Home Grape Galileo's neighbor was no more stupid. “He knew that the earth was spinning, but he had a family ...”. Television and radio have long been worldwide

Galileo's neighbor was no more stupid. “He knew that the earth was spinning, but he had a family ...”. Television and radio have long been worldwide

Festivities with the Cheshire Cat Lyubimov Mikhail Petrovich

"He knew that the Earth was spinning, BUT HE HAD A FAMILY ..."

“He knew that the Earth was turning,


In our time, the average English family is not much different from the average European: husband and wife are one Satan, two children. Parents usually live separately, children are taught to be independent, and they fly out of the nest at the first opportunity. One divorce for every three families - like ours (another similarity with us!), The first place in terms of divorces in the European Union. True, divorced people, as a rule, enter into a new marriage, but there are enough mothers and single fathers, in England there are more of them than in other European countries. By the end of the 90s of the last century, a quarter of unmarried English women between the ages of 18 and 49 were cohabiting with men - oh, daughters of Albion!

The increase in life expectancy has led to the emergence of many single widows and widowers, along the way, we note that there are 5 million retirees in the UK, of which only 750,000 can survive without additional material assistance. It is customary to treat children as equals; paternalism of past centuries gave way to free education. I remember that I was especially amazed that English mothers do not rush about with their children as if they were a hand-written sack, do not wrap them up in inclement weather, do not constantly tell the child what to do. With horror, I watched the children running barefoot in the pouring rain on the damp ground, and at least henna for my mother! - the Russian woman would have grabbed the child long ago and hugged him to her compassionate chest. If a child cries, an Englishwoman usually does not pay any attention to him - even if he is bursting with a roar - but calmly knits or conducts a conversation. This has a deep meaning: from childhood, a child is taught to be independent, they do not pull him over trifles.

It was noticed that the British tend to spend their free time in the family, and in this they are also similar to the Russians, however, men do not whip vodka in the family kitchen. On Sundays or holidays, family members often get together to play Christmas turkey with boiled carrots and potatoes, peas, Brussels sprouts and, of course, gravy.

What a boredom! - sighed the Cheshire Cat. - One just wants to, raising his tail, jerk away from such a family! What could be more beautiful than free women frolicking in attics and rooftops? And your tediousness about Brussels sprouts and boiled carrots makes me sick. Let's talk about women, after all, a family is impossible without them ...

“Why is it impossible? - I thought. - More recently, two English homosexuals formed a legal family, two lesbians followed their example. So the eternal dependence of men and women on each other has come to an end. "

Still, let's talk about women. English men and women are considered by many amateurs and experts to be the most handsome in the world. “Oh, how beautiful the English girls are! - wrote the German Rodenberg. - Let others lose their heads from black eyes, small feet and the grace of Parisian women. Serve an Englishwoman with aristocratic features, two rows of snow-white teeth, thick golden hair and a fiery heart! " (Come on, I thought, but where are they?)

French historian Hippolyte Taine believed that in England women are the most feminine and men are the most masculine. I am afraid that the German was carried away by the "fiery heart", and the Frenchman was carried away by the metaphysics of the "eternally feminine." Oliver Goldsmith: “... our judgments about beauty are completely dependent on fashion and whim. The ancients, who considered themselves subtle connoisseurs of beauty, admired a narrow forehead, red hair and fused eyebrows, such are the delights that once captivated Catullus, Ovid and Anacreon. However, the differences between people of antiquity and today are not as great as between people living in different countries. So, for example, a lover from Gongora sighs on thick lips, while a Chinese man praises thin lips with inspiration; in Circassia, a straight nose is considered the most consistent with the canons of beauty, but as soon as you cross the mountains separating this country from the Tatars, it turns out that there are flattened noses, yellow skin and eyes, between which there are three inches of distance. In Persia and some other countries, when a man marries, he prefers that the bride be a girl, and in the Philippine Islands, if the groom discovers on his wedding night that he was slipped a virgin, the marriage is immediately dissolved and the bride is returned in disgrace to her parents. "

Englishwomen never seduced me: I was so tired of the constant dialogue in English that I was drawn to sleep. True, it was possible not to talk to them, in fact, it was stupid to talk to them, but what to do? - service! In addition, because of the long reading of the trinity - the sisters Bronte, Dickens and Thackeray, I associate the images of Englishwomen with pale, unhappy governesses who I want to sit by the fireplace, wrap them in a blanket, give them mulled wine and rub their cold feet for an infinitely long time. Perhaps that is why it is generally accepted that they all sleep in tweed nightgowns ...

