Home Grape Agreement on the repayment of debt under various agreements. Debt settlement agreement between legal entities sample. Letter of guarantee - basic requirements

Agreement on the repayment of debt under various agreements. Debt settlement agreement between legal entities sample. Letter of guarantee - basic requirements

One way to change the obligation is to enter into an installment agreement. This is the same debt restructuring that is actively used by business entities and banks. Unlike similar agreements on compensation and offsetting, an installment plan of a debt means nothing more than a change in the obligation, but not its termination.

The terms of debt repayment can be changed by the parties by agreement at any stage, before going to court or within the framework of enforcement proceedings. But in different ways. You can use an additional agreement to the contract, amendment of the contract.

When the debt has already formed and it is difficult to pay it, use an agreement on an installment plan of the debt before going to court.

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Debt installment agreement(15.0 KiB, 1 299 hits)

Debt installment agreement

Ilya Vladimirovich Kondakov, born on May 11, 1987, Russian citizen passport series 13 79, issued by the TOM of the Northern District of Taganrog on May 20, 2005, registration address: Russia, Rostov Region, Taganrog, st. Vesennyaya, no. 12, referred to as the "Lender", on the one hand, and

Dmitry Pavlovich Larichenko, born on 10.10.1990, passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation series 67 91, issued by the Department of the Federal Migration Service of Russia for the Rostov Region in the Central District of Rostov-on-Don on 15.10.2015, registration address: Russia, Rostov Region, St. Taganrog, st. Svetlova, 17, apt. 24, hereinafter referred to as the "Debtor", on the other hand,

collectively referred to as the "Parties", have entered into this agreement as follows:

  1. The subject of this agreement is the provision of an installment plan for the return of the principal debt and contractual forfeit under the loan agreement between the Parties dated August 11, 2018.
  2. The debt of the Debtor to the Lender as of the date of signing this agreement is 58,000 rubles, including the principal debt - 50,000 rubles, contractual forfeit - 8,000 rubles.
  3. The lender under this agreement undertakes:

provide the Debtor with an installment plan for repayment of the debt specified in clause 2 of this agreement for a period of 3 months, starting from November 27, 2018 to February 28, 2019.

suspend the accrual of interest and contractual forfeit for the principal amount under the loan agreement dated August 11, 2018, subject to the debt repayment schedule;

do not apply to the courts for debt collection until the full repayment of the debt, provided that the debt is repaid in a timely manner in accordance with the schedule established in clause 4 of this agreement.

  1. The debtor undertakes to repay the debt in the amount specified in clause 2 of this agreement, in accordance with the following schedule:

until 28.12.2017 - 20,000 rubles.

before 28.01.2018 - 30,000 rubles.

before 28.02.2018 - 8,000 rubles.

  1. In case of violation of the terms of repayment of the debt established in paragraph 4 of this Agreement, the Debtor shall be liable in the form of an obligation to pay a penalty in the amount of 10% of the total amount of the debt established in paragraph 2 of this Agreement for each day of delay.
  2. This Agreement enters into force from the date of its signing by the parties and is valid until the Debtor fully repays the debt, but no later than February 28, 2018.
  3. The Agreement is made in two copies of equal legal force, one for each of the Parties.
  4. Details and signatures


Ilya Vladimirovich Kondakov, born on May 11, 1987, Russian citizen passport series 13 79, issued by the TOM of the Northern District of Taganrog on May 20, 2005, registration address: Russia, Rostov Region, Taganrog, st. Spring, 12

I.V. Kondakov

Dmitry Pavlovich Larichenko, born on 10.10.1990, passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation series 67 91, issued by the Department of the Federal Migration Service of Russia for the Rostov Region in the Central District of Rostov-on-Don on 15.10.2015, registration address: Russia, Rostov Region, St. Taganrog, st. Svetlova, 17, apt. 24

D.P. Larichenko

Who enters into a debt installment agreement

Anyone with a monetary obligation may enter into such an agreement.

The nuances of the installment plan for utility bills in 2018

Moreover, its party can be a banking organization, state funds (for example, for the payment of mandatory payments), utility service providers (for utility bills).

