the city of Suleim. In addition, the concentration of combat-ready terrorist groups at the very front line was uncovered not far from the settlements of Tel al-Dir, Iz ad-Din and Buraigit. It is possible that in the near future the remnants of the militant detachments may try to seize part of the key highway. Salamia - Homs.

Deir ez-Zor province

Kurdish fighters Syrian Democratic Forces(SDF) **** stepped up provocative activities on the line of contact with the SAR troops east of the Euphrates in the southeastern outskirts of Deir ez-Zor. Pro-American radicals are inflicting a fire defeat on the positions of the SAA, trying to force the Syrian military to launch retaliatory attacks, a military source reports on Twitter (@ C_Military1). The Kurds fired at the strongholds of government forces in the area of ​​the Al-Isba plant from mortars and small arms. In addition, one of the objects of the SAR army in this direction was hit from an American-made SDF combat drone. The Syrian troops, in turn, have not yet opened fire in return. Meanwhile, the Kurds, in parallel, continue to pull together new detachments of militants closer to the front line.

Idlib province

A military pickup truck of members of the Jaysh Al-Izza group, which is part of the Free Army, was blown up by an improvised explosive device planted by unknown militants on a section of the highway between the cities of Kafr Sajna and Khan Sheikhun in the southern part of Idlib province. According to a local source on his Twitter page (@ Breizhman1983), there were no casualties in the ranks of Jaysh Al-Izza. It is believed that the roadside bomb was planted by the Islamists of the Nur ad-Din al-Zenki or Ahrar al-Sham formations, which are part of the Jebhat Tahrir Surya terrorist alliance. This coalition is waging an armed struggle against Jabhat al-Nusra, whose allies are some FSA brigades, in particular Jaysh Al-Nasr and Jaysh Al-Izza.

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