At the beginning of the 18th century, women were viewed with condescension and excluded from their participation in public life. Paradoxically, it was then that the struggle for emancipation, for participation in elections appeared, “blue stocking clubs” began to form, and they were not at all as blue as the haters of feminism imagine. Women plunged headlong into Knowledge, they not only took up literature, but embarked on research in the field of physics, chemistry, surgery, medicine, botany, astronomy, mineralogy, they began - oh, horror! - pore over the philosophical tomes of the Scotsman David Hume. In clubs and salons, women tried to organize public discussions, but few discovered oratorical talents in themselves, moreover, cunning men dressed in ladies' dress began to infiltrate such gatherings. It wasn't until 1870 that parliament recognized the right of women to control their finances. If in the Dictionary of National Biographies, published in 1900, out of 28,000 great names, only 1000 were women, then by 1990 progress had been made: there was already a woman in every tenth number of biographies. The University of Cambridge allowed women into its walls only in 1948. Why?

Yes, they are stupid! - said the cat. - Look at the female skull, feel it! It is so flimsy that it can burst under your paws. And they have less strength, and women have a lot of absurdities like protruding breasts or mens, causing even a temperature ... Here cats give them a head start.

Nevertheless, in our time, the Boothroyd girl has become the speaker of the House of Commons, and the iron lady Thatcher has gone down in history, and the country reads only women writers, and this is terrible. But most importantly, go to the pub: everything is packed with women, drinking, smoking, chatting, and none of them will look up to the true Male Chauvinist Pig.

Lord Chesterfield: "A woman should be perceived as slightly lower than a man and slightly higher than a child."

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Evtushenko Evgeniy

* * *

Yu. Vasiliev

The shepherds said it was harmful
and Galileo is foolish,
but as time shows:
he who is unreasonable is smarter.

Scientist, the same age as Galileo,
Galileo was no more stupid.
He knew the earth was turning
but he had a family.

And he, sitting with his wife in the carriage,
having committed his betrayal,
thought he was making a career,
and meanwhile he was destroying her.

For the awareness of the planet
Galileo walked alone at risk.
And he became great ... This is
I understand - a careerist!

So long live career
when the career is like that
like Shakespeare and Pasteur,
Homer and Tolstoy ... Leo!

Why were they covered with mud?
Talent is talent, no matter how stigmatized.
Forgotten are those who cursed
but they remember those who were cursed.

All those who rushed into the stratosphere
doctors who died of cholera -
these were making a career!
I take an example from their careers.

I believe in their holy faith.
Their faith is my courage.
I make myself a career
by not doing it!

Read by E. Kindinov

Evtushenko, Evgeny Alexandrovich
Poet, screenwriter, film director; co-chairman of the April Writers 'Association, Secretary of the Board of the Commonwealth of Writers' Unions; was born on July 18, 1933 at the station. Winter in the Irkutsk region; graduated from the Literary Institute. A.M. Gorky in 1954; began publishing in 1949; was a member of the editorial board of the magazine "Youth" (1962-1969); member of the USSR Writers' Union, author of the poems "Bratsk Hydroelectric Power Station", "Kazan University", "Under the Skin of the Statue of Liberty", "Fuku", "Mom and the Neutron Bomb", the novel "Berry Places" and many other prose and poetic works.
Yevtushenko wrote that in his youth he was "a product of the Stalinist era, a mixed-mixed creature in which revolutionary romance, and the animal instinct of survival, and devotion to poetry, and its frivolous betrayal at every step coexisted." Since the late 50s, numerous performances have contributed to its popularity, sometimes 300-400 times a year. In 1963, Yevtushenko published his Premature Autobiography in the West German magazine Stern and in the French weekly Express. In it, he spoke about the existing anti-Semitism, about Stalin's "heirs", wrote about the literary bureaucracy, the need to open borders, about the artist's right to a variety of styles outside the rigid framework of socialist realism. The publication abroad of such a work and some of its provisions were sharply criticized at the IV plenum of the Board of the Union of Writers of the USSR in March 1963. Yevtushenko made a speech of repentance, in which he said that in his autobiography he wanted to show that the ideology of communism was, is and will be the foundation of his whole life. In the future, Yevtushenko often made compromises. Many readers began to be skeptical about his work, which received, in many respects, a journalistic, opportunistic orientation. With the beginning of perestroika, which Yevtushenko warmly supported, his social activities intensified; he made many appearances in the press and at various meetings; within the Writers' Union, the confrontation between it and a group of writers from the "soil" headed by S. Kunyaev and Yu. Bondarev intensified. He believes that the economic prosperity of a society should be in harmony with the spiritual.