In addition to the payment by installments, a deferral is also allowed. By analogy with the deferred payment of the state duty, it is necessary to determine the deadline for paying the debt.

Content of the Debt Installment Agreement

You can propose to change the procedure for paying off the debt orally, as well as by sending a corresponding proposal in writing. In addition to the details common to all agreements, such as date and place, parties, effective date, number of copies, pay special attention to:

- fixing the amount of the principal debt, interest, fines and forfeits

- drawing up a debt repayment schedule: indicate specific dates (up to), amount of payments, method of repayment (cash, non-cash)

- suspension of the accrual of forfeit, interest, their increase or decrease

- application (non-application) of penalties up to the termination of the contract in case of violation of the schedule.

If the court decision to recover the debt took place, instead of an agreement on the installment plan of the debt, conclude an amicable agreement or apply to the court to change the procedure for the execution of such a decision.

The positive aspects of such a document as an agreement on debt restructuring are widely covered in the media - television, the Internet, print media, etc. The typical form of such a document has been developed by the Government of the Russian Federation (for agricultural producers, for example), banks, and various commercial organizations.

Debt installment agreement

We will post an example of such a document and we will use it for any purpose.

Debt restructuring is a change in the terms of a loan. Not only in the relationship between banks and customers, because the loan can be used for delivery, sale and purchase and other legal relations. An agreement on the timing of payment, installments of the debt may also be useful. And if in doubt which agreement to use, contact the site's lawyer on duty. His help is free.

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Example of a debt restructuring agreement

Debt restructuring agreement

Limited Liability Company "Liama", OGRN 498765462, located at the address: Russia, Perm Territory, Perm, Pogranichny Ave., 17, office. 105, represented by the director Valeriev Arkady Sergeevich, acting on the basis of the Charter, hereinafter referred to as the "Lender", on the one hand, and

Limited Liability Company "Triada", OGRN 498764364, located at the address: Russia, Kemerovo region, Kemerovo, st. Shakhtyorskaya, 38, represented by the director Geonova Alina Dmitrievna, acting on the basis of the Charter, hereinafter referred to as the "Debtor", on the other hand, when collectively referred to as the "parties", have entered into this agreement as follows:

  1. The parties agreed to restructure the Debtor's debt to the Lender under cession agreement No. 9 / C dated 01.03.2018 as of the date of signing this agreement in the amount of 428,520 rubles, including 390,000 rubles. - the amount of the principal debt, 38,520 rubles. - the amount of accrued interest.
  2. Debt restructuring is carried out by granting a deferral to pay the debt and providing the Debtor with a bank guarantee to PJSC ZapSibBank (hereinafter referred to as the "Guarantor") dated 01.10.2018 in the amount of 429,000 rubles.
  3. The Debtor undertakes to ensure that the debt to the Lender is fully repaid by December 01, 2018 by transferring funds to the Lender's current account.
  4. In the event that the Debtor fails to fulfill the obligation to pay the debt before the date specified in clause 3 of this agreement, the Lender sends a written request to the Guarantor to pay the amount owed by the Debtor in the amount in accordance with clause 1 of this agreement. The Lender sends the claim to the Guarantor by December 25, 2018. The Debtor's debt is repaid by the Guarantor in the manner and terms stipulated by the bank guarantee.
  5. From the date of signing this agreement, penalties for the untimely repayment by the Debtor of obligations under the monetary obligation under which the restructuring is being carried out are not charged.
  6. In all other respects that are not provided for by this agreement, the Parties are guided by the current civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  7. This agreement comes into force from the moment it is signed by the Parties and is valid until they fully fulfill their obligations.
  8. The Agreement is made in two copies of equal legal force, one for each Party.
  9. Details and signatures:


LLC "Liama", OGRN 498765462, address: 614051, Russia, Perm Territory, g.

Perm, pr-d Pogranichny, 17, of. 105

Director A.S. Valeriev

LLC "Triada", OGRN 498764364, address: 650015, Russia, Kemerovo region, Kemerovo, st. Shakhtyorskaya, 38

Director A.D. Geonova

What is a debt restructuring agreement

In everyday life, debt restructuring is often understood as only one option - refinancing a loan by a bank. In fact, this procedure is broader. This is nothing more than a change in the terms of debt payment, debt relief by:

  • increasing the loan term by providing a deferral, installment plan
  • suspension of accrual of interest, penalties, penalties
  • providing credit "holidays", i.e. payment for some time only interest, but not the principal
  • refinancing or on-lending on more favorable terms

In its structure and content, the document is very similar to an agreement on debt repayment.