**** This is the work of my daughter for the republican corn course. (It may be interesting to get acquainted with the works of our schoolchildren ...) ****

Two trees grew side by side - one had strong roots, it grew on fertile soil, it was well taken care of: watered and looked after in every possible way ... Right there, next to the next fence, another grew - a weak, half-dried, planted "as necessary" - on sand, its roots were weak, it looked painful, some of the twigs withered and many had no leaves, or they were ugly and sick ...

On the first tree everything went "according to the rules": the leaves were filled with juices, were beautiful elastic, briskly jumped out of their buds in spring, then, rejoiced at the beauty and aroma of flowers, next to them. In the summer they basked in the bright sun, in the evenings absorbing the life-giving moisture from the tree watered in time. The tree held them tightly and gave them strength to resist the strongest hurricane winds ...

By the fall, leaves of bright colors-dresses were gathered and, in the last shine before fading, delighted the eyes of passers-by. And, in the time allotted by nature, they fell, in order to then give place and life to the new and young.

The other tree was weak and barely gave birth to new shoots. The leaves on it woke up for a long time and came out crooked and sick, and therefore, they did not hold well on the branches, and any, even not very strong breeze carried them away from the family. They hardly saw flowers in the spring, on their branch, and rarely did any of them manage to live until autumn and enjoy the beautiful colors before fading ...

Likewise, a person in a good strong healthy family lives happily and confidently, and he can withstand any life troubles. And where he is not loved and valued, he is open to the cold wind, storm and even an occasional breeze. Life has its own laws and, often, a person is powerless in the face of circumstances, but if he has relatives who are able to "lend a shoulder" in difficult times, if warm hands and a friendly home await him, this gives him the strength to live and resist any adversity.

But a person is like a small leaf from a tree (family), of which the crown (people) is made. And, the connection with the people is like a connection with a twig on which a leaf grows, and a twig is a part of a tree ... Just as a dense crown is formed from leaves, so a family is formed from people, a people consists of families. If this connection is broken, the leaf hangs alone in the wind, not knowing where the wind will take it.

A person without strong ties with his people, without his native language and culture, without all the heritage that was developed by generations of ancestors is very weak in this world. Like a branch broken off from a tree, like a tree without roots. In Russian culture, the theme of the family is very often found in the work of writers and artists.

Probably because, having understood how a person behaves in relation to the family, it becomes clearer what kind of person he is, what can be expected of him and how he relates to his homeland. And in Russia, family ties have always been very strong. Katerina (from Ostrovsky's "Thunderstorm"), moving from the parental home to the Kabanovs' house, which seemed to resemble the parental home, noticed the difference: in the parental home, everything breathes with love - the rules by which the family members live do not oppress, but in her husband's house she sees: “ ... everything here seems to be out of bondage. " There is no real love in that house, there is no real faith in it either. Instead of love - dead rules of decency, instead of faith - superstition.

Starting with folk, favorite fairy tales, we get used to the fact that fighting for their love and family, their heroes are fighting the enemies of the Motherland and protecting it too. (from the Serpent Gorynych, monsters or other enemies). These concepts have been tightly and inextricably linked for us since childhood: love, family and Motherland, Fatherland.

From Pushkin, Grinev (in "The Captain's Daughter"), using the example of his family and the family of Captain Mironov, receives a good model of love, respect and attitude to his duty to the Fatherland. And the wives of the Decembrists (from "Russian Women" by Nekrasov), in the name of family and duty, perform their personal feat, believing that their husbands suffered, fighting for the good of the Motherland. At Tvardovsky's "Terkin" fighters go into battle for:

Losing a head off is a shame

Well, that's what war is for. ...