How to enter into a debt restructuring agreement

Restructuring is beneficial to both the Debtor (which is obvious) and the Lender. After all, going to court and making a positive decision does not always mean a real possibility of collecting funds, incl. forcibly. And the use of a pre-trial procedure for resolving a dispute can help to return the Lender's funds and even get the planned profit.

Therefore, any party to the legal relationship can take the initiative to conclude such an agreement. For this, the Debtor can send an application to amend the terms of the contract. At the same time, attach documents that would confirm the difficulty of his financial situation and the ability to fulfill the obligation. The creditor can send a proposal to conclude an agreement on debt restructuring by a separate notification, within the framework of the claim to the debtor and in another way.

Sample - Agreement on the procedure and timing of debt repayment


[], hereinafter referred to as the Lender, represented by [ position, full name], one side,

[Name of the legal entity], hereinafter referred to as the Debtor, represented by [ position, full name] acting on the basis of [ Of the Charter, Regulations, powers of attorney, its number, date], on the other side,

have entered into this agreement as follows.

1. This Agreement determines the procedure and terms of voluntary repayment by the Debtor of the debt to the Creditor arising from the performance of the Agreement [ name, number] from [ date], in which the Lender acts as [ ], and the Debtor - as [ name of the party to the contract].

2. The debt of the Debtor under the said Agreement at the time of the conclusion of this agreement is:

2.1. principal amount - [ amount in figures and words] Belarusian rubles;

2.2. penalty in accordance with clause ___ of the Agreement - [ amount in figures and words] Belarusian rubles;

2.3. in total, at the time of the conclusion of this agreement, the Debtor's debt to the Lender is [ amount in figures and words] Belarusian rubles.

3. The debtor undertakes to list the debt in the following order:

3.1. amount [ amount in figures and wordsdate];

3.2. amount [ amount in figures and words] Belarusian rubles - up to [ date];

3.3. amount [ amount in figures and words] Belarusian rubles - up to [ date];

3.4. amount [ amount in figures and words] Belarusian rubles - up to [ date].

4. In case of violation of the terms of payment established in clause 3 of this agreement, the Debtor, among other things, is obliged to pay to the Lender a penalty in the form of a fine in the amount of 20% of the total amount of the debt specified in subparagraph 2.3 of clause 2 of this agreement, as well as to reimburse the Lender for the losses incurred by him ...

Installment Agreement Sample Form

If the Debtor does not transfer funds to the Lender, the Lender has the right to recover the amounts specified in subparagraph 2.3 of paragraph 2 and paragraph 4 of this agreement in the order of order proceedings in the proper economic court of the Republic of Belarus on the basis of the economic procedural legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

6. In all other cases, the Parties are guided by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

7. This agreement is valid from the moment of its signing until the Parties fully fulfill their obligations under the agreement.


Ekaterina Makarenko, partner of a limited liability company
"Stepanovsky, Papakul and Partners"

on repayment of payment arrears


____________________ "___" _________ 20___ year

Citizen _______________________________

passport series _____ No. __________ issued _______________ _______________________________________________________ "___" _______________ _____ of the year, residing (registered) at: _____________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________


on the one hand, and ________________________________________________________ , hereinafter referred to as the "Management Organization", represented by the director ___________________________, acting on the basis of __________, on the other hand, have entered into this Agreement as follows:

1. Citizen on the basis of its own application from "___" _____________ 20__ (Appendix 1 to this Agreement) and the Act of reconciliation of accrued and paid utility bills (Appendix 2 to this Agreement) undertakes to pay off the existing debt for utility bills on personal account No. ______________________ in the amount of ___________________ (_________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________) rubles _____ kopecks

Method 1 :

  • a one-time payment of the entire amount of outstanding debt until "___" ____________ 20____ year ( no more than 6 months from the date of this Agreement) on the basis of a debt payment document (receipt) generated by the "Managing Organization";

Method 2 :

  • repayment of the amount owed within ____________________ months from the date of conclusion of this Agreement on the basis of the debt payment documents (receipts) transferred by the "Managing Organization" to the Citizen by making monthly payments (payment by installments) in the amount of _________________ rubles.

In this case, the first payment must be made by the Citizen within 1 (one) month from the date of this Agreement.

1.1. Timely and in full pay monthly current payments for utility bills, as well as arrears in the manner prescribed by this Agreement.

1.2. In the case of providing an installment plan to pay off a debt, a one-time payment is made by a Citizen in proportion to all services for which there is a debt. Payment for one service and non-payment for another is not allowed.

1.3. If a Citizen has a situation where he cannot make a payment in the manner specified in this Agreement (being in a hospital, the need to leave his place of permanent residence (registration) and other valid reasons), he (his representative) has the right to notify this in writing " Managing organization "( address) indicating the reasons for the failure to pay and the period before the expiration of which the execution of this Agreement will resume.

In this case, the period specified by the Citizen cannot exceed 2 (two) months from the date of sending the notification.

2. The "Management Company" undertakes the following obligations:

  • provide the Citizen with an installment plan to pay off the debt for utility bills on the terms of this Agreement;
  • not to accrue and collect penalties for the period of the installment plan;
  • provide the Citizen with payment documents generated in accordance with this Agreement;
  • exercise control over the payment by the Citizen of the payment on account of the existing debt.

3. In the event that a Citizen fails to fulfill his obligations under this Agreement for two consecutive months, the agreement shall be deemed terminated by the "Management Organization" unilaterally.

4. In the event of the occurrence of the circumstances specified in clause 3 of this Agreement, the Citizen is obliged, within a month from the date of its termination, to pay off the current payment and the remainder of the debt for payment of utilities specified in clause 1 of this agreement.

5. Failure by the Citizen to fulfill the obligation specified in clause 4 of this Agreement gives the “Management Organization” the right to apply to the court with a demand to recover the amount of debt available on the day of filing the statement of claim (application for the issuance of a court order), with the accrual of interest for the entire period untimely and incomplete payment for utilities in the amount established by part 14 of article 155 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

6. This Agreement enters into force from the date of signing by the parties and is valid until the full fulfillment of their obligations.

7. Re-conclusion of a similar Agreement is allowed only by agreement with the Managing Organization.

8. This Agreement is made in 2 (two) copies having the same legal force: one - for the Citizen, the second - for the "Managing Organization".

All additions and / or changes to this Agreement must be made in writing and signed by both Parties.

Signatures of the parties:





Address: __________________________________


Passport: serial number____________________

Issued by_______________________________



Date of issue_____________________________

Telephone: _______________________________

In accordance with the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data" I hereby express my consent (disagreement) to the processing (collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification, modification, use, distribution (including transfer ), depersonalization, blocking, destruction of personal data).

____________________ (_________________)

__________________ (_________________)

Director of the Managing Organization


from ______________________________________ ______________________________________ resident (s) at:

______________________________________ ______________________________________


telephone _____________________________________


Please provide deferral / or installments on redemption

(not necessary to cross out)

debt in the amount of ________________ rubles (_____________________

(amount in figures) (indicate amount


in words)

_________________________________) rubles for a period of __________ months.

______________ _______________________

(date) (signature)

Act of reconciliation

accrued and paid utility bills

____________________ "___" _________ 20__year

Citizen ________________________________________________________________

(surname, name, patronymic of the citizen)

passport series _____ No. __________ issued ___________________________________________ ______________________________________________ "___" ___________________ 20__, residing (registered) at: ________________________________________________________________________________

(zip code, locality, street, house, building, building, apartment, home and work / mobile phone)


on the one hand, ____________________________________________________, hereinafter referred to as the "Management Organization", represented by the director _____________________________, acting on the basis of __________, this Act confirms that as on "___" __________ 20__ a Citizen ___________________________________ has a debt on utility payments (surname, initials)

services in the total amount ____________________________________________________________________ (__________________________________________________________) rubles ___ kopecks, of which:

Repayment procedure:

Payment before: Amount of payments (rub.)