But Russia, mother-old woman,

We cannot lose in any way.

And about some Kolodna,

Burned to the ground today,

About a party in the middle of the village,

About the fate that went uphill,

About the life that was

For which today

Give your life - at least as sweet.

This is what is most dear to us

That's what you go into battle for,

Here's how to disturb the heart

Could everyone ...

Often, the author of the work, showing how a person was not understood in the family and how lonely he was, explains by this the reason for what is happening with the hero in life. (Chatsky from "Woe from Wit" and Tatiana Larina from "Eugene Onegin")

Both Tatiana and Onega were, as it were, "strangers" in their families. But Tatiana grew up in an atmosphere of love and duty, and Onegin was used to "playing with feelings." And yet Chatsky, whom, it would seem, no one in the homeland waits for or loves, says; : "When you wander, you return home - and the smoke of the Fatherland is sweet and pleasant to us!" He also seeks to find his love and his family in his homeland.

But the sons of Taras Bulba, brought up in the same family, die in different ways: one defending the Motherland, the other as a traitor to it. Something was different in the approach to their upbringing or in themselves! The family forms a person, and with this he then goes through life.

The theme of the family, of course, was not spared by the famous artists working in the style of the everyday genre: In people. "Dvoka Again" and "Arrived on Vacation" by Reshetnikov, "They Didn't Expect" Repin, "The Courtship of Major" Fedotov. "Unequal marriage" Pukirev ... and many others ...

The theme of the family, of course, is also in musical works: "Ruslan and Lyudmila" (this is not only a wonderful poem by Pushkin, but also Glinka's opera, where, by means of poetry and music, we vividly represent Ruslan's struggle for his love, family. to this issue (and to questions of loyalty and honor) of other characters. In another of Glinka's opera Ivan Susanin, love for the Motherland (and death for its freedom) and love for his family are already closely intertwined. P. Borodin, where plots of love and duty to the family and the Motherland are also closely intertwined.

How many ancestors of our family can we name ourselves? Some people know only grandparents and no further ...

In the history of my family, the history of the country is reflected as in a mirror: the revolution threw most of it to other countries - France and Germany, life in the united USSR carried relatives from Russia to different, now sovereign countries - Ukraine, Latvia, Estonia ...

But, despite all this, warm friendly relations have been preserved between the relatives, which make it possible to feel support and protection in difficult life situations. There are, of course, many such families.

And yet, in many countries there are communities of compatriots. This is also like a big family, where a person can feel support and find understanding. And this helps not to lose their culture and connection with their roots and ethnic homeland.


"He knew that the Earth was spinning, but he had a family."

Television and radio have long been worldwide.

Television and radio have long been worldwide. Having installed several parabolic antennas in the courtyard, I can listen and see how in developed countries they boast about what hypersonic missiles they can bring down on anyone's heads even now, what methods of influencing the psyche can be used in a crowd and what planes will take off into space tomorrow .. ...

In the meantime, the Nobel Prizes, the most prestigious in the world, are awarded every year. Alfred Nobel bequeathed money for such awards, inventing dynamite in 1867, and ballistite in 1888. The prizes were established in 1901, five years after the death of the inventor of the most terrible explosives of that time, and among them there is a peace prize - that is, an award for diametrically opposed achievements.

Here is one of the classic examples of how science and morality develop crosswise - a person who invented methods of murder often already wants to restrain those who use his notions, but in vain.

Einstein, who paved the way for nuclear research in theory, knowing that the Nazis were approaching the fission of an atomic nucleus, wrote to the American president, urging him to do everything possible to prevent the inhuman use of scientific discoveries.

It didn't work. Having survived the explosions of nuclear bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the scientist was finally convinced of the lack of harmony between science and morality and many times tried hopelessly to appeal to bridge the gap between those who make great discoveries and those who use them, saying: “The moral qualities of an outstanding personalities are perhaps more important for a given generation and the entire course of history than purely intellectual achievements. "

Most people, myself included, do not understand anything about Einstein's theory of relativity, but attempts to stop those who misused the discoveries of the brilliant scientist are worthy of respect. Just like the behavior of Academician Andrei Sakharov, the father of the Soviet hydrogen bomb, who devoted the rest of his life to fighting against the use of this weapon.