I agree with the calculation of the amount of the outstanding debt ____________ (____________________)

(signature) (surname, initials)

"____" ___________ 20__

Signatures of the parties:

Postponement- the ability to pay off existing debt within 3 (three) months without setting interim payments. The debtor decides for himself how much when to pay the main thing, so that by the end of the period of the granted deferral, the debt is repaid. A deferral is provided only if the amount of the outstanding debt does not exceed 10,000.00 rubles.

Installment- the ability to pay off the existing debt within a certain period of time with the establishment of the amount and frequency of payments. The debtor is obliged to pay the specified amount within the specified time frame.

An installment plan is provided for any debt with the following conditions:

with the amount of debt not exceeding 10,000.00 rubles. for a period not exceeding 3 months;

with the amount of debt equal to or exceeding 10,000.00 rubles. for a period not exceeding 6 months;

with the amount of debt equal to or exceeding 50,000.00 rubles. for a period not exceeding 1 year.

When meeting monetary obligations, clients can use the debt settlement agreement to determine the amount owed and penalties. Such a document is used as one of the means of resolving pre-trial litigation. Often this option is beneficial for both: the creditor does not spend time and money on litigation (especially if the restoration of enforcement proceedings may be difficult due to the debtor's lack of funds), and the debtor may agree to suspend the increase in fines, fines, etc.

In the event of a termination of a mutual obligation, an example of a netting agreement between organizations or an offset of receivables can be helpful.

And if you have any questions, you can get help at the work of a lawyer.

Transmission scheme:

Debt settlement agreement(Kib 15.0, 1,743 hits)

Debt settlement agreement

Individual entrepreneur, Igor Semenko, OGRN 498755465814, registration address: 362.007, Republic of North Ossetia - Alania Vladikavkaz, pl. Pirogovskoe, 33, q. 47, hereinafter referred to as the "creditor", on the one hand,

Pobizhanov Kirill Alekseevich, born on March 20, 1972, Russian citizen passport series 49 78 number 198464, issued by Tomsk Oktyabrsky District

Seversk in Tomsk, 02.05.2002, registered at the following address: Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, North Avenue, 11, ap. 6, hereinafter referred to as the "debtor", have entered into this Agreement, on the other hand, as follows:

  1. The parties declare that the debtor's debt to the creditor under the agreement dated May 11, 2018

    for construction work - 125,000 rubles, of which 120,000 rubles. - the amount of the principal debt, 5000 rubles. - a fine in connection with a violation of the payment period for the work performed.

  2. The parties declare that in order to pay off the debt referred to in cl.

    Appointment of an agreement on the payment of debts and preparation of the document

    1 of this Agreement, the debtor transfers the ownership of the building materials to the creditor in accordance with Appendix 1 for a total amount of 100,000 rubles, which is an integral part of this Agreement.

  3. Since the signing of this agreement, which also has the Law on the acquisition and transfer of building materials in accordance with Appendix No. 1, the debt of the debtor to the creditor in the amount of 100,000 rubles. considered complete.
  4. Loan debt in the amount of 25,000 rubles.

    the debtor must be recalled within 30 calendar days from the date of entry into force of this Agreement. In case of violation of the deadline for payment, the debtor is liable in the form of a fine in the amount of 1% of the amount payable for each day of delay until the obligation is fully fulfilled.

  5. This Agreement enters into force from the moment of its signing, it remains in force until the debtor repays the debtor in full, it forms an integral part of the agreement between the Parties on 11.5.2018.
  6. Requirements and signatures of the Parties:


S.P. Semenko Igor, 498755465814 OGRN, INN 4987598495, registration address: 362.007, Republic of North Ossetia - Alania,

Vladikavkaz, pl. Pirogovsky, 33, Apt. 47

Semenko I.V.

Pobezhanov Kirill A., 1972/03/20, passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, series 78 49 198 464, issued by TOM Oktyabrskiy Seversk, Tomsk Region 2002/05/02, registered at the following address: Republic of North Ossetia - Alania, ave-d North, d ... 11, apt. 6

Pobezhanov K.A.

Debt settlement agreement form

A feature of many civil law agreements is the possibility of changing the obligations agreed by the parties.