Once I retell the barracks anecdote that Marshal Nedelin, who led the tests of the Soviet hydrogen bomb, told in response to the fiery feast speech of Academician Sakharov, who watched with him a terrible explosion over the range. “The old man and the old woman are getting ready for bed. The old man prays: "Lord, strengthen me and guide me." And his wife says: "You just approve it, and I will direct it myself." So thank you, comrades scientists, and what to do with your invention, we will decide without you ... ".

This is a very important issue. The father of cybernetics, Norbert Wiener, explicitly urged scientists not to publish a single line of what could serve the cause of militarism. Some researchers have listened to him, but national security is so intertwined with ethical and patriotic issues that the calls of such quixots are almost inaudible.

Under Stalin, at one time scientists and designers were locked in sharashkas with barred windows and assigned tasks to be solved, saving not the life of mankind, but their own.

As Yevtushenko wrote about Galileo, who renounced his theories: "He knew that the Earth was turning, but he had a family." The type of hermit scientist died out in the Middle Ages, when alchemists were chained in the royal dungeon, demanding to bungle gold according to their secret recipes. Today it is worth thinking about how such an abstract, seemingly, category as morality is connected with economics, culture, politics - until we understand this, we will still suffer ...

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Evtushenko Evgeniy

* * *

Yu. Vasiliev

The shepherds said it was harmful
and Galileo is foolish,
but as time shows:
he who is unreasonable is smarter.

Scientist, the same age as Galileo,
Galileo was no more stupid.
He knew the earth was turning
but he had a family.

And he, sitting with his wife in the carriage,
having committed his betrayal,
thought he was making a career,
and meanwhile he was destroying her.

For the awareness of the planet
Galileo walked alone at risk.
And he became great ... This is
I understand - a careerist!

So long live career
when the career is like that
like Shakespeare and Pasteur,
Homer and Tolstoy ... Leo!

Why were they covered with mud?
Talent is talent, no matter how stigmatized.
Forgotten are those who cursed
but they remember those who were cursed.

All those who rushed into the stratosphere
doctors who died of cholera -
these were making a career!
I take an example from their careers.

I believe in their holy faith.
Their faith is my courage.
I make myself a career
by not doing it!

Read by E. Kindinov

Evtushenko, Evgeny Alexandrovich
Poet, screenwriter, film director; co-chairman of the April Writers 'Association, Secretary of the Board of the Commonwealth of Writers' Unions; was born on July 18, 1933 at the station. Winter in the Irkutsk region; graduated from the Literary Institute. A.M. Gorky in 1954; began publishing in 1949; was a member of the editorial board of the magazine "Youth" (1962-1969); member of the USSR Writers' Union, author of the poems "Bratsk Hydroelectric Power Station", "Kazan University", "Under the Skin of the Statue of Liberty", "Fuku", "Mom and the Neutron Bomb", the novel "Berry Places" and many other prose and poetic works.
Yevtushenko wrote that in his youth he was "a product of the Stalinist era, a mixed-mixed creature in which revolutionary romance, and the animal instinct of survival, and devotion to poetry, and its frivolous betrayal at every step coexisted." Since the late 50s, numerous performances have contributed to its popularity, sometimes 300-400 times a year. In 1963, Yevtushenko published his Premature Autobiography in the West German magazine Stern and in the French weekly Express. In it, he spoke about the existing anti-Semitism, about Stalin's "heirs", wrote about the literary bureaucracy, the need to open borders, about the artist's right to a variety of styles outside the rigid framework of socialist realism. The publication abroad of such a work and some of its provisions were sharply criticized at the IV plenum of the Board of the Union of Writers of the USSR in March 1963. Yevtushenko made a speech of repentance, in which he said that in his autobiography he wanted to show that the ideology of communism was, is and will be the foundation of his whole life. In the future, Yevtushenko often made compromises. Many readers began to be skeptical about his work, which received, in many respects, a journalistic, opportunistic orientation. With the beginning of perestroika, which Yevtushenko warmly supported, his social activities intensified; he made many appearances in the press and at various meetings; within the Writers' Union, the confrontation between it and a group of writers from the "soil" headed by S. Kunyaev and Yu. Bondarev intensified. He believes that the economic prosperity of a society should be in harmony with the spiritual.

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