In the event of debt repayment, such freedom of contract is absolute. Pay attention to the format of the document. It must be in writing (which can be used as evidence in case of legal protection of rights).

If the law requires notarization or state registration of the form of the main contract, then the debt settlement agreement is best implemented in the same form.

Although the solution to the problem has the proper form of its own characteristics, which depends on the content of the basic obligation.

What should be included in a debt settlement agreement

As an agreement on the terms of payment, when an invoice is issued, the document changes the content of the underlying obligation. Thus, a debt settlement agreement should reflect:

  • the basis for the creation of debt is a contract that damages the property of the employer, etc.
  • amount of debt, fines, fines.

    Elimination of debt as a general rule means suspension of interest accounting

  • method and maturity of obligations

In this case, the parties may include in the text of the agreement on the repayment of debt a new type and / or amount of liability for violation of the obligations of the debtor.

Sample - Agreement on the procedure and timing of debt repayment


[Name of the legal entity], hereinafter referred to as the Lender, represented by [position, full name], acting (s) on the basis of the [Charter, Regulation, power of attorney, its number, date], on the one hand,

[Name of the legal entity], hereinafter referred to as the Debtor, represented by [position, full name], acting (s) on the basis of the [Charter, Regulation, power of attorney, its number, date], on the other hand,

have entered into this agreement as follows.

Features of the agreement on the repayment of debt on utility payments

This Agreement determines the procedure and terms for the Debtor's voluntary repayment of the debt to the Lender arising from the execution of the Agreement [name, number] dated [date], in which the Lender acts as [name of the party to the agreement], and the Debtor as [name of the party to the agreement] ...

The debt of the Debtor under the said Agreement at the time of the conclusion of this agreement is:

2.1. principal amount - [amount in figures and words] Belarusian rubles;

2.2. penalty interest in accordance with clause ___ of the Agreement - [amount in figures and words] Belarusian rubles;

2.3. in total, at the time of the conclusion of this agreement, the debt of the Debtor to the Lender is [amount in figures and words] Belarusian rubles.

The debtor undertakes to list the debt in the following order:

3.1. amount [amount in figures and words] Belarusian rubles - by [date];

3.2. amount [amount in figures and words] Belarusian rubles - by [date];

3.3. amount [amount in figures and words] Belarusian rubles - by [date];

amount [amount in figures and words] Belarusian rubles - by [date].

4. In case of violation of the terms of payment established in clause 3 of this agreement, the Debtor, among other things, is obliged to pay to the Lender a penalty in the form of a fine in the amount of 20% of the total amount of the debt specified in subparagraph 2.3 of clause 2 of this agreement, as well as to reimburse the Lender for the losses incurred by him ...

5. If the Debtor does not transfer funds to the Lender, the Lender has the right to recover the amounts specified in subparagraph 2.3 of paragraph 2 and paragraph 4 of this agreement in the order of order proceedings in the proper economic court of the Republic of Belarus on the basis of the economic procedural legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

In all other cases, the Parties are guided by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

7. This agreement is valid from the moment of its signing until the Parties fully fulfill their obligations under the agreement.


Ekaterina Makarenko, partner of a limited liability company
"Stepanovsky, Papakul and Partners"

To the Arbitration Court __________ region
Plaintiff: LLC "__________"
Address: __________________________

Defendant: MU ___________ of the municipal district "______________"
Address: ___________________________
Tel .: ____________________________.
Defendant: _______________________
Address: _________________________

on the payment of funds to the plaintiff in connection with the failure of the defendant to fulfill its obligations under the contract

year______________ "___" ____________ ____

In order to end the dispute arising from the defendant's failure to fulfill its obligations under municipal contract No. _________ dated ___________, the plaintiff and the defendant, on the basis of Articles 139, 140 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, entered into an amicable agreement on the following:

The defendant pays the plaintiff as a debt monetary funds in the amount of __________ rubles ___ kopecks, in the following order.
1.1. The defendant pays the debt within a calendar month from the date the parties conclude an amicable agreement.

Possible options for debt settlement agreements

The defendant makes payment in accordance with the approved schedule for the payment of the debt (Appendix 1 of this Agreement).
2. For violation of the terms of payment provided for in clause 1 of the settlement agreement, the defendant shall pay a penalty (penalty) in the amount of 1 percent for each day of delay on the total amount of the debt that existed at the time of default.

If the defendant violates the terms of payment of the debt provided for in clause 1 of the settlement agreement for more than a calendar day (in accordance with Appendix 1 of this Agreement), the plaintiff has the right to terminate this agreement unilaterally by notifying the defendant in writing.

Provided that the defendant fulfills its obligations under clause 1 of the settlement agreement, the plaintiff waives claims against the defendant in terms of collecting a debt in the amount of ____________ rubles ___ kopecks.
5. An amicable agreement, not executed voluntarily, is subject to compulsory execution according to the rules of Section VII of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation on the basis of a writ of execution issued by an arbitration court at the request of the plaintiff or the defendant.
The settlement agreement does not violate the rights and legitimate interests of others and does not contradict the law.
The amicable agreement was drawn up in 4 copies, one for each party and for the Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region.
The amicable agreement comes into force after its approval by the Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region.
Based on the foregoing and in accordance with Articles 139, 140 and 141 of the APC RF, we ask you to approve this settlement agreement.
The consequences of the termination of the proceedings in the case provided for in cl.

3 tbsp. 151 APC RF, we know.

FULL NAME _______________________
Position __________________ ____________/ /

FULL NAME _______________________
Position __________________ _____________/ /

FULL NAME _______________________
Position ___________________ _____________/ /

Agreed loan agreement between legal entities - inaccuracies in the preparation of the agreement

You can also receive foreign currency as debt.

Debt settlement agreement between legal entities (sample)

The conclusion of a formal agreement between the borrower and the lender is possible in two forms: the form of interests. A form that does not provide interest (free).

An interest bearing loan is an agreement between two persons, according to which the borrower undertakes to repay the amount of the debt in an amount in excess of the amount of funds received from this transaction.

The conditions for concluding a tripartite assignment agreement are sample

In this case, the sale and purchase agreement is sold, as a rule, from 10 to 20% of the loan amount or transferred free of charge, according to which a written notice is sent to the debtor.

Civil basis for the transfer of rights agreement. Remuneration agreements can be divided into four types: between individuals.

This type of contract can usually be signed between spouses when dividing assets; when a person acts as a guarantor in a loan agreement; when parents can commit themselves to the debts of their children.

This document, concluded between individuals, is signed autonomously, without the participation of a notary.

Debt Consolidation Agreement: How to Organize a Change in a Borrower

The rules governing such relations are contained in the Civil Code - Art. 391, item.

1. Credit Transfer Agreement Transfer of receivables from one organization to another is a normal procedure in the credit market. Banks “sell” the loan portfolios of others, including thousands of parties' contracts, while borrowers have obligations to the new entity.

A transaction between interbank transactions is carried out in writing and is subject to notarization or state registration.

Debt Transfer Agreement Model

The debtor assumes the following obligations with the consent of the creditor, successor and successor:

Transferred in accordance with clause 1 of this Agreement, obligations arising under the agreement under N _________________________ "______" ___________________ _________, an agreement between creditors and debtors, on the basis of which the creditor is obliged to do the following: the debtor, on the other hand, is obliged to perform the following: ____________________ 3 ,

Determination of debt between legal entities - how to organize an agreement

Its essence is to trust a third person with experience in this area, the process of communicating with the defaulter to pay off the debt.

For the competent work of an authorized person, the assignor must first of all provide all the documents for the debt transaction.

This is usually the main contract; an act confirming the progress of coordination calculated by the partner; income and expenses in this case; payment schedule; accounts and the like. Download the conspiracy agreement in MS Word format.

Contracting Parties Like any other contractual form of relationship, the parties have their customers in the contract.

Debt settlement agreement between legal entities

When there is a fundraiser, it is distributed to the lenders.

Are the company's short-term liabilities frozen?

Yes, once the CVA has been established, enforcement action cannot be taken against the creditors of the CVA's creditors. How long do we have to pay off creditors? Each CVA is a different and reasonable timeframe.

What if the company cannot pay off creditors in full?

Something is better than nothing.

Remember that all proposals to lenders must represent the best efforts of the company to replace its lenders and that it must be supported by a business forecast.

How is CVA approved? It should be remembered with the support of members of the community and creditors. The CVA is for the company, not the company.

Who controls the company?

Existing directors and management.

How long does it take to get this approved? It depends on the urgency of the case, but it will take 28 days to estimate the average time.

What happens if the company fails to contribute? The CVA provision will be provided in accordance with the circumstances of the lease or liquidation. What happens to insured lenders?

Secured creditors generally will not vote on the CVA.

Debt Relief Agreement

236 TC RF) from Contract-Lawyer.Ru (CC rates from September 19, 2013) Debt Relief Agreement g.

20__ _______________________________________________, hereinafter referred to as "Name".

What is a Debt Settlement Agreement? (download sample sample)

Declaration of agreement

You can use this settlement agreement approval scheme if you decide to settle the dispute amicably to collect debt under the loan agreement.

Ivanova Maria Ivanovna, through her representative, Sviridova Irina, acting on the basis of permission from "________" ________ 2010, hereinafter "the plaintiff", on the one hand,

Elena Dmitrievna Sidorova, through her representative - lawyer Olga Andreeva, acting on the basis of permission from "______" in October 2010, and Petrov Petr Petrovich, hereinafter "defendants", on the other hand,

who are participants in civil proceedings no. ______________ on the claim of Zhukova Dina Nikolaevna Timofeeva Galina Ivanovna and Belousov Alexander Nikolaevich about debt collection under a loan agreement,

Settlement agreement (general form)

Here you can view and download the template for the 2015 settlement agreement in a form that suits you.

Remember that you can always get legal assistance, including filling out this form, by contacting us with the numbers indicated on the website.

"Defendant", hereinafter referred to as (position, surname and initials of the person entitled to sign the contract or its action on the basis of a representative ________________________________) (document, permission,

Settlement Agreement with the Volga Region Arbitration Tribunal

LLC "XXXX", hereinafter "the defendant", on the one hand, and "0000", hereinafter referred to as the "applicant", and on the other hand, the parties to the debt collection process in the context of a hired vehicle and the penalty (s) for delayed payment in court in the proceedings of the arbitrator of the Volga Region Arbitration Court, concluded this settlement agreement as follows:

Debt Settlement Agreement: How to Sampling Between Individuals and Legal Entities

Situations in which the debtor cannot timely pay off the debt are regularly observed.

What to do if the debt maturity specified in the certificate is missed, but the debtor is not trying to circumvent his obligations? In this case, you need to conclude an agreement on debt repayment in installments, samples for individuals and legal entities, which you will find in our article.

This document is concluded between individuals.

Settlement agreement, sample

LLC Willis (applicant), Deputy Director for Economics and Finance Gavkikova Ildar Remirovich represents, in accordance with resolution No. 01 of January 29, 2014, on the one hand, and StroyPerspektika and K (defendant) represented by Adam Yunus Aleksandrovich, who , based on permission no. B / n dated January 23, 2014, on the other hand, entered into an actual settlement agreement:

Example of an agreement with a loan agreement

We, __________________________ (represented by your representative _________________________, acting on the basis of permission from "____" ________ 2010), hereinafter the "plaintiff", on the one hand, and on ______________________________ (through our representative - ______________________________, in accordance with the mandate "______" in October 2010 and Petrov Petr Petrovich, hereinafter referred to as the "defendants", and on the other hand, the parties to the civil case according to the number of the claim ______________ _________________________ for the repayment of the debt under the loan agreement, which is in process ___ ___________________________________________________ (indicate the court),

Example of a settlement agreement

Closed Joint Stock Company ... hereinafter referred to as the "plaintiff" represented by __________________, acting on the basis of __________, on the one hand, and a limited liability company, ... hereinafter referred to as the "respondent", represented by ____________________, acting on the basis of _________, and on the other hand, the Parties to the number of cases ___________ (hereinafter referred to as the case) on a claim for compensation from the amount of the amount _______________.

Debt restructuring

In our difficult time of financial instability, a situation can arise with every person, family or company, which will be discussed below.

The discussion will be used to pay off the debt. It is a mistake that information about the payment of arrears can be useful only for a certain group of people. No person or business is immune from the occurrence of such an obligation.